The benefits and harms of salted pollock caviar. The value is not in the price: pollock caviar, healthy for the body, is an affordable product of proper nutrition. Breakout caviar - what is it, features, properties and reviews

Pollock caviar is a delicacy for proletarians and samurai

History and geography of the product

Pollock is one of the most common fish in the world's oceans. Biologists have calculated that in areas where it spawns, up to 30 thousand pollock eggs can be found under one meter of water surface. This gigantic amount would be even greater if not for the fishing carried out in the Pacific Ocean by China, Russia, the USA, Canada and a number of other countries.

Commercial fishing takes place precisely during the spawning period, when pollock is valued much higher. The championship in production is shared by two countries: the USA and Russia, which catch 90% of the total volume of pollock.

The popularity of the product in the Far Eastern region is so great that, despite strict control and international agreements on the protection of commercial species, participating countries regularly encounter poachers who mercilessly catch even juveniles for caviar, which makes up 11.5% of the carcass weight.

The main consumers of pollock caviar in the world are the countries of the Pacific region: Korea and Japan. There is slightly less need among the peoples of Russia and other countries former USSR. But despite their shared commitment to the product, countries have completely different traditions preparation and consumption of pollock caviar.

If in Russia they became interested in this caviar as a commercial item no more than two centuries ago, then for the Koreans and Japanese it is traditional ingredient national cuisine. Along with other seafood, pollock caviar has become common on the table of residents Rising Sun already many centuries ago. From time immemorial, fishermen from Korea, China and other coastal countries have also hunted for this white fish and, returning from fishing, sold not only the carcasses, but also eggs with small pinkish caviar.

Previously, it was possible to preserve caviar only through strong salting. Therefore, if the product reached the European part of Russia, it was only in canned form. Today, special technologies have been developed that make it possible to harvest and freeze caviar at sea. And some of the products, for example, fish pastes and salted caviar pollock is also now being produced directly on board the floating plant.

Types and varieties

Small, about 1 mm in diameter, light beige or pinkish pollock caviar has a fairly liquid consistency and is similar to puree appearance.
Fresh, chilled or frozen caviar is supplied to production in yastyk - a natural protective film. If the raw material is frozen, it is first thawed at zero temperature, and then the caviar is prepared in accordance with national traditions and needs.
In Japan you can find on sale egg caviar pollock with the addition of spices and even dyes.

Eastern Europeans prefer it punch caviar pollock. This product has already been peeled and salted. Salted pollock caviar reaches the shelves packed in tin or glass jars, and the product composition, in addition to the caviar itself and salt, usually includes a small amount of vegetable oil.

Excessively liquid consistency or an abundance of burst eggs in the product is a sign Bad quality. Usually eggs with weak or damaged eggs are sent to production fish paste, pates or other food products.
Salting of both punched and racked caviar is done with dry salt or strong brine. IN finished form Pollock caviar contains up to 16% table salt, which is quite a lot for caviar products.

Beneficial features

Pollock caviar cannot be called a delicacy or rare. In terms of cost and prestige, it cannot compete with salmon or sturgeon caviar. But in terms of nutritional value, small, inconspicuous caviar is in no way inferior to expensive delicacies.

Everyone who suffers from atherosclerosis has problems with the functioning of the vascular and endocrine systems, can rightfully call pollock caviar a medicine thanks to high content the product contains polyunsaturated fats, amino acids and lipids. Caviar contains many essential vitamins. At the same time, A, D and E are in an easy-to-learn form. Pollock caviar is rich in phosphorus, iodine, calcium and zinc, copper and iron.

However, despite all the benefits of the product, salted pollock caviar should not be carried away by people suffering from kidney diseases, digestive system and hypertension.

Taste qualities

Pollock caviar, the color of baked milk, has a pasty consistency. When tasting, you may not notice the sensation of bursting eggs characteristic of caviar products, but this is not considered a drawback and does not affect the quality.

Breakout caviar pollock has a pronounced salty taste, smells fishy and may seem sticky. High-quality pollock caviar is sometimes slightly bitter and leaves an iodine aftertaste characteristic of seafood.

Use in cooking

Most consumers of pollock caviar eat it salted. But if residents of the former USSR, as well as residents of the northern states of the USA and Canada prefer this product in canned form as cold snack, then the Koreans and Japanese adhere to their traditions.
Pollock caviar has been and remains one of the most important sources of income for fishermen on the island of Kyushu. Yastyki extracted from fish are salted with the addition of red hot pepper, and the resulting product is called "karasimentaiko". To make the barely pink caviar look more attractive, it is tinted with beetroot or other vegetable dye and used in appetizers or sushi.

