Useful properties of apples. Vitamins and microelements in apples. Which to choose: red, yellow or green apples

Everyone knows from childhood that they need to eat apples - the beneficial properties of these fruits are unlikely to be in doubt! But if you are asked why an apple is good for you, can you give a detailed answer? What exactly is the value of juicy fruits, and for what diseases should you especially “lean” on them?

What's hidden under the thin skin of an apple?

Today there is great amount different varieties apple trees: summer, autumn and, with fruits of green, pale yellow, golden, light and dark red color, of various sizes, taste and aroma. Some varieties contain more vitamin C, others have more sugars, and still others have higher iron content. Let's take a closer look at what is contained in apples, and which fruits are best to choose for a particular disease.

Even after long-term storage the vitamins in apples decrease slightly, and the fruits of last year's harvest remain almost as healthy as fresh ones

Apple fruits are 80% water, about 12% are carbohydrates, 10% are organic acids, and there is very little protein and fat in apples - only 1%. It is no coincidence that apples are present in many diets: its calorie content is very low (43-47 kcal per 100 g), and a large number of fiber (pectin) promotes rapid saturation and, in addition, cleanses the intestines of harmful substances.

Video about medicinal properties apples

If you didn’t know before what vitamins an apple contains, the list will surprise you: the juicy fruit contains almost the entire group B, vitamins A, C (10 g per 100 g of apple), E, ​​H, K, PP. In addition, apples are rich in macro- and microelements:

  • iron, which is necessary for our circulatory system;
  • potassium, good for the heart;
  • calcium, important for maintaining healthy teeth and bones;
  • phosphorus, which promotes the absorption of calcium;
  • as well as sodium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, fluorine.

Even after long-term storage, the vitamins in apples decrease slightly, and the fruits of last year’s harvest remain almost as healthy as fresh ones.

Knowing how many calories are in an apple, you can safely add them to any dish.

Health benefits of apples

Due to the soluble fiber (pectin), apples become an effective natural remedy for constipation. The functioning of the digestive system and the entire gastrointestinal tract is improved, intestinal motility improves, harmful substances are more actively removed from the body, metabolism is normalized. As a result, the condition of the skin becomes better and the complexion is healthier. In addition, pectin helps remove excess cholesterol from the liver.

Knowing how many calories are in an apple, you can safely add them to any dishes, making your diet more dietary and healthy, or fasting days on some apples. These delicious fruits greatly facilitate the fight against overweight and obesity. Just keep in mind that apples with green skin are more conducive to weight loss.

Tart-tasting apples, the flesh of which quickly darkens after biting, contain a high percentage of iron. They are especially recommended for pregnant women to increase low hemoglobin levels, as well as for anyone who suffers from increased fragility. blood vessels and anemia.

Tart-tasting apples, the flesh of which quickly darkens after biting, contain a high percentage of iron.

Apples have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic properties, so they are useful to add to the diet for:

  • acute and chronic colitis,
  • dysentery,
  • gastrointestinal infections,
  • urolithiasis,
  • gout,
  • edema of renal origin,
  • gastroenteritis,
  • chronic cholecystitis.

Regular consumption of apples reduces the development of atherosclerosis, reduces the risk of colon cancer, and eliminates the likelihood of poisoning the body with toxic substances, which is especially important for those whose work involves radioactive substances and heavy metal salts. And the substance quercetin, found in apples, prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease by protecting brain cells from the destructive effects of free radicals.

Regular consumption of apples reduces the development of atherosclerosis, reduces the risk of colon cancer, and eliminates the likelihood of poisoning the body with toxic substances

Listing the benefits of apples, it is impossible not to note their beneficial effect on the immune system due to their high vitamin C content. Varieties of sour apples are especially good for insomnia, headaches and even diabetes. And sour apple tea has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Are apples so harmless, what is their harm?

You may be surprised, but in fact you can seriously harm your body by eating seemingly harmless apples - the benefits and harms depend on how correctly you eat these fruits. Thus, caution should be exercised when entering the body. apple seeds. In small quantities, they are even considered useful, since they contain iodine, but it is worth considering that they also contain hydrocyanic acid, a strong poison. More than five swallowed bones already pose a health hazard.

Try to avoid store-bought apples that are polished to a mirror shine - for better storage they are liberally treated with chemicals, and to give them an attractive presentation they are coated with unsafe wax-based preparations that contribute to the development of gastritis. You can get rid of the protective film on the fruit using hot water and soap, but it is better to choose apples that do not look so perfect and have wormholes - evidence of the naturalness of the fruit.

Coarse fiber when eating apples in large quantities can lead to colic, flatulence and bloating.

Some people consider apples to be hypoallergenic fruits, however, this is not entirely true. Only varieties with green fruit color do not cause allergies, and red apples contain beta-carotene (a pigment substance), which can cause allergic reactions.

Sour apples should not be eaten by people with duodenal ulcers, gastric ulcers, gastritis with high acidity, or inflammatory processes in the pancreas. But sweet apples are undesirable for cardiovascular diseases. It is also worth noting that coarse fiber when eating apples in large quantities can lead to colic, flatulence and bloating.

Otherwise, apples are incredibly healthy, just don’t forget to rinse your mouth with water after each use, since the fruit acids and sugars contained in the fruit cause the destruction of tooth enamel.

In what form is it healthier to eat apples?

