Useful properties of kohlrabi. Vitamin soup from kohlrabi with potatoes. Nutritional value of the product

Kohlrabi cabbage looks like a turnip. For this similarity, Europeans call it cabbage turnip. The taste of this vegetable is close to that of the stalk white cabbage. It is known that the ancient Romans treated this with great respect vegetable crop, they ate it regularly and treated some ailments with the vegetable. Today the culture is recognized as a storehouse of vitamins. So, today we are talking about why kohlrabi cabbage is valued - we will discuss the beneficial properties of kohlrabi cabbage and contraindications to it in this article.

Unique chemical composition of the product

Many vitamins were found in the vegetable. Retinol, niacin, riboflavin, folic acid, pantothenic acid, vitamin C, K are present here. Mineral composition is also diverse, substances found here are selenium, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, iron and copper. This vegetable is low in calories, containing only 27 calories. Fiber in kohlrabi cabbage is about 10%.

Healthy cabbage named Kohlrabi

Thanks to high content coarse fibers, this culture is able to cleanse the intestines. Fiber absorbs toxins and rotting products and removes them with feces. The result is improved performance digestive tract, people get rid of constipation. In addition, coarse fiber creates a feeling of fullness. That is why kohlrabi cabbage is recommended for people who want to lose weight.

Thanks to the presence of magnesium in the vegetable, the functioning of the heart and nervous system improves. By regularly consuming kohlrabi cabbage, people note increased performance and a surge of energy. This culture helps improve high-quality composition blood, because a lot of iron was found in it. Abundance minerals as part of the culture helps to avoid osteoporosis. Those who eat cabbage regularly will never experience brittle bones or tooth decay.

Kohlrabi is also good for the eyes, because it contains retinol. Vitamin A is a natural antioxidant. It protects the cornea from pathological changes, prevents cell aging, strengthens nails and hair. This type of cabbage also helps accelerate metabolic processes in the body. The B vitamins found in it help normalize fermentation processes and have a beneficial effect on nervous system.

Kohlrabi protects against breast and prostate cancer because it contains natural substances– glucosylates. They have high antioxidant properties. This vegetable also increases the body’s resistance to viral attacks, because it contains large amounts of vitamin C. These are the properties of kohlrabi.

Who benefits from eating kohlrabi cabbage??

Having considered the properties of the vegetable crop, let’s summarize who it is useful for:

1. For women to maintain their beauty.

2. To prevent cancer for all people.

3. Those who want to lose weight.

4. For those who have low hemoglobin.

5. People with low immunity.

6. For those who suffer from constipation.

7. In case of metabolic disorders.

Contraindications for kohlrabi cabbage

Is kohlrabi cabbage good for everyone or are there any contraindications for it? Some people should consume the vegetable with caution. Let's consider in what cases it can harm health.

1. With increased acidity of gastric secretions.

2. For flatulence.

3. For peptic ulcer disease.

4. Gastritis.

5. During lactation (can cause colic in the baby).

6. If you have pancreatitis in the acute phase.

7. If you are allergic to this product.

Nutritional value

Having considered the beneficial properties and contraindications of cabbage, let’s study it nutritional value. This information may be useful to people who strictly monitor their diet.

It has already been mentioned that this vegetable is low in calories; one hundred grams of cabbage contains only 27 calories. Despite this, the stem fruit is very satiating due to its high fiber content. The same amount of vegetable contains 3 grams of protein and 8 grams of carbohydrates. There is no fat in this product. As you can see, this is a dietary product; it is not without reason that it is recommended to be included in the diet if you are overweight.

Use in cooking

What is made from kohlrabi? This product is most useful in fresh. It is added to salads. But even after heat treatment, it retains a lot of value for the body. People with intestinal and stomach diseases can consume this cabbage rubbish small quantity boiled or stewed. Raw cabbage too heavy on the digestive system due to large quantity fiber and acid. This product can be baked with meat or fish, with rice and other vegetables, adding sour cream. Such dishes are often used in dietary nutrition. This cabbage is very tasty in soups with the addition of mushrooms. It is worth including it in your diet regularly to experience real benefits for the body.

Kohlrabi cabbage is especially valued in Europe. The local residents have been using it in cooking for a long time, as they strive for proper nutrition. Russians prefer other cabbage varieties - cauliflower and white cabbage. Why not try making some salad or side dish from kohlrabi?

