Hazelnut oil: beneficial properties and TOP best recipes. Beneficial properties of hazelnut oil

Oil hazelnut or, as it is otherwise called, hazelnut, has big amount useful substances, and therefore its use is widespread.

Hazelnut is the fruit of the hazel tree, which is a deciduous shrub that grows well throughout the northern hemisphere. It tolerates cold well, but still prefers mild and warm winters, and therefore bears fruit in such places of growth. With proper care, the shrub will bear fruit for about 30 years. It lends itself well to cultivation; it is planted in even rows.

Hazel fruits have excellent taste and aroma, which is why they are very loved by many. Even squirrels and other small animals do not miss the opportunity to feast on them and often stock up on nuts for the winter.

Beneficial properties of hazel: oil

Hazelnuts are quite hard and small in size. They are collected in the fall and always ripe. Otherwise, the fruits dry out and lose their great taste, view and nutritional properties.

From about half of the collected nuts, oil is extracted, which is used both as food and as a for cosmetic purposes. A very large number of cosmetic products contain hazelnut oil - for the face, body, hair and others.

The oil is isolated by cold working and spin. It has a clear amber color and a wonderful nutty aroma. Hazelnut oil can be stored for about six months, away from sun rays and in a cool place. It can be used as a supplement or in pure form.

Hazelnut oil is very well absorbed by the body and serves it well. an indispensable source nutrients and vitamins.

Amazing properties of hazelnut oil:

  • strengthens bone tissue;
  • improves functions of cardio-vascular system;
  • prevents the occurrence of malignant cancer tumors;
  • removes toxins from the body;
  • cleanses the liver ducts;
  • reduces blood pressure and helps reduce nervous excitement;
  • helps remove worms;
  • recommended for venous expansion;
  • helps fight chronic fatigue and increases endurance in athletes;
  • helps with anemia;
  • useful during the period of growth during bone formation and also during the aging of the body;
  • allows you to increase milk production in a nursing woman;
  • perfectly replaces animal protein in a vegetarian diet;
  • increases libido and male strength;
  • Boosts immunity and cleanses and rejuvenates the body.

Use of hazelnut oil in cooking

  • The soft, light and sweet taste of the oil serves good addition To various dishes and sauces.
  • Can serve as a dressing for salad or fish dish.
  • You can add oil when preparing mashed potatoes and asparagus - this will give the products a new and original taste and aroma.

Hazelnut oil is not used for frying - it should not be heated.

Composition and beneficial properties of hazelnut oil in cosmetology

The oil contains the following beneficial substances:

The use of hazelnut oil is very common in cosmetology. Due to its high ability to be completely and quickly absorbed by the skin, it can even be used separately in its pure form. It is also used as an additive to any cosmetic product to enhance its effect.

For young and problematic skin

This oil is suitable for absolutely any skin type. Even for problematic and oily skin, as it tends to narrow enlarged pores and does not leave an oily sheen after use. But at the same time, it nourishes, refreshes and moisturizes the skin well. Helps quickly restore the skin, eliminates acne, and relieves inflammation.

For aging and sagging skin

Great for dry skin that has lost its firmness and elasticity. Oil saturates her nutrients and vitamins, improves skin color, makes it smooth and elastic. Tightens the contours of the face, giving it a young and healthy look. Copes with small and shallow wrinkles and prevents their appearance.

Has a calming effect on sensitive skin, relieves redness and flaking. Helps cope with the manifestations of rosacea.

For the skin around the eyes

The use of oil is ideal for thin and sensitive skin around the eyes. Also good for combating dry lips and skin around the mouth, which is highly susceptible to chapping during the cold season.

For hair and nails

This oil is also used in hair products - shampoos, masks and balms. Its presence in these products makes hair smooth, strong, silky and shiny. It also nourishes the hair roots well and has a beneficial effect on the scalp.

Its use on nails and cuticles produces the same nourishing effect.

If you add a couple of drops of oil to your regular cream for hands, this will further enhance its effect and make your hand skin even more velvety and silky. This will be especially true in strong winds and frosty weather, when the skin of the hands is exposed to the negative effects of the environment. The oil will give your nails smoothness and shine.

Of course, the use of oil gives a special light nutty aroma to any product it contains.

Considering all of the above, the use of hazelnut oil has become widespread.

You can make masks or simply lubricate your face and body with pure oil, or you can add it to your cosmetic product. This will only cause a beneficial effect and enhance the effect of the product you are using.