Baked apples are good because they are better absorbed than raw ones, but during the baking process most of the vitamins are destroyed

As soon as apples are used in cooking: they are added to salads, made into side dishes, used as a filling for pies, rolls and cakes, baked with honey, nuts, cinnamon, jam, preserves, compotes, marmalade, mousse and other sweets are prepared. But the beneficial properties of apples are best preserved in dried, baked form and when preparing freshly squeezed juice.

Baked apples They are good because they are better absorbed than raw ones, but during the baking process most of the vitamins are destroyed, which reduces the benefits of apples. Peeled baked apples They help remarkably with constipation, dysbacteriosis, intestinal diseases, cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis and hepatitis. They contribute to the careful restoration of the functioning of the digestive organs after abdominal surgery, and pectins remove from the body all unwanted products formed after decomposition medicines. In addition, baked apples are good for coughs.

Video about baked apples

Dried apples are especially rich in iron, fiber and carbohydrates, but during drying, vitamin C is completely destroyed in them. Consume dried apples recommended as a source of carbohydrates for additional energy, just keep in mind that the calorie content of dried apples is six times higher than fresh ones.

To obtain all the vitamins and nutrients in a concentrated, easily digestible form, you can prepare fresh juice. It will perfectly quench thirst, increase the tone of the body, and at the same time help cope with colds, have a beneficial effect on the digestive and genitourinary system and activates kidney activity. At regular use Apple juice in children suffering from asthma significantly reduces shortness of breath.

The apple, along with grapes, bananas, mangoes and oranges, is one of the five most popular and widespread fruits in the world. For our latitudes, apple is the number one fruit. We become familiar with their taste in early childhood and know that the benefits of apples are enormous. Man has been cultivating the apple tree for several thousand years. At the same time, such a fruit that is familiar to us continues to remain a stranger, and instead of benefit, it can cause harm.

Did you know? Scientists continue to argue about the place of origin of the apple tree today (they name Asia Minor, Greece, and Egypt). Most likely, its homeland is in Central Asia (southern regions of Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan). In the Bronze Age, apple trees spread to the Iranian Highlands (the first apple orchards appeared in Persia), to Asia Minor, and to Egypt. The spread of apples was facilitated by the conquests of the Greeks and Romans. Theophrastus in the 4th–3rd centuries. BC e. described several varieties of apples, and Pliny the Elder - more than twenty. Apple trees are actively spreading throughout Europe - in 1051. Apple orchard was defeated in Kyiv by the monks of the Kiev Pechersk Monastery. Apple trees came to America with the first European settlers, who took seedlings with them.

Calorie content, composition and nutritional value of apples

Apples, depending on the variety, degree of ripeness and duration of storage, may have different calorie content, unequal chemical composition. The calorie content of 100 g of apples varies from 35 kcal (for green and yellow varieties) up to 52 kcal for red ones. Low calorie content is one of the reasons for the popularity of apples in various weight loss diets. When cooked, calorie content increases(for a baked apple it is 66 kcal, for dried apples it is 243).

Apple– one of the most optimal sources of easily digestible macroelements (potassium, magnesium, calcium, sodium, chlorine, sulfur and phosphorus) and microelements (iron, zinc, boron, manganese, iodine, fluorine, molybdenum, selenium, vanadium, nickel, rubidium, chromium) . Apple pulp contains from 85 to 87% water (perfectly refreshes and quenches thirst), monosaccharides, disaccharides, organic acids (including malic and citric). It is not rich in fats and carbohydrates (0.4 and 11%, respectively). A medium-sized apple contains 3.5 g of fiber (about 10% of the daily fiber requirement), 1% pectin and 0.8% ash.

The vitamins in apples are most striking - for their variety, quantity and duration of preservation (even after several months of storage they do not lose their useful properties). This is a group of B vitamins (1-thiamine, 2-riboflavin, 5-pantothenic acid, 6-pyridoxine, 9-folic acid), β-carotene, as well as vitamins A, C, E, H, PP, K, etc. People who constantly eat apples of various varieties throughout the year (there are more than 10 thousand of them in the world) will confirm the correctness of the words: “an apple for lunch - no disease.”

Did you know? Russian name"apple tree" (Ukrainian "apple tree") comes from staroslav. “ablon” (gradually “a” transformed into “I”). The Czechs call the apple tree “jablko”, the Poles – “jabłko”. The Slavs probably borrowed the word from the Celts (“abla”) or the Germans (“aplya”). The popularity of apples in Europe was so great that as Europeans became acquainted with other fruits, they were given names derived from apples (“Chinese apple” - orange, “devil’s (earth) apple” - potato, “ Golden Apple" – tomato, etc.).

Which to choose: red, yellow or green apples

The color of apples is affected by the presence of pigments, chlorophyll, anthocyanins, carotenoids, etc. in the peel. Red, yellow and green apples also differ in taste. Considering folk wisdom“There is no friend for taste and color,” everyone chooses what he likes. However, in one situation great benefit Some will bring green apples, while others will bring red or yellow ones, so it will be useful to know the properties of “multi-colored” apples.

Important! When choosing apples, you need, first of all, to consider fruits grown in your area, and not brought from afar - they contain more vitamins, fewer preservatives and other chemicals. Secondly, it is necessary to evaluate the density of the fruit and the integrity of the peel (so that the apple is hard and elastic). Thirdly, the smell ( good apples always have a scent). Fourthly, size (medium-sized fruits are usually the best).

