Is it healthy to eat soup? Liquid nutrition

, veganism, raw food diet), can from time to time arrange fasting days on liquid nutrition.


Liquid nutrition: advantages and disadvantages.

  • Liquid food is easily absorbed by the body, giving rest to the entire digestive system and helping to restore its functions.
  • Liquid nutrition starts the processes of cleansing the body. Cleansing also requires strength, and light liquid food frees the body from unnecessary energy expenditure on digesting coarse solid food. As a result, the body begins to release toxins and wastes stored for years in its tissues - they enter the bloodstream and are then eliminated from the body. The removal of harmful substances from the body is facilitated by a large amount of water, which enters the body with juices and soups.
  • Liquid food contains significantly less harmful substances than solid food. Although it depends on what is on your liquid menu. Usually, when people arrange fasting days, they tend to eat (on in this case- drink) healthy foods, otherwise there is no point in fasting days.
  • People whose usual diet includes meat, eggs and dairy products should be prepared for the fact that during the entire period of liquid nutrition they may feel a lack of strength and get tired quickly. It is worth planning fasting days on weekends, when you have the opportunity to relax.
  • A period of liquid nutrition may be accompanied by the same changes in well-being as a period of fasting on water (see the article Complications during fasting), although, of course, these changes will be less pronounced (and an acidotic crisis, as during long-term fasting, does not occur on liquid nutrition).
  • Many note that on liquid nutrition the need for sleep is significantly reduced (by 2-3 hours).

Liquid nutrition: what not to include on the menu?

  • There is no point in fasting days on liquid nutrition if you drink unhealthy drinks (store-bought juices in boxes, various sweet drinks, supposedly “fruit” yoghurts, etc.).
  • Drinking milk will significantly reduce positive effect liquid nutrition.
  • Many people recommend kefir as a product that helps cleanse the body in general and cleanse the liver in particular. I do not agree with this recommendation due to the large amount of hormones, antibiotics and other harmful substances contained in all dairy products.
  • Meat (including chicken and fish) broths and soups instantly and permanently stop any processes associated with cleansing the body.
  • Soups with pieces of unpureed vegetables do not fit into the framework of liquid nutrition. All food should be liquid, without solid pieces.
  • Eliminate coffee, tea (black and green) and cocoa. These drinks are draining nervous system, interfere with the absorption of vitamins and minerals and interfere with the processes of recovery and regeneration. During the liquid cleansing period, avoid any caffeine-containing drinks. Try replacing coffee with, for example, chicory drink.

Liquid nutrition: what to include on the menu?

  • The main condition is that the food must be liquid. Fruit and vegetable smoothies, soups and purees are allowed, without solid pieces.
  • Freshly squeezed juices and smoothies from fresh fruits and vegetables. It is advisable to choose fruits and vegetables grown without nitrates. But even if the fruits and vegetables you use contain nitrates, the body on a liquid diet will be able to quickly remove them.
  • Juices and smoothies may contain nuts and seeds (such as sesame), pureed to a mushy consistency.
  • You can add greens (parsley, dill, cilantro, etc.). The main thing is that it is also completely wiped.
  • Juice and smoothies made from sprouts of wheat, rye, barley, buckwheat, sunflower, legumes and other edible plants are very useful. You may want to keep this drink in your daily menu even after returning to solid nutrition, since it is a real storehouse of vitamins, minerals and other useful biologically active substances.
  • Soups and liquid puree from boiled vegetables are allowed, various cereals, peas, beans, etc. Boiled food will make your menu more satisfying, but will somewhat reduce the cleansing effect. A liquid raw food diet is ideal for cleansing the body, resting and restoring the digestive system.
  • In the morning, on an empty stomach, it is recommended to drink 2 glasses of hot (but not scalding) water with the juice of one lemon (less possible). Once you return to regular (solid) eating, try to maintain this habit. This is a cleansing and rejuvenating drink that should be drunk every morning 20-30 minutes before breakfast.
  • You can prepare herbal and fruit teas(cafein free). It is useful to add a piece of ginger root to tea. You can add other spices to taste.
  • Even on a liquid diet, do not forget to drink clean water at least 1-1.5 liters per day (see the article How much water do you need?).

Liquid nutrition: experience.

In this video, the girl talks about her experience of 30 days of liquid nutrition. We are talking about a liquid raw food diet, that is, eating only juices and shakes from fresh vegetables and fruits - the most strict type of liquid nutrition.

Liquid nutrition: what's next?

Is it possible to live on such a diet forever? What does this do and is it dangerous?

The transition to constant liquid nutrition is often caused by a person’s desire to develop and evolve. This evolution is a gradual process. The evolution of nutrition occurs from low-frequency to high-frequency food (more details in the article High-frequency nutrition). The usual, most correct and safe way is a gradual change in nutrition, which looks like this:

If you want to switch to liquid nutrition, ask yourself why you need it and are you ready? If you return to solid foods several months or years after switching, this may have an impact negative impact for your health. An organism accustomed to cleaner and light food, will not be able to normally perceive the food that was once familiar. Of course, after some time, you will be able to eat solid food again without experiencing digestive problems, but such a step back is a severe stress for the body, which does not go away without a trace.

Therefore, if you are thinking about switching to liquid nutrition, think carefully about your decision. Perhaps, for starters, a compromise will suit you, when part of the food is consumed in liquid form, and part in solid form.

Are soups healthy?

Soup has long become the main and indispensable dish of the daily human diet. Many centuries have passed since the invention of this dish, and a huge number of recipes have been invented. Thanks to the emergence of new products, such as mayonnaise, tomato paste, and various seasonings, the recipes for this dish also changed, coming closer and closer to those used in our time.

What is soup?

Soup is a general name for all liquid dishes, which include borscht, cabbage soup, okroshka, beetroot soup and many others.

