What are the benefits of boiled peas for women? How long should you soak peas? The benefits of peas. Beneficial and preventive properties

Peas are useful in all their many forms. It is consumed young, as porridge, and canned. It has a rich micro and macro element composition. The benefits of peas have many manifestations. So, in order...

Composition of peas

Among the chemical components of peas are many useful and important substances, without which human existence is impossible. For example:

  • almost complete important set microelements: zinc, manganese, magnesium, copper. In addition, the predominant content of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus.
  • vitamins: PP, A, E, group B;
  • amino acids;
  • choline;

Calorie content

The calorie content of peas is considered average. There are about 298 kcal per 100 grams of product. Is not low calorie product, but not the “heaviest” either.

Green, young peas have low calorie content, which is equal to 72 Kcal per 100 grams.

Benefits of peas for human health

In addition to the obvious benefits of keeping peas useful components, there are many other effects from its regular use:

  • green peas perfectly reduce swelling, especially that occurs against the background of impaired kidney function;
  • young peas contain substances that significantly reduce the risk of such dangerous disease, like oncology;
  • pea sprouts can significantly lower cholesterol levels, consequently reducing the risk of problems with the heart and blood vessels;
  • eliminates anemia and its consequences. This is possible due to the iodine content in peas. In addition, eating it by pregnant women reduces the risk of iodine deficiency in the baby;
  • raw peas when still young promote rapid elimination of fluid;
  • Chickpeas and chickpeas are directly indicated in complex therapy against vision problems. For example, cataract treatment involves its regular consumption;
  • For constipation, sprouted peas are a real savior. It is able to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and eliminate the causes of disorders. The secret of its work is its high fiber content;
  • The ability of peas to cleanse the body is valuable for the skin. Eczema and many other serious diseases that appear on the skin are treated with peas;
  • just a few peas are a reliable remedy for heartburn.

ADVICE! Is heartburn during pregnancy a bothersome problem? Just chew and swallow a few peas, and everything will go away.

Thus, the preventive and therapeutic properties of peas are so diverse that it is impossible to formulate one of its benefits. It is beneficial for a whole range of body systems.

Benefits for men

Peas are beneficial for both men and women. For men, the main benefit of peas is to stimulate muscle function and help build muscle mass. Peas are good for a bodybuilder or any strength-training sport. It gives the muscles additional tone and nourishes them due to the high protein content in the composition. Peas are nutritious and filling, which is important for a man.

In addition, the healing properties of peas for men include the ability to relieve prostatitis and some other male diseases.

Benefits for women

The main benefit of peas for women is the content of folic acid in its composition. This is a truly feminine amino acid. It slows down the aging process and normalizes the functioning of female organs. It is indispensable especially for women during the period of planning and pregnancy. In addition, peas have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. It cleanses the body, thereby minimizing the likelihood of skin diseases.

Benefits for children

Peas are no less beneficial for children than for their parents. It is able to stimulate appetite, which helps feed the baby. At a certain age, children often eat poorly, which can provoke some health problems in the future. Peas themselves quickly fill you up and, in addition, stimulate your appetite. When eating peas for breakfast, your child is guaranteed an energy boost for the whole day.

Benefits for weight loss (with diet)

When choosing a menu to follow a diet, you can find a lot of options using peas. Doubt arises, since peas are far from a low-calorie product. However, it's not all about calories. Peas are useful during a diet because:

  • removes excess fluid. This helps reduce volume and reduce the appearance of cellulite;
  • reduces the content of toxins in the body;
  • is absorbed in the body without being deposited in adipose tissue;
  • saturates muscles with proteins, which helps build and strengthen the muscle corset.

In the process of losing weight boiled peas in the form of porridge or in soup, you can safely eat it in the morning and afternoon. Fresh peas, and canned peas You can eat in jars even in the evening.

The benefits and harms of peas during pregnancy

During pregnancy, eating peas is possible and even necessary. There is an opinion that peas cause excessive gas formation. That is why pediatricians strictly prohibit it when breastfeeding. However, during pregnancy, while the baby is not yet born, no problems should arise. What are the benefits of peas during pregnancy:

  • intake of additional folic acid. This element must be prescribed to pregnant women in the form of supplements. Peas are a natural source of valuable amino acids;
  • substances contained in peas stimulate the production of hormones that promote healthy sleep. Sleep is a woman’s faithful assistant in successfully bearing a child;
  • Peas have a colossal calcium content. When forming a baby’s skeletal system, this property of peas is simply priceless.

