How to cook fresh frozen mussels. How to cook frozen mussels in shells? How to cook mussels in wine

The sea has fed man for thousands of years. It is a repository of food reserves, which are famous for their nutritional value - rare microelements, vitamins, amino acids, high-quality protein. In addition to fish, the seas and oceans are inhabited by octopuses, crabs, squids, scallops and many more. healthy seafood, which are suitable for food, including mussels. Which have tender soft meat with a sweetish taste. When it is cooked, it emits pleasant aroma. Pilaf, soups, salads, and stews are prepared from mussel meat. It is salted, pickled, smoked, baked, fried. Mussels are served with pasta, cereals, potatoes, and vegetables. It should be remembered that it is advisable to consume cooked shellfish immediately; do not store them for more than twelve hours, otherwise poisoning is possible.

Mussels - food preparation

Before consumption, shellfish require some preparation. If you do not want to chew sand while eating, frozen mussels must be rinsed very thoroughly after defrosting.

If you are going to cook mussels in shells, you will need more long preparation. First of all, it is necessary to visually inspect them and remove shellfish with damaged shells; they are not eaten. To open the doors, the mussels must be placed on hot frying pan or plunge into boiling water for two minutes. Then the meat is removed from the shell, the growth (a bunch of algae that attaches the mollusks to the stones) is pulled out, and thoroughly washed to remove sand and stones.

Mussels - best recipes

Recipe 1: Marinated mussels

One of the most delicious dishes that can be prepared from mussels is to simply marinate them. They turn out very tasty and cheaper than store bought ones. You can add them to a salad, put them on a piece of toast, and just eat them. We offer two cooking options. In the first case, the marinade is indicated without adding vinegar - with spices, white wine and lemon, in the second - with vinegar. And so, so delicious.

Ingredients (1 option): 0.5 kg mussels, vegetable oil – 2-3 table. false., ? lemon (juice), 150 ml dry wine (white), 1 clove of garlic, 1 teaspoon each. lie honey and ready mustard, salt, pepper, 1 bay leaf, several sprigs of fresh dill and cilantro.

Cooking method

If using frozen mussels, defrost.
Prepare a spiced sauce in which the mussels will be boiled. To do this, boil the wine, put garlic in it (no need to chop), Bay leaf ick, pepper, lower the mussels and boil for about four minutes (measure the time from the moment of boiling). Drain in a colander.
Make the marinade. Finely chop the greens, add lemon juice, oil, pepper, mustard, and salt. You can use any mustard, for example, French or spicy.
More warm mussels together with a bay leaf and a clove of garlic, transfer it to the marinade and let it brew in the refrigerator for about five hours. It is more convenient to marinate in glass jar or deep bowl. By the way, you can marinate shrimp in the same way.

Ingredients (Option 2): 0.5 kg of mussels, half a glass of water, 1 table. spoon of table vinegar (9%), 1.5-2 table. lie sugar, salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Thaw the shellfish. Salt the water, boil and boil the mussels in it for three to four minutes.
Make the marinade. It should taste sweet and sour. Dissolve salt and sugar in boiling water and add vinegar. IN hot marinade place mussels. In an hour they will be ready to eat. You can put them in jars and add a little vegetable oil.

Recipe 2: Baked mussels

Baked mussels are not only delicious, but also look beautiful, especially if they are baked and served directly in their shells. This dish is suitable for a festive table and for romantic evening. We offer two cooking options: in the first option, seafood is baked in shells under a cheese crust, in the second – in a regular form with sauce.

Ingredients (1 option): 0.5 kg of mussels in shells, 2 tomatoes, 2 cloves of garlic, 50 g of butter, spices, 150 g of hard cheese.

Cooking method

Rinse the mussels well, peel the shells and boil for ten to fifteen minutes. You can add bay leaf, spices if desired, and salt to the water. During cooking, all the doors should open. Those that remain closed should not be eaten. Divide the cooled clams into halves and carefully separate the meat, which should be put back into the shells.

Grind the garlic and tomatoes using a grater or blender. Place a piece of butter and a spoonful of tomato mixture into each half of the meat, grate the cheese on top and bake for 20 minutes (180C).