Koreans call pollock roe "mennanjot" and spills over aromatic mixture from a large sea ​​salt, ginger, garlic and red pepper. Fresh, salted at the beginning of winter, the product is a favorite snack of Koreans. When pollock caviar becomes heavily salted by spring, it is added to the traditional hot solyanka mennajot-jjigae.

If someone is lucky enough to get fresh caviar, it can be fried and baked, added to sauces and dietary fish soups. Lightly salted homemade pollock caviar is also good.

Usually pollock caviar ends up on our shelves in canned form. And most often - in the format of a sandwich paste with mayonnaise, liquid smoke and plenty of salt. This thing is delicious, especially for those who love smoked fish in principle, but quite harmful. And “pure” pollock caviar is a dietary product. It supplies the body healthy fats, proteins, and simply helps make your diet more varied. Pollock caviar is typical for Japanese cuisine, and is one of the main “fillers” of classic sushi. In our area, pollock caviar is most often fried in oil, poached in water and served along with vegetables and potatoes. But with rice, both brown and white, it is also very good.

The most important health benefit of pollock caviar is that it is high in omega-three fats. Therefore, consuming this product is generally very beneficial for health. Omega-3 fats are considered good remedy for the prevention of high blood cholesterol levels and diseases associated with this condition. It is believed that consuming omega-3 on a regular basis helps combat age-related hypertension and heart rhythm disorders. Omega-3 ensures the “cleanliness” of the lumen of blood vessels and normal blood circulation, which means they affect the nutrition of all tissues and organs human body. That’s why here and there you can find information that pollock caviar is good for mental activity and provides recovery after physical activity, and promotes good heart function and active longevity.

The nervous system also benefits from consuming healthy fats. Reactions become more adequate. Regular consumption of caviar is recommended for a number of neurological disorders and for the treatment of certain diseases nervous systems s, and correction of the condition of patients with vegetative-vascular dystonia.

Omega-3 fats also affect metabolism. They are considered one of the foods that can reduce unhealthy appetite. Therefore, they are often recommended to be included in the diet of a person trying to lose weight. Even figures are given - sources of unsaturated fats should be up to 80% in the diet, and only 20% of saturated fats.

Caviar is considered beneficial for the human reproductive system. Whether fresh or frozen, it contains vitamins A and E, which contribute to the normal secretion of sex hormones.

The vitamin composition also determines the restorative properties of caviar. It helps maintain a healthy and youthful appearance of the skin, and has a positive effect on cellular metabolism, helps maintain skin turgor and moisture. Caviar of any species of sea fish is often called an elixir of beauty. Some cosmetic brands contain caviar-based products.

Pollock caviar can be an additional source of protein in the human diet. It contains almost no carbohydrates - only healthy fats and protein. Therefore, its use helps strengthen the immune system and promote more active muscle recovery processes after physical activity. Pollock caviar is recommended to be included in the diet of athletes, as well as everyone who is passionate about health-improving physical education. There is also evidence that regular use Caviar can prevent inflammatory processes in tissues, and can be considered a good means of preventing muscle fatigue.

In classical Soviet dietetics, caviar was classified as a product for children and dietary nutrition. It was believed that it was beneficial for children, ensured growth and prevented rickets. In fact, pollock caviar contains provitamin D3, which in the body is influenced sun rays is converted into vitamin D. This substance is a prohormone and is responsible for many vital reactions, from the ability to oxidize fats to the speed of metabolic reactions and growth.

Harm of pollock caviar

Ideally, pollock caviar should reach the table frozen, or in the form of canned food with a minimum additional ingredients. Only caviar, salt and water. In reality, not every store can find a product more or less close to these requirements. Caviar is contained in various sandwich pastes and so on. similar products, but they are more likely to be a source of salt, preservatives and dyes.

Pollock roe can cause severe allergies. A symptom of an incipient reaction is tingling in the mouth. An allergy can be severe and provoke Quincke's edema, so if this happens to a person for the first time, it is better to call ambulance. And subsequently, the doctor will prescribe medications that will help prevent the risk and avoid serious consequences if you accidentally consume caviar.

