Dark chocolate: benefits and harm to human health. The benefits of dark chocolate: what's good about it? Rules for consuming dark chocolate without harm to health, contraindications

The recipe for making a drink from crushed cocoa beans and water was known more than 3 thousand years ago. His rich story goes back to the origins of ancient Indian civilizations. Although then not everyone could drink the magic potion. Chocolate treat endowed with extraordinary magical properties. Therefore, the honor of eating ancient drink provided only to especially revered persons - priests, tribal leaders, etc.

The fruits of the cocoa tree themselves were also highly valued. For a long time they served the Indians as currency. For example, a slave was sold for a hundred beans, a rabbit cost 10 beans. There are even cases of counterfeiting of such unusual money.

All this time, cocoa beans were consumed as a drink. The first chocolate bar appeared at the beginning of the 19th century. Since then sweet dessert does not lose its popularity, and the options for its preparation number in the thousands.

Chocolate selection criteria

Modern store shelves delight you with an abundance of all kinds of chocolate. However, such diversity easily confuses the inexperienced buyer. What should you pay close attention to before purchasing a sweet bar?

  • Compound. IN good product all ingredients must be natural. The content of various substitutes, trans fats and flavorings indicates the low quality of the product. Composition of high-quality chocolate: 1st place - cocoa mass (55% or more, optimally - 72%), 2nd place - cocoa butter (30% or less), 3rd place - sugar. It is permissible to add lecithin emulsifier.
  • Best before date. Natural chocolate cannot be stored for long. If the manufacturer promises the safety of its product for a year, you should think about whether you need to make such a purchase.
  • Compliance with GOST. A mark indicating compliance with all manufacturing standards must be on the label.
  • Variety. Of all the sweet options, only dark chocolate. It is this one that is the most useful and closest to the original recipe of the ancient delicacy.

Health benefits of dark chocolate

The benefits of dark chocolate, known since ancient times, are explained by the rich composition of the main ingredient - cocoa beans. They contain about three hundred minerals and other useful substances - a whole vitamin complex:

  • amino acids– calm, relax, improve emotional mood, stabilize sleep;
  • antioxidants– improve metabolic processes and work of cardio-vascular system, free cells from free radicals, normalize cholesterol levels;
  • theobromine– improves heart function;
  • tannins– have antidiarrheal and hemostatic properties;
  • magnesium– protects against depression, increases the body’s immune forces, strengthens memory;
  • tryptophan– fights stressful conditions.

In the journal " Basic Research » for 2014 (No. 7) the results were published scientific work to study the effect of dark chocolate on the emotional state of patients. As a result of research, it has been convincingly proven that consuming 20 g of dark chocolate (72% cocoa) daily for 3 months significantly reduces signs of anxiety, restlessness, improves mood and overall well-being, and increases resistance to stress.

The benefits of dark chocolate for women

Most women have a sweet tooth. There is an opinion that all sugar-containing products are harmful to health. However, a few shares of good chocolate will have an extremely positive effect:

  • stimulates mental activity by nourishing the brain;
  • antioxidants in the product prolong youth;
  • theobromine, present in dark chocolate, is useful for bronchopulmonary diseases, eliminates discomfort in the throat and cough during the onset of a cold - just slowly dissolve a small slice;
  • calcium contained in the product strengthens bone tissue;
  • thanks to magnesium, it regulates and accelerates metabolism, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and improves mood;
  • fluoride and phosphates have a positive effect on the condition of teeth.

In addition, the unique composition of chocolate allows you to:

  • relieve PMS, reduce discomfort during menstruation;
  • significantly reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes;
  • have an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • protect against heart disease;
  • normalize cholesterol levels;
  • minimize the production of cortisol (the stress hormone), while simultaneously stimulating the production of endorphin (the joy hormone);
  • improve blood circulation and prevent the formation of blood clots;
  • dull the feeling of hunger during a diet;
  • normalize blood pressure (30 g of chocolate daily can help with this purpose).

Pregnant and lactating women Chocolate should be consumed with caution. Firstly, it is high in calories. Secondly, it can provoke allergies. However, in small quantities the treat will not harm.

