How quickly sweet clover honey crystallizes. The main differences between rapeseed honey. Sweet clover honey - beneficial properties and contraindications

The riches of nature are incalculable. Did you know that there are over a hundred different types of honey? There are as many types of honey as there are honey-bearing plants in the world, that is, those that secrete a sweet liquid - nectar. One of the most wonderful gifts of nature to man is sweet clover honey.

The beneficial properties of sweet clover honey absorb all the benefits of medicinal clover. This plant has been used since ancient times in the treatment of many diseases. You can buy sweet clover honey not only for its medicinal effect, but also to enjoy its truly unique taste. Today, many have rightfully appreciated the unusual taste and aroma of this type of honey. Sweet clover honey many beekeepers classify them as first-class. In order to get this honey, many people specially export hives from bee families on fields planted with sweet clover. According to their own physical properties This variety belongs to the light varieties of honey. It comes in several shades: from light brown to beige, which depends on the type of sweet clover from which it was collected (white or yellow), as well as what other meadow or field herbs and flowers got into the honey along with the sweet clover nectar. After all, it is not possible to control the flight of a bee, and 100% monofloral honey does not exist in nature. Honey collected by a beekeeper from one apiary, but from different hives, will always be different.

Having bought sweet clover honey, you will appreciate it extraordinary properties: a subtle aroma reminiscent of summer and sweet taste, filled with the specific taste of sweet clover. This type of honey contains both glucose and fructose, so it is very well absorbed by the body. In many countries of Europe and America, sweet clover honey, due to its beneficial properties, is in great demand in the market by the population.

You can buy sweet clover honey at the end of July in liquid form and amber color. As it is stored, it will begin to change: thicken and acquire lighter shades. The crystals of this honey are usually medium-grained.

Since sweet clover itself belongs to the family of medicinal plants, honey is believed to have the same beneficial healing properties. Most often, it is recommended to use sweet clover honey for cardiovascular diseases. IN folk medicine It is recommended to use it for hypertension and atherosclerosis, heart failure, arrhythmia, etc. It is also useful for colds, flu, sore throat, ARVI, as it has expectorant and antimicrobial properties. Sweet clover honey also has sedative properties, which makes it indispensable for insomnia, prolonged headaches, nervous strain, stress, and chronic fatigue syndrome.

The beneficial properties of sweet clover honey do not end there. In folk medicinal recipes It can often be found as a pain reliever. It was used in conjunction with propolis and herbal tinctures in the treatment of various purulent diseases and boils, skin cuts and burns. The methods of application were very diverse: external rubbing, poultices, compresses, warm baths.

In the old days, midwives and midwives fed melilot honey to women in labor and nursing mothers, since honey allowed the body to quickly restore strength and replenish lost energy, in addition, this type of honey stimulated lactation, that is, the secretion of milk in women in the postpartum period.

Sweet clover has diuretic properties. The benefits of honey collected from sweet clover flowers are invaluable for many diseases. genitourinary system. It was also used for severe flatulence along with chamomile infusion, for kidney pain, cystitis and inflammation of the prostate.

1537 sweet clover honey

Sweet clover is a plant known for its medicinal properties since ancient times. Its nectar was used to treat gout, as well as a number of abdominal diseases. Therefore, it is not surprising that this herbaceous plant received such a name. It comes from the word “bottom”, which means the ancient name for gout, as well as from the word “bottom” - this is how they used to talk about diseases of the lower abdominal organs in Rus'.

What is sweet clover honey, beneficial properties and contraindications? Medicinal properties

Thanks to its content huge amount vitamins and nutrients, in the countries of America and Europe this honey occupies the first positions. Sweet clover, which is popularly known as trefoil or burkun, is specially sown near apiaries in order to obtain such valuable nectar in the summer, when this plant blooms. It is used for diseases respiratory tract, for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular diseases. Effective as an analgesic and sedative. It is recommended for use by breastfeeding women to stimulate lactation.

Characteristics of sweet clover honey

The color can range from white to light yellow with a greenish tint. The consistency is viscous. The crystallization process is quite long.

Color, taste, smell

Honey from white sweet clover (a plant with white flowers) is light amber or milky in color and has a characteristic taste and smell of vanilla. If the nectar is collected from yellow honey plant, then the taste and smell are less pronounced and have a bitter taste, and the color is a little darker.

Sources of production

Nectar is obtained from two types of sweet clover – white and yellow. It is the yellow shamrock that is medicinal plant.

The bee collects nectar from the end of July until the end of August - beginning of September. To obtain honey without the admixture of other nectar, beekeepers often set up apiaries near fields with trefoils.

Types of sweet clover honey, medicinal properties and contraindications

Honey comes in two varieties. It all depends on what type of burkun the bees visited to collect nectar.

White sweet clover honey

This variety has less medicinal properties than the yellow one. It has more pronounced notes of vanilla. White sweet clover honey takes longer to crystallize than yellow sweet clover nectar.

Yellow sweet clover

Since yellow sweet clover is a medicinal plant, its nectar also has a large number of useful properties for use. Finding it on sale is quite difficult. Contains a large number of vitamins

Composition of honey

The nectar is rich in vitamins C, E, PP, K and group B. In addition, there is a high content of minerals:

  • gland;
  • zinc;
  • calcium;
  • bromine;
  • folic acid.

There is more fructose in the composition (45-55%) than glucose (40-50%). The presence of choline has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes in the body, and tannins prevent blood clotting.

Calorie table

The calorie content of sweet clover nectar is the same as white sugar - 315 kcal.

100 g of honey contains 74.7 g of carbohydrates and 0.8 g of proteins.

Sweet clover honey - beneficial properties and contraindications

Sweet clover nectar is a treasure trove of useful chemical elements that help in the fight against various diseases not only of internal organs, but also of the skin.

Very frequently asked question, which worries consumers - “How much can you consume sweet clover honey per day (useful properties and contraindications)?”

The benefits of honey

The same calorie content as sugar will allow replacing the second product for those people who are struggling with overweight, but can’t give up sweets. Since nectar is rich in vitamins and macroelements, it is recommended for pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers. In addition, it is effective in the treatment of certain diseases of the genitourinary system (it is recommended to take it as a diuretic). It strengthens the immune system well and may also have antibacterial and analgesic properties. It is recommended for people to use as a folk and natural remedy in the fight against atherosclerosis.

Harm of honey

Like any other nectar, sweet clover is no exception; it must be taken in small quantities to avoid negative consequences for the body. Excessive consumption may cause an allergic reaction.

How to take, what are the benefits of sweet clover honey in medicine?

