Gluten-free flour is a healthy substitute for wheat flour. How to cook pea porridge

Pea flour contains many vitamins and microelements. It is widely used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology. It helps to cope with many diseases and normalize the functioning of the whole body. The product is useful at any age and has virtually no contraindications. The article is all about this product - pea flour, benefits and harm to the body, how to use it in different areas, as well as storage conditions and terms.

From this article you will learn:

Pea flour benefits and harms

Pea flour - benefits and harm of this component lie in its composition. This product is vegetable protein, which is necessary to maintain normal life for every person. Peas are based on beneficial amino acids and fiber, they have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive system and are considered best helpers in the fight against excess weight.

Pea flour - the benefits and harms of the component are associated with the vitamins included in its composition. They help prevent the development of seizures and dermatitis. Vegetable protein is perfectly absorbed by the body and allows you to restore strength. It is widely used in medicine and cosmetology. This is due to the property of rapid healing of wounds and abscesses.

Pea flour - its benefits and harm to the body also overlap with other properties of the component. So, consuming the product if you have problems with the digestive system can lead to the development of flatulence and discomfort. It is recommended to discard the component if you have gout and thrombophlebitis. Peas provoke the production of uric acid, which negatively affects the human condition.

Nutritional value and calorie content of pea flour

Flour has inherited all its positive properties from peas. This is a valuable dietary product that acts as a substitute wheat flour and at the same time it is ideal solution for those who suffer from celiac disease.

The nutritional value is represented by a high protein content - 21 grams, fats - 2 grams and carbohydrates - 49 grams.

Calorie content of pea flour

The calorie content of the product is 71 kcal per 100 grams. Thanks to its good performance, flour is useful at any age. She happens to be best source vitamins and microelements.

Chemical composition: trace elements and vitamins in pea flour

This component is considered a real record holder for the content of amino acids and proteins. It is based on the following vitamins: C, B1, B2, B6, PP, D, E and K. All this is supplemented useful microelements, in particular potassium, calcium, sodium and phosphorus.

In terms of nutritional value, flour is similar to meat products. Home distinctive feature is cholesterol-free and low cost.

What are the beneficial properties for the human body?

The beneficial properties of the product have overshadowed many vitamin and mineral complexes. Systematic consumption of flour allows you to normalize the functioning of many organs and systems of the body. The main useful properties are:

  • preventing the development of dermatitis;
  • elimination of violations of cardio-vascular system;
  • improvement of condition gastrointestinal tract;
  • saturating the body with energy:
  • nutrition and protection of the skin;
  • normalization of blood sugar levels;
  • lowering cholesterol;
  • diuretic and choleretic effect;
  • fight against excess weight;
  • stimulation of brain activity.

The useful properties of the product allow it to be used in many areas. Experts recommend including the food component in your daily diet. Especially if there are school-age children in the house preschool age. Flour has a beneficial effect on mental processes and plays the role of a growth stimulator.

How to make flour at home

Photo: how to make flour at home

You can purchase the product at any supermarket, or prepare it yourself if you wish. For this action, large beans are selected and washed thoroughly. Grinding is done using an ordinary coffee grinder or mortar.

The first option is faster and more correct. Using a mortar, making will take a long time and the flour will not have the right consistency.

The resulting powder is applied to a white cloth and left on it until completely dry. Ready flour will acquire a lightish tint; it is recommended to store it in a fabric bag or paper bag. Before cooking, the product is sifted.

Use of pea flour: where is it used?

Flour is widely used in cooking. It is used for preparing main dishes and baking. What to cook from pea flour and is it advisable to use it? This product is suitable for many culinary purposes. It makes delicious pancakes, buns and pies. The food component acts as a direct substitute for standard wheat flour. However, its properties are much better.

Peas are used not only in cooking, but also in for cosmetic purposes. It allows you to restore facial skin, give it radiance and a healthy shine.

Main contraindications

Dishes made from pea flour are not recommended for people suffering from diseases of the digestive system. They can lead to a deterioration in the general condition and cause an exacerbation of a disease such as cholecystitis. It is necessary to discard the product in the presence of inflammatory processes, gout and nephritis.

Photo: beneficial features pea flour

Conditions and periods of storage of pea flour

The standard shelf life is 12 months. During this time, it is necessary to monitor the appearance and taste of the products. If a musty smell and bitterness appear, you need to get rid of the flour.

Experts recommend buying the amount of product that needs to be used at the moment. Long-term storage V open form leads to loss of beneficial properties. The nutritional component does not like moisture and direct Sun rays. It should be placed in a dark, dry place.


Many housewives are interested in the question of how to choose the right flour. There is nothing complicated in this process. First, look at the packaging itself; there should be no moisture or punctures on it. You need to pay attention to the expiration date. If flour is stored for a long time, it loses its properties.

Photo: pea flour health benefits

Having opened the packaging, you should pay attention to the external characteristics. The food component should not be dark. The shade of flour is light beige; the finer the product, the lighter its color. There should be no lumps, black spots or bugs. Smell quality product fresh, without mustiness or mold. It is not bitter or sour in taste, and has a slightly sweet aftertaste. If you pour a little water, the pleasant aroma of soaked peas will spread throughout the kitchen. When squeezed in your hand, the flour sticks to your hand without creating lumps.

Pea flour is useful product which is suitable for daily use. Its use is appropriate both in cooking and cosmetology. It has a positive effect on the body, both externally and internally. Useful at any age and is a direct substitute for wheat flour.