ATTENTION! If a woman is still afraid of gas formation and negative influence for the baby, she should give up peas a few days before his expected birth. During the rest of pregnancy, peas are not contraindicated.

The presence of certain diseases dictates special rules compliance with the diet. So, peas at various diseases helps in different ways.

For type 2 diabetes mellitus

Without going into complex medical terms, it’s just worth noting that you can eat peas if you have type 2 diabetes. It is useful in the presence of this disease in that it can gently lower blood sugar levels. This is important, since a rise in this indicator is unacceptable, and a sharp decrease is life-threatening. Peas are digested quite slowly and break down sugar during the digestion process. In addition, it lowers cholesterol, which is beneficial for blood vessels.

For gastritis

Gastritis, unfortunately, is a direct contraindication to eating peas. However, it's not all bad. The acute form of gastritis implies a complete rejection of this culture in any form. If there is no exacerbation, you can treat yourself to some green peas. In addition, sprouted peas are allowed in small quantities in the absence acute form diseases.

For pancreatitis

Pancreatitis and peas are incompatible. However, not in all forms. Peas - unique product, if for this disease it is not recommended to eat soup or porridge with peas, then sprouted peas are even useful. Boiled peas are prohibited, as they take a long time and are difficult to digest and burden an already sore stomach.

Harm and contraindications of peas for humans

Peas - undoubtedly useful product, but it also has contraindications. Among the main ones:

  • lactation. It is not recommended for women to eat during guards. This is due to increased gas production in the child. This rule is especially relevant for children under 3 months;
  • dried peas, which are eaten boiled, are not recommended for any gastrointestinal pathologies associated with acidity disorders. In general, stomach problems are indications for careful use of peas;
  • Peas should not be included in the daily diet if you have kidney or liver pathologies;
  • Due to the severity of digestion, it is not recommended for use by elderly people and children under 3 years of age.

ATTENTION! Even in the complete absence of contraindications, you should not get too carried away with peas. It is difficult to digest, so it is recommended to stick to daily norm.

Peas are eaten in a huge number of types and forms. In the morning, in the early afternoon and at lunch, it’s perfect pea porridge or pea soup. In addition, peas can be cooked not only separately, but also in combination with other products. Peas and beans are used in the preparation of salads and many other dishes. Peas and lentils also have a lot in common and are similar in the cooking process.

Peas can also be fresh. Green peas, for example, are ready to eat, just like canned ones. From such a variety as mung peas you can prepare gourmet dish oriental cuisine.

ATTENTION! You can eat fresh, sprouted and canned peas even in the evening without worrying about your figure or digestion.

What are the norms for eating peas?

It is difficult to accurately determine the daily intake of peas. Firstly, because this product is rarely consumed daily. Secondly, the variety of forms of its use in cooking is amazing. Fresh, green, canned peas can be eaten up to 1 can per day, about 150-180 grams. But boiled peas in the form of porridge are recommended to be consumed once, in the morning or at lunch in the amount of one serving of about 100 grams.

ADVICE! You should not mix all types of peas. When eating, for example, pea porridge in the morning, it is better to refrain from eating peas in other forms during the day.

Thus, peas are a healthy product. It is approved for inclusion in the diet of diabetics (type 2) and is useful for everyone, regardless of gender. However, it is imperative to adhere to the principles of reasonableness in its use. Even for desperate pea lovers, it’s best not to overdo it. It takes a long time to digest and is difficult to absorb by the body. However, even the youngest, newly grown peas contain a lot of benefits and are immediately ready for use. Peas are a worthy food to include in a healthy diet. Helps build muscle and remove fat tissue. For athletes and simply people who care about health, peas are a faithful assistant in this.

News that helps!

Peas are herbaceous annual plants grown almost all over the world. Its seeds serve as a source of protein and dietary fiber.

The world's largest producers and exporters of green peas are Canada, France, China, Russia and India.

Composition and calorie content of peas

Green peas are rich in minerals, vitamins and folic acid.

Nutritional composition 100 gr. peas:

Benefits of peas

Peas have long been used as a source of nutrition and healing. In Chinese medicine, for example, peas help the body produce urine, relieve indigestion and improve bowel function.

Green peas contain a lot of fiber, which helps cleanse the body. It is rich in vitamins necessary for DNA synthesis in cells, preventing neural tube defects in newborns.