Initially, the soup appeared in Rus', but in a relatively short period of time its recipe spread far beyond the borders of our state. The variety of soup recipes is simply amazing. Soups come in hot and cold varieties. They can be prepared in various broths: meat, fish, vegetable, milk. Milk soups are especially healthy for children and can be a great breakfast.

The most popular dishes in Russia are borscht, cabbage soup, solyanka and ukha. There are no uniform recipes for their preparation; on the contrary, the variety is extremely wide. The most popular cold soups are okroshka and beetroot soup.

Many nutritionists recommend eating soups daily, as they have a good effect on digestion and contain vitamins, calcium, potassium, sodium and other elements beneficial to the body. However, some doubt their benefits, believing that soup dilutes gastric juice and thereby interferes with the normal absorption of food. Who is right?

Useful properties of soup

Vegetable soups are very beneficial for humans, as they can provide a large amount of vitamins, and they have a good effect on the human digestive system. Vegetables fried in oil or fat play an important role when preparing soup. It is known that during the cooking process many vitamins are destroyed and evaporated. And short-term frying creates a crust on the product that holds them.

Soups with the addition of pasta and rice are very satisfying, and after them the feeling of fullness does not go away for a long time, which makes them doubly useful for humans. After all, the calorie content of most soups is low, and having eaten enough of them, you can minimize the consumption of high-calorie main courses and sweets.

The taste and color of the soup largely depends on the spices and seasonings added to it. When preparing this dish, cooking time plays a big role, which should not be exceeded. After all, if you cook the soup for too long, the products included in its composition will take the form of porridge, their taste properties will deteriorate, and most vitamins and other useful substances will collapse.

When serving soup, you can add sour cream or mayonnaise, regardless of how, what broth it is cooked in and with what. It's a matter of taste.

Considering all the beneficial properties of soup, nutritionists recommend including this dish in the daily diet for the proper functioning of the digestive system, obtaining sufficient energy and wellness. A proper lunch is never complete without properly prepared soup as the first course!

Caring for health - the formation of a healthy lifestyle, psyche, benefits and harms of the environment around us

The harm and benefits of soups » What do we eat? » Cooking healthy » Harm and benefits of soups

Soups and other first courses are traditional in Russian cooking. Previously, it was believed that soup should be on any person’s daily menu, and that hot soup for lunch was very important for health. But today it is already being discussed harm and benefit of soups, and there is no consensus on this matter.

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Benefits of soup

So, many nutritionists and healthy eating advocates claim that soup is healthy. Firstly, soups are quite filling and at the same time light, they are quickly absorbed by the body and improve digestion. All foods in soups retain more useful substances, thanks to boiling, as opposed to frying or stewing. Soups are lower in calories than fried or stews, but in nutritional value they are not inferior to them.

For people leading a healthy lifestyle, soups are simply necessary; vegetable soups have preventive and stimulating properties, they help the body restore fluid balance, and as a result stabilize blood pressure levels. Soups are also an indispensable dish for the sick, since they do not overload the body. Especially Chicken broths and soups made from them are useful for colds, because they contain ingredients that relieve cold symptoms.

Puree soups are also considered very tasty and healthy. Firstly, they have a pleasant and delicate consistency, thanks to which they are easily digestible, and secondly, puree soups prepared exclusively from vegetables contain many vitamins and microelements that are beneficial to humans.

Taking a closer look at the harms and benefits of soups is especially important for people who prefer dietary nutrition. It is easier to get satiated with soup than with a main course, since the soup contains liquid, but soups are less caloric than main courses. And when digesting soup, our body will spend the same amount of energy as when digesting a full second one. But when we eat soup, we eat fewer calories, which means we have a greater chance of not gaining weight. There are even special soup diets, as a result of which you do not have to suffer from hunger, but the weight gradually disappears.

Harm of soup

But, discussing the topic of the harm and benefit of soups, one cannot help but talk about the other side of the coin, namely the dangers of soups. First of all, supporters talk about this separate power supply, because the liquid that enters the body during meals dilutes gastric juice, which impairs digestion. Therefore, when eating separately, it is not recommended to drink and eat at the same time.

When soups are cooked for a long time, the beneficial substances contained in the products included in the soup are mostly destroyed. If you eat chicken soup or meat broth, then it enters the body in a warm form and is quickly absorbed by the intestines, and the liver does not have time to process the meat extracts contained in the broth. As a result, these extracts are distributed throughout the body in the form of poisons and cause harm to internal organs.

When cooking meat broth, meat gets into the soup. harmful substances. These harmful substances enter the meat during the process of raising animals, because almost every farmer uses a variety of growth accelerators and hormones, which then enter our body along with the meat broth. return to content ^

Conclusions about the benefits and harms of soups

Speaking about the benefits and harms of soups It is not yet possible to come to a common opinion, so whether or not to eat soups is an individual matter for each person. Although we can definitely say that regularly consuming soup prepared on the basis of environmentally friendly clean products, you can prevent gastritis and significantly improve the “well-being” of your stomach.

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Autumn soup for unloading

Have you heard more than once that soups help you lose weight, but have you never tried this method? Try spending the next week on soups. An excellent solution for your skin and waist - no hunger strikes or strict diets!

New on the menu every day fresh soups only from the best products and a miracle happens before our eyes - the skin becomes younger, and extra centimeters disappear at the waist. After all soup diet helps cleanse the body of accumulated waste and toxins, and the calorie content of vegetable soups is minimal.

Benefits for the stomach

Everyone knows that liquid food is good for the stomach and is necessary for normal operation gastrointestinal tract. Vegetable soups can improve intestinal motility and normalize metabolism. They contain sufficient quantity fiber, which swells in the stomach, can quickly suppress the feeling of hunger, while portions continue to remain minimal. It has long been known that boiled, stewed and steamed vegetables are much easier to digest by the body than raw ones, and the vitamins and minerals from properly prepared soups will not go anywhere - everything will remain in the broth.