The use of chocolate in cosmetology gives amazing results: tones, tightens, heals and nourishes the skin. Besides, chocolate masks have a rejuvenating effect. And wraps instantly get rid of excess volume and manifestations of cellulite.

The benefits of dark chocolate for men

The effect of chocolate on male body has been carefully studied in Karolinska Medical Institute(Sweden). Scientists have proven:

  • improved blood counts, which significantly reduces the risk of thrombosis and atherosclerotic formations;
  • reducing the risk of alcoholism - to achieve a significant effect, the body must receive sufficient quantity salsolinol (one of the components of cocoa);
  • increased stress resistance and overall beneficial effect on the condition nervous system– significantly improves the quality of life;
  • level normalization blood pressure and cholesterol reduction;
  • prevent heart disease – the risk of stroke or heart attack is reduced by 15 percent with regular use hot chocolate drink(up to 50 ml per day);
  • the presence of a natural aphrodisiac in cocoa beans, which can restore potency, increase libido and increase the duration of sexual intercourse;
  • increasing the activity and viability of sperm, as well as stimulating testosterone production due to zinc in chocolate.

Harm of dark chocolate and possible contraindications

Dark dark chocolate is considered the safest. The benefits and harms of this product are not comparable. Undoubtedly, moderate consumption sweets will only do good. Still a small risk negative influence health is present. Why chocolate can be dangerous:

  • It is very tasty. Therefore, it is difficult to stop in time and not eat the entire tile at once. And such imprudent behavior entails very unpleasant consequences: excess weight, rapid increase in blood sugar, insomnia, etc.
  • Cheap bars have nothing in common with real chocolate. But children love them so much for their colorful wrapping and low price. Inattention to the composition of the foods you eat can cause serious damage to your health.
  • Uncontrolled consumption can increase allergic reaction.

It is better to exclude chocolate from your diet if you have the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • urolithiasis (there is a possibility of kidney stones);
  • migraine (possible aggravation of the condition due to vasoconstriction);
  • allergy;
  • metabolic disease.

Interactions with drugs

British doctors discovered and proved the ability of chocolate to enhance the effects of certain medicines, used to eliminate inflammatory processes, lower cholesterol and other purposes. Currently, based on this discovery, fundamentally new drugs are being developed, consisting exclusively of natural ingredients. The expected effectiveness is 10-20 times higher than existing drugs.

It is not recommended to consume chocolate while taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors (antidepressants). In this case, a sharp increase in pressure is possible.

In other situations, you should consider general rule: chocolate enhances the effect of stimulants and reduces (sometimes even neutralizes) the effect of sedatives and hypnotics.

Brief conclusions

In order for chocolate to bring only benefits, you need to follow simple principles:

  • Buy only quality product trusted manufacturer.
  • Consume a moderate amount of sweets - 20-30 g per day is acceptable.
  • Eat correctly - in small pieces, without chewing, allowing the treat to slowly melt in your mouth.
  • Consider calories.
  • Study the label carefully.

Carefully studied benefits and harms of dark chocolate allow lovers of the delicacy to draw the right conclusions and eliminate mistakes in the use of this most valuable product. Taking into account the information received, you can treat yourself to your favorite treat without harm to the body.

The only benefit of chocolate for many of us is that this delicacy can lift our spirits with its taste. Otherwise, every woman who cares about her figure will avoid consuming even a slice of chocolate, for fear of gaining weight. overweight. However, this sweetness, as it turned out, contains considerable benefits for female body. About how chocolate can be useful and how chocolate bars on the shelves of our stores is worth trusting - the site will tell you today.

The benefits of chocolate: which chocolate is really healthy

Now in every supermarket or confectionery store you will find many varieties of chocolate with various fillings, pieces of fruit or nuts, and even an exotic combination of the taste of cocoa beans and spices. And it would be a mistake to think that all this chocolate is healthy. Those properties that we will tell you about below apply exclusively to dark chocolate, which contains only cocoa bean butter without any additional impurities. It is useful to eat in small quantities; it does not harm tooth enamel, does not cause allergic reactions and will not lead to weight gain.
The benefits of milk or white chocolate are generally a myth. Milk bars contain a large amount of sugar, while cocoa, on the contrary, contains less. But the most useless and even harmful is white chocolate. It can even be considered chocolate only conditionally, because the cocoa butter content in it is generally minimal - at the level of 20 percent.

