Buckwheat recipe: there are some nuances here too. How to boil buckwheat: simple recipes

Of course, among all types of cereals, buckwheat is one of the most delicious and healthy. It not only has a special rich taste, but also contains a lot of useful nutrients. Buckwheat is rich in proteins, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and microelements, in particular iron, but if prepared incorrectly, it can not only lose its nutritional properties, but also become simply tasteless, so it is important to know how to cook buckwheat correctly. Many people think that they know, based on water, and they do it very roughly, believing that it is not at all necessary to know the buckwheat recipe, and they measure the amount of cereal and water by eye, and are often dissatisfied with the result. However, there is a recipe for buckwheat, and by following it, you can always achieve excellent results.

correct on the water

It is important to prepare the cereal correctly, use the right utensils and follow correct proportions cereals and water. In order for the buckwheat to turn out crumbly, before cooking it must be thoroughly sorted and rinsed thoroughly with water. It is best to buy factory-packed cereal from a trusted manufacturer, since buckwheat by weight can be contaminated not only with husks, weed seeds and small pebbles, but which will then be extremely difficult to remove from the apartment. Before cooking, buckwheat can be dried on large frying pan or baking sheet, keeping it on low heat for several minutes. In order to prepare delicious buckwheat porridge, it is best to take thick-walled dishes, since the buckwheat must be steamed. For one glass of cereal, take two glasses of water and salt to taste. Cleaned and washed cereals are poured cold water and bring to a boil. Then the water is added with salt, the heat is reduced, after which the pan must be closed with a lid and left to simmer. low heat for 15 minutes. At this time, do not remove the lid and stir the cooking porridge - otherwise the buckwheat can be spoiled. After 15 minutes, you need to check the amount of liquid by carefully spreading the cereal with a spoon to the very bottom. If there's still some left at the bottom a large number of liquid - you need to remove the lid and wait until it evaporates, while making sure that the porridge does not burn. If the water has completely evaporated and the porridge is not yet ready, it is better not to add water, but to wrap the pan with the lid closed in a thick towel and leave it like that for a while, the longer the better.

Another interesting recipe buckwheat - steam it in salted boiling water in a thermos, for example, overnight - then you will have a very healthy and delicious proportions and the preparation of the cereal is the same. It makes sense to cook buckwheat this way if, for example, you need to get up very early in the morning - this way you can save almost half an hour of sleep, which would have to be spent on preparing breakfast. Also, this buckwheat recipe can be useful for those who are going on the road - this way you can take hot and healthy food rather than eating sandwiches.

How to cook buckwheat deliciously

In addition to buckwheat itself, you can prepare other dishes. For example, it has enjoyed constant popularity for centuries. Beef is ideal for buckwheat, but it requires a long cooking time, especially since pork, poultry and rabbit meat are also suitable for it the best way. The meat should first be fried or stewed in a saucepan until cooked, however, it should be a little tough. There you also need to add onions cut into half rings or quarters and, if desired, carrots, and, when they are fried, washed buckwheat. Everything needs to be poured with boiling water and simmered under a closed lid until the cereal is ready. For three hundred grams of buckwheat, take half a kilogram of meat, two onions, optionally one carrot, 600 ml of boiling water, salt and spices to taste.

Subject to proper nutrition Everyone wants a dish that is not just healthy, but also tasty. Buckwheat porridge combines these two important qualities. Rich chemical vitamin composition buckwheat allows it to be consumed by both adults and children. So, buckwheat considered a source of slow carbohydrates and protein. Also, the porridge is rich in B vitamins, iron, zinc, potassium, and selenium. To preserve all the components of the product, it is important to prepare it correctly. So how long should you cook buckwheat so that it has maximum benefit to the body?

Average cooking time for buckwheat porridge

Previously, when buckwheat was not prepared using gas stove, and in the oven the cooking process was long. After all, it was said that porridge is not cooked, but simmered. On average, it took 2 hours. This dish had the maximum amount useful components. Today, it is customary to cook buckwheat. You can use both water and milk for preparation. Traditionally, buckwheat is boiled in water.

The cooking period of the dish takes only 20-25 minutes. This time should be counted from the moment the water boils. It is noteworthy that buckwheat is placed in cold water. If you pour the cereal into hot, boiling water, the cooking time increases by 5-10 minutes. Buckwheat that has been boiled for 20 minutes and then stood, wrapped in a warm towel, for another half hour will be very tasty and healthy.