True, despite all the beneficial properties of soups, there are contraindications for some chronic diseases. So, beetroot soup is not recommended for inflammation of the gastric mucosa, and for problems with the pancreas it is used with caution white cabbage, and with diabetic disease you will have to give up sweet root vegetables (beets, carrots and potatoes).

Eating with pleasure

It will be better if, when preparing soup, you give preference to local vegetables - carrots, cabbage, onions, celery, and pumpkin retain most of their vitamins until spring. Although there is no clear rule on this matter, you can easily experiment with avocados, asparagus, artichokes and leeks. Having looked through cookbooks on the shelf or forums on the Internet, you will surely find many interesting soups prepared from overseas wonders.

The soup can be simple - consist of one type of vegetable, or it can be complex and contain 3-4 or more types. The main condition for a successful soup diet is preparing and eating food with pleasure. Try to put fewer potatoes in the soup, and season the finished dish with a spoon butter or a couple of spoons of olive.

Stick to your usual eating rhythm - if you previously ate three times a day, then now do the same, replacing regular food a serving of vegetable soup (no more than 200 g). For variety, you can add a piece to your lunch. boiled fish, seafood or poultry without salt, and feel free to use spicy herbs and spices in the menu - they pleasantly diversify the taste.

Cook it right

For better preservation vitamins when preparing vegetable soups, place vegetables only in boiling water. You can't cook soup for too long - it will lose its flavor. nutritional value, cook in a container that retains heat well. Give preference to soups with finely chopped vegetables rather than pureed soups, since the process of chewing and processing food in the mouth with the help of saliva is very important for the absorption of nutrients.

Important! Prepare only one serving of vegetable soup for each meal and be sure to season it with fresh herbs.

© 2011 - 2014, I fly myself. All rights reserved.

The benefits of soups: myths and reality

Each of us remembers from childhood the usual phrase of our mother or grandmother: “Eat the soup first!” Indeed, liquid first courses are one of the main components of the diet of adults and children in our country. In the same time culinary traditions Many countries exclude soups altogether, which casts doubt on the “axiom” that everyone, especially children, should eat soup. Europeans and Americans live without soups and feel good! So maybe we are in vain trying to accustom our kids to first courses? Or were our mothers and grandmothers right about something?

What are the benefits of soup?

After much debate, scientists finally agreed that soups are beneficial, especially for a child’s body - if they are the right soups. They have a beneficial effect on digestive tract, warming the walls of the stomach, thereby stimulating the secretion of gastric and intestinal juices. In addition, the soup stabilizes intestinal motility. In the digestive tract, soup liquid is quickly absorbed, due to which the body maintains normal water-salt metabolism and fluid balance. In the cold season, soups are especially relevant. They quickly warm you up, improve metabolism, and provide the body with the thermal energy it needs. Nutrients dissolved in water are absorbed faster and more efficiently, which is especially important for a child’s fragile digestive system.

Why is soup harmful?

Unfortunately, when cooked, meat and fish release not only useful but also harmful substances into the broth: for example, creatine and creatinine, which impair protein metabolism in the muscles.

In addition, modern meat and poultry producers often use all sorts of tricks in pursuit of excess profits. For example, hormones and other drugs are used to increase the weight of animals. chemicals, and so that the carcasses of already slaughtered animals do not spoil longer, antibiotics are injected into them. During cooking, all the “chemistry” is completely transferred into the broth.

When buying meat at the market or in a store, we have no idea what it is “stuffed with.” Therefore, if you are going to prepare the first dish, especially for a child, follow a number of rules so that in pursuit of benefits you do not harm yourself and your family.

1. Cook meat, chicken and fish soups using the second broth. After the contents of the pan boil, cook the carcass for five minutes, drain the broth, add new water and continue cooking the soup with it.

2. Even better is to prepare soups for children at vegetable broth and add separately cooked meat or fish to them.

3. Meat and poultry for baby soup should be cooked until the fibers are very soft and tender. Meat protein is a difficult-to-digest food that can unnecessarily burden children's digestive tract. Vegetables, on the contrary, should not be overcooked, since prolonged heat treatment will destroy the vast majority of vitamins and the fiber necessary for the intestines, that is, almost everything useful that is in vegetables. This is another argument in favor of separately cooking vegetables and meat for soup.

4. Do not fry onions and carrots to baby soup. When frying in vegetable oil, carcinogens are produced.

5. Don't get carried away with pureed soups. Many mothers, indulging their children, feed them homogenized food not only before one year, but also after two and even after three years. Kids, as a rule, are happy about this, since there is no need to chew and make an effort. However, the abundance of pureed foods in a child’s diet after two years has a bad effect on his digestive system (lazy bowel syndrome may develop) and metabolism, since many carbohydrates necessary for the body are broken down by enzymes in oral cavity while chewing. You can pamper your child with puree soup, but it is better to do this no more than twice a week.

6. Before serving the soup, add fresh herbs to it. This way you will enrich your child’s diet with “living” fiber, vitamins and make the usual soup tastier.

7. Do not use spices, seasonings or bouillon cubes. If you yourself are addicted to them, then it is better to cook the soup for your child separately.

Dear readers! We offer an interactive exchange of experience. In the comments to this article, you can leave recipes for healthy soups that you and your children like.

We all know from childhood a funny “student” saying: “The soup is thin, but nutritious. You will be thin, but diligent!” Many people take it as a joke. However, according to doctors, regular use first courses are really very good for our health. Why soups are useful, all the details are in our article...

The healing properties of broth

The basis of a good soup is the broth. Meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms, and vegetables are used for broths. They are extremely rich in extractive substances, nutritious and healthy, because everything valuable substances with a slow boil they turn into a decoction. Gelatin, found in animal bones, is well absorbed by the body. It contains such essential amino acids, like arginine and glycine, necessary for the growth and maintenance of muscles, cartilage, ligaments, tendons and connective tissues, as well as for healthy skin and hair.