Only dark chocolate with the maximum percentage of cocoa beans will be healthy. This is what you can eat without harming your figure and teeth. However, even here it is important to know when to stop and not get carried away even with this healthy sweetness.

The benefits of chocolate for our body

Nutritionists note that dark chocolate will only be beneficial if you eat no more than 25 grams of it per day. That is, this is a quarter of a regular chocolate bar weighing 100 grams.

And if you follow this advice, you will find the following: beneficial features this sweetness:
1. It stimulates mental activity due to the phosphorus it contains, which nourishes brain cells.
2. It improves the processes of cellular metabolism due to the content of magnesium, which is necessary to normalize the functioning of the cells of our body, as a result of which our well-being improves.
3. Strengthens bone tissue due to calcium content. Therefore, it is especially useful for children to eat dark chocolate - instead of regular sweets and confectionery products. Of course, you need to observe moderation.
4. Due to the content of theanine, the condition of teeth improves - it has antibacterial properties. This excellent prevention caries! In addition, the fluoride contained in each tile strengthens tooth enamel.
5. Strengthens the immune system during illness.
As you can see, the benefits of chocolate are not fairy tales. An ordinary delicacy bar is fraught with many useful properties that you didn’t even know about. That is, not all sweets spoil your teeth and figure, as many of us are used to thinking. Dark chocolate can become not only an excellent treat, but also a healthy product for every day.

Dark chocolate can stimulate brain function, improve the condition of bone tissue and metabolic processes at the cellular level. You can also eat chocolate at a time of year when there is a risk of colds, because it strengthens the immune system.

The benefits of chocolate for the female body

Every representative of the fair half of humanity loves this delicacy and will not miss the opportunity to pamper herself with a few slices. And for good reason, because the benefits of chocolate are a proven fact. True, many girls try to exclude any confectionery products for fear of harming their figure.
But we hasten to assure you that a few shares of dark chocolate will not only do no harm, but will also bring benefits.

And here's what:
1. Normalization of mood - due to frequent mood swings, women may experience a depressed state. And the best solution in this case would be chocolate, because it acts like an antidepressant due to the magnesium content in its composition.
2. Facilitates the course of premenstrual syndrome - just 25 grams of chocolate per day will help smooth out mood swings in the period before menstruation.
3. Prolongs youth - the content of antioxidants in each tile will slow down the aging process of cells.
4. A powerful aphrodisiac - since the times of the French favorites, chocolate has been considered a powerful stimulant. sexual energy. This has been proven by Italian scientists who discovered the following pattern: women who indulge in a few slices of chocolate every day have a more active sex life.

For the female body, chocolate is useful because it normalizes mood, helps fight the aging process, and also acts like an aphrodisiac. In addition, this sweetness can alleviate premenstrual syndrome, which is characterized by sudden mood swings.

So, the benefits of chocolate for women are undeniable and lie in its positive effect on brain function, mood and bone health. It also helps maintain youthful skin, as well as increase sexual activity! Of course, you can find all these beneficial properties only in dark chocolate, and not in other confectionery products of this kind, which should be completely excluded from your diet. However, moderation is also necessary for useful option chocolate, otherwise it will have a bad effect on your figure. A little bit of dark dark chocolate will bring undoubted benefits.

Chocolate is one of the favorite treats of almost every person. Black, milk, with raisins or nuts - taste preferences vary.

It is worth noting that dark chocolate has significant benefits for the body. Ideal product one containing 72% cocoa. It is natural, has a bitter taste, and a rich aroma.

Calorie content and composition of dark chocolate

Each brand produces dark chocolate using its own technology. The consumer needs to know that the more cocoa in the composition, the healthier the product will be. It is also worth noting the calorie content of dark chocolate. There are 539 kcal per 100 grams.

A few drops of the product will not harm your figure, as it has low glycemic index. Representatives of the fair sex, who care about their figure, limit their diet to sweet treats. This does not apply to dark chocolate. Even the strictest diet is allowed a piece of dark chocolate.

Few people realize that the benefits of dark chocolate stem from its valuable vitamin composition:

Thiamine and riboflavin;


Calcium, sodium, phosphorus, iron;

Vitamin E, PP.

