Useful properties of feijoa. How to eat the fruit? Medicinal properties of tropical berries. For medicinal purposes

Feijoa was first discovered in Brazil, since then exotic fruit gained popularity all over the world. Currently, the berry can be found throughout the vastness of our homeland; the product mainly grows in the southern regions. Feijoa has a rich chemical composition, which contains essential microelements for human body.

Choosing the right feijoa

  1. To choose worthy fruits, you need to pay attention to the integrity of the shell. The peel should not have any damage or dents. A ripe berry is smooth, dense and elastic to the touch.
  2. If you cut an exotic fruit, the flesh should be transparent and fleshy. In this case, the taste of feijoa will be fully revealed.
  3. When choosing a product at the market, ask the seller to cut the berry, this way you can ensure its integrity and ripeness.
  4. If the flesh is white, the fruit can be considered unripe. Don’t despair, place the fruits at home in a warm room. In a few days, the feijoa will gain proper maturity and can be consumed.
  5. Exotic fruits are picked unripe; the berries ripen during transportation. Feijoa also tends to spoil quickly. If, when cutting the fruit, you see pulp dark color, please refrain from purchasing.

Benefits and composition of feijoa

  1. When studying feijoa, it turned out that the fruit contains a high level of iodine. The enzyme is easily absorbed by the body because it is in a water-soluble form. It has been scientifically proven that berries are an order of magnitude superior to red fish and seafood in terms of iodine content.
  2. If you eat just a few fruits a day, you will replenish daily norm iodine in the body. It is highly recommended to consume exotic berries for people who have problems with the thyroid gland. It is also worth including feijoa in the diet of children and the elderly.
  3. It is highly recommended to consume the fruits if you live in big cities. Feijoa contains ascorbic acid, which actively prevents colds. Thiamine is involved in the normalization of metabolic processes, maintaining the functioning of the heart muscle and brain activity.
  4. The presence of riboflavin in berries is responsible for stabilizing the level of hormones in the body. In addition, the enzyme is involved in the synthesis of red blood cells, the breakdown of fats and the renewal of fibers and tissues. Nicotinic acid normalizes the functioning of the pancreas and the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. The enzyme reduces blood pressure and prevents the development of cancer cells.
  5. Thanks to the content of pantothenic acid in feijoa, the functioning of metabolic processes in the body is restored. The enzyme actively suppresses a number of ailments and is able to cope with pancreatitis, allergies, liver diseases, tuberculosis and bronchitis.
  6. Pyridoxine helps build enzymes that are necessary for the functioning of all muscles of the human body. Chemical substance effectively affects muscles during cramps, spasms and numbness of the limbs. At the same time, pyridoxine slows down tissue aging at the cellular level.
  7. Feijoa is rich in niacin, an enzyme that is an integral part of the central nervous system. The substance actively participates in protein metabolism and has a positive effect on work of cardio-vascular system. Thanks to the easily digestible fats and proteins that feijoa is rich in, it can be classified as a dietary product.
  8. The peel of exotic berries contains leukoanthocin and kakhetin; chemical enzymes are recognized as powerful antioxidants. The substances resist the harmful effects of the environment. In addition, kakhetin and leukoanthocin prevent the formation of cancer cells and pathologies.

  1. Pediatricians strongly recommend introducing feijoa into your baby’s daily diet with extreme caution. Otherwise, you risk causing your child intolerance even after just 1 berry.
  2. If complementary feeding goes without harmful consequences, feijoa will only bring the child invaluable benefits. Due to the high iodine content in the product, the baby will not feel tired. The berries will also have positive effect for the thyroid gland to work.
  3. Feijoa has proven itself to be an effective product in strengthening immune system. Thus, when regular use The body's resistance increases. The child is not at risk of various diseases, viral infections and fungi. It is highly recommended to consume the fruits during the off-season.
  4. You should also be careful if your child is at risk of developing excess weight or diabetes. You can eat berries, but you should limit them daily amount and constantly monitor the body’s reaction.

Benefits of feijoa for pregnant women

  1. Girls who are pregnant need to treat nutrition with special responsibility. The main criteria remain that products must be balanced, healthy and varied. During pregnancy, the formation of the fetus and its organs occurs.
  2. Try not to give in to various temptations in terms of unhealthy foods; it is during pregnancy that you want something useless. Experts recommend using it for pregnant girls. various vegetables and fruits that grow in your climate. During the cold season, things are more complicated.
  3. It has been scientifically proven that feijoa, despite its exotic nature, is excellent for the fairer sex during pregnancy. In addition to the above microelements, ascorbic acid and niacin are of particular benefit. Enzymes are easily absorbed by the body.
  4. Tropical berries also contain high levels of iodine and iron. Minerals are easily absorbed by the blood and form the fetus without signs of damage. It is also worth considering the fact that if your doctor has prescribed iodine-containing vitamins to you, you should limit your consumption of feijoa. An excess of a microelement is just as harmful as its deficiency.