Adults in medical purposes It will be enough to take one tablespoon per day. For small children, one teaspoon will be enough. It should not be abused, since exceeding the norm may lead to manifestations allergic reactions. In addition to internal use, it can be used as compresses on affected areas of the skin.

Sweet clover is well known for its beneficial properties. The nectar of this plant effectively copes with colds and various types of respiratory diseases. It is also used as a sedative and diuretic. Useful for women who are breastfeeding to improve the lactation process.

Indications for use

Nectar is effective in the fight against:

  • disease of the kidneys and ureters;
  • varicose veins;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • cough;
  • gastrointestinal diseases (ulcers, gastritis, etc.);
  • insufficient lactation in the mother.

Sweet clover honey during lactation

Cough recipes

A healing remedy for colds is tea made from yellow sweet clover flowers (30 g of flowers per 1 liter of boiling water) with the addition of honey. Also useful together with black radish.

For the treatment of tuberculosis

Yellow sweet clover honey is a good remedy for the treatment of tuberculosis. In addition to being antibacterial, it has an immunomodulatory effect, which has a beneficial effect on the fight against tuberculosis.

Sweet clover for immunity

This medicinal honey has a positive effect on immune system, strengthening it. Therefore, it is recommended to consume nectar in the autumn-winter period.

Sweet clover for varicose veins of the legs

Consume honey with garlic three times a day. They also use highly crushed onion in a 1:1 ratio.

Treatment of pneumonia

For treatment, a honey compress is used, which is applied to the chest and back for the whole night. To prepare them, you need to mix sweet clover nectar with vodka or alcohol and aloe in a ratio of 2:3:1.

Treatment of constipation

To treat constipation, you need to add a little water, grated apples to sweet clover honey and mix with oatmeal and lemon juice. It will be enough to take this mixture once a day with meals.

Contraindications for use

It is contraindicated to consume sweet clover nectar for people:

  • those who are allergic to honey and legumes (since sweet clover belongs to the Legume family);
  • patients with diabetes mellitus;
  • children under 3 years of age.

Storage conditions

It can be stored for no more than 2 years. glassware. It can also be stored in ceramic. The temperature should be room temperature. At low temperatures, the product crystallizes, but the beneficial properties are retained in this case.

How to distinguish sweet clover honey from fake?

Many people ask the question: “If you buy sweet clover honey at a fair, how can you tell it from a fake?” Natural nectar is often replaced with fakes. The first thing you need to look for to identify fake honey products is color, smell and consistency. The fake one flows from the spoon in drops, not a stream. The second thing you need to know in order to recognize a fake is that if you twist a spoon in a container of honey, then the real one should be screwed onto the spoon. Third, natural sweet clover nectar does not have a cloying taste.

5 interesting facts about sweet clover honey

  1. In America, the main honey plant is sweet clover.
  2. Even in ancient times, nectar was used to treat various diseases.
  3. The seeds of the plant can be stored for up to 70 years.
  4. Sweet clover honey is used to improve blood and increase hemoglobin.
  5. Nectar contains almost 60 different chemical compounds.

Honey is a healthy organic product that has medicinal properties. Its different varieties have different effects on the human body. We all know that linden is good for coughs, and sunflower is good for heart diseases. Why such a difference? In this article I will try to tell you about this and highlight separately the benefits of sweet clover honey.

Why do different types of honey differ in their effect on the body?

Honey is created by bees. They process nectar, which they collect from a wide variety of flowering trees, herbs and shrubs. Since plants have different properties, then the honey is not the same. It is all useful and healing, but different varieties have special:

If you understand this well, you can use honey as an addition to the main treatment of various diseases or simply as a tonic.

The composition of honey is also influenced by the soil on which honey plants grow.

Photo from the site:

Sweet clover and its medicinal properties

There are varieties of honey about which a lot is known. Everyone has heard about linden, buckwheat or sunflower honey. Among them, sweet clover takes pride of place. It is one of the most useful and common types. I decided to highlight the qualities of this product and also talk about its medicinal properties. After all, it is widely used in folk recipes for remedies for diseases.

First, I’ll tell you about the clover itself. It is a low flowering plant that looks like a herbaceous shrub with yellow or white flowers. Leaves of this plant trifoliate, which is why the second name for sweet clover is trefoil.

This plant blooms all summer, that is, from early June to September. This makes sweet clover a long-lasting and stable source of nectar. After all, it is from it that bees produce honey. If other plants fade at a certain time, sweet clover provides good honey production throughout the season. From my own experience, I will say that if the apiary is installed near sweet clover fields, the honey harvest will be abundant. Its value increases in the conditions of a lean year, when the plants of the main honey collection are lost due to prolonged rains or drought.

Sweet clover is used for the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • insomnia;
  • cardiac spasms;
  • migraine;
  • increased nervous excitability;
  • inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system;
  • cough;
  • bronchitis;
  • flatulence;
  • constipation;
  • gouty arthritis;
  • to achieve a certain effect as part of various fees.

As you can see, the range of uses of this plant is quite wide. This plant is a storehouse of minerals and nutrients, which then end up in the nectar collected by bees. Therefore, sweet clover honey has some chemical properties of this plant, and, therefore, therapeutic effect. In particular, in sweet clover, scientists discovered: coumarin, melilotol, cymarin, tannins and fat-like substances, essential oil, protein, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, carotene, and various sugars.

Photo from website:

When is sweet clover honey useful?

Many beekeepers (and me too) consider this honey to be special and even unique to some extent. It is the most useful of all varieties, as it has immunomodulatory and antiseptic effects. In the article I will highlight the most basic areas medicinal use this product, as well as methods of use.

Increased lactation

One of the beneficial properties of sweet clover honey is to enhance lactation. To achieve the effect, you must take one at a time dessert spoon product every time after eating. This will ensure a steady flow of milk needed by the baby. You can also use lactation preparations with honey for such purposes.

Collections with honey should only be taken warm. So they will give the desired effect and will be achieved faster.

You can also use this useful product during pregnancy, so that the body receives an additional portion of vitamins and minerals. My wife has always done this, and now my daughters-in-law too.

Photo from the site:

Activation of the immune system

The healing properties of sweet clover honey also extend to human immunity. This can be used during epidemics of acute respiratory viral infections and influenza. By taking white clover honey, you will receive a powerful stimulation of the immune system, which will help you quickly cope with illness and disease.

To achieve the effect, it will be enough to eat 25 grams of healing treats per day. For children, it is advisable to reduce the norm to 10-15 grams, since the product is allergenic.

