Six anti-crisis recipes for dishes for every day. Cooking recipe culinary anti-crisis recipes

Competing with Gwyneth Paltrow, I bring to your attention my version of nutrition in our time, when it is unclear whether food prices will become much more expensive and how much money will be in your wallet tomorrow. For 2500 rubles for two per week.

My generation is accustomed to crises. In addition, as a mother of many children, I always had a need to save. That's why we didn't have any refined and expensive products, semi-finished products. We preferred the food of the poor, which is what I raised my children on. I didn’t give it up even in the “fat” years of the last decade, only occasionally being tempted by the variety of supermarkets. My logic is simple - it’s better to eat what you’re used to and simple food every day: the stomach is healthier, and the financial costs of food are stable and modest. Here are my principles:

  1. We cook as much as we can - with our own hands at home.

  2. Breakfast is the same every day, including weekends. This, no matter how trite, is oatmeal.

  3. The soup should be in the stomach once a day.

  4. Basic products: cereals, vegetables and fruits - inexpensive, domestic. We eat little meat. We refuse gastronomy (sausages, cheeses) and semi-finished products (with rare exceptions!).

  5. The amount of food for two people should not exceed 2,500 rubles per week (plus or minus 200 rubles).

  6. You need to get to the stove every third day and cook for the next two days. This makes it easier to create a menu for the week.

  7. When I go to the store and buy groceries, I always know what I will cook for the week ahead. This is usually - in addition to oatmeal for breakfast - 3 soups, 2 meat dishes with a side dish and something light for dinner - such as salads or pate.

Breakfast - no matter the weather and even on weekends - is always the same. Oatmeal (or yogurt) and coffee with milk (tea). Now we have a yogurt maker, and 30 years ago, when my eldest daughter was born, I made yogurt on a radiator. By the way, this is simple: half liter jar I pour milk, add a tablespoon of sour cream and leave it on a warm radiator overnight (6-8 hours), in the morning the yogurt is ready.

Separately, I will say a few words about oatmeal.

It should be eaten every day - it perfectly balances all processes in our stomach. It will prevent gastritis, even if, due to your busy schedule, you can only eat 6-8 hours after breakfast.

Lunch - soup and main course. I make three soups a week. We eat each soup for two days. Basically, I prefer vegetarian, but sometimes it is possible with meat or chicken giblets. For example, here are soups with barley: mushroom, rassolnik, cereal with cracklings. Vegetable soups: borscht (in summer - Lithuanian beetroot soup), cabbage soup with fresh (sauerkraut) cabbage. Pea soup, chicken bouillon with noodles.

Main course: cabbage solyanka with chicken or pork, barley with chicken or pork (after the crisis we will replace barley with buckwheat! It’s just that now the price difference is four times), Bolognese pasta or fettuccine, cutlets (beef or chicken) with homemade tkemali or any vegetables, vegetable stew"adjap sandal" type, stuffed peppers(or cabbage rolls), chicken couscous, homemade dumplings, zeppelins and much more.

Dinner: warm salads, pates, pancakes, etc.

To make it clearer, I will tell you week by week - I cooked and photographed for a whole month.

So the menu for the first week:

Breakfast - oatmeal (for a week I use 1 pack for two people), yogurt homemade(2 liters of milk), coffee. I buy another 2 liters of milk separately - for coffee, and usually I drink milk with honey (a cup) before bed.

Dinner. Vegetarian soups: mushroom, pea, borscht.

Main course: pork with pearl barley, zeppelins.

Dinner: pancakes, chicken pate, salads from fresh vegetables.

I buy products from the following list:

1 kg chicken liver, 4 liters of milk, a pack of oatmeal, 1 kilogram of pork, 2 kg of potatoes, 1 kg of onions, 1 kg of carrots, 1 kg of beets, a small head of cabbage, 1 dozen eggs (enough for me for 3 weeks), 8-10 champignons, 1 kg of barley (enough for me for almost 2 months), 1 liter of vegetable oil (enough for me for 2 weeks), a loaf of Borodino bread, sugar. A jar of condensed milk for pancakes. Pack butter(I add butter to pate, sometimes you can add it to porridge - this pack also lasts for a couple of weeks). Some more apples and bananas. A small bunch of fresh herbs. Tea, coffee, a piece of brisket for the zeppelins. Mayonnaise. Flour. loaf white bread. Chocolate - 2 bars. Honey, jam. At the cost today it is approximately 2500 rubles (perhaps a little more - I rounded).

Here is the table energy value products this week.

Now for a photo and a little more detail about how I cook.
It's simple with oatmeal. My yogurt turns out very thick and I use it instead of sour cream.