Ingredients (Option 2): 0.5 kg mussels, peppercorns, hard cheese– 100g. Sauce: soft processed cheese – 100-150g, 200ml cream, 25g butter, 1 yolk, 1 table. spoon of flour, 3 cloves of garlic.

Cooking method

Defrost the mussels, boil for three minutes in salted water, adding peppercorns (5-6 pcs.).

Prepare the sauce. Chop the garlic and add the remaining ingredients for the sauce. It is better to mix with a whisk or blender so that there are no lumps.

Place the mussels in a frying pan or mold, pour over the sauce. Sprinkle with shredded cheese and bake for 20-25 minutes (200C).

Recipe 3: Fried mussels

Fried mussels– the dish is simple to prepare, but delicious in taste. Both vegetable oil and melted butter will be used for frying. Nutritionists recommend cream, which contains at least 25% vegetable fats. But it must first be melted. Otherwise, harmful carcinogens may form in the pan when it burns.

Ingredients: 0.5 kg mussels, vegetable oil, 2 onions, salt, spicy ground pepper, seafood seasoning (or herbs de Provence).

Cooking method

Chop the onion into cubes and fry until golden. Add the mussels and fry, stirring constantly, for five to seven minutes over medium heat. Add salt, pepper, seasoning and remove from heat. Let it brew for a while, covered. Can be served with rice, potatoes or as a separate dish.

— You should eat shellfish caught between June and February, because... In spring they are not so tasty and fatty.

— Mussels should not be subjected to long-term heat treatment, otherwise they will be dry and tasteless. The rule for boiling squids applies to them - no more than three to five minutes.

— Fresh mussels should not have unpleasant odor and be with tightly closed doors that cannot be opened by hand.

How to cook frozen mussels? The recipe is simple: first you need to defrost them and prepare delicious dishes according to our advice.

With mussels you can easily and tasty prepare a wonderful dinner, no worse than in expensive restaurant, and do it at home.

Many housewives are interested in what to cook from such a product so that it is quick and tasty. Cooking mussels began back in the days Ancient Rome. Then the holds of ships were filled with mussels, and to prevent them from spoiling, they were covered with ice. Now you can cook frozen mussels according to different recipes, and they will certainly turn out delicious.

Very often they are used as snacks and for making salads. Frozen mussels are also used to make wonderful first courses, such as fish soup and sea chowder. As a second course, they are ideal with pilaf, pasta, julienne, and potatoes.

There are several ways to cook shellfish:

  • bake;
  • cook;
  • stew;
  • fry;
  • marinate;
  • preserve;
  • smoke;
  • salt;
  • steam it.

The following sauces are suitable for mussels:

  • from white wine;
  • tomato;
  • creamy;
  • sour cream;
  • garlic;
  • coconut.

In order to make the mussel meat itself truly tasty, you need to know little secrets:

  1. It is better to serve them with dry white wine, then the aroma of the mussels is better revealed and you can enjoy it to the fullest.
  2. When cooking, it is better to season mussels with sea salt.
  3. Clams pair particularly well with herbs, lemon, garlic and olive oil.

Before preparing mussels, it is necessary to carry out a number of activities and prepare them for further processing. To do this, they need to be defrosted and cleaned.

Inside each mollusk there is a bag of sand that must be removed. Next, they need to be washed in boiled cold water and squeezed out. Now the mussel meat is ready for further processing.

How to make frozen mussel salad

We will need:

  1. frozen mussels - 500 g;
  2. soy sauce- 4 tbsp. l.;
  3. sea ​​salt - 1 tsp;
  4. sugar - 1 tsp;
  5. olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.;
  6. vinegar (9%) - 1 tbsp. l.;
  7. greens (basil, dill, parsley) - 1 bunch;
  8. lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.;
  9. garlic - 1 clove;
  10. allspice- 0.5 tsp;
  11. boiled water - 1 glass.

Cooking method

Make the marinade in a small container. To do this, mix soy sauce with vinegar, lemon juice and olive oil.

Before cooking mussels, remove frozen clams and pour hot water. For the salad, you don’t have to defrost them, so they will retain their shape better and be more “solid.”