How to cook delicious recipes pancakes made from pea flour - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

Various recipes for pancakes made from pea flour: Indian pancakes, as well as with water and kefir, without eggs and with yeast

Pancakes made from pea flour are especially popular in cooking in Lately, and for good reason - the benefits of pea flour (powder) are very high for the body, so you will find many recipes for pancakes on this basis: with water and kefir, with yeast and without eggs. Try these culinary delights in your kitchen and surprise your household.

Pancakes based on pea flour are an interesting and non-standard dish. It differs in mass positive properties This is due to the composition being rich in amino acids and vitamins. The main ingredient can be used without restrictions, which allows you to create real culinary masterpieces.

From this article you will learn:

Benefits of pancakes made from pea flour

Photo: pea flour pancakes recipes

The benefits of this product are due to the presence of peas. This component is very popular in cooking. This is due to the high content of vitamins B, C, E, K and PP, amino acids and microelements. Potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron and selenium - all these components help improve the digestive system, prevent the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system and improve the condition of the skin.

Pea flour pancakes recipes

Today there are many interesting recipes based on pea flour. This ingredient is used everywhere, mainly for baking. Dishes containing it are not only tasty, but also healthy.

Indian pancakes Paratha from pea flour: recipe

Indian pancakes are an interesting and non-standard recipe that will appeal to fans savory cuisine. To prepare, you need to take the following ingredients:

  • a glass of pea powder;
  • 250 ml water;
  • medium sized onion;
  • a quarter spoon of cumin;
  • 1 tbsp. l. grated ginger;
  • 0.5 tsp salt;
  • a little red pepper;
  • vegetable oil.

Preparation of Indian Paratha pancakes:

First, the frying pan is greased with oil and heated. Then the cumin is fried on it, this action takes no more than one minute. The seeds are ground in a coffee grinder. Next, all the ingredients are mixed together, and a pancake preparation is formed from them. The dough must be liquid. Before cooking, it must be left alone for 30 minutes. After the specified time has passed, you can start frying. This process is no different from standard preparation pancakes The dough can be fried on both sides for 1-2 minutes. Once cooking is complete, you can taste it. Savory and delicious pancakes will please every family member.

Photo: Indian pancakes Paratha made from pea flour

Pea pancakes on water

Delicious pancakes on the water are a reality. For cooking delicious flatbreads, it is not necessary to use dairy products. Pancakes on the water no less tasty dish. The following ingredients are taken for preparation:

  • 200 gr. pea flour;
  • egg;
  • sugar, water, salt and butter to taste.

The cooking process is the simplest. Just mix the egg with flour and other ingredients. If the mixture turns out thick, add a little extra water. The result should be a liquid consistency. The frying pan is oiled and heated, then the frying process begins. This is the easiest and fastest recipe.

Photo: pancakes made from pea flour

Pancakes without eggs made from pea flour

You can make the dough without eggs. To do this you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 ml cow's milk;
  • 250 gr. wheat flour;
  • 150 gr. pea powder;
  • salt, sugar and vegetable oil to taste.

First, two types of flour are sifted and mixed together, then sugar and salt are added to them. Dairy products are slowly introduced, while everything must be slowly mixed until completely homogeneous. Cooking without haste allows you to get quality dough without lumps, which fries well and quickly. Pancakes are baked in a preheated frying pan until golden color.

Pancakes made from pea flour and kefir

Baking with kefir is distinguished by its airiness and pleasant taste. To prepare, you need to prepare the following components:

  • pea flour - 5 tbsp. spoon;
  • wheat flour - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • 200 ml kefir;
  • egg;
  • salt, oil and a little water.

Initially, the two types of flour are mixed and sifted. This will eliminate any unwanted lumps and create a quality dough. Then minor components are added to the resulting mixture. Water is needed to thin the consistency. It is used if the dough turns out to be thick. Once the pancake mixture is ready, you can grease the pan and begin the baking process.

Photo: pea pancakes

Pancakes with pea flour and yeast

Baking with yeast is distinguished by its airiness. To obtain lungs and delicious pancakes, or better pancakes, you need to prepare the following ingredients:

  • 300 ml of water (mineral, preferably carbonated);
  • 150 gr. pea powder;
  • a third of a teaspoon of salt;
  • 1 tbsp. l. sugar (to taste);
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • lemon juice:
  • 7 gr. yeast.

First, water is mixed with the yeast, this will allow it to completely dissolve and give it time to swell. Meanwhile, all other components are mixed (the soda is quenched lemon juice). Yeast dissolved in water is added to the resulting mixture. The resulting dough for pancakes does not need to be left to rise; it can be used immediately. Baking is standard.

Photo: pea pancakes

Video: Vegetarian Indian Pancakes Dosa

Pancakes based on pea flour are healthy, tasty and lightweight product. It can be used at any age, without special restrictions. This dish is a source of nutritional components that the body needs to maintain normal functioning.

You may also be interested in:

  • The benefits and harms of pea flour for the health of the human body.
  • Pancakes, pancakes and pancakes - best recipes Step by step for Maslenitsa.
  • Non-standard recipes pancakes without flour - banana, semolina, etc.

Comments to the article: 2

Hello, Julia. I was looking for a recipe for a dish made from pea flour and found yours. The rolls turned out fine, but two were cracked a little. They themselves have an interesting taste, but it’s really not clear why the oil is hot. If you don’t eat the roll right away, after 10 minutes the butter hardens and becomes tasteless. Have you tried any other sauce?

Hello, Roseta! You wrap the pancakes while they are hot, although they should not crack even when cold. You're probably doing something wrong.