Manufacturers of cosmetics and beauty products actively use hazelnut oil. You can often find it in their products. Moreover, it can give unique aroma a remedy that can improve mood and cause pleasant sensations. The only thing you should pay attention to when consuming oil is a personal intolerance or allergy to nuts. Although hazelnut extract is considered not the most allergenic among nut oils.

The question of the homeland of the currently well-known hazelnut is still controversial. Most studies agree that hazelnuts come from Asia, but they also grew in Syria, Greece, and the Caucasus. Mentions of this plant date back to the 6th millennium BC. Hazel and hazelnut are, in general, the same plant; to be more precise, hazelnut is a cultivated relative of wild hazel. It was obtained by repeatedly crossing several varieties of hazel. As a result of crossing, the largest-fruited species with thin skin were selected. So, in the end, everyone’s favorite nut turned out.

Since ancient times, hazelnuts have been credited with magical properties. It was believed that this wonderful nut preserves life. But all its magic was explained very simply: in lean years, it was the hazelnut that saved entire villages from starvation. The nuts were eaten raw, roasted, and made into paste and butter. In the Middle East, hazelnuts are considered a symbol of prosperity, abundance and marital bliss. If we discard numerous myths, then we can say with confidence that this nut is a source of health and longevity!

The largest hazelnut cultivation areas are currently Türkiye and Oregon in the USA. In Turkey, nuts are collected by hand directly from the bushes, but in Oregon the collection process is completely mechanized, and the nuts are collected from the ground.

In the territory former USSR Hazelnut cultivation was mainly carried out in Azerbaijan and Georgia, in small quantities it was grown in Ukraine and Crimea. In Russia, due to environmental conditions, only the Krasnodar region is suitable for industrial cultivation of this crop.

Possessing remarkable taste, this nut is, first of all, an exquisite delicacy. It is successfully used in the preparation of creams, sweets, chocolate, pastes... In addition, wonderful oil is produced from hazelnuts, very tasty and healthy. The technology for producing hazelnut oil allows you to preserve all the beneficial substances and microelements.

Hazelnut oil is probably the youngest. It appeared on the oil market only in the 70s of the last century. It was first made in France, a generally recognized country of gourmets. Since then, this wonderful oil has successfully spread to other countries and continents. Its main exporter is still France, where it is produced both from local nuts and those supplied from Turkey and Italy. In Russia, this product is not yet in great demand due, obviously, to its considerable price. But if you still decide to try it, then, undoubtedly, it will take its rightful place as the most delicious dietary product nutrition, an excellent preventive measure and component of home cosmetics.

Composition of hazelnut oil

Hazelnut oil contains a large amount of unsaturated fatty acids, a full complex of amino acids, is rich in vitamins and macro- and microelements. It is especially worth noting that this oil surpasses all known vegetable oils in vitamin E content.

  • Fats: Omega-3 (0.1%;), Omega-6 (8-11%;), Omega-9 (79-83%), saturated fatty acids (palmitic (5-7%), stearic (2-3%)) ;
  • Vitamins: Vitamin A; B vitamins (Vitamin B1; Vitamin B2; Vitamin B3 (vit. PP)); Vitamin B6; Vitamin C; Vitamin E (choline); Vitamin H; Vitamin P;
  • Amino acids(full complex);
  • Carotenoids;
  • Paclitaxel;
  • Phytosterols;
  • Phospholipids (up to 10%);
  • Microelements: iron, iodine, calcium, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, copper, sodium, phosphorus, zinc;

Benefits and uses of hazelnut oil

The use of hazelnut oil for the treatment and prevention of certain diseases

Hazelnuts are rightfully considered the pantry of health. Oil produced by modern technology, successfully preserves all the beneficial properties of these unique nuts. Of course, this oil, like any other vegetable oil, cannot rid you of all ailments, and even instantly, but with regular use it will serve as an excellent preventative against many very serious diseases. In addition, using it in complex therapy of the diseases listed below, you will undoubtedly achieve good results.

This oil is recommended to be included in the diet for obesity. It contains great amount useful substances, helps normalize metabolic processes and lose weight. Of course, we must remember that any oil is high-calorie product, and take this fact into account when planning your diet. Hazelnut oil contains about 700 kcal per 100 g. Product.

Hazelnut oil is also indicated for skin diseases: psoriasis, seborrhea, eczema, acne.

Hazelnut oil is extremely useful for increased fatigue and nervous excitability. In addition, this oil will help improve performance, both physical and mental. This oil helps in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, protecting them from destruction by oxygen. Slows down aging. Simply necessary for a developing organism.

