Pea soup without meat (classic recipe). Pea soup without meat - delicious meatless or vegetarian recipes for a hearty dish

Peas are great source vegetable protein, which is absorbed by the body better and faster, unlike protein of animal origin. Thanks to this fact, pea dishes are excellent for meat-free diets and fasting. This soup, among other things, is very tasty and colorful, and children like it too. The only negative is pea soup without meat, the recipe for which is very simple, it takes at least two hours to prepare, but the result is worth it. And if someone in your family is not satisfied with this option for preparing the first course, you can offer pea soup with smoked ribs, which is also easy to prepare according to our recipe.

– 1 glass of peas;

– 2 large carrots;

– pinch ground pepper;

– 2 cloves of garlic;

– any greens for dressing;

– 30 g butter.

Wash a glass of dry peas thoroughly in plenty of water, and then transfer it to a bowl and fill it with water. Leave the peas in this form for several hours, but best of all overnight. After a while, you will notice that the peas have swelled. Now we put it in a saucepan and pour 1300 ml clean water. You can also use any broth instead of water or replacing only part of it. If you adhere to the specified proportions, the pea soup will turn out to be of ideal thickness.

Place the pan on the fire, adding Bay leaf. Cook the peas over low heat for 2 hours.

About 1 hour after you put the peas to cook, you should add the carrots to it. We clean it and cut it into slices. Now peas and carrots are boiled in a saucepan.

Two hours are up. Remove the bay leaf from the soup. This is very important point, it should not be ignored. All soup ingredients required heat treatment, you are ready and can move on to the next stage. Add salt, pepper and chopped garlic to the pea soup.

Using a submerged blender, blend the peas and carrots in the soup. We do this very carefully, the soup must be absolutely homogeneous.

Return the pot of pea soup to the stove and bring it to a boil. All that remains is to add a piece of butter for a more noble taste and silky consistency, and also season the pea soup with fresh herbs, preferably parsley. Serve hot pea soup with crackers or croutons sprinkled with grated cheese.

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Simple pea soup without meat

The very first thing you need to start with is preparing the food and utensils.

What you need to prepare:

  • Yellow split peas - 300 g;
  • Onions - 1 head;
  • Carrots - 1 root vegetable;
  • Potatoes - medium tubers;
  • Tomato paste - 0.5 tbsp;
  • Khmeli-Suneli seasoning - to taste;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • Sunflower oil for frying.

How to make pea soup without meat

Wash the peas, add them to the pan and pour cold water. Cook for about half an hour.

While the main ingredient is cooking, you can start frying the soup. Cut the peeled onion into cubes.

Grate clean carrots.

Fry the vegetables over medium heat for 5 minutes, then sprinkle with Khmeli-Suneli.

Add tomato paste and simmer in the pan for another 5 minutes.

The soup dressing is ready.

Now you can return to boiling peas. It is necessary to drain the liquid from the pan.

Add 1.5 liters of clean cool water and wait until it boils. Add potatoes, cut into cubes.

When the potatoes are almost ready, add the frying.

All that remains is to salt the pea soup to taste and throw in the bay leaf. Cook over medium heat under a half-open lid for another 10 minutes, after which you can turn it off and let it brew for another 20-30 minutes.

Serve delicious lean pea soup in portioned bowls, adding mayonnaise, sour cream, herbs or separately boiled meat if desired.

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How to cook pea soup without meat

I suggest you try it Lenten recipe pea soup without meat. Despite the simplicity of preparation, many avoid preparing this dish because they do not know how to cook pea soup so that the peas are softened. After all, cereals should be soft and chew well, but this is not always possible to achieve.

Lean pea soup recipe


  • 1 cup of peas (pot size 300 ml)
  • 4 medium sized potatoes
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • bay leaf
  • clove of garlic
  • 2-3 sprigs of parsley
  • Ground black pepper
  • 1.8 liters vegetable broth or water.

How to cook peas so that they are softened

There are no secrets to cooking cereals, there are only rules that must be followed if you want the peas in the soup to boil well:

  1. When purchasing, pay attention to what kind of cereal you are buying. Dried peas can be whole, shelled, or split. Whole dry peas can be boiled only with preliminary soaking of the cereal. Split peas cook without any problems and soaking in 40 minutes.
  2. It is recommended to soak whole grains for at least 4 hours. To speed up the process of boiling such peas, it is recommended to add 0.5 tsp to the water when soaking. soda Don't forget to drain before cooking soda water and rinse the peas.
  3. It is recommended to rinse any cereal, both dry and soaked, in 2-3 waters before cooking. Wash the peas until the water running off is relatively clear.
  4. In order for the peas in the soup to be thoroughly boiled, they must be cooked for at least 30 minutes before adding the remaining ingredients.
  5. When using a recipe for pureed pea soup, you do not need to wait for the peas to boil into porridge; you can help them turn into puree using a blender. But even in this case, the peas should be soft and easy to chew.

