Calorie content Boiled beef heart. Chemical composition and nutritional value. Beef heart - cooking recipes, benefits and harms

Beef heart is an offal belonging to category 1. It is a dense fibrous muscle tissue that contains a lot of protein, vitamins and a small amount of fat. Product recommended for dietary nutrition teenagers, older people and pregnant women, as well as people with low hemoglobin and various diseases cardiovascular and nervous systems. What else is the benefit beef heart? Is any harm possible from it? Let's talk about this, and also look at cooking some dishes with it on this page "Popular about Health".

What are the benefits of beef heart??

The offal is distinguished by a high content of B vitamins, which allows it to be used in the menu for improving health in case of problems nervous system. It is useful to eat it for people who are exposed to great physical activity every day. Cow heart muscle contains a lot of iron. The inclusion of this meat in the diet improves blood composition with low hemoglobin. High protein content and low fat content is another advantage of the offal. It is useful for athletes and people who want to lose weight. Regular consumption of beef heart also improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails, and also helps reduce cholesterol levels.

Amino acids in the by-product synthesize complex enzymes that take part in the renewal of cellular structures and connections. Beef heart is a low-calorie product (96 kcal per 100 g). Are there any contraindications for it?

Damage to beef heart and contraindications

When consumed in moderation, beef heart is not harmful to health. However, if too often and in large quantities If you eat it, a lot of protein enters the body, and this is harmful. Why, since protein is the main component of every cell? When proteins break down, urea and glucose accumulate in the body, resulting in a risk of developing diabetes mellitus and gout, the load on the kidneys increases. Moderate use Protein food will not cause harm, so beef heart should be eaten, but in reasonable quantities. What dishes are prepared from this offal?

Beef heart recipes

Beef heart can be used to prepare the most different dishes and snacks - pates, salads, pancake fillings, goulash, cutlets - everything is the same as for meat. Let's look at a few recipes with beef heart.


Ingredients: beef heart (young) – 500 g; onion heads – 3; carrots – 3; butter – 200g; salt to taste, ground black pepper.

Boil the heart for an hour, cool directly in the broth, which, by the way, is perfect for hodgepodge if you like it. Chop carrots and onions and fry in a frying pan. Leave the oil at room temperature for softening. Cut the finished cooled meat into bars and pass through a meat grinder. We do the same with onions and carrots. Ready mass salt and season to taste, mix.

All that remains is to combine it with softened butter. This can be done using a blender, then the pate will turn out more tender. Transfer the mixture into a container and place it in the refrigerator. For a more pronounced taste, you can add beef liver as an ingredient.

Beef heart cutlets

Ingredients: heart – 600-700 g; onion – 2 heads; garlic – 2 cloves; eggs – 2; semolina – 2 tbsp. l.; salt, spices. For gravy – water (500 ml, salt, Bay leaf, onion head, carrots, sour cream – 50 g, tomato paste– 1 tbsp. l., spices).

Wash the offal, remove films and fatty growths, cut into slices, and pass through a meat grinder twice. Chop the onion and sauté in a frying pan until soft. Chop the garlic. Combine minced meat, chopped onion, garlic in a bowl, semolina, add eggs, spices and salt. Mix the mixture and set aside for half an hour so that the semolina swells slightly. In the meantime, let's prepare the gravy in which we will simmer the cutlets after frying.

Chop the onions and carrots, place them in a frying pan and fry until soft. Now add tomato and sour cream, spices, salt, simmer for 5 minutes. Pour the gravy into a small saucepan, and we will need a frying pan for frying the cutlets. We form small oval balls of minced meat with wet palms and place them in a frying pan.

Fry them for 2-3 minutes on both sides (no need to fry too much, the main thing is for the meat to set). We transfer the cutlets into the hot gravy and put them on the fire to simmer for at least half an hour under the lid.

Filling for pancakes and pies

Ingredients: beef heart – 500 g; bulbs – 3; salt, bay leaf, other spices as desired, vegetable oil.