It is worth noting that the immunomodulatory effect does not depend on the amount of product eaten. Therefore, you should not overeat in an effort to get more benefits.

Treatment of cough and other bronchial diseases

There are many cough expectorants, but you can’t limit yourself to them. After all, natural remedies for this disease will act more gently and will not cause harm. You can also always use both remedies for recovery.

To treat such diseases, both pure sweet clover honey and its mixture with radish juice are used. The second method is more effective. To prepare the medicine, you will need to hollow out a hole in the black radish. You put a tablespoon of honey into it and leave it to brew. The resulting juice is taken a dessert spoon before meals.

Photo from the site:

Skin improvement

Probably every woman knows that without proper support, even the most beautiful skin will lose its appearance. My wife also knows this, so she regularly makes face masks, to which she adds our latest harvest honey. She also mixes it with water and rubs it in the morning.

The easiest way to make a face mask is to rub fresh cucumber grate and mix it with honey. The advantages of this measure are obvious, since the skin is simultaneously disinfected and softened without becoming dry.

Photo from the site:

Antibacterial effect

Sweet clover honey also has strong bactericidal properties. It can be used to treat wounds and boils. To do this, as a rule, knead a cake of honey and flour, and then apply it to the sore spot. It is useful to eat sweet clover honey for those who suffer from ulcers and gastritis. They will heal faster.

You can also apply honey compresses to areas affected by varicose veins. The veins and other vessels will narrow, which will reduce pain symptoms.

Photo from the site:

For stress and insomnia

To cope with stressful situations and insomnia, drink tea with healing sweet clover honey. It can also be stirred in warm clean water and use in the morning. About one tablespoon of product is enough for a glass. This will strengthen the body and have a beneficial effect on nervous system.

At low pressure

This honey will help cope with hypotension. This is a real salvation for those who suffer from low blood pressure. There is no cure for this condition, so traditional medicine is the way out. It is especially useful to use for these purposes fresh honey in honeycombs.

Photo from the site:


Honey is a potential allergen. Therefore, you should not eat too much of it. It is better to adhere to the recommended standards, which are certainly safe. You should use this product with caution during pregnancy. Also, people who are allergic to legumes should not eat it.

Try not to combine sweet clover honey and milk. Their mixture can negatively affect the condition of the intestines, for example, cause flatulence.

The product has diuretic properties. Therefore, do not eat it together with teas and dietary supplements that have the same effect.

Do not use tinctures and potions with honey folk recipes before going outside. They may not harm you immediately, but after some time, when you are already far from your home and cannot lie down.

Features of sweet clover honey

Sweet clover honey has a slight vanilla scent. At the same time, the aroma is not harsh, but light; it goes well with confectionery and baked goods. It does not interrupt other smells and tastes.

The color of the product is white or pale yellow. Sometimes it is white with a golden tint.

It is important to know the physical characteristics of each type of honey. In this way, you can arm yourself against deceivers who like to sell one variety under the guise of another.

The taste of sweet clover honey is characteristic. It corresponds to the standard. No specific taste characteristics You won’t find it, there is no strong cloying quality in it.

Photo from the site:

Crystallization of the honey variety in question occurs very quickly. That is why it is almost impossible to buy it in liquid form. At the same time, crystallized sweet clover honey is very similar in consistency to rapeseed honey. They can be confused if you don't understand the aroma. Rapeseed honey does not have a vanilla smell and has a sugary sweet taste.

By the way, it is necessary to pump out such honey on time. It quickly sugars, and if it is not removed from the honeycomb in time, it will be impossible to do so later.

To try liquid sweet clover honey, make a purchase agreement with the beekeeper in advance. You can go to an apiary and pick up a jar of beautiful things with your own hands. aromatic delicacy directly during pitching.

How to identify real sweet clover honey

Every person, when buying a product, hopes to receive it of high quality and corresponding to the declared variety. With honey, all this is not easy, since it is not always easy to distinguish its types from each other. Sweet clover honey, in particular, can be confused with rapeseed honey and even bodyam honey. Some unscrupulous beekeepers sell honey from sugar syrup to which vanillin is added. How to distinguish sweet clover honey from fake?

It is worth noting that this honey should have a light vanilla aroma, and not a persistent strong vanilla smell. It is by this indicator that you judge the quality of the product offered to you. I would like to point out that even sugar honey with the addition of flavoring it has beneficial properties. Of course, they are not so pronounced.

Also make sure that the honey has a uniform consistency. If it flakes or is not the same in thickness, it means that the honey was drowned or several varieties were mixed.

And finally, I decided to post for you a video of bees collecting nectar from yellow sweet clover.

The period when bees extract medicinal nectar occurs during the flowering period of the honey plant, sweet clover (Melilotus Officinalis) - June, August. Honey is usually pumped out in July. Depending on the type of plant, which can be white or yellow sweet clover, the color of honey may differ. By collecting from white plants, bees bring a white and transparent bee product to the hive. There are also differences in taste:

  1. Yellow - characterized by richness and softness of taste, a characteristic strong odor.
  2. White - has a pleasant vanilla scent, but at the same time its taste is bitter.

The interesting thing is that it is visually difficult to attribute it to the usual varieties of bee collections. It is rather a miracle created by nature itself. Thick white, creamy mass with the smell of vanilla, more like a dessert.

coriander honey - beneficial properties and contraindications

How not to buy rapeseed honey?

Sweet clover honey is similar in consistency to rapeseed honey. It does not form crystals for a long time, and when thickened, its crystallization is soft, in the form of a viscous composition. In order not to fall into the trap of an unscrupulous beekeeper, it is important to know the differences between noble and rapeseed honey.

If we talk about healing properties, then, of course, the first cannot be compared in its composition and value with the second. Rapeseed honey is a problem for beekeepers. This nuance cannot be determined with the naked eye; only organoleptic features can help out. Honey collected from sweet clover is not often found on the open market; it is purchased on an individual order directly from the beekeeper or at specialized exhibitions.

The main differences of rapeseed honey:

  • Fast crystallization.
  • Souring, fermentation.
  • Insolubility in water.
  • Lack of characteristic vanilla smell.

Historical facts

Since ancient times, honey has been valued for its nutritional properties. Personal observations and results led to its widespread use as a healing substance in cosmetology and cooking.

Americans grow sweet clover as a weed along roadsides. The ungrateful continent is not ready to plant this plant for the sake of insects, however, for more than ten years they have been consuming the sweetness collected by bees from it. In Russia and Ukraine, the plant is sown as a feed additive for livestock diets, and also to improve soil quality. Beekeepers have long and productively used this tradition for their own purposes.