How to cook pea soup

Pour water into a saucepan or vegetable broth and bring the liquid to a boil. Place pre-washed peas in boiling water. If you use whole beans, be sure to soak them. Boil the peas for 30-40 minutes over low heat.

Once the peas have softened a little, add the diced potatoes to the pan. If the water has boiled away, add required amount boiling water

Grate the washed and peeled carrots on a coarse grater, cut the onion into checkers. Fry the vegetables in oil for a few minutes.

Transfer them to a saucepan with pea soup. Add salt, ground black pepper and cook until the potatoes are ready.

Let's taste the pea soup, is there enough salt? If necessary, add more salt. Chop the garlic clove and parsley leaves. In this recipe, many spices are added to lean pea soup at the end of cooking. Place bay leaf, garlic and chopped parsley into the pan. Cover the dish with a lid and remove it from the heat.

The soup should be allowed to stand for 10-15 minutes so that the spices impart their taste and aroma to the broth. This technique will help us get a very tasty pea soup without meat.

Before pouring the soup into bowls, stir it several times with a ladle - peas tend to settle to the bottom of the dish. Remember this feature when heating the soup - if you do not stir it during the process, there is a chance that the boiled peas that have settled to the bottom will begin to burn.

Preparing lean pea soup

On this page you will find the following recipes:

Peas are very common in Russian cuisine and are also popular only in the Middle East. Since the Middle Ages, peas have been very important product in the diet of our distant ancestors, they prepared from it: pea soup and porridge, noodles and jelly, ate it raw and baked various pies. The nutritional qualities and benefits of peas have always been appreciated, hence the wide variety of pea dishes. Pea soup meatless has become popular in Lately, since everything large quantity people began to fast and monitor their diet.

Historical reference. It is known from history that peas came to us from Ancient Egypt. It was originally known as a wild plant. Nowadays, the overall popularity of peas is not so high, but is actively welcomed by adherents healthy eating. Because proper nutrition and a healthy lifestyle are now at the peak of popularity.

Peas contain a lot of nutrients, natural substances– vitamins and carbohydrates, proteins and starches, minerals and fiber. And if peas contain valuable protein, this is its property and should be used in dishes where meat can be excluded, i.e. can be replaced perfectly.

It should also be noted that eating peas increases performance and adds energy; it is directly indicated for those who work in heavy physical work.

Peas are deservedly considered a record holder for their content:

With such a magical set, it doesn’t take much effort to understand all the benefits of peas for the health of any person.

Pea dishes are necessary in the diet of children and adolescents, since vitamins and microelements are especially important during the period of growth and development.

Recipe No. 1 Pea soup without meat

The most important thing for pea soup is the richness of the pea and potato broth; thanks to it, the prepared soup will be tasty without the presence of meat. There is one more important subtlety - this is vegetable broth, it is boiled on various vegetables, and plus is added different spices. They love him for his benefits in general and for low calorie content only about 60-65 kcal.

  1. 300g whole peas;
  2. A few peas allspice;
  3. Several (5-6) potatoes;
  4. 4-5 bay leaves;
  5. One small onion;
  6. 1/2 parsley root;
  7. 1/2 celery root;
  8. Large clove of garlic;
  9. 1 medium carrot;
  10. 2 tablespoons of wheat flour;
  11. 1 tablespoon salt.
  • In the evening, soak the peas in cold water.

    Recipe No. 2 for pea soup without meat

    The cooking time for different peas lasts from a few minutes (green varieties) to an hour and a half (round, dried varieties). Also different time for soaking - there are those who like to eat whole peas, while the other half loves exclusively boiled puree.

    • Peas 500 grams;
    • One fresh tomato;
    • One onion;
    • One not small carrot;
    • 3 medium cloves of garlic;
    • Vegetable oil 3-4 tablespoons;
    • One tablespoon of fresh ginger;
    • 1 teaspoon turmeric;
    • Various fresh herbs;
    • Salt and pepper to taste.
    • If the peas are whole, fill them with cold water in the evening.

      Recipe No. 3 Dietary pea soup with mozzarella

      Recipe for meatless pea soup with mozzarella - a wonderful option dietary dish, it quickly prepares in just 30 minutes and light dinner ready for the whole family.

      • Frozen green peas 500 grams;
      • One onion;
      • One litre ready broth from vegetables;
      • Vegetable oil 1 tablespoon;
      • Low-fat sour cream 50 ml;
      • Salt, pepper to taste;
      • Several mint leaves for decoration;
      • One small clove of garlic;
      • Mozzarella cheese about 50 grams.
      • The onion is finely chopped and fried in a frying pan in oil.

      Recipe No. 4 Exotic pea soup with salmon

      Pea soup this recipe unusual due to the addition of salmon. Original - will be appreciated by lovers of fish dishes.

      • Vegetable broth 500 ml;
      • Smoked salmon 100 grams;
      • One medium onion;
      • Cream 200 ml;
      • Green peas 300 grams;
      • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp;
      • Lemon juice ½ teaspoon;
      • Greenery;
      • Salt pepper;
      • Curry - to taste.
      • Finely chopped onion, fry in oil in a frying pan until beautiful golden color.