Boil the offal for an hour until soft in salted water, adding a bay leaf for flavor. Cool in broth. Pass it through a meat grinder. Chop the onion and sauté until soft. Place minced meat in a frying pan boiled heart and lightly fry in oil. Taste for salt, add more salt if necessary, add ground pepper and any spices to your taste. The filling for the beef heart pancakes is ready. By the way, you can also use it to make navy-style pasta, it will be very tasty.

We talked about the beneficial properties and contraindications of beef heart, and looked at the preparation. It is prepared like regular meat, only the important thing is that it has less fat content and contains more valuable substances - protein, iron, vitamins, amino acids. This is why it is valuable.

Beef heart belongs to category 1 by-products, which differ high content biologically active substances, is actively used in the diet for cooking as independent dishes, and in the form of side dishes and additives to others. In nutritional value it is quite a bit inferior to meat; consists of dense muscle tissue with very fine fibers. Value, taste and quality depend on age - young is better in all respects.


Rich vitamin and mineral composition is beneficial for healthy rational nutrition and for those who suffer:

  • Cardiovascular diseases
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Anemia.

Included in nutrition to improve blood composition during the recovery period after injuries, infectious diseases and operations. It has an average calorie content, and the composition of vitamins from group B is almost six times greater than in beef meat. It is recommended by nutritionists for elderly people and people experiencing great physical and mental stress. A valuable dietary product - with a budget price (available to everyone).

High content chromium compounds help glucose penetrate into cells (GTP factor), and if there is not enough chromium, then the level of sugar and cholesterol in the body increases, and vitamin B6 has the same property. Biological properties such compounds: regulation of blood glucose levels, early and ulcer healing, improving sexual function, anti-sclerotic and many others.

Only the liver produces heparin - doctors use it to normalize blood clotting: to prevent and combat thrombosis and varicose veins.

In the energy balance - 61.9% is protein. Vitamins and minerals help strengthen and improve hair, nails, and facial skin. Amino acids are involved in the synthesis of complex enzymes, which then renew and build cellular structures and tissues of the body. Protein strengthens immune system and increases defenses.


In order to diversify your diet with inexpensive and low-calorie dishes, they cook from the heart various salads– with vegetables and spices, stews, pates; stewed, baked, fried. Served a separate dish or as a side dish. You should choose something that is elastic, has a fresh “meaty” smell, and must be tested by sanitary and epidemiological inspection services.


With the right diet, when there is no excess protein, there are no contraindications; it is possible for pregnant women, children, sick and healthy people. The high cholesterol content (140 mg/100 grams) should also be taken into account when creating a menu. Cholesterol can damage the lining of blood vessels from the inside, forming plaques that gradually calcify and block the vessels. And atherosclerosis is known to impair cardiac function and cause other diseases.

But if the product is used in large quantities– the result is an unbalanced diet and protein is supplied in excess. In this case, there may be poisoning by decay products - ketosis, the digestive system and kidneys will be overloaded.

Conclusion: everything is good in moderation.

The nutritional value

Quantity valuable substances per 100 grams of product and % of daily requirement

Vitamins and minerals

The tables reflect their content in 100 grams and their % ratio to the daily norm.


Name Content in 100 grams in mg
A(RE) 20.0 mcg 2. 2
B1 (thiamine) 0.36 mg 24. 0
B2 (riboflavin) 0.75 mg 41. 7
B5 (pantothenic acid) 2.5 mg 50. 0
B6 (pyridoxine) 0.3 mg 15. 0
B9 (folic acid) 2.5 mcg 0. 6
B12(cobalamins) 10.0 mcg 333. 0
C (ascorbic acid) 4.0 mg 4. 4
H (biotin) 8.0 mcg 16. 0
PP (niacin equivalent) 8.7 mg 43. 5

Minerals (macro- and microelements):

Name Amount (mg, mcg)