So, you get crumbly, rich and tasty buckwheat. Some housewives prepare the product within 1.5 hours. This is done to preserve all useful components. The cooking principle is as follows: required amount buckwheat is poured with boiling water, brought to a boil, removed from the heat, and wrapped in a warm blanket. So, the porridge should stand for at least 1.5 hours. For taste, salt, sunflower or vegetable oil is added to buckwheat.

How to cook crumbly buckwheat?

To prepare dinner for three people in the form of delicious crumbly buckwheat, you will need the following ingredients for cooking:

  • 1 glass of buckwheat;
  • 2 glasses cold water;
  • 50 grams of butter;
  • Salt.

Initially, it is necessary to clean the cereal from debris and husks. To do this, the grains are sifted on a large sieve, or sorted by hand. Next, selected grains are washed under running water. You need to rinse until the water becomes clean and clear. As a rule, this is the fifth to seventh water. Already completely clean buckwheat is immersed in a pan and filled with water. It is better to use purified, filtered water.

While the cereal is boiling, the heat on the stove should be at maximum. As soon as the buckwheat boils, the gas is reduced to the minimum value. Buckwheat is always cooked over low heat. At this time, you need to salt the cereal to taste. How long should I cook buckwheat now? Cover the pan with a lid and cook the dish for 20 minutes. At the end, butter is added to the buckwheat. It is advised to wait another 15-20 minutes so that the butter has melted and the porridge has become as saturated with it as possible.

How long to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker, double boiler, or microwave?

When cooking buckwheat not in a simple pan on gas, but in a slow cooker, it takes a little more time. So, the required amount of buckwheat is poured into the multicooker bowl and filled with water. It is necessary to adhere to the ratio of 2:5. Salt and other spices are added as desired. Next, the “Cooking”, “Buckwheat” mode is set. The cooking process will take 40 minutes.

Using a double boiler to cook buckwheat, the cooking principle will be approximately the same as in the previous case. But the ratio of cereal to water is slightly lower - 2:4. The porridge is also poured into cold water, salt and seasonings are added. Cook the dish for 40 minutes. At the end of this time, butter or vegetable oil is added to the buckwheat to taste.

You can even cook buckwheat in the microwave. To cook the product in this way, you need to pour 1 cup of buckwheat into a microwave-safe bowl, add 2 cups of cold water and salt. The dish is covered with a lid. The microwave is set to maximum power and the time is 17 minutes. For more Buckwheat requires longer cooking time. If the kernels are already cooked and all the water has not evaporated, it doesn’t matter. Just open the lid and leave the dish in the microwave for 5 minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated.

What time does it take to cook cereal with milk?

It is useful for children and the elderly to cook buckwheat with milk. All the benefits of porridge are only enhanced by exposure to dairy product. Also, milk porridge can be made not only salty, but also sweet. This dish will take longer to cook than in water. For 1 glass of buckwheat, 4 glasses of milk are required. The dish will cook for 35 minutes.

During the cooking process, it is important to constantly stir the product so that the milk does not run away and the porridge does not burn. Of course, cooking occurs only over low heat. After full readiness Salt or sugar and butter are added to the dish. It is worth noting that milk buckwheat is contraindicated for consumption by people with lactose intolerance. Also, sweet porridge prohibited if you have diabetes.

Cook buckwheat in bags

Buckwheat in bags is very popular today. Each packet contains 1 serving of food. This greatly simplifies the cooking process. Also, it is possible to cook buckwheat for 1 time without leaving leftovers in the refrigerator. Buckwheat is cooked directly in a portioned package. The presence of such a bag ensures that the product does not burn.

Information on how long to cook buckwheat is indicated on the packaging. Also carefully painted step-by-step instruction along with a photo. As a rule, until fully cooked It should only take 15-20 minutes. To obtain crumbly cereal, need to fill a small amount of water. It’s better to add the missing liquid later. Cooked buckwheat in a bag will double in size.

Cooking buckwheat seems very simple. But, to get tasty and useful product it takes some effort. Otherwise, you will end up with too viscous, overcooked cereal, with minimum quantity useful substances. So, following useful tips, you can avoid difficulties during preparation:

  • A crumbly porridge will be obtained by cooking buckwheat kernels. It is important that the grains are the same size. This is the only way they will cook at the same time.
  • Before cooking, buckwheat needs to be sorted. Very often, cereals contain grains of other cereal crops, garbage, dust, even stones.
  • To get rid of dirt and husks, you need to rinse the buckwheat 7 times under running water.
  • If the buckwheat grains are light, it is recommended to fry them for 3-4 minutes in a dry frying pan without vegetable oil. This will result in a more crumbly dish.
  • It is important to maintain strict proportions of cereal and water. So, 1 cup of grains requires 2 cups of water.
  • During the cooking process, do not stir the porridge and open the lid. Under the closed lid, steam is retained, which creates the effect of simmering the grains.

