Vegetable preparations for the winter. Unusual preparations - recipes for the winter

We do not carry out summer time wasted and idle, dear housewives! We can preserve and prepare good harvests of vegetables for future use! These are the secrets of canning some of the most common types of vegetables that I would like to share with you.


Choose cucumbers with black pimples for pickling and pickling, since white ones are more suitable for food in fresh. If you grow cucumbers at your dacha, pick them in the morning and immediately start preserving them. These cucumbers don’t even require soaking. They just need to be washed well and cleared of soil.

Cucumbers that were picked from the garden a few hours ago need to be soaked in cold water for a few hours. They will restore their elasticity and regain lost moisture.

We distribute the cucumbers in the jar sideways to each other, but not tightly, do not press them too hard, otherwise they will lose their “crispness”. For the same reason, you should not fill them with boiling brine, whose temperature is above 90 degrees.


Only tomatoes are used for preservation late varieties. You can salt green, red, pink tomatoes. To preserve tomato juice, take tomatoes that are not fleshy, large and very ripe. And for pickling, on the contrary, they are medium and small in size, meaty and strong to the touch.

Of the spices, tomatoes respond best when preserved to parsley, dill, horseradish, garlic, hot Bell pepper and black peppercorns.


It is better to take this vegetable for pickling and pickling of the same size, thin-skinned. We cut off their (squash) stalk with pulp, but no more than one centimeter. It is better to wash the squash with a soft brush in running water. This vegetable does not require soaking. We put small fruits as they are in a jar, and cut large ones into pieces. Squash loves celery (its root), mint leaves, horseradish, parsley, garlic, dill.

Pepper (hot and sweet)

This is a vegetable that, when canned, retains most of its vitamins compared to other vegetables. Red sweet pepper more suitable for marinating. Best used as a seasoning for other vegetable twists hot pepper, and white is most suitable for stuffing. It can be frozen and salted.

I once thought that blanks were not my thing. But having tried to make some homemade preparations for the winter with my own hands, I was amazed at how tasty it was. I don’t know if my assessment is objective, but for some reason it seems to me that my salted tomatoes and my pickled cucumbers are the most delicious. There must be some kind of magic at work here. Which, by the way, I owe to this site. With the advent of the section “Homemade preparations for the winter,” I managed to overcome my prejudice towards preparations. I remember well from childhood the pictures of a full bath of cucumbers, rows of jars, which for some reason were boiled empty in huge pans, after which it was strictly forbidden to approach them within a cannon shot. All these realities of homemade preparations: basins with gurgling syrup, a tired mother’s figure bent over a giant basket of butter. In general, when I grew up, I decided for myself: “No, no preparations!”

But everything flows and everything changes, and so, starting with cabbage instant cooking, I, unbeknownst to myself, reached the jam and confitures. Now I make jam too. And I am happy to share with you mom's recipes homemade preparations for the winter. Everything she makes is delicious and wonderful. So enjoy both the process and tea drinking on long winter evenings.

Marinated zucchini for the winter

Step-by-step instruction on harvesting zucchini for the winter. The marinade is very tasty! Recipe with sterilization - jars are guaranteed to last all winter.

Zucchini for the winter in circles

One of the most simple ways prepare zucchini for the winter, prepare them in the same marinade as “Bulgarian” cucumbers. Bright sweet and sour taste, minimum ingredients. Garlic is added for spiciness.

Lecho recipe from bell pepper

Lecho recipe without using a meat grinder. The number of products is given exactly on 1 floor liter jar. Contains, in addition to peppers and tomatoes, onion, garlic, parsley and sweet paprika.

Zucchini in tomatoes for the winter

Cute and very simple recipe. Ingredients: zucchini, carrots, tomatoes, tomato juice, Apple vinegar, garlic and a set of fragrant seasonings.

Squash caviar for the winter, a simple and tasty recipe

Simple and very tasty squash caviar for the winter. In addition to zucchini, it contains onions, carrots and tomato paste. Caviar without adding vinegar.

Cucumbers in tomatoes for the winter

Sliced ​​cucumbers are boiled in sauce from fresh tomatoes, garlic, with the addition of vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar and salt. A very tasty preparation for the winter. Close at least one jar, you won’t regret it!