      • There is no need to salt the peas before cooking; without salt they will boil faster. Salt the soup at the very end of cooking 3-4 minutes before full readiness soup.

      Delicious pea soup without meat

      Peas are remarkable because they go well with both meat and vegetables. Therefore, it can be easily prepared excellent soup made from vegetables, but without meat - a dietary option.


      • Peas 1 Cup
      • Potatoes 3 pieces
      • Onion 1 piece
      • Carrot 1 piece
      • Butter 2 tbsp. spoons
      • Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. spoons
      • Salt, spices To taste
      • Water 2.5 Liters

Pea soup without meat, the recipe for which, and more than one, we will consider later in our article, can be no worse than its classic counterpart, cooked according to all the canons of the genre, on aromatic smoked ribs. Of course, as they say, you can’t fool your stomach with grass, however, who said that in such a dish peas would float alone in hot water? Not at all. There are many recipes for making lean (and not so lean) pea soups; they contain a wide variety of ingredients; in addition, perhaps some people prepare them without meat, not because they fast or are convinced vegetarians, but simply due to the lack of it. Well, no problem. You can cook it with sausage - it will also be a good dish, by and large. Or with mushrooms. However, why carry on unnecessary conversations? It's better to move on to practice. So let's start cooking. So, pea soup without meat. The first recipe.

The simplest option

If we decide to give up meat, this does not mean that we will simply make our dish with water. Not at all. We will cook our pea soup using broth. Only on vegetable. And to prepare it, put the chopped large pieces two carrots, one onion, juicy tomato, herbs, garlic, favorite spices. And in another saucepan at this time we cook the peas. By the way, to make the process go faster, many housewives pre-soak it. Some for the whole night, and some for at least a couple of hours. So, it will be ready in about thirty minutes; as for the peas, you will have to watch them yourself. The main thing is that when you see that it is almost ready, you need to combine it with the broth, having previously removed the vegetables from the latter, and add three or four finely chopped potatoes. About 15 minutes before it’s ready, you need to add the frying agent to the soup (grated carrots + chopped onions, fried in oil). And when the time comes to turn off the heat under the pan, you need to add a few very finely chopped garlic cloves to our simple pea soup and cover the dish with a lid. Let it brew. You can serve it with croutons in about half an hour. This is how the most common pea recipe is cooked, which, as you can see, is incredibly simple.

Now let’s complicate the composition of the dish a little.

Cooking soup with vegetables

To do this, you will need to arm yourself with a glass of peas, two potatoes, one carrot, an onion, several tablespoons of sour cream, butter (you will need 50 grams, no more), cauliflower (300 grams will be enough). Plus prepare spices and favorite herbs.

As we already mentioned, before preparing pea soup, in order for the main ingredient to boil faster, you need to first soak it. That's what we did. Now all that remains is to drain the water from it, rinse it, and then put it to cook. Preparing the vegetables. We cut the carrots, onions, potatoes, and separate the cabbage into inflorescences (after all, we have colored ones). When we see that the peas are almost ready, we add all our vegetable mix and oil. Plus spices. Cook until done. Before serving, add sour cream.

Peas and cheese are a great combination

The ingredients for this soup are almost the same as in the previous version, only we exclude sour cream and cauliflower, but we add dried celery and a hundred grams of cheese, and always smoked. The currently popular braided cheese is best suited for these purposes. We also cook in exactly the same way. And at the very end, add spices, celery and “pigtail”. Attention: it is not recommended to add salt during the cooking process, because the cheese itself will give the required taste to the soup. And if someone thinks that there is not enough salt, you can add required quantity“white death” directly onto your own plate.

Pea soup

Recipes for making pureed soups from the most different ingredients are extremely popular today. The hero of our review, peas, was no exception. By the way, by and large, all soups from it are prepared almost the same way, as you may have already noticed. The only difference is in the components. The same can be said about a dish like pureed pea soup. The recipes for its preparation are not particularly varied, but the main difference from ordinary pea soup is that at the end of preparation, all the ingredients are ground in a blender. However, if you take potatoes of the appropriate variety, which fall apart in the blink of an eye, and even cook the peas until they become porridge, then no newfangled devices will be needed. It’s quite possible to get by with a spoon, turning it into ready soup into this most coveted puree.

So, perhaps, we will not focus on the ingredients and the cooking process itself, but will simply give advice. If you want a puree soup, choose any recipe you like, cook the pea soup, and then either put it in a food processor or stir it with a blender.

We’d better move on to a more interesting question.

Pea soup with sausage

Sausage, of course, is not meat, however, it is not cauliflower either. So those who scanned the previous recipes almost in disgust can perk up. The dish promises to be tasty and, of course, no longer dietary. But those who have already rushed to frantically count calories can also relax. Even though, of course, they will have to taste the “unhealthy” sausage, but along with it, peas, which have long been considered valuable source much-needed plant protein. So, as they say, we kill two birds with one stone - we will please ourselves, our beloved, and benefit.