Next, you need to add boiling water to the container and put it on fire. Cook until boiling, then simmer for another 5 minutes, add salt and allspice. Place the finished shellfish in a colander and wait for the water to drain. Then add the marinade and finely chopped garlic and herbs. Mix everything and divide into small portions. Serve with a glass of dry white wine.

Frozen mussel julienne

Everybody knows classic recipe how to properly prepare champignon julienne. But if you add frozen mussels to it, the dish will acquire a richer and brighter taste.

For the recipe you need:

  • frozen mussels - 400 g;
  • champignons - 200 g;
  • cream 10% fat - 200 g;
  • sour cream 20% fat - 100 g;
  • wheat flour - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • hard cheese - 50 g;
  • butter - 40 g;
  • spices to taste.

Cooking method

Thaw the clams and dry them slightly. Next, prepare the bolognese sauce. To do this, melt the butter in a frying pan and add flour. Fry everything lightly. As soon as the mixture boils, add sour cream, cream, salt and spices to taste. Ready sauce bring to a boil and cool. Using a blender or mixer, beat the cooled sauce into a stable foam.

Add finely chopped champignons and mussels to small cocotte makers. Place the sauce on top of the mushrooms and mussels and sprinkle with grated hard cheese. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake until golden crust and completely melt the cheese.

Cooking time takes 20-25 minutes. Before serving, decorate the dish with herbs.

Julienne is usually served for dinner with a newlywed boiled potatoes or rice.

How to properly cook mussels with rice

Mussels can be cooked with any cereal, but they are especially good when combined with rice. Adds a special piquancy to this dish creamy garlic sauce with cheese crust.

Try to cook frozen mussels according to our recipe, and this dish will become a frequent guest on your table.

Main ingredients:

  1. rice - 100 g;
  2. frozen shellfish - 200 g;
  3. butter - 20 g;
  4. cream 10% fat - 150 ml;
  5. Dutch cheese - 20 g;
  6. flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  7. salt, seasoning to taste.

Cooking method

Rinse the rice in cold water and boil in a small saucepan with salted water until half cooked. Finely chop the garlic and fry in a frying pan in butter. Before cooking mussels, they should be thawed and washed. Fry in a frying pan along with garlic and butter within 5 minutes.

Then add cream to the pan and continue to simmer until it boils. Before boiling, add a little flour, seasoning to taste and salt. Remove from heat. Place the rice in small pots and top with the cooled clams and creamy garlic sauce.

Grate Dutch cheese fine grater and carefully sprinkle the pots. Place the dish in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes until fully cooked.

Bon appetit!

Not everyone knows how to cook frozen mussels. Moreover, after trying such a product, few remain its eternal fans. This is due, first of all, to the fact that the mentioned shellfish is not always prepared correctly. After all, in order to amaze your guests with delicious exotic dish, it must be subjected to special heat treatment.

So, let's figure out together how to cook frozen mussels so that their taste becomes delicious and unforgettable.

Choosing the right product

Before you cook peeled frozen mussels, you need to find out how to choose them correctly:

  • There should be no frost on the frozen product, as well as cracks in the glaze of the ice. If such defects do exist, then, most likely, the shellfish have already been thawed, and during the next thawing they will almost completely lose their beneficial properties.
  • Frozen peeled mussels should be light in color.
  • It is recommended to purchase only the largest shellfish. After all, they are considered the most delicious and juicy. As a rule, on packages with this product two numbers are always indicated, which indicate the number of pieces per kilogram (55/1 or 40/1). Thus, the lower the first number, the larger the mussels will be.
  • Mussels are a natural filter of the aquatic environment. According to experts, they filter about 700 liters of liquid per day. And if shellfish are grown in an ecologically polluted region, then they can accumulate a lot of harmful substances. It is better not to eat such a product, as there is a high risk of poisoning.
  • It should be noted that from 1 kg of unpeeled mussels, about 100 g of peeled mussels come out.

Defrosting the product and cleaning it properly

Before cooking frozen mussels, they must be thawed. To do this, the glazed clams must be removed from the bag, and then placed in a deep bowl and placed in the refrigerator. After the ice has completely melted, the product must be placed in a colander and then rinsed thoroughly under strong pressure of cool water. This procedure will help you get rid of sand, which often remains in shellfish after they are cleaned.