Green apples (Granny Smith, Simirenko, etc.) are often called the healthiest. This is due to the fact that green apples:

  • hypoallergenic (allergic reactions to them are extremely rare);
  • contain more ascorbic and malic acid than other apples (improves digestion);
  • have a low glycemic index (important for diabetics and heart patients);
  • contain a large number of fibers. The fiber in green apples takes longer to be processed by the body (reduces the feeling of hunger);
  • rich in pectin (prolong youth);
  • the lowest calorie among apples (35 kcal).

Red apples (Gloucester, Red Delicious, etc.) are very aesthetically attractive. Rich colors, gloss on the barrels (which traders in the markets carefully create), it would seem to say: “Eat me quickly!” By chemical indicators red apples are inferior to green ones:

  • they are more difficult to digest (less acid content);
  • they are sweeter (a plus for those with a sweet tooth, but a minus for diabetics and children's teeth).

Yellow apples (Golden Delicious, Banana, etc.) have a pleasant caramel smell. Taste yellow apples very different from green and red.

Yellow apples:

  • especially rich in pectin;
  • contain a lot of sugars;
  • poor in iron compounds;
  • promote bile secretion (have a beneficial effect on the liver).

It’s not for nothing that the apple is called the “fruit of health.” The healing and rejuvenating properties of apples have long been known to man. Even the ancient Celts believed that the apple brought immortality, and the Slavs believed in “rejuvenating apples.”

Did you know? The apple is present in many myths and legends, and various customs and traditions are associated with it. In ancient Greek myths, the apple appears many times (the golden apple of discord of the goddess Eris, a symbol of love (the myth of Atalanta), the apples of the Hesperides and Hercules). Among the Germanic peoples, when babies were born, they planted apple tree seedlings; it was also believed that apple trees were protected by the gods - lightning did not strike them (they set up apple orchards in villages).

About the benefits of apples for pregnant women and children

Apples are indispensable during pregnancy because:

The average daily dose is 3-4 medium apples. Considering that apples increase the production of gastric juice, it is better to eat them half an hour before eating the main meal. Fresh fruits can cause gas and colic. In this case, it is advisable to replace fresh fruits with baked or juice.

For nursing breast milk It is better for women to limit their consumption of red and yellow apples, because they can provoke allergic reaction, the occurrence of colic in a baby.

Important! During pregnancy and breastfeeding Green apples will be more beneficial for mother and child - high in vitamins, hypoallergenic, rich in iron, low in calories.

Benefits of green apple for children:

  • does not cause allergies;
  • helps train the gums during teething (give a peeled apple slice);
  • cleanses teeth well of plaque;
  • less damaging to tooth enamel than red;
  • provides the child’s body with the necessary mineral complex and vitamins;
  • Boosts immunity and protects against viruses and bacteria.

The benefits of apples for digestion

When listing the beneficial properties of apples for humans, it should be recalled that apples have traditionally been used as a remedy for stomach disorders (due to the beneficial effects of pectin). Malic and tartaric acids improve digestion and intestinal microflora. To prevent constipation, it is advisable to add baked apples to your menu.

Did you know? There are about 10 thousand in the world different varieties apples They differ in size and weight (from 30 to 500 g), shape, color, aroma, taste. Nutritionists have calculated that for optimal health, everyone needs to eat at least 48 kg of apples per year (about half consumed in the form of juice).

The benefits of apples for the cardiovascular system

Potassium and catechins (antioxidants) in apples have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle and improve blood circulation. Soluble fiber (pectin) reduces the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Regular consumption of green apples reduces the risk cardiovascular diseases by 20%.

Sweet varieties of red apples are contraindicated for people suffering from cardiac dystonia.

Beneficial properties of apples for the gallbladder

Sweet and sour green apples act as a choleretic agent and help with dyskinesia. In case of chronic cholecystitis, you should eat only freshly grated green apples for breakfast in the morning for a month. The next meal or drink should be no earlier than 4-5 hours later. For gallbladder diseases, it is also recommended to drink half a glass of apple juice 20 minutes before. before meals.

The benefits of apples for weight loss

Fiber found in apples low calorie content, pleasant taste and the easy availability of this fruit have made apples (primarily green ones) one of the most common components of various weight loss diets. Just 2-3 apples a day or a few glasses of apple juice will help you lose weight. excess weight, normalize metabolism in the body.

It should be remembered that:

  • for peptic ulcers, green apples are contraindicated (you need to consume sweet varieties);
  • Apples should be grated unpeeled, with the skin on;
  • apples have a diuretic effect;
  • For better effect they must be fresh and heat treatment(if necessary) – the very minimum.

The benefits of apples for healthy teeth

Benefit for healthy teeth apples are great - saturation with minerals and vitamins, gum massage. Once on the road, you can brush your teeth with an apple (use a piece of the pulp as a toothbrush or simply eat an apple and clean your teeth of plaque). But when consuming apples, you should remember that they contain a lot of acids. The effect of acid on tooth enamel in the process of consuming apples (especially sour or sweet and sour) is known - “getting your teeth on edge.” In apple lovers, enamel damage is more common. Dentists advise, after eating an apple, to rinse your mouth (you can use a toothbrush no earlier than 30 minutes due to the softening of tooth enamel by acids. Cheese will help protect it - you should chew a small piece).