For bones and muscles

Peas increase muscle mass, thanks to L-arginine. Arginine and L-arginine are amino acids that help build muscle. They stimulate the production of human growth hormone and improve metabolism.

For the heart and blood vessels

Protein in peas helps fight high blood pressure caused by chronic kidney disease.

A study has proven that eating peas for 2 months normalizes blood pressure. If you have a predisposition to developing heart disease, then add green peas to your diet.

For the gastrointestinal tract

Peas contain coumestrol, a substance that reduces the risk of developing stomach cancer by 50%.

Green peas are low in calories but high in protein and fiber. This composition is useful for losing weight. Fiber and protein reduce appetite and increase weight loss.

Peas are present in the Ayurvedic diet because they are easily digestible and help curb appetite. in peas it acts as a laxative and prevents constipation.

For the pancreas

Green peas contain protein and fiber, which help regulate blood sugar levels.

For kidneys and bladder

The benefits of peas for patients with chronic kidney disease are related to their protein content. Research shows that the protein in peas stops the development of kidney damage in people with high blood pressure. Patients experience normalized blood pressure and increased urine output, helping the body eliminate toxins and waste.

For skin

Fresh pea flowers are used as a base for body lotions, soaps and perfumes.

For immunity

Peas fight inflammation, diabetes and strengthen the immune system. It protects organs from the development and progression of cancer.

The health benefits of peas are related to high content antioxidants that strengthen the body's resistance to infections and pathologies.

Ancient Chinese philosophers called peas "a symbol of fertility, purity and wealth", medieval French chefs served dishes with valuable food product To to the royal table. In Rus', before the advent of potatoes, the main dish was to cover human needs for vegetable protein, vitamins and carbohydrates, mineral salts and microelements. Lean peas boiled calories had a low value, but replaced it in the daily menu meat products. Easily digestible, it contained a unique composition of amino acids - it was not for nothing that peas were called “meat for the poor.” Delicious boiled peas were part of the most different dishes: soups and pies, sauces and stews, porridges and noodles.

According to classification, there are three types of plants such as peas. Its calorie content, as well as beneficial properties, are determined by its membership in a certain group.

In shelling peas, the peas themselves have a regular round shape; the leaves become hard when ripe. For long-term storage whole peas are dried. The calorie content of such a product is quite high - from 298 to 311 kcal per 100 g of dry grains. Analysis energy value peas shows that out of 298 kcal, proteins account for 82 kcal, fats - 18 kcal, and carbohydrates - 198 kcal. Table pea varieties are usually used for making soups, porridges or purees, and side dishes. Boiled shelling peas have a low calorie content in purees or soups, only 60 kcal, while they are rich in protein and are excellent for dietary nutrition.

Unlike shelled varieties, sugar snap peas value underdeveloped grains with a high moisture content. The beans of such peas are sweet in taste and fleshy, but during the drying process they wrinkle.

Peas of brain varieties change their properties when ripening. round shape, wrinkles, resembling the meninges. These varieties are rich in sucrose, sweet in taste, and are used for canning. They are not suitable for heat treatment, although they have the lowest calorie content of all pea varieties.

Dietary dish: boiled peas, calorie content and benefits

Peas are often called the “king of grains” for their rich composition: a whole range of B vitamins, vitamins A and C, PP and E. Quantity minerals peas are very rich in calcium and potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, iodine, selenium, sulfur, chlorine and others. The annual plant contains important amino acids, pyridoxine, many enzymes, and fiber. As the peas ripen, glucose turns into starch. Pea dishes good for dietary nutrition, as well as for those who observe religious fasts.

Research by Canadian scientists has confirmed that vegetable protein peas are easily digestible and are a great alternative meat, has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, normalizes arterial pressure, eliminates swelling. Boiled peas, the calorie content of which can be a pleasant surprise for those losing weight, serve as an excellent hearty dish during the period of active weight loss. Boiled peas are also useful for people suffering from anemia and kidney problems, problems with the gastrointestinal tract (constipation, heartburn, and other disorders). What else is valuable about boiled peas? The calorie content and beneficial properties of this “king of the legume family” can prevent problems with the thyroid gland (goiter), atherosclerosis and obesity. In addition, boiled peas restore metabolism and relieve headaches.

What happens to peas during cooking?