Pea pancake: unusual pancake recipes

So, we suggest throwing away all stereotypes and baking pancakes with pea, rice and oatmeal this Maslenitsa. It was not difficult for us to find these types of flour in regular supermarkets. By the way, the price at the time of writing was in the region of 70-100 rubles per 0.5 kg of flour.

Recipe: Wheat-pea pancakes with milk

Ingredients: 0.5 liters of milk, a glass of regular wheat flour, a glass of pea flour, three eggs, granulated sugar - a teaspoon; a little salt to taste; Refined vegetable oil for dough (1 tablespoon) and frying.

Mix both types of flour and sift it. Then sprinkle sugar and salt on the tip of a knife. Then break the eggs and mix everything until smooth. Then slowly, stirring, pour in the milk and add a little vegetable oil. The dough should be fluid.

Our summary: The combination of two types of flour worked great. Thanks to the presence of wheat flour, these pancakes are baked without problems - almost the same as classic ones. But they have an unusual taste. The aftertaste of these pancakes clearly contains the astringency characteristic of peas. So, after the first bite, your family will appreciate the originality and non-standard nature of the recipe - even if they don’t immediately guess what exactly you mixed into the dough. WITH chocolate spread These pancakes are especially tasty - the bitter notes of cocoa merge beautifully with the pea component.

Recipe: Pea pancakes on water

Ingredients: 150 g pea flour, 1 egg, 1 teaspoon granulated sugar, 200 ml water, vegetable oil for frying, a pinch of salt to taste.

Whisk the egg with sugar and salt, then add flour while stirring. Lastly add water and knead batter. Make sure there are no lumps. Bake like regular pancakes in a preheated and greased frying pan. Ready pancakes season with butter.

Our summary: Pea flour has a pleasant characteristic smell and a light creamy color (however, subconsciously you always catch yourself looking for a greenish tint in it). The dough in water comes out very liquid, so it was not possible to bake a full-fledged, even pancake right away. However, you can get used to it. The pancakes turn out to be coarse-grained, with a very original taste. The natural sugar content of peas adds a pleasant sweetness to them. Oddly enough, the slight bitterness characteristic of this cereal is felt here less than in pancakes baked half and half with wheat flour. But neither children, nor husband, nor even an experienced housewife next door will almost certainly recognize the entire composition of the ingredients. So this is a good option for those mothers who need to feed their child healthy plant protein at all costs. And by the way! There is no trace of the bright yellow color that these pancakes are supposedly famous for. Their color is perhaps slightly richer than usual.

Recipe: Rice pancakes

Ingredients: 200 g rice flour, 0.5 liters of milk, 50 g sugar, 2 eggs, 20 g potato starch, 25 g butter, a pinch of salt to taste, vegetable oil for frying.

Mix flour, sugar, starch, salt. Pour in the milk, stirring, then add the eggs and melted butter. Beat the dough with a mixer until there are no lumps. Bake like regular pancakes.

Our summary: Baking rice pancakes takes some effort. The snow-white dough is very light, fluid and quickly spreads across the pan. And it sets just as quickly. So there’s no time to yawn - just have time to take it off so it doesn’t burn. And here again you need to be on your guard. The finest dough it tends to tear when turned over. But if all these obstacles are overcome, you will be truly rewarded. Thin, light pancakes have the same tender, light and pleasant taste. No wheat heaviness! Two full tablespoons of sugar provided such sweetness that I had to forget about the jam. These pancakes will be good with neutral-tasting vegetables or salted red fish.

Recipe: Oat pancakes

Ingredients: 1 cup oatmeal, 1.5 cups milk, 2 eggs, 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon sugar, a pinch of salt, baking powder or soda, vegetable oil for frying.

Beat eggs with sugar and salt. Add flour with baking soda or baking powder. While stirring the mixture, gradually add warm milk and vegetable oil. You can beat the mass with a mixer. Before baking, let the dough stand for half an hour; if it thickens, you can add more milk or water.

Our summary: After success rice pancakes To be honest, I didn’t really want to experiment with oatmeal anymore. But rave reviews online and an already purchased pack of flour still made me get up to the stove. And then a discovery awaited us - these pancakes surpassed all those previously tested - both in ease of preparation and in taste. Thanks to the warmed milk, the crème brulee-colored flour easily spread into a dough of the same color. The unfortunate lumps were avoided with almost no effort. After standing for a quarter of an hour, the dough did not thicken at all. Baking and flipping was as easy as kneading. And the pancakes themselves, without exaggeration, melted in the mouth - there was almost no need to chew them. Most of the baked goods scattered as soon as they were removed from the pan. And despite the fears, oatmeal porridge It didn’t even smell - only a delicate cereal taste was felt. The pancakes weren’t too dry either – rather, they were soft and elastic. Especially to test the taste, we managed to hide one in the refrigerator until the morning - and it still showed 10 out of 10. Are you not going to the store for oatmeal yet?

Recipe: Buckwheat pancakes

We have not mastered this recipe ourselves. But if you also want to try buckwheat pancakes– a very simple and visual video tutorial will help you.

Buckwheat pancakes - video from blogger Irina Khlebnikova:

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Pea pancakes- tasty and unusual dish, which you can please yourself and your household. Pancakes are prepared quickly and easily. All the ingredients necessary for cooking can be easily found in the kitchen of any housewife; pea flour is sold in any grocery store and can be easily found. You can serve them with sour cream, jam, condensed milk, honey or any other products to your taste. This recipe is great for vegetarians. He will also be able to diversify the meals of people who fast. The rest can use any filling from meat to sweet, there are no restrictions, pea pancakes can be prepared in different ways. IN in this case We offer a simple recipe for preparing this dish without any unusual ingredients.

