Homemade mayonnaise: recipes with photos. Mayonnaise with lemon juice. Making garlic mayonnaise

Only people know how to make mayonnaise at home experienced chefs. After all, ordinary housewives have no need to cook such flavorful sauce on one's own. This is due to the fact that today it can be found not only in large supermarkets, but also in small shops. However, it should be noted that preparing mayonnaise at home does not take much time. In this regard, experienced chefs recommend making it yourself rather than purchasing a ready-made flavored product.

General information

Before we talk about how to make mayonnaise at home, you should tell us what such an ingredient is and what it is needed for.

Mayonnaise is perhaps the most popular sauce, which is added to almost any dish. This ingredient came to our country from Europe, or more precisely from France. Once upon a time it was consumed only in freshly prepared form. But due to its rapidly growing popularity, they very soon began to stock it for future use. Now mayonnaise is sold in all stores.

How to make homemade mayonnaise?

Making the mentioned sauce yourself is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. To do this you just need to purchase suitable ingredients, and then process them carefully.

So, before making mayonnaise at home, you should prepare the following ingredients:

  • large village eggs - 7 pcs.;
  • refined sunflower oil - 800 ml;
  • ready mustard - 20 g;
  • vinegar 3% table - 150 ml;
  • granulated sugar - about 20 g;
  • fine sea salt - about 15-20 g (to taste).

Preparing Ingredients

Preparing mayonnaise can take you from 30 to 60 minutes. And before you start mixing all the ingredients, you should carefully process all the products. To do this, you need to break the chicken eggs and separate the whites and yolks into different dishes. Moreover, we don’t need the first component, so you can safely freeze it and then use it to prepare some kind of dough. As for the yolks, it is recommended to leave them at room temperature so that they are completely warmed. But refined sunflower oil should, on the contrary, be slightly cooled in the refrigerator.

Mixing ingredients

How to make mayonnaise at home? To do this, you need to take an enamel or plastic bowl, put warm yolks in it, and then add mustard and fine sea ​​salt. Having mixed the ingredients well with a wooden spatula, slowly add pre-cooled (to a temperature of 12-15 degrees) refined sunflower oil. In this case, the vegetable fat should be well emulsified, that is, broken into small balls that will be evenly distributed over the yolks.

As a result of these actions, you should get a fairly thick and aromatic sauce that holds well on a spoon. It should additionally be added granulated sugar And table vinegar. Next, the mayonnaise needs to be thoroughly stirred again until smooth.

Features of the cooking process

It should be especially noted that mayonnaise is prepared much faster in a blender and turns out much tastier. But if you don’t have such a device, then all the ingredients can be whipped by hand.

After introducing low-percentage table vinegar, mayonnaise becomes much thinner. Moreover, he acquires White color. If you don't want to use this spicy product, then it can be quite easily replaced with freshly squeezed lemon juice or citric acid. Store ready homemade mayonnaise preferably in porcelain or enamel dishes only in the refrigerator compartment.

How to use mayonnaise in cooking?

As you can see, to make mayonnaise at home, there is no need to purchase expensive and outlandish products. Moreover, to get a tasty and aromatic sauce, you should pay attention to this culinary business just a few minutes of free time.

Once the mayonnaise is completely ready, it can be used to create any products. Thus, a homemade product is often used for cooking various salads, main courses and even baked goods. After all, mayonnaise added to the dough makes it very soft, loose, juicy and incredibly tasty. Try it and see for yourself.

Cooking low-fat homemade mayonnaise: recipe with photos

Those gourmets who carefully monitor their figure can prepare light mayonnaise for themselves. As a rule, the fat content of such home product does not exceed 50%.

So, a simple mayonnaise recipe involves using the following components:

  • cold drinking water - 3 glasses;
  • large country eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • prepared mustard - about 4 dessert spoons;
  • refined vegetable oil - approximately 1 liter;
  • table vinegar 3% - 3 large spoons;
  • wheat flour - 4 large spoons;
  • fine granulated sugar - 4 large spoons;
  • fine table salt or iodized salt - 2 dessert spoons.

The process of making aromatic sauce

It is quite easy to prepare mayonnaise, the calorie content of which does not exceed 300 energy units. To do this, you need to pour some water into a bowl, add wheat flour, and then stir thoroughly until smooth. As a result, you should get a mixture whose consistency is quite similar to thick sour cream.

Next, you need to put the remaining water on the fire and bring it to a boil. Then pour into a hot bowl flour mixture and, stirring regularly, cook a kind of jelly. Received thick mass should be cooled at room temperature, add beaten chicken eggs and salt, ready mustard, granulated sugar and table vinegar. All ingredients must be thoroughly beaten with a mixer until smooth.

Finally, gently pour into the resulting mixture, whisking continuously, in a thin stream any vegetable oil(for example, corn, sunflower or assorted). After beating the components to a homogeneous consistency, they should be placed in an enamel or ceramic bowl, hermetically sealed with a lid and placed in the refrigerator. After a couple of hours, chilled mayonnaise can be safely consumed in the form of aromatic and very delicious sauce.

Features of making mayonnaise at home

In mayonnaise "Provencal" homemade can be added various ingredients. This will give your sauce not only piquant and original taste but also beautiful appearance. So, added to finished product crushed garlic goes perfectly with meat dishes and crispy toast. If the homemade sauce is prepared specifically for fish or seafood, then you can additionally add lemon zest grated on a small grater. If you plan to season chopped vegetables with it, then it is advisable to add finely grated cheese or chopped olives.