Before moving on to valuable properties, it is necessary to figure out what causes them. For this purpose, the product has been studied thoroughly. If we take into account incredible properties plants widely used in folk and traditional medicine, and add to them the waste products of bees, which are in no way inferior in their components, and even complement them - you get a kind of useful substance - a storehouse of health and longevity.

Chemical composition of sweet clover honey

  • Fructose. It consists of the overwhelming majority (40%).
  • B vitamins.
  • Vitamin A.
  • Ascorbic acid.
  • Vitamin RR.
  • Vitamin E.
  • Zinc.
  • Iron.
  • Chromium.
  • Calcium.
  • Folic acid.

Glucose. Its high content (36%) slows down the crystallization process. Makes the product viscous and viscous, somewhat similar to condensed milk.

Honey is a complete dessert. No factory-made sweet has this useful composition vitamins, micro- and macroelements. If we compare the amount of retinol in veal meat and sweet clover honey, sweetness is in the lead by 50 times.

fireweed honey - beneficial properties and contraindications

Medicinal properties of the substance

  1. Stimulating. Improves the functioning of the heart muscle and strengthens blood vessels. At the first signs of hypertension, its use is effective. Able to normalize blood pressure and blood supply. It is considered effective to take a pellet filled with honey from sweet clover flowers.
  2. Thinning. It is famous for its ability to prevent the formation of blood clots. Regulates blood thickness. Keeps the walls of blood vessels in good shape. The main assistant is dicumarol, which is part of medicinal honey.
  3. Immunomodelling. During the season of mass infections, it strengthens the body. Creates barriers that prevent viruses from entering.
  4. Respiratory. Effective for sore throats, tracheitis, laryngitis.
  5. Antispasmodic. Relieves pain in inflamed areas of the throat and digestive organs. Perfectly copes with pain caused by migraines.
  6. Bronchodilator. Promotes detachment and release of mucus. Expectorant.
  7. Anti-inflammatory. Often used for tuberculosis and pulmonary inflammation.
  8. Saturating. Value for female body during gestation is indisputable. It makes it possible to enrich the developing baby with useful substances through the mother’s body.
  9. Increases lactation. Able to gently and carefully care for the breast during periods of stagnation of milk and at the first signs of mastitis.
  10. Restoring hormone levels during menopause. Smoothes out symptoms.
  11. Sedative. Mild sedative effect on the nervous system. Relieves tension, restores sleep.
  12. Metabolic. Improves stable bowel function, relieves bloating and discomfort.
  13. Appetite-inducing. It has been noticed that when consumed by children, it does not suppress the feeling of hunger, but provokes the appearance of appetite.
  14. Antiseptic. Widely applicable for the treatment of abscesses, boils, burns, inflamed purulent wounds.
  15. Smoothing properties– softens symptoms of arthritis, gout, rheumatism.
  16. Rejuvenating. It is used in home and industrial cosmetology in the composition of masks, shampoos, and balms.
  17. Regenerating. Restores the structure of hair and skin, smoothes wrinkles.
  18. Tonic. Invigorates the body and restores skin turgor.
  19. Cleansing. Removes toxins. Has a laxative effect.
  20. Urinary. Relieves swelling. Stimulates the functioning of the urinary system.

chestnut honey - beneficial properties and contraindications


Like any food product, sweet clover honey also has contraindications:

  1. In case of allergic symptoms, it is necessary to take into account that honey collection occurs from legumes. If there is a reaction of the body to beans, peas and lentils, then the use of honey in food is prohibited. The bee product itself can also be dangerous for allergy sufferers.
  2. For diabetes mellitus.
  3. For pancreatitis, take with caution.
  4. If it is necessary to control weight, take into account the calorie content of the product.

Use in alternative medicine

IN Lately people are increasingly resorting to traditional methods treatment. This is due to unreasonably inflated prices and questionable quality of medications. Also in trend is the fashion for naturalness in everything. In some cases, it is more advisable to use the gifts of nature than to use expensive chemicals.

To increase lactation
After each meal, it is recommended to eat a dessert spoon of honey. You can increase your milk supply by combining medicinal honey with herbs that increase lactation (fennel, anise, dill, corn silk). Important! It is necessary to pay attention to the child's condition. Herbs and honey can trigger allergies.

To boost immunity
For the prevention of colds and respiratory diseases, adults are recommended - 25 g, children - 15 g.

When coughing
The cap is cut off from the black radish and a hole is made. The melilot honey is placed in a hole and set aside for a day. Drink the juice released from the root crop (3-5 times a day).

For varicose veins
Sweet clover honey (250 g), mixed with chopped garlic cloves (350 g). Insist for a week. Take a teaspoon three times a day, before meals.

Also, if you are intolerant to garlic, you can replace it with onion juice. In this case, the mixture is infused without access to light for three days, after which it is stored in the refrigerator for up to 10 days.

For hemorrhoids
20 g of honey are diluted in water (100 ml) and used for douching. It is also recommended to add honey from sweet clover flowers to warm baths for bathing.

At pulmonary inflammation
Sweet clover honey (2 parts) is mixed with aloe (1 part) and vodka (3 parts). The resulting composition is taken in the form of an application or compress on the chest, back, and lungs.

For constipation
Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of water, honey and oat flakes. To everything add grated large apple and juice from half a lemon. The composition is taken daily, 1 tbsp. spoon during lunch.

buckwheat honey - beneficial properties and contraindications

Video: beneficial properties of sweet clover honey

Sweet clover honey deserves special attention because it has unique properties thanks to chemical composition , vitamins, and other substances included in its composition. It is very common in the USA. Plus, it's very tasty.

Refers to the so-called white honey, because it has a light color after pumping. Considered high-grade honey, which ensures its popularity among all age categories. It is consumed with tea, water, milk and pure form.

On my own sweet clover medicinal plant. Therefore, honey from the nectar of its flowers only enhances the positive effect on the human body.

Taste and color

After pumping the honey acquires a light amber color, almost white. Once crystallized, it resembles whipped cream or ice cream with a pinkish tint. The aroma is pleasant, exudes a distant smell of vanilla. The taste of honey taken from white sweet clover is more pronounced than from yellow one. It's sweet, but not cloying. The aftertaste lasts for a long time.

Sweet clover honey

Crystallizes quickly, within a couple of months after pumping. This indicator varies depending on storage conditions. After sugaring its structure is coarse-grained, the color becomes almost white.

Sweet clover honey is easily confused with rapeseed honey. They are similar in color, but different in taste. Rapeseed is cloyingly sweet and has no vanilla aroma.