Hazelnut oil has anti-cancer properties. This is an excellent prophylactic against malignant neoplasms in the colon, sigmoid and duodenum. It will help in the treatment of fibrotic breast diseases; it is recommended to include it in the diet of patients with diabetes, as it is low in carbohydrates.

Hazelnut oil is an excellent anti-carcinogenic agent. It cleanses the body. Supports immunity. Oil components are involved in protein biosynthesis, the process of human DNA restoration.

Cardiovascular and circulatory systems

Improves the activity of the cardiovascular system as a whole. An exceptionally beneficial effect on blood vessels is noted. Improves blood circulation, normalizes blood clotting, and helps increase hemoglobin. It has a particularly beneficial effect on peripheral circulation. With regular use, it reduces elevated arterial pressure. Reduces blood cholesterol levels. Therefore, it is used in the prevention and complex treatment of hypertension, atherosclerosis, angina pectoris, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia, anemia, varicose veins, heart attacks and strokes.

Gastrointestinal tract and digestive organs

Hazelnut oil effectively cleanses our body of toxins, especially the liver. Successfully helps with cholelithiasis. Prevents the occurrence of stagnation in gallbladder. Protects against putrefactive processes in the body. Has anthelmintic effect. Thus, it promotes complete cleansing of the body.

Reproductive and urinary system

This unique oil helps improve the condition of patients urolithiasis- vitamin E, the content of which this oil is a recognized record holder among other vegetable oils, has an extremely beneficial effect on the reproductive function of the human body. Zinc contained in hazelnut oil promotes the production of sex hormones. Increases potency and libido.

Musculoskeletal system

It should be noted that the successful combination of minerals and vitamins in hazelnut oil helps strengthen bones. This oil serves as an excellent preventative against osteoporosis, osteochondrosis and various diseases joints.

Use of hazelnuts in cooking

Hazelnut oil, however, like all nut oils, is different pleasant taste and aroma - Since this oil has a slightly harsh, rich, nutty taste, it is quite possible to use it in a mixture with other light oils, even ordinary refined sunflower or olive oil.

Mainly, hazelnut oil is used for dressing ready meals. This allows you to completely save it useful qualities. By seasoning salads and vinaigrettes with it (or a mixture of oils), you will certainly become known as an unsurpassed cook. Try adding this oil to mashed potatoes, a little bit. This familiar dish will amaze everyone in the household with its excellent taste. This oil is an excellent substitute for butter in various porridges. I assure you that little sweet tooths won’t have to be forced to eat it. In addition, hazelnut oil has a sweetish taste, so you can add less sugar to this porridge than usual.

Use hazelnut oil to prepare various sauces that will undoubtedly delight the taste of the dishes seasoned with them. Prepare homemade mayonnaise using this oil for the holiday. We also recommend using it instead of vinegar. lemon juice. Your guests will remember your unusual salads for a long time. The salad seems to be the same, but not the same at all! Let hazelnut oil become that “zest” that always distinguishes the dishes you prepare!

Hazelnut oil is not recommended for frying as it is extremely low temperature smoking. But it is quite possible to sprinkle it on already cooked fish before serving. It is something! This oil also complements white meat perfectly.

We recommend using hazelnut oil in making desserts; it goes especially well with chocolate and cereals. Make your kids happy fabulous taste their favorite desserts. Moreover, growing children's body will receive a lot of useful substances for him.

Add some hazelnut oil to your baked goods. It will give her an unforgettable tender nutty taste and aroma. There is simply enormous scope for imagination here! Homebaked bread, cake layers, cookies, pies, pies, muffins, donuts, crumpets...

In France, this unique oil has long been appreciated. It is successfully used in cooking in many countries around the world. Why are we worse?

Use of hazelnut oil in cosmetology

The use of hazelnut oil in cosmetology can hardly be overestimated. It can be successfully used either alone or in mixture with other oils and as part of cosmetics. This oil is absorbed very quickly, leaving no greasy shine at all.

Hazelnut oil is used to prepare homemade skin care cosmetics: creams and masks, cosmetic milk as a tanning product. You can use this oil as an additive to finished cosmetics. At the same time, the healing effect of cosmetics is enhanced.

It should be noted that this oil is suitable for absolutely any skin. The oil does not clog pores, so it has a great effect on oily, combination and inflamed skin. It fits perfectly on such skin, cleanses it, penetrates deeply and tightens pores. Even for acne-prone skin, this oil is extremely beneficial. This oil even copes with boils and abscesses.