It should be noted that very often housewives purchase such a product in shells. And here the question arises not only about cooking this ingredient, but also about how to clean frozen mussels. This is quite easy to do. It is necessary to defrost the product by placing it in cold water, and then wash thoroughly with a brush. Next, the shells need to be boiled (for 15-17 minutes), cooled and the shellfish removed from the opened shells.

In order to save time and money, we recommend that you purchase already peeled mussels. After all, you often find spoiled shellfish in shells that are unsuitable for consumption.

Frozen peeled mussels: recipes for preparing various dishes

Mussels can be cooked perfectly different ways: in a slow cooker, steamed, in the microwave, and on the stove. Thawed shellfish are fried, boiled, baked and even pickled. This seafood is used to prepare not only soups and salads, but also appetizers and hot dishes. It should be thermally treated for only about 3-5 minutes.

Before cooking peeled frozen mussels, you should remember that such shellfish can have a rather strong aroma and taste of fish or mud. In order to get rid of them, experts recommend spraying thawed and pure product freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Fried mussels with onion and garlic

How to cook frozen mussels in a frying pan? For this savory dish we will need:

  • large onions - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh butter - 70 g;
  • salt and black pepper - to taste;
  • frozen large mussels - 800 g;
  • fresh garlic - a couple of cloves.

Cooking process

This dish turns out very tasty and nutritious. It can be consumed just like that, or served at the table along with some side dish.

So, before you deliciously cook frozen mussels, they should be thoroughly thawed, washed, and then completely dried by shaking vigorously in a colander or keeping them on paper towels. Next, you need to place the shellfish in a saucepan, add butter there and heat everything up as much as possible. After this, place finely chopped onion and mix everything thoroughly. As a result of this processing, you should get tasty and very juicy mussel meat. After they are well fried, add allspice, grated garlic and salt. After mixing the ingredients well, they need to be removed from the heat, covered with a lid and kept in this position for about three minutes.

Cooking shellfish in Belgian style

Only people know how to boil frozen mussels in wine experienced chefs. But so that you can surprise your guests with such an exotic dish, we will reveal this secret right now.

So, to prepare mussels in Belgian style we will need:

Process of preparing shellfish

How to cook frozen mussels in white semi-sweet wine? To do this you need to pour alcoholic drink into a saucepan, then place it over low heat and let it simmer for about one minute. Next, add a little to the wine provencal herbs and send there 400 grams of thawed mussels. It is recommended to simmer the shellfish over low heat for 5-6 minutes, stirring regularly with a large spoon.

Making creamy sauce

To make a delicious and aromatic sauce for mussels, you should take a small saucepan, pour low-fat cream into it, and then add a large spoonful of Dijon mustard and finely chopped leeks. Sometimes, along with greens, some cooks also lay out a small amount of capers. Finally, add to the cream blue cheese with mold, pre-cut into small cubes. Next, the sauce must be seasoned with white pepper and brought to the state of thick sour cream.

How to serve it at the dinner table?

After the mussels are boiled in wine, they should be drained in a colander, shaken thoroughly, and then placed on a plate and poured over cream sauce. In addition to this dish, you can serve some vegetables.

Baked clams in the oven

Surprisingly, this product turns out very tasty not only when boiled or fried, but also when baked. For this we need:

Preparing the shellfish

How should you bake frozen mussel meat? We will tell you how to prepare such a dish right now. To do this, you need to take a saucepan, pour water into it, add salt and bring to a boil. Next, you need to pour the thawed mussels into the dishes and boil them for about 3 minutes. After this, the products must be discarded in a colander and the liquid should be allowed to drain as much as possible.

Preparing a flavorful sauce for a dish

What needs to be done to ensure that you get very tasty frozen mussel meat? We will tell you how to prepare a creamy sauce for such a baked dish right now. To do this, you need to mash two processed cheese, add to them chicken yolk, wheat flour, potato starch and squeezed garlic cloves. All ingredients should be mixed well. Next, you need to add about 300 ml to the resulting mass. heavy cream. After salting and peppering all the ingredients, mix them thoroughly again.