Pickled cucumbers

If you want to try pickling cucumbers for the winter for the first time, use this recipe. It is very successful and absolutely simple, just two pours, does not require sterilization, the cucumbers are ideally priced.

Crispy sweet pickled cucumbers

Unusual way preparing pickled cucumbers for the winter - vinegar is not added to jars, cucumbers are soaked in it before canning. Gives an amazing result - crispy, smooth cucumbers.

Cucumbers with red currants for the winter

I don’t know who came up with the idea of ​​pickling cucumbers with currants, most likely it developed from the tradition of using it for canning currant leaf. If you can have a leaf, then why not try adding berries? The result of the experiment was more than successful, and it’s not for nothing that the recipe is gaining popularity from season to season.

Tomatoes in own juice recipe for centuries

A masterpiece in its simplicity, a recipe for cooking tomatoes in their own juice without vinegar. Tomatoes preserve natural taste, excellent value for room temperature.

Adjika with horseradish and garlic from tomatoes for the winter without cooking

This adjika is prepared without cooking. Tomatoes, garlic, sweet and hot pepper scroll through a meat grinder, mix with spices, salt, sugar. Two storage options are allowed: in the refrigerator, if vinegar is added to the adjika, and in the freezer, if the adjika is without vinegar.

Pitless apricot jam “Pyatiminutka”

A real apricot “five-minute”. The fruits are boiled in the juice, which is released over several hours while they stand covered with sugar, and then quickly boiled. Recipe for wrapping. Storage in a regular kitchen cabinet.

Chokeberry jam

Chokeberry is a berry from which you can make excellent jam, but only if you follow a certain technology. Then the berries will remain intact and juicy, and the tart taste will practically not be felt.

Chokeberry jam with apples

Delicious jam - a combination of juicy, absolutely not tart berries chokeberry with transparent apple slices soaked in ruby ​​juice. If you decide to add cinnamon, you will get a delicacy jam.

Pumpkin jam with dried apricots

Interesting recipe pumpkin jam with lemon and dried dried apricots. Those who have already tried pumpkin jam With various additives- orange, lemon or cinnamon, you will definitely appreciate this recipe. In my opinion, he is the best.

Sauerkraut for the winter in jars

When I was still in school, my mother fermented cabbage in a huge saucepan, which was placed on a glassed-in balcony and safely wintered there until spring. True, the older I got, the faster the cabbage in the pan ran out - it was eaten by my many friends and acquaintances, whom I added when I entered college. Instead of tea with buns, I greeted guests of impressive size with a bowl of sauerkraut, which went well with strong drinks(and student gatherings were rarely complete without them). It’s not surprising that we were so slender and sonorous back then.

Cabbage soup for the winter

Those who have already tried borscht dressing For the winter, they will probably appreciate the recipe for cabbage soup in jars. Liter billet enough to cook a hefty pan ready-made cabbage soup– just put the canned food in the broth with the potatoes cooked until done. Five minutes - and the cabbage soup is ready!

"Mother-in-law's tongue" made from eggplant for the winter

Popular recipe. There is hardly a pantry with preparations for the winter that does not have several jars of hot and spicy “mother-in-law’s tongue.” It is made from zucchini and eggplant. The taste is very different. And the recipes are different.

Squash caviar according to GOST

Authentic recipe squash caviar from Soviet times. The recipe is given with an accuracy of 10 grams, the taste of caviar is absolutely the same as that of the one that stood on grocery store shelves in the 70-80s of the last century.

Beans in tomato sauce for the winter

The simplest recipe preparing beans in tomatoes for the winter. It turns out very tasty, it’s nice to open a jar of these beans in winter.

Delicious lecho for the winter

One of the most popular recipes lecho, where they are stewed in juice from fresh tomatoes aromatic vegetables– peppers, carrots, onions, garlic. Recipe with hot pepper added.

Lecho from bell pepper and tomato for the winter

Simple and clear recipe treatment for beginners. Detailed explanations all stages of preparation.

Lecho for the winter

Classic recipe lecho with the addition of onions, which are marinated in the preparation and become sweet. (Secretly, I even like it better than peppers.)

Finger-licking eggplant caviar for the winter

This eggplant caviar delights with its festive color, fascinates fresh aroma. The secret of preparing such caviar is in in a special way preparing eggplants. They are baked in the oven, which makes the caviar tender and not at all greasy.