Delicious recipes

Enhance taste qualities Boiled buckwheat can be done with vegetables. So, for buckwheat with vegetables you will need the following ingredients:

  • 1 cup kernels;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 2 glasses of water;
  • Garlic clove;
  • Salt and ground pepper.

Buckwheat is cooked according to the previously described method. All vegetables are chopped small pieces, fried on vegetable oil. Once ready, all ingredients are mixed and the dish is served. It is very tasty boiled buckwheat combined with onions and mushrooms. Mushrooms and onion half rings are fried and poured into boiled buckwheat. So, you can diversify your diet.

Buckwheat, as a side dish, goes great with fried meat and fish. Yadritsa is considered universal product. Buckwheat with the addition of meat goulash. As you can see, buckwheat is not only healthy, but also delicious food. By including it in your diet, the body will receive a whole complex of vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

Buckwheat - healthy dietary product, containing a lot of protein, vitamins, microelements, and other components useful for life. Today, the retail chain most often sells fried, brown buckwheat, which produces a tasty, crumbly and aromatic porridge. Before you start preparing a nutritious second course, you need to familiarize yourself with how to prepare and cook buckwheat correctly.

Where to start and how to cook buckwheat?

Buckwheat is not exceptionally sterile. Therefore, you should inspect it, sort it out, removing impurities and grains and pebbles. For convenience, you can take a standard 250-gram glass glass (measured dose) and make calculations based on this volume. Buckwheat without any admixture should be poured into a colander and rinsed under running cold water. This is how the cereal is washed, and those residues that are not visible to the naked eye are removed. After some simple preparation, you can start cooking. For classic recipe required:

  • 1 cup buckwheat;
  • 2.5 glasses of cold water;
  • 0.5 tsp salt.

How to cook buckwheat in water in a saucepan?

After the water has drained, pour the contents into the pan and fill with cold water. To ensure that the porridge is crumbly and does not burn, the proportion is 1:2.5. This means that to prepare the classic buckwheat recipe you need to take one volume of granules and 2.5 volumes of water. Half a teaspoon of salt will be enough to ensure that the porridge is not salty or completely bland.

You can add salt immediately. Cover the contents with a lid and cook over medium heat until boiling (about 7-10 minutes). When the porridge boils, the fire can be reduced, preventing the water from escaping. To check, you can open the lid a little. This will allow excess liquid to evaporate.

It is not prohibited to test the product for readiness at any stage, but stirring is not recommended. When the porridge is almost ready, but there is still liquid in it, you can open the lid completely. From the moment of boiling until fully cooked, it will take approximately 10-15 minutes. The duration of cooking buckwheat porridge in water depends on the type of cereal and the processing method.

Even if you are a beginner specialist in home cooking, it will not be difficult for you to see when the porridge is cooked (the volume will increase 3 times). Finished product remove from heat, add butter, stir, and treat your household or guests.

Attention: cooked buckwheat from 100 g of cereal with minimal salt contains 95 kcal. If you add a little oil, the calorie content increases to 120 kcal.

How to cook buckwheat with stew?

Buckwheat with stew will be tasty and nutritious. It is prepared in the same way as with water, you can take less liquid - 2 cups. If the stew is salty, then add it to the water during cooking. less salt, than in regular recipe on the water. At the end of cooking, pour a can of stew into the pan and stir. All contents are simmered for a few more minutes (2-3) over low heat. This is how anyone can cook porridge with stewed meat in a saucepan at home and at hiking conditions. Porridge cooked over a fire in a cauldron with a handle will have rich taste And pleasant aroma smoke.

At home, you can season the porridge with roasted stew. To do this, take one large onion, cut it into half rings or cubes and fry it in a frying pan in fat from the stew. When the onion is browned, you can put the entire contents of the jar into it. As a result, the stew is heated in a frying pan and then added to the porridge along with the onions. After adding, the buckwheat and stew should be steamed together over the fire for a couple of minutes, but no more. If the process drags on, some of the contents will stick to the bottom of the pan.