Forming and baking dishes in the oven

After the mussels are boiled and the sauce is completely ready, you can safely start baking the dish. To do this, you need to take a deep mold and line its surface. culinary foil or grease with butter. Next, you need to place all the boiled shellfish in the bowl, and then pour in the creamy sauce and sprinkle with grated hard cheese.

At the end, the formed dish should be placed in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and baked until golden brown and delicious crust. Before serving, shellfish need to be sprinkled with grated cheese again.

Tasty and quick marinating of mussels in oil

How to marinate frozen mussels so you can enjoy them for several weeks? To do this, you need to prepare the following:

  • drinking water - 1 l;
  • sweet onion - 1 pc.;
  • hot red pepper - 1 pc.;
  • medium-sized table salt - ½ tablespoon;
  • liquid smoke - dessert spoon;
  • peeled and thawed mussels - 500 g;
  • garlic - 1 head;
  • any spices (dry dill, potted pepper, etc.) - add to taste;
  • vegetable oil - 200 ml.

Preparing Ingredients

In order to marinate such a product, you should boil it in advance. To do this, pour 1 liter of water into a saucepan, boil it, and then throw in the peeled onion, red hot pepper and add salt. It is recommended to cook the broth for about a quarter of an hour. Next you should put it in dessert spoon liquid smoke and 500 g of peeled and thawed mussels. It is advisable to cook the ingredients in this composition for about three minutes.

In a separate bowl, mix the chopped head of garlic and spices to taste (for example, dry dill, black peppercorns, etc.).

Forming the workpiece

After the mussels are ready, you should prepare the jars and lids, and then put the garlic with spices and boiled shellfish in them. All ingredients should be poured vegetable oil, close tightly and put in a cool room. After about 12 hours, the marinated mussels will be completely ready to eat. Store them in refrigeration chamber It is recommended no more than 2-3 weeks. Serve this aromatic preparation follows to festive table as a snack or can be used to prepare other dishes.

Cooking mussels in a slow cooker

You already know how to cook mussel dishes (frozen, peeled) on the stove and in the oven. That is why now we want to tell you how you can do delicious goulash from shellfish in a kitchen device such as a slow cooker. For this we need:

Cooking process

Frozen mussels, the preparation of which involves the use of a multicooker, turn out especially tasty if you add aromatic spices and garlic to them. But first things first.

Cleaned and melted shellfish should be placed in the bowl of the device, pour in olive oil and fry in baking mode for 10 minutes. Next, you need to add crushed in a blender to the product. fresh tomatoes and low-fat cream. Seasoning the dish aromatic spices, salt and herbs, it should be cooked on the same program for about 10 minutes. After the excess liquid has evaporated and the shellfish have acquired a pleasant creamy tomato taste, add grated garlic to them and immediately distribute among plates. It should be noted that this dish is served only with a side dish.

Delicious and satisfying pasta with shellfish

Spaghetti lovers pasta You will definitely appreciate this simple recipe. Moreover, such a dish has every chance of becoming one of the most beloved. To prepare it we will need:

  • peeled and thawed mussels - 200 g;
  • peeled shrimp - 200 g;
  • peeled squid - 200 g;
  • butter - 90 g;
  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs.;
  • pasta or spaghetti - 500 g;
  • pepper and salt - add to taste;
  • low-fat cream - 150 ml;
  • wheat flour - 2 large spoons;
  • fresh parsley sprigs - to decorate the finished dish.

Cooking process

To prepare delicious and hearty pasta with mussels, you must adhere to the following sequence of actions:

Proper serving of food at the dinner table

Place the finished seafood pasta on a large plate and then generously pour the creamy sauce over it. It is advisable to serve this dish hot for lunch, garnishing it with several sprigs of fresh parsley. Bon appetit!

Seafood dishes are healthy and tasty, so they should be present in every person’s daily diet. Among the huge list of sea and river inhabitants used for food, mussels are a special delicacy, from which you can cook at home variety of dishes for serving at the holiday table or as savory snack for lunch or dinner.