I cook soups quickly - in about 20 minutes. And everything follows the same principle.
Mushroom. At the bottom of the pan, fry the shredded meat in vegetable oil. onion and carrots (grated on a coarse grater or cut into cubes), fill with water, add 2 potatoes, mushrooms and pearl barley. Spices and salt. Instead of sour cream - homemade yogurt.

I cook the pearl barley in advance and store it in the freezer in a container, and then add it to different dishes as needed.

I added pearl barley to mushroom soup!

Pea soup. I cook the peas until half cooked. I sauté onions and carrots in a frying pan and add them to the soup. I add three more potatoes. Salt and spices. And I cook until fully cooked.

Borsch. A very simple soup. At the bottom of the pan I fry the onions and carrots, fill them with water, add a couple of potatoes, a little cabbage and grate them on a coarse grater. boiled beets, tomato paste.

Now the main course.
Pork with pearl barley.
I fry the pork in a cauldron, add onions and carrots (cut coarsely), then a little water and simmer. When the pork is almost ready, add a little more water and barley. Simmer everything together until done and at the end: salt and spices.

And serve it on the table!

I have already told you how to cook zeppelins. Here is the link:
Now about dinners.
Chicken liver pate. I fry the liver in vegetable oil with carrots and onions, add salt and spices (herbs), when the liver and vegetables are ready, a couple of minutes before turning off the heat, add half a stick of butter - let it simmer a little later. I put it through a meat grinder once.

Fresh cabbage and carrot salad with mayonnaise. The cabbage should be cut as thin as possible!

Now - pancakes. I have leftover buttermilk after making yogurt. I use it to knead pancake dough. Pancakes with condensed milk are one of the most delicious dishes in the world! Especially if the condensed milk is Belarusian.

Daily dessert - coffee and cigarettes! (coffee with chocolate)

Times are tough these days, you have to save every penny, so to speak, so you need to come up with all sorts of options for saving the family budget. And this also applies to food, because often with our meager salaries and huge prices, food eats up most of the household finances. Therefore, the team of authors of our site comes up with anti-crisis menu recipes for you - so that it’s tasty, cheap and cheerful, as they say. After all, you want to eat a satisfying and tasty meal no matter the thickness of your wallet or income. By the way, look at 7 recipes from the best a quick fix- excellent selection.

And you know, it’s not at all necessary to eat red caviar and lobster; from inexpensive products you can come up with a lot of interesting and tasty dishes that will cost just a penny. And the family will be well-fed, and you will save money. Moreover, the dishes will be tasty, healthy, we will not consume any expired products or any other rubbish, only quality product— you need to take care of your health, the prices for treatment are now catastrophically high! By the way, for the economical and healthy nutrition advice: cook at home everything that you usually buy in the store - do it homemade condensed milk, mayonnaise, and store-bought sweets filled with chemicals can easily be replaced with ice cream, muffins, cookies and cakes - see the ““ section. Be sure to make homemade preparations in the summer - autumn, when vegetables are cheap, in winter, oh, how useful they will be, and you will save a lot of money.

So, let's learn to cook economically - recipes for anti-crisis dishes for first, second, breakfast, dinner and lunch for your family on our website, bon appetit!

I’m telling you how I prepared super-economical dishes for lunch and dinner for 3 days for my family of three, it all cost 45 UAH (2 USD). tasty, satisfying, simple and economical. Recipes can be viewed

For a hearty, tasty and economical lunch, you can bake chicken wings(the most inexpensive parts of chicken, and also delicious), with potatoes. You can, as in our recipe with cheese, you can only with mayonnaise or sour cream, add greenfinch and get a wonderful simple and economical lunch, tasty - and fast! :

New anti-crisis recipe - chicken chops dressed in potato coat! Thus, completely from small quantity meat can be cooked hearty lunch, since a potato coat almost doubles the size of the chop itself. Despite the potato coat, these chops can be cooked boiled rice, for example, a salad, and a wonderful, satisfying and inexpensive lunch is ready!

I won't say that this is the cheapest meat dish, but if we compare it with store-bought sausage (and we will take expensive, good one, taking into account that there is at least meat present), then brawn from pig head at home it is much cheaper and healthier. Because it is a natural product, without any rubbish that manufacturers stuff into such a product to save their money and damage our health. Because -

You'll save three times your money if you make your own Fanta at home - it's wonderful orange drink, also healthy and tasty. It is prepared very simply, the ingredients are very basic, the process is easy and uncomplicated. The result is clean, tasty and healthy drink, which is pleasant to drink both for yourself and for the children’s joy and benefit.

We continue to save money and make our own breadcrumbs at home. it’s very simple, believe me, and from one loaf of bread you will get so many crackers that without regret, with a generous hand you will sprinkle them wherever you want, knowing that they cost you pennies. Cook with pleasure, easily and simply!