The benefits of dark chocolate for the human body

It's hard to believe that eating chocolate can have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the human body. However, it has been proven that this is indeed the case. It is recommended to eat a slice of dark chocolate daily for both adults and children.

1. Surprisingly, just a piece of dark chocolate calms a long, tiresome cough. The product contains the substance theobromine. Medical studies have shown that it softens the throat and soothes coughs.

2. Allows you to lower blood pressure. People with high blood pressure are recommended to consume 30 grams of dark chocolate (72% cocoa or more) daily.

3. If you constantly consume dark chocolate (in reasonable quantities), the risk of stroke and heart attack is reduced. It is also known that the product contains antioxidants, which are beneficial for brain function, as well as the cardiovascular system.

4. Reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood.

5. The benefits of dark chocolate for the nervous system have been repeatedly proven. 20-30 grams of the product relieve stress and quickly improve your mood. As a result of eating chocolate, the production of the hormone endorphin (the hormone of happiness) is stimulated, resulting in a feeling of satisfaction.

6. Dark chocolate contains: large quantities antioxidants. They are required by the human body to fight free radicals. Antioxidants help slow down the aging process of the body and prevent the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system and heart.

7. Dark chocolate “tempts the appetite.” It is for this reason that the product is not prohibited from being included in the diet of even the most stringent weight loss methods. A slice of dark chocolate replenishes daily requirement in sweets, controls the number of calories.

8. Calcium in the composition strengthens teeth, the skeletal system, and prevents the development of caries.

9. Dark chocolate can sometimes be used as an “analgesic.” 20-30 grams of the product will help relieve pain during menstruation in the fair sex.

How to choose good dark chocolate

Dark chocolate can be found in every store from various manufacturers. However, it is not recommended to rush and buy the first tile of the product you come across. There are several “secrets”, knowledge of which will help you choose good chocolate, really good for health.

1. Be sure to initially pay attention to the composition indicated on the packaging. A quality product contains less than 30% cocoa butter and more than 55% cocoa mass. It is recommended to buy chocolate that contains 72% cocoa - it is the most natural and healthy.

2. When breaking a chocolate bar, a person will hear a slight crunch.

3. The color of dark chocolate will not be black. It is dark, black-brown.

4. It is necessary to pay attention to other ingredients of the product composition. There should be only three components - these are powdered sugar, cocoa mass and cocoa butter. Nothing more unnecessary.

Important! Presence of chocolate bar on the surface white plaque says he is old.

Some manufacturers use to make the product Palm oil. The main thing is that it should not be more than 5%, otherwise the benefits of dark chocolate will immediately burn out.

Homemade dark chocolate: tasty, healthy, simple

How to get maximum benefit dark chocolate for your body? Of course, cook it yourself at home. The recipe is extremely simple, the process will not take much time. The result will be amazing. The result is delicious, healthy dark chocolate - absolutely natural. The main advantage is that a person will clearly know what ingredients he used.

The following components need to be prepared:

100 grams of cocoa beans;

40-60 grams of cocoa butter;

2-3 tablespoons honey, you can also use coconut sugar.

According to your taste, you can diversify the recipe with other ingredients - mint, raisins, vanilla, orange zest.

Step-by-step recipe for making dark chocolate at home

1. Using a coffee grinder, cocoa beans are ground to a powder.

2. Melt cocoa butter in a water bath (do not bring it to a boil).

3. Cocoa butter is thoroughly mixed into the cocoa bean powder. When the mass reaches room temperature, honey is added there too. Everything is thoroughly mixed.

4. Chocolate mass ready. All that remains is to pour it into prepared molds and put it in the refrigerator overnight. As a result, in the morning you will be able to enjoy incredibly tasty, aromatic natural candy and cocoa beans.

What harm can dark chocolate cause to the body?

The benefits of dark chocolate for the body can only be obtained if you do not abuse the product. It is not recommended to be included in the diet of people with metabolic disorders or high blood sugar levels.

Contraindications and important nuances eating dark chocolate

1. The presence of migraine attacks is one of important contraindications to use the product. It contains tannin, which is characterized by a vasoconstrictor effect.