A simple and quick recipe for homemade mayonnaise

“Provencal” mayonnaise is perhaps the most favorite sauce not only for residents of our state, but also for other countries. In order not to purchase such a product in a store, you should make it yourself. For this we need:

  • country chicken egg - 1 pc.;
  • granulated sugar - dessert spoon;
  • table vinegar 3% - dessert spoon;
  • refined sunflower oil - about 200 ml;
  • fine sea salt - about 1 g;
  • spices, or rather allspice ground and dried basil- add to taste.

Making your own mayonnaise at home

Before you start preparing this sauce, you should remove all ingredients except oil from the refrigeration chamber. After they reach the same temperature, you need to start mixing them. To do this, you need to take a deep blender bowl, and then break a large egg into it, add fine sea salt, sugar and allspice. After beating the ingredients at medium speed, pour in refined sunflower oil in a thin stream. At the end of this procedure, homemade mayonnaise should thicken noticeably. If this does not happen, then you should add a large number of chilled vegetable fat(about 30-50 g).

After the sauce thickens, you need to pour a little table vinegar into it. In this case, the mayonnaise should acquire a light shade and taste a little sour, that is, not be as bland as butter. As a result of thoroughly mixing all the ingredients using a blender, you should get the classic Provencal mayonnaise. If you want to make a more aromatic and rich sauce, then you need to add a small amount of ready-made mustard to all of the above ingredients.

By the way, if you don’t have a blender, you can use a regular hand whisk, mixer or food processor to make homemade mayonnaise.

The benefits and harms of homemade and store-bought mayonnaise

When buying mayonnaise in a store, you should remember that to preserve the product, manufacturers often add various additives and flavors to it. In this regard, to obtain a healthier and healthier sauce, it is recommended to make it yourself. After all, such a natural product is enriched with vitamins B, A and E, as well as PP. Moreover, homemade mayonnaise contains a large amount useful compounds, namely choline, calcium, magnesium, sodium, iron and phosphorus. However, it should be noted that consuming this sauce every day and in large quantities is highly not recommended. After all, it is quite high in calories, which can have a bad effect on your refined figure. In addition, table vinegar, which is included in mayonnaise, lemon acid and mustard negatively affect the gastric mucosa. In this regard, store-bought sauce or sauce prepared at home is not recommended for those who have any problems with the gastrointestinal tract.


Homemade Mayonnaise is one of the most famous and most delicious sauces in the world, especially widespread in our countries. How to make Mayonnaise at home? It’s as simple as that: all you need is a blender or mixer and a free 5 minutes. Do you like the speed of cooking? I still have a lot delicious dishes(and these are far from sauces!) that are prepared And , be sure to check it out 😉

There are many stories telling about where, how and by whom homemade mayonnaise was invented, but no one knows for sure. However, it is generally accepted that Mayonnaise sauce is French, although most likely it originated in ancient times in several places at the same time, where eggs and olive oil could be found. Previously, it was whipped by hand, but now it is very simple and quick to prepare homemade Mayonnaise with a mixer or blender - the result is the same.

So, how to make Mayonnaise at home? Step-by-step recipe with photos!


  • - 2 pcs
  • - 400 gr (mixture of sunflower and olive)
  • - 2 pinches
  • - 1 tsp
  • - juice - 1 tsp (can be replaced with white wine vinegar)

Cooking method

Making Mayonnaise at home, the recipe for which I will now tell you, will take very little time! Exists classic way, which uses only egg yolks. But, it seems to me, if you include proteins in the sauce, it becomes more tender, airy and more economical.

I make homemade Mayonnaise in a blender, but you can also use a mixer. We break into deep container from a blender or into a mixer bowl two eggs. Add salt, vinegar or lemon juice and mustard. I wrote the approximate quantities of these ingredients, but usually they are all added by eye and according to your taste.

Homemade Mayonnaise, the recipe with photos of which I tell and show, should be constantly beaten, so first beat the eggs with seasonings in a blender or mixer until smooth.

We begin to add refined sunflower oil in a thin stream. You will see the yellow liquid begin to react with the oil and turn into a white-yellow emulsion. As you increase the amount of oil, you will notice how the sauce begins to thicken and turn white. The more oil, the thicker the mayonnaise sauce will be. How to make homemade Mayonnaise without spoiling anything? The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise it will begin to disintegrate into its initial components.

We monitor the consistency and stop adding oil before reaching the final result. Now we take extra virgin olive oil and finish the job. WITH olive oil mayonnaise will have a special piquant taste. You can, of course, use exclusively olive oil, but in our country this is a costly affair. As you can see, homemade mayonnaise can be very inexpensive.

We'll definitely try it at the end. If the oil tastes distinctly, add a little vinegar or lemon juice and mustard. If the mayonnaise is sour, add sugar. If it's salty, add a little more oil. We bring it to perfection. Homemade Mayonnaise is ready! Now you know the recipe for Mayonnaise at home 😉 Let’s summarize!