% ratio to daily requirement

MacroelementsCa (calcium) 7.0 mg 0. 7
Mg (magnesium) 23.0 mg 5. 8
Na (sodium) 100.0 mg 7. 7
K (potassium) 260.0 mg 10. 4
Ph (phosphorus) 210.0 mg 26. 3
S (sulfur) 160.0 mg 16. 0
Microelements Fe (iron) 4.8 mg 26. 7
Zn (zinc) 2. 12 mg 17. 7
I (iodine) 7. 3 mcg 4. 9
Cu (copper) 380.0 mcg 38. 0
Mn (manganese) 0.059 mg 2. 9
Se (selenium) 21.8 mcg 39. 6
Cr (chromium) 29.0 mcg 58. 0
F (fluorine) 50.0µg 1. 3
Mo (molybdenum) 19.0 mcg 27. 1
Co (cobalt) 5.0 mcg 50. 0

Beef heart is a valuable product very rich in vitamins and minerals, so its quantity and portion must be regulated. Only with rational inclusion of it in food can you be sure that it will be beneficial.

Pork heart is a meat by-product of category 1, recommended as a dietary product for people with various diseases of the nervous system, anemia, as well as for those who are exposed to heavy physical activity every day. Today we will talk about the benefits pork heart and harm, as well as calorie content, and we will provide recipes for preparing the offal.

What is the calorie and nutritional value of a pork heart??

Pork heart is dense muscle tissue, its weight, on average, is 350-500 grams. It contains very little fat - only 4 grams per hundred gram serving of meat. There are 2.6 g of carbohydrates, but this by-product contains about 16 g of protein. This composition makes pork heart useful for teenagers, the elderly and athletes. Calorie content of pork heart – 101 kcal per 100 g

Pork heart - benefits

The composition of the by-product is rich in vitamins, microelements, and amino acids. This meat is especially useful for the nervous system, since it contains wide range B vitamins are presented. Essential amino acids contained in the by-product are histidine, isoleucine, leucine, threonine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, valine and others. The body does not synthesize these substances itself; they can only be obtained through food. Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, as well as arachidonic and linoleic acids, are also present in small quantities. Micro- and macroelements that make up the pig heart are potassium, sodium, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, phosphorus, manganese, chlorine, copper, zinc and others. Selenium is also present here, a powerful antioxidant that prevents the formation of cancer cells. It is useful to include pork heart in your diet to lose weight, recover faster from illnesses and surgeries, build muscle mass, and improve blood composition.

Pork heart damage

Pork heart has no contraindications. The only thing that readers of Popular Health need to know is that this offal is rich in protein, and its excess in the body is harmful. If you constantly consume a lot of protein foods, a large load is created on the kidneys, gout develops, and the risk of developing diabetes increases. The diet should be varied, so everything is good in moderation.

Recipes with pork heart

The most popular products are prepared from this by-product. various snacks and dishes - salads, pies, cutlets, goulash, casseroles, pates. Today we will share with you several recipes.


Ingredients: pork heart – 2 pcs.; carrots – 3; bulbs – 3; bell pepper – 1; laurel leaf – 2; ground pepper, salt.

First, prepare the offal - wash it, soak it in cold water for at least 2 hours, then clean off fatty growths and films, remove blood vessels. Cut the meat into small cubes and fry in a frying pan. Peel the carrots and chop into strips. Finely chop the onion, remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into strips. When the meat is slightly browned, add vegetables to it and saute them over the fire. Salt and add spices. Now you will need a thick-walled saucepan or duck pot. Place all the ingredients into it and pour in 2 cups of water. Goulash needs to be simmered for at least an hour and a half. The heart of a piglet cooks faster, while that of an adult pig takes longer. Test the meat for doneness after an hour. When it becomes soft, turn off the heat. To obtain a thick gravy, you can add a little flour shortly before the end of stewing.

Pork heart in a sleeve with potatoes and vegetables

Ingredients: pork heart – 2 pcs.; potatoes – 600 g; bulbs – 2; carrots – 2; salt, sour cream – 100 g; mayonnaise – 50 g; parsley and dill (several sprigs each); ground pepper, garlic.