Beet salad for the winter

Original appetizer salad for the winter from beets, apples and carrots. It can be served as an appetizer, side dish meat dishes or add during the preparation of first courses. No sterilization required.

Eggplant caviar for the winter

Classic recipe for eggplant caviar with onions, carrots, tomatoes, garlic, sweet and hot peppers and bouquet aromatic seasonings. Very tasty, keeps well. I recommend trying this recipe. You'll probably like it.

How to freeze peppers for the winter for stuffing

How to properly freeze peppers for the winter for stuffing - all the subtleties and nuances with step-by-step photos.

Tomatoes in their own juice for the winter

A simple recipe for preparing tomatoes in their own juice for the winter. You don’t need a meat grinder or a blender - the juice from chopped tomatoes is released during the sterilization process.

Bell pepper lecho for the winter

A simple recipe for lecho without vinegar, includes only two types of vegetables - peppers and tomatoes, the tomatoes are prepared together with the skin, very light and tasty home preparation.

Eggplants are like mushrooms

This is a recipe for those who love culinary tricks, but are just starting to take their first steps in this field. A simple way to disguise eggplants as mushrooms will surely appeal to you. Prepare a squad of small jars for the winter to display them as a snack on festive table, and then see if anyone realizes that instead of mushrooms, they are eating super-healthy vegetables that they would never agree to try voluntarily. Yes, yes, this is how people become eggplant fans. :))

The tastiest homemade adjika

Adjika is made from sour green apples with big amount tomatoes, onions and garlic are also added. Cinnamon has been added to the traditional set of spices (pepper, bay leaf). A very simple recipe.

Crispy pickled cucumbers

The original way pickling cucumbers, which is suitable for those who immediately make large batches of preparations in one go. The cucumbers are first soaked in cold water and then immersed in hot vinegar. Vinegar is no longer added to jars. Only salt, sugar and spices. The jars are filled with boiling water and immediately rolled up.

Plum tkemali recipe for the winter

Basket sour plums, garlic, coriander, pepper, salt, sugar and a bunch of herbs - that’s all you need to prepare a fragrant and extremely tasty plum sauce, which will delight you all winter.

Squash caviar with mayonnaise and tomato paste

This preparation for the winter is usually made in large batches, because it is eaten very quickly. The taste of this squash caviar is indistinguishable from store-bought caviar.

Yurcha from zucchini for the winter

New recipe preparations of zucchini with vegetables for the winter, which has become a hit in recent seasons. Very simple and delicious salad with tomato-vinegar-oil filling. Try to close at least a couple of jars.

Today, preparations for the winter allow not only to stock up on summer or autumn vegetables and fruits, but also great to diversify your daily and holiday menu savory snacks, juicy salads, vitamin juices, sweet compotes and delicious jam.

Recipes for winter preparations were carefully thought out by our grandmothers, who precisely checked the proportions of ingredients and experimented with methods of heat treatment. Today, preparations in jars for the winter are no less, if not more popular than just a few decades ago. Despite the emergence of other ways to stock up on berries, fruits and vegetables for the winter, as well as the appearance of all kinds of canned goods on store shelves, homemade preparations for the winter will always be in demand by housewives.

After all, delicious preparations for the winter can only be made at home, while canned industrially Cucumbers most often turn out to be overly sour, mushrooms – sweet, tomatoes – salty, jam – cloying, and compote “delights” with a chemical aroma. Therefore, absolutely all preparations for the winter: compotes, salads, jams, preserves, pickled or salted vegetables or mushrooms are best made at home. If you are new to cooking and have never prepared preserves, we will help you learn how to do it at the highest level!

On the pages of our website you will certainly find photo recipes for winter preparations that will satisfy any requests and gastronomic preferences. Our winter preparations from vegetables, berries and fruits will captivate you with their diversity, ease of preparation and accessibility of recipes.

You can safely serve winter preparations from tomatoes and cucumbers, which are unofficially considered “classics of the genre” for a holiday or casual table when your family asks for something tasty.

Also, after reading our recipes, you can make delicious winter preparations from zucchini: caviar, salads, snacks and even jam. And currant preparations for the winter will not leave any sweet tooth indifferent.