Homemade Mayonnaise. How to make Mayonnaise at home? The recipe is short

  1. Break the eggs into a blender or mixer bowl, add salt, vinegar or lemon juice and mustard.
  2. Beat the ingredients for a few seconds and begin adding vegetable oil in a thin stream, continuing to whisk all the time.
  3. The consistency of homemade Mayonnaise will become increasingly thick, the more oil, the thicker the Mayonnaise will be.
  4. A little short of reaching the final result, continuing to whisk, we begin to pour in olive oil and bring the mass to the consistency you need: thick or thinner.
  5. We try homemade Mayonnaise, adjust it to the desired taste by adding sugar or salt, vinegar or mustard.
  6. Hooray! Now you know how to make homemade Mayonnaise!

The Mayonnaise recipe is brought to its logical conclusion. You can view , which are also prepared in a matter of minutes. Try cooking, leave comments with ratings, subscribe to new recipes in the right sidebar so you don’t miss anything (it’s free!) and remember that you are more talented than you can imagine. Enjoy your meal!

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Mayonnaise- a favorite dressing for dishes of the majority of the population of many countries. The airy consistency and appetizing sweetish-sour taste will add a touch of piquancy to any dish. You can buy it at any store, or you can make it at home yourself. How to make it at home delicious mayonnaise, we'll talk below.

The main thing in the article

Mayonnaise at home: what will you need?

  • Mayonnaise sauce is fairly easy to make. Products you will need fresh eggs, unrefined vegetable oil and spices to taste. Adding spices depends on individual preferences and the specific type of sauce.
  • Tools include a deep, spacious bowl, blender or mixer.

Tips and little tricks for housewives:

  • To ensure that the ingredients whip well, take them out an hour before cooking so that they reach room temperature.
  • For fried foods sauce with added jalapeno chili.
  • TO fish dishes- add beets, this will give a beautiful contrasting color.
  • Try adding other ingredients, among others: curry, capers, orange juice, onions, herbs, celery, horseradish, avocado, gherkins and other products.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment with natural products, because no matter the outcome, the sauce will be healthy.
  • It is better to use homemade eggs, and do not forget to wash them before breaking them.
  • Unrefined oil is better.
  • Add spices to taste, focusing on individual preferences.

How to make mayonnaise using a blender: a classic recipe using eggs

To make French sauce you will need the following ingredients:

Process of creation:

  1. First you need to wash the egg and then break it into a deep container.
  2. Then pour in the oil and beat everything with a blender. Start beating on low speed, then switch to high speed.
  3. After the contents reach a homogeneous consistency, you need to add the remaining spices.
  4. Then you need to foam again, taste it, if there is not enough of something, add and beat again.
  5. Store mayonnaise sauce in a closed container and add to dishes if necessary.

How to make homemade mayonnaise with a mixer?

To create a home spicy sauce using a mixer, you will need all the same products as for the above prepared mayonnaise sauce.

  • Crack the egg and pour in the oil.
  • Foam the contents with a mixer.
  • Add spices to taste.
  • Beat until fluffy.

Mayonnaise at home: recipe with a whisk

There are many variations in making mayonnaise sauce; you can use technical equipment, or you can do it the old-fashioned way. Using a whisk you can make mayonnaise that is no less tasty.

Recipe for thick mayonnaise at home: indistinguishable from store-bought

In fact, before the advent of mass production, chefs prepared their sauces by hand. Everyone had their own best recipe and no one wanted to share it. That's why skilled housewives I had to experiment, and that’s how I got the thick mayonnaise sauce.

  1. You can prepare mayonnaise immediately in the container in which it will be stored for the future.
  2. You need to pour oil into the container.
  3. In a separate bowl, stir mustard, a pinch of salt and vinegar.
  4. Pour into a container with oil.
  5. Gently break the egg without damaging the yolk.
  6. Mix in a convenient way for 15-20 seconds. It may take 10-15 seconds, but in any case, check the consistency.

Mayonnaise with milk at home recipe

There are many options for making a delicious sauce, one of them is a recipe made with milk. For this recipe you will need:

  • milk - 150 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • cream thickener - 3 g;
  • lemon juice - 25 ml;
  • salt;
  • mustard.

Recipe for mayonnaise without mustard at home

In general, mustard is added to the sauce according to individual preferences. This element is not so important, but its presence in the sauce adds a hint of piquancy. But if you are not a fan of bold sensations, you can try the recipe without this element, for which you need:

  1. Wash and crack the eggs into a deep container, pour in the oil.
  2. Place a mixer or other device inside and turn on medium power.
  3. Bring to education homogeneous mass.
  4. Add lemon juice, turmeric, powder and salt to the consistency.
  5. Continue whisking, then taste. If something is not enough, add it.
  6. The mayonnaise is ready, you can serve.

Recipe for mayonnaise without oil at home

Mayonnaise sauce will make any dish unforgettable, but one of the main components makes it very... Therefore, smart chefs found a way out of this situation by slightly modernizing the dressing. The dietary recipe for the irreplaceable sauce is no less easy to prepare at home. You will need:

  • boiled yolk - 2 pcs;
  • children's cottage cheese (or any other liquid consistency) - 200 g;
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt;
  • pepper.
  1. Place the yolks in a deep container and mash them with a fork.
  2. Combine cottage cheese with them and mix.
  3. Then add the spices.
  4. Bring all elements to form a homogeneous air mass.
  5. Ready-made diet mayonnaise sauce is ready for use.