It is not recommended to consume stale caviar; it may contain toxins that cause serious illness. food poisoning. In this context, it is extremely important to be attentive to all food served in Japanese restaurants. Traditionally, caviar is salted, but not heat treatment. For baby food It is recommended to cook caviar in water or steam it.

Pollock is quite large sea ​​fish, is one of the representatives of the cod family. The length of this fish can reach one meter, the weight can reach five kilograms.

They buy pollock frozen, dried, dried or canned. It comes from fish meat main ingredient For crab sticks, and the liver is no worse than the liver of the famous cod. However, pollock caviar deserves special attention. It has long been compared to the caviar of noble fish.

Pollock caviar: benefits and harms

The caviar of this fish was very popular back in Ancient Rus'. It was easy to get, but it was valued for nutritional properties. Both pollock itself and its caviar now also remain affordable budget delicacies. But still, the rather specific taste makes this caviar an acquired taste, which is wrong - its most useful properties doctors discovered it a long time ago. However, there are quite a few contraindications.


The composition of caviar is rich in vitamins A, B, C, E, PP, as well as phosphorus, potassium, iron, magnesium and other useful natural compounds. Researchers have already proven that even black and red caviar are not much more useful.

The human body quickly absorbs proteins of natural origin, and pollock roe contains them great amount. Its calorie content is quite low.

Caviar helps normalize blood pressure and increase hemoglobin in the blood, restore mineral and vitamin balance. Prevention of heart and thyroid diseases occurs thanks to polyunsaturated fatty acids. And fluoride helps in the formation of bone tissue and tooth enamel.

The product is dietary, so it can be used during a diet. If followed correctly, your vision will improve, as well as the condition of your skin, hair and nails.


Pollock caviar does not contain any components that could be harmful to absolutely every person. However, some contraindications exist: allergies to seafood, individual intolerance, hypertension, inflammation of the digestive system. In addition, there is now widespread water pollution, which can also affect the quality of fish.

It is wrong to leave pollock unattended if you want to eat healthy. You just need to remember that you can’t abuse even healthy products.

Many have heard about the benefits of black and red caviar, however, these products are very expensive. Is it possible to replace them with a cheaper option, for example, pollock caviar, and how this will affect the body - a question of interest to people who care about their health.

Today we will study the composition of pollock caviar, its benefits and harms.

Calorie content and chemical composition

The vitamin composition of the product is presented in Table 1.


Vitamins C and E contained in caviar have a positive effect on the vascular, nervous and reproductive systems. By consuming pollock caviar, you can provide the body with almost half daily value thiamine (B1), which provides cells with energy.

Did you know? Made from pollock fillet minced fish surimi is a raw material for making crab sticks, since crabs are not added there.

The product is also rich in micro- and macroelements (Table 2).


Name Content, mg % of daily value
Iron 1,5 8,3
Manganese 0,55 27,5
Copper 0,4 40
0,17 170,0
0,035 35
0,03 42,9
3223 140,1
2206 169,7
279 27,9
230 28,8
60 2,4
35 3,5
35 8,8
The content of cobalt, sodium and chlorine is many times higher than the daily value, and the product also contains almost half the daily value of copper and molybdenum.

In this case, pollock caviar can be classified as dietary products because of low calorie content(Table 3).


Calorie content of 100 g of pollock caviar:


In addition, the product contains saturated fatty acids and almost daily norm cholesterol.

Did you know? The annual global turnover of pollock caviar is about 1.9 billion US dollars, of which about 1.7 billion comes from Japan.

Beneficial features

Pollock caviar is beneficial for both women and men to eat.

For women

This product affects the health and beautiful appearance of a woman:

  1. Vitamin PP normalizes work gastrointestinal tract, has a positive effect on blood clotting and provides energy.
  2. Vitamins B1, B2, B6 and B9 improve skin condition, eliminate the effects of stress, relieve fatigue, provide restful sleep, and help resist viruses.
  3. Vitamin C helps you look younger than your age, fight radicals, and has a positive effect on your immune system.
  4. Vitamin E protects the skin, helps resist the effects of time, and has antioxidant properties.
  5. Vitamin A gives the skin elasticity, provides normal work optic nerve.
  6. Saturated fats are responsible for the ability to get pregnant, help to endure menopause easier, and help produce female hormones.
  7. Cobalt ensures the normal functioning of the thyroid gland, which determines the ability to bear healthy offspring, promotes a regular menstrual cycle.
  8. Sodium affects the water balance in the body, ensures the functioning of the muscular and nervous systems, and nourishes the skin.
  9. Nickel participates in the metabolism of prolactin (the hormone responsible for the production breast milk), helps the uterus contract, affects hormonal levels.
  10. Copper necessary for the maturation of follicles, restoration of the body, affects skin and hair color.
  11. Manganese has a great impact on the female reproductive system.
  12. Sulfur essential for strong nails and shiny hair.
  13. Chlorine removes excess fluid from the body.
  14. High protein content enriches the body with energy without extra calories.
  15. Cholesterol ensures the production of estrogen and progesterone.