What you need to take to prepare this delicacy:

  • half a liter of milk;
  • a glass of regular flour;
  • a glass of pea flour;
  • three chicken eggs;
  • granulated sugar - a teaspoon;
  • a little salt to taste;
  • Refined vegetable oil for dough and frying.

The preparation process is not complicated and includes the following steps:

First you need to make the dough. In a special bowl, mix both types of flour, sift it, thus enriching it with oxygen. Then sprinkle sugar and salt on the tip of a knife. Next, break three eggs into a bowl and stir the mixture until smooth. Then slowly, stirring, pour in the milk and add a little vegetable oil (a tablespoon), the dough should be fluid. Heat a frying pan with pre-filled vegetable oil. Pour the dough on top and wait until it turns golden brown, then turn it over. Pancakes can be served with jam, honey, sour cream, or you can wrap any filling in them, it will be even tastier.

Pea pancakes: an excellent dietary dish

How many varieties of pancakes do we already know? And wheat, and rye, and oatmeal.

But why haven’t we tried making pancakes from pea flour? After all, as we know, people who watch their figure, peas have a low calorie content and should definitely be eaten!

It was on this basis that the idea came to my mind to introduce you to this recipe.

These pea pancakes are super nutritious!

But there will be no problems with their preparation, and we will now clearly see this.

Pea pancakes: recipe

Split peas – 50 grams;
Peeled rye flour – 25 grams;
Chicken egg – 1 piece;
Powdered sugar – 1/2 teaspoon;
Skim milk – 100 grams.

Since pea flour most often comes with the addition of wheat, I recommend that you use split peas, which will easily grind your food processor and turn it into the same flour.

We add rye to it peeled flour, chicken egg and a little powdered sugar(which can be replaced with a sweetener). Mix.

Now add the slightly warmed mixture to the main ingredients. microwave oven skimmed milk. Mix everything until it reaches the consistency of regular pancake batter.

Heat the frying pan and only after that put some dough on it. There is no need to pre-oil if your pancake maker has a non-stick or ceramic coating. In other cases, you can use a small amount olive oil.

Cook the pancake on each side for 1 minute and flip. We make such beautiful and golden pea pancakes.

Serve them boldly and don’t forget about the addition, in the form of yogurt or sour cream.

Good day, dear readers! Today I want to tell you simple recipe cooking pea pancakes. This is an incredibly tasty and unusual dish that will certainly appeal to everyone: both children and adults. A minimum of time will be spent on preparation. Very few ingredients were used. In a word, everything you need will be at hand in every housewife and in any kitchen.

The main product you need to make pea pancakes is pea flour. You can find it in any supermarket. The price of pea flour, despite its infrequent use, is completely low.

Pea pancakes are perfect option for breakfast for the whole family. They are not only quite filling, but also very tasty. Offer your household pea pancakes with sour cream, condensed milk, jam, jam or honey.

Pea pancakes are perfect for vegetarians. The recipe for pea pancakes proposed in this article is simple without any unusual ingredients. Cook with pleasure!

Cooking pea pancakes

  • 0.5 liters of milk
  • 1 cup plain flour
  • 1 cup pea flour
  • 3 chicken eggs
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • salt to taste
  • a few tablespoons of vegetable oil for dough and frying

Step 1. Mix peas and regular flour in a deep bowl, then sift it.

Step 3. Drive 3 chicken eggs into the prepared mixture and mix gently until a homogeneous mass is formed.

Step 4. Pour milk into the prepared mixture in a thin stream. room temperature while kneading the dough.

Step 5. Add a tablespoon of vegetable oil to the resulting dough. The dough should be fluid, not thick.

Step 6. Now you can start frying. Heat a frying pan well a small amount vegetable oil.

Step 7. Evenly distribute a portion of the pea pancake batter over the entire area of ​​the hot frying pan. Fry pancakes on each side until golden brown.

Step 8. Serve pea pancakes hot or cold with meat, curd, fruit and any other filling to your taste.

1. Sifting flour is a prerequisite for making pancakes. In this way you will enrich the flour and dough with the necessary oxygen. However, the final product itself turns out lush and airy.

2. Before you start frying pancakes, make sure the pan is hot enough. Otherwise, the pancake will stick to the bottom of the pan and you simply won’t be able to turn it over.

Happy baking and see you soon!

Pea pancake recipe

Pea pancakes can be considered a traditional Russian dish, since peas have long been grown in Rus'. But they are rarely cooked, despite the widespread use of pea flour. Despite the fact that peas are served mainly in salted form, pancakes from them can be made with sweet fillings, and salty ones are also suitable for chopped meat. The recipe for pea pancakes is simple, as they do not require any special ingredients.

Ingredients - to prepare, take 0.5 liters of milk, one glass of wheat flour, one glass of pea flour, three eggs, a teaspoon of sugar, a pinch of salt, oil for a frying pan.

Prepare as follows:

  1. Prepare the dough - mix wheat and pea flour, and pour through a sieve so that the flour becomes airy.
  2. Add sugar and salt.
  3. Add eggs, mix until the mixture becomes homogeneous.
  4. Pour the milk in a thin stream, stirring constantly.
  5. Add a tablespoon of sunflower (corn, olive) oil; the dough should not be thick, but slightly viscous, but liquid and flowing.
  6. Pour the oil into a thin layer in a frying pan, pour in the dough and fry on both sides.

Usually pancakes are made from pancakes and served sweet - with jam, honey. Sometimes lubricated thick sour cream. But it can also be any other filling.

There are several interesting factors associated with peas - this is an amazing plant that absorbs nitrogen not from the soil, but from the air, where there is a lot of it. Therefore, this legume can grow even on very poor soils without losing its beneficial properties.