An excellent anti-crisis recipe - cutlets made from onions, potatoes and cabbage - nourishing, tasty, economical and simple! You will feed your family by preparing cutlets according to this recipe, spending a minimum of food and time, we recommend!

This recipe will help you not only diversify your food during Lent, but also significantly save money on food on regular days. As you know, soy, which is tasteless in itself, takes on the taste of accompanying products (which is what unscrupulous manufacturers take advantage of, passing off soy to us as meat), so you can simply add a piece of meat, most of the soy, and you will get cutlets or dumplings. pasties or meatballs, just like meat ones, only much cheaper.

If you want to make delicious and cheap cutlets, this recipe is for you. Chicken stomachs are ideally suited for this purpose. The price is not expensive beneficial features excellent, filling, tasty and not expensive! This is exactly what we need in our time of crisis, and this recipe can help you out a lot, saving family budget without compromising the quality of nutrition and health. See recipe

How to cook beef udder so that it tastes good? Here you will find several simple recipes, how to make salad, beef stroganoff, schnitzel, and simply boiled with mayonnaise from a cow's udder. Such by-products are healthy, cheap, and the dishes made from them are tasty and satisfying. And at the same time they save your family budget.

If you are fasting or a devotee vegetarian food— you will definitely love these vegetable cutlets. They are prepared quickly and simply, very economical, since they use the cheapest products. You can also simply cook them when you don’t have money for meat, but want a hearty meal.

My anti-crisis philosophy is to prevent food spoilage, in waste-free production. To do this, you need to buy compatible products.

Personal experience product savings:
So I take champignons and fry them with onions in vegetable oil, and then mix them with boiled buckwheat, and tasty and economical.

I cut the zucchini into slices and place them in a frying pan, and put minced meat on top, a little mayonnaise and cheese on top and put them in the oven to bake, it’s also tasty and inexpensive.

You can take chicken fillet, beat, add salt and pepper, dip in beaten egg and place pieces of finely cut white bread on it and also bake in the oven, as a result bread crumbs They will brown and it will be a good dish.

What can you make from leftover food?
. Sandwiches can be made from black or white bread, using the remaining festive table herring oil mixture, herring caviar and other mixtures. Combine the remaining fish oil mixtures together, beat well, cool slightly and spread in a fairly thick layer onto the prepared pieces of bread.
. Omelette made from leftover meat or fish salads. If there are leftover meat or fish salads prepared with boiled vegetables, they must be transferred to a deep frying pan and simmered over low heat until thickened. Separately, prepare an omelette mixture from a raw egg beaten with salted milk. Pour the prepared omelette mixture onto vegetable mixture, mix carefully and bake in the oven. Serve the omelette hot or prepare it as a filling for sandwiches.
. Filling with remaining ingredients. Cut the remaining pieces of boiled or fried cold meat, fatty skin of poultry into small cubes or pass through a meat grinder. Melt a piece of butter in a frying pan, add finely chopped onion and sauté until transparent. Add the prepared meat, stir and heat through without letting it brown. If there is any, transfer the remaining meat to the pan with meat. liver paste and warm everything together under the lid. Add separately heated leftover mashed potatoes or rice to the prepared mixture. Use the resulting filling to stuff leftover pancakes from lunch. Place pancakes with this filling in a deep frying pan, pour over mayonnaise and bake in hot oven.
. If the salad or vinaigrette was seasoned with vegetable oil, you can use the leftovers to prepare vegetable caviar. Heat well in a deep, thick-walled frying pan or saucepan required quantity vegetable oil and fry finely chopped onion in it. Add the remaining vinaigrette or salad (the vegetables in them should be cut into very small cubes) and fry well, stirring. Season the caviar with salt and ground pepper, add non-acidic sour cream, mix thoroughly and carefully level the surface. Sprinkle with grated cheese and bake the caviar in a hot oven.
. The casserole can be made from the remaining vermicelli, or as an independent dish.

Vermicelli casserole
Ingredients: take salt - to taste, black pepper - 1/4 tsp, butter - 50 g, grated cheese - 50 g, egg - 2 pcs., vermicelli - 250 g, water - 4 glasses.

Pour water into the pan, bring to a boil and add vermicelli. Cook until done, strain thoroughly. Preheat the oven to medium temperature. Place vermicelli in a baking tray, add eggs, cheese, butter or margarine, salt and pepper. Stir gently until the butter melts. Bake for 45 minutes.
Nourishing and economical

Pea soup - good way Use leftover meat or ham.

Ingredients: 2 liters of water, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp. pepper, 1 jar canned tomatoes, 1 large onion, finely chopped, 1 kg mixture - green and yellow peas, black beans, red rice and white beans, vegetables - carrots, parsley, celery, potatoes, etc. as desired. Seasonings - dry broth, garlic powder, basil, oregano, chili powder - to taste.