In European countries, kohlrabi is called cabbage turnip. According to the classification, it belongs to the type of white cabbage, and with turnips they only have in common external similarities and sweet taste. According to historians, kohlrabi, recipes for dishes from which were found even among the ancient Romans, began to penetrate into Germany and Sweden already in the middle of the 16th century. After 100 years it becomes so popular that it gets the name vitamin bomb due to the high content of vitamin C.

Features of culture

The stem fruit (agree, a beautiful word?) Kohlrabi is tender and very juicy. Basically, this is a stalk that children love to chew on so much. The core of white cabbage contains a lot of nitrates. Kohlrabi does not have them, but instead has a lot of nutrients and healing substances.

The advantages of the vegetable include its garden qualities, namely: resistance to pests and many diseases. In northern latitudes, kohlrabi not only grows, but also ripens. They began to grow it more in Russia. Thanks to this, cabbage turnips began to appear more often in our diet.

Composition and biological value of kohlrabi

We already know about it. Along with it, garden lemon has a large supply of vitamins A, PP, as well as B and B2. Kohlrabi, whose beneficial properties are not limited to this, contains carbohydrates and proteins. It also contains a lot of enzymes.

In terms of the content of minerals and alkaline group metals (K, Ca, Mg), as well as iron and cobalt, cabbage turnip occupies a prominent place among vegetables. And thanks to the glucose contained in it, it quickly quenches your appetite. Kohlrabi is a low-calorie plant. 100 grams contain only 42 kcal. These qualities of kohlrabi have become the reason why healers, cooks and nutritionists love it.

Useful properties of kohlrabi and contraindications

The rich set of biologically active elements in cabbage tissue has a positive effect on health. Eating it maintains tone and stabilizes the physiological processes of many organs in case of imbalance in their work.

Genitourinary system

Thanks to the mild diuretic effect of kohlrabi, excess fluid is removed from the body. As a result, swelling and the amount of salts leading to the development of urolithiasis.

Gastrointestinal tract

Cabbage juice increases your appetite. At the same time, it prevents the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the spleen and epithelium of the digestive organs. It is able to treat stomach and duodenal ulcers and normalize the functioning of the liver and gallbladder.

The immune system

The cardiovascular system

Nervous system

Cabbage turnip has a calming effect. And as an antidepressant it reduces nervousness, improves mood, and balances emotions.


Extracts from this subspecies of white cabbage are present in cosmetic creams. Vitamins K and E contained in kohlrabi regenerate the epithelium, increase the tone of aging skin, refresh and rejuvenate it as a whole. Masks made from the raw product have a more effective effect.

Oral cavity

Kohlrabi juice sanitizes the tongue and gums, reduces the risk of gingivitis and stomatitis. Cabbage not only fights caries, but also successfully resists many microbes that provoke inflammatory processes in the mouth.

One cannot ignore the fact that kohlrabi has anti-cancer property. The selenium contained in its tissues prevents the development of cancer of the colon, as well as the mammary gland and genitourinary system.

The low calorie content of kohlrabi has made it a favorite product of nutritionists. Quick reset overweight Fiber helps to cleanse the intestines of poisons and waste formations. And as a result of the action of tartronic acid, the transition of carbohydrates into fatty formations is disrupted.


When determining the beneficial properties and contraindications of kohlrabi, we note that positive effect There are many more negative aspects to eating this vegetable. There are no special gastronomic prohibitions. But due to its ability to bloat the stomach and increase the acidity of its environment, kohlrabi is not recommended in the following cases:

  • for gastritis with stomach acidity higher than normal;
  • during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • during the flow acute form pancreatitis;
  • with a bad individual reaction to the product.

Culinary processing of kohlrabi

To get the most health benefits from kohlrabi, it is best to eat it raw. Spicy taste possesses young cabbage tops. It is added to salads with other vegetables. But usually they use stem fruit. It is passed through a grater and flavored vegetable oil. In this form, kohlrabi has the juicy and sweet taste of turnips, but is much more tender.