  1. It has been scientifically proven that feijoa has a disinfectant and antiseptic effect. With the help of various infusions, decoctions of fruits and leaves, you can heal skin abrasions. The products are excellent for bleeding gums and toothache.
  2. To do nourishing mask for the face, just combine the grated fruit with the yolk of an egg. As a result, the skin will receive a charge of useful microelements, microcracks and creases will be smoothed out. The dermis will also gain an even tone, smoothness and velvety feel.

Contraindications and possible harm of feijoa

  1. The product is so unique that it has virtually no contraindications, except for individual intolerance.
  2. Individuals who may have allergies or hypersensitivity to iodine should be wary of the fruit. As practice shows, such phenomena occur in rare cases.
  3. Therefore, if you are allergic, carefully monitor your health. If there are any deviations, immediately stop eating exotic berries.

Rules for eating feijoa

  1. So that feijoa does not leave you indifferent and brings maximum benefit for the body, you only need to consume ripe fruits. There can only be a snag if the berries have not had time to ripen. As described earlier, feijoas are harvested unripe.
  2. If you purchased the fruits in this form, do not despair, the product can be kept in a warm room for several days, after which you can enjoy the pulp unique taste. During the process of ripening, feijoa will acquire a filling similar to jelly, and the peel will noticeably become thinner.
  3. The method of eating feijoa is very similar to kiwi. You can remove the peel from the berries and chop them into pieces. The top part of the fruit is also cut off and eaten dessert spoon, removing the pulp from the cavity. Do not forget that if feijoa is fully ripe, it can be consumed whole. As you know, it is in the peel that almost all the benefits are concentrated.

If you suffer from chronic fatigue, obesity, vitamin deficiency or loss of strength, experts strongly recommend including about 6 feijoa berries in your daily diet. After a few days you will feel better. In addition, the fruits are rich in essential oils, which are involved in strengthening the human protective shell.

Video: benefits and harms of feijoa

Green oblong berries with the exotic and unusual name “feijoa” have long appeared on the shelves of our stores. However, rarely does anyone buy this fruit without knowing about its healing and taste qualities. Doctors recommend that you include feijoa in your diet. beneficial features and the contraindications of which we will now study.

Useful composition of feijoa

The healing properties of feijoa are due to its composition, which contains a rich vitamin and mineral complex of components.

Composition of feijoa

Components Content (per 100 g of product)
Fats 0.6 g
Unsaturated fats 0.1 g
Squirrels 1 g
Unsaturated fatty acids 0.3 g
Carbohydrates 13 g
Sahara 8 g
Alimentary fiber 6 g
Potassium 172 mg
Phosphorus 20 mg
Iron 0.1 mg
Sodium 30 mg
Copper 55 mcg
Zinc 0.04 mg
Calcium 17 mg
Magnesium 9 mg
Manganese 0.085 mg
B vitamins 0.4 mg
Iodine 36 mg
Vitamin C 32.9 mg
Phenolic compounds 0.8 mg
Pectins 2.5 mg
Vitamin PP 0.289 mg

The unique property of feijoa is that it is the only existing plant where the iodine content is higher than in red fish and seafood. This property is used in the treatment of various endocrine diseases and disorders of the thyroid gland.

Feijoa because of the very high content essential oils and antioxidants negatively affects the condition of pathogenic microorganisms and has a powerful antibacterial and antifungal effect.

The high concentration of vitamins in feijoa, the benefits and harms of which doctors have long known, helps prevent and prevent the development and exacerbation of many diseases, and in some cases even completely cure the disease:

  • Vitamin C – prevents the development of colds.
  • Vitamin B2 – helps balance hormone levels and promotes tissue renewal.
  • Vitamin B1 – affects the regulation of metabolic processes, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and stimulates brain activity.
  • Vitamin B3 – prevents the development of cancer cells, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Vitamin B6 - improves muscle function, prevents cramps and numbness of the limbs.
  • Vitamin B5 – prevents the development of diseases of the pulmonary and respiratory systems.
  • Vitamin PP – helps normalize the nervous system.

The easily digestible fats and proteins that the fruit contains allow it to be classified as a dietary product. Just 2-3 fruits can saturate the body, fully providing it not only with all the necessary microelements and vitamins, but also with enzymes involved in the production of energy to ensure vital functions.

What are the benefits of feijoa?

The beneficial properties of feijoa are manifested for the treatment and prevention of many diseases, as well as for improving general well-being and resisting various viruses and infections.