Liver Helpers

Regular consumption of apples and apple juice has a beneficial effect on the liver. Chlorogenic acid helps remove oxalic acid, promotes normal operation liver. Soluble pectins remove bad cholesterol. Apples are real helpers of the liver in detoxifying the body - removing carcinogens and heavy metals.

The benefits and harms of apple peels and seeds

Apple peel contains the lion's share of vitamins, minerals and oxidants - the benefits of its consumption even exceed the benefits of consuming the pulp: querticin fights inflammatory processes, ursolic acid reduces fat deposits, etc. Therefore, you can often find recommendations to eat the whole apple, with peel and seeds . If apples are grown in ecologically clean regions, special harm this will not work (unless the apples are coated on the outside with wax with biphenyl - in this case it is necessary to peel all the peel with a knife).

The benefits of apple seeds are due to the presence of:

  • yoda ( daily requirement can satisfy 10 apple seeds) – improves memory, increases tone;
  • vitamin B17 (amygdalin or letril glucoside) – has an anticarcinogenic effect, improves the condition immune system, increases performance;
  • potassium (up to 200 mcg) – easily absorbed, important for the functioning of the heart and bones.

Apple grains can also cause harm to the body: the benefits of letril, which is broken down in the body to hydrocyanic acid, can, in case of excessive consumption of apple seeds, turn into harm - lead to hydrocyanic acid poisoning. The use of apple seeds is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

The use of apples in folk medicine

Traditional medicine has long used the healing and healing properties of apple trees in its practice. Both the fruits themselves and the leaves, twigs and flowers of trees are used.

Benefits of apple tea

Apple tea is one of the most common remedies in folk medicine for colds, urolithiasis, chronic rheumatism, sclerosis. This tea contains the entire range of useful substances, like a ripe apple, with the exception of fiber and vitamin C (cannot tolerate heat treatment). You can compensate for this with apple slices, cut into tea, and lemon juice. Regular consumption of this tea will help:

  • normalize digestion;
  • regulate pressure;
  • remove bad cholesterol from the body;
  • replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals;
  • reduce excess weight.

Fresh and dried apples, apple buds and flowers are used to prepare apple tea. For taste, add black or green tea, mint, honey, cinnamon. This tea will be especially useful during diets and for those who adhere to fasts.

Apple leaf tincture for colds

The benefits of apple leaves for the body are obvious: they contain more vitamin C than apple fruits. Infusions of apple leaves are used for disorders gastrointestinal tract and for colds.

Infusion recipe No. 1:

Infusion recipe No. 2:

  • dry apple leaves (2 tbsp) pour boiling water (2 cups);
  • 15 minutes. insist on a water bath;
  • cool for 45 minutes and strain;
  • drink 3-4 times a day, half a glass before meals.

It is effective to gargle with this infusion for laryngitis and sore throat, and you can also rinse your nose.

Did you know? Apple leaves can be fermented and brewed as regular tea. Fresh leaves place them on a tray for five hours (to wilt a little), then pass them through a meat grinder, transfer them to a glass container and cover with several layers of gauze. Leave for a while (up to 20 hours) in a warm and humid place. After this, the mass will acquire a brownish color and an apple-honey smell will appear. The last operation is to pour it onto a baking sheet and dry it in the sun (oven). A sign of readiness is that when pressed lightly, the tea leaves crumble.

Ointment for healing cracks, wounds and abrasions

Applesauce sweet and sour apples has long been used to heal wounds, relieve skin inflammation, and burns. At home, it’s easy to make an ointment from an apple to heal wounds, cracks in the corners of the lips and nipples, and abrasions:

  • chop (on a grater or using a blender) an apple;
  • add fat (goose or pork) to the mass (1x1);
  • Apply to the wound three to four times a day; when cracks are healing, wash the area of ​​skin with baby soap and apply ointment at night.

How to use apples in home cosmetology

Apples are especially useful for women whose bodies are going through menopause (thanks to boron and phlorizin, the risk of osteoporosis is reduced). To the question “What else are apples good for women?” The answer will be - apples help to become even more beautiful, rejuvenate, nourish and refresh the skin.

Home cosmetology uses fruits, apple juice, infusions of leaves and flowers. Directions for use:

  • washing. Avicenna recommended washing with a decoction of apple leaves to get rid of acne. Will be useful for normal skin washing with a decoction prepared in a water bath from the peels of green apples and orange peels. For any skin, washing with settled water with the addition of apple cider vinegar (1 teaspoon per half liter) is suitable;
  • massages. The skin of the face and neck is massaged with a cut apple slice. For oily skin you should take sour apples, for drier ones - sweeter. A frozen decoction of the leaves works effectively - massage with an ice cube.

A special topic is the use of apple masks. These masks are easy to prepare at home for any skin type.

Universal masks:

Hair masks:

  • mix a tablespoon of honey with two tablespoons of grated apple, apply to damp hair for half an hour. Wash your hair with shampoo;
  • pour five tablespoons of grated apples with half a liter of warm milk and leave for two hours. Drain off the excess milk and rub the apple into the roots and hair. After half an hour, wash off.

How to store apples in winter

How to store apples in winter, very actual question for fruit lovers. Fresh apples are best stored in a cool, dark place. Much depends on the keeping quality of the variety. Summer ones are stored for 2-4 weeks, winter ones - 2-3 months or more. For better storage, you need to select whole, undamaged fruits. Before placing them in cardboard or wooden containers for storage, fruits are not washed (you can wipe them with a cloth with glycerin), they are wrapped in paper and sprinkled with dry sawdust or peat chips.