When preparing cabbage dishes using the method hot processing It is recommended to chop it into small cubes, which can then be used in frying, stewing, baking and boiling. She is often included in various vegetable stew, soups and salads. Kohlrabi dishes are especially good, stuffed with meat and vegetables. The middle of the fruit is removed and the crushed filling is placed there.

To enhance the flavor of raw kohlrabi fresh salads add soy or cheese sauce(by the way, you can read the article about). With cabbage turnips great combination Many seafood, poultry, peanuts and legumes have.

To preserve the beneficial properties of kohlrabi, first of all, you should not subject it to too long processing. As is known, when high temperatures ah, many vitamins, in particular ascorbic acid, are destroyed. This circumstance must be especially taken into account when preparing vitamin and dietary dishes for vegetarians, children and the sick. All other categories of eaters, even if they agree with this situation, are still more interested in the gastronomic component of the dishes.

Several popular recipes

There are a lot of recipes with kohlrabi. They are mentioned in various cooking reference books. Here are some of the most successful and simple examples.

1. Korean kohlrabi salad

This recipe is perhaps the easiest. It combines benefits and taste at the same time. Anyone who can hold a knife and a grater can cook it (this is a recipe for us men). To do this, he needs to wash and peel one large, two medium-sized cucumbers and kohlrabi weighing 200 g.

Carrots and cabbage are grated on a fine grater, and cucumbers are cut into strips with a knife. Then they crumble finely and. The ingredients are combined, salted, peppered, seasoned sunflower oil. You can add a little sourness to the salad with a couple of drops of lemon juice.

2. Cream soup

This soup is quite original and is prepared as follows:

  • peeled potatoes - 3 pcs., a medium-sized onion and one head of kohlrabi;
  • all vegetables are cut into pieces at random and fried in vegetable oil;
  • the roast is transferred to a pan, a liter of water is poured in and simmered for 10 minutes;
  • then salt and pepper;
  • All ingredients are passed through a blender or sieve and allowed to cool;
  • Bring the finished soup to a boil again and add whipped cream.

The puree soup is poured, greens and fried hunting sausages are poured into each plate.

3. Stewed kohlrabi

You need to remove the top layer of five kohlrabi heads. Then cut into cubes, lightly salt, fry in flour for butter. Place the slices in a saucepan and sprinkle with a little pepper. After this, you need to mix a third of a glass of sour cream with tomato juice(2-3 tablespoons) and pour the mixture into the pan. Kohlrabi should be simmered for no more than 35 minutes until soft. Ready dish sprinkle with chopped parsley or dill and serve.

Kohlrabi itself and recipes for dishes made from it have not yet taken root enough in agriculture and the diet of our compatriots. But I would like to hope that her many virtues will one day certainly bring her to the forefront of universal adoration.

Few people know how to cook kohlrabi cabbage. After all, not everyone has heard of this unusual vegetable. That is why we decided to devote this article to this topic.

General Product Information

Before I tell you how to cook kohlrabi cabbage, I should tell you a little about what such a vegetable actually is. Kohlrabi is called stem cabbage, which came to our country from Italy. It has been grown in Europe since the 16th century.

Ball-shaped thickened stem with a reserve huge amount nutrients is formed in the first year of its life. After its complete formation, the upper part of the vegetable temporarily stops its growth, and a kind of thickening forms on the plant.

Kohlrabi is an early ripening crop. Thus, only two months pass from sowing the seeds to the actual harvest. It is better to use tender and young plants with small stem fruits for food. This cabbage can be eaten raw, as well as stewed, boiled or fried.

Kohlrabi (cabbage): recipes for first courses

Experts say that such a vegetable is much healthier than white cabbage or cauliflower. After all, it contains many vitamins, mineral salts, carbohydrates and proteins. It should be noted that in terms of the presence of calcium, kohlrabi surpasses even products such as cheese, milk and eggs.

Cooking kohlrabi cabbage does not take much time. For example, vegetable soup using this vegetable can be made in just half an hour.

So, to create delicious rich dish we will need:

  • kohlrabi cabbage - about 500 g;
  • sweet turnip - 1 small piece;
  • fresh carrots - 2 medium pieces;
  • potato tubers - 3 pcs.;
  • spicy onion - 2 heads;
  • celery root - 25 g;
  • lettuce or spinach leaves - about 30 g;
  • sour cream or heavy cream- 130 ml;
  • butter - about 50 g;
  • leek - bunch;
  • fresh tomatoes - 2 small pieces;
  • vegetable oil - add as desired;
  • any fine salt - to taste;
  • parsley, dill - to taste.