We lose weight on soup

Drinking soup at least once a day will help you fight overweight. Soups are very nutritious, easily digestible, quickly give a feeling of fullness and can satisfy hunger for a long time, however, they contain a minimum of calories (especially dietary ones). In addition, this trick will allow you to eat a much smaller portion of the second course, which is much higher in calories. The study found that people who ate one serving of soup per day lost more weight than those who consumed the same amount of calories but did not eat soup. This way, you can stick to your weight loss program and still enjoy delicious food.

Get better faster with chicken soup

Everyone knows perfectly well that when you are sick there is no better food than soup. The reason is that the body does not require much energy to digest and assimilate soups, and this gives it the opportunity to spend all its energy on fighting infections. The healing properties of chicken soup are especially known for colds, flu and sore throat. Scientists have spent a lot of time and money studying the beneficial properties of chicken soup. As a result, it was found to have anti-inflammatory properties, helping to stop the movement of neutrophils (white blood cells that stimulate the flow of mucus that accumulates in the lungs and upper respiratory tract). Although chicken soup cannot cure a cold, it can help relieve some of the symptoms of the disease (particularly easier breathing when you have a runny nose) and can be helpful as a preventative measure.

Diet Chicken Soup Recipe

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Just a few years ago, soup was synonymous with proper and healthy nutrition. Rich soups were fed to sick people and thin children were fattened. However, in recent years there has been a lot of controversy about the benefits and harms of soups. A common opinion has emerged that soups are not at all healthy, as they seem at first glance. A frequent use soups have a negative effect on the entire body. There have been persistent calls from doctors and nutritionists to give up liquid food and stop spoiling your gastrointestinal tract with useless and heavy food. So what should you do, also consume soups or give them up completely? Who is right - folk wisdom and the experience of our ancestors, which was formed over centuries, or modern doctors?

Benefits of soups

It is worth noting that the benefits and harms of soups mutually balance each other, since soups are equally harmful and beneficial, however, with certain factors, the negative qualities of soups can be significantly reduced. On the one side diet food digestible much better than regular main courses with side dishes. Soups are lower in calories, and the water contained in soups allows you to maintain the necessary fluid balance in the body. A famous chicken soup contains anti-inflammatory substances, so chicken broths are recommended for use for ARVI, colds, flu or sore throat. In addition, chicken soup improves the elasticity of blood vessels, so eating soups is a kind of prevention of atherosclerosis. Vegetable soups are rich in vitamins, puree soups improve digestion, and vegetarian soups help you lose weight without depriving you of essential nutrients.

Harm of soups

Speaking about the benefits and harms of soups, I would like to say a few words in support of those who have a negative attitude towards eating soups. The main complaint doctors have about soups is that the base of the soup, the broth, is heavy and junk food. Even the highest quality meat produces a heavy broth, which has a negative effect on the liver and stomach. And the quality of the meat itself leaves much to be desired. After all, everyone knows that during the growth process, bulls and broilers are fed food additives so that they grow faster and become fleshy. In addition, animals can get sick and in this case they are injected with antibiotics, which may also be present in purchased meat. All negative nutrients that an animal consumes tend to accumulate in the meat and, when cooked, pass into the broth. Even soup with homemade meat can pose a danger to the body. The fact is that meat broth dilutes gastric juice, which leads to indigestion. In addition, warm broth is absorbed very quickly by the intestines, and the liver does not have time to digest meat extracts. As a result, undigested substances rot and poison the body.

Everyone knows that modern vegetables contain a lot of nitrates, which end up in the broth when cooked.

To eat or not to eat

Knowing the benefits and harms of soup, the question arises: should you include soups in your diet or not? In any matter, common sense must be present. Know when to stop and everything will be fine. If you've been making soups all your life, don't rush to give them up. To cook more or less safe soup, choose carefully fresh meat; cook soups in the “second” broth; dilute ready broth boiled water 1:1; Do not boil the vegetables; it is better to stew them first and add them to the soup half-cooked.

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There are many myths about broths and soups. We collected all of them and asked doctors to explain whether this was true or not.

Myth 1

Gastroenterologists and pediatricians say that first courses dilute gastric juice and reduce the concentration of digestive enzymes, that is, they impair the absorption of food.


The work of the stomach is designed in such a way that liquid leaves it immediately, and solid food sometimes remains for several hours, “grinding” into liquid gruel (chyme) with particles 1-1.2 mm in size - larger ones do not pass further into the duodenum. And all this time, gastric juice is secreted with acid and only one type of enzymes - proteases, which break down only proteins, and only partially. Neither fats nor carbohydrates are digested in the stomach.

The main digestion occurs after the stomach - in the duodenum, where pancreatic enzymes enter, and then in the small intestine. And the concentration of enzymes does not decrease because of the soup. Digestion occurs only in a liquid medium, and if there is not enough water, the small intestine “sucks” it, and if there is a lot of it, it pumps it out. So a liquid first course only makes digestion easier.

Myth 2

Meat broth is quickly absorbed by the intestines, and the liver does not have time to handle such an amount of “liquid” - as a result, extracts from meat in the form of undigested poisons bypass the liver and begin a “journey” throughout the body, causing harm to internal organs.


A full serving of the first contains approximately 300 ml of water - this is not a burden on the liver. Extracts too. First, they are naturally present in meat, poultry, fish, mushrooms and other foods that you base your first meal on. And that means that if you make a second dish out of them, you will use them in exactly the same way.

Secondly, extracts are natural biological compounds that do not pose a big burden on the liver. Among them there are many useful substances, some are even produced in the form of biologically active additives. There are not very useful substances that are formed in the body and excreted by the kidneys. And, if the kidneys are severely damaged, toxins can accumulate.