How to choose ingredients?

Mussels are a unique storehouse of vitamins and microelements that are necessary for humans. In addition, dishes made from mussel meat will decorate the table, and their high taste qualities allow the seafood to be called a delicacy. That is why mussels are so popular in restaurants, and recipes for their preparation are present in different world cuisines.

Edible shellfish They are not eaten completely, so the innards and mantle are removed during preparation of the dish. The product is distinguished by its content of proteins, iodine, calcium and phosphorus, in addition, in chemical composition shellfish contain fats and carbohydrates, due to which it increases energy value product. As a result, tasty and properly cooked mussels can become a complete meal, capable of satisfying hunger and saturating the body with useful microelements.

However, in order to cook seafood at home, you must first of all carefully approach the choice of ingredients when it comes to preparing frozen shellfish. Most of the products arrive in domestic supermarkets already frozen; from such mussels you can successfully prepare salads or light snacks, souffles, soup, pizza or pasta. Mollusks are sold without shells or in the form in which they were caught.

In order to understand the products as best as possible, it is worth knowing that mussels do not come in a wide variety of sizes and shapes. Today, large delicacy shellfish called “kiwi” and medium-sized mussels are supplied to the market. The quantity in the package directly depends on their size. Uncleaned mussels after catching are subjected to heat treatment and sealed in a vacuum; the same technology is used to pack mollusks in half-shells or in the form of a simple fillet.

Regardless of your preferences regarding the purchase of mussels in one form or another, the bag with them should not contain ice and snow, as well as yellow deposits. These signs will unmistakably indicate that the seafood product was stored in violation of conditions, which can lead to serious poisoning when purchasing and consuming such mussels. High-quality mussel meat should have a light shade and be voluminous; fillets that are too dark with obvious structural defects will be an indicator of old age and questionable quality of the products offered.

An important point is the quality of packaging and its integrity. Ideally, conscientious manufacturers pack their goods in a vacuum containing a special window that allows you to view the mollusks in it. In addition, it is important to check the integrity of the packaging, since during transportation situations could arise as a result of which the packages with mussels would be damaged, which could negatively affect the quality of the product as a whole.

You can make sure that the purchased shellfish is fresh thanks to the smell. U quality mussels the aroma of the sea will be present, without foreign inclusions. If you bought mussels in the shell, you should pay attention to the fact that all the valves of the mollusks were tightly closed. If they are open, it means that the shellfish were frozen already dead, which increases the risk of purchasing a bad product.

Concerning taste qualities, then large seafood will be more nutritious and appetizing. If you want to purchase the freshest seafood possible, it is worth considering that the most delicious shellfish will be those caught during the season, which falls from July to February. Products that will be supplied from winter to spring turn out to be more fatty. Manufacturers usually indicate such information about products on the packaging. Exporters of seafood are countries such as Canada, France, and Italy.

It is important to pay attention to expiration dates, since even frozen seafood under proper storage conditions will only be suitable for consumption for a few months.

Preparing to cook

Like any other product, mussels require a number of preparatory measures. And since the product was sold frozen, it must be defrosted before serving. There are several ways to do this.

  • In the first case, the purchased shellfish are placed on the bottom shelf in the refrigerator so that they gradually reach normal temperature without aggressive jumps. This option will be optimal for preserving the quality of seafood, however, it will take the most time.
  • The next method could be the technology of soaking shellfish in water. To do this, you need to take liquid at room temperature into any container, having previously dissolved a little salt in it, and place the mussels there for 40-50 minutes. After time has passed, the water must be drained and the product rinsed under the tap, then the mussels can be cooked according to any recipe you like.

As for such operational defrosting measures as a microwave oven or boiling water, it is not recommended to consider such options for seafood. You should also avoid thawing mussels without a shell or in the shell when room temperature without using salt water. Having brought the product to the desired condition, shellfish that were not cleaned before packaging should be cleaned, then the shells should be washed in large quantities running water to remove sand that could get inside during the life of the mussel.