The bean mixture is washed, placed in a deep pan with thick walls, and soaked in water overnight. In the morning, drain the water, add water again, add salt and pepper, and let it boil. Once it boils, reduce the heat and simmer for 1.5 hours until the bean mixture is soft. Add seasonings, vegetables and meat and cook for another 30 minutes. Throw in Bay leaf. Serve with crispy croutons.

Borscht with mushroom broth
Recipe for 6 servings. Cooking time: 90 minutes. 50 g dried mushrooms; 1 parsley root; 1 celery root; 1 onion; 500 g beets; 150 g sour cream.

Cook mushroom broth with roots and onions, strain. Boil or bake unpeeled beets. Peel the finished beets, cut into strips, sprinkle with vinegar, stir and pour in hot broth. Season the borscht to taste with salt and sugar, add chopped boiled mushrooms, bay leaf, 5-6 peppercorns, bring to a boil. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add sour cream.

Dumplings can be made with anything, it is very satisfying and saves you the cost of similar products from the supermarket.

Dumplings with beans and mushrooms
Ingredients: wheat flour - 3 cups, water - 500 g, egg - 2 pcs., salt for (dough and filling) - 1/2 tsp, beans - 1 cup, rendered lard - 3 tbsp. l., onions - 3 pcs., mushrooms (dried) - 100 g, red pepper (ground) - to taste, butter - 80 g, sour cream - 200 g.

Soak mushrooms in cold water for 3-4 hours. Strain the water, rinse the mushrooms and cook in the same water. Soak the beans for 5-6 hours in cold water, then cook and rub through a sieve. Finely chop the onion, fry in lard until golden color, add chopped mushrooms and fry everything together. Knead the dough from flour, water, eggs and salt. Roll it out into a layer 1 mm thick and cut into 5x5 cm squares. For the filling, combine bean puree, onions with mushrooms, salt and pepper, stir well. Place the filling onto the dough squares, bring the opposite corners together and seal the edges. Place the dumplings in boiling salted water and cook for 8-10 minutes. The finished dumplings will float to the surface, then remove them with a slotted spoon and season with melted butter. Serve sour cream separately.

Ukrainian dumplings- A fairly simple homemade dish to prepare. They are made from wheat and buckwheat flour, semolina, and from combinations of flour with potatoes, cottage cheese and other products.

Roll out the dough for dumplings from 0.5 to 1.5 cm thick, cut it into squares or “straps”, let them sit for 20-40 minutes so that they “wither”, and only then put them in boiling salted water, milk or broth . Cook until the dumplings float to the surface, then remove with a slotted spoon and season with melted butter, sour cream, fried lard, fried on sunflower oil onions To prevent the dumplings from sticking together, you need to lightly shake them in the oil. Dumplings should be eaten hot.

Economical dumplings
Products: 3 glasses wheat flour, 2 eggs, 100 g butter, 0.3 cups of water, salt.

Make a well in the pre-sifted flour, pour water into it, add butter, eggs beaten with salt and knead the dough stiffer than for dumplings. Cover the dough with a towel for 15-20 minutes, then roll it out into a layer 1 cm thick. Cut the dumplings and cook in salted water.

Place the finished dumplings in a frying pan with heated oil, shake, lightly fry and serve with sour cream. Wheat dumplings are also eaten with cracklings and ham cut into small cubes. To do this, mix the cooked dumplings with ham and melted lard and heat for 3-5 minutes in the oven.

Roll out the dough into a circle (preferably thinly), distribute the minced meat evenly on one half so that it lies in a flat layer. Then cover with the other half and press well. Use a knife (special one with a roller) or the edge of a plate (thin) to give it a semicircular shape. Seal tightly along the edges, making tucks, like on dumplings or dumplings. Fry in large quantities oil so that the cheburek is completely covered with it, over high heat. Keep an eye on it because it cooks very quickly. The crust is crispy on the side, and the inside of the cheburek is soft.

Fish roll
Take 3 sheets Armenian lavash, 1 jar canned salmon(pink salmon, catfish, sockeye salmon) in oil, 250 g of mayonnaise, 3 eggs, fresh herbs (parsley and dill) - 1 bunch each, 300 g of cheese (it is better to take spicier varieties).

Place 1 sheet of lavash on a table or cutting board. Grease the entire surface of the sheet with mayonnaise. Then finely chop the fresh herbs and scatter them evenly over the entire leaf. Unfold the 2nd sheet of lavash and cover the top of the 1st sheet.