Ingredients: vitamins and minerals

Fructose is contained in sufficient quantities to recommend it to patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. This honey is easily absorbed by the body. About 90% of it goes directly into the blood immediately after administration. The composition is as follows:

100g of sweet clover honey contains 80 grams of carbohydrates and 1 gram of proteins.

From microelements: manganese, copper, zinc, fluorine, chromium and others.

This honey contains about three hundred minerals and trace elements. The presence of essential amino acids gives this variety greater value. It contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C), B vitamins, vitamin K and E, others.

Honey is high in calories. 100 g of product contains 312 kilocalories.

Beneficial properties of sweet clover honey

Sweet clover honey It is especially useful to take during periods, when the human body is weakened due to illness, surgery, lack of vitamins in the autumn-winter and winter-spring periods. For prevention It is taken two tablespoons per day - on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening before bed.

Sweet clover honey on a blade after crystallization

This type of honey useful to use after heavy loads, since its caloric content helps to restore strength in the shortest possible time. They eat this sweet with tea with pleasure and benefit.

It cannot be diluted in boiling water, since the physicochemical structure of the product is disrupted. Because of this, beneficial properties are lost.

It helps against fatigue. The antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of sweet clover honey help cope with many diseases and heal wounds. His recommended for use to enhance lactation. Used in medicine, cooking, cosmetology.

Contraindications and harm

Need to refrain from giving sweet clover honey to children under two years of age. Its excessive use is also contraindicated. Daily norm for an adult– 90-120 g. For prevention It is enough to eat up to 70-80 g. Honey itself cannot be called a medicine in its pure form. But since it contains a large amount of microelements, vitamins, and other useful substances, it must be used wisely.

Contraindication: due to the fact that sweet clover contains coumarin, this variety is not recommended for those who suffer from hypertension and heart disease.

Sweet clover - perennial herb

The honey plant for this type of honey is white and yellow sweet clover. This is a herbaceous perennial plant. Distributed in many countries of the world. Blooms from July to September. Thanks to long term During flowering, bees can take large quantities of nectar. In its wild state, it is found along roads, on the outskirts of fields, and at the edge of forests.

From 1 hectare up to 300 kg of useful honey is obtained. At the same time, wild sweet clover produces less nectar, while cultivated sweet clover produces more. Ideal conditions for a bribe – sunny weather with periodic precipitation. During dry periods, nectar production decreases. After mowing, re-blooming is possible. Therefore, in September there are also bees that work near this honey plant. The medicinal properties of this herb are described in the video.

Storage conditions

No matter how you store sweet clover honey, it candied quickly. There's nothing wrong with this. This is his specificity. The beneficial properties do not disappear. But if you want to enjoy it in a liquid, stretchy consistency, hurry up. To do this, there is a month or two after pumping out.

To preserve the beneficial properties of honey longer, it is stored at positive temperatures from 4 to 18 degrees. Above 40 degrees and below 35 with a minus sign they are lost. The storage location does not matter. This could be a balcony, basement, or other room.

Air humidity It is preferable to keep it around 60%. It is advisable not to expose honey to the sun, since direct Sun rays negatively affect its structure. It is better to keep sweet clover honey in glass jars and bottles.

What are the main diseases it treats and its medicinal properties?

Sweet clover honey helps with all pulmonary, acute respiratory diseases . It is important to use it in pure, undiluted form.

Sweet clover honey in glass jars

This variety has diuretic properties, which means it is useful for those who suffer from kidney disease. Thanks to its antibacterial properties, it has a beneficial effect on intestinal function, restoring microflora.

After taking it, a calming effect is observed, so for people suffering from neuroses, it is useful for taking it in the morning and at night.

For nursing mothers who have problems giving milk to the baby, it will help strengthen lactation processes.

It can also be used in the form of lotions and compresses for cuts and rheumatism. He perfectly cleanses the skin and nourishes it. Therefore, in cosmetology it is used as part of some ointments and creams. Honey does not dry the skin and cleanses acne and boils.

Sweet clover honey is very healthy and tasty. In the USA, its sales reach 30% of the total honey volume. It is not so common here. Beekeepers value it for its unique taste and healing properties.

Sweet clover honey is considered one of the healthiest and delicious products beekeeping. To find out how sweet clover honey is useful, you need to carefully understand its features and unique qualities.


Sweet clover

This herbaceous plant belongs to the legume family. It has yellow and white flowers and trifoliate leaves, which is why it is also called shamrock. Sweet clover is a plant that produces nectar for a long time. The flowering period covers all 3 summer months, so the honey harvest is rich, and the harvesting process lasts a season. Sweet clover treats diseases such as:

  • Migraine.
  • Cough.
  • Bronchitis.
  • Constipation.
  • Arthritis.
  • Insomnia.

This plant contains a large amount of minerals and various nutrients that are transferred to the sweet product. Beneficial features white honey from sweet clover are due to the composition of the valuable plant, which is rich in coumarin, essential oils, protein, tocopherol, and ascorbic acid.

Features of this variety

The characteristics of honey depend on the characteristics of the honey plant. A distinctive feature of sweet clover is its light, pleasant vanilla aroma. This fact makes honey a valuable ingredient in various confectionery, baking. It preserves other tastes and aromas, only gently complementing and enhancing the taste sensations. The product is white. Sometimes it can be pale yellow. Its taste is rich, rich, sweet. A person who has tasted a sweet clover product feels the taste of vanilla in his mouth.

This variety is especially popular in the USA. In this country, 70% of the bee sweetness sold by beekeepers comes from sweet clover. The sweet mass crystallizes rapidly, which is the reason it is impossible to purchase this type of honey in a liquid state. Many lovers of beekeeping products confuse sweet clover, which does not have a delicate vanilla aroma and has a pronounced sweet taste. If the nectar was collected by bees from yellow flowers, the taste of the honey will be slightly different. It will contain a slight bitterness. Nectar from yellow flowers, according to beekeepers, is the most beneficial for human health. The honey from it is considered first-class and.

Due to the fact that this variety thickens quickly, the process of pumping out honey must be carried out quickly and in due time, otherwise extraction from the honeycomb will become very problematic.

You can eat natural liquid honey of this variety only from the beekeeper while pumping out the sweets.

Methods for determining naturalness

When purchasing honey, every honey connoisseur wants to receive a high-quality product that meets the requirements and standards, but often encounters unscrupulous sellers who offer fake sweetness. Therefore, it is important to be able to distinguish natural honey from fake honey. Most often, rapeseed and bodyazh honey are mistaken for sweet clover honey. Fraudsters often sell sugar syrup to which vanilla has been added.