Hazelnut oil is also indicated for fading, aging skin. It perfectly nourishes, moisturizes, rejuvenates, tones, and improves skin color. Masks based on hazelnut oil, when used regularly, prevent the formation of wrinkles.

This oil is also successfully used to care for dry, thin and sensitive skin. It softens, soothes, nourishes the skin, giving it a healthy color and eliminating flaking.

Hazelnut oil is great for caring for the skin around the eyes. Try making a lip balm based on this oil.

This oil is also used to get rid of spider veins and spider veins. Of course, don’t expect an immediate effect, this is not a magic wand. Couperosis takes a long time to cure. Apply a napkin soaked in hazelnut oil to the problem area every day.

Hazelnut oil quickly soothes the skin after sunbathing. In addition, it protects our skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, although the effect is still small.

You can use this oil for burns, just mix equal parts hazelnut oil with egg white and apply a thin layer to the affected area, do not rub in under any circumstances!

Hazelnut oil is easy for hair a real find! It perfectly moisturizes, nourishes and strengthens our hair. To achieve this effect, it is recommended to add hazelnut oil to masks and hair balms. You can simply apply the oil to the scalp and evenly along the entire length of the hair, wrap your head, leave for 30 minutes and rinse with regular shampoo. This oil is also rubbed into the scalp to enhance hair growth. For hair loss, this procedure is no less effective. We offer a popular hair product based on hazelnut oil: mix the yolk of one chicken egg from 1 tbsp. L. Hazelnut oil. Rub the resulting mixture into the scalp, leave for 15 minutes, and rinse thoroughly with a mild shampoo.

Finally, we must remember that the effect of external use of hazelnut oil is greatly enhanced by regular use of it internally.

How to use hazelnut oil

For diseases of the cardiovascular system, it is recommended to take 1 tsp of hazelnut oil. 3 times. The course of treatment is 2 months.

For diseases of the musculoskeletal system, it is recommended to take 1 tbsp. Oils morning and evening, combined with external use - You can lubricate joints either with pure hazelnut oil or mixed with black cumin or marjoram oil.

For preventive purposes, the minimum course is 2 months. It should be noted that hazelnut oil is still not medicine, therefore, restrictions on the amount of oil used are based only on its high calorie content.

Contraindications to the use of hazelnut oil

The only contraindication to the use of hazelnut oil may be individual intolerance to the product. It is recommended to use with caution by pregnant women!

The shrub on which hazelnuts grow is called hazelnut.

It has a number of useful and healing properties, therefore since ancient times it has been used by folk healers for the treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Currently, three varieties of hazelnuts are widely used, depending on where they grow - Crimean, Badem and Kerasund.

The nut has a hard shell and is located during the growth process in a special leaf pad that wraps and protects the fruit from negative impacts environment.

IN healing recipes Not only nut kernels are used, but also shells, pluses, leaves, young shoots and even pollen from flowers.

All healing properties nut are provided due to its composition.

First of all, like many other nuts, hazelnuts have a very high calorie content due to the many polyunsaturated fatty acids in the composition, about 700 kilocalories per hundred grams of product.

In addition, the kernels contain high concentrations of a complex of vitamins, minerals, as well as chemical micro- and macroelements.

Among the vitamin complex, hazelnuts contain a lot of biotin; one hundred grams contains about 150% of daily norm, as well as tocopherol and B vitamins.

In addition, they concentrate approximately 20% of the daily permissible norm folic acid, nicotinic acid, 10% phylloquinone and choline. Together, they affect the body, regulating its vital metabolic processes.

The mineral complex is represented mainly by manganese, which contains more than 400% per hundred grams, as well as chromium and silicon, 350% and 150%, respectively. Hazelnuts are also rich in copper, phosphorus and , their content in the nut is approximately half of the permissible daily requirement.

Among complex chemical compounds, nuts are rich in proteins, which are based on essential amino acids that cannot be synthesized independently in the human body.

Essential amino acids such as lysine and arginine are present in high concentrations in the nuclei. They are involved in the synthesis of proteins, the main building material for cells, organs and tissues.

Oleic acid is able to dissolve bad cholesterol, preventing the formation of atherosclerotic plaques in blood vessels.

In addition, common hazel is very rich in phytosterol compounds that are beneficial for the female body; their content in nuts is about 200% of the daily permissible concentration.