To prepare this soup you will need:

  • One and a half cups of dry peas.
  • Three hundred grams of smoked (required!) sausage.
  • Two sweet red peppers (the color is more for contrast with the peas, most likely).
  • Seasonings (choose your own).

How to cook

We will cook the peas in the same way as in previous cases.

You can't come up with anything new here. As for the remaining ingredients, they should be fried in the following sequence: first chopped onion, then grated carrots are added to it, then chopped main product- sausage, and then - pepper. All this assortment must be simmered over very low heat (and certainly covered) for about ten minutes. Well, then add to the peas, season with spices. Salt is again not recommended; sausage, as in the case of cheese, contains this ingredient in sufficient quantities.

By the way, instead of smoked sausage, you can use boiled sausage. It will work out well too. Or, for example, the same sausages. What is more important is if the soup is prepared with the expectation that children will eat it. Only sausages Be sure to choose quality ones. You should not add to the dish what is left after the holiday. Well, otherwise the field of activity for experimentation is quite extensive. Finally, we want to offer another rather interesting option.

Peas with mushrooms

As you may have noticed, it is still a very democratic dish - pea soup without meat. The recipe for its preparation allows you to interchange the ingredients as the hostess likes. So we suggest adding mushrooms to it. They can easily replace meat, and thanks to their introduction, the dish will not only acquire a truly amazing taste, but will also support the body, exhausted, say, by fasting.

As for mushrooms, you can take any, even the same champignons. But it's best to use dried ones. And preferably white. Firstly, they give an amazing aroma, and secondly, their taste is very good.

As for preparation, everything is similar to the process that was described in the simple version pea soup. The only thing you should pay attention to is that if you took dry mushrooms, then they also need to be soaked. Then wash, cut and cook not separately, but always together with the peas. If you have simple mushrooms, then you need to first cook them and then fry them along with the vegetables. That's all the wisdom.

And finally

Naturally, many would like to know how pea soup will affect their figure. By and large, there is no particular need to count calories in it. The nutritional value of any dish, as you know, depends entirely on the ingredients. Our soup is no exception. And as for its simplest version, you can eat such food calmly, on a scale. One serving of this soup will contain only 87 kcal. Unless, of course, your entree plates are very deep. However, with such a low calorie content, you can eat a couple of servings. There will definitely be no harm. Neither figure, nor body. So cook and eat your dishes with pleasure. Even if they are dietary.

Bon appetit!

Usually they try to prepare such soups without meat and meat broths.

Nevertheless, even in the “lenten” version, pea soups can be made very tasty.

Don’t stop reading the list of products; cooking this dish is much easier than it seems at first glance, and there are many more benefits than it seems from the description.

If the child refuses to eat pea dishes, then in most cases he can be tempted by soup with smoked sausage.

Pea soup without meat - general principles of preparation

Pea soup without meat is not only healthy, but also very tasty. And it doesn’t take much effort to prepare such a soup. All we need is dishes and necessary products.

You need any utensils enamel pan suitable volume (capacity) in which the soup and frying pan will actually be cooked. Frying is prepared in it, and for individual species In pea soup, some ingredients are fried, such as mushrooms or sausage. It is best to take a frying pan with a fairly thick bottom or a non-stick one.

In addition, you may need a blender to puree the finished dish.

Meatless pea soup is prepared using peeled drinking water or vegetable broth prepared in advance. It is worth noting that the quality of water plays an important role in cooking.

The beans can be taken whole, chopped or crushed; this will only affect the cooking time and will not affect the taste in any way.

To speed up the cooking process, dried peas are soaked and only then added to a hot broth or initially filled with cold water and left to cook.

To enhance the taste and nutritional value of pea soup cooked without meat, you can add mushrooms (champignons), ripe tomatoes, vegetables, cream, sausage and even processed cheese.

Season the dish with the spices specified in the recipe, or select according to your taste.

Mushroom pea soup without meat


200 grams of split peas;

Potatoes – 2 small tubers;

One carrot;

Head salad onions;

300 grams of champignons, fresh;

75 ml vegetable oil;

One laurel leaf;

Salt, evaporation

Cooking method:

1. Selected peas, rinse them well under the tap and soak in a large volume of cool water for 9–12 hours. The volume of liquid should be approximately three times that of beans. In warm weather, the water should be changed several times to prevent the peas from turning sour.

2. Rinse the soaked peas well in several waters and add two liters of filtered water and bring to a boil. Before boiling, the peas may stick to the bottom of the pan, so you need to stir them periodically, trying to reach the bottom of the pan with a spoon.

3. From boiling pea broth Carefully remove all the foam with a slotted spoon and place the peeled onion in it. Reduce the heat and, stirring occasionally, cook the peas for half an hour, without letting the broth boil intensely.

4. Add potatoes, cut into one and a half centimeter cubes, and bring to a boil over high heat. After this, reduce the heat again and continue cooking.

5. Using a coarse grater, grate the carrots and place them in the pan, ten minutes after the potatoes.

6. Cut the champignons washed with water into small slices along the mushrooms. In a thick-walled frying pan, heat one and a half tablespoons. spoons of oil and place the champignons in it and cook on medium heat until lightly browned.