Peas have been grown in Spain since ancient times, one of French kings once visited the Spanish monarch. And he was served hot pea mash. The King of France was surprised because this puree remained hot for more than an hour. Taking care of his people, the crowned Frenchman returned to his homeland along with carts loaded with peas. Thus, according to legend, the problem of nutrition in cold times was solved, when food quickly cooled down and weakened peasants were forced to eat cold food, which often caused them to get sick.

  1. There are many vitamins B and PP, even more than in wheat grain, in addition, vitamins A and C are present. Of course, with heat treatment vitamin benefits may decrease.
  2. Lots of fluorine, iron, potassium, and rare useful chemical compounds.
  3. A lot of selenium, which will perform a protective function, helps the body fight radioactivity and heavy metals.
  4. Pyridoxine takes part in the absorption of amino acids.
  5. Pea amino acids have similar properties with meat proteins, which is very much appreciated during the period of fasting, as well as by vegetarians, as well as those who, due to circumstances, rarely consume meat.
  6. As an antioxidant, peas help the body neutralize carcinogens and also prevent the formation of cancer.
  7. Thiamine at the cellular level slows down aging, improves the functioning of brain cells; for children, thiamine is important for body growth and physical development.
  8. Peas improve metabolism, which allows the body to fight excess fats and worms. Digestion improves.
  9. Eating legumes strengthens the heart and blood vessels, which is beneficial for all people, but especially for hypertensive patients and heart attack patients.
  10. In cosmetology using masks from fresh peas fight acne and facial swelling. Flour from this vegetable can even replace cosmetic powder.

Peas can be harmful in the following cases:

  • intolerance to raw grains, this happens on an ongoing basis or out of habit;
  • large amounts of sugar and fiber can lead to increased gas formation, but this is only if consumed in large quantities;
  • purines lead to an increase in uric acid in the body, which can accumulate in the form of salts in different organs, so older people, gout patients and nursing mothers should avoid peas or consume them in minimal quantities.

The benefits and harms of peas are something you should focus your attention on if you like to frequently consume this tasty and nutritious vegetable. Only correct technique eating peas will allow you to get maximum benefit from them.

Since pancakes are not made entirely from pea flour, but it is added to wheat proportions one to one, then you can experiment - add rice, buckwheat, oatmeal. Each time the taste will be different, but the pancake properties will be preserved.

  • pea flour 150 g.,
  • Egg 1 pc.,
  • granulated sugar 1 tsp,
  • vegetable oil 2 tbsp. l.,
  • water 200 ml.,
  • salt to taste.

Recipe for pancakes made from pea flour and water

The dough should be liquid and without lumps, like regular pancakes. First mix the egg with sugar, and then add flour while mixing. Lastly, add water and knead the pancake batter.

Heat the pancake pan, grease it with oil (for the first pancake only) and bake the pea pancakes. Be sure to grease the finished pancakes with butter.

Pea pancakes differ from ordinary pancakes in their bright yellow color.

Mix the dough for pea pancakes. To do this, first mix the first type of flour: wheat and pea, sift into a deep bowl, add salt and sugar. Carefully break the eggs, mix, and then slowly pour in the milk. And mix, making the dough homogeneous. Add vegetable oil and mix thoroughly again.

We bake pea pancakes in a hot frying pan, greasing it with a very small amount of oil. Bake pancakes until golden brown on both sides. Pea pancakes taste best with sour cream, fruit or hearty filling. Bon appetit!

Socca or French pancakes made from chickpea flour

Sokka or French pancakes from chickpea (pea) flour
Sokka – Provençal pancake
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Sokka, oddly enough, is a recipe for a type of pancake, despite the fact that they are not fried, but baked in the oven. And they are prepared not from traditional white flour, but from pea, or rather chickpea (chickpea) flour. And an even bigger advantage is that you don’t have to stand over a frying pan for hours to feed the whole family - the process active cooking takes no more than 15 minutes. This dish is traditionally prepared in French Provence and served with various toppings. Often these pancakes resemble pizza - this is exactly the option we suggest preparing below, it will turn out delicious and low calorie pizza, completely without traditional white flour, and even more so without yeast and without eggs!

For the pancake itself

Chickpea flour - 1 cup (can be replaced with regular pea flour)
Water – 1 cup
Olive oil – 1 tbsp (for greasing the baking sheet)
Salt to taste
Spices – basil, oregano, thyme
Olives - optional
For sauce and filling

Non-rennet mozzarella cheese – 200 g (1 ball) (more about what rennet is and what non-rennet cheeses are here)
Tomatoes – 3-4 pcs. (or replace tomato paste)
Salt to taste
Sugar – 1 tbsp without a slide
Spices – asafoetida, basil, thyme, oregano
How to make socca – step-by-step instruction
The sokka pancake itself is easy to prepare.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees
Mix water, flour, salt and spices until smooth. If you want to cook with olives, add pieces of olives to the dough.
Socca dough
Coat a baking sheet with olive oil and place the pancake-socca mixture on it
Socca on a baking sheet
Bake for 15-20 minutes until golden brown.
Preparing sauce for socca pizza
We propose to make the socca similar to pizza, so we need tomato sauce. It is worth preparing it in advance, as it will take a little longer to cook than the socca takes to bake.