Grease the surface with mayonnaise again. Then grate the cheese, trying to distribute it evenly over the entire surface of the sheet. Moreover, the cheese can be grated both on a coarse and fine grater. Whoever likes it. I generally do it 50/50. First, I rub it on a coarse grater, then sprinkle it with small shavings. A matter of taste.

Next, grate the cheese layer on a coarse grater. boiled eggs. The 2nd sheet is ready. Cover the top of our “sandwich” with the third sheet of lavash. Again (lightly) coat the surface of the sheet with mayonnaise. Open the canned food and transfer its contents to a separate container. Separate the bones and liquid from the meat (no need to squeeze hard, it will be juicier). Mash the meat with a fork. Place on the prepared 3rd sheet and try to distribute everything evenly. You may get the feeling that there is not enough meat, but believe me, this portion is enough.

Now it's a matter of small things. Since the sheets have an oval shape, they must be carefully twisted in length so as not to tear. The roll should be quite dense. And one last thing. Pack it in film, foil or a plastic bag (so that the surface does not dry out and burst). Let sit for soaking for 2-3 hours at room temperature and then put it in the refrigerator. Before serving, trim the edges of the roll. Place on the table already cut into portioned rolls, 2-2.5 cm wide.

As an option, you can replace fish in pita bread with chicken, it will be meat sandwich.

Sandwiches with meat pate
Take 1 loaf of bread, 1/4 liter of milk or cream, 3 incomplete tablespoons of flour, 1-2 tbsp. tablespoons butter, 2 egg yolks, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/2 teaspoon mustard, 3-4 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice, 500 g of finely chopped fried or boiled meat, parsley or sweet pepper.

Mix the yolks, milk and flour with butter and spices and place on steam bath until thickened. When this mixture has cooled, mix it with meat and other products and sprinkle with lemon juice. Spread this mixture onto the bread slices and place them together.

Homemade processed cheese
Grind 500 grams of low-fat cottage cheese with 0.5 teaspoon (level) of soda and a pinch of salt.

Let the mixture stand on the table for 1-1.5 hours. Add here 100 grams of butter and 1 a raw egg. And also add dry dill to taste, a little garlic powder, sweet paprika- any spices whose taste you like in cheese. Grind again and put on medium heat. Cook until the mixture is completely melted, stirring all the time. Pour into a bowl and immediately cover with film or a lid, otherwise a film will form. When it cools, the mass will thicken. Spread on bread and enjoy with tea!

Snow charlotte
Beat 3 eggs with a mixer with two tablespoons of sugar and three tablespoons of flour. Pour in a thin layer onto a baking sheet greased with butter and sprinkled with flour. Bake in an oven preheated to 250 degrees for 3-4 minutes, it should not brown. Quickly take it out and use a towel to roll it into a tight roll (roll it right along with the towel). We make the dough again in the same way and bake exactly the same cake. We twist it too.

The rolls have cooled down. We unwrap them from towels and grease them with any jam, and roll them up again. Let them sit in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, rub half a kilo of low-fat cottage cheese through a sieve, add half a glass of sugar, half a liter of low-fat fruit yogurt. Drain the juice from a 300 gram jar of chopped pineapples and bring to a boil. Dissolve 15 g in it instant gelatin and add to the curd and yogurt mixture. We put pineapple pieces there too. Line the inside of a large bowl cling film. We cut our rolls into pieces 1 cm wide, lay out the bottom and sides of the bowl. Pour it out curd mass, level, cover with pieces of roll and refrigerate overnight. The remaining curd and yoghurt mixture can be cooled separately - the jelly turns out excellent! In the morning, turn out onto a plate (even dip in hot water no need, and it comes out well). Tender, tasty, amazing!

Everyone knows: a crisis in the country leads to a crisis in the refrigerator. But who said that the economic situation should affect our stomachs? After all, you can eat tasty and satisfying food even on a modest family budget. We suggest taking note of six anti-crisis recipes for dishes for every day.

Delicate processed cheese soup

Soup from processed cheese- This Alternative option French cheese soup. Probably, this recipe was invented by a simple Russian woman, driven by the desire to bring to life French version cheese soup, and at the same time make do with what is in the refrigerator. So, for this dish you will need:

  • three potatoes;
  • one onion;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • a handful of rice;
  • two processed cheeses;
  • spices and herbs.

First boil the rice and potatoes. After this, add finely chopped onions and carrots fried in oil to the water. When the potatoes and rice are cooked, put the grated cheese and herbs into the pan. In five minutes the soup is ready.

Appetizing zucchini pancakes with a crispy crust

To prepare this simple but tasty dish you will need:

  • several small zucchini;
  • two tablespoons of mayonnaise (can be homemade);
  • a little flour;
  • dill;
  • two eggs.

First you need to beat the eggs with mayonnaise, add flour, grated zucchini, finely chopped dill, salt and pepper. Mix everything thoroughly, form pancakes and fry over medium heat.