Cooking pork heart. After soaking in cold water, cut the offal into circles, like sausage, beat with a hammer on both sides, rub each piece with spices and salt and leave to marinate for about an hour. In the meantime, you can peel the potatoes and vegetables. Cut the potatoes into thin slices, carrots into slices, and onions into rings. Finely chop the greens and chop the garlic in a convenient way.

Mix garlic, herbs, sour cream and mayonnaise. Salt the potato slices and add them to it sour cream sauce, mix. Take a medium baking pan and line it with foil. Place vegetables on the bottom, sliced ​​potatoes in sauce on top, and place a heart on the surface. Now you need to properly seal everything with foil in several layers so that the steam remains inside. We send the form with the products to bake at a temperature of 180 degrees for one and a half hours. When the time is up, it is recommended to cut the foil so that the heart is browned in open form. This dish will definitely not leave anyone indifferent. It is juicy, aromatic, tasty, satisfying and beautiful. It can be served even for a holiday; guests will be delighted.

We talked about the beneficial properties of pork heart and preparation. The product can not only be stewed and baked, but also fried and boiled. By the way, many people like to eat heart boiled in water with spices. It will replace any sausage; in addition, boiled offal contains maximum benefits and a minimum of calories. You can cook from it delicious salads With various vegetables. Protein food It goes best with vegetables. So if you have not yet used this offal in your menu, we recommend doing so, because it is much more healthier than meat, but costs less.

Beef heart is an offal rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements. Helps maintain the balance of these substances in the human body. The balance between the benefits and harms of beef heart depends on the quality of the meat and the frequency of consumption.

Chemical composition of beef heart

The product contains vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, H. It also contains the following useful microelements, How:

  • magnesium;
  • potassium;
  • zinc;
  • phosphorus;
  • sodium and calcium.

Nutritional value and calorie content of beef heart

The calorie content of beef heart per 100 grams is 96 kcal. This property makes the offal useful in diets. The nutritional value:

  • 16 g proteins;
  • 3.5 g fat;
  • 2 g carbohydrates.

Benefits of beef heart

The beneficial properties of the product when used regularly lead to positive effects:

  1. Strengthening of cardio-vascular system . The zinc present in the composition promotes the formation of stronger heart muscles and blood vessel walls. And the properties of magnesium normalize heartbeat.
  2. Regulation of mineral balance. Thanks to the combination of beneficial micro- and macroelements contained in the offal, the body is able to recover from illness in a shorter period of time. Mineral balance is maintained.
  3. High stress resistance. The properties of B vitamins help a person cope with psychological stress more easily and prevent chronic fatigue syndrome.
  4. Healthy appearance. Complex of properties useful vitamins and minerals strengthens nails and hair. Improves appearance skin and complexion.
  5. Recovery and growth muscle mass . Since the product is rich in proteins, consumption on a regular basis helps muscles grow and recover from damage.
  6. Improving blood composition. The properties of iron increase the amount of hemoglobin and oxygen transport.
  7. Good immunity. Vitamins C and B6, together with chromium, enhance the regenerating properties of tissues. The immune system becomes more stable - human body can better resist infections and viruses. The healing of abrasions and cuts is also accelerated.
  8. Improvement of the digestion process. Contains beneficial microelements that normalize acid-base balance in the human body and speed up metabolism. By-product promotes favorable work digestive tract. Helps effectively combat intestinal disorders that can develop as a result of harm from vitamin deficiency.

Important! There are 140 mg of cholesterol per 100 g of beef heart, so you should not abuse it - it will be harmful.

Is beef heart good for weight loss?

Food made from beef heart is well suited for the diet, as the product is low in calories. A significant protein content will help you lose weight without reducing muscle mass. Are eliminated only body fat. The substances contained in beef heart, due to their properties, will benefit both women and men in the process of losing weight.