  1. The healthy product made from sweet clover has a slight vanilla scent. It shouldn't be spicy or rich.
  2. The consistency should be uniform. The treat should not contain any foreign substances, inclusions or clots. Their presence indicates the low quality of the product.

Composition of the treat

This variety is rich in vitamins B, E, C, carotenes, folic acid, nickel, zinc, fluorine, silicon and other valuable microelements. Contains 37% glucose, proteins and carbohydrates.

Healing properties

The benefits of sweet clover honey are obvious. It is actively used in medicine for the prevention and treatment of many diseases.

  • Sweet clover honey improves cardiovascular function - vascular system, treats hypertension, normalizes blood pressure, increases blood supply and accelerates blood circulation.
  • The sweetness contains dicumarol, which thins the blood. It is recommended to use this variety to prevent or treat thrombosis. It also strengthens the walls of blood vessels, tones, making them elastic.
  • The beneficial qualities of sweet clover honey also extend to the human immune system. It is no worse than linden; it supports the immune system, helps fight viruses, and destroys pathogenic microbes and bacteria.
  • The properties of sweet clover honey are valuable for diseases of the respiratory tract, as the sweetness copes with inflammatory processes in the throat. Experts advise using it for those who suffer from pharyngitis, sore throat, and laryngitis.

  • It facilitates the removal of sputum, so doctors recommend eating the treat for people diagnosed with bronchitis.
  • This variety has also found its use in the fight against tuberculosis.
  • Relieves migraines.

Benefits of bee products for women

The sweet mass is extremely beneficial for the female body. Honey is especially useful for pregnant women. Doctors advise expectant mothers to consume a teaspoon of the product in the evening to compensate for the loss of vitamins and nutrients.

For nursing women, sweetness plays a special role: it increases the amount of milk. Warm tea with the addition of treats will cause increased milk production. If a woman has problems with milk stagnation or mastitis, a sweet clover product, which must be used as a compress, will also help her.

In women during menopause, the functioning of the hormonal system is disrupted, which this variety combats. It restores the hormonal system, gently normalizing its functioning, defeating nervous disorders and stress.

Other medicinal properties of honey and its uses

For people suffering from insomnia, it is advisable to dilute it in a glass. warm water 1 teaspoon of bee product and drink the resulting drink before bed. It will calm the nervous system, relieve anxiety, irritability and encourage the body to sleep. You can also add honey to chamomile or lemon balm tea.

In case of intestinal dysfunction or flatulence, you need to eat a treat, as it helps the intestines, eliminating discomfort and cleansing it. Experts recommend giving honey to children who do not eat well. This variety increases appetite and helps digest food. The product is antispasmodic, diuretic, laxative effects. It has a beneficial effect on the condition of the intestines, liver, and kidneys. Recommended for constipation. Relieves symptoms of gout and arthritis. Honey can also be used externally as an ointment, because it has antiseptic properties and is effective for burns and purulent wounds as a compress.

Application in cosmetology

Cosmetologists value the bee product for its rich composition and amazing features that have an effect on the skin and hair. It qualitatively rejuvenates the skin, smoothing out fine wrinkles and fighting the signs of aging. The delicacy nourishes, moisturizes, tones, thanks to which the skin seems to be renewed, becoming velvety, clean and radiant. Sweetness has the ability to reduce age spots. Thin, split hair becomes strong, thick and silky again, thanks to this unique bee product.


This variety has several contraindications that you need to familiarize yourself with before consuming it.

  1. If you are allergic to legume products, you should not eat sweet clover honey. After all, the medicinal plant from which it is collected belongs to the legume family.
  2. It is not recommended to consume sweets for people with pancreatic disorders.
  3. Diabetes mellitus is a contraindication to consuming bee products.
  4. Since this variety is very high in calories, it is not advisable for those who are overweight.

Hi all!

There is happiness in our family; for the first time, my sister gave me nephews, and two at once.

I know that in the maternity hospital, doctors are usually against relatives passing on allergenic foods, but I still included a small jar of honey in the donation.

On the advice of my wife, the choice fell on sweet clover honey, because lactation needs to be increased, two heroes were born.

In general, my sister appreciated the transfer. Do you want to know what else is good about sweet clover honey? Read about it further.

Description of the variety

In medicine, sweet clover honey has long proven itself; it is used for both internal and external treatment of diseases. Natural honey sweet clover has antispasmodic properties. It is extremely effective for diseases of the respiratory tract; it relieves not only inflammation, but also cleanses them.

Sweet clover honey is actively used for the lactation process, for varicose veins, neuroses and neurosis-like conditions, and for joint diseases. It is also used to treat purulent wounds and furunculosis. It is natural sweet clover honey that is the most indispensable product for every person.

It combines amazing taste properties And useful elements, so important for the coordinated functioning of the human body.

Sweet clover honey contains 40% fructose and 36.7% glucose. Crystallization of sweet clover honey, as already mentioned, is a very long process; subsequently, the honey turns into thick mass white or yellow.

The beneficial properties of sweet clover honey attract the attention of honey connoisseurs; the demand for it is growing every day. Sweet clover honey, according to many, is considered to be the standard honey.

Each type of honey has different indications for diseases: for example, linden honey is used to treat colds, acacia honey - Gastrointestinal tract, and chestnut - for heart disease. Sweet clover honey can cause a rush of breast milk in nursing mothers.


Therefore, during lactation, women should consume sweet clover honey, and during pregnancy too, so that the body receives the necessary trace elements and minerals and can prepare for the period of breastfeeding.

Sweet clover is a medicinal plant; it is not surprising that the honey produced by bees from this plant is very useful. In the old Russian language, the word “clover” meant “bottom” - the old name for a disease such as gout or “bottom” - a disease of the lower abdominal cavity, so sweet clover honey is useful for metabolic diseases: diseases of the bladder and kidneys, gout.

Do not forget that this honey is also useful for other diseases. It is necessary for the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Therefore, sweet clover honey is very good to use for people who often experience stressful situations, neuroses, psychosomatic and vegetative manifestations. Possessing expectorant properties, it is actively used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract: bronchitis, various types of cough.

A unique creation of nature, sweet clover honey, has exclusively positive properties and does not irritate the intestinal microflora, does not cause side effects.

Therefore, you should think carefully before next time rush to the pharmacy for the next medicine, risking subsequently acquiring a number of different allergic reactions.

Watch a video about collecting sweet clover honey:

A field with flowering sweet clover is a fascinating landscape; once you see it, you will never forget this sight. But a walk through the field can end very badly, so don’t even think about walking through it, because the bees are scurrying here and there, from one flower to another.