Vegetable processing

Dishes made from kohlrabi cabbage are not only tasty, but also surprisingly healthy. To make a satisfying and nutritious soup, you need to take fresh cabbage, wash it thoroughly, and then cut off the leaves and peel the stems. Next, you need to remove the skin at the base of the leaf, root and wash again under cold water. After this, the processed vegetable should be cut into not very thick slices.

As for the remaining vegetables, they also need to be rinsed, peeled, and then chopped into small squares.

Sautéing some of the ingredients

Before cooking kohlrabi cabbage, you should fry some ingredients well. To do this, you need to place a frying pan on the stove, pour vegetable oil and butter into it, and then heat it slightly. Next, you need to put chopped turnips, carrots, fresh parsley and dill, onions and celery into the bowl. After mixing all the vegetables, they should be fried until a reddish crust appears. Finally, you need to add to them fresh tomatoes, crushed to a mushy mass using a blender.

Heat treatment of the entire dish

How to cook kohlrabi cabbage? To do this, you need to put a large pot of water on the fire and wait for it to boil. Next, place the cabbage, cut into slices, into the bubbling liquid. After boiling it for 2-3 minutes, remove the vegetable and discard it in a colander. After this, you need to place chopped potatoes and vegetables sautéed in a frying pan into the same broth. After mixing the ingredients, season them with salt, bring to a boil, and then cook for about 20 minutes.

The final stage in preparing delicious vegetable soup

Five minutes before the end of cooking the vegetable soup, add finely chopped spinach (or lettuce), as well as leeks. After removing from the stove, add boiled kohlrabi slices to the dish. By the way, they can be served separately.

How to present soup to the table

Now you know how to cook kohlrabi cabbage. Recipes for first courses using this vegetable can include perfect different ingredients. So, if you want to get more hearty dish, it can be prepared using beef or chicken.

After the vegetables are completely soft, the soup needs to be distributed into bowls and served along with fresh herbs, cream or sour cream. Bon appetit!

How to cook kohlrabi cabbage? Vitamin salad

As mentioned above, such a vegetable can be consumed not only boiled or fried, but also in a raw state. Exactly fresh cabbage Kohlrabi can provide your body with all the essential nutrients.

So, to prepare a vitamin salad we need:

  • fresh kohlrabi cabbage - about 400 g;
  • young carrots - about 3 medium pieces;
  • sour apple - 1 large piece;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - large spoon;
  • fat sour cream - 150 g;
  • fine iodized salt - add to taste.

Ingredient Processing

As we found out above, thermal cooking kohlrabi cabbage does not take much time. However, during such processing, the vegetable may be partially deprived of nutrients and vitamins. In this regard, experts advise consuming this product raw.

So how is kohlrabi (cabbage) processed? Salad recipes recommend thoroughly washing the vegetable, peeling it from the stems and peel, and then grating it on a large grater. After this, you need to do the same with the remaining ingredients. However, it is advisable to grate the carrots on a fine grater.

The process of forming a dish and serving it to the table

Having processed vegetables and fruits properly, they need to be placed in a common container, seasoned with salt to taste, add lemon juice and full-fat sour cream. After mixing all the ingredients with a spoon, they should be placed in a salad bowl and served before the main hot lunch. Bon appetit!

Cooking the second course in the oven

Is stuffed kohlrabi (cabbage) tasty? Recipes that call for the use of this vegetable include completely different ingredients. They can also be filled in this product and send it to the oven for baking. For this we will need the following products:

  • kohlrabi as fresh as possible - 2 pcs. (for 2 servings);
  • medium-sized carrots - 1 pc.;
  • large chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • spicy onion - 1 pc.;
  • ground black pepper, fine sea salt - add to taste;
  • fresh butter - approximately 50 g;
  • hard cheese - 2 slices.

Cabbage processing

To make such a second dish, you should know how kohlrabi cabbage is properly processed. We will tell you how to cook it in the oven below.

So, the vegetable should be washed well, all stems and root parts should be cut off, and then peeled using a special vegetable peeler. Next, you need to remove the core from the cabbage using a round knife. As a result of these actions, you should get peculiar cups with walls of 1.4-2 centimeters.