Cut the tomatoes into cubes and place them in a deep saucepan over medium heat, adding a spoonful of olive oil, salt and spices to taste. Stir the sauce occasionally.
Cook until the tomatoes lose their density - about 20 minutes. At the end add st. spoon of sugar.
If desired, you can puree the sauce until smooth, but you can also leave it with some tomato chunks.
Tomato sauce for pizza
Mozzarella cheese should be cut into thin slices or grated
Preparing socca with filling
When the socca is browned in the oven, remove the baking sheet, but do not turn off the oven.
Sokka is ready
Very quickly coat the pancake over the entire area tomato sauce and put chopped (or grated) mozzarella on top.
Socca with cheese
We put the socca back in the oven for a maximum of 5 minutes - as soon as the mozzarella “flows”, it’s time to remove the socca.
Your pancake pizza is ready - eat warm, piping hot.
A piece of socca

If you like pizza, try making it classic version on yeast-free dough according to our recipe.

Fluffy milk pancakes without yeast recipe

Pea flour has inherited the beneficial properties of the peas from which it is produced. Is valuable dietary product and at the same time a wheat flour substitute for patients with celiac disease. It is used to prepare casseroles, puddings, and is used to make bread and buns, which taste in no way inferior to traditional wheat products, but are healthier and safer for the figure.

The nutritional value of peas, and therefore pea flour, surpasses most vegetables. It contains up to 6.7% vegetable protein and about 15% carbohydrates, of which 6% are sugars. The product is a record holder for the content of amino acids and proteins necessary for humans. Peas are also rich in nitrogenous compounds, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP, D, E and K, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and sodium.

The protein component is similar to meat and dairy, so peas and their derivatives are often compared to meat. The main differences between the plant-based version are the absence of cholesterol and the relatively low price.

Calorie content of pea flour: 71 kcal per 100 g of product.

What is the benefit

Flour obtained from peas has a number of useful properties:

  1. Is natural source amino acids such as threonine and lysine - they are vital for the functioning of our body.
  2. The pyridoxine contained in the product ensures the production and breakdown of amino acids. If there is a deficiency of this substance, a person may experience seizures or develop dermatitis.
  3. Selenium, which can large quantities contained in peas (the exact numbers depend on the region of growth), has antioxidant properties and protects human cells from the effects of free radicals and carcinogens.
  4. The vegetable protein in the product is much better absorbed, without straining the gastrointestinal tract and without causing negative impact, which meat products are capable of.
  5. Flour obtained from peas provides the body with energy, increases the body's performance and endurance.
  6. With regular use, heart function improves, the risk of developing hypertension and myocardial infarction is reduced, and the formation of blood clots in blood vessels is prevented.
  7. Recommended for people suffering from tuberculosis and diabetes.
  8. It is characterized by a delicate diuretic and choleretic effect.
  9. The compounds included in the product improve metabolism and prevent the deposition of subcutaneous fat. Regular use Recommended for those who are overweight or simply watching their figure.
  10. To improve brain function and “feed” nerve cells, people with mental work should take 1 tsp before meals. pea flour.
  11. Thanks to high content fiber helps cope with constipation and other problems that arise during the digestion or absorption of food.
  12. Compresses with pea flour are used for local healing of wounds and abscesses on the skin.
  13. May be included in a therapeutic nutrition plan for endocrine diseases.
  14. Due to the high content of vitamins, baking with such flour will be useful for vitamin deficiency.
  15. Successfully used in cosmetology. It has a beneficial effect on both skin and hair.

Gluten Free Miracles

Since pea flour does not contain gluten, it can be used in the diet of people suffering from celiac disease, a disease associated with the human body’s intolerance to wheat protein (gluten in cereals).

Patients suffering from this (often hereditary) disease can eat not only porridges and soups based on peas, but also various pastries from pea flour: bread, buns, pies.

What's the harm?

No obvious harm was found when consuming pea flour within reasonable limits during medical studies. But there is a small list of contraindications:

  1. Tendency to flatulence and fermentation processes in the intestines. To prevent this, it is recommended not to overuse peas and their derivatives. When preparing dishes, it is recommended to add fennel and dill (fresh, dried or in seed form) to reduce the gas-forming effect. Also, you should not drink dishes made from pea flour. cold water.
  2. Having gout or other kidney diseases. This is due to the content of purines in peas, which contribute to the accumulation of uric acid in the body. It is better for patients to reduce the consumption of such flour to a minimum so as not to aggravate the symptoms.
  3. Exacerbation of pancreatitis, gastritis or stomach ulcers. A large amount of fiber provides additional stress on the stomach, so in case of acute conditions of the digestive system, it is better to avoid pea flour until complete recovery.

According to a 2013 study in " American magazine kidney diseases", the predominance of protein in the diet can lead to impaired renal function even in healthy people. Therefore, experts advise maintaining a balance and not exceeding the percentage of proteins in the menu equal to 10-35%.

How to cook at home

You can buy pea flour in almost every supermarket. But if you haven’t found it or have doubts about the quality of store-bought products, you can make it yourself.

  1. Choose a good one dry peas, wash, sort if necessary and be sure to dry. It is better to do this on paper or a piece of fabric, laying out the peas in one layer. Newspaper cannot be used in this case, because legumes easily absorbed harmful substances from printing ink.
  2. To grind the beans, you can use a coffee grinder, mortar or meat grinder. The choice of device depends on what result you ultimately want to get. To obtain tender and soft first-class flour will do electric coffee grinder. A manual coffee grinder or meat grinder will give more coarse grind. As for cooking “the old fashioned way”, i.e. in a mortar, you will need a lot of strength and patience.
  3. Place the resulting powder on a white cloth with a layer of no more than 2 cm. Leave it in a dry room to dry. It is necessary to stir from time to time to ensure uniform removal of moisture. After drying, the pea flour will become a little lighter and will easily come off your hands.