Healing properties of hazelnuts

Due to their rich composition, hazelnuts are healthy for everyone. Doctors and scientists have proven its effective influence on the vital forces of the body, on its ability to withstand many serious diseases on a par with pharmacological drugs.

  1. Potassium helps strengthen blood vessels and heart muscle, and the calcium in the nut promotes faster transmission of nerve impulses to the heart, improving its functioning.

In addition, the macroelements contained in hazelnuts participate in the processes of blood formation, enriching it with red blood cells. Also, eating hazelnuts increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

Thus, hazelnut has a preventive effect against varicose blood vessels, against thrombosis of various etiologies and against iron deficiency anemia.

  1. When amino acids interact with vitamin E, large quantities concentrated in hazelnuts, muscle function and growth improve, which is especially important for people involved in sports.
  2. Regular consumption of hazelnuts increases immunity to colds and infectious diseases, and also restores strength after surgery.
  3. Nuts have a calming effect on the excited central nervous system as a result of stress, anxiety, insomnia and fatigue.
  4. They have a preventive effect against malignant neoplasms due to the paclitaxel contained in the composition, a natural blocker of cancer cell division.
  5. Hazelnuts in small proportions can lower blood sugar levels, therefore they are recommended for people suffering from type II diabetes.
  6. Due to the presence of fiber and complex carbohydrates, it helps to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and cleanse the body of toxins and toxic substances.
  7. During pregnancy and breastfeeding regular use hazelnuts promote enhanced lactation and satiation breast milk nutrients and fatty acids. It is also recommended that new mothers regularly consume nut milk, which is rich in nutrients.
  8. This fruit is irreplaceable for the fair sex, as it improves the condition of the skin, restores damaged hair and strengthens the nail plates.
  9. Walnut oil nourishes the scalp, making hair manageable and soft;

Beneficial properties of hazelnut oil

Hazelnut kernels receive great attention from many doctors. However, nut butter is no less popular.

It is easily digestible human body and is also rich in fats, vitamins and minerals. This complex gives the oil antioxidant properties, which is used by cosmetologists to preserve youthful skin.

After squeezing out the nut kernels, the hazelnut oil remains long time fresh, healthy and does not go rancid.

When mixed with chicken egg white, the oil has an analgesic and disinfectant effect on burns and ulcerative skin lesions.

Among other things, hazelnut oil has been used since ancient times as an anthelmintic, as well as against roundworms and giardia.

In cosmetology, a variety of creams and masks, balms and shampoos are made from oil. It has an excellent cleansing effect, so it is recommended for teenagers with a predisposition to acne and acne.

Lovers beautiful figure prefer to rub hazelnut oil into the skin as a massage product; it reduces stretch marks and helps reduce cellulite crust.

Harmful properties of hazelnuts and possible contraindications

The basic rule when eating hazelnuts is to follow the measure; it is enough to eat 30-40 grams of nuts per day, then they will benefit human health.

If you abuse this product, you may experience dizziness and headache. This is due to the fact that the substances contained in the nut can provoke a spasm of the blood capillaries in the brain.

For liver diseases, with severe manifestations allergic reaction You should limit your consumption of tree nuts. It is also strictly contraindicated for overweight people due to its high calorie content.

From the gastrointestinal tract, overeating hazelnuts can manifest itself in a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, nausea and possible constipation. Also, do not forget that eating spoiled or expired foods is dangerous to your health.

The benefits of hazel bush for human health

Among all the diversity medicinal plants, folk healers give preference to the bush on which hazelnuts grow – hazel.

IN folk medicine use the beneficial properties of hazel leaves, which include a strong diuretic effect.

It helps fight urolithiasis and inflammatory diseases kidneys and urinary ducts.

Also, infusions on young leaves of the bush are prescribed as depressant for nervous disorders. In addition, they are used as a strengthening agent in cases of reduced immunity in order to quickly restore vitality.

Decoctions of pluska, the leaf wrapper of young hazelnuts, help restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, enhance intestinal motility and remove toxins and waste from the body.

Healers even use hazel root, which in the form of a decoction copes with malaria.

The tree bark is used for a variety of skin diseases. To do this, it is dried, crushed and infused with alcohol. The resulting infusion is regularly wiped over damaged skin areas.

Medicinal recipes

The best known properties of hazelnuts are that they have an antipyretic effect and strengthen the immune system. Nut kernels are used in fresh, insist on water and alcohol, make decoctions.

  • For bronchitis and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract, for nervous disorders and to increase lactation, experts recommend consuming nut milk daily for nursing mothers.