Processing remaining vegetables

After the cabbage has been processed, it should be placed in salt water and leave aside for half an hour (for 1 glass of liquid there should be 1 dessert spoon salt). While the kohlrabi is blanching, you need to start preparing the remaining ingredients. Therefore, you should clean onion spicy and carrots, and then finely chop them. As for the chicken egg, it must be beaten vigorously with a fork.

Sautéing vegetables

To make this dish as tasty and aromatic as possible, it is recommended to pre-fry some ingredients in butter. To do this, put the frying pan on the fire, melt cooking oil, and then lay out the onions and carrots. By the way, the remaining kohlrabi cabbage after processing is also sent there. How to prepare these ingredients? They should be fried over low heat until the vegetables become golden color and soft. Before turning off the stove, pour the sautéed ingredients with a beaten chicken egg and season with fragrant ground pepper and small sea ​​salt. After quickly mixing all the ingredients, they must be immediately removed from the heat.

Formation process

Now you know how kohlrabi cabbage is processed. What can be prepared from such a vegetable? There are many recipes that housewives can use to make an unusual dinner for their entire family.

To prepare delicious baked cabbage, it should be properly stuffed. To do this, remove the vegetable from the salt water and rinse well again. Next, you need to place the sautéed products into its hollow middle part. Moreover, they must completely fill the kohlrabi.

Heat treatment of the second dish

After the lunch is formed, it must be placed in a heat-resistant form. You should also pour in about 1 glass of regular drinking water. This dinner needs to be baked in an oven preheated to 185 degrees until the main product is soft. A few minutes before preparing the dish, place one small slice of cheese on its surface.

How to present the second course to the table

The finished stuffed cabbage should be placed on small flat plates and then served hot. Additionally, this dish can be decorated with sprigs of fresh herbs and a mesh of mayonnaise. Bon appetit!

Healthy porridge for breakfast

About how to cook tasty soup for dinner, hearty stuffed vegetable And vitamin salad for lunch, we said. But how can you make breakfast using such a product? For this we need:

  • round grain rice - 1 cup;
  • fresh kohlrabi - 200 g;
  • filtered drinking water - 2 glasses;
  • butter - to taste;
  • country fat milk - 2 cups;
  • salt and granulated sugar- apply to taste.

Preparing the Components

To prepare milk porridge, you should use only round grain rice cereal. It must be rinsed well in water. Next, you need to wash the kohlrabi, peel it, and then grate it on a large grater.

Cooking on the stove

To make a delicious milk porridge, you need to take a thick-walled pan, pour water into it, add rice cereal and lay out the grated vegetable. After bringing the ingredients to a boil, they should be cooked for about 10 minutes. Next, you need to add fresh food to the dishes. village milk, salt and granulated sugar to taste. After waiting for it to boil again, mix all the ingredients, cover with a lid and cook over very low heat for half an hour. During this time, the rice should boil and the cabbage should completely dissolve in it. Finally, add butter to the milk porridge.

Final stage

After removing the dish from the stove, you need to keep it under a closed lid for about 10 minutes. Next, the milk porridge must be placed on plates and served as a tasty and healthy breakfast. Bon appetit!

Kohlrabi is one of the varieties of garden cabbage and is a biennial herbaceous plant, used as food. Its name is of German origin and is translated as “cabbage turnip” or “stem turnip.”

Biological description and distribution of kohlrabi

Kohlrabi is native to the Mediterranean. This vegetable crop has been known to mankind since the time Ancient Rome. Kohlrabi is valued and revered in Europe. In Russia, the vegetable crop is not very popular, despite the fact that its beneficial properties are in no way inferior to broccoli. It is much tastier than white cabbage.

Kohlrabi has fairly large dark green leaves. The stem develops faster than the head.

The plant is easy to care for and adapts well to different weather conditions. It tolerates cold weather well.

Applications of kohlrabi

Vegetable crop is used in cooking for cooking different dishes. In cooking, it is widely used both raw and stewed or boiled.

"Stem turnip", not processed heat treatment, often used in salads. Such dishes should be consumed as soon as possible after cooking, since over time the cabbage releases juice into them.