And to those housewives who avoid unnecessary hassle when sealing cans, preparations for the winter without sterilization, which differ delicate taste and speed of preparation.

The best preparations for the winter from ours experienced chefs will help you conquer your family with delicious preserves!


Peppers and eggplants for the winter

Ingredients: pepper, eggplant, garlic, dill, oil, vinegar, salt, sugar, seasoning, water

Peppers and eggplants aromatic marinade- such preparation for the winter will definitely be a great success in the cold season. Don't forget about this recipe during the season when vegetables are the most delicious and juicy.
- 1 kg of bell pepper;
- 1 kg eggplant;
- 5 cloves of garlic;
- 100 grams of dill;
- 100 ml vegetable oil.

For the marinade:

- 30 ml apple cider vinegar;
- 20 grams of table salt;
- 15 grams of sugar;
- pepper;
- coriander;
- Bay leaf;
- grain mustard;
- water.


Salad "Paramoniha"

Ingredients: onion, carrots, tomato, salt, sugar, vinegar, oil, pepper

Salad "Paramonikha" with peppers, onions, carrots and tomatoes is one of those successful preparations, which housewives, having tried once, close from year to year. We hope that you will also appreciate this recipe.
- 1.3 kg of sweet pepper;
- 0.5 kg of onions;
- 1 kg of carrots;
- 1.5 kg of tomatoes or tomato puree;
- 40 grams of salt;
- 250 grams of sugar;
- 100 ml vinegar;
- 250 ml sunflower oil;
- ground red pepper to taste.


Pickled porcini mushrooms for the winter

Ingredients: White mushroom, water, salt, sugar, vinegar, bay, pepper, cloves

If you want to close porcini mushrooms for the winter, but don’t know how to do it correctly, then our master class will come to your aid. It tells in detail how to prepare wonderful marinated porcini mushrooms.
- 500-800 grams of porcini mushrooms;
- 0.5 liters of water;
- 0.5 tbsp. salt;
- 0.5 tbsp. Sahara;
- 1.5 tbsp. vinegar 9%;
- 4 pcs bay leaves;
- 3 pieces of black peppercorns;
- 3 pcs allspice peas;
- 2 cloves.


Honey mushroom pate for the winter

Ingredients: honey mushrooms, carrots, onions, oil, salt, sugar, vinegar, pepper

An excellent preparation for the winter is honey mushroom pate. This is a nourishing and interesting, tasty and appetizing preserve that absolutely everyone likes!

- 1 kg honey mushrooms;
- 350 grams of carrots;
- 350 grams of onions;
- 100 ml vegetable oil;
- 25 grams of salt;
- sugar;
- Apple vinegar;
- black pepper.


Delicious hot green tomatoes for the winter

Ingredients: green tomatoes, bay leaf, garlic, dill, water, salt, sugar, vinegar, peppercorns


- 1 kg. green tomatoes;
- 2-3 bay leaves;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- 3-4 sprigs of dill;
- 1 liter of water;
- 1 tbsp. salt;
- a third tbsp. Sahara;
- 1 tbsp. vinegar;
- 4-5 black peppercorns.


Hot salted honey mushrooms

Ingredients: honey mushrooms, salt, dill, horseradish leaf, tarragon, parsley, currant leaf, laurel

It is very easy to prepare salted honey mushrooms using the hot method. You will spend a minimum of time preparing delicious mushrooms.


- 1 kg. again,
- 35 grams of salt,
- 1 dill umbrella,
- 1 horseradish leaf,
- 2 branches of tarragon,
- 5 grams of dry parsley,
- 2 currant leaves,
- 4 bay leaves.


The most delicious pickled mushrooms

Ingredients: honey mushrooms, salt, sugar, vinegar, pepper, laurel

Pickled mushrooms for the winter are my favorite preparation. Preparing honey mushrooms is not at all difficult, you will spend a maximum of an hour of time. In winter, you will put the most delicious mushrooms on the table.


- 500 grams of honey mushrooms,
- 1 tbsp. salt,
- 2 tsp. Sahara,
- 1 tbsp. vinegar,
- 6 peas of allspice,
- 2 bay leaves.


"Hunter" salad for the winter

Ingredients: carrots, onions, cabbage, cucumber, carrots, tomato, sugar, oil, salt, vinegar

For the winter I often prepare this very tasty vegetable vitamin salad"Hunting". Preparing this dish is very simple and quite quick.