Important! It is important to determine in time the degree of ripeness of apples and the correct timing of harvesting. Unripe apples they will not ripen during storage (like pears or persimmons).

Storage is possible in special pits (up to 50 cm deep) at summer cottages. The bottom of the pit is lined with spruce or pine branches, the apples are placed in a cellophane bag, hermetically sealed and covered with earth.

It is better to store dried apples in glass containers with an airtight lid (do not allow increased humidity).

Frozen apples can be stored in the freezer for up to a year without losing their quality.

Is it possible to eat apples with gastritis?

People suffering from high acidity can eat sweet apples. If gastritis worsens, it is better to switch to baked apples without sugar.

Green apples are used in special diets to treat gastritis. They are grated and eaten daily for the first month (you need to eat early in the morning so that there are 4-5 hours left before breakfast). The next month - take grated apples three times a week, the third - once a week. In this case, you should adhere to the prescribed diet.

Contraindications and harm of apples

Possible harm from apples is small. Overeating them can cause colitis. Addiction to apple mono-diets can also lead to disorders; the abundance of malic acids can provoke inflammatory processes in the gallbladder. Excessive passion for apples will also affect the condition of tooth enamel (thinning).

Did you know? During storage, apples can release ethylene. Thanks to him it happens accelerated maturation nearby other fruits. This property can be used when ripening pears. Storing potatoes and apples in one place will reduce the shelf life of potatoes and cause unpleasant odor and the starchy taste of apples.

You should also know what diseases you should not eat apples for. These are, first of all, peptic ulcers of the duodenum and stomach. For chronic colitis, serious inflammation of the gallbladder and urolithiasis, it is better to use baked apple puree.

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Calories, kcal:

Proteins, g:

Carbohydrates, g:

Apple is the fruit of an apple tree, the most common in central Russia fruit tree. Its unpretentiousness and high productivity have made the apple tree an indispensable element in the gardens and garden plots of all, without exception, those who like to live or spend the summer outside the city. It is the apple that is mentioned in the legend of the tempting snake, which contributed to the expulsion of the first people from paradise.

Apple calorie content

The calorie content of an apple is 47 kcal per 100 grams of product.

In an apple, the presence of and is mainly valued, but the fruit contains:, vitamins, and, as well as necessary for the body person minerals: , And . Apples also contain large quantities of fiber, which has a beneficial effect on the activity of the gastrointestinal tract (calorizator). Doctors recommend eating at least one apple a day to prevent the development of many diseases - atherosclerosis, heart failure, constipation and cancer.

Harmful properties of apples

Abuse of sour varieties of apples can provoke an exacerbation of chronic gastritis and stomach ulcers, and also affects dental health - the enamel is damaged. Apples are contraindicated for people suffering from gastritis and ulcers.

Apples can also be harmful to health if they are brought from afar and heavily treated with chemicals for storage. Not garden apples It is necessary to wash them thoroughly before eating and, when choosing them in a store, pay attention to the treatment of the peel.

Apple shape

Apples are round, elongated or oval shape, have a hard skin of green, red, white, yellow or mixed color, juicy hard pulp, a stalk and small seeds inside the fruit.

The property of apples to darken when cut

The apple has the property of darkening when cut. This does not mean that the apple is spoiled or cannot be cut with a knife. This occurs due to the oxidation of the nutrient found in the apple. The oxidation process can be avoided by sprinkling the apple a little.

By variety, apples are divided into summer, autumn and winter.

Summer varieties, the most early ripening and perishable, they need to be consumed immediately after being removed from the tree, the most famous are: White filling and melba. The most famous varieties autumn apples, which usually ripen in August and early September, can ripen after being removed from the branches - this, of course, Antonovka and Aport. Autumn apples Usually larger in size than summer ones, they can be stored for up to 2 months if the fruits are without shocks or deformations. Autumn varieties also represent cinnamon, Oryol striped and autumn striped.

Winter varieties of apples are considered to be those that ripen in late September - early October; their pulp is heavy and not as juicy as that of other varieties. Winter apples tend to last a long time appearance And taste qualities, given that proper storage- in a cool, dry place or in sawdust. Famous winter varieties - gold, lobo, pepin saffron, northern sinap, red delicious.

Apple in cooking

It is best to eat apples in fresh, debates about benefits and harms apple peel and the seeds are not finished, so you should focus on the sensations after you have eaten the apple - if your teeth and stomach calmly accept an apple in its peel, maybe there is no point in peeling it? Apples can be boiled, baked, dried, used for filling sweet pies and pancakes, they go well with and, and act as an ingredient in fruit salad and cold appetizers. To avoid darkening of apples, you should spray them.

You can make drinks from apples such as juice, compote, jelly, vinegar, kvass, etc.

apple knife

It is very convenient to cut apples with a special knife, which allows you to simultaneously cut the apple into pieces and remove the core of the apple. Apple knives have different shapes, the material of manufacture, but the essence is always the same. Knife blades are usually stainless steel.

Apple in cosmetology

Apple masks are good for skin care, especially aging skin. They improve metabolic processes in the skin, brighten the skin, help with skin inflammation and cleanse pores.