Homemade mayonnaise: recipe without lemon

Sauce is a variety of flavors that reflects the character of the food. Lemon juice adds a small amount of sourness to the overall taste of the dressing. In dishes that are already rich sour combinations, you need a sauce without this component. For mayonnaise without lemon you need:

Recipe for Provencal mayonnaise at home

Every year more and more new types of sauce appear on store shelves. In the mid-20th century, the content of Provencal mayonnaise was strictly regulated by GOST:

  1. Everything was regulated in percentage terms, but if you calculate it in grams and milliliters, then it’s approximately what happened in parentheses.
  2. Pour oil into a large container and add raw yolks.
  3. Beat until a homogeneous consistency is formed.
  4. Add vinegar and mustard to the mixture and whisk again.
  5. Then add the remaining spices and beat again.

The simplest recipe for lean mayonnaise at home

Mayonnaise sauce - high-calorie product, so even some of its lovers abandon it in favor regular oil and salt. But there is one trick with which your favorite sauce will acquire lean content. For lean sauce you will need:

  • pea flakes- 3 heaped tbsp;
  • oil - 100 ml;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • vinegar - 3 tbsp;
  • mustard - 3 tbsp;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • pepper.
  1. Fill the pea flakes with water 1:2 and leave overnight. Then in the morning, put the peas to cook, keep them on low heat until a puree-like mass forms.
  2. Cool pea mash, then add oil and beat.
  3. Then combine the mixture with mustard, vinegar, salt, sugar and pepper separately.
  4. Beat again until fluffy.

Recipe for delicious olive mayonnaise at home

If you are a connoisseur of healthy and healthy food, then the dressing for the dishes you prepare should match. For healthy mayonnaise you need:

  • egg - 1 pc;
  • yolk - 2 pcs;
  • olive oil - 200 ml;
  • Dijon mustard - 30 g;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • powdered sugar.
  1. Break one whole egg into a deep container and add two yolks, then add Dijon mustard.
  2. Whisk the ingredients, then add the olive oil and whisk again.
  3. Add the remaining spices according to your taste and whisk again.
  4. Keep the resulting airy and at the same time dense sauce in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days, covered.

Japanese mayonnaise recipe at home

Japanese cuisine is famous for its exoticism and originality. For professional chefs Japan liked the French sauce so much that they decided to show what they could do themselves. Their sauce turned out to be no less interesting. For Japanese sauce you need to prepare:

  • soybean oil - 230 gr;
  • yolk - 3 pcs;
  • rice vinegar - 20 ml;
  • miso paste - 50 g;
  • yuzu lemon - 1 piece (can be replaced with regular lemon);
  • ground white pepper;
  • salt.
  1. Place the yolks in a large deep container and combine them into a homogeneous consistency.
  2. Add vinegar and blend with a blender.
  3. Whisking, gradually combine with oil.
  4. Add the lemon zest and stir the sauce.
  5. Combine with white pepper and salt, beat again until thick.
  6. Ready there-but-mono transfer to a covered container and place in the refrigerator. Store for no more than 3 days.

Homemade vegetarian mayonnaise recipe

Vegetarianism has long been part of the lives of some people. There are adherents of this way of eating who do not eat only meat. And there are 100% vegetarians, whose diet consists exclusively of plant products.

Ingredients for Vegetarian Mayonnaise Sauce:

  • cashews - 200 gr;
  • water - glass;
  • soy milk - 50 ml;
  • apple cider vinegar - 1 tbsp;
  • mustard - 2 tbsp;
  • oil - 80 ml;
  • salt;
  • ground pepper.
  1. Combine water with vinegar and put nuts in the resulting mixture for a day.
  2. In the morning, grind the nuts until a mushy mass forms.
  3. Add soy milk and the remaining spices, whisk until thick.
  4. The vegetarian sauce is just as good classic mayonnaise, and even more so in a store.

Better video recipes for homemade mayonnaise

see also better recipes preparations in our other articles.

Healthy food should not only be healthy, but also tasty. What could be more appetizing than mayonnaise sauce? That's why we found the best ones for you interesting recipes French mayonnaise sauce in its original form. We care about your health, and you take care of it.

Mayonnaise is the most popular sauce that is easy to find in grocery supermarket. Many salads, appetizers, and roasts cannot do without it. However, to facilitate the production process and extend shelf life industrial mayonnaise supplemented with preservatives, thickeners, dyes. Despite the fact that manufacturers try to comply original recipe homemade mayonnaise, the product cannot be called healthy. That is why many housewives prefer to prepare the sauce at home from fresh ingredients.

Very easy to prepare

Mayonnaise is considered traditional French sauce. Its invention is attributed to the chef Richelieu. The resourceful "chef" managed to prepare a new dish from butter and eggs - the only products left in the city of Mahon, besieged by the British (hence the name). According to another version, the progenitor original mayonnaise is garlic Sause, which was prepared back in Ancient Greece. Modern housewives They can easily repeat the recipe of the original mayonnaise and make a delicate sauce with their own hands.

Beneficial features

Natural mayonnaise contains products of plant and animal origin that have health benefits and are often used in cosmetology in the preparation of masks, conditioners, and lotions. Mayonnaise made from fresh natural products, contains vitamins, amino acids, microelements. Beneficial features homemade sauce are presented in the table.