Feijoa is useful:

  • For vitamin deficiency and depletion of the body, thanks to its immunomodulatory properties. The fruit is very useful to consume during periods of exacerbation of seasonal colds, in postoperative periods, and also after serious illnesses.
  • For colds, essential oils and vitamin C help cope with viruses.
  • If you have problems with gastrointestinal tract, obesity. Feijoa contains a lot of fiber, which helps improve digestive and metabolic processes.
  • For endocrine disorders, thanks to the high iodine content.
  • For atherosclerosis and diseases of the cardiovascular system, the fruit helps to significantly reduce cholesterol levels in the blood, and also helps normalize blood pressure in hypertension, improves blood condition, thanks to the antioxidants contained in the fruit.
  • In the treatment of pyelonephritis, treatment of gastritis, pancreas, liver - it is part of therapeutic diets.

Not only the fruits, but also the bark, leaves and peel of the plant are endowed with beneficial properties.

Antibacterial properties allow feijoa to act as a powerful antiseptic and disinfectant. Decoctions containing leaves, bark and fruits of the plant are used to treat deep cuts, abrasions, and ulcers.. They can be used to rinse your mouth for oral diseases, as well as relieve toothache.

For women

Antioxidants contained in feijoa help slow down the processes of aging and cell destruction. Therefore, a woman who regularly consumes this fruit will look younger and more attractive.

The fruits are used for painful menstruation, because... The property of the fruit to accelerate metabolic processes contributes to the rapid dilatation of the cervix.

For men

Feijoa is recommended for men as a prevention of urological diseases. Several fruits consumed per day can prevent and prevent inflammation of the prostate and, as a result, impotence.

For children

The fruit helps with food poisoning and some stomach disorders, which often occur in children. Feijoa, of course, will not eliminate food poisoning completely, but will help calm the intestinal and stomach mucosa, which will lead to normalization of the condition as a whole.

For pregnant

Metabolic disorders and constipation are a common problem for pregnant women. A couple of fruits a day will help avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract and restore its functioning.

In cosmetology

The large amount of antioxidants contained in feijoa allows the fruit to be widely used in cosmetology.

Masks made from the plant have a beneficial effect on the skin - they give elasticity and softness, relieve inflammation, improve the overall appearance, rejuvenate the skin and remove age wrinkles.

Masks based on the fruit and decoctions from the leaves and peel of the plant are used to treat age spots, acne, and rosacea. It is recommended to regularly wipe the face of adolescents with problem skin with the pulp of the fruit.

For weight loss

Feijoa is dietary products, so I often advise those who want to lose weight to include it in their diet. Berry fruits help speed up metabolism, which allows you to get rid of some extra pounds.

Any fruit can be substituted sweet dessert or include them as an independent meal.

How to eat feijoa

Only ripe feijoa fruits have high taste. It is not always possible to find ripe fruits on sale, because... They are collected unripe and are perishable products.

It is better to let hard feijoas sit for several days until they ripen - ripe fruit has watery pulp and thin skin.

Usually only the pulp is consumed, cutting off the thick skin. But the skin contains a lot useful substances, so it’s better not to throw it away, but to add it to various infusions or teas.

For medicinal purposes

For prevention and treatment various diseases It is enough to eat 1-2 fruits a day.

Infusions and decoctions are prepared from the leaves, peel and dried flowers of the plant, which are drunk throughout the day instead of tea.

Children can prepare feijoa puree - to do this, mix several fruits with a small amount of sugar and grind in a blender. As a preventive measure, eat 1 tbsp before each meal. spoon. You can eat purees for weight loss in the same way.

In cooking

Feijoa is usually added to salads, appetizers or main courses; various desserts and sweet sauces are made from them.

The fruit harmonizes perfectly with citrus fruits, fresh and boiled vegetables. From it you can prepare useful and delicious jam, which allows you to save everything healing properties feijoa:

  • To make jam you need to take 1-2 kg of ripe feijoa fruits.
  • Wash the fruits thoroughly and remove any remaining flowers.
  • The peel can be peeled (then the jam will be softer and more tender), but it is better to leave it - the jam will be more healthy and nutritious.
  • Cut the fruits into several parts and grind them in a blender.
  • Add sugar to the resulting mixture at a ratio of 1:1. If you add more sugar, the jam will be too sweet.
  • Leave the resulting raw jam for some time until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  • Afterwards, the jam should be distributed into sterile jars and refrigerated.
  • You should not cook feijoa jam so that it does not lose all its beneficial properties.
  • Over time, the jam will acquire a jelly-like consistency, and in this form it can already be consumed.

You can drink the jam as a snack with tea, add it to pancakes or various desserts.