Apples are a very healthy product for those who decide to lose weight. And not only because of its low calorie content and enrichment with vitamins and minerals. As we said above, they contain soluble fiber (pectin) and insoluble fiber(especially in the peel). This is very useful components losing weight, which allows you to get rid of constipation, helps the body remove excess water and toxins.

Apple is an antioxidant.

Fasting days on apples, or short mono-diets, are very useful. Just be sure to consult a doctor, since apples may be contraindicated for you and cause harm to the body.

Baked apples are especially useful for weight loss, since the amount of pectin in them increases and they will not cause harm, even with peptic ulcer.

Remember that an apple is a carbohydrate and is not recommended to be eaten after 4 pm if your goal is weight loss.

How to choose the right apple

When buying apples, pay attention to the following:

  1. The country in which the apples were grown. It is better to purchase apples from your region or your country. Such apples are treated less with chemicals to increase shelf life.
  2. The apple should not be damaged or have any dents from falling.
  3. The peel should not be wrinkled, the apple should be firm and clean.
  4. If the apple is bright in color, check to see if it is stained. To do this, just look under the label if it is an imported apple.
  5. Avoid heavily waxed apples; it will be difficult to wash, and such an apple will be of little use.

You can learn more about the benefits of apples from the video clip of the TV show “About the Most Important Thing.”

Especially for
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Everyone is familiar with this fruit; for many centuries, fairy tales, legends, epics and sayings have been written about it. In ancient times, this fruit for its useful qualities called rejuvenating. It is difficult to find a more accurate definition for these juicy and crispy, tasty and healthy, so beloved apples.

  • they normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanse the intestines, and stimulate appetite;
  • remove oxalic acid and its salts from internal organs;
  • restore and improve liver function;
  • help eliminate bad cholesterol;
  • make it impossible to synthesize uric acid;
  • contain substances that help in the treatment of anemia and vitamin deficiency;
  • support the functioning of the immune system;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • rejuvenate the body;
  • increase resistance to pathogenic bacteria and infectious diseases.

For men

The daily norm is 2-3 fruits, of any variety, depending on your own preferences.

Apples help male body in strengthening bones, normalizing blood counts, increasing physical endurance. It is advisable to eat the fruit without peeling it, since it contains vitamins that are not found in the pulp itself.

Regular consumption of the fruit reduces the likelihood of developing asthma, cancer, and Alzheimer's disease.

Apple juice is a good preventive measure to combat cardiovascular diseases, to which men are so susceptible.

These fruits are very useful for men to improve male potency (potency).

Did you know? American citizen N. Walker was a big fan of fruit and vegetable juices, and Apple juice was his favorite. He died at the age of 119, and conceived his last child at the age of 96.

For women

The fruit contains organic acids such as pantothenic and folic acid, and in combination with vitamins A, B, E, they support feminine beauty, improving the condition of skin, hair and nails

During pregnancy, breastfeeding and menopause, apples are great source calcium and iron.

For children

Green fruits and juice from them do not cause allergies, so they are given when introducing the first complementary foods. The beneficial substances contained in apples provide protection against viruses and bacteria. The pulp, as a natural sorbent, removes toxins and waste from the child’s body, cleanses the blood, and improves the functioning of internal organs.

For kids who cannot yet brush their teeth on their own, the apple will help clean the teeth and interdental space, and destroy germs that cause caries.

For the elderly

The elements contained in the apple help strengthen bones and improve bone mass and brain function. They alleviate the condition of rheumatism, gout, and atherosclerosis.

For older people leading a sedentary lifestyle, these fruits will be the main assistants in normalizing the functioning of the stomach and intestines.

Calories and nutritional value

Per 100 g fresh apple accounted for:

  • calorie content - 44 kcal;
  • fats - 0.40 g;
  • proteins - 0.40 g;
  • carbohydrates - 9.80 g.

For 100 g of baked fruit there is:

  • fats - 0.46 g;
  • proteins - 4.32 g;
  • carbohydrates - 21.90 g.

Per 100 g of dried product there are:

  • calorie content - 239.50 kcal;
  • fats - 0.42 g;
  • proteins - 2.24 g;
  • carbohydrates - 59.8 g.

To saturate the body with useful substances, it is enough to eat 2-3 apples per day. 100 grams contain:


  • vitamin A - 5 mcg;
  • thiamine (B1) - 0.03 mg;
  • riboflavin (B2) - 0.02 mg;
  • pantothenic acid (B5) - 0.07 mg;
  • pyridoxine (B6) - 0.08 mg;
  • folic acid (B9) - 2 mcg;
  • vitamin PP - 0.3 mg;
  • vitamin C - 10 mg;
  • beta-carotene - 0.03 mg;
  • tocopherol (E) - 0.2 mg;
  • biotin (H) - 0.3 μg;
  • phylloquinone (K) - 2.2 mcg.


  • phosphorus -11 mg;
  • calcium - 16 mg;
  • potassium - 278 mg;
  • sulfur - 5 mg;
  • magnesium - 9 mg;
  • sodium - 26 mg;
  • chlorine - 2 mg.


  • iodine - 2 mcg;
  • iron - 2.2 mg;
  • boron - 245 mcg;
  • molybdenum - 6 mcg;
  • fluorine - 8 mcg;
  • chromium - 4 mcg;
  • copper - 110 mcg;
  • zinc - 0.15 mg;
  • manganese - 0.047 mg;
  • aluminum - 110 mcg;
  • rubidium - 63 mcg;
  • cobalt - 1 mcg;
  • vanadium - 4 mcg;
  • nickel - 17 mcg.