Beef heart in cooking

How to properly cook beef heart

The product is not often included in the regular diet, despite the fact that its properties allow the meat to be used as an ingredient in various tasty and healthy dishes. To avoid harm, before you start cooking, it is necessary to remove all layers of fat, large accumulations of blood vessels and blood clots. Sometimes the offal can be bought in stores already processed. In any case, the meat must be rinsed well under running water.

The next step in preparation is soaking. To do this, you need to slightly salt the ice water and leave the offal in it for 2–3 hours. After soaking is complete, cook for 1.5 hours. Thorough cooking minimizes possible harm.

Important! If the animal was old, then the heart must be soaked for at least 4–5 hours. You need to boil for 3 hours - otherwise the meat will be tough.

They are prepared either whole or cut into pieces. To enhance the taste of the dish, add onion rings or mushroom sauce. A good side dish Vegetables will serve, since the carbohydrates contained in them will balance the properties of beef heart proteins. This combination is optimal, benefits the digestive system and eliminates possible harm to health.

What can you cook from beef heart?

The healthy product can be consumed boiled, stewed, fried. For dietary purposes, it is recommended to bake in the oven. Boiled offal is often used as an ingredient for snacks or salads. Can be used as a raw material for pate, filling for pies and pancakes. Also obtained delicious cutlets and goulash.

Beef heart broth, which is more effective than chicken broth, is popular among housewives. This additional medicinal product is beneficial only if the meat is lean. Fatty broth can be harmful.

How and how much to cook beef heart

In order for the consistency of the product to become similar to boiled tongue, it must be cooked for at least 4–5 hours. However, 2.5 hours is enough for the healthy offal to become soft enough and suitable for slicing or grinding in a meat grinder. This time will minimize possible harm.

Boiling steps:

  1. Cut into several pieces and rinse thoroughly.
  2. Soak in cool salted water for 2-3 hours.
  3. Boil water in a convenient container and place the chopped pieces there.
  4. After foam forms, remove it, reduce heat and cover the pan with a lid.
  5. Cook for at least 2.5 hours.
  6. 40–60 minutes before the end of the process, add salt, onion, bay leaf and black peppercorns to boiling water with offal.

Damage to beef heart and contraindications

Beef heart can bring both benefit and harm to a person. As a rule, it can have Negative influence on the condition of the body due to low-quality meat or violations of storage rules. Consumption of the product in excessive quantities can also cause harm - provoke kidney diseases, digestive disorders, increased hemoglobin levels and arterial hypertension.

There is another serious contraindication - individual intolerance, which occurs in a small number of people. Beef heart is not recommended for children, as it can lead to early intestinal problems. And then instead of benefit, harm will be done.

How to select and store beef heart

To prepare a tasty and healthy dish from offal, you must take into account that it must be fresh. It is recommended to purchase meat only from a reliable seller who does not neglect sanitation standards and observes all required storage conditions. It is best to give preference to the young calf heart, the benefits and properties of which significantly exceed the meat of an old animal. You should select a product according to the following characteristics:

  • nice smell;
  • no stains on the surface;
  • red-brown color;
  • elasticity.

Between refrigerated and frozen product, you should always choose the first option. Beef heart in this form does not lose its beneficial properties, but it cannot be stored in the refrigerator for more than two days.


The benefits and harms of beef heart depend primarily on the freshness and age of the animal. It is recommended to eat dishes from of this product no more than 3 times a week. Then there will be no harm, and beneficial features hearts will help maintain the balance of vitamins and microelements necessary for the human body.

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Despite the fact that beef heart, along with tongue and, belongs to the by-products of the first group, in terms of its nutritional significance it is not inferior to beef, which is considered the most useful product nutrition.

Beef heart is a fine-fiber, dense structure of dark red color. The weight of the heart of a large animal reaches 2 kilograms. Its thickened part is covered with a layer of adipose tissue, which may contain blood clots.

Fresh beef heart has an elastic consistency and returns to its original shape when pressed. Beef heart is sold in the meat departments of supermarkets, chilled or frozen. Quality product shouldn't have unpleasant odor, spots on the surface and significant tears in muscle tissue, which lead to blood loss and deterioration taste qualities. The cooled heart of young bulls is considered the most valuable and nutritious.