Myth 3

Heat treatment, the numerous boils to which the soup ingredients are exposed reduce the amount of nutrients.


The cooking process is one of the most useful and gentle cooking methods. The temperature is much lower than when baking, and even more so when cooking on the grill or charcoal.

During cooking, many are released into the broth minerals. And in the case of first courses, they are not lost, but consumed. But when you cook potatoes, pasta or vegetables, a lot of the healthy stuff comes out with the water. For example, in relation to boiled potatoes, we can talk about the loss of a large amount of beneficial potassium.

Broth for colds

You may recall the recipe for chicken broth, which writers Pyotr Weil and Alexander Genis call “Jewish penicillin.” In their famous book “Russian Cuisine in Exile” they write: “The broth is not without some sobriety and even Jewish commercialism: having cooked it, you get the first and the second at once.” Indeed, a great idea: for the first course - broth, for the second - chicken. But few people know that Russian peasants did exactly the same thing with cabbage soup or borscht. First we ate a liquid base with vegetables, and then, as a second course, meat. This is a good technique for proper and balanced nutrition, which is suitable for a lot of diets.

Endocrinologist-nutritionist, creator of the author's nutrition program Vadim Krylov:

I am often asked: should the liquid contained in the first courses be considered a drink? Equate it to tea, coffee, plain water and include it in those 2-3 liters of water that most people are recommended to drink healthy people? The answer is clear - turn it on. This liquid dishes, their basis is water. These volumes do not include only the so-called hidden water, which is found in almost all products. Somewhere there is a lot of it, as, for example, in vegetables and fruits, somewhere less, as in meat or poultry. But it is almost everywhere.

Gastroenterologist, specialist in liver diseases, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor at the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenova Alexey Bueverov:

First courses have the so-called juice effect. This means that they contribute to the production of digestive juices - gastric and pancreatic, duodenal juice, as well as bile. Firstly, this good preparation to the digestion of proteins and fats that will come with food later. I can’t say that first courses are harmful in general and for the liver in particular. Of course, if, for example, the cabbage soup is very fatty or over-salted, or a lot of sour cream has been added to it, this is not healthy. But as such, first courses are not harmful, and in many ways beneficial. For example, it is often said that vegetables added to them are low in nutrients. Naturally, some vitamins are destroyed during cooking, but not all of them; besides them, there are other useful substances that remain - fiber and antioxidants. And therefore, vegetables, herbs, spices and herbs used in cooking are healthy.

Secondly, complete proteins from meat, poultry and fish are useful - depending on what you add to the first dish.

Thirdly, the first is the source of the liquid. This is good for healthy people. Excess fluid is contraindicated only in case of hypertension, heart or kidney failure, liver failure with ascites (fluid accumulation in the abdominal cavity) and edema.

Soup for weight loss

Are soups and diet compatible? It is often argued that no. In fact, soups are great for dietary nutrition. And that's why:

1. You can put lean meat in them.

2. There is a secret to making the soup fat-free: put the dish in the refrigerator and then simply skim off the frozen fat from the surface.

3. You can make vegetable cabbage soup or soup without meat or poultry, without adding cereals, flour, noodles or vermicelli. The result is a low-calorie, hearty dish. The famous diet of Madame Gestan is based on a similar soup.

Madame Gestan soup

Take 6 medium onions, several tomatoes, a head of cabbage, 2 bell peppers, a bunch of celery and a cube of vegetable broth (you can use any low-fat broth that you prepare yourself). Cut everything into small and medium pieces, add water, season with a little salt and pepper (you can use curry), boil for 10 minutes over high heat and then simmer on low until the vegetables become soft. You can eat this soup whenever you want and as much as you want: if you feel hungry, eat the soup and lose weight.

According to tradition, in Russian cooking the first course has always been the most important. Everyone knew that having hot soup for lunch was very important to be healthy. But today, opinions about correct and incorrect nutrition, about the benefits of soups for the daily home menu, are divided.

The first opinion is that the soup is healthy!

The first course is hearty, but at the same time, as a rule, light. It is absorbed faster, warms well and helps improve digestion. Compared to stewing or frying, cooking vegetables, mushrooms, meat and poultry in soup retains much more nutrients. In addition, soups are usually lower in calories than full-fledged main courses, but are not inferior to them in terms of nutrients.

Healthy and tasty soups and broths are a must for those who care about their health. Vegetable soups have no equal in their stimulating and preventive properties. Liquid meals also restore the fluid balance we need, which affects blood pressure levels. Some soups and broths are simply irreplaceable. For example, chicken bouillon has a beneficial effect on blood vessels. And soup made with it even alleviates cold symptoms, as it contains ingredients that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

It's good to pamper yourself sometimes thick puree soups. They have an exquisite, delicate consistency, so they are very easily and quickly absorbed by the body. In addition, they are very healthy, since vegetables contain many vitamins and microelements we need.

Soups are ideal for those who prefer dietary nutrition. It is easier to get enough of soup - after all, it contains a liquid component, which at the same time provides not too much high calorie content compared, for example, with a full second course. At the same time, the amount of energy that the body spends on digesting the soup and the second one is almost the same. So it turns out that with soup we eat fewer calories, but burn the same amount as when eating more high-calorie main courses.

In the cold season, soups are especially relevant. They quickly warm you up, improve metabolism, and provide the body with the warmth and energy it needs. In summer and during the harvest season, soups allow us to use the gifts of nature with maximum benefit for myself. For example, aromatic borscht in meat broth can contain up to 7–8 additional vegetable ingredients.

And some diets are simply based on soups. For example, celery soup. You can eat this soup in unlimited quantities. The more I ate, the more pounds I lost and the more energy I felt.