Table - Composition and useful material natural mayonnaise

ComponentsCompoundImportance for the body
Vegetable oil- Vitamins E, A, D, B;
- fatty acid
- Strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
- has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular, nervous, and digestive systems;
- improves the structure of skin, hair, nails
Egg- Vitamins D, A, K, group B;
- amino acids,
- microelements (iodine, calcium, iron, phosphorus)
- Prevents vascular and heart diseases;
- strengthens bone and muscle tissue;
- improves memory, stimulates brain function
Lemon juice- Vitamins C, A, D, B1, B2;
- essential oil
- Prevents stress;
- has a beneficial effect on gums and teeth;
- strengthens the immune system;
- stimulates the heart;
- restores weakened hair;
- reduces nail brittleness
Mustard- Vitamins A, E, D, group B;
- unsaturated fatty acids;
- microelements (calcium, iron, sodium, magnesium);
- essential oil
- Improves the functioning of the digestive system and blood circulation;
- promotes metabolism;
- breaks down fats;
- has an anti-inflammatory effect

The main task of manufacturers is to extend the shelf life of the product. For this natural ingredients are replaced by surrogates. Instead of eggs, add egg powder or soy protein. The oil used is completely purified, devoid of active substances, or is replaced by trans fats that accumulate in the body in the form of waste. That is why natural mayonnaise healthier than industrial.

Homemade mayonnaise: recipes

The French are passionate about making mayonnaise. It is believed that it takes talent to create the perfect sauce. However, master step by step recipe Even a novice housewife can make homemade mayonnaise.

The main secret is to gradually mix the ingredients. Experienced housewives It is recommended to knead the eggs and butter by hand. “Lazy” mayonnaise is prepared in 5 minutes with a blender.


Peculiarities . A classic recipe for healthy homemade mayonnaise - with mustard. The sauce is mixed using separated yolks.

What is necessary:

  • chicken yolk - two pieces;
  • sunflower or corn oil - 250 ml;
  • ready mustard (paste) - one teaspoon;
  • spices, salt, sugar.


  1. Whisk together the yolks, mustard, spices, and salt into a single mass.
  2. Pour a little oil into the thickened mixture and stir.
  3. Stirring continuously, gradually add oil in small doses.
  4. Add lemon juice, which will lighten the sauce, and stir (you can leave it without lemon).

With quail eggs

Peculiarities . The sauce with quail eggs turns out tender, fluffy and airy.

What is necessary:

  • any vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • quail eggs- six pieces;
  • mustard paste - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • squeezed lemon juice - one tablespoon;
  • dill or parsley - a small bunch;
  • spices, salt, sugar.


  1. Add mustard, spices, salt to the eggs and knead into one mass.
  2. Add the oil gradually in small doses, without ceasing to stir.
  3. Squeeze the lemon and add chopped herbs.
  4. Whisk thoroughly and leave to cool.

From boiled eggs

Peculiarities . This recipe does not include mustard and is prepared from boiled yolks and raw eggs. It turns out nutritious sauce no spicy aftertaste.

What is necessary:

  • sunflower or any other vegetable oil - 200 ml;
  • raw and boiled yolks - two pieces each;
  • chilled boiled water - 30 ml;
  • squeezed lemon juice - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • spices, salt, sugar.


  1. Mash the warm boiled yolks with a fork.
  2. Mix the resulting mass with raw yolks and season.
  3. Add a few drops of oil periodically and continue whisking.
  4. Squeeze the lemon juice and add it along with the water.
  5. Stir vigorously and cool.

Sour cream and honey

Peculiarities . Homemade mayonnaise without eggs is suitable for people who suffer allergic reactions on chicken product. Sour cream replaces eggs in the recipe.

What is necessary:

  • sour cream - 250 ml;
  • vegetable oil from corn, flax or sunflower - 80 ml;
  • mustard paste - two teaspoons (if powder, then 0.5 spoons);
  • honey (light) - one tablespoon;
  • squeezed lemon juice - one tablespoon;
  • asafoetida, black pepper, shamballa - 0.5 teaspoon each;
  • black (rock) salt - one tablespoon.


  1. Mix sour cream, mustard, spices, salt.
  2. Add honey and mix into one mass.
  3. Without ceasing to stir, gradually pour in the oil.
  4. Add additional spices if necessary.
  5. Pour in the lemon juice, stir and cool.


Peculiarities . Spicy cheese mayonnaise with garlic is ideal with fries.

What is necessary:

  • vegetable oil - 250 ml;
  • egg - two pieces;
  • cheese - 40 g;
  • garlic - one or two cloves;
  • squeezed lemon juice - one tablespoon;
  • sugar - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • spices, salt.


  1. Separately, rub on fine grater cheese and garlic.
  2. Add chopped garlic, mustard, spices to the eggs and mix.
  3. Whisk the sauce, adding oil in a thin stream.
  4. When the mixture thickens, add lemon juice and stir again.
  5. Add cheese and mix into a single mass.
  6. Cool the sauce.


Peculiarities . Delicate mayonnaise made with milk. Vegans can try it this recipe, replacing cow's milk to soybean. Prepared without sugar.

What is necessary:

  • milk 2.5 or 3% fat - 150 ml;
  • sunflower oil - 300 ml;
  • mustard paste - two to three teaspoons;
  • squeezed lemon juice - two tablespoons;
  • spices, salt.


  1. Using a blender, blend the butter and milk.
  2. Add spices and mustard to the mixture.
  3. When the mixture thickens, add lemon juice and stir again.
  4. Cool and serve the sauce.