7. Remove the onion from the soup, salt the soup itself and add the fried mushrooms. Continue cooking, focusing on the softness of the potatoes.

Tomato pea soup without meat with prunes and apples


A glass of peas, preferably crushed;

Four ripe tomatoes;

Two small sour apples;

Two onions;

100 gr. prunes (pitted);

50 ml olive or frozen sunflower oil;

Cinnamon to taste.

Cooking method:

1. Pour crushed, washed peas with cold drinking water and leave in it for forty minutes, drain the water, and rinse the beans well again.

2. Place a two-liter saucepan filled one-third full with cold water over high heat. When the water is well heated, but not yet boiling, put the washed peas in it, stir, and bring to a boil. Next, reduce the heat to almost a minimum so that the water does not boil intensely, and cook until completely softened.

3. In a small amount of vegetable oil (a tablespoon), sauté the onion, chopped into small pieces, until golden brown and set aside for a while.

4. Cut the prunes into thin strips, and cut the apples with the peel, but without the core, into centimeter cubes. Cut out the stem of the tomato and chop it into cubes, just like apples.

5. Place the chopped apples, tomatoes and prunes into the soup being prepared on the stove. Add fried onions. Bring the soup quickly to a boil and then simmer on low heat for another 10 minutes.

6. Salt, taking a sample, add cinnamon and remove the pan from the heat.

Meatless pea soup with potatoes and cauliflower florets


A glass of split peas;

Medium carrot;

Two potato tubers;

200 gr. color juicy cabbage;

Butter 60 grams;

Hand-crushed black pepper, turmeric.

Cooking method:

1. Place pre-soaked and thoroughly washed peas on the fire to cook until softened. Pour water into the pan with peas so that it covers it by only 3.5 cm.

2. To prevent the peas from sticking to the bottom of the pan at the beginning of cooking, boil quickly, trying to stir them as often as possible, reduce the heat and continue cooking until tender.

3. Make sure there is always enough water in the pan. If the peas boil over while cooking, don’t be afraid to add boiled water.

4. When the peas are boiled enough, pour in one and a half liters of hot water. boiled water and wait until everything boils again.

5. In a boiling pea broth, place medium-sized carrot cubes with potatoes, cauliflower divided into small inflorescences. Before adding cabbage, soak it in slightly salted water for a quarter of an hour.

6. Add slightly thawed butter, turmeric - literally on the edge of a knife, black, freshly prepared pepper.

7. Cook the pea soup over low heat until the vegetables are cooked. Salt should not be added until the vegetables are half cooked.

Lean pea soup without meat


600 grams of peas;

Large head of onion white onion;

A bunch of dill with parsley;

Ground coriander;

Three small cloves of garlic;

To taste – pepper, adjika.

Cooking method:

1. Pour washed peas with filtered water in a ratio of one to three. You will need approximately 1.8 liters. water, maybe a little more, up to two liters.

2. Place the pan with the peas over high heat and let it boil. Place the onion, chopped into small slices (you can also use a whole onion), into the boiling broth, lower the heat and continue cooking until the beans are pureed.

3. During the cooking process, constantly stir the contents of the pan, making sure that the peas not only do not stick to the bottom at the very beginning, but also do not burn later.

4. If necessary, add boiled, hot water only.

5. When the peas turn into puree, add chopped (pressed or chopped) garlic, spices and adjika to your taste. Add salt, season with chopped herbs and simmer over low heat (lowest heat) for no more than a minute.

Creamy pea soup without meat


Green peas – 300 grams (can be frozen);

22% natural cream– 200 ml;

90 grams (3 tbsp) white flour;

Lard – 20 grams;

Table salt, curry.

Cooking method:

1. Place green peas in boiling water and cook them after boiling the liquid again over low heat until tender. Frozen peas do not need to be thawed before adding.

2. Melt the lard in a frying pan and fry the flour on it until it becomes soft and creamy.

3. Add cream to the flour, stir thoroughly and heat well, no more than two minutes. When mixing flour with cream, try not to let it clump together. If this does happen, grind the mixture through a sieve.

4. Enter cooked cream mixture Add the broth to the cooked peas, salt the soup and add curry to your taste.

5. Whip the contents of the pan with a blender into puree and warm it up a little.

Creamy pea soup without meat with green peas


1 cup peas (crushed);

Green peas – 200 grams;

Potatoes – 4 pcs.;

Two small carrots;

Medium bulb;

Garlic clove;

15% cream – 150 ml;

Hundred gram processed cheese;

50 ml light soy sauce;

Paprika, khmeli-suneli, curry, pepper - everything to taste;

Cooked fine salt;

A teaspoon of 72% butter.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the crushed peas, place them in a saucepan for cooking soup and add two liters of liquid (vegetable broth, filtered water), and bring to a boil over high heat.