Did you know? Many people wonder why apples do not sink in water for a very long time. This feature is explained by the fact that they consist of a quarter of air.

Can you eat apples?

During pregnancy

Certainly! Apples contain folic acid, which is necessary for the normal intrauterine development of a child. A high content B vitamins help maintain the normal state of the nervous system.

When breastfeeding

In the first days after childbirth, it is better to stick to baked apples; they will not irritate the gastrointestinal tract, are easy to digest and are a high-quality supplier of vitamins and pectin. Later, the young mother can afford to eat 2-3 green fruits, which will saturate the body with the necessary elements.

When losing weight

Apples are a low-calorie product with a high content of micro- and macroelements. They are indispensable for weight loss, as they contain vitamins and remove waste and toxins. It's best to choose sweet and sour fruits Green colour.

For gastritis

If you have gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases, you should initially consult your doctor about nutrition!

For gastritis with low acidity, apples will help bring acidity back to normal. Sour or sweet and sour varieties are great. A popular variety is Antonovka.

The menu for gastritis with high acidity often includes baked apples or puree from baked or boiled fruits. Fresh - only sweet varieties. For example, white filling, Jonathan, Lungwort.

For diabetes

Apples at diabetes mellitus possible and necessary. They have a low glycemic index, which means there is no sharp jump in blood sugar levels, since alimentary fiber prevent fructose from being absorbed.

Contraindications and harm

There must be moderation in everything. The sugar and acids contained in apples are unsafe for tooth enamel. Excessive use fruit can cause gas formation in the intestines and painful sensations.

People who have a history of gastritis or stomach ulcers should consume the fruit with great caution, avoiding exacerbation of the disease.

Important! You should not eat apples immediately after eating your main meal. They are eaten 30 minutes before meals.

Green, yellow or red: which is better?

Apples are rich in fiber, pectins, organic acids, and flavonoids. Green - contain large quantity microelements than yellow or red ones, and their sugar content is lower. Green fruits are considered hypoallergenic, but yellow or red fruits can cause allergies.

  • Red varieties reduce the risk of disease oncological diseases, improve memory function, normalize heart rate and the functioning of the genitourinary system.
  • Green varieties help strengthen bones and teeth, and reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Yellow fruits help restore vision and the immune system.

Important! The highest concentration of vitamins is found in unripe, still green apples. As soon as they begin to sing and change the color of the peel, the amount of vitamins decreases.

Why you shouldn't peel the skin

For getting maximum benefit from the fruit, it should be consumed raw and preferably with the peel. It contains pectin, vitamins, microelements, and organic acids necessary for the body.

But this can only be attributed to homemade fruits. Store-bought apples, as a rule, contain quite high levels of pesticides and nitrates. Such fruits must not only be thoroughly washed, but also peeled.

Apple seeds: benefit or harm

5-6 seeds from apples are daily norm iodine, rare vitamin B17 and potassium. Doctors do not recommend consuming more than this norm, since in addition useful elements they contain the glycoside amygdalin, which in the stomach turns into hydrocyanic acid(poisonous substance).

Important! Vitamin B17 (laetrile) slows development and spread tumor cells, improves the condition of the body and increases its activity.

How to choose the right one

When choosing fruits in a store, you should not pay much attention to flawless, beautiful fruits with a glossy shine; as a rule, such apples are subject to repeated chemical treatment. But the nondescript varieties of apples lying nearby, with minor defects (which indicate natural cultivation) will bring more benefits.

How to store at home

  • store fruits low temperatures: from -1 °C to +5 °C, refrigerator, balcony, basement are suitable for storage;
  • storage containers should have low sides; fruit should preferably be laid in one layer, maximum two; for preservation, you can wrap each apple in paper or you can use wood shavings;
  • apples are stored in the refrigerator plastic bags, 1.5 kg each, small holes are pierced in the bags for ventilation.


Apples are cooking different ways: they are fermented, canned, baked, dried, compotes are made from them, they are used as a filling, they are made into jam, jelly, marmalade and many other dishes.

Apples baked in the oven are an indispensable delicacy for people who are on a diet. These fruits have a soft texture unique taste and aroma. The composition of apples does not change; they remain very healthy despite the fact that the content of vitamins and minerals decreases.

This dessert is easily absorbed by the body, normalizes microflora, and is indicated for diseases of the digestive system. They improve the functioning of the heart muscle, restore kidney function, and promote weight loss.

Baked apples in the oven

For baking in the oven, take autumn fruits of sweet and sour or sour varieties. You will need:

  • 5 apples;
  • 5 teaspoons honey;
  • vanillin;
  • aluminium foil.


  • The oven is heated to +180 °C.
  • In washed apples, a cone-shaped core is cut out from the stalk side so that a “cup” is obtained.
  • The baking sheet is covered with foil and the fruit is laid out.
  • Each apple “cup” contains a spoonful of honey and a pinch of vanilla.
  • Fruits are baked for 10 to 40 minutes. It depends on their variety, juiciness and size.

Apples can be baked with cinnamon, nuts and raisins, cottage cheese, ginger, and rice. The cooking recipe depends on the mood and wishes of the hostess.

Use in folk medicine

This fruit is used in folk medicine to treat many ailments.