Low calorie

Peculiarities . Mayonnaise contains 600-700 kcal, so it is proposed to reduce calorie content by eliminating milk and eggs. The recipe is considered lean and vegan: all ingredients are exclusively of plant origin.

What is necessary:

  • vegetable broth (boil carrots, celery, parsley root or other vegetable) - 0.5 cups;
  • sunflower oil - 0.5 cups;
  • dry starch - one tablespoon;
  • mustard paste - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • squeezed lemon juice - one teaspoon;
  • spices, salt, sugar.


  1. Divide the broth into two parts.
  2. In the first part, dilute the starch, and in the second, let it cook.
  3. When the broth boils, pour in the part with starch and cook, stirring constantly.
  4. Remove the thickened mixture from heat and cool.
  5. Add mustard, lemon juice, spices.
  6. Mix thoroughly until smooth.
  7. Without ceasing to stir, gradually pour in the oil in moderate doses.
  8. Cool and serve.


Peculiarities . This dietary recipe Well suited for anyone watching their figure, as it eliminates the main source of calories - oil. Mayonnaise without oil is prepared on the basis of soft cottage cheese diluted with milk or sour cream (can be replaced with yogurt).

What is necessary:

  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • boiled yolk - one piece;
  • ready mustard - one teaspoon;
  • spices, salt.


  • Mash the yolk with a fork.
  • Add mustard and grind.
  • Add cottage cheese in small portions and beat the mixture.
  • Season the sauce and mix thoroughly.


Peculiarities . Quick recipe homemade mayonnaise is good because to prepare it you do not need to separate the yolks, and all the components of the future sauce are mixed in a blender.

What is necessary:

  • vegetable oil - 150 ml;
  • egg (entirely) - one piece;
  • ready mustard (paste) - 0.5 teaspoon;
  • squeezed lemon juice - one tablespoon;
  • salt, spices, sugar.


  1. In a blender at low speed, mix all the components of the future sauce.
  2. When the mixture thickens, transfer the prepared mayonnaise to a jar and cool.

Mayonnaise made at home is healthier and more nutritious store bought sauce. However, natural mayonnaise cannot be baked in the oven. Under the influence of high temperatures, the sauce (essentially an emulsion) breaks down into components - butter and yolks. Freshly prepared mayonnaise is best consumed with fresh vegetables, salads, ready meals.

10 cooking secrets

To properly prepare mayonnaise at home, you need to remember some nuances that will help you get perfect sauce. Here are ten secrets for housewives to take note of.

  1. Ingredient temperature. If the sauce does not whip up or it is difficult to achieve a uniform consistency, it means that the products have been used different temperatures. For example, eggs from the refrigerator are mixed with warm butter. The secret to mixing quickly is keeping all ingredients at room temperature.
  2. Oil quality. It is best to use high-quality vegetable oil (refined or unrefined). It’s easy to check oil quality in a store. If it flows viscously from the walls of the bottle, it means a good product. Oil that flows like water is best left in the store.
  3. Using a blender. Any recipe for homemade mayonnaise in a blender is prepared by gradually increasing the power of the device. First, at low speed, mix the eggs with seasonings, salt, and mustard for several minutes. Then, increasing the speed, introduce oil in small doses.
  4. Adding water. Mayonnaise may turn out thick. Steep mixture is easy to dilute warm water(add spoonfuls at a time until desired consistency is achieved).
  5. Sugar replacement. Sugar can be replaced with powdered sugar. Small grains will dissolve faster.
  6. Density adjustment. If the sauce is very thin, it is recommended to add more oil, but remember that this will increase the fat content. Also, the sauce may not thicken when high temperature in the room. In this case, it is necessary to cool the future sauce and then continue mixing.
  7. Replacement of lemon juice. Lemon juice can replace any 9% vinegar (no more than one teaspoon per egg). It will give mayonnaise a characteristic sour taste.
  8. Shelf life planning. To extend the life of the prepared sauce, you need to add more oil. If there is less oil than yolks, mayonnaise turns out nutritious, but can be stored for no more than a day.
  9. Prevention of bitterness. The sauce can be made with olive oil. However, olive oil, unlike sunflower oil, is a little bitter. To prevent bitterness from overpowering the taste, it is recommended to add a few tablespoons of olive oil to sunflower oil.
  10. Beautiful colour . You can give the sauce a yellowish tint using small quantity turmeric.

Homemade mayonnaise must be stored exclusively in the refrigerator, since it contains perishable food. To contain mayonnaise, washed and dried glass jar or other container with an airtight lid. Mayonnaise can be stored for no more than five days.

What to add, what to serve

Surely gourmets are wondering how to make homemade mayonnaise to their liking and what sauce will complement meat, fish or vegetable dish. Depending on your culinary preferences, you can add to the sauce:

  • olives;
  • hot pepper;
  • pickled cucumbers;
  • tarragon leaves;
  • rosemary;
  • horseradish;
  • capers;
  • avocado (mashed);
  • tarragon;
  • curry.

Each dish has its own mayonnaise, which will make the dish more refined. TO different dishes You can choose individual mayonnaise:

  • for fish - with basil, dill, parsley;
  • for meat - with coriander, ginger, celery;
  • for seafood - with olives, beets;
  • for potatoes - with cheese;
  • for roast - with chili pepper;
  • for pasta and mushrooms- with tomatoes (dried);
  • for roast beef - with horseradish.