Recipe for buckwheat with stew:

  • 1 can of stew;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • 1 measured dose of cereal;
  • 2 measured doses of water.

Don't forget to add a little salt. You can also cook buckwheat with stewed meat in a slow cooker.

Attention! Many young housewives have poor knowledge of required volumes finished product. Remember that a 250 g glass of cereal will be enough to feed a family of 3 people: a man, a woman and a child. Half a glass or a little less than 100-125 g is a one-time norm for single citizens.

How to cook buckwheat with minced meat?

The recipe with minced meat is identical to the previous one. In this case, you need to prepare the minced meat and then mix it with the finished porridge without adding butter. To prepare the minced meat, you will also need fried onions. It is fried in sunflower or other oil, fat, as desired. Minced meat is added to it, salted, peppered, and simmered until tender.

If necessary, you can add a little water (100 ml) to the frying pan. After 10-15 minutes. the minced meat will be ready. It is mixed with porridge, covered with a lid and then with a towel. This way the finished product will infuse, “reach” and stay warm longer.

Here is the prescription:

  • minced chicken, pork and beef – 300-500 grams;
  • water – 2 measured doses;
  • a little salt and pepper;
  • vegetable oil - 100 ml.

You can cook the dish this way using a slow cooker.

How to cook buckwheat with meat?

Buckwheat with meat is prepared separately. Porridge is cooked in water at a ratio of 1:2.5 (cereals/water). This dish cooks over the fire for about 20-25 minutes. The meat is stewed in another container. It could be a frying pan, a cast iron pot, a duck pot, or a thick-walled pan. The meat is cut into small portions and fried until golden brown, then transferred to a prepared container. Onions and grated carrots are fried in the same fat and transferred to a pan with meat. The contents are flavored with peppercorns, other spices, and salt.

Water is poured into the container and simmered over low heat until the meat is completely cooked. This will take approximately 30-60 minutes. For store-bought chicken, 30 minutes will be enough, pork is stewed for 40 minutes, beef - 50. The finished meat does not have to be mixed with porridge. It’s better to cook separately and first pour the buckwheat into a plate, and place the roasted meat beautifully on top.

  • 300-500 grams of meat;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • cereal – 1 measured dose;
  • water – 2 measured doses;
  • a little salt for meat and buckwheat;
  • a few peppercorns, a couple of bay leaves - for meat.

How to cook crumbly buckwheat in water, step-by-step recipe?

To master the topic and learn how to cook buckwheat using the classic method, try to put into practice the step-by-step cooking recipe:

  1. Pour 1 cup of buckwheat into a plate. We select husks and other impurities.
  2. We wash the contents.
  3. Pour the washed cereal into a saucepan with a thick bottom. Add 2 or 2.5 cups of cold water and salt.
  4. Place on medium heat.
  5. After boiling, reduce the heat and open the lid.
  6. Cook until the water has completely boiled away. Each grain will increase in size and will separate from one another.
Attention: You only have to spend 20-25 minutes to cook delicious second dishes.

You can add gravy to it with:

  • onions and tomatoes;
  • chicken or beef;
  • mushrooms;
  • bell pepper, carrots, onions;
  • blue eggplants, onions;
  • meat balls;
  • meatballs;
  • cutlets.

On our website there is a proven recipe with step-by-step photos. Use our recommendations and you will receive delicious porridge crumbly buckwheat, the recipe will work for any volume.

In order for the food to become tastier, you need to close it with a lid and “wrap it” with a terry towel for 20 minutes. This way the dish will “reach” and not cool down.

In order to cook buckwheat porridge in water, it is advisable to use dishes with a thick or double bottom. When you are faced with a choice between cast iron and enamel pan, then it is best to choose thick-walled cast iron cookware. A good option is a stainless pan .

How to cook buckwheat in a slow cooker deliciously and quickly?

Modern multicookers are often equipped with a special function. In this case, you must follow the recommendations from the instructions. If the multicooker is not equipped with such functionality, it doesn’t matter! Pour the washed buckwheat into the multicooker bowl, choosing the correct composition of cereal and water. For one glass of dry cereal you will need 2 tbsp. water.

Recipe 1:2 - perfect option for a slow cooker, as opposed to cooking over a fire. You can immediately add salt and butter. In 15-20 minutes the porridge will be ready. Despite the fact that the recipe is not at all complicated, the porridge turns out very tasty, crumbly and aromatic.