Harm of feijoa

Ripe fruit will not cause any harm to the body if it is consumed correctly and contraindications are avoided:

  • You should not eat unripe berries, because... they can cause digestive upset.
  • The fruit should not be consumed if you have diabetes or obesity due to its high sugar content.
  • The fruit is contraindicated for hyperthyroidism due to its high iodine content.
  • The fruit should not be mixed with dairy products and milk due to the incompatibility of these products.
  • You should eat the fruit with caution if you are taking medications containing iodine at the same time.

Before eating fruit for the first time, you should check your body for the presence of allergic reactions– You should eat a couple of pieces of the fruit to begin with.

Fruits eaten in unlimited quantities can cause an overdose - the high content of iodine, vitamins and sugars can negatively affect the body. It is better for a child under one year old to completely stop eating feijoa; older children are recommended to eat no more than 1 fruit per day.

The daily intake dose is calculated taking into account the lack of iodine in the body. If the iodine content is normal, 2-3 fruits per day are enough. More than 4-5 fruits per day can cause hypervitaminosis and intestinal upset.

Feijoa will bring many benefits to the body if you regularly include it in your diet and consume it in moderation.

Feijoa - what is it and what is it eaten with? Is this a vegetable or a fruit? What does it taste like? This is how the majority of people in our country will react. Is this fruit name exotic to you? It is not surprising, because South America is considered the birthplace of this fruit, so in Russia this name remains mysterious and enigmatic. However, in Europe and the USA this tasty and healthy fruit won more than one million fans. Let's figure out what feijoa is, what it tastes like, how to eat it, and what its beneficial properties are.

You will learn everything about this wonder from our article.

Feijoa fruit is rich in vitamins and microelements. This is an additional source of iodine for our body, and this berry also contains manganese, iron, phosphorus, zinc, potassium and others useful microelements. This exotic wonder is rich in vitamin C, so it will help cope with viral diseases in autumn and winter.

Feijoa is neither a vegetable nor a fruit, but a unique berry. Are you surprised? Then read on. The feijoa fruit grows from an evergreen small tree or shrub. This plant requires a subtropical or tropical climate. Brazil is considered the birthplace of the culture. The berry got its name in honor of its discoverer - Joao da Silva Feijó, a Portuguese by nationality and a naturalist by vocation.

Widely distributed in South America, Europe, and also in the south Russian Federation. In our country, this curiosity grows in the Krasnodar region, the Crimean peninsula, and also in the Caucasus.

What does feijoa taste like?

This berry is very juicy, its pulp is fleshy and extremely tasty. With its divine aroma and taste, it resembles a mixture of strawberries, pineapple and kiwi. Quite an exotic explosion of flavors, isn't it? However, for each person it will have its own unique taste, which will resemble a mixture of different fruits.

On green sweet potatoes Feijoa is also similar in appearance. It has a dense, dark green skin that is smooth to the touch and shiny in appearance, but does not have the typical kiwi fibers. This is an oblong fruit of small size. You won't find it on every fruit stand.

What types are there

World varieties:

How to eat feijoa: with or without peel

You bought feijoa for the first time and don’t know how to eat this berry. We will tell you how to eat it correctly.

Feijoa peel is very tart, especially if you bought an unripe fruit, and it has a rather specific taste, as they say, it’s not for everyone. Therefore, if you like to surprise your taste buds, you can consume this berry whole, along with the peel. This combination is especially good in a salad. Just cut the feijoa into circles and enjoy.

If you are not a fan of extreme tastes, then we advise you to consume only the pulp of the fruit. To do this, simply cut off the top and scoop out the flesh with a small spoon.

What dishes can be prepared from this exotic berry?

It is better to consume feijoa fruit in fresh without exposing him heat treatment.

The following dishes are most often prepared with this berry:

  • Fruit salads. Feijoa adds sophistication and uniqueness to this ordinary dish. Try making a fruit salad and adding this berry and the dish will sparkle with new colors.
  • The pulp of the fruit goes well with dietary meat. For example, with chicken, rabbit, turkey. Try making a classic meat salad For festive feast and add feijoa. At the very least, you are guaranteed to surprise your guests.
  • Any desserts. Pairs well with mousses, ice cream, cottage cheese, and other delicacies.
  • Feijoa jam. However, this jam is not boiled, but only the pulp of the fruit is ground with sugar. You don’t have to add sugar, because the fruits already have enough sweetness. By the way, you can grind the fruits together with the peel without peeling the berries. This will make the jam taste richer.
  • Tea with dried feijoa peel.

What's even useful about this berry? Maybe it’s still healthier to eat a familiar banana or apple than a foreign wonder? It’s up to you, of course, to decide, however, first familiarize yourself with the beneficial properties of this berry, and then make a choice.