Quick pizza in a frying pan

Do you want pizza, but don't have the money for expensive ingredients? You can do without traditional fillings and cook favorite dish in just ten minutes. To do this you will need:

  • two eggs;
  • four tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • five tablespoons of sour cream;
  • nine tablespoons of flour;
  • 60-70 grams of hard cheese;
  • filling (sausage, sausages, tomatoes, mushrooms or everything approximately close to the listed ingredients).

For the dough, mix sour cream, mayonnaise, flour and eggs. Pour the entire mixture into a greased frying pan. Place the filling on top, pour over mayonnaise or ketchup, cover with cheese and bake the pizza in the oven for ten to fifteen minutes.

Fragrant baked potatoes with cheese

Baked potatoes with cheese are served in every cafe or restaurant, but you can easily prepare them at home. To do this you will need:

  • five to six potatoes;
  • two cloves of garlic (optional);
  • spices.

This dish has several cooking options. You can bake potatoes in their skins, peeled, finely or coarsely chopped, quartered or whole. It all depends on your preferences. When you have decided on the shape of the potatoes, place them on a greased pan, salt and season with spices. Bake for 30-40 minutes, then sprinkle with cheese and leave in the oven for another ten minutes.

If you want to make the dish even tastier, then initially add mushrooms, pieces of meat or fish to the potatoes.

Light and airy pancakes on the water

Who said you can't bake anything without milk? In a crisis, anything is possible! To make water pancakes for six servings, you will need:

  • 0.5 liters of water;
  • two or three eggs;
  • one tablespoon of sugar;
  • two glasses of flour;
  • two to three tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a pinch of salt.

Mix all the ingredients and add baking soda on the tip of a knife. Leave the dough warm for 15 minutes. Pancakes should be fried in a hot frying pan (do not forget to turn them over in time).

This dish can be served with jam, condensed milk, sour cream, whipped cream or savory toppings.

Fish in tomato - lick your fingers

In this recipe we will not limit ourselves to certain types of fish. You can cook any fish and it will turn out very tasty. To do this you will need:

  • one fish (can be pollock or hake);
  • can of tomato sauce;
  • one onion;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • flour for dredging.

Clean the fish well, cut it into pieces, roll in flour and lightly fry on both sides. Fry the grated carrots and chopped onions in a separate bowl (saucepan or deep frying pan), add tomato sauce and half a glass of water. When the gravy is ready, place the fish in it and cover with a lid. After ten minutes of simmering, the dish is ready.

We invite you to watch even more anti-crisis recipes in the video below.

In our unstable times, it is very difficult to plan anything, even when drawing up a menu. However, to please your loved ones with original and hearty dishes I still want it. We offer a complete anti-crisis menu for a week, which will help not only to feed your loved ones deliciously, but also to plan your family budget. The Antenna correspondent decided to check whether it was possible to live on 1,500 rubles a week, while mentally preparing her husband for the fact that there would be a modest menu for a week.


Breakfast - scrambled eggs with cheese and tomatoes.

Dinner - chicken soup with dumplings, garlic croutons, oatmeal with dried apricots.

Dinner - fish croquettes with squash caviar.

- What's for breakfast, scrambled eggs? Does she even have lard?

- No, with tomatoes and cheese.

- Then let me not wash the frying pan so that the scrambled eggs have at least something to them. There's something left on the walls here.

1. Scrambled eggs with cheese and tomatoes

Ingredients: 3 eggs, 100 ml cream, 2 tomatoes, herbs, 20 grams of cheese.

Cooking method:

Beat eggs with cream until foamy, add grated cheese, finely chopped tomatoes, herbs and pour into a frying pan.

2. Chicken soup with dumplings

Ingredients: two liters of water, quarter chicken breast on the bone, half a medium onion, bay leaf, a couple of cloves of garlic, dill, parsley, spices to taste. For dumplings: 2 tablespoons butter, 1 tablespoon semolina, 1 egg, eye flour.

Cooking method:

Boil the chicken along with onions, garlic and spices. We separate the finished meat from the bone and disassemble it into small fibers. Remove the vegetables from the broth and put it on the fire. Meanwhile, melt two tablespoons of butter in a plate, add a tablespoon of semolina, an egg and mix. Then we begin to add flour in small portions. The dough should be sticky. Using a teaspoon, drop the pieces of dough into the boiling broth. Cook for 10-15 minutes. Add chicken and finely chopped greens.

3. Fish croquettes

Ingredients: 500 g potatoes, 1 jar canned pink salmon V own juice, dill and parsley, a little lemon juice and zest, glass breadcrumbs(you can do without them), spices to taste.