Amazing product - peas! At heat treatment it significantly loses its calorie content, but at the same time retains all its healing properties! So, for example, if you boil crushed peas, you can get 115 kcal per 100 g finished product, green pea- 160 kcal, in pea soup - 60-66 kcal. But if you add additional ingredients to boiled peas, what calorie content will you get? The same one with fried onions will give a total of 73 kcal, and if you add smoked meats to this dish - 103 kcal. It will also be different pea puree, if you enrich it with various goodies. IN pure form pea porridge (puree) without additives - 60 kcal, with butter - 103 kcal, and with mushrooms (champignons) - 140 kcal!

How to cook peas correctly

Recommendations for preparing boiled peas may vary depending on the variety of the “brother of beans and lentils”, as well as the method of cooking pre-treatment. Whole grains Peas cannot be cooked without soaking, so you need to fill them with double the volume of water and leave overnight (6-12 hours). The higher the temperature in the room where the peas are infused, the shorter the time period should be, since split and whole peas have the ability to oxidize when left in water for a long time. Therefore, in Eastern culture there are several secrets for preparing whole or split peas without soaking.

One of the recipes states that you can add 1 tsp to a five-liter pan. (without a “slide”), then the product will boil easily. In another recipe, pour a small amount of water over the washed peas and put on the fire; when it boils, add ice water. The difference in temperature causes the peas to burst. It turns out soft boiled peas. The calorie content per 100 grams of such a dish is 60 kcal; salt can be added only at the end of cooking. Chopped peas, crushed, do not need to be soaked, but they cook for a long time, about an hour.

For ease of preparation, modern manufacturers present crushed peas, steamed. This product will be ready in 35-40 minutes. It is often cooked packaged in bags, which brings additional comfort, since the boiled pea mass does not settle to the bottom and does not burn. For the same reason, any variety of peas is cooked over low heat in a thick-walled container, with frequent stirring.

How to make boiled peas tastier?

If meat, mushroom or vegetable broth pour in boiled peas, their calorie content will increase slightly, but the dish will be more nutritious. Peas cooked in large quantities are especially aromatic and tasty. The more porridge and cabbage soup is prepared at the same time, the better the taste of the dishes will be. Also, peas turn out faster and softer when cooking them with butter or vegetable oil (not a large number of). Delicate taste gives milk to peas if you add it to the water during cooking. An excellent puree is made from green peas. It does not contain a starchy aftertaste, but becomes tender and melts in the mouth. Freshly frozen peas, which can often be found in our supermarkets, do not need to be defrosted. It is ready for heat treatment. Young pods are placed in boiling unsalted water, and salt is added to taste at the very end of cooking, when the peas become soft.

Features of the pea diet

The benefits of including boiled peas and various dishes made from them in daily ration those people who want to lose weight are considered:

  • good tolerance;
  • lack of hunger;
  • preservation of muscle tissue;
  • variety of additional ingredients;
  • balanced diet;
  • availability of legumes;
  • cleansing effect;
  • improvement of metabolism.

And in conclusion... Peas and cosmetology

Boiled peas in the form of puree can be used as a component of whitening face masks, improving its color, rejuvenating the skin, eliminating puffiness and acne.

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Peas belong to the legume family. This unpretentious plant is grown both in warm Asian countries and in Northern European countries. Peas have a high nutritional value and is well suited for vegetarian dishes.

Boiled peas preserve everything nutritional properties fresh peas, in addition to vitamin C. 100 g of peas contain vitamins K (67.5% of the daily value), E (14%), thiamine (47%), pantothenic acid (40%), vitamin PP (13%), riboflavin ( 9%), folic acid (9.3%). Mineral composition peas are very diverse. The predominant elements are boron (957% of the daily value), vanadium (375%), nickel (160%), molybdenum (120%), copper (69%), potassium (50%), manganese (64%), zinc (33%), iron (38%), selenium (20%), chromium (18%), magnesium (17%). At the same time, peas have the ability to accumulate toxic elements lead and strontium. Peas also contain large quantities of phytosterols (246%), fiber (102%), amino acids, especially isoleucine (48%), valine (47%), arginine (34%).

Beneficial features

Peas contain the polyphenolic compound coumistrol. It has been proven to protect against stomach cancer. In addition to coumestrol, peas contain many other antioxidants and phytonutrients that prevent the appearance of cancer.

Vitamin E and zinc have anti-inflammatory properties. These substances reduce the risk of developing chronic inflammation in the body, which often causes diabetes mellitus. A large amount of fiber and protein stabilize blood sugar levels, so pea dishes are useful for patients with diabetes.