At first glance, it seems as if the bees have gone crazy, they behave so “inappropriately”.

The botanical name of the sweet clover is Melilotus, where the word "Meli" means honey and the word "lotus" means flower, resulting in a honey flower. The most popular types: white and medicinal sweet clover. Externally, they differ mainly in that the first yellow has larger flowers, while the second has smaller flowers, and the color is correspondingly white.

Sweet clover nectar is transparent with a pronounced aroma of freshly cut hay. You won't be able to confuse it with any other scent. In principle, sweet clover is still added to elite varieties of tobacco. The honey-bearing properties of sweet clover are undeniable.

Sweet clover is useful not only in agronomy or beekeeping. The use of sweet clover in food, perfumery and alcoholic beverages is not so widely known, although this plant has proven itself on the positive side in the market for these industries.

Thus, its essential oils are used in the production of soap to fix the smell. Some brands of vodka, wine and liqueurs have very pleasant aroma, thanks to the sweet clover. In cooking, sweet clover is used as a spice in the making of cheeses and in fish processing, and barrels are treated with its decoction before pickling vegetables.


It is rare to find such an amazing, useful, simply irreplaceable product created by nature itself. Truly a magnificent creation for human health. By eating a spoonful of honey every morning on an empty stomach, you will save yourself from many diseases, protect yourself from various crises and increase the protective functions of your body.

Sweet clover honey is one of the excellent first-class honeys and is distinguished by high taste qualities. This honey is light amber or white with a very subtle pleasant aroma reminiscent of vanilla. Bees collect it from yellow and white sweet clover. Honey taken from yellow sweet clover does not have a very strong smell and soft taste; The aroma of white sweet clover honey reveals vanilla tones, and the taste is more pronounced.

Sweet clover honey is very light, white or light amber. It has a delicate pleasant taste and aroma reminiscent of vanilla. Rated as one of the best varieties. Bees collect it from the bright yellow flowers of sweet clover or yellow clover. It crystallizes quickly.

Sweet clover honey is light yellow, almost transparent, crystallizes for a long time, turning into a viscous white mass. It is important not to confuse it with rapeseed honey, which is also whitish, sometimes yellowish in color, has a pleasant aroma and cloying sweetness. Rapeseed honey is very thick, crystallizes quickly, is poorly soluble in water, and long-term storage turns sour quickly

Sweet clover honey has a soothing, diuretic, expectorant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect and stimulates milk production in nursing mothers.

In medical practice, sweet clover honey is used for atherosclerosis, hypertension, as an emollient and analgesic for boils (externally), in the form of compresses with propolis - for purulent wounds, cuts, in the form of warm baths - for myositis in children and adults.

Sweet clover honey also has a resolving effect on inflammation of the mammary glands, tumors of the joints and rheumatism. In folk medicine, sweet clover honey is used for chronic catarrh, bronchitis, dropsy, flatulence with abdominal pain, pain in the bladder and kidneys, migraines, hypertension and insomnia.


Properties of the variety

Instead of spending considerable amounts of money on pharmaceutical drugs of dubious origin, isn’t it better to buy yourself a jar of honey and forget about health problems?

It is no secret that medicine and pharmaceuticals have now become too expensive and also ineffective, either due to the emergence of many new diseases that have not yet been fully studied, or because the percentage of unscrupulous doctors and pharmacists is now too high, pursuing only their own benefit .

Sweet clover honey has subtle aroma vanilla, pale yellow or white color and taste, which is recognized by beekeepers as a standard. It crystallizes quite quickly; it is difficult to find it on sale in liquid form.

This product can often be confused with cheaper rapeseed honey. The latter is distinguished by a cloying taste and the absence of a vanilla note in the aromatic bouquet. Honey from white and yellow sweet clover is recommended for natural enhancement of lactation.

As an immunomodulatory agent, this honey is taken during periods of exacerbation of colds. For an adult, 25 g of the product is enough to strengthen the immune system; for children, 10-15 g. Eating “more honey” to treat a cold is pointless; it does not affect the quality of the immune response.

In folk medicine, sweet clover honey is often recommended to be mixed with radish juice and taken for bronchitis, pneumonia and inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. Usually, the core of black radish is cut out, a tablespoon of honey is placed inside, and left to infuse for 24-36 hours.

The juice that collects inside the vegetable is taken 1 dessert spoon or 15 g, 20 minutes before each main meal.


Sweet clover honey is added to water for dousing if you want to improve the condition of the skin, get rid of focal oiliness, boils, and acne.

For problem skin people make masks with sweet clover honey - as a rule, it is 200 g of cucumber grated on a coarse grater and 1 teaspoon of honey.

Such masks moisturize, nourish and disinfect the skin at the same time, and do not dry out, like alcohol lotions.

Sweet clover honey is often recommended for patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and autoimmune diseases. In the literature you can find increased dosages for such patients - adults are recommended to eat up to 50 g of honey per day, children - up to 30. The product is used to support the body of patients with hypothyroidism.

However, there are recommendations to use 1-2 tablespoons of honey for other thyroid diseases. There are slight differences in the use of sweet clover honey and the flowers of this plant. Sweet clover flowers are a source of coumarin, a substance that can increase systolic blood pressure.

No scientific method for using honey for hypertension has been published in official sources; all recipes like “eat up to 50 g of honey per day” or “eat honey with tea instead of sweets and candies” are of purely “folk” origin.

You need to treat them accordingly - be sure to consult your cardiologist and monitor changes in blood pressure after introducing a new product into your diet.

Sweet clover honey is one of the most valuable and elite varieties honey, which can help with a variety of pain, insomnia and colds.

Since ancient times, honey has been actively used both in folk medicine and in cosmetology and cooking; the active properties of this product are familiar to almost everyone. Honey is a storehouse of useful substances and microelements that help strengthen the body and protect it from harmful influences environment.

One of the elite varieties of honey, which is very popular among connoisseurs, is sweet clover honey, which has a pleasant, delicate aroma reminiscent of vanilla. Bees collect this honey from white or yellow sweet clover, which in Ukraine is also called “Burkun”.

Due to the light color of the sweet clover, the honey is very light, almost colorless. It is collected in July. The taste of yellow and white sweet clover is different: the first does not have a very strong smell and taste, while honey from white sweet clover smells like vanilla, it has a pleasant delicate aroma. Sweet clover honey contains approximately the same percentage of fructose and glucose - about 35%. Also available here healthy vitamins and microelements.