Cooking method:

Peel the potatoes, boil in salted water, mash into a puree. Separate the fish from the bones and skin and add the juice from the jar to the potatoes. Knead everything thoroughly until smooth. Add lemon juice, grated zest, spices, finely chopped herbs and mix again. Place the minced potatoes in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. With wet hands, form small cutlets from the minced meat, roll in breadcrumbs and fry in a deep saucepan over medium heat until golden brown crust. As a result, you will get 15-20 potato and fish cutlets.


Lunch - fish croquettes, tomatoes baked with cheese.

Dinner - chicken soup with dumplings, garlic croutons, tomatoes with cheese.

- Why are we eating water with dough for the second day?

- This is a soup, it is light and tasty.

- Light for sure, but not a soup. Solyanka is a soup with cucumbers and sausages. How long will your experiment last?

- This is only the second day.

- Crap…


Lunch - bulgur with mushrooms, lemon jelly.

Dinner - potato pancakes with sour cream.

- The casserole turned out delicious. Can I eat it for dinner?

- No, we have potato pancakes.

- We arrived, again food from grass. Are you expecting any nettle cabbage soup?

1. Casserole with dried apricots for a slow cooker

Ingredients: 500 g cottage cheese, 1 cup sugar, 3 eggs, 50 g dried apricots, 3 tablespoons sour cream, 0.5 teaspoon soda, 1 cup flour.

Cooking method:

Beat eggs, mix cottage cheese with sugar until smooth, add sour cream, combine with eggs. Mix flour with slaked soda, add to cottage cheese and mix. Add finely chopped dried apricots, knead again. Place the dough in the slow cooker.

2. Bulgur with mushrooms

Ingredients: 125 grams of bulgur, 350 ml of water, 150 grams of honey mushrooms, herbs and spices to taste.

Cooking method:

Pour the bulgur into boiling salted water, mix and cook over low heat for 15-20 minutes. In the middle of cooking, add spices - salt, paprika, dried vegetables. Fry the mushrooms until done. Add the mushrooms to the bulgur along with the herbs, mix, cover with a lid and leave to simmer on the cooling burner for 10-15 minutes.

3. Lemon jelly

Ingredients: 1 lemon, leaf gelatin 5 sheets, 3 tablespoons sugar, 400 ml water.

Cooking method:

Carefully remove all the zest from the lemon, without touching the white pulp. Throw the zest into the water and put it on the fire; when the water boils, add sugar and stir until completely dissolved. Let the zest boil for 5 minutes, and at this time soak the gelatin in cold water. Squeeze the juice from the lemon into a separate bowl. Filming sweet water from the stove and let cool for 5-10 minutes. Pour lemon juice into the water, add squeezed gelatin and stir until dissolved. Pour the jelly into molds, wait until it cools, and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

4. Potato pancakes with zucchini

Ingredients: 1/2 cup flour, 2 medium zucchini, 40-50 g cheese, 1 egg, parsley, 2-4 tablespoons milk, a pinch of black pepper, a pinch of sea salt.

Cooking method:

We grate the zucchini on a coarse grater, the cheese on a fine grater. Stir and add finely chopped parsley. Whisk the egg and milk until smooth and add to the cheese mixture. Salt and pepper to taste. Add the sifted flour and mix everything again. Draniki can be baked. This amount will yield approximately 20-25 potato pancakes.


Breakfast - casserole with dried apricots.

Lunch - tabbouleh salad, lemon jelly.

Dinner - bulgur with mushrooms, lecho.

- The salad turned out okay, but what’s in it?

- The same as in yesterday's lunch and today's dinner - bulgur.

- I don’t know about this, but it’s delicious.

Tabbouleh salad

Ingredients: 100 g bulgur, dill, parsley, 2-3 tomatoes, a few drops of lemon juice, 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 1/2 teaspoon of salt.

Cooking method:

Fill the bulgur with an amount of boiling water equal in volume to the cereal, cover with a lid and leave for 1.5 hours until all the water is absorbed. Dry the bulgur through a sieve and transfer to a salad bowl. Add finely chopped herbs and tomatoes. If you have onion or green onions, feel free to add it to the salad. Mix the oil with salt and lemon juice and season.


Breakfast - pancakes with condensed milk.

Dinner - mashed potatoes with mushrooms.

Dinner - Tabbouleh salad, Potato cakes.

- Do this every day, huh?

- What are you talking about?

- Pancakes, potatoes, cakes. Yes, even just pancakes without anything. I can eat them alone for a whole month.

1. Potato cake

Ingredients: 300 g of Yubileiny cookies, 2/3 cup of milk, 0.5 cup of sugar, 80 g of butter, 3 tablespoons of cocoa, 1-2 tablespoons of cognac or rum.