Beneficial features:


  • Diabetes . The fruit contains a large amount of sugars, so consumption is contraindicated for diabetics.
  • Excess iodine in the body.
  • Individual intolerance.

How to choose the right berry

Feijoa fruits can be found on the shelves of our country in the fall. It is during this season that the berries ripen and become available to our population. How to choose the right tasty and juicy berry? What to look for when buying feijoa?

Give preference to large-sized fruits. It is believed that such berries will bring maximum benefits to your body.

By appearance It will be difficult to determine the ripeness of the fruit, so rely on tactile sensations. Feel the fruit - it should be slightly soft to the touch. But the skin of the fruit should be smooth and dark green, without damage or any stains. If you see spots on the skin, it means that you have an overripe fruit, which will certainly affect its taste.

It’s better to choose a green, unripe fruit that will “reach its condition” in a few days, than to buy a rotten one and immediately throw it away. Be sure to wait until the fruit ripens at home, otherwise it will taste qualities will not please you very much and you are unlikely to want to try this exotic wonder again.

Feijoa recipes

Healthy salad for those losing weight


  • Beets - 1 pc.;
  • Any nuts - 50 grams;
  • Greens optional - 10 grams;
  • Boiled chicken breast- 150 grams:
  • Spices that you like, salt, pepper - to taste.
  • Olive oil + lemon juice - for salad dressing.

Boil the beets, peel them, combine with all the other products, which we will first cut into brunoise (cubes). Make a dressing from olive oil and lemon juice, salt, pepper, stir and a tasty, and most importantly, healthy and low-calorie dish is ready.

Fruit salad"Exotic"


  • Your favorite fruits (we will take kiwi, banana, orange, apple and feijoa);
  • Sour cream or yogurt for dressing - 30 grams;
  • Any nuts - a handful.

Peel and cut the fruits, season with sour cream or yogurt and mix. Lightweight and fast holiday dessert ready!

Cocktail “Explosion of Flavors”


  • Banana;
  • Apricot;
  • Kefir;
  • Feijoa.

Place all the fruits in a blender and pour in kefir. Beat everything well until homogeneous mass. Delicious cocktail ready!

Feijoa and cranberry tincture

This tincture has a very pleasant, slightly tart, sweet and sour taste. And it exudes a simply divine aroma! Be sure to try making this tincture if you like and use alcoholic cocktails..


  • Vodka - 400 ml;
  • Feijoa - 300 grams;
  • Cranberries - 100 grams;
  • Sugar - half a glass;
  • Water - 7 tablespoons.

First of all, we will prepare the cranberries: rinse them well under running water and chop them in a blender. Cut the feijoa together with the peel, after washing the fruits. Cook sugar syrup, bring sugar and water to a boil and pour into a jar of vodka. Add berries, stir, cover with a lid and place in a dark place. Forget about the tincture for a week, or better yet, let it brew for a month. Strain before use.

Using feijoa for cosmetic purposes

This exotic berry Not only is it eaten, but also with the addition of fruit pulp, excellent face masks, lotions and other cosmetics are obtained. We will provide several homemade recipes cosmetics. You can prepare them very easily and simply.

Moisturizing mask for dry and sensitive skin

Let's take the yolk of one chicken egg, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and pulp from one feijoa fruit. Mix our products and apply the mask to previously cleansed skin of the face and neck. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes, then rinse warm water. Wipe off the remaining mask with a cotton pad. Lubricate the skin of the face and neck with a moisturizing day cream. This mask perfectly nourishes, softens and moisturizes.

Lotion for oily skin

Let's prepare an alcohol-based lotion. To do this, take 50 grams of alcohol and mix with pulp ripe berries feijoa. Leave for a week in a cool, dark place. Strain and use the lotion in the morning after washing and in the evening before bed. Apply a small amount of liquid onto a cotton pad and wipe your face and neck. Moisturize the skin with cream.

This lotion perfectly refreshes, tones and cleanses the skin, removing excess secretions from the sebaceous glands.

From this article you learned that there is such a wonderful berry with unique taste- feijoa. This is truly very useful product, which we advise every person to include in their diet. Its properties are multifaceted, the benefits of the fruit are undeniable. There is even more iodine than in seafood. What other arguments are needed for you to try this natural storehouse of vitamins? Hurry up, run to the store or market and buy this exotic wonder for the whole family!


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Feijoa is exotic for Slavic people, but for residents of the tropics it is a familiar fruit, often eaten. The fruit tree grows in a subtropical climate and is used not only for food, but also for medicinal purposes. If you know the beneficial properties and contraindications of feijoa, you can enrich your body valuable substances. To the population South America, New Zealand and Brazil know this, and they often use the fruit in their diet.