To prepare it, you need to take two glasses of peeled hazelnut kernels, add warm water and leave to steep overnight. After this, the nuts that have absorbed the water must be ground into powder and left for a few more hours.

After steeping for a long time, it is recommended to pour half a glass of water into the mixture and bring to a boil. After cooling, add half a glass of cream and a couple of tablespoons of honey to the solution. After mixing the resulting mixture well, it should be consumed one dessert spoon before each meal.

  • For diseases of the cardiovascular system, a decoction of the leaves and wood of the hazelnut bush is used.

To make it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of crushed dried raw materials and pour a glass of boiling water over it. Allow time to cool completely and set. After straining, it is recommended to take the resulting infusion several times a day half an hour before meals.

  • Young leaves and shoots of hazel are used to treat hepatitis B (jaundice).

It is necessary to chop the washed leaves and place them in glass jar, filling it with white wine and putting it in a dark, cool place to infuse. After a week, it is recommended to strain the resulting mass and take 40 ml 2 times a day before meals.

  • Benefits for men who have an enlarged prostate gland should take a decoction of hazel bark daily.

To do this, pour the crushed raw materials with warm water and boil in a water bath for half an hour. Then strain the cooled broth and consume before meals three times a day.

  • For low blood pressure, dizziness, and general weakness, a decoction of hazelnut shells is used.

They are poured with boiling water and left to steep for several hours.

Choosing a nut and its storage options

The main rule when buying a hazelnut is the integrity of its shell, since peeled nut kernels may contain toxic substances, putrefactive fungi and mold. They appear as a result of improper long-term storage.

Also, when choosing hazelnuts, you should pay attention not to get any sunlight, since under their influence the nuts quickly deteriorate. Therefore, when choosing peeled kernels in a package, you should pay attention to their expiration date, the tightness of the package and its protection from sunlight.

Storing hazelnuts in shells is not complex process, just put it in a cloth bag and put it in a cool, dark place. Nuts can be stored in this state for no more than six months, after which they lose all their healing properties and dry out.

Thus, hazelnuts are nutritious and useful products nutrition. With its regular use, immunity increases, the general condition is strengthened, which helps fight a number of serious diseases. However, when excessive consumption hazelnuts can be harmful to human health.

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BUSTAN BUDUR TURQUISE LINE. 30 ml, Syria. HALAL. A strong therapeutic and prophylactic agent for silhouette correction, treatment and prevention of tissue sagging and cellulite manifestations. Green coffee oil, a recognized favorite in anti-cellulite therapy, makes up a fair percentage of this complex. Its effect is multiplied by a suitable frame, so that this remedy is many times more powerful than even pure green coffee oil. This oil is also an ideal hand skin care product.

Just ordered

Seven Seas Collection. 30 ml/3 ml. HALAL. Raw materials from plantations in Suwayda Province, Syria. Used to stimulate the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes. Relieves infections of the eyelids and eyes. Stimulates hair growth and eyelash thickness. Compacts the hair structure. With prolonged use, it darkens and enhances the natural pigment in the structure, making the hairs a more saturated dark color. It is also used for scalp hair, in the treatment of baldness and increased hair loss, to increase hair thickness and improve the quality of hair structure, intensely nourishes the hair follicle and activates dormant hair follicles, allowing for faster hair growth. Stimulates blood supply to cells. The oil does not color, since the coloring components of the composition are removed during production.

Price: 890 RUR


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A great shampoo that really enhances hair, especially good for blondes.

03/27/2019, Selvira

Gorgeous beldi! Excellent body exfoliation. The skin does not feel tight after using it; you can do without further application of the cream. Light, unobtrusive aroma. I am delighted!

03/24/2019, Svetlana

Hello! Is it possible to use this oil on blonde hair? As far as I know, it colors a lot.

03/20/2019, Olga

Administrator: Good afternoon! The oil does not contain pigment and does not color the hair, but any oil tends to slightly darken the natural hair color over time with constant and frequent use.

At first I didn’t really like the smell, it reminded me of some Soviet perfume. But gradually I began to feel him more and more: there is not a drop of vulgarity in him, he is strong and very pleasant, I want him to be with me all the time. The presence of some incense is felt, but the smell is not stuffy. Multifaceted and somehow positively shining.

03/19/2019, Natalya

Hello! Please tell me, can this oil be used as a hair mask if the hair has been subjected to Botox or keratin straightening? Thank you!