Creating your own mayonnaise at home is not difficult. TO classic recipe you can add herbs, spices, spicy seasonings to add sauce spicy taste. You can mix the ingredients using a whisk, blender or mixer in 30-40 minutes. According to reviews, most of the time to complete cooking is spent on setting the sauce in the refrigerator.

Reviews: “The main thing is that children can eat”

I'm telling you! 2 yolks from homemade chicken eggs or 10 from quail eggs, 0.5 teaspoon each of sugar, salt, mustard - everything is mixed at the first speed of a food processor or mixer (I have a Brown processor), then refined sunflower oil is literally added drop by teaspoon (200 ml) and whisk without stopping. The entire process of whipping this portion takes 3-4 minutes. I use whisks to beat egg whites; you can check the consistency by stopping the mixer and looking at the mass - it holds its shape and has a pleasant yellow color (if the eggs are chicken).

Totally happy, http://www.woman.ru/home/culinary/thread/3936408/

And I do this: one yolk, half a teaspoon of mustard, stir it, and then add, whisking, 100 ml of sunflower oil (it’s easier with a mixer). Pour in about a tablespoon of lemon juice, add a tablespoon of sour cream (I take 20%), add salt and sugar to taste, and beat again. It’s not too sour, and most importantly, without vinegar, children can eat it)

lady Cat, http://www.woman.ru/home/culinary/thread/3936408/

To prepare mayonnaise you will need 3-4 yolks, 200 grams of olive or refined vegetable oil, 0.5 tsp salt. , sugar one tsp, lemon juice or lemon juice, mustard (0.5 tsp). You can also add herbs. Beat the yolks, then pour in the oil in a thin stream, constantly whisking. When this mass becomes thick, carefully add salt, sugar (it is better to dissolve in a small amount of water), mustard and lemon juice, or juice. If with greens, then add the greens (we do all this without ceasing to beat!) Well, that's all! If desired, you can add garlic or horseradish. The proportions are given approximately, because everyone has their own taste. And also, pour the oil into the yolks very carefully, otherwise the mayonnaise will become oily

Natalia30681, http://forum.forumok.ru/index.php?showtopic=56667

Just when the mayonnaise ran out at home, I took the yolk, one teaspoon of Dijon mustard and about 100 g of hazelnut oil, first beat the egg and mustard with a mixer, then began to pour in the oil in a thin stream, at the end added lemon juice and salt and beat with the mixer again , it turned out very tasty, quickly and did not separate.

Capra, http://forum.aromarti.ru/showthread.php?t=4247

Girls, I want to draw your attention to this: one - When you make mayonnaise for the first time, pour 2 tablespoons of cold boiled water. 2 - If the mayonnaise seems thick, then you can add more cold boiled water directly to the prepared mayonnaise, and beat it a little, or rather mix it until smooth. 3 - Do not add 4 or 6 tablespoons of water at once, otherwise you may end up with runny mayonnaise. 4 - The cause of liquid mayonnaise can be not only a large amount of water, but also different sunflower oils. 5 - Experiment with one type of oil and you will see for yourself.

Ljubovj Pasecnaja, http://forum.say7.info/topic11428.html


Homemade mayonnaise is an excellent replacement for store-bought mayonnaise. Firstly, it is much healthier because it does not contain preservatives, secondly, it is cheaper, and thirdly, you can add any spices to it to your taste.

Making mayonnaise at home is very simple, and most importantly very fast. The preparation time for delicious homemade mayonnaise is no more than five minutes.

If there are no eggs with a bright yolk, and you have to make homemade mayonnaise from store-bought eggs, the sauce will turn out very light and whitish. This can be corrected by adding a pinch of ground turmeric. But don't overdo it - turmeric gives a very intense yellow color.

Choose oil for homemade mayonnaise olive extra virgin (unrefined, cold pressed) perfect option), but refined olive and sunflower oils are also acceptable. Add very little salt, sugar to taste (even better powdered sugar). Lemon juice or vinegar will acidify the mayonnaise, mustard will add a piquant note. IN ready sauce you can add spices, finely chopped pickled cucumbers, black olives, olives.

In order for homemade mayonnaise to whip quickly, all products must be at the same temperature (room temperature).

The ratio of ingredients in the sauce is approximate. Mayonnaise loves eggs, then it turns out richer and tastier. However, this mayonnaise is only good when it is very fresh, and the shelf life does not exceed a day in the refrigerator. Oil, on the contrary, increases shelf life by two to three days.

Please note that this does not work at all store product, it contains neither water, nor milk, nor, especially, artificial additives. This is real Mayonnaise sauce - the way French chefs conceived it in the 18th century.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in making mayonnaise at home. It tastes much better than the ready-made industrial one, and will not harm your health or spoil the dish. Its only drawback is that it can be stored for no more than a week, so it is better to make it in small portions.

Don't be afraid to experiment, try it different recipes, and you will definitely choose the one that will become your favorite!

Homemade mayonnaise recipes

Homemade mayonnaise is incomparable to store-bought mayonnaise; it is tasty and healthy sauce. It can be prepared according to the classic recipe or with various additives. It's not at all difficult to prepare.