2. When the liquid in the pan begins to boil, remove all the foam and continue cooking on low heat.

3. In a separate container, boil frozen green peas until soft.

4. Cut carrots (1 pc.) into rings or half rings, potatoes into cubes of any size. As soon as the peas begin to soften, but do not have time to completely boil, add carrots and potatoes to them.

5. Pour two tablespoons into a small frying pan. tablespoons of butter (you can mix lean with butter) and, after heating well, brown and dry the onion in it. Add a second, finely grated carrot to the onion and, stirring constantly, fry for another four minutes.

6. When the potatoes and carrots have softened, transfer the fried vegetables to the soup. Add finely grated processed cheese and well-heated cream. If you pour the cream in cold, it may curdle.

7. Top up soy sauce, add all the spices, butter and salt to your taste.

8. Puree the soup with a blender into a homogeneous puree. Place boiled green peas in it, add dill and boil.

9. Remove from heat and let pea soup sit for ten minutes.

Lean pea soup without meat with sausage


Split peas– one and a half glasses;

Two ripe tomatoes;

Two onions;

Carrots – 2 pcs.;

Sweet pepper – 2 pcs.;

350 grams smoked sausage, "Servelat";

To taste spices, pepper (black).

Cooking method:

1. Make a vegetable broth from one carrot, onion and tomatoes. For the specified amount of vegetables, take 1.8 liters. drinking purified water. The preparation time for the decoction is 20–30 minutes.

2. When the broth is ready, remove the vegetables, add pre-soaked peas and cook on low heat until the beans are cooked.

3. B vegetable oil lightly fry the finely chopped onion (one head), then add finely grated carrots and chopped carrots to it smoked sausage. After three minutes, add the finely chopped Bell pepper and simmer, covered, for 10 minutes.

4. During stewing, do not forget to stir the frying, otherwise it will burn.

5. Add to the boiled peas vegetable roasting, add spices and stir well. Test before adding salt, as the sausage will release its salt into the soup.

6. Turn off the heat and let the dish stand for a quarter of an hour.

Pea soup without meat - tricks and useful tips

Cooking time dried peas depends not only on its type. To make the peas boil faster, it is advisable to soak them in advance cold water. It is optimal to do this in the evening.

It happens that the peas seem to have been well soaked and chosen correctly, but no matter how much you cook, they still do not soften. Poor quality water is the cause of this problem. Water for both soaking and cooking should be taken only filtered, or preferably purchased bottled.

Many experienced housewives Cook pea soup without meat in carbonated table water. The peas cook almost instantly.

Be sure to fry mushrooms and sausage added to pea soup. The taste of the dish will be more intense.

At the end of cooking or when serving, add chopped dill to the dish. This is not only useful, dill will help the intestines easily digest the soup and there will be no problems for which many of us are wary of pea soup.

Step-by-step recipes for making delicious pea soup without pre-soaking peas

2017-09-30 Yulia Ulitkina





In 100 grams ready-made dish

9 gr.

4 gr.


28 gr.

175 kcal.

Option 1: Pea soup without soaking - classic recipe

Cooking pea soup without soaking is easy if you know the secrets of its preparation. Main secret- a little soda. Delicious diet soup, rich in protein, will turn out thick, beautiful and healthy.


  • a glass of dry whole peas;
  • large onion;
  • two potatoes;
  • medium carrot;
  • two liters of water;
  • two tablespoons of oil;
  • one bay leaf;
  • salt to taste (one and a half teaspoons);
  • half a teaspoon of soda;
  • spices to taste;
  • fifty grams of fresh dill.

Cooking method:

Place the peas in a deep cup and rinse 3-4 times in cold running water. It should not become transparent.

Pour boiling water over clean peas, close the lid and leave for fifteen minutes.

Drain the cooled boiling water, place the peas in a thick-walled pan and again pour 1-2 cm of boiling water.

Add soda to the water, bring to a boil, reduce heat to low and cook under a closed lid until the water has completely boiled away (about half an hour). Be careful not to burn the peas.

Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes.

Pour two liters of boiling water into the peas, throw in the potatoes.

Chop the onion and finely grate the carrots.

Fry the vegetables until the carrots change color.

Place the roast in the soup, add salt, pepper and dried herbs to taste, throw in a bay leaf and finely chopped dill. Simmer for about five minutes, then turn off the heat and let the soup brew for ten minutes.

When serving, you can add a little crushed water to the plate. fresh garlic. It will add a spicy kick to the pea soup. Vary the thickness of the dish as desired by adding or reducing the amount of water.

Option 2: Pea soup without soaking in chicken broth

To make the taste of pea soup interesting without soaking, you can cook it in broth. When cutting chicken carcass often a bony back remains. It makes a wonderful broth, which you can use to cook peas.


  • a glass of clean peas;
  • chicken back without skin;
  • two liters of water;
  • medium carrot;
  • three potatoes;
  • two tablespoons of chopped dill;
  • salt to taste;
  • bay leaf optional.

Cooking method:

Rinse the peas until clean and remove any spoiled peas.

Place the chicken back, skin removed, and peas into the pan. Pour in water, add salt and cook after boiling until the peas are half cooked.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and carrots into thin strips.