03/17/2019, Alena

Good afternoon, Olga! Thank you very much for this miracle cosmetics! I really wanted to buy the Alatul Hemani sandalwood powder face mask for enhanced restoration and nutrition, but it’s out of stock. Please let me know about your admission and the reason for its absence. Sincerely, Irina.

Hazelnuts or hazelnuts are a well-known delicacy that captivates with their unchanging taste and delicious aroma. Large hazel, whose fruit is the hazelnut, grows all over the world, including in central Russia, thanks to which valuable properties hazelnuts were known to our ancestors.

A little history

Since time immemorial, hazelnuts have been endowed with mystical and even sacred qualities. It was believed that hazel branches could protect a house from flooding or put out a fire. Many believed that the branches of this nut-bearing tree pointed to the site of a buried treasure. In the Hellenic era, hazelnuts were considered a sacred culture, considered a symbol of immortality. In Rus', this product was primarily valued for its nutritional properties. History knows of cases where hazelnut reserves helped to wait out a harsh winter, or even simply survive in the event of a wheat crop failure. People consumed the nut raw, ground it into powder, fried it, and even made a paste from it.

But times have changed, and therefore today no one goes into the forest to search for hazel and harvest delicious nuts. In any supermarket you can find hazelnuts in shells or already peeled hard kernels. Moreover, hazelnut oil is commercially available - an absolutely transparent, light amber liquid with a pleasant taste and a slight nutty aroma. This amazing product contains everything valuable components, which hazelnuts are rich in, thanks to which nut oil has found its use in cooking, cosmetology and, of course, in alternative medicine. What are the benefits of hazelnut oil and how to use it? We'll tell you about this in detail.

Composition and benefits of hazelnut oil

Hazelnut oil was appreciated only in the 70s of the last century, when scientists thoroughly studied the composition of this product. It turned out that there is more valuable vegetable protein in oil than in meat, and the digestibility of such protein is much higher. On the contrary, hazelnuts contain virtually no saturated fat, making them 100% digestible.

Light and fluid, hazelnut oil is a generous source of a wide variety of vitamins: C, B, PP and especially vitamin E, which, in combination with certain minerals, ensures healthy bones and normalizes blood pressure. In addition, hazelnuts contain a lot of carotenoids and tocopherols, calcium, iron, copper and phosphorus, sodium and zinc. However greatest value This amazing oil lies in the content of monounsaturated fatty acids, such as linoleic, stearic, palmic and, of course, oleic acid, in terms of the content of which hazelnut oil is the absolute leader among all vegetable oils.

Let's add to this that the energy value of hazelnuts is 679 kcal per 100 g of nuts. In terms of calorie content, hazelnuts are comparable to fish and meat.

Healing properties of hazelnut oil

Avicenna also sang the benefits of this amazing oil for the body. The Persian philosopher and healer turned out to be absolutely right, because today it has been proven undeniable benefits hazelnuts to restore the body of people who have suffered a long illness and suffer from exhaustion. Moreover, high content Vitamin E in this product has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thymus gland, on which, by the way, the functioning of the immune system depends.

Leather. Hazelnut oil has anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and regenerating properties. This feature allows the oil in question to be used in folk medicine for treatment. skin diseases, as well as in cosmetology for the restoration and care of skin and hair.

The cardiovascular system. Considering the high content of unsaturated fats, which lower cholesterol levels in the blood and cleanse blood vessels, hazelnut oil is one of the most valuable means of prevention cardiovascular diseases and prevention of atherosclerosis. And thanks to the presence of sodium and potassium, regular consumption of hazelnut oil supports blood pressure and strengthens bone tissue.

Vitamin support. Nut butter is beneficial for both children and old people. With its help, many quickly consumed substances in the body are replenished - vitamins, minerals and amino acids, which means this product should be in the diet of athletes, children and adolescents, especially during puberty.

Vision. In addition, hazelnut oil supports visual acuity and can reduce seizure activity in epileptics.

Fighting cancer. It is worth mentioning separately about such a component of hazelnut oil as paclitaxel. This organic compound has an antitumor effect on the body, which is why it is used for treatment and prevention. oncological diseases, in particular prostate, breast or ovarian cancer.

Hazelnut oil in cosmetology

Hazelnut oil – universal remedy, which cosmetologists and dermatologists successfully use in their work. With all the diversity of influence of this remedy on the body, its healing properties are most noticeable when exposed to the skin. It is worth noting the excellent nutritional, moisturizing and toning properties of the oil, thanks to which the normal fat balance is restored and the pores are narrowed. And given that hazelnut oil penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis, promoting cell renewal, regular application of it to the skin ensures a healthy complexion and rejuvenation.