The fact that kohlrabi is overripe is indicated by its fibrous and tough pulp. It is advisable to use this cabbage for preparing hot dishes. Under the influence of very high temperatures, the fibrous part of the vegetable is boiled.

Kohlrabi has a lot of amazing beneficial properties, therefore often used in medicine. The juice of this cabbage is one of the components of various folk recipes.

Those who want to lose weight often resort to a diet with kohlrabi. Fasting days are widely used for weight loss.

Composition of kohlrabi

In 100 gr. Kohlrabi contains 44 kcal.

Nutritional value of the product:

Fats – 1.2%;

Proteins – 21.2%;

Carbohydrates – 77.5%.

The turnip stem contains much more vitamin C than an orange or lemon. It is rich in calcium, phosphorus, selenium, potassium, magnesium, iron, cobalt and mineral salts. It contains plant carbohydrates, proteins, and various enzymes. Cabbage pulp is very rich in glucose, sulfur compounds, fructose, vitamins PP, A, E, K, B1 and B2.

Kohlrabi: benefits and contraindications

Benefits of kohlrabi:

  1. Normalizes weight.

Kohlrabi is dietary product, so it is advisable to use it for people suffering from excess weight. It contains tartronic acid, which prevents obesity and helps you lose weight.

  1. Improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

Vegetables remove harmful waste and toxins from the body. It improves metabolism, gallbladder and liver function, and also increases appetite.

  1. It is a means of preventing cancer.
  1. Improves the functioning of the nervous system.

The vegetable has a sedative effect on the nervous system, and also relieves irritability, nervousness and is an excellent antidepressant.

  1. Has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects.

Cabbage juice disinfects oral cavity. It reduces the likelihood of stomatitis and gingivitis, and also inhibits the activity of carious microorganisms.

  1. Is a diuretic.

"Stem turnip" removes from the body excess water, resulting in a reduction in the amount of salts that lead to the development of urolithiasis. Eating cabbage also reduces the likelihood of swelling.

  1. Increases immunity.
  1. A decoction of kohlrabi roots is a wonderful remedy for the treatment of tuberculosis and bronchial asthma.
  2. Has a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the heart.

It is advisable to consume vegetables for people suffering from hypertension. This cabbage perfectly strengthens vascular walls, so it is often used to treat anemia, ischemia, heart failure and other similar diseases. In addition, it removes excess cholesterol from the blood, therefore, prevents the occurrence and development of atherosclerosis.

  1. Extracts from kohlrabi leaves are one of the components of various creams.

Vegetables contain vitamins E and K, which are responsible for restoring the epithelium and increasing the tone of aging skin. Turnip stem masks have a rejuvenating effect.


- in case of individual intolerance;

- with exacerbation of pancreatitis;

- for gastritis with high acidity.

Kohlrabi calories

Calorie content cabbage kohlrabi– 42 kcal.

Kohlrabi for weight loss

The “stem turnip” contains arginine, a substance necessary for weight loss. It effectively burns the energy stored by the body - this is its next benefit

This cabbage contains isoleucine - an amino acid that gets rid of extra pounds and maintains performance. It is not surprising that a ten-day diet, the main product of which is kohlrabi, gives good results. Weight loss is approximately one kilogram per day.

The menu is as follows:

  1. Breakfast: one mug of coffee without sugar.
  2. Lunch: kohlrabi salad.


- pour a tablespoon of vegetable unrefined oil one chopped kohlrabi; - mix all ingredients, do not add salt.

Every other day you can add one to this lunch egg, hard-boiled. 3. Dinner: 250 g lean beef, fish or chicken (boiled), a glass of not very fatty kefir.

Dishes consumed during the diet should not be salted. If you feel hungry between meals, you can eat a few slices of “stem turnip”. Every day you need to drink at least two liters of liquid.

Fasting days using kohlrabi will help those who want to lose weight get rid of excess weight.

  1. Fasting day on kohlrabi and apples.

You need to eat about 0.6 kg of cabbage turnips and 0.8 kg per day unsweetened apples. These products can either be alternated or made into a salad without oil or salt. You need to drink during the day still water or unsweetened tea (preferably green).

  1. Fasting day on kohlrabi and kefir.

During the day, you need to drink about one liter of low-fat kefir and eat about half a kilogram of kohlrabi. You can make a salad from cabbage with the addition of fresh or boiled vegetables.