Today, there are more places where feijoa grows. The tree was cultivated in the southern regions of Russia (Krasnodar Territory), Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Australia. Therefore these healing berries have become more accessible and closer.

The feijoa fruit is an oblong berry with a smooth, dense green rind. Soft juicy pulp resembles a combination of several fruits: strawberries, kiwi, pineapple. The fruit is edible entirely including the peel, but not everyone likes its taste. You can determine its ripeness by color: if the flesh is white, the fruit is not ripe; if it is brown, then it is overripe. An ideally ripe fruit has a transparent core.

Chemical composition of feijoa fruit

  • Microelements and macroelements necessary to maintain immunity and the normal course of all chemical processes in the human body. Feijoa is especially rich in the elements of iodine, necessary to maintain the functions of the thyroid gland, as well as iron, which is involved in the transfer of oxygen, magnesium, potassium, calcium, zinc, and phosphorus.
  • B vitamins that support the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Vitamins C and A, strengthening the walls of blood vessels.
  • Amino acids (arginine, tyrosine, aspartic, glutamic) involved in the formation of proteins in the human body.
  • Essential oils and tannins.

Beneficial properties for women and men

For women, the fruit is especially useful during pregnancy, when the body of the expectant mother needs large amounts of iron, folic acid, calcium, and magnesium. All microelements are contained in feijoa. In addition, for the development of a healthy fetus, it is necessary sufficient quantity iodine, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland and the formation of the child’s nervous system. If it is deficient in the body of a pregnant woman or a newborn baby, congenital hypothyroidism (low thyroid function) may develop. A complication of this disease is dementia. At the same time, the fruit is low-calorie and does not add excess weight future mother.

For men, feijoa is useful for prostatitis (inflammation of the prostate gland). Thanks to healing properties Feijoa fruits can prevent inflammation of the prostate, so they are used to prevent male problems. At the same time, erectile function in men also improves.

Medicinal properties of feijoa

  • Replenishes iodine deficiencies in the human body, which is especially necessary for diseases of the thyroid gland to maintain its function.
  • Improves the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Normalizes sleep.
  • Strengthens the immune system. Thanks to the vitamins and microelements it contains, the fruit stimulates the formation of immune cells - leukocytes.
  • Fights anemia. Because of large quantities feijoa gland is effective for iron deficiency anemia, strengthens the immune system.
  • Lowers cholesterol in the blood, so the fruit is useful for people suffering from atherosclerosis.
  • Improves performance digestive tract: high content vegetable fiber promotes increased peristalsis and cleansing of the intestines.
  • Natural antiseptic. Disinfectant effect possesses tree bark, leaves and fruit peel. A decoction of them is used for inflammatory diseases mucous membranes - periodontal disease, cuts, kidney inflammation.

How to choose a mature feijoa?

Its benefits depend on the degree of ripeness of the fruit. The riper the feijoa, the more nutritional components it contains. For transportation, unripe fruits are collected, so when purchasing you should pay attention to the following nuances:

  1. Set aside hard fruit for several days. This will give it the opportunity to ripen and become softer. Most healthy feijoa, which has jelly-like pulp.
  2. You should not buy overripe fruits. It is difficult to control the onset of fermentation processes, and purchased feijoa will be unsuitable for consumption.
  3. The skin of the fruit should not have visible damage. They indicate that useful qualities fruits are reduced. The cause may be mechanical damage during transportation. It is better to set aside the fruit, even with small dents, so as not to doubt its freshness.
  4. Large fruit is always preferable. It contains more sugars and vitamins. But this is not the main criterion. Depending on the variety, feijoas have different fruit sizes.
  5. If you need to purchase a ripe fruit, press it lightly. It should be soft, and the peel should not be completely smooth. Cut the feijoa and examine the flesh. An unripe fruit has a white flesh color, while an overripe fruit has a brown color. Unripe fruit can be ripened; overripe fruit is not suitable for use.
  6. The fruits should not have a stalk. It indicates that the feijoa was cut from the branch without waiting for the harvest date.
  7. The aroma of mature feijoa is reminiscent of pineapple. It is used to judge the ripeness of the fruit.

Sales season in Russia. Prices

The ripening time for feijoa fruits is late October-early November. Fruits are imported to Russia from Azerbaijan and Abkhazia; they are grown in Sochi and the Krasnodar Territory. The price of the fruit is not high - it fluctuates around 50-100 rubles per kilogram. Therefore, you can and should allow yourself to eat at least a few feijoa fruits a day during the cold season.

Feijoa calories

100 grams of fruit contain a small amount of calories – 50-55. This fruit is considered dietary. Most of it contains carbohydrates, namely sucrose. The fruit is quickly digested and absorbed.