Fat burning soup recipe

1 bunch of celery, 6 medium onions, several tomatoes, 1 small head of cabbage, 2 green peppers, 2 vegetable stock cubes. Cut the vegetables into small cubes and add water. Season with salt, pepper, and your favorite seasonings. Bring to a boil and simmer for 10 minutes, then reduce heat and simmer until vegetables are soft. This soup can be eaten daily and at any time. The soup adds no calories. You can take it with you in a thermos to work. However, you should not rely solely on this soup. The diet must be supplemented with other components (vegetables, fruits, fish).

Second opinion - soup is harmful!

Why are the health benefits of soups questioned?

Historical reference:
Probably, now no one knows the true meaning of the word “restaurant”; for us it is a place of food consumption. But back in the Middle Ages, the French boiled bones in taverns throughout the night. The gentlemen ate meat and gave the bones to the servants. And from these bones a very rich broth was obtained, which, on the advice of doctors of that time, was given to wounded soldiers, as well as to people exhausted after illness.
In French, the verb to restore is "restaurant", and restorative broth is restaurant. Over time, taverns in which bones were boiled and fed to the poor and wretched began to be called restaurants. Thus, initially a restaurant is not a place where people eat gourmet food, but a place where the poor are fed. This means that bone broth was given to poor people, and it actually restores strength, but if you drink it every day for a long time, then there will be much more harm than good.

So what is the harm of soups?

1. Liquid during meals dilutes gastric juice, which significantly impairs digestion. That is why, according to the rules of separate nutrition, it is not recommended to eat and drink at the same time.
2. Heat treatment dramatically reduces the amount of nutrients in food. All vitamins and biologically active substances They die already at a temperature of about 60 degrees.
3. Warm meat or chicken broth, entering the body, is very quickly absorbed by the intestines, and the liver does not have time to process the large quantities of meat extracts contained in the broth. As a result, extracts in the form of unsplit poisons bypass the liver and begin their “journey” throughout the body, causing harm to internal organs.
4. When cooking meat, various harmful chemicals pass into the broth, the main ones being creatine and creatinine. In addition, in our time, when raising animals for slaughter, to increase their weight, unpious farmers use various chemicals that accumulate in the meat and also harm the consumer. For the sake of example, here are the results of one interesting experiment: chicken carcass, in the cultivation of which the antibiotic tetracycline was used, was boiled for 30 minutes, as a result, traces of this chemical substance appeared on the broiler muscles, and after the next 30 minutes of cooking, the substance completely passed into the broth.

1. You can cook soups (cabbage soup, borscht) using the second broth. That is, the meat is cut into small pieces of 100 grams and placed in cold water. The broth is boiled and cooked for about five minutes. Then this primary broth is drained and new cold water is poured in, which is brought to a boil, and in which you cook the meat and prepare the soup.
2. Cook meat or chicken broth. Then it cools, visible fat is removed from it and diluted with water in a ratio of two to one. The result is a so-called weak broth. The content of fat and extractive substances in it will be significantly less.
3. Or you can also cook it vegetable soup and add separately cooked meat to it.

There are as many opinions as there are people, so whether to eat or not is up to you to decide!

Romanchukevich Tatyana
For women's magazine website

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In this article, I will tell you whether you should eat soups, borscht, etc.)). Are there any benefits from them, if so, what are they; as in general soups, borscht, etc. affect the human body and much more...

In the post-Soviet space, all of us (or the absolute majority) were taught from childhood to eat (traditionally for lunch) first the 1st, and only then the 2nd)). That is why, for us (I mean our people, well, maybe not all, but the absolute majority) - soups, borscht, etc. this is a familiar and tasty thing)), passed on from generation to generation, and which will not surprise anyone...

To be honest, I’m even afraid to talk negatively about this matter, in case they throw stones at me, hehe)). But, as always, I’m not going to hide the truth.

In soups, borscht, etc.- mostly contained LIQUID(water, about 50% if memory serves) and VEGETABLES(well, for example, borscht contains beets (beets), carrots, cabbage, potatoes, onions, beans, tomatoes (tomatoes)), some also contain COMPLEX CARBOHYDRATES (for example, or).

For those who don't know, vegetables and fruits- vital (needed), because are necessary components balanced nutrition and are not inferior in importance to other essential substances (,), because They contain vitamins and minerals and fiber.

  • I don’t think it’s worth talking about vitamins and minerals, because... and so you all understand that they are extremely important (vital) to every organ, every gland, every muscle and cell of our body for the balanced and not only functioning of the whole organism.
  • But few people know about fiber... and it, in turn, is extremely important, because... absorbs accumulated waste and toxins and removes them from the body, contributes to the absence of constipation, etc.; promotes better digestion of food; binds cholesterol and tactfully removes it from the body, and thus the cholesterol level decreases, and with it the risk of atherosclerosis and other diseases; and also has many other extremely useful functions.

But, be that as it may, soups and borscht- not the best best product(in my opinion) of the possible. In short, soups, borscht, etc. are the worst quality alternative (analogue) to fresh VEGETABLES and FRUIT! Why? Yes, because in soup, borscht, etc. will contain much, I emphasize, MUCH less vitamins and minerals and fiber than in fresh fruits and vegetables.

Who doesn't know heat treatment(it is present in soups, borscht, etc.) kills vitamins and minerals, which cannot be said about fresh fruits and vegetables (that's why it's better).

This is it, in a nutshell. In many foreign countries, people do not eat soups, borscht, etc. at all. and what now, do they all have ulcers, colitis, gastritis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, digestion, etc.?))

Of course not... And all because people simply)) have the opportunity to eat all year round(well, if not whole year, then in any case, significantly more often than ours) FIBER (fresh vegetables and fruits), accordingly, they do not need an alternative (replacement, like ours). That's all (the whole secret).

We (in our countries) do not have such an opportunity during the cold season (winter). Accordingly, to compensate for this (lack of fiber, vitamins and minerals), a worse quality alternative (analog) is used, i.e. the same soups, borscht, etc.