Using pure oil
The finished oil fits perfectly on the skin, smoothing evenly over the entire epidermis, and is quickly absorbed, without any greasy traces. By dipping your fingertips in it and rubbing this product into problem areas with light massaging movements, you can eliminate the consequences of exposure to the external environment, for example, peeling and chapping of the skin, redness from frost or drying out of the epidermis caused by the scorching sun. It is enough just to apply a piece of wonderful hazelnut oil to the skin of the face, neck or décolleté 2-3 times a week, and literally in a month the skin will begin to smooth out, and fine wrinkles will disappear without a trace.

Addition to cosmetic products
Ready-made cosmetics become much healthier if you add nut oil to them. They can be used to enrich shampoos, creams, balms or face masks. It is especially often used as a sunscreen, adding to lotions that prevent sunburn. The main thing is that the proportion of oil in the finished cosmetic product does not exceed 10–15%.

Acne treatment
Hazelnut oil perfectly cleanses the skin, eliminates acne and fights boils. To get rid of such a scourge, you need 1 tbsp. add 5 drops of eucalyptus oil, as well as 3 drops of cypress and sage oils. Literally a week of daily application of the medicine to cleansed problem areas will allow you to forget about acne and enjoy clean and healthy skin.

Treatment of rosacea
To get rid of spider veins on the cheeks or eliminate “stars” on the skin, 1 tsp is enough. hazelnut oil add 3-5 drops each of lime, cypress and lemon essential oils. After soaking a napkin in a mixture of oils, it should be applied to the area where spider veins appear for 10–15 minutes. One has only to say that such treatment cannot be stopped until the problem completely disappears.

Improving the condition of the skin of the legs
To support the skin of your feet, ridding it of rough areas, you need to massage your legs and feet 3 times a week using a special oil mixture. It is prepared as follows: mixing 4 parts of hazelnut oil, 1 part each of calendula and St. John's wort oils, and 2 parts sesame oil, 2 tbsp. the finished mixture must be diluted with 5 drops of oil tea tree and 5 drops of lavender oil.

Facial cleansing
To regularly cleanse your facial skin while simultaneously caring for its condition, just moisten a cotton swab in warm water, then squeeze it out and, after applying a drop of nut oil, gently wipe your face.

Improved complexion
To return a radiant pink color to your facial skin and even out its structure, it is enough to make applications with a mixture of 1 tsp every 2 days. hazelnut oil, to which a couple of drops of spruce, orange and cypress oil are added. Therapy should be carried out for 3 weeks, and then take a week's break and repeat the course.

Elimination of wrinkles
To maintain facial skin tone and smooth out fine wrinkles, you should make a special mask 2 times a week. To prepare it 1 tbsp. hazelnut oils are mixed with the same amount of oil walnut and strong black tea. By adding ground to this mixture wheat grains in the amount of 1.5 tbsp, all that remains is to mix everything thoroughly and apply to the face for about 30 minutes.

Hair strengthening With
To prevent hair loss, make it thicker and more vibrant, you can use the mixture egg yolk with hazelnut oil in equal proportions. Having applied folk remedy on the scalp, and lightly massage this area, leave the mixture for 15 minutes, then wash your hair with shampoo.

2-3 times a week, pure hazelnut oil can be applied to the scalp, massaging the skin for 8-10 minutes and leaving for 30 minutes for complete absorption. This treatment will strengthen the hair follicles and prevent hair loss.

Hazelnut oil in cooking

The oil in question is rarely used for frying foods, since heat treatment it disappears nutritional composition, wonderful aroma and taste. More often, this oil is used to season salads, prepare sauces based on it, and sprinkle on fish and meat. In addition, a bit of oil can be added to pasta or ready-made puree, which will give the dish an original nutty flavor. You can also mix part of the hazelnut oil with the same amount of walnuts or peanut butter And ready mixture add to salads and baked goods. As a result, you will receive new, unusual-tasting dishes and provide undoubted benefit to the body!

Hazelnut oil contraindications

It is known that everything is good in moderation. This also applies to the use of the nuts in question. It is enough for an adult to eat 30–40 g of such nuts per day, but abuse of such a product can result in intestinal problems and cerebral vascular spasms. In addition, hazelnut oil is contraindicated for obese people, people suffering from chronic liver diseases and diabetes mellitus. In all other cases, the benefits of mala hazelnut will be undeniable.
Good health to you!