Carefully remove the chicken. You can remove pieces of meat from the back and return them to the soup.

Place vegetables in pea soup, cook under half-covered lid for twenty minutes.

Season the finished soup with chopped herbs, cover with a lid and let it brew.

Instead of raw chicken back you can take it smoked breast or another part of the carcass. In this case, the meat needs to be cut and cooked together with peas. The aroma of smoke in pea soup comes in handy: it turns out both tasty and piquant.

Option 3: Pea soup without soaking green peas

Instead of dry peas, try using them to make soup. green pea. Not from tin can, but fresh frozen. There is no need to soak it, the dish is prepared quickly. You will get a beautiful and tasty pea soup without soaking.


  • half a kilo of meat tenderloin;
  • three liters of water;
  • three large potatoes;
  • three hundred grams of frozen fresh peas;
  • two small young carrots;
  • large onion;
  • one and a half teaspoons of salt;
  • three tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • a bunch of fresh parsley.

Cooking method:

Pour water over the meat and cook the broth. Approximate cooking time depending on the type of meat: cook pork from an hour to one and a half hours, beef from one and a half to two hours. Skim off the foam in time to ensure the broth is clean and clear.

Cut the vegetables beautifully. Carrots - in quarters or rings, onions - in neat cubes, potatoes in slices or strips.

Warm up vegetable oil and fry the onions and carrots for seven to ten minutes.

Remove the meat from the finished broth, strain and put back on the fire.

Add fried vegetables, green peas, and potato slices to the boiling broth. Cook at medium boil for twenty minutes.

Taste the soup for salt, add salt if necessary. Turn off the heat, season with pepper and let it brew under the lid.

When serving, garnish with chopped parsley and add a spoonful of fresh sour cream.

To avoid buying frozen peas in the supermarket, you can grow them in your garden or buy them in season. Place the peas in bags or containers and freeze for future use.

Option 4: Pea soup without soaking with boiled meat

A convenient and easy way to quickly feed your family is quick pea soup without soaking. It can be cooked when there is a piece of boiled meat left.


  • a glass of dry clean peas;
  • a quarter teaspoon of soda;
  • three glasses of drinking water;
  • one hundred grams boiled beef, veal or pork;
  • a teaspoon of a mixture of dried herbs;
  • three feathers of green onions.

Cooking method:

Sort out the peas, place in a sieve, and rinse under running water.

Place the washed peas in a saucepan, pour in one and a half liters of water and add soda. There should be a little water to lightly cover the peas.

Cook over high heat until the water boils. This will happen in five to ten minutes, so you will have to keep an eye on the peas.

As soon as the water boils, pour in half of the remaining part, again wait until it boils.

Add the remaining water, add salt, and wait until it boils. Total time Cooking peas from the beginning of the process is about twenty minutes.

Cut the meat and place it in the pan. Season the soup with dried herbs.

Leave the soup covered for five to seven minutes so that the peas swell and infuse even more.

When serving, garnish the soup with finely chopped green onions.

You can add any toppings to this version of the soup: boiled meat, smoked meats, sausages, fried or baked vegetables, fresh herbs. The taste can be changed each time by alternating meat or vegetable additives.

Option 5: Pea soup without soaking with smoked meats and tomatoes

Tomato sourness and piquancy of smoked meats - this is what makes pea soup practically without soaking restaurant dish. Interesting recipe, which is definitely worth taking note.


  • kilogram of meat;
  • three liters of water;
  • four hundred grams of dry peas;
  • three hundred grams of smoked meats;
  • large onion;
  • three tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • four potatoes;
  • large tomato;
  • medium carrot;
  • two laurel leaves;
  • one and a half tablespoons of salt;
  • four peas of allspice, ten of regular black pepper;
  • three cloves of garlic.

Cooking method:

Wash the meat, add water and put on fire.

Place washed, clean peas in a saucepan about fifteen minutes after boiling. Add salt and cook for forty minutes at a low simmer.

Chop the onion and smoked meats, chop the carrots, cut the tomato into small cubes.

Fry vegetables with pieces of smoked meat in hot oil. The mixture should simmer for at least fifteen minutes.

Cut the potatoes into neat slices.

Place the potatoes in the soup, after boiling, add the roasted vegetables, bay leaf, crushed black peppercorns, whole allspice. Cook after the next boil for fifteen minutes.

Finely chop the garlic with a knife or pass it through a press, put it in a saucepan, remove from heat and let it brew.

As a meat filler you can take smoked brisket, ribs, pork knuckle. If you add some sausages and boiled meat to the soup, you will get a thick and very satisfying stew that will replace both the first and second courses.

Pea soup with croutons - incredible tasty dish from childhood. Even cooked without meat, it is always so satisfying. Its taste is unique. Especially with it, there are also croutons - crispy and very appropriate for a plate of such soup. My mother knew how to cook it in a way that I still cannot learn. Although I also know how to cook delicious pea soup.