Suitable for storage paper bag or a fabric bag. Product homemade must be in a dry place. Before use, pea flour, like any other, must be sifted.

Pea jelly

The most famous dishes from pea flour - soups or purees. But perhaps the most useful is jelly.

Due to its enveloping properties, it has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, protecting the mucous membrane and improving digestive processes. This unusual drink is able to protect the intestines from dysbacteriosis, as well as remove toxins and lead salts from the body.

  1. Jelly is prepared in the same way as any other, but pea flour is used instead of starch. To do this, slowly pour cold water over it and mix thoroughly so that no lumps form.
  2. Afterwards, the mixture is put on the fire and brought to a boil, stirring constantly so that the flour does not stick to the walls of the pan and does not burn.
  3. Even at the preparation stage, salt and spices are added to the drink to taste.
  4. When the mass thickens, remove the jelly from the heat.

Serve pea jelly possible in portion molds How independent dish or, cut into small pieces, with fresh herbs, fried onions and mushrooms.

Application in cosmetology

Cooking is not the only area of ​​application for pea flour. The product is no less in demand in cosmetology. Masks are made from it to strengthen hair and care for facial skin.

Hair Mask

Strengthens hair, makes it soft and shiny. When preparing a hair mask you will need:

  • 2 tbsp. l. pea flour;
  • 2 tbsp. l. henna (can be colorless);
  • 1 tbsp. l. burdock or natural olive oil;
  • 1 egg yolk.

The ingredients must be mixed and a little added hot water, bringing the mixture to the consistency of sour cream. Place the container with the mask in the microwave for 15-30 seconds.

The mask is applied for 30 minutes to clean and damp hair. Washed off warm water without using detergents.

Face masks

Homemade masks made with pea flour prevent the appearance of wrinkles, nourish and care for the skin.

For the anti-wrinkle mask you need:

All ingredients are mixed and left for 5-10 minutes, during which the pea flour should swell.

The resulting paste is applied to the skin of the face and left for 20 minutes. Then carefully wash off with warm water without soap.

The acne mask has a good healing and anti-inflammatory effect. To prepare it, take:

  • 100 g flour;
  • 100 g heavy cream;
  • boiling water.

All components are reduced to a homogeneous state. Liquids are taken just enough to achieve the consistency of sour cream.

The mask is applied to previously cleansed facial skin and fixed for 20 minutes. Afterwards, wash off with water at a comfortable temperature. It is enough to carry out the procedure at least once a week, and within a month your facial skin will become clear and acne will disappear.

What to cook? You can make it from pea flour great amount tasty and healthy dishes. Among them: soups, porridges, jelly, pates, pancakes, pancakes, bread, pies, puddings, vegetarian cutlets, lean noodles and much more. Choose!

Ecology of consumption. Food and drinks: The benefits of this flour are not limited to dietary properties and the absence of gluten...

Pea flour has inherited the beneficial properties of the peas from which it is produced. It is a valuable dietary product and at the same time a substitute for wheat flour for patients with celiac disease.

It is used to prepare casseroles, puddings, and is used to make bread and buns, which taste in no way inferior to traditional wheat products, but are healthier and safer for the figure.

Nutritional value

The nutritional value of peas, and therefore pea flour, surpasses most vegetables. It contains up to 6.7% vegetable protein and about 15% carbohydrates, of which 6% are sugars. The product is a record holder for the content of amino acids and proteins necessary for humans. Peas are also rich in nitrogenous compounds, vitamins C, B1, B2, B6, PP, D, E and K, potassium, calcium, phosphorus and sodium.

The protein component is similar to meat and dairy, so peas and their derivatives are often compared to meat. The main differences between the plant-based version are the absence of cholesterol and the relatively low price.

Calorie content of pea flour: 71 kcal per 100 g of product.

What's the benefit?

Flour obtained from peas has a number of useful properties:

Is natural source amino acids such as threonine and lysine– they are vital for the functioning of our body.

Selenium, which can be found in large quantities in peas (the exact numbers depend on the region of growth), has antioxidant properties and protects human cells from the effects of free radicals and carcinogens.

Vegetable protein as part of the product it is much better absorbed, without straining the gastrointestinal tract and without having the negative impact that meat products are capable of.

Flour obtained from peas Provides the body with energy, increases the body's performance and endurance.

With regular use, heart function improves, the risk of developing hypertension and myocardial infarction is reduced, and the formation of blood clots in blood vessels is prevented.

Characterized by delicate diuretic and choleretic effects.

Compounds included in the product improve metabolism and prevent the deposition of subcutaneous fat. Regular use is recommended for those who are overweight or simply watching their figure.

To improve brain function and “feed” nerve cells people with mental work should take 1 tsp before meals. pea flour.

Thanks to its high fiber content it helps cope with constipation and other problems that arise during the digestion or absorption of food.

Compresses with pea flour used for local healing of wounds and abscesses on the skin.

May be included in therapeutic nutrition plan for endocrine diseases.

Thanks to the high content of vitamins, baking with such flour will be useful for vitamin deficiency.

Successfully used in cosmetology. It has a beneficial effect on both skin and hair.

Gluten Free Miracles

Since pea flour does not contain gluten, it can be used in the diet of people suffering from celiac disease– a disease associated with intolerance by the human body to wheat protein (gluten in cereals).

Patients suffering from this (often hereditary) disease can eat not only porridges and soups based on peas, but also various baked goods made from pea flour: bread, buns, pies.

What's the harm?

No obvious harm was found when consuming pea flour within reasonable limits during medical studies.