2. If you buy chocolate Low quality, its use leads to exacerbation of gastritis.

3. Abuse of the product can lead to insomnia, dizziness, rashes on the dermis (allergies).

4. In view high calorie content You can consume no more than 20-30 grams of dark chocolate per day. All excess will affect the waist centimeters.

The benefits of dark chocolate for the body are invaluable. If you choose only a high-quality product and do not abuse quantity, you can achieve an amazing effect.

Chocolate - benefits and harm, beneficial properties - benefits for women's health, heart, blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, immune, nervous system, calorie content, contraindications

Chocolate is one of the favorite delicacies of incorrigible sweet tooths, and it is also very useful product and a wonderful medicine. True, this statement is only true for high-quality dark chocolate; other types – milky, white, with various additives, are inferior to him in many respects.

Who benefits from chocolate? Chocolate is useful for children and the elderly, men and women, athletes and people engaged in intellectual work. True, there is one “but”: according to scientists, 25 g of this delicacy per day is good for us, but everything else is no longer good.

Calorie content of chocolate— chocolate is a high-calorie product. One bar weighing 100 grams contains about 500 calories, their main sources are milk and glucose. The calorie content of chocolate is increased by nuts, candied fruits, raisins, cream and other additives.

The benefits of chocolate - beneficial properties

1. Chocolate is an excellent antidepressant

It “erases” sadness, drives away melancholy, and counteracts depression. It also improves mood and energizes you. This is probably the most nice feature sweet aromatic tiles.

As Marina Tsvetaeva wrote: “To be like a stem and to be like steel in life, where we can do so little... Treat sadness with chocolate, and laugh in the face of passers-by!”

2. Chocolate saves us from heart attacks, strokes and atherosclerosis

Miraculous essential oils, which are contained in this noble product, prevent the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. Chocolate, like wine and grapes, is rich in flavonoids, which prevent platelets from sticking together. Half a bar of dark chocolate contains the same amount as 5 cups of green tea and 6 apples.

3. Chocolate is good for the heart and blood vessels

Polyphenols contained in cocoa beans improve blood flow, and this, in turn, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. Half a bar contains as many polyphenols as a glass of red wine.

Chocolate strengthens blood vessels, improves blood circulation and blood composition, normalizes blood pressure and increases sensitivity to insulin. The latter means that by choosing chocolate over other treats, we reduce the likelihood of developing diabetes.

4. Chocolate protects us from cancer and peptic ulcers

Chocolate is a powerful antioxidant. He, like green tea, contains catechin, which reduces the amount of harmful free radicals in the blood. Japanese scientists have proven that if you eat up to 40 g of this every day tasty treat, the risk of developing cancer is significantly reduced. But the Japanese are one of the longest-living and rarely ill nations in the world, and understanding the benefits of chocolate plays an important role in this achievement.

5. Chocolate is good for the brain and nervous system

The microelements that this noble product is rich in, in particular magnesium and potassium, provide normal work nervous system, and caffeine and theobromine have a mild tonic effect. Chocolate improves memory, increases attention, and stimulates brain activity. It is also very useful for older people, as it helps prevent senile dementia.

6. Chocolate eases PMS

Fatigue, irritation, apathy, which many women feel every month on certain days, is explained by a decrease in the level of hormones that are responsible for good mood. Magnesium and fatty acids, which dark chocolate is rich in, help relieve these unpleasant symptoms.

7. Chocolate is a great way to prevent colds

Cocoa contains theobromine, a substance that treats coughs. Therefore, chocolate helps with a severe cough better than any pill. This fact was confirmed by London scientists. And dark chocolate also stops inflammation and eases sore throats - Italian researchers came to this conclusion.

8. Chocolate improves digestion

Chocolate good quality stimulates the contraction of the intestinal muscles, which has a beneficial effect on its work, and also improves the body’s absorption of sugar found in food. The tannin contained in chocolate has a mild laxative effect and helps remove toxins from the body.

The harm of chocolate - what is harmful about chocolate?

However, there is exquisite delicacy and avid opponents who claim: “From chocolate more harm than good." Is it really?

Firstly, as already mentioned, chocolate of high quality varieties and in reasonable quantities can only bring benefits. Another thing is when a person buys cheap product and does not know how to limit himself in its consumption.