Traditional recipes with kohlrabi

A). Drink with cucumber and cilantro:

- prepare the ingredients: 220 g kohlrabi, 5 g cilantro and 120 g cucumber;

- squeeze juice from cucumber and kohlrabi;

- combine juice with chopped herbs;

- mix all components;

— drink 80-100 ml three times a day;

B). Grapefruit juice drink:

- prepare ingredients: 300 g kohlrabi, 12 g grapefruit;

- squeeze juice from grapefruit and kohlrabi;

- mix all components;

— drink about 100 ml a couple of times a day;

— Duration of therapy is approximately one month.

IN). Drink with honey:

— prepare the ingredients: 250 g kohlrabi, 20 g thin honey;

- squeeze juice from kohlrabi;

- mix cabbage juice with thin honey;

- drink 50 ml 3 times a day;

- Duration of therapy - from one to two weeks.

G). Drink made from infusion of wild strawberry leaves:

— prepare the ingredients: 10 g of wild strawberry leaves, 200 ml of water and 100 ml of cabbage juice;

- boil water;

- pour it over the strawberry leaves;

— leave the product to infuse for 20 minutes;

- strain the infusion;

- mix it with kohlrabi juice;

- drink the product during the day;

— The duration of such therapy is about two weeks.

D). Drink from walnuts:

- prepare the ingredients: 40 g of nut kernels (walnuts), 20 g of thin honey and 200 ml of cabbage juice;

- grind nut kernels (walnuts);

- add kohlrabi juice to them;

— take the product 30-50 ml 3 times a day;

— Duration of therapy is about one month.

E). Drink from garlic juice:

— prepare the ingredients: 150 ml cabbage juice, 3 cloves of garlic; 15 g thin honey;

- squeeze the juice out of the garlic;

- add kohlrabi juice to it;

- add honey to the mixture;

- mix all ingredients thoroughly;

— take the product 150-170 ml once a day;

AND). Drink from beet juice:

— prepare the ingredients: 250 ml cabbage juice; 20 g thin (unpasteurized) honey, 100 ml beet juice;

- combine the juices of kohlrabi and garlic, add honey to them;

— drink the drink 30 ml 5 times a day strictly before meals;

- Duration of therapy - from one to two months.

Z). Drink made from beet juice, carrot juice and dill:

- prepare ingredients: 80 ml beet juice; 80 ml carrot juice, 5 g dill, 100 ml cabbage juice;

- chop the dill;

- add a mixture of juices to it;

- mix all ingredients;

- drink about 100 ml a couple of times a day

— Duration of therapy is about two weeks.

AND). Drink made from beet juice, carrot juice and sauerkraut brine:

— prepare the ingredients: 100 ml carrot juice, 50 ml sauerkraut brine (white cabbage), 100 ml kohlrabi juice;

- combine cabbage and carrot juices with brine;

- mix all ingredients;

- drink 50 ml a couple of times a day;

- Duration of therapy is approximately one month.

  1. Drink with honey for hepatitis:

— prepare the ingredients: 150 ml of cabbage juice, 20 grams of thin, unpasteurized honey;

- mix all ingredients;

— take the product 150 ml 4 times a day strictly before meals.

  1. Drink with honey for cholecystitis:

— prepare the ingredients: 150 ml cabbage juice, 20 g thin honey;

- mix all ingredients;

— drink 150 ml a couple of times a day;

— Duration of therapy is about two months.

  1. Kohlrabi juice for decreased appetite:

— take about 100 ml of kohlrabi juice 40 minutes before meals.

  1. Kohlrabi decoction for bronchial asthma and tuberculosis:

— prepare the ingredients: 400 ml of boiled or purified water and 60 g of cabbage tops;

- fill the tops with water;

- put the product on the fire, boil;

- keep on fire for 20 minutes to half an hour (after boiling);

- strain the broth, cool;

— in case of exacerbation of bronchial asthma, the drink should be consumed 100 ml a couple of times a day;

- for tuberculosis - 80 ml three times a day.

Attention: kohlrabi used for the preparation of medicinal raw materials, if it was grown in your own garden, must be stored for 3-5 months at a temperature of 0 to 1 degree and a relative humidity of 45%.