After carrying out the mandatory procedures described above, the seafood must be boiled using salt water, and for all dishes where shellfish are present, it is best to use sea salt. If heat treatment is carried out with unpeeled mussels, the degree of readiness can be determined by the fact that the shells open. When working with seafood at home, it is worth knowing that shellfish fillets may vary slightly in color, since the meat can be yellow or quite rich orange.

If the product is in this color range, you can be sure of the freshness of the purchased product.

How long does it take to cook?

Some cooks skip the step of pre-thawing mussels if they were purchased without a shell. Therefore, the product is boiled immediately. To cook seafood, you need to put a small amount of water in a pan, immediately add salt to the water, and put it on fire. As soon as it boils, place the shellfish in boiling water and boil over low heat for 5 minutes. It is very important that the meat retains its elasticity and softness during heat treatment, so you should not cook the mussels for too long.

Some gourmet dishes shellfish are prepared by replacing ordinary salt water with soy sauce and even dry white wines, seasoning them herbs and lemon juice. If you need to cook mussels in the shell, then the product is immediately immersed in water, brought to a boil, after which the liquid is drained, and the shellfish are immersed in new water and boiled for about 10 minutes.

Instead of usual pan, you can boil the product in a multicooker; such a device will be able to control the cooking time, which will be important for preserving the taste and nutritional properties.

Dish recipes

Mussels, which will be prepared in compliance with all recommendations, will be able to act as independent dish or as a snack for dining table or at any special event. To cook frozen peeled mussels and surprise your household with an unusual and very beautiful dish, you can use the Mediterranean-style clams recipe. It will require the following products:

  • frozen seafood;
  • salt, pepper mixture, turmeric;
  • olive oil;
  • garlic;
  • dry white wine;
  • water;
  • hard cheese.

The technology for creating a dish consists of the following stages. First of all, you need to peel the garlic, chop it and simmer in a frying pan with the addition of olive oil. After which the garlic must be removed. And fry the rice with salt and spices in this oil, you need to simmer it for several minutes so that the grain acquires golden color. Then add a little water and wine to the pan, increase the heat and bring the mixture to a boil. Mussels should be boiled in salted water. And when the rice has absorbed all the liquid, combine all the ingredients and simmer at low temperature under a closed lid for about 10 minutes.

Serve the dish hot, sprinkled with grated cheese.

Appetizing and hearty dish seafood for the main course can be mussel julienne. Its composition will be like this:

  • frozen shellfish;
  • cream;

To prepare delicious julienne you need to chop the onion, fry it until soft, boil the mussels in salted water. Then add seafood to the onion, pouring cream over the ingredients. The resulting sauce must be salted and peppered. Stew the shellfish in the creamy marinade for no more than 3-4 minutes, then place them in molds or pour them into one large baking container, grate a thick layer of cheese on top using a coarse grater, and place in a preheated oven. Cooking mussel julienne should be at a temperature of 170-180C, the dish will be ready to eat after cheese crust julienned it will turn golden.

It is best to serve seafood immediately; for decoration, you can use fresh parsley or any other to taste.

Very colorful and spicy recipe cooking mussels at home is quite simple and quick option cooking shellfish in Korean style. To serve such an unusual and tasty dish, you will need the following ingredients:

  • frozen seafood;
  • soy sauce and onion;
  • black pepper, salt;
  • honey, coriander;
  • lemon or lime;
  • nutmeg;
  • chilli.

The cooking technology is as follows. For an appetizer, you need to boil the seafood, cool it, and peel it. Then peel the onion and cut it into thin rings or half rings, pour over citrus juice and salt, and leave to marinate. Then you need to mix soy sauce and the remaining spices, honey and a little in a separate container. lemon juice, the resulting composition needs to be slightly warmed up. Mussels need to be combined with onions and the resulting warm sauce, add hot peppers and leave in the refrigerator for several hours. The appetizer is served cold; mussels can be used as an addition to any drink or as a complete salad for lunch or dinner.

From frozen shellfish you can prepare healthy and dietary first dish. For seafood soup you will need the following ingredients:

  • mussel meat;
  • crab meat;
  • sea ​​bass fillet;
  • cold pressed olive oil;
  • Sweet pepper;
  • chicken broth;
  • pepper, salt;
  • dry white wine;
  • thyme, bay leaf.