How to store it correctly?

By preserving feijoa for a long time, we provide a supply of vitamins for the body. The healthy fruit is stored in different ways.

The most famous storage options are:

  • fresh;
  • in the form of jam (with and without heat treatment).

Which method to choose must be decided depending on the desired shelf life. On average, feijoa fruits remain fresh for 10 days after picking. If we take into account the period of transportation, packaging, and preparation for sale, then it is better to consume ripe feijoa immediately or keep it in the refrigerator for several days. Unripe fruit remains until spring if the storage parameters are correctly observed - temperature regime and high-quality ventilation. It is enough to place it in the compartment of the refrigerator intended for storing fruit.

How to eat feijoa? Recipes

This fruit can be consumed both raw and thermally processed. Raw feijoa fruits have a specific taste, reminiscent of pineapple, kiwi and strawberry at the same time. Only the flesh is tasty; the skin is dense and not very pleasant to the taste. But it is the skin that contains most of the nutrients. Therefore, in order not to lose them, jam or jam is prepared from the fruits along with the peel.

Recipe for making raw feijoa jam

Many housewives prefer jam - reliable way enjoy the taste of feijoa long time. Minimal loss of the vitamin value of the fruit is ensured by “live” feijoa jam. It is prepared according to classic recipe for berries. Sugar and fruits are taken in a 1:1 ratio and ground into one mass. The amount of sugar can be increased - this will extend the shelf life of the jam, but will deprive it of the specific taste of feijoa.

The preparation steps are simple:

  1. The fruits are washed, the tails and stalks are removed.
  2. Grind in a convenient way - in a blender, meat grinder.
  3. Spread the mass into enamel dishes and sprinkle with sugar.
  4. Stir until the sugar crystals dissolve.
  5. Place the sweets into pre-prepared glass containers. Lids and jars are thoroughly washed with soda solution, rinsed and doused with boiling water.
  6. Store jam in the refrigerator for no more than 2.5 - 3 months.

There is a recipe in which sugar is replaced with honey. This is a natural preservative that is not recommended for heat treatment. Therefore, it can also be used for “live” jam.

If the composition (with sugar) is thermally treated, the shelf life increases to 1 year. In this case, add 1 glass of water to the above components, pour it into an enamel container and bring to a boil. Then sugar is added in parts and dissolved. Fruit puree transferred to syrup and stirred with a wooden spoon. Boil the mixture for 10 minutes, regularly removing foam. The container for jam is thoroughly washed and sterilized. Lay out ready-made jam into jars, rolled up and stored in a cool place. The jam is used throughout the year.

IN classic composition Many housewives like to add a twist. For feijoa jam it will be lemon juice, cranberries, pears, orange pulp with peel or ginger root.

Feijoa jam

To prepare, take 600 grams of raw feijoa fruits, wash them, remove the dry tails, and cut the fruits in half. Grind in a blender, add 0.5 kilograms of sugar, juice and zest of one lemon, 3 tablespoons of grated ginger. After this, add half a liter drinking water, posted in aluminum cookware and cook until thick jam. The finished feijoa jam is transferred to sterilized jars and sealed with lids.

Medical uses of feijoa. What do we treat and how?

The main areas of application of feijoa fruits in medicine are endocrinology (treatment of diseases of the thyroid and pancreas), cardiology (treatment of hypertension and purification of blood from cholesterol) and immunology (treatment of reduced immunity and vitamin deficiencies).

Treatment of the thyroid gland with feijoa

Use jam from raw feijoa fruits or puree. You need to take a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is at least a month. It should be remembered that only ripe fruits are used for medicinal purposes.

An infusion of dried feijoa fruits is also used. To do this, pour 3 tablespoons of fruit with two glasses of boiling water and leave overnight. The next day, drink in 3 doses. Continue this way every day for a month.

Feijoa for diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a disease of the pancreas in which there is a violation of the absorption of glucose by cells. At the same time, the blood sugar level is increased. Violating the diet and consuming foods containing large amounts of sugar aggravates the course of the disease and leads to an even greater increase in blood glucose. Therefore, feijoa is not used for the treatment of diabetes, given the sugar content in its composition, but consumed in minimum quantities acceptable.

What else

Feijoa is also used in the treatment of the cardiovascular system. It cleanses the blood of cholesterol, stimulates the formation of blood cells, prevents the formation of blood clots pure juice from feijoa fruit. A tablespoon of juice is mixed with 50 grams of water and taken once a day.