Beef heart: benefits, chemical composition, calorie content

The beneficial effects of beef heart on the body are due to its chemical composition and low calorie content. Beef meat and offal are a source of complete proteins of animal origin, which contain almost all essential amino acids. They are not synthesized in the body and should only be obtained from food. The low content of fats and carbohydrates causes low calorie content And dietary properties. Beef heart is valuable as a rich source of vitamins, which perform important functions in ensuring the vital functions of the body, and iron, which prevents anemia.

  • proteins – 16 g;
  • carbohydrates – 2 g;
  • fats – 3.5 g;
  • unsaturated fatty acids – 0.8 g;
  • cholesterol – 140 mg;
  • ash elements – 1 g.

Calorie content of 100 g of boiled beef heart is 96 kcal. Beef heart contains vitamins A, groups B, C, E, H, PP and a significant amount of macro and microelements, which not only maintain mineral balance, but regulate vital important processes body. These are: iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, chromium, manganese, etc.

Beef heart can be safely eaten without harming your health. It is especially useful for people experiencing regular physical exercise, as well as children and adolescents. Their growing organisms urgently need building material, which is protein. The high content of vitamins promotes the rapid absorption of proteins, which activates the growth of muscle tissue.

Doctors allow you to eat beef heart, which is an equivalent substitute for beef, 2-3 times a week, which meets the needs of the average person and replenishes the body required quantity iron and prevents anemia. Besides, regular use Beef heart activates the digestive tract and maintains the acid-base balance at an acceptable level.

Harmful effects of beef heart

Along with useful components Beef heart contains purine bases, which negatively affect metabolic processes and promote the formation and accumulation of uric acid. This happens from excess meat products in the diet, which causes disruption of capillary permeability and the development of osteochondrosis, gout and other serious diseases.

Excess protein in the diet creates additional stress on the kidneys, which can lead to serious problems. To process excess proteins that come from food, the body has to expend additional calcium, which is taken from the bones, which leads to their weakening.

Due to the significant cholesterol content, excess is dangerous beef by-products for older people who suffer high blood pressure and cardiovascular diseases.

Only balanced consumption of beef and its by-products in combination with healthy side dishes will not harm the body and will not cause problems with the kidneys, heart or digestive system. In rare cases, individual intolerance to beef heart occurs, when it is best to completely abandon this product.

Use in cooking

You can prepare a wide variety of tasty and healthy dishes from beef heart: cold appetizers, first and second courses, as well as minced meat for pies, dumplings, pancakes and kulebyak.

It is recommended to boil the whole heart. It is washed, cleared of blood clots, and filled with hot water, salt, bring to a boil, skim off the foam and cook until tender, periodically checking the softness with a knife or a chef’s needle. The finished heart is taken out, cooled and excess fat on its thickened part is cut off.

Boiled beef heart, cut into thin slices, can be served with vegetable salad as cold snack. It will perfectly complement cold cuts, which is often served to festive table. Beef heart cut into small cubes can be included in Olivier or Stolichny salads.

You can make many hot appetizers from boiled heart. Place a slice of boiled beef heart on a piece of bread, pour over mayonnaise, sprinkle with grated cheese and place in the microwave or oven. Such healthy snack It will fill you up perfectly and won’t take much time to prepare.

Boiled beef heart can be used to cook first courses. It is especially suitable for preparing hodgepodge with a whole range of meat products.

To prepare second courses, the boiled heart is cut into cubes or strips and fried with a small amount oil, pour in tomato, sour cream or milk sauce and bring to a boil. Served with cereal, vegetable or pasta side dish, sprinkled with herbs. Can be fried portioned pieces boiled heart and serve them with sautéed onions.

To prepare minced meat, boiled beef heart is passed through a meat grinder, lightly fried in oil, pepper and finely chopped sauteed onion are added. This minced meat can be used for filling either on its own or together with potatoes or rice.