- 0.5 kg. carrots,
- 0.5 kg. Luke,
- 0.5 kg. cabbage,
- 0.5 kg. cucumbers,
- 0.5 kg. carrots,
- 1 kg. tomato,
- half a glass of sugar,
- half a glass of vegetable oil,
- one and a half tbsp. salt,
- 70 ml. vinegar.


Watermelon compote for the winter

Ingredients: watermelon, sugar, water

From one kilogram of watermelon today we will prepare a very tasty unusual compote. The recipe is very simple and quite quick.


- 1 kg. watermelon,
- 1 cup of sugar,
- 1 liter of water.


Cucumber slices with garlic for the winter

Ingredients: cucumber, garlic, dill, sugar, vinegar, pepper, salt

For the winter I make this from cucumbers every year delicious preparation. The recipe is very simple, I described it to you in detail.


- half a kilo of cucumbers,
- a head of garlic,
- 6 sprigs of dill,
- 1 tbsp. Sahara,
- 1 tsp. salt,
- 2 tbsp. vinegar,
- peppercorns.


Fig jam with lemon

Ingredients: figs, lemon, water, sugar

You can make a very tasty jam from figs and lemon. The recipe is very simple and quite quick.


- 1 kg. figs,
- 1 lemon,
- half a glass of water,
- 600 grams of sugar.


Fig jam for the winter

Ingredients: figs, water, sugar

I suggest you prepare a very tasty fig jam for the winter. The recipe is very simple and quite quick.


- 1 kg. figs,
- half a glass of water,
- 600 grams of sugar.


Lingonberry jam with apples for the winter

Ingredients: lingonberry, sugar, apple

You can make very tasty jam from lingonberries and apples. I described in detail how to do this in this simple and quick recipe.


- 500 grams of lingonberries,
- 500 grams of sugar,
- 3 apples.


Watermelon jam

Ingredients: watermelon pulp, sugar, vanilla sugar, lemon acid

When choosing a watermelon, be guided by its appearance so that the tail is dry and the peel is dense and ringing. Consider the recipe with photos delicious jam made from watermelon pulp, we hope that it will be useful to many.


- watermelon pulp - 500 grams,
- sugar - 700 grams,
- vanilla sugar - half a tsp,
- citric acid - a pinch.


Sliced ​​cucumbers with mustard

Ingredients: cucumber, mustard, salt, dill, horseradish leaf, garlic, pepper

Today I will tell you how to prepare delicious sliced ​​cucumbers with mustard in just 15 minutes. The recipe is very simple and quick.


- 2 kg. cucumbers,
- 1 tbsp. mustard powder,
- 2 tbsp. salt,
- dill umbrella,
- horseradish leaf and root,
- currant, oak and cherry leaves,
- a head of garlic,
- a third of chili pepper.


Marinated porcini mushrooms

Ingredients: mushroom, juniper, cloves, tarragon, thyme, garlic, herbs, salt, sugar, vinegar, water

Today I will tell you how to cook delicious pickled porcini mushrooms. The recipe is very simple and quick.


- 600 grams of white mushrooms,
- half tsp juniper,
- 4 cloves,
- a sprig of dry tarragon,
- 2 sprigs of thyme,
- 3-4 cloves of garlic,
- 3 sprigs of parsley,
- 2 sprigs of dill,
- 2 tbsp. salt,
- 1 tbsp. Sahara,
- 80 ml. vinegar,
- 800 ml. water.

Pickled cucumbers and tomatoes, various assorted vegetables, jam and berry compotes - if all this has become too banal for you, then by all means take a look at this culinary selection. Unusual blanks, such as cucumber jam, carrot cheese, potato starch, prepared at home, simply excite the imagination. You can find these and other, no less interesting and original, preparations for the winter in this section of the site. Having learned how to cook certain unusual recipes, you will definitely be pleasantly surprised! If you choose step by step recipe with a photo, you can handle the job easily and simply.

The best recipes with photos

The last notes

There are many ways to prepare plums for the winter. I prefer to store plums in freezer. When frozen, the taste, appearance of the product and vitamins are preserved. Frozen plums in syrup are most often used by me for baby food, preparing desserts and drinks. Children who often eat poorly eat this preparation with pleasure.