Watch a video about pumping out sweet clover honey:

In the USA, sweet clover honey is very popular; it is considered one of the best varieties and occupies a large part of the market.

Sweet clover honey crystallizes for a long time, after which it turns into a white viscous mass. Very often it can be confused with rapeseed honey, which quickly crystallizes and sours, and is also practically insoluble in water.

Sweet clover is considered a medicinal plant, therefore the honey obtained from sweet clover has medicinal properties. First of all, it is effective for colds, respiratory diseases, and insomnia. Also among its beneficial properties is a vasodilator effect, it stabilizes blood pressure and helps with varicose veins. For intestinal problems, sweet clover honey can also help; it has a mild laxative effect.


Sweet clover honey, the beneficial properties of which do not end there, can also help with problems with bladder, it has an antiseptic and bactericidal effect. It also promotes milk secretion in nursing mothers.

In folk medicine, sweet clover honey can be used as a lotion for festering wounds, cuts, inflammations and as a painkiller for flatulence and headaches. The beneficial properties of this type of honey will help different people who need help.

One of the favorite nectars of bees is sweet clover; in biology it is called Melilotus, which means honey flower. White sweet clover has medicinal properties. Bees also prefer to collect nectar from yellow or medicinal clover. The two species differ in their color, the first has small and white flowers, while the other variety has yellow and large flowers.

Features of sweet clover nectar

Previously, sweet clover was popular in Europe, America, and Asia. The French believe that the benefits of sweet clover are not only that this plant is the best nectar, it effective medicine from many diseases.

The plant is popularly called sweet clover, burkun, and bottom grass. Belongs to the legume family and is a biennial species. The flowers of the sweet clover are moth-shaped, yellow or white, and have wonderful aroma, can lengthen and gather into brushes.

Sweet clover honey is very sweet, transparent in color, and has a pungent hay smell. Bees prefer sweet clover nectar because it is easy to obtain. Sweet clover fruits are small beans that are ovoid in shape. The plant contains up to 20,000 seeds.

You can find sweet clover in the steppe and forests; sometimes it forms a large number of thickets and hides in them; it also grows on a slope, near roads, among other bushes. White sweet clover is especially valued; it is specially sown because it is believed to improve the condition of the soil. In America they think there is no need to specially plant this type of plant because bees love it, it takes up a lot of space, so they plant it in ditches, near roads, in ravines. In the USA, white clover is one of the main sources of honey. Canada has also noticed that bees bring large amounts of collected nectar from this type of plant, so they are increasing the area for beekeeping.

Healing composition and use of sweet clover

The plant contains a large amount of resinous, tannin, and dicumarol substances - they have an excellent effect on the condition of the blood and prevent it from clotting. Sweet clover also contains a lot of vitamins E, C, and choline. Flowers are rich in glycosides, flavonoids, and contain other useful material. Due to the fact that the herb contains a large amount of coumarin and some essential oils, it has a pleasant aroma that attracts bees.

White sweet clover constantly pleases bees with abundant nectar; it can bloom for more than two months; it begins in mid-summer and ends in early autumn, when clover and alfalfa have already bloomed. After mowing, it can still bloom until severe frosts appear. Beekeepers, comparing white sweet clover with other plant species, came to the conclusion that from 1 hectare of sown plant you can get from 200 to 600 kg of honey. Some call it honey clover, white clover is not afraid of drought, but it is very important to periodically moisten the soil, this will increase the nectar.

Sweet clover is actively used for food, alcoholic beverage, and perfumery purposes. Essential oils are used to make soap to capture scent. The flowers have an unusual smell; they are added to liqueur, wine, and vodka. IN culinary purposes Sweet clover is used as a spice for fish and vegetables.

Beneficial properties of sweet clover honey

White sweet clover honey is distinguished by the fact that it has medicinal properties. The color of honey depends on the type of plant: white or yellow. Most often the product turns out light and amber, less often pure white. Beekeepers have noticed that it may have a gold tint. What attracts me most is the smell; it is soft and delicate. Nectar with yellow variety similar to the one produced by linden. But white sweet clover gives honey with a pungent vanilla taste, some consider it bitter.

The beneficial properties of the bee product are varied, because it contains glucose and fructose. Honey from sweet clover can crystallize for a long time, then it can turn yellow, viscous consistency, less often white. Due to the fact that it has medicinal properties, it is valued as a product High Quality and is classified as the best type of variety. Honey contains cane sugar, ash, organic acid, invert sugar, water, proteins, and vitamins.

Treatment of diseases with sweet clover honey

Beekeepers are well aware that each type of honey helps cure certain diseases. The honey provided by linden will help get rid of colds, ARVI, and flu; a product collected from acacia treats the stomach and intestines; Chestnut honey – heart disease. White sweet clover honey is recommended to be used by nursing mothers to ensure sufficient milk supply during lactation. This is how the body is saturated large quantities mineral, trace elements.

  1. Since ancient times, honey has been used to treat gout and diseases of the abdominal region; with its help it was possible to improve metabolism and stop the inflammatory process in the urinary tract and renal system.
  2. The medicinal properties of sweet clover honey make it possible to cure human nervous diseases. Therefore, the product is recommended for use by those who are constantly nervous, pregnant women, children, the elderly, if a person suffers from neuralgia, has trouble sleeping, or suffers from frequent headaches. Women during menopause.
  3. The product has expectorant properties, so it can be used to cure cough, bronchitis, laryngitis, and pneumonia. Doctors advise treating the stomach and intestines with honey in case of atony or increased gas formation in the intestinal area.
  4. Due to the fact that the product has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it can be used as an internal and external remedy. Baths and lotions are especially useful for purulent wounds, furunculosis, rheumatism and arthritis of the joints, and myositis. The effect will increase if you add honey from linden, as well as propolis, to the sweet clover product.
  5. It is valued for heart diseases; with its help you can dilate blood vessels, improve blood flow, get rid of cardiac edema, normalize blood pressure and protect against hypertension.
  6. Gastroenterologists have proven that this variety is an ideal healing agent for the gastric mucosa; it not only preserves beneficial microflora, eliminating pathological ones, but also helps get rid of ulcers, gastritis, and treats cancer in the early stages.

Calorie table for sweet clover honey

Thus, sweet clover honey is a product of the best quality and belongs to the first grade. Valued for its beneficial and medicinal properties. Most often it is light yellow in color, maybe white, it pleases with its pleasant aroma and vanilla flavor. It is easy to distinguish it from other varieties; to do this, you need to pay attention to the fact that it is transparent yellow, after crystallizing, it turns into milky white. It is important not to confuse it with what is collected from rapeseed.