For cooking, you can use both fresh and dried peas. Fresh peas are available for a very limited period, so dried peas are more often used in cooking. To prepare soups, peas must first be soaked for 4-6 hours, preferably overnight. During cooking, the peas increase in size several times and form foam that needs to be skimmed off. Cook the peas until softened, about 1-2 hours. It’s better to add salt at the end - unleavened peas cook faster.

On April 17, Moscow will host the Mesopharm conference "Scientific approach to aesthetic medicine. Current issues and industry trends."

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Peas are the most popular legume plant. This is explained by the fact that it is easy to grow, it gives a rich harvest, saturates well, and is easy to cook. Peas are also known for their medicinal properties, which is due to its unique composition: it contains many, including very rare, vitamins and minerals. The benefits and harms of peas will be discussed below, first the description and composition:

Biological description and distribution

Peas is an annual herbaceous legume plant.

Root in peas it is taprooted, strongly branches, and descends into the soil to a depth of 1 meter.

Stem tetrahedral, branching, herbaceous, reaching a length of up to 250–300 cm.

Leaves pari-pinnately compound, with large stipules, ending in branched tendrils, with their help peas cling to plants or other support.

Flowers white or red-violet, in the form of a corolla.

Fetus- multi-seeded bean. Its shape can vary from straight to curved. The seeds are round, light yellow or brownish in color, with a smooth or wrinkled surface.

Asia Minor is considered the birthplace of peas. The largest crops are concentrated in China, India, Germany, and Poland. In Russia, peas are widespread. In our country this is the main legume crop.

Composition of peas

Peas surpass all other vegetables in terms of protein. In addition, the fruits contain vitamins C, B, B2, B6, K, PP and macroelements such as calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, chlorine. Peas are also rich in microelements: iron, copper, boron, chromium, manganese, silicon, nickel, strontium, molybdenum, iodine, zinc, cobalt, tin, zirconium, aluminum.

Not all plants contain such a large number of rare elements.

Calorie content of peas

pea calorie table:

Benefits of peas

Since peas are a source of protein, they can serve as a substitute for meat. Unlike meat, it is much better absorbed by the body. In addition, peas are a satisfying product. It allows you to be satiated for a long time.

Peas provide energy, improve memory and brain activity.

Eating this vegetable normalizes the functioning of the digestive system.

Peas contain a large amount of antioxidants that slow down aging and prevent the development of cancer.

Regular consumption of peas is beneficial for of cardio-vascular system. Blood flow is normalized, cholesterol levels are reduced, and the walls of blood vessels are strengthened.

Use in medicine (for health, beauty and weight loss)

Peas are different healing properties and is used to treat many diseases.

Peas are low in fat and contain no cholesterol or sodium. Therefore this legume vegetable serves well prophylactic cardiovascular diseases , reduces the risk heart attack, protects for hypertension. And special fibers reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Peas are very rich in carbohydrates, which consist of glucose and fructose, which enter the blood without obstruction. These beneficial properties help for diabetics control your disease and prevent it from developing.

Peas help for cramps and dermatitis. This is caused by the ability of the pyridoxine it contains to synthesize and break down amino acids.

A decoction of the fruits and stems of peas is often used as mild diuretic.

It is recommended to apply pea seed pulp to the affected areas for eczema, purulent wounds, boils, erysipelas of the skin.

Elderly people are advised to consume peas for the prevention of atherosclerosis and angina pectoris.

Peas are often used when losing weight, it removes excess fluid from the body. Peas also enhance metabolism, which helps burn fat.

Legumes contain a lot of iron and will therefore help increase hemoglobin. People should eat peas with anemia.

Pea masks improve complexion, prevent the formation of acne and swelling.

Harm and contraindications

Peas are contraindicated for nephritis and gout.

You should also not use it at:

  • exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases,
  • cholecystitis,
  • thrombophlebitis.

Elderly people, children and nursing mothers It is also not recommended to often eat dishes with peas. Being a “heavy” product, this vegetable can put a lot of stress on a weakened digestive system.

Peas call gas formation - thereby can harm the body. The formation of gases is caused by a high concentration of sugars and coarse fibers in fruits. To prevent peas from causing flatulence, you need to eat them with dill or fennel.

Folk recipes

Thanks to your useful qualities, peas have rightly taken an important place in folk medicine. They treat many diseases.

For cystitis and pyelonephritis

Pour 100 g of peas with water (about 500 ml). Bring to a boil, cook for about 5 minutes over low heat. When the broth has cooled, drink ¼ cup 3 times a day.