For anemia

Apple juice or an apple is useful in the treatment of anemia, as it helps the absorption of iron, without which it is impossible to increase hemoglobin levels in the blood.

For insomnia

Applesauce from one or two sour fruits with the addition of 1 teaspoon of honey is eaten before bed. Repeat for a week. Your sleep pattern will return to normal.

For heartburn

An apple neutralizes excess acid in the stomach; red and sweet fruits do a better job of this task.

Fruits help temporarily, as they only relieve the symptom of heartburn. But to solve the cause, it is necessary to change the diet, review the range of products and exclude fatty, fried, flour, meat and dairy.

For constipation

One glass of juice an hour before bed and in the morning on an empty stomach will help solve the problem of constipation.

If you make it a rule to eat an apple for dinner, then after some time you will be able to forget about such ailments as constipation.

For urolithiasis and gout

For urolithiasis and gout, it is necessary to eat sweet fruits, drink teas using apple peels, and apple compote.

To reduce the pain caused by gout, you need to fry an apple on small quantity oils The fried fruit is eaten, and the juice released during cooking is drunk.

Home care

The beneficial substances contained in apples are successfully used in cosmetology to make homemade skin care products.

For washing dry skin

If you have dry skin, you can wash your face with tea made from apple blossom and chamomile flowers (1:2). One tablespoon of the mixture is infused into 500 ml for 20 minutes. The resulting infusion is suitable for washing and for making cosmetic ice.

Skin care mask

The juice of one fruit is mixed with one tablespoon oatmeal and one tablespoon of cream, mix well. Apply this mask to the face and neck area for half an hour. Then it needs to be washed off warm water. In winter, with the help of this mask, you will protect your face from frost and wind.

For brittle nails

To strengthen the nail plate, make baths: any vegetable oil and apple cider vinegar are taken in equal proportions. Immerse your fingers in the resulting mixture for 10 minutes.

For healing wounds and cracks

To heal cracks on the lips, nipples, hands and heels, use applesauce with the addition of butter.

Apple pulp relieves inflammation in burn wounds, skin irritations, removes warts, and copes with acne.

The British have a saying that, translated, sounds like this: “Whoever eats an apple once a day never sees a doctor.” And this is the absolute truth. After all, an apple is an extremely healthy fruit that will benefit everyone, young and old.

According to the expert, these fruits can extend a person’s life by 20-30 years. The scientist substantiates his conclusions with the successful results of experiments. American researchers have discovered substances in apples that protect brain cells from destruction. Apples have also been proven to reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood. Studies show that women who regularly include apples in their diet reduce their risk of developing diseases by 20 percent. of cardio-vascular system. And the antioxidants contained in apples increase the body's resistance to cancer.

But keep in mind: apples do not cure this or that disease, they improve the functioning of the entire body. Mostly useful material are located in the peel of the fruit and directly under it - it contains not only many vitamins, but also ten chemical compounds that have the property of suppressing and destroying cancer cells. Therefore, you should not peel apples before eating. Try not to cut the peel off the apples, as this is where they contain a large amount of pectin and fiber.

However, that's not all. It turns out that the seeds in an apple are also very useful. Just five to six apple seeds a day will fill an adult’s daily requirement for iodine and will have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and brain.

Apples, like most fruits, contain practically no fat, since they are 87% water, they are low in calories, so if you replace a fatty, sweet and high-calorie dessert with an apple, you can easily lose weight. Apples (especially recently picked ones) contain quite a lot of vitamins (A, C, B)

One of the authors of the study, Sean Landon, said - not a single one chemical additive does not compare with the beneficial properties of apples. “We often hear about the creation of new food products, which literally litter the supermarket shelves,” the nutritionist emphasized. “However, none of them can surpass this amazing fruit of God in nutritional value and amount of vitamins.” According to him, the beneficial effects of apples are associated with powerful antioxidant flavonoids, which each fruit contains 1.5 times more than 75 grams of blueberries, 2 times more than a cup of tea, 3 times more than oranges, and are almost 8 times larger than bananas.


Apples are digested faster and better when grated. By the way, lovers of baked apples do not have to give up their usual delicacy: almost no vitamins are lost in the baked fruit.

Those who have intestinal problems simply must eat apples daily. The results will be noticeable quite quickly. But keep in mind: for stomach ulcers, only sweet apples are recommended. In the case of gastritis, on the contrary, sour apples are appropriate.

Sour and wild varieties bring the most benefits. Keep in mind: apples do not cure this or that disease, they improve the functioning of the entire body

However, there is one caveat: all apples must be washed thoroughly. And the fruits arriving on our shelves from abroad are covered with a protective layer, which allows them to preserve their presentation, extend their shelf life and... worsen their health. Therefore, it is still better to part with the skin of “glossy” fruits.

Many people are often interested in: which apples to eat - green or red? Green ones are still better. They contain more vitamin C, and they cause allergies less often than red ones.

10 beneficial properties of apples -

1. Apples reduce cholesterol levels in the blood and prevent the development of atherosclerosis.
2. Apples help normalize digestion
3. Apples are useful for vitamin deficiency (hypovitaminosis)
4. Apples have a general strengthening effect
5. Apples are good for diabetes
6. Apples normalize metabolism
7. Apples are good for the brain
8. Apples protect against cancer
9. Apples have disinfectant properties
10. Apples cleanse the body of waste and toxins