For men

Pollock caviar is no less beneficial for men than for women:

  1. Vitamin A influences the formation of sex hormones.
  2. Vitamins B1 and C, as well as phosphorus and sodium promote erection by improving the conductivity of the central nervous system signal.
  3. Vitamin B2 normalizes the functioning of the genitourinary system.
  4. Vitamin B9 has a positive effect on sexual desire.
  5. Vitamin E reduces the chance of getting prostate cancer.
  6. Manganese increases sperm activity.
  7. Chlorine promotes strong muscles.
  8. Molybdenum responsible for potency.
  9. Copper strengthens connective tissue.
  10. Squirrels increase endurance.
  11. Cholesterol necessary for testosterone synthesis.

Did you know? In Japan, there is a Pollock Park where ice cream flavored with the caviar of this fish is sold.

Is it possible to eat

People often worry whether it is beneficial to eat a product during special conditions of the body, for example, during pregnancy, while losing weight, or when various diseases. Let's look into this issue.

During pregnancy and pregnancy

The delicacy is useful for pregnant women because it chemical composition helps cope with stress on the body, it raises hemoglobin levels, promotes the production of thyroxine, without which it is impossible to bear a healthy child.

The product is especially useful for nursing women, since normal milk production requires the hormone prolactin, the synthesis of which involves nickel.

However, pregnant and lactating women should not get carried away with canned and salted caviar, since excess salt leads to swelling, and to extend shelf life in canned product may add harmful substances.

When losing weight

When losing weight, the body receives much less fat and carbohydrates, which provide it with energy. Proteins contained in the product in large quantities can compensate for the deficiency.

In addition, such proteins are better absorbed by the body, that is, they bring more benefit. At the same time, the food will not add extra calories.
However, please note that the product is mainly sold in the form of canned food under the name “Salted pollock caviar”, and in this form it is not suitable for dietary nutrition.

Important! Calorie content canned caviar increases almost 10 times.

For diabetes

At diabetes mellitus It is necessary not only to give up sugar, but also to limit the amount of carbohydrates, which also increase blood sugar levels. Depending on their lifestyle, diabetics are recommended to consume from 10 to 30 XE per day (a bread unit approximately equal to 10 g of carbohydrates).

In its raw form, the calorie content of caviar is 7.8 kcal per 100 g, that is, 0.78 XE; when salted with butter, it is 80 kcal (8 XE).

Based on this, in case of diabetes, caviar can only be eaten in boiled. Some endocrinologists allow the consumption of the canned product as a delicacy, but not more than 1 tsp. and no more than once every few months.

Important! The salt in caviar reduces the body's sensitivity to insulin.

For gastritis and pancreatitis

Although pollock caviar is less fatty than red or black, it also contains fats that affect the increased secretion of juice in the stomach and pancreas. This increases inflammation, leading to pain and bloating.
In canned form, the product is treated with salt and preservatives, as a result the secretion of hydrochloric acid increases and the functioning of the pancreas worsens.

That is why, in case of gastritis and pancreatitis, caviar should be excluded from the diet. You are allowed to treat yourself occasionally with 1 tbsp. l. a delicacy for those patients who have been in remission for a long time.

Possible harm

The product can harm the body in the following cases:

  1. If you are allergic to fish and seafood.
  2. For diseases of the digestive system.
  3. For diabetes mellitus.
  4. For hypertension - due to the salt content and preservatives, as well as the increased cobalt content.
  5. If you are prone to edema, kidney disease - due to high sodium content.
  6. With hyperplasia of the thyroid gland - due to increased cobalt content.
  7. In case of excessive consumption of canned product.
  8. It should be given to young children with caution, not earlier than 8 months of age.

Thus, pollock caviar is rich in vitamins, minerals, easily digestible proteins and does not contribute to the increase in fat mass. It is useful for men, women (pregnant and breastfeeding), children.