Such salads will become an excellent alternative standard preservation: salted or pickled cucumbers or tomatoes. Add variety to your diet and try making these preparations for the winter!
1. Tomato, eggplant and pepper salad
1.5 kg of tomatoes;
1.5 kg eggplants;
700 g bell pepper;
500 g carrots;
60 ml vegetable oil;
1 head of garlic;
1 tbsp. l. vinegar essence;
50 g sugar; 30 g salt;
one third of a hot pepper.
Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder or grind them in a blender. Coarsely chop the remaining vegetables. Salt the sliced ​​eggplants and let them sit to release the bitterness. Finely chop the garlic. Pour oil into the cauldron, place the eggplants and fry or turn on the multicooker “Frying” program for 15 minutes. After this, add peppers and carrots and fry for another 10 minutes. Pour in the tomato mass, add salt and sugar and turn on the “Stew” program (or simmer in a cauldron) for 45 minutes. Before finishing, add vinegar, garlic and finely chopped hot peppers. After time, place the salad in sterilized jars, roll up, turn over and cover with a towel.
2. Sweet baked pepper in butter in Serbian style

5 large bell peppers;
4–5 cloves of garlic;
1 tsp. salt; a pinch of sugar;
40 ml olive (or sunflower) oil;
10 ml balsamic vinegar(apple);
black peppercorns - to taste;
sprig of green basil.
Preheat the oven to 200 °C (Grill or Convection mode). Place the peppers on a wire rack or baking sheet, which must be hot. Place the peppers in the oven for half an hour. Remove the peppers and place them in a saucepan, cover tightly and leave for 10-15 minutes. Peel the pepper and remove the stem and seeds. There is no need to rinse it with water to wash off the seeds. Divide the peppers into pieces, and if there is any juice left on the baking sheet, collect it in a bowl. Place the pepper in glass jars, arranging the layers with basil leaves and garlic cloves. Add pepper juice to bowl vegetable oil, vinegar, salt, sugar and black pepper (peas). Stir, bring to a boil and pour this mixture over the peppers in the jars. Close nylon covers and refrigerate for 6–10 hours. To make the salad last until winter, add more vinegar to the marinade, sterilize the jars and seal.
3. Zucchini and eggplant salad

500 g eggplants;
500 g zucchini;
500 g bell pepper;
500 g carrots;
700 g tomatoes;
100 g garlic;
50 g table vinegar 9%;
150 g vegetable oil;
100 g sugar;
35 g salt.
Peel all vegetables except eggplants. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and cut the garlic into slices. Slice zucchini and eggplant in large pieces. Remove the seeds from the pepper and chop it coarsely. In a separate container, mix the ingredients for the marinade (vinegar, oil, sugar and salt), when the mixture boils, cook for another 3 minutes. Place the vegetables in the multicooker bowl (or cauldron) and pour the marinade over them. If you are preparing a salad in a slow cooker, turn on the “Stew” program for 40 minutes. When the vegetables have cooked down, stir them. The jars can be sterilized for 10–15 minutes in the “Steam” mode, and boil the lids. Place the hot salad in the jars, close the lids, turn them over and cover with a towel to gradually cool.
4. Cabbage salad

5 kg of white cabbage;
1 kg carrots;
1 kg of onions;
1 kg of red bell pepper;
0.5 l of vinegar 9%;
0.5 l sunflower oil;
350 g sugar;
4 tbsp. l. with a top of salt.
Chop the cabbage, onions and peppers, and grate the carrots. Mix everything carefully, but do not knead. Add vinegar, sugar, salt and sunflower oil and stir again. Place into jars and press lightly with your fist. After 3 days, close the lids and put them in the refrigerator. This salad can be stored for quite a long time, but does not lose its taste.
5. Cucumber and onion salad

2 kg of cucumbers;
1.5 kg of onion;
half a glass of sugar;
half a glass of apple cider vinegar;
half a glass nut butter(can be peanut);
2 tbsp. l. coarse salt(not iodized);
2–3 tsp. coriander seeds;
a bunch of cilantro or parsley.
Cut off cucumbers back and cut them into circles, about 1 cm thick. Cut the onion into rings that need to be divided. Place the cucumbers and onions in a saucepan, add vinegar, sugar, salt, oil, coriander and finely chopped herbs. Stir and place vegetables over medium heat. Cook for 10–15 minutes until the cucumbers become soft. Place in sterilized jars, compact a little and roll up.
6. Zucchini and bell pepper salad