Debunking myths about the dangers of chocolate

1. Chocolate provokes acne, inflammation and pimples.

If a person eats nothing but chocolate, this statement may be true. In all other cases, such accusations are unfair. Problem skin- this is a consequence of poor nutrition, which leads to disruptions in the hormonal system, and chocolate can only be an “accomplice” of harmful foods if eaten in large quantities along with them.

2. Chocolate harms gums, destroys tooth enamel and promotes the development of tooth decay.

In fact, everything is just the opposite: a piece of dark chocolate - best prevention caries. Canadian dentists have proven this. Cocoa butter protects teeth from destruction by enveloping them with a protective film, and chocolate itself contains antibacterial components.

3. Chocolate makes you feel better quickly

Absolutely true for those who eat 2-3 bars a day. But if you consume this sweet delicacy in reasonable quantities, your figure will not suffer. Moreover, chocolate can be part of the diet, but only bitter: firstly, it burns fat, and secondly, it is an excellent source of energy, which, due to the cocoa butter content in chocolate, is consumed for a long time. Nutritionists even recommend treating yourself to a few pieces of this delicacy before training.

4. Chocolate causes allergies

This sweetness can indeed intensify an allergic reaction, but it cannot become its independent cause. People who are allergic to the proteins contained in cocoa should buy dietary products without these proteins. If chocolate is sold in a bakery, it may come into contact with confectionery products and cause illness in a person who is allergic to gluten.

5. Chocolate contains a lot of caffeine

Yes, it is not recommended to eat chocolate for dinner, as it has a slight stimulating effect. But this product can be an excellent substitute for coffee, especially for hypotensive people, because chocolate is healthier and safer than a drink made from beans coffee tree. One bar of the popular delicacy contains only 30 g of caffeine. This is about 5 times less than a cup of coffee.

6. Chocolate is addictive

This noble product actually contains substances that resemble marijuana in their action, but in order to feel the narcotic effect, you need to eat at least 50 bars at once. Of course, if a person eats 300-400 grams of chocolate daily for a long time, dependence on this confectionery product may arise.

Contraindications for eating chocolate

Young parents should know that dark chocolate should not be given to children. And they are unlikely to like the taste of it.

People who suffer from liver disease, metabolic disorders or are overweight should limit their chocolate consumption. Patients are also forced to exclude chocolate from their diet. diabetes mellitus. But they can buy a product in which sugar is replaced with maltitol.

Always buy only quality chocolate, enjoy it yourself, treat it to your friends, give it to your loved ones and be happy!

Dark chocolate contains many biologically active substances. These include anti-aging antioxidants, theobromine, which helps heal diseases and lungs and stimulates the cardiovascular system.

It has been proven that daily use small quantity dark chocolate helps reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, prevents the formation of blood clots and helps normalize blood pressure, so chocolate with high content Cocoa can serve people suffering from atherosclerosis and other diseases of the heart and blood vessels not only as a delicacy, but also as a kind of medicine.

Dark chocolate stimulates metabolism and is easily absorbed by the body, which allows you to include it even in dietary ration. In addition, it increases efficiency, stimulates concentration, and promotes mental activity.

Chocolate is known as natural, and it is bitter dark bars that best improve your mood - due to the high cocoa content, this type of chocolate is replete with serotonin, tryptophan, magnesium, B vitamins and other substances that affect the functioning of the nervous system. Just half a standard tile will even help relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, eliminating depressed mood, irritability and tearfulness.

Is chocolate harmful?

Due to the high content of cocoa powder and cocoa butter, dark chocolate can cause an allergic reaction. Because of this, and also because of the alkaloid theobromine, which is similar in action to caffeine, it is not recommended - consuming even a few small pieces can cause agitation and insomnia.

Tannin, which is part of dark chocolate, can constrict blood vessels, so people suffering from migraines should pay attention to other sweets - just like those who have urolithiasis or kidney stone disease. Contained oxalates (oxalic acid salts) contribute to the formation of kidney and bladder stones.

Excessive consumption of dark chocolate may harm those who struggle with overweight– the calorie content of this delicacy is quite high (about 500 kcal per 100 grams), so if you eat more than the recommended amount, it’s easy to gain a few extra pounds. Experts assure that it is enough to consume 25-50 grams of dark chocolate a day to feel its beneficial effects - more will not be beneficial.