But you need to remember that when culinary processing, especially when canning, useful qualities it is reduced, and also do not forget about it harmful influence in some body conditions.

How to choose pollock caviar: video

Pollock is a member of the cod family and is caught today in very large quantities. No less nutritional value than meat, pollock caviar is one of the most affordable sea delicacies.

Due to its rather specific taste and strong fishy aroma, not everyone loves it. But those people who nevertheless included the product in their diet have the right to count on receiving not only gastronomic pleasure from it, but also noticeable benefits. By volume valuable substances the product is in no way inferior to its red and black counterparts, and in certain indicators even surpasses them.

Composition of pollock caviar

Breakout caviar commercial fish has a relatively high calorie content for this type of product - 132 units per 100 g of product. Distinctive feature composition is high level protein content, a small amount of fat and an almost complete absence of carbohydrates. This allows us to regard pollock caviar as a product that is necessary for cell restoration, synthesis of hormones, antibodies and enzymes.

The delicacy also contains substances on which the benefits and harms of the product depend:

  • Vitamins A, groups B, C, PP and E.
  • Macroelements sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and sulfur.

Tip: Today in stores you can find bright pink or yellow pollock caviar. Many people find such products more attractive and appetizing. Don't forget that real product has a gentle white-beige color. Any deviations from this indicator imply the presence of dyes, which significantly reduces the usefulness of the composition.

  • Microelements fluorine, iron and molybdenum.

Sellers offer salted and lightly salted caviar from a member of the cod family. The first option has a longer shelf life, the second does not have such rich taste. When choosing the optimal type of product, you need to be based on your taste preferences and tendency to edema. If the body retains liquid, then it is better to refuse the salty analogue.

Beneficial properties of pollock caviar

On the table, pollock caviar can be presented in the form independent dish, sandwich topping, salad component or thick sauce. Regardless of this, the protein in its composition will be completely absorbed by the body. Vitamins and minerals, provided there are no intestinal problems, will also be processed in full.

These qualities of the delicacy allow you to expect the following effects from its consumption:

  1. The mineral and vitamin balance is normalized, hemoglobin levels increase, and high blood pressure decreases.
  2. Ingestion of fish oil reduces the risk of developing diseases of the heart, blood vessels and thyroid gland.
  3. The mucous membranes of the body and tissues begin to recover faster. Bone tissue and tooth enamel are strengthened.
  4. Visual acuity increases, the eyes stop drying out due to prolonged intensive work.

According to experts, pollock caviar should be included in the diet of people with the following indications:

  • Exhaustion of the body, unbalanced nutrition.
  • The period of pregnancy and natural feeding of the child.
  • Time of active growth of the child's body.
  • Atherosclerosis and cardiovascular pathologies.
  • Risk of decreased thyroid function.
  • Anemia.
  • Deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

In case of pregnancy and a history of chronic diseases, the inclusion of pollock caviar in the menu should be agreed with the attending physician. In some cases, a valuable item may bring more harm than good.

Harm of pollock caviar, contraindications for use

Eating pollock caviar in limited quantities can only bring benefits to the body. All of the above effects will be achieved by including the product in the diet, 1-2 tablespoons up to 2-3 times a week. Exceeding these dosages can lead to weight gain and create significant stress on the kidneys. We should not forget that not all modern reservoirs can boast of environmental cleanliness. You need to pay attention to the area from which the delicacy comes.

Among other things, pollock caviar is not recommended for consumption if there are the following contraindications:

  • Allergy to fish products or specifically for this product.
  • Some diseases of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland (consultation with a specialist is required).
  • Increased blood cholesterol levels.
  • Increased levels of calcium in the body (and some other minerals).
  • Peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Hypertonic disease.

Childhood, as well as the period of pregnancy and lactation, is not a contraindication to the introduction of pollock caviar into the diet. But it is better to first consult a doctor about this, especially when it comes to children who are not yet 2 years old. The delicacy is not a strong allergen and is rarely poorly perceived by the child’s body.

Certainly, maximum benefit can be obtained from pollock caviar prepared at home. If this is not possible, you should pay attention to a loose product. Before purchasing, you can try it and evaluate the degree of freshness and saltiness. But you don’t need to give up the tin or glass jars that are familiar to many. The product is packaged in small volumes, which is very convenient. You just need to familiarize yourself with its composition and make sure that nutritional supplements and there are no preservatives in it.