What else I like about this first dish is the presence large quantity the protein we all need so much. And if you cook it without any smoked or fatty additives, you can even throw it off excess weight! Although pea soup is usually cooked in winter, it is appropriate at any time of the year if you want to feed your family heartily and tasty.

The only thing that those who now decide to cook this healthy delicacy with me may not like is the cooking time. After all, peas are hard in themselves, and without soaking overnight it will be difficult to cope with this quality. . Although there are also types of peas that boil very quickly. So, let's get to work!


  • Peas - 1 cup
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onion – 1 pc.
  • Celery – 70 gr.
  • Potatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Garlic – 2-3 cloves
  • Butter and vegetable oil - for frying
  • Flour - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Pepper and spices - to taste

How to cook delicious pea soup correctly - step by step instructions

Soak the peas overnight in cold water. And in the morning we’ll just start cooking it. By the way, peas may seem like something simple. Yes, at one time they fed livestock. And it was mostly common people who ate it. Peas began to walk around the planet a long time ago, so they ended up in China in the 1st century. BC e.! Like lentils, they were an important part of the diet of many peoples in the Middle East, North Africa and Europe. Many families still love to cook it. So, morning has come and we need to rinse the peas well, draining the water in which they softened. Place it on the stove with a liter or two of water. Turn on the gas, bring to a boil, reduce the heat, cover everything with a lid and move on to other ingredients. Wash the potatoes, peel and cut into small pieces.

Cut the potatoes into small cubes

Without frying, pea soup will not be very tasty. Therefore, we will prepare it. There are two ways. In one version, onions, carrots and celery are stewed with the addition of small quantity butter. In the second, everything is more complicated. After cutting the washed and peeled vegetables into slices, heat a frying pan over high heat and pour in vegetable oil. When it's hot, add the onion, carrots and celery. By the way, about celery. It, complementing the first dish with its extraordinary taste (and we took the root), will also bring benefits. Especially those who are losing weight. Although our frying clearly says that only those who can afford to do this at least once a month or two, or whose figure and health are not affected by this method of preparation, will dare to cook this soup. So, fry over medium heat.

Let's make a frying of onions, carrots and celery

While the peas are cooking, let’s prepare something that will completely enhance the taste of the soup. To do this, finely chop the garlic. Heat a second frying pan and add butter. When it melts, add a tablespoon of flour here. Let's sauté it until it turns golden. And at the very end, add garlic and your favorite spices. Let it all still fry slightly so that the garlic turns golden. By the way, if the peas are half cooked, you can safely put the potatoes in the pan and let them simmer there while we do the rest of the work. Well, this is what our gas station should look like!

Fry garlic and flour in butter

Are the peas and potatoes ready? Then turn on the soup for a second, let it brew and swell a little. And we will put the frying pan on the stove for the third time (everything can be done in parallel). While it is heating, cut the bread into small pieces. Put the butter again, when it is hot enough, add the slices of bread. These will be a kind of croutons that will replace lean croutons for us. Although, if you don’t want to eat so much fried food, you can bake these slices in the oven, but preferably in advance. Well, if you dare to fry the bread, you can also coat it with delicious spices.

Fry croutons or bake croutons in the oven

That's finishing touch. Bring the soup to a boil and add the dressing. You just need to do this promptly, remembering to thoroughly mix the soup and frying so that there are no lumps. At the same moment, put a bay leaf here, you can, if desired, add pepper and salt.

At the last moment, combine the soup and garlic with flour, bay leaf and spices to taste

Boil the soup for another three minutes, but with the lid closed and on low heat. You can turn it off. Do you already feel from the aromas that it turned out delicious? And when you start eating, you will understand that this soup will find a permanent place on your menu. But before you pour the soup, let it brew. And only then pour greens and croutons into a plate. Bon appetit!

Pea soup with croutons is ready. Bon appetit!

How to make pea soup even tastier - some useful tips

  • We don’t add salt to the pea soup – the garlic will do the job.
  • This first course is served hot.
  • You can put a spoonful of sour cream on a plate.
  • If you don't fry everything, you'll get a soup for weight loss.
  • If you cook peas without steeping overnight, the soup will take at least two hours to cook.
  • These peas make an excellent pureed soup, as tasty as a pureed mushroom soup. You just have to grind everything in a blender.

By the way

  • Unripe, green peas became popular in the 17th and 18th centuries. In England and France. At the same time, the British developed new varieties of peas, “garden” and “English”.
  • In the 16th century, peas began to be served at the table French king, and not just commoners, seasoning the dish with fried lard.
  • In the Russian Federation, a lot of peas were grown in the Yaroslavl province. We have many expressions associated with him - “pea jester”, “king Pea”, “stuffed pea”, punished on peas, etc.
  • German soldiers constantly ate pea sausage, so the country cultivated peas and prepared many other dishes.
  • It turns out, according to a survey, this crop is the seventh favorite vegetable of the British.
  • Peas, rich in protein, come in shelling and sugar varieties.
  • This excellent fertilizer maker can easily destroy a ship.
  • In short, a lot more interesting things can be told about this culture, but soup awaits us!