To strengthen the walls of blood vessels, you can use orange jam. To prepare, take a kilogram of feijoa fruit, 2 kilograms of sugar and the juice of two oranges. Make jam and take 1 tablespoon 2 times a day. The combination of a large amount of vitamin C in orange and a complex of microelements and vitamins in feijoa strengthens blood vessels.

Feijoa in cosmetology

The fruit has an anti-inflammatory effect, so it is used to combat acne. Rejuvenating, softening and nutritional properties Help fading and aging skin maintain a healthy appearance. The simplest recipe is to apply the crushed pulp of the fruit to the skin of the face and leave for a few minutes.

Before using any mask, you need to conduct a skin test: place a small amount on the inner surface of the forearm and wait 10-15 minutes. If there is no reaction, you can safely apply the mask to your face.

There are several feijoa face masks:

  • Thanks to its large amount of essential oils and antioxidants, the fruit is used to strengthen skin and hair. Cosmetologists recommend using the following face mask every 3 days. Prepare a chamomile decoction (1 teaspoon of herb per glass of boiling water), cool, add a tablespoon oatmeal and two tablespoons of feijoa pulp. The mixture should sit until the flakes swell. Then add a teaspoon almond oil and can be applied to cleansed facial skin.
  • The pulp from several feijoa fruits is ground in a blender until smooth. Add 2 tablespoons to it fat cottage cheese, one chicken egg yolk and a tablespoon of olive oil. Before application, cleanse the skin of cosmetics and sebum. Apply the mask to your face, rinse with warm water after 20 minutes.

Growing feijoa at home

Growing feijoa at home is possible and is becoming increasingly common in Russia. This tree is loved not only for useful fruits, but also for beautiful flowers. The plant is grown in two ways.

  1. Growing from seeds. For harvesting, take ripe fruits (important - not overripe!), extract the pulp from them along with the seeds. The pulp is washed in a weak solution of manganese, the separated seeds are dried and sown in the soil. At first, you can use small pots, and then transplant the sprouted seedlings into larger containers.
  2. Growing from cuttings. Take cuttings 8-10 cm long and leave one pair of upper leaves on them. They are deepened by 2/3 of their length at an angle into the soil. The soil is shed with a warm, weak solution of manganese. To retain moisture in the soil (feijoa loves this), you can cover it with polyethylene. The lighting should be intense, but the light should fall diffusely. Rooting of cuttings occurs after 1.5-2 months. After this, they can be planted in the ground.


Abuse of any of the products may cause irreparable harm. Therefore, you should always be careful about the properties of the foods you eat. Feijoa fruits are no exception. The benefits and harms of fruit should be taken into account in the presence of certain diseases in humans.

  • Hyperthyroidism. This is a disease of the thyroid gland in which the content of hormones is increased. Due to the high iodine content in feijoa fruits, they should not be consumed if you have hyperthyroidism.
  • Allergic reactions. People who are prone to allergies should use feijoa with caution. Due to the large amount of essential oils, the fruit can cause allergies.
  • Diabetes. Feijoa contains a lot of carbohydrates, which can affect the blood sugar level of a diabetic patient.

It should be remembered that any useful fruit can also be dangerous. For example, an overdose of feijoa can lead to anxiety, increased body temperature, increased heart rate or, conversely, depression, weakness and lethargy. Therefore, before consuming the fruit for medicinal purposes, you should definitely consult a doctor.

Feijoa is a small green fruit very similar to a lime. It grows in the southern part of the country - in Crimea, Turkmenistan, and the Caucasus. This fruit has unusual taste, something between pineapple, kiwi and strawberry. Feijoa is very rich in vitamin C, iodine, amino acids and fiber. Its appearance on the markets is no longer a novelty, but many do not know how and in what form to consume this exotic fruit.

First of all, we choose ripe fruits. They should be soft to the touch, the inside should be jelly-like. You can also check by cutting it off. Unripe feijoa is white inside, while ripe feijoa has a slightly brownish tint. Fresh feijoa can be eaten with the peel, biting into it like an apple. Some fruits have a peel tart taste

and a little bitter. Another way to consume it is to eat it like a grapefruit. Cut in half and eat with a teaspoon. Feijoa is very tasty

original jam . Take a kilogram of fruit and grind it through a meat grinder. Add 500-800 grams of sugar and boil for 5 minutes. You can add half a lemon for taste. Feijoa can be added to cereals, desserts, and baked goods. It is used to make tinctures and cocktails.

This fruit is useful to use for colds, vitamin deficiency and to increase immunity. Here's a very simple recipe. 0.5 kg feijoa, 200 g dried apricots, 200 g walnuts, 1-2 lemons scroll through a meat grinder. Add a couple of spoons of honey and mix. You need to apply this mixture 3 times a day. Keep refrigerated.

Feijoa is useful forFeijoa is useful for