  • In general, if you have the opportunity to eat fresh FRUITS and VEGETABLES all year round, then you can easily avoid eating SOUP, BORSCH, etc. without being afraid AT ALL that you will have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis, ulcers, constipation, etc. made-up crap (proof of this is the huge number of countries that do not consume soups, borscht, etc. AT ALL, for example, England, Italy and etc.).
  • If you do not have the opportunity to eat vegetables and fruits all year round (for example, in the cold season, i.e. in winter), then SOUPS, BORSCHS, etc. in my opinion, they are even necessary, because it is still BETTER than nothing at all. Those. this way you will get at least some vitamins and minerals, at least some amount of them, and, accordingly, at least some fiber. Do you understand?

Those. in other words, fresh vegetables and FRUIT 100 times better than soups, borscht, etc., but if you don’t have them, then at least something (soups, borscht, etc.) is better than nothing at all...

Let’s talk about the fact that soups, borscht, etc. are something incredibly useful, and everyone should use them daily, otherwise there will be problems with the gastrointestinal tract, digestion, etc. , - under no circumstances will I (impossible). This is not even close to the case. But don’t get me wrong, I’m also not saying that soups, borscht, etc. - this is categorically BAD, and they should not be eaten. This is also not even close to the case. Although, there are exceptions.

Many experts argue that meat or chicken soup/broth, etc. can be potentially hazardous to health. The fact is that soups (liquid food) are absorbed very quickly by the intestines, unlike solid food. And it is this, in turn, that does not allow the liver to have time to process the meat extracts contained in them (after all, who doesn’t know, meat is not only beneficial for the body, it also contains harmful substances), as a result, toxins not broken down by the liver enter the blood and can cause harm to many internal organs 🙁 so draw your own conclusions.

P.s. my advice regarding meat/chicken soups/broths, etc. which is also promoted by doctors. Meat can also be in the soup, but it is better to boil it separately and only then add it to the dish; the soup itself should be made with vegetable broth... (useful for those who cannot live without soups).

By the way, I am accustomed (like most of our people) to soups, borscht, etc. and I eat when I can and I’m not going to change anything. I really enjoy it, and besides, all this can serve as an excellent variety or promotional tool)) when you’re already tired of eating buckwheat or rice... But! I also eat fresh fruits and vegetables separately DAILY, in the quantities I need, but in any case, everyone decides for themselves.

Best regards, administrator.

Ecology of life. Health: Liquid nutrition involves eating food only in liquid form. The basis of the diet consists of fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies, soups, pureed to a cream, herbal or berry infusions, and of course, pure water.

What is liquid nutrition? Another trend among healthy lifestyle enthusiasts or a new, promising diet? A person who hears about this for the first time may have many questions. How is it useful? What foods to eat, or rather drink? And how long can you live on liquid nutrition? We decided to look into this in more detail and understand why people eat only smoothies, juices and water) It turned out to be informative)

Liquid nutrition involves eating food only in liquid form. The basis of the diet is fruit and vegetable juices, smoothies, soups, pureed to a cream, herbal or berry decoctions, and of course, clean water. For those who are used to eating solid food, this approach to nutrition may seem somewhat strange) In fact, it has a number of advantages. Each of us, regardless of the type of diet and taste preferences, can periodically arrange fasting days for ourselves and eat only liquid food.

Who eats like this?

The category of people is those who adhere to a raw food diet and try even lighter food options. In this case, liquid nutrition is a kind of step between a raw food diet and a prana diet (when a person can do without food). Experience shows that such a period can last from a month to several years. After which, it is possible to move to the next stage, or return to the previous type of nutrition.

The second category of supporters of liquid nutrition are those who care about their health. They do not completely give up solid food, but only temporarily change their diet and eat only juices and smoothies. And at the same time they note a positive effect.

Benefits of liquid nutrition:

As a result, they improve appearance and well-being, energy and strength appear. Some note that the need for sleep is reduced by 2-3 hours. Well, you can only test this for yourself and get a few extra hours of wakefulness)

However, in the event of a sudden transition to liquid nutrition, from the omnivorous mode, it is possible that weakness, dizziness or headache. This is the body's reaction to sudden changes. We should not forget about the processes of intoxication, which are signaled by such conditions. We talked about this in more detail in the article “Detox”. In addition, initially it may seem that it is simply impossible to get enough of a glass of juice or smoothie - your appetite is growing, and the feeling of hunger is relentlessly pursuing. All this is also a temporary phenomenon. In addition, there are no strict restrictions on the amount of smoothies and juices you drink)) Drink for your health)

Is everything useful that is in liquid form?

Despite the numerous benefits of liquid nutrition, you should not rush headlong into the pool and suddenly change your menu. It's best to do this gradually. And if the thought of this type of nutrition scares you, then you can simply spend fasting days on juices and smoothies. This will be enough to feel lightness and freshness)

So, you have decided to have a fasting day. Let's decide on the products that are definitely NOT suitable for this:

- Meat (chicken) and fish. They top the “unsuitable list” because they not only do not cleanse, but on the contrary, they pollute the body. Unloading on such products is a very dubious matter)

- Juices in bags from the nearest supermarket. All these drinks have nothing to do with healthy eating. We don't need extra sugar and calories.

- Dairy products. Despite the recommendations of some doctors and nutritionists to use kefir or cottage cheese for a fasting day, this is not entirely true. Due to the content of various hormones, antibiotics and other substances in milk, the effect of such “cleansing” will most likely be the opposite. In addition, dairy products can acidify the body.

- Traditional soups . Just like other dishes do not meet the parameters of liquid food. They need to be excluded.

- Tea, coffee, cocoa. During the cleanse, you must avoid any caffeine-containing drinks.

What can you eat?