  • buckwheat – 1 measured dose;
  • water – 2 measured doses;
  • a little salt on the tip of a knife;
  • 30 grams of butter.
Attention: It is important not to over-salt the product. At first glance, it may seem that you need to salt the dish, like broth. But the water evaporates, and the salinity is transferred to the kernels.

How to cook buckwheat in the microwave?

The microwave is great for cooking buckwheat porridge. It cooks quickly and turns out crumbly and tender. To prepare, you need to have a glass container with a lid. The recipe for cooking in the microwave is identical to the recipe for using a multicooker. If you take a glass of cereal and 2 glasses of water, the porridge will be perfect. Don't forget to add a little salt! Cook this product in the microwave for about 7 minutes.


  • cereal - 1 measured dose;
  • water – 2 measured doses;
  • a little salt.

How to properly cook crumbly buckwheat in water in a double boiler?

Using a steamer you can prepare healthy steamed buckwheat porridge. This way it won’t burn or boil over, but will acquire a special aroma and taste. The cooking process in a double boiler is not much different from cooking in a saucepan, only a different proportion must be observed. To prepare buckwheat in a double boiler, take washed cereals, water and salt at the rate of:

  • one part of kernels (for example, one cup);
  • one part water (one glass);
  • You will need a pinch of salt or on the tip of a knife.

The cooking process is simple:

Buckwheat is sorted and washed until the dust completely disappears. Then it is placed in the upper container of the steamer, filled with cold water, and a little salt is added. The contents are prepared for 45 minutes. The finished product is mixed, transferred to a saucepan and butter is added.

Tip: If you want a less crumbly porridge, add more water, for example, 2 doses. for 1 dose of kernels.

How to cook light buckwheat?

Light buckwheat is a special type of grain processing. If dark buckwheat is obtained by frying the kernels, then light buckwheat is the result of steaming. It is considered more useful, as it has retained more of its beneficial properties and vitamins during gentle processing under industrial production. It is useful to eat when diabetes mellitus, obesity and some other diseases.

It is worth noting that such buckwheat will not make crumbly porridge. But not all consumers consider this criterion a priority. There are people who love “softies”, i.e. porridge in which individual grains are not separated. Light buckwheat has a slightly different taste and appearance. If desired, light kernels can be fried in a frying pan without fat, and they will become similar to dark buckwheat.

To cook light buckwheat you will need:

  • light buckwheat – 1 tbsp.;
  • water – 3 tbsp.;
  • Solka.

Light buckwheat should be cooked over low heat for 20 minutes in order to preserve its beneficial properties and to prevent water from escaping. The proportion must be observed: for one glass of light kernels, 3 tbsp is recommended. water and half tsp. salt. Some consumers prefer to add boiled milk and sugar to such food. Buckwheat steamed with milk - excellent dietary dish. It can be given to children and the elderly, and, if desired, to all household members.

Buckwheat - unique product, it is not without reason that they call her the “queen of cereals.” It is affordable and nutritious, tasty and loved, vitamin-rich and dietary. Properly cooked buckwheat - wonderful side dish, which harmonizes with meat, fish, vegetable dishes and mushrooms.

Buckwheat is both a nutritious breakfast and great side dish for dinner. It can be combined with many products, while being different unique taste and helps you lose weight. To make buckwheat tasty, you need to know some secrets that will allow you to cook this porridge correctly.

Secrets of making delicious buckwheat porridge

  1. To make the cooked buckwheat crumbly, you should resort to one of two methods. Firstly, the grains can be fried in a heated frying pan without adding oil for 5 minutes, while making sure that the grains do not overcook. In the same case, buckwheat will acquire golden color, and the taste of the finished porridge will ultimately be more aromatic. Secondly, you can warm it up directly in the pan before cooking (also 5 minutes) by turning on a powerful fire under the pan.
  2. You should correctly calculate the proportions of water and buckwheat. Both taste and appearance dishes. For crumbly buckwheat: a glass of cereal and 2-2.5 glasses of water. For viscous: a glass of buckwheat and 3-3.5 glasses of water. For a completely liquid porridge: 1 cup of cereal and 4.5 cups of cold water. Important: during cooking, buckwheat swells and becomes larger. One glass of cereal is enough for standard portions for three people.
  3. To ensure the taste of the dish is mild, you should choose the right water. It should not be hard; it is better to give preference to cold tap water, but filtered. For instant cooking For porridge, it is permissible to use water already boiled in a kettle.
  4. For greater aroma and new