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The Aztecs at one time gave humanity a huge gift. The “food of the gods” that he loved is still popular today, not only due to its exceptional taste, but also to its beneficial properties that affect the body. We are, of course, talking about dark chocolate.

About types of chocolate

Today there are 3 main types of chocolate - white, milk and bitter - and many ways to diversify them (even with such unexpected ingredients as hot pepper or violet petals). White chocolate- this is mainly cocoa butter (the main thing is that it is not replaced vegetable fat). Dairy is high concentration sugar and flavorings. And only dark chocolate contains from 70 to 97% cocoa beans, which explains it.

About the composition and benefits of dark chocolate

The main advantage of dark chocolate lies in the flavonoids it contains. It is these compounds that have a beneficial effect on circulatory system, normalize blood pressure, reduce fatigue and increase resistance to external irritating factors, bringing the state of the nervous system closer to ideal. It is important that the antioxidants contained in dark chocolate protect the body from colds, and serotonin, also called the “happiness hormone,” improves mood and helps overcome depression.

It is generally accepted that dark chocolate contains a maximum of cocoa beans. But dark chocolate can only be called dark if it contains at least 90% cocoa products.

Bitter contains substances similar in properties to insulin, which allows people suffering from diabetes to please themselves with something sweet. It is dark chocolate that is often used in diets, because... normalizes digestion and breaks down cholesterol.

There is an opinion that such healthy dark chocolate is also an aphrodisiac. Of course, it increases the overall tone of the body and even improves mood, but its effect on attractiveness to strangers has not been scientifically proven.

In cosmetology

Chocolate has magical property increase skin elasticity, activates blood flow to the upper tissues of the body and improves complexion, which is why it is used in recipes for masks and creams.

Milk baths with the addition of chocolate were very popular among rich women. Sometimes ginger or pepper was also used in the composition, activating blood flow and giving a natural blush.

Its anti-cellulite effect is actively used in wrapping procedures with additional components.

About the dangers of dark chocolate

There are some contraindications for eating chocolate. Still, you shouldn’t overuse it, as any chocolate destroys your teeth. Besides, this product is a fairly strong allergen.

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Nowadays, many are interested in the problem of proper nutrition. However, not everyone has a specific idea of ​​what needs to be done in order to successfully comply with it and see the desired result.

First, let's look at the very concept of this term. Proper nutrition is a balanced and properly structured diet that contains the necessary amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and vitamins for normal functioning. human body, which promotes healthy weight loss in a person and does not cause any harm to him.

The main component of proper nutrition is protein. It is found in large quantities in meat, fish and low-fat cheese, eggs. It is imperative to monitor the amount of healthy fats you consume, which are also one of the most important building materials of the human body. Healthy fats contained in olive oil and nuts. To normalize metabolism, a small amount of these products is sufficient, since in addition to their beneficial properties, they have big amount calories. Carbohydrates supply the body not only useful substances, but also energy. Correct and healthy carbohydrates is in fresh vegetables, dried fruits, honey, whole grains, which are also rich in fiber. Addendum to proper nutrition are vitamin complexes that need to be taken daily to saturate the body with all the necessary substances.

In order to comply, you must follow simple rules:

1. Eliminate fatty, overly spicy and sweet foods from your diet.

2. Harmful products, carrying only empty ones, need to be replaced with more useful ones. For example, you should refuse milk chocolate in favor of bitter, high cocoa content. And instead of sweets, use fresh fruits, which in addition to sugar contain essential vitamins. The only exceptions are bananas and grapes; they should not be consumed in large quantities.

3. Drink at least two liters daily clean water, not counting other drinks (coffee, tea, juices and other liquids).

4. Food should be prepared by baking, stewing and steaming. It is not recommended to fry anything, since everything nutrients and beneficial properties are lost with this method of preparation.

5. It is better to replace carbonated drinks, fast food snacks and alcoholic feasts with good healthy sleep, walking and light exercise.

So that the diet does not harm, but only brings benefits, you need to make your diet complete. Required amount proteins, fats and carbohydrates will allow you not to feel hungry and feel good during the diet.