Cooking method:

Add sugar to milk and put on fire. Stir constantly until the sugar is completely dissolved, but do not bring to a boil. Remove the milk from the stove, add the butter and stir until smooth. Grind the cookies by hand or in a food processor to medium crumbs so that there are no large particles. Pour the cookies into a deep bowl, add cocoa and mix. IN sugar milk add cognac. Pour sweet milk over the cookie crumbs, mix and put in the refrigerator for 30-60 minutes. We make cakes from the hardened dough. If desired, you can sprinkle the finished cakes with cocoa or pour icing. This amount of dough will make 20-25 mini-cakes.

2. Pancakes

Ingredients: 500 ml milk, 1 egg, glass of flour, vegetable oil, a pinch of salt, a pinch of sugar, 0.5 teaspoon of soda. The dough is designed for 15-25 pancakes, depending on the size of the pan.

Cooking method:

Whisk the egg in the milk, add salt, sugar and beat again. Add a tablespoon of butter, add sifted flour in portions, then add slaked soda and knead the dough until all the lumps disappear.

3. Mashed potatoes with mushrooms

Ingredients: 500 g potatoes, 20 g butter, 100 ml cream, 150 g honey mushrooms.

Cooking method:

Peel the potatoes, place them in a saucepan and cook until tender. Melt the butter, combine with cream, add some salt. Drain the water from the potatoes, mash, add the butter and cream mixture and stir quickly. Fry the mushrooms and serve with mashed potatoes and herbs.


Breakfast - pancakes with cheese.

Lunch - yakhnia, “Potato” cake.

Dinner - mashed potatoes with lecho.

- The closer to the end, the tastier the experiment. Just rename this Bulgarian dish, yakhnia is a stupid name.

- What would you call it?

- Let it be hot, it’s more pleasant to eat.


Ingredients: three quarters of chicken breast fillet, 500 g potatoes, half a medium onion, 1-2 cloves garlic, a tablespoon tomato paste, a tablespoon of flour, red pepper and herbs to taste.

Method of preparation:

Fry finely chopped onion, add to it a tablespoon of flour, red pepper, a tablespoon of tomato paste, chopped garlic. Set the finished roast aside. Peel the potatoes, cut them into halves and throw them into boiling water. Cut the chicken into small cubes and fry. When the potatoes are cooked, don’t drain the water and add the chicken to the potatoes. Let it boil, add the fry and leave to simmer for 3-5 minutes. Sprinkle with herbs.


Breakfast - oatmeal with dried apricots.

Lunch - yakhnia, garlic croutons.

Dinner - pancakes with mushrooms and cheese.

- Make croutons and pancakes more often. Isn't it difficult?

-Are you just going to bite the croutons?

- No. Tonight we'll buy doctor's sausage, and at exactly 00.00 we will be gnawing on it and toast.

We really saved a lot, we usually spend twice as much on food, or even more. You’ll want to grab either a salad or ready-made pancakes at a price of 100 rubles for 10 pieces. Such expensive little things save time, but not money. We didn't go hungry and didn't grow in size within the budget. And by the end of the experiment, the husband even stopped grumbling and threatening to eat the curtain with oil. The squirrels were also pleased; instead of zucchini, they received zucchini for the first time in their lives and happily gobbled it up. But there is also a fly in the ointment - mountains of dishes. You finish cooking, wash the pots, and it seems you can relax, watch a TV series, read, but no such luck, it’s time to sleep. Saving saved money, but also consumed all my free time. And yes, at night, when the hour struck, we solemnly went for sausage.

How to save on groceries

For this amount - 1,500 rubles per week - you can cook more more dishes. I made soup and yakhnia from the breast on the bone - that same roast. A whole chicken would be cheaper and could also be turned into legs-wings baked in garlic, and into a diet aspic with herbs. If your family is large, don’t hesitate, take a chicken carcass. Couscous and lentils are a few other options for lunch, breakfast and dinner. Lentils are suitable both for soup and as porridge with chicken or vegetables. Couscous goes well with all herbs, fruits and vegetables. Even with potatoes. If you bake it with rosemary, chop it finely and mix with steamed couscous and fried garlic, you will get delicious dish. And from the duet of cereals and dried fruits, healthy and hearty porridge. With just flour, butter, salt and hot water you can prepare choux pastry for dumplings. Fill them with cottage cheese or potatoes with herbs and fried onions. Dough dishes are the most economical, but hit the waist. If you have frozen berries at home, this is both compote and crumble for you - Berry pie with oatmeal and shortcrust pastry, jelly or, again, filling for pies and dumplings. Canned food is a helper product. One can of pink salmon or any other fish mixed with minced potatoes, paprika and onions transforms banal potato cutlets into spicy fish ones. The product can also serve as a filling, for example in quiche, or in the same pies.