First of all, you need to prepare and boil the mussels. The fish should be cut into small pieces, the onion should be chopped and simmered with a small amount of oil for several minutes. Cut the pepper into strips and add to the onion. Then pour the broth over the food, add spices, pour in a small amount of wine, and bring to a boil. Lastly, add chopped fish and shellfish to the soup and cook for about 5 minutes. It is best to serve the soup immediately and cook strictly according to the number of servings, since the first dish will significantly lose its taste if reheated for the second time. It is recommended to use mussel shells and thyme to decorate the portions.

You will learn how to cook frozen mussels from the video recipe below.

Today we will talk about how to make an unusual, but very delicious snack, which will appeal not only to gourmets. From our article you will learn how to fry mussels in a frying pan, frozen and fresh, we will find out what is needed for this and what products they go best with. Here is a selection of simple and quick recipes, tested by housewives different countries and those who have taken root in our region.

How to fry mussels correctly: cooking rules

But, before we start cooking, let’s remember how to properly fry shellfish.

  • If the mussels are fresh, you can throw them into the pan immediately, without prior preparation;
  • If we have frozen raw materials, the shells must first be thawed, otherwise there will be too much water and the mussels will turn out not fried, but stewed. It is best to defrost clams outdoors at room temperature, allowing them to drain in a colander or large sieve.
  • Shellfish can be fried either peeled or in shells, but they will vary greatly, so we choose the method depending on the recipe and personal preferences.
  • Shells go especially well with butter - it gives delicate aroma and makes the taste richer and softer, but they will also be good with olive oil or refined sunflower oil.

Mussels in a frying pan: a classic recipe


  • Mussels, fresh or frozen, peeled— 500 g + -
  • - 2 tbsp. + -
  • - 1 PC. + -
  • - on the tip of a knife + -
  • 3 pinches or to taste + -

How to fry peeled mussels in a frying pan

  1. Peel and finely chop the onion, heat the oil in a frying pan and add the vegetable to sauté.
  2. After 2-3 minutes, add the mussels to the onion and fry without a lid for 10 minutes.
  3. 3 minutes before the end of frying, add salt and pepper. Stir and turn off.

Serve this appetizer piping hot or letting it cool. In any case, the shellfish will turn out very tasty thanks to the combination of onions and butter.

Mussels fried in a frying pan with mushrooms are even more tender and aromatic.

How to fry mussels in a frying pan with mushrooms

  • Defrost 400 g of peeled mussels.
  • Waiting until all the liquid has drained from them, we work on the mushrooms. Wash 400 g of champignons and cut into slices or cubes, but not too finely.
  • Pour 2 tbsp into the pan. olive oil, first lay out the mushrooms, keep them over medium heat until the liquid has evaporated, then add the mussels to them.
  • Add salt, stir and fry for another 5 minutes.
  • After time, add a little black pepper, paprika and basil (optional). The dish can also be seasoned nutmeg. Keep everything on the fire for a couple more minutes and turn it off.

Serve immediately or let it cool, either way the dish will turn out very tasty!

Well, real gourmets will surely like it next recipe. It makes the shells incredibly tender and piquant.

How to properly fry mussels with vegetables in a frying pan

  • Defrost 300 g of mussels or, if they are fresh, start working with vegetables.
  • Peel and chop one medium onion. Pour oil into the frying pan and sauté the vegetable.
  • Meanwhile, finely chop or pass through a press 3 cloves of garlic.
  • While the roast is browning, scald 3 medium tomatoes with boiling water. Peel them and cut them into cubes, reserving all the juice. Add to the pan with the onions and simmer covered for about 5 minutes.
  • Place the mussels, pepper, salt and simmer for 5-6 minutes.

Turn off the finished dish and serve immediately piping hot. If desired, the dish can be sprinkled with herbs.

Now you know how to fry mussels in a frying pan! As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this; on the contrary, such a seemingly sophisticated appetizer is made very simply. In addition, you can experiment with a dish according to any of the proposed recipes by adding green onions instead of onion, bell pepper, cilantro or zucchini. Mussels in a frying pan will add a wonderful taste and aroma to any vegetables!