The main condition for liquid nutrition is that food should be liquid, and ideally raw.. You can, of course, eat puree soup from baked vegetables, but the cleansing effect will noticeably decrease.

In fact, the liquid diet is so tasty and varied that you don’t even want to think about soup):

  • Freshly squeezed juices and smoothies from fruits, vegetables, berries and herbs.
  • Nuts and seeds of sesame, flax, sunflower. They should be well chopped.
  • Herbal and berry infusions (teas). In the cold season, you can add ginger root.
  • Water with lemon. A glass of this drink, drunk in the morning, invigorates, cleanses and alkalizes the body.

In addition, during the day you need to drink at least 2 - 2.5 liters of clean water.

Liquid nutrition as a step in evolution.

As a rule, the transition to this type of nutrition on an ongoing basis is associated with a person’s desire to develop and move on. This process cannot be rushed, so everything happens gradually. A safer path looks like this: omnivorous nutrition - vegetarianism - veganism - raw food diet - liquid nutrition - prana diet.

Someone stops at vegetarianism and believes that this is quite enough for him, someone lacks a raw food diet and is ready to move forward, and someone eats fast food and also seems quite happy with life)). Each of us chooses our own path, including in nutrition. Therefore, if you want to switch to liquid nutrition, then you should think carefully about why this is needed? The transition must be gradual and conscious, otherwise you can harm your body. Also, do not forget that returning to your previous diet will set you back a long way and can have a bad effect on your health. Before you radically change your diet, start with one fasting day a week. Then, based on their own feelings and well-being, you can add another fasting day on liquid nutrition. And so on step by step. Perhaps for some period of time a few will be enough for you fasting days per week and proper nutrition)

Of course, the ideal components of liquid nutrition will be self-improvement practices and physical activity. Breathing, meditative techniques and exercises, yoga are useful, all of which are a source of energy and additional strength. Then, instead of weakness and irritation, you will have calmness and a positive attitude! The most important thing is to listen to your body - it will always guide you)). published

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A liquid diet is one of the temporary nutrition options for weight loss or due to any medical indications. What do we know about her?

If you are preparing for gastrointestinal surgery, intestinal research, recovering from poisoning or rotavirus infection, or simply want to lose weight using a new type of diet, try drinking calories instead of eating.

The liquid diet has stricter and more relaxed options. Strict version liquid diet for weight loss implies the use of the most transparent liquids and the complete exclusion of dairy products; in a simpler type, dairy products are allowed, liquid porridge and pureed soups. Some liquid diets are limited to only vegetable and fruit juices.

What is included in a liquid diet?

  • Fruit juices without pulp, such as apple juice or white grape juice
  • Fruit drinks such as strained compote or homemade lemonade
  • Gelatin
  • Tea or coffee without milk or cream
  • Strained tomato or other vegetable juice
  • Sports drinks
  • Clear, low-fat broth
  • Honey or sugar
  • Transparent caramel candies
  • Puree vegetable soups
  • Smoothie
  • Protein shakes
  • Liquid oatmeal
  • Natural yogurt or kefir without additives

Cream soup - a good option for lunch and dinner. The soup must be thoroughly chopped and, if necessary, strained to avoid pieces. You can add yogurt, avocado or tofu to increase the nutritional content. Puree baby food Can also be consumed on a “opaque” diet, although you may need to dilute it with water, milk or broth.

You can also consume fruit smoothies made from skinless, seedless yogurt and puree, or kefir. If you need to add calories, include honey or maple syrup to sweeten your smoothie and also use a little melted butter on the slurry.

Will there be results?

The liquid diet was originally created for use in medical purposes, after which it “went to the masses.” Like any diet that restricts calories, this diet will help you lose weight in a short time. But the results will not last long if you eat as usual after a liquid diet. With a sharp reduction in calories, the metabolism slows down, and as a result, the body begins to “save reserves.” Therefore, after a liquid diet, you should carefully monitor your diet so as not to gain weight back. Research shows that alternating diets (whole grains, vegetables) and liquid nutrition leads to better results than using either diet alone.

Liquid nutrition relieves stress from the gastrointestinal tract and cleanses the intestines, so it is a good start for switching to a healthier and more dietary diet.

Is a liquid diet safe?

If your diet is chosen correctly, and this should be done by a specialist, then you will receive the necessary microelements. However, a “transparent” diet implies the exclusion of everything minimally solid, which means that the body will not receive fiber, which is necessary for many processes, but primarily for digestion.

It is not advisable to remain on a liquid diet for more than a week. It is not recommended to stick to a “transparent” diet for longer than 2-3 days.

Experts recommend combining liquid and solid diet foods to achieve best results. For example, a few days of a “transparent” diet, the rest of the week - just liquid food, and after that liquid meals remain as 1-2 meals a day.

Before switching to such a diet, you should definitely consult your doctor. He will recommend whether you need to undergo any examinations, since there are medical contraindications, such as diabetes, pregnancy, kidney disease, diabetes, heart disease or high blood pressure.

Doctors warn that on a liquid diet you may experience headaches, bowel problems, and mood swings. Many adherents of juice detoxes claim that this is the body’s reaction to cleansing, but doctors are skeptical about such claims. They say the trouble with a liquid diet is that calorie intake is so low that your blood sugar levels drop and your gut doesn't get enough fiber, causing it to stop working.

Sample menu on a liquid diet

Option 1


  • 1 glass vegetable juice without pulp
  • 1 cup plain jelly
  • 1 cup of tea or coffee without milk (add a little sugar or honey if desired)


  • 1 glass of fruit juice without pulp
  • 1 cup plain jelly


  • 1 cup fruit or vegetable juice, without pulp
  • 1 cup broth
  • 1 cup jelly
  • 1 glass of water



  • 1 glass of juice without pulp or water
  • 1 cup broth
  • 1 cup jelly
  • 1 cup of coffee or tea without milk