Using simple additives to mayonnaise, you can create a collection various sauces. And you will always have fresh, wonderful sauces for fish, meat, seafood, potatoes, and vegetables on hand, prepared without any preservatives.

Homemade mayonnaise should be stored in a tightly closed container in the refrigerator for 3-7 days. It is better not to store mayonnaise with additives for a long time, but to use it immediately after preparation.

Homemade classic mayonnaise


  • Chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil (olive) - 100-200 ml
  • Sugar - 5 g
  • Salt - 1 pinch
  • Ready mustard - 0.5-1 teaspoon
  • Lemon juice - 1-2 teaspoons


You can use more than just the yolk to make mayonnaise. chicken egg, but also a whole egg.

Beat the egg (yolk) with salt, sugar and mustard with a whisk or mixer. Now, continuing to beat, add vegetable oil in a thin stream. Beat the mixture until it becomes thick. Then add lemon juice and beat a little again.

At this stage, you can also add spices to taste.

Based classic sauce mayonnaise, you can prepare mayonnaise sauce with various additives.

Quail egg mayonnaise

Gourmets love to experiment and prepare mayonnaise using quail eggs. His recipe is also very simple. Ingredients 6 quail eggs 150 ml sunflower oil 0.5 teaspoon salt 0.5 teaspoon sugar 0.5 teaspoon mustard pinch black ground pepper 1 tablespoon lemon juice greens to taste.

Method of preparation: Mix eggs, salt, sugar, mustard and pepper and beat in a blender for a minute. Then add sunflower oil a little at a time until the mayonnaise thickens. Add lemon juice to the prepared mayonnaise, beat again and mix with herbs. Place the resulting mixture in the refrigerator to thicken. The only difference between this recipe and standard mayonnaise is that quail eggs are used rather than chicken eggs. They say they are more gentle and healthy. But here it’s better to rely on your own taste.

Recipe with mustard


  • vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, soybean) - 200 gr
  • yolk - 2 pcs.
  • mustard - 1 teaspoon
  • lemon juice (table vinegar) - 0.5 teaspoon

How to cook:

First of all, mix the mustard with the yolks. Prepare as indicated in the regular recipe. The sauce turns out to be spicy in taste and very pleasant in color.

And if you want, you can add 1 teaspoon of sour cream per 1 yolk to the finished sauce

Homemade garlic mayonnaise

This is the most wonderful type of sauce, it is suitable for seafood, any vegetables, potatoes and sandwiches. It is best to mix sunflower oil with some other type, such as olive oil.


  • egg yolks (2 pcs.)
  • vegetable oil (250-300 grams)
  • mustard (half a teaspoon)
  • lemon juice (half freshly squeezed)
  • finely chopped garlic (tablespoon)
  • white pepper(half a teaspoon)

Cooking method:

In a tall narrow bowl, mix the yolks with mustard. Pour in the oil and blend in a blender until thick. Add the prepared garlic and pepper to the mixture, add lemon juice and beat until the garlic is completely chopped. Cool in the refrigerator and can be consumed. You can make mayonnaise with olives in the same way. Simply chop 40 grams of pitted olives into pieces and add to the mixture once it has emulsified.

10 little secrets

Who would doubt that mayonnaise is one way or another used as a base for various sauces that will be served to you in your home kitchen or an elite restaurant. For example, Caesar or tartare, aioli or onion sauce with gherkins. Therefore, the versatility of mayonnaise requires some subtleties in its preparation, use and combination with other ingredients. We will reveal some of them for you.

☀ The ingredients for the sauce, as you already know, should be at the same temperature, but what? Precisely at room temperature, and it’s better if the butter and yolks are a little warmer than the other ingredients.

☀ In order to avoid such an unpleasant and unexpected result as “churning” the butter and “binding” the sauce as a whole, you need to add 1/3 of the oil drop by drop, without stopping whipping the mayonnaise and without reducing the intensity. The second portion of oil (1/3 of the total volume) will be poured into the mass in a thin stream, and the third - in small portions, but just as carefully and accurately, with constant stirring.

Thick sauce This is achieved by housewives who use a high-quality whisk and use it to grab the entire mass at the same time.

☀ The dishes for preparing noble mayonnaise should not be cold and metal, but better “warmed” to room temperature.

☀ Laying a damp towel underneath will help prevent the bowl from slipping.

☀ The first step is to thoroughly whisk the yolk in a bowl, and then add lemon juice, vinegar and salt to taste.

☀ Alternate beating with adding ingredients, slightly slowing down the pace. Throughout the cooking period, you will feel and observe how the sauce becomes thicker.

☀ In the finale, you must achieve maximum thickness, since there is always a chance to dilute the mayonnaise to the desired consistency, even with water.

☀ If you didn’t get the sauce the first or second time, don’t despair. Perhaps instead of 1 small egg yolk It’s worth putting 2 at once.

Mixer or hands

Naturally, when making homemade mayonnaise, using a mixer to beat its components is much more convenient and faster. Or with a whisk. It is more difficult to work with a regular fork. And your hands get tired, and the food mass is not so homogeneous.

To make mayonnaise home mixer, follow the following procedure: first turn on low speeds, and then, as foam forms (take the whole egg), they increase. When you start adding oil, turn the device on to maximum.

And although gourmets believe that truly delicious homemade lean mayonnaise You can only beat it with your hands, kitchen appliances Makes life a lot easier for housewives!