But there is a small list of contraindications:

1. Tendency to flatulence and fermentation processes in the intestines. To prevent this, it is recommended not to overuse peas and their derivatives. When preparing dishes, it is recommended to add fennel and dill (fresh, dried or in seed form) to reduce the gas-forming effect. Also, you should not wash down dishes made from pea flour with cold water.

2. Presence of gout or other kidney diseases. This is due to the content of purines in peas, which contribute to the accumulation of uric acid in the body. It is better for patients to reduce the consumption of such flour to a minimum so as not to aggravate the symptoms.

3. Exacerbation of pancreatitis, gastritis or stomach ulcers. A large amount of fiber provides additional stress on the stomach, so in case of acute conditions of the digestive system, it is better to avoid pea flour until complete recovery.

According to a 2013 study in the American Journal of Kidney Diseases, too much protein in the diet can lead to impaired kidney function, even in healthy people. Therefore, experts advise maintaining a balance and not exceeding the percentage of proteins in the menu equal to 10-35%.

How to cook at home?

You can buy pea flour in almost every supermarket. But if you haven’t found it or have doubts about the quality of store-bought products, you can make it yourself.

1. Choose good dry peas, wash, sort if necessary and be sure to dry. It is better to do this on paper or a piece of fabric, laying out the peas in one layer. Newspaper cannot be used in this case, since legumes easily absorb harmful substances from printing ink.

2. For grinding beans You can use a coffee grinder, mortar or meat grinder. The choice of device depends on what result you ultimately want to get. To obtain delicate and soft premium flour, an electric coffee grinder is suitable. A hand grinder or meat grinder will produce a coarser grind. As for cooking “the old fashioned way”, i.e. in a mortar, you will need a lot of strength and patience.

3. The resulting powder place on a piece of white cloth with a layer of no more than 2 cm. Leave in a dry room to dry. It is necessary to stir from time to time to ensure uniform removal of moisture. After drying, the pea flour will become a little lighter and will easily come off your hands.

For storage A paper bag or fabric bag is suitable. Homemade product should be kept in a dry place. Before use, pea flour, like any other, must be sifted.

Pea jelly

The most famous dishes made from pea flour are soups or purees. But perhaps the most useful is jelly.

Due to its enveloping properties, it has a beneficial effect on the condition of the gastrointestinal tract, protecting the mucous membrane and improving digestive processes. This unusual drink can protect the intestines from dysbiosis, as well as remove toxins and lead salts from the body.


1. Prepare jelly in the same way as any other, but use pea flour instead of starch. To do this, slowly pour cold water over it and mix thoroughly so that no lumps form.

2. Afterwards, the mixture is put on the fire and brought to a boil, stirring constantly so that the flour does not stick to the walls of the pan and does not burn.

3. Even at the preparation stage, salt and spices are added to the drink to taste.

4. When the mass thickens, remove the jelly from the heat.

You can serve pea jelly in portioned molds as an independent dish or, cut into small pieces, with fresh herbs, fried onions and mushrooms.

You can make a huge number of tasty and healthy dishes from pea flour. Among them: soups, porridges, jelly, pates, pancakes, pancakes, bread, pies, puddings, vegetarian cutlets, lean noodles and much more. Choose! published

Several times the question arose about how to prepare a similar sausage from pea flour. I immediately wanted to try this option and tell you, but as always, I hesitated for a long, long time. I put it off, found some urgent things to do, and gave preference to new recipes. And bags of pea flour languished in kitchen cabinet, showing me his green side with silent reproach at every opportunity.

Finally, I gave in, found time and prepared a pate of pea flour with sweet pepper based on the old recipe, but with a couple of new “special effects”. In general, I did a remake, as they say in Hollywood...

For pea flour pate we will need:

  • 1 liter of soy or regular milk;
  • 1.5-2 cups pea flour;
  • 1 red bell pepper;
  • 4 tbsp olive oil;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 1 tbsp. beet juice;
  • 1 tsp ground coriander;
  • 1 tsp salt;
  • 0.5 tsp nutmeg;
  • 0.5 tsp black pepper;
  • 0.5 tsp dry marjoram.

Let's start with the necessary preparatory procedures. First of all, cut the pepper into small pieces. The smaller the better. You can even turn it into dust in a combine.

Grate a small piece of beetroot onto fine grater and using gauze, squeeze the juice out of the beets. If it turns out a little more than a tablespoon, it’s okay.

Pour flour into large dish. We take the amount depending on the desired result: we want a dense pate or sausage, measure out two glasses; we want a more delicate consistency - one and a half. I made it out of two.

Now bring the milk to a boil, pour it into the flour and immediately mix with a blender, thus brewing the pea flour. The result is a homogeneous yellow thick mass.

It's okay, we'll add some colors now. Add all other ingredients to the pea mixture, with the exception of pepper. This is the “primary broth”.

Again, take the blender as an assistant and mix the pea mass again. It will acquire the usual pink tint, well, almost like a “real” pate.

All that remains is to add pieces of sweet pepper to our pate, mix everything again and try to see if there are enough spices and salt.

The color takes on a reddish tint - the pepper added its two cents.

If you want beautiful shape, then we remember the sausage recipe, cut off the top plastic bottle and stuff the pea mixture tightly into it. This time I didn’t care about the shape, so I stupidly put the product into sour cream jars. It turned out to be less than three pieces.

Place the finished pate in the refrigerator for several hours. The cooking process can be considered complete, hurray.

Just in case, I remind you that both sausage and pea pate are not stored for long, even in the refrigerator. Therefore, calculate the number of products taking into account the number of eaters. My three jars are on big family. Bon appetit!