2 kg zucchini;
3–4 onions;
4–5 bell peppers;
350 g tomato paste;
100 g water; 1 tbsp. l. with a heap of salt;
200 g sugar;
300 g sunflower oil;
100 g vinegar 9%;
a bunch of greenery.
Cut the onion, pepper and zucchini into cubes and place in layers in a multicooker bowl (or in a cauldron). Mix in a separate bowl tomato paste, salt, sugar, oil, vinegar and water. Pour the resulting mixture over the vegetables. Sprinkle herbs on top. In a slow cooker, cook the salad in the “Stew” mode for 40 minutes. Stir it and, while still hot, place it in sterilized jars, close or roll up tightly.
7. Salad with rice

800 g peeled peppers;
400 g peeled zucchini;
800 g peeled tomatoes;
1 tbsp. rice;
5 pieces. bay leaf;
1 tbsp. refined vegetable oil;
50 g vinegar 9%;
100 g sugar;
1 tbsp. l. salt.
Cut the peppers and zucchini into strips, cut the tomatoes into cubes. Place vegetables, rice and other ingredients (except vinegar) in a large saucepan, stir and bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add vinegar 3 minutes before the end of cooking. Hot salad put into jars and roll up.
8. Georgian salad from green tomatoes

500 g green tomatoes;
200 g sweet pepper;
100–150 g of onion;
50 ml vegetable oil;
50 ml table vinegar(wine or apple);
hot peppers;
1 tsp. coriander seeds;
1/4 tsp. fenugreek seeds (utskho-suneli);
1/4 tsp. oregano (marjoram);
green cilantro, basil and celery;
1 bay leaf; 15 g salt.
Cut the vegetables into half slices and half rings, add salt and chopped herbs and pepper. If you do not have all the seasonings specified in the recipe, replace them with a khmeli-suneli mixture. Add vegetable oil and vinegar to the salad, mix and put under pressure for 1-2 days at room temperature. Then transfer the salad to a jar and refrigerate. In a week the salad will be ready. To wrap it up for the winter, you need to make another marinade for a 1 liter jar of lettuce: 1 tsp. salt, 2 tsp. sugar, 4 tbsp. l. sunflower oil and 4 tbsp. l. vinegar. Sterilize for 35–40 minutes.
9. Winter salad with mushrooms

1.5 kg young fresh mushrooms(preferably tubular);
1 kg of tomatoes;
1 kg bell pepper;
700 g carrots;
700 g onions;
4 cloves of garlic;
1 bunch of leaf celery;
300 ml vegetable oil;
1 tbsp. l. black pepper (peas);
1 tbsp. l. allspice (peas);
4 clove inflorescences;
100 ml of 9% vinegar;
150 g sugar;
50 g salt.
Peel the mushrooms and cut them into medium pieces. Then boil for 15–20 minutes. Drain in a colander, rinse, and dry in a frying pan to evaporate excess moisture. Heat the oil in a large saucepan (preferably a cauldron) and add coarsely chopped tomatoes, onions and peppers. When the juice appears, add mushrooms, chopped carrots, garlic and all seasonings (except vinegar). Simmer over low heat for 30–40 minutes. Add vinegar 10 minutes before the end. Place in sterilized jars and screw on sterilized lids; cool the jars by placing them upside down on a towel.
10. Vegetable salad with garlic

1.5 kg of tomatoes;
1 kg of eggplants;
1 kg of zucchini;
1 kg bell pepper;
1 kg carrots;
200 g garlic;
70 ml 9% vinegar;
500 ml vegetable oil;
200 g sugar;
70 g salt; greenery.
Pass the tomatoes through a meat grinder or chop them in a blender, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, cut the eggplants, peppers and zucchini into cubes. IN tomato puree add vegetable oil, vinegar, sugar, salt and chopped garlic and parsley. Pour tomato puree into the multicooker bowl and turn on the “Stew” program or simmer in a cauldron. Bring tomato puree to a boil, add chopped vegetables, stir and simmer for 45 minutes. Place the hot salad in sterilized jars, roll it up, turn it over, and wrap it.