Kohlrabi cabbage photo

  1. In Rome, cabbage turnip soup was the most affordable dish for poor people.
  2. In France, kohlrabi is the most popular vegetable for weight loss. In local cookbooks There are many recipes in which it is used. "Stem turnip" is served in expensive French restaurants.
  3. In France, a special machine is used that “transforms” kohlrabi into pasta. This product is then marinated in orange juice.
  4. “Stem turnip” is rightfully considered the most early-ripening and unpretentious of all cabbages.
Conclusion about kohlrabi:

Thus, kohlrabi can be used for the treatment and prevention of diseases, and also as a component various dishes. By consuming it, you can not only maintain health, but also quickly get rid of excess weight.

Kohlrabi is a subspecies of white cabbage. The stalk of kohlrabi, which has a pleasant, delicate and juicy taste, is eaten. This plant is easy to care for and resistant to pests, making it productively grown in different areas.


Kohlrabi contains many vitamins and minerals, vegetable proteins, and fiber. And thanks to the high amount of ascorbic acid, this variety of cabbage is also called “northern lemon”. This product is consumed in any form: it is boiled, stewed, fried and eaten raw. Kohlrabi can be used to prepare first and second courses, salads and even a filling for meat products.

If you regularly eat kohlrabi, you can improve the functioning of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and normalize the functions of the gallbladder. In addition, with the help of kohlrabi you can protect the body from infectious diseases and remove excess fluid from cells. In addition, this cabbage is useful to eat for hypertension and for the prevention of cancer.

Using this vegetable, you can cleanse the intestines of toxins, fecal stones, and reduce the likelihood of cancer. In addition, kohlrabi helps cleanse the body and protects blood vessels from cholesterol buildup. This product can help minimize the risk of blood clots.

Other beneficial properties of kohlrabi are:

  • prevention of atherosclerosis;
  • strengthening the heart;
  • normalization of blood pressure;
  • cleansing the body of harmful substances;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • optimization of metabolism.

Also, using this product you can reduce the likelihood of fat deposits. Therefore, kohlrabi is one of the important components dietary nutrition and is a dietary product. You can improve your health with kohlrabi respiratory system: juice from this cabbage relieves cough, improves well-being in case of kidney disease, tuberculosis, asthma, relieves inflammation in the mouth, and reduces the likelihood of developing anemia.

Thanks to kohlrabi, you can improve the health of your gums and teeth. Other useful property Kohlrabi has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. It is not surprising that kohlrabi is often added to cosmetic homemade masks. With the help of this cabbage you can improve your complexion, increase skin elasticity, and get rid of age spots. If you add yolk to a mask with kohlrabi, you can get rid of enlarged pores and even out your skin color.

And through a massage based on this product, the skin is freed from fine wrinkles, which helps improve the structure of the skin. Kohlrabi has antibacterial properties and helps protect the body from harmful effects bacteria. This product is especially beneficial for children and pregnant women. Through kohlrabi, you can strengthen the body's protective functions and improve metabolism. In addition, this product prevents the formation of excess fat deposits, which is especially important for pregnant women.


Kohlrabi contains minimal amount saturated fat and almost no carbohydrates. Also, this product does not contain carcinogens or harmful substances if the kohlrabi was grown not in a greenhouse, but in open ground.

Greenhouse or greenhouse kohlrabi often contains nitrates, which negatively affect the body. Harmful substances This cabbage prevents oxygen from enriching the body's cells. Therefore, this product can cause the development of cancer.

Calorie content

100 grams of kohlrabi contain 27 kcal (1.35% daily norm at 2000 kcal).


Pregnant women and nursing mothers can eat this cabbage without fear. Kohlrabi can also be given to infants, but only from 8-9 months of age.

Kohlrabi should not be included in the diet of people who have increased stomach acidity. In addition, it is not recommended to add kohlrabi to the menu of people who suffer from stomach and intestinal diseases. In other cases, this product has no contraindications.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

In addition to valuable vitamins, kohlrabi contains minerals that are beneficial to health.

Kohlrabi brings special benefits to the body and does not contain many calories. But this cabbage contains many valuable vitamins and minerals. Thanks to kohlrabi, the body is saturated with energy and gets inspiration for productive work during the whole day.