From ulcers and boils

Add honey to 30 g of pea flour. Lubricate the boil with the resulting mixture and secure it on top with a bandage or napkin. After 2 hours, wash off.

For heartburn

Eat 10 g of pea flour and drink warm water. Repeat 3 times a day.

For a debilitating cough

Pour 5 g of pea flowers with a glass of boiling water. Then let it brew for 6 hours. Drink 4 times a day, ¼ cup.

For dermatitis

Put in enamel pan Pour boiling water over the stems and leaves of the peas and leave to infuse. Apply lotions to the rash area.

From ascites

Add 50 g of peas to half a liter of beer, put on low heat, and boil for 20 minutes. When the broth has cooled, moisten a cloth in it and apply it to the sore spot.

For toothache

Boil peas in vegetable oil, mash until pureed. Apply the warm mixture to the sore tooth.

Use of peas in cooking

Green pea fruits are pleasant to the taste. They are juicy and sweetish. Thanks to your taste qualities, as well as nutritional and beneficial properties, peas have become one of the favorite products of chefs around the world.

Peas are eaten raw, canned, frozen, boiled, baked.

Legumes go well with carrots, potatoes, and onions.

You can prepare an unlimited number of dishes based on peas: porridge, soups, stews, salads. The most popular are pea soup, pureed pea soup, pea porridge, pea flour, bread made from pea flour, salads with the addition of canned peas.

Canned peas are very tasty, but when canned they lose half of their useful properties. Therefore, to get the maximum vitamins, use dried or freshly frozen peas.

When peas dry out, they become hard and dry. This product must be soaked in water for at least 6 hours before cooking.

Cook the peas for about 2 hours. If you want to cook faster, use split or split peas.

The use of peas in cosmetology

Peas are used not only in medicine and cooking, but in cosmetology. There are many known pea masks that will make your skin beautiful, fresh and youthful. Here are some of them.

Rejuvenating mask

Add olive oil (10 g) and sour cream (50 g) to the peas crushed to a powder. Apply the mixture to your face and neck. After half an hour, wash off the mask with warm milk. Several of these procedures will rid your skin of fine wrinkles.

Toning mask

Mix 20 g of chopped peas with whey. Let the thick mixture brew. Then apply the mask to your face. After 15 minutes, wash off boiled water and wipe with a piece of ice. The mask will give your skin a healthy look and refresh it.

Mask for tired skin

Grind the peas. Add 40 g of kefir to 50 g of powder. Place the resulting mass on your face. After 20 minutes, remove the mask using a cotton swab soaked in olive oil. And then rinse with warm water. This mask will give your skin freshness.

Peas are also used to strengthen hair. To do this, boil the pods and stems in sunflower oil, then filter. The resulting decoction should be rubbed into the scalp.

The same remedy is used with peeling nails. The oil is rubbed into the nail plate.

Who are Tsar Pea and the Pea Jester?

In our language, stable expressions with the word “peas” are firmly entrenched: under Tsar Gorokh, the pea jester is like a pea against a wall. What do they mean and what is their origin?

Under Tsar Gorokh

The expression means “long ago, in time immemorial.” It is an analogue of the Greek proverb “more ancient than Kodros” (Kodros is the mythical king of Attica). Subsequently Kodros became Russian Peas.

a fool

The expression means “eccentric, funny dressed person.” In the Middle Ages, jesters had a rattle - a stick with a bull's bladder in which peas were poured. In the theater, clowns beat other characters, and sometimes even the audience, with such a rattle. Russian buffoons additionally decorated their costumes with pea straw. This is where the expression “best fool comes from.”

Like peas hitting a wall

A similar expression is applied to a person who does not listen to other people’s comments, advice, or does not pay any attention to them. Why did they throw peas against the wall? Let's turn to history. In Rus', peas were in great demand. Soups, porridges, stews, pies, jelly and even cheese were prepared from it. And women had a lot of work to do - to separate each pea from the pod. The work is very boring and time consuming. But they came up with tricky way peeling of peas. Women threw pea pods against the wall. At the same time, the husk burst and the peas flew out.

The workers compared the wall to their husbands, and the light, bouncing peas to their speeches. That is, not a single word reaches the spouse, it is useless to say anything. This is how this expression arose, which subsequently gained enormous popularity.

Pea photos:

Peas: beautiful, tasty and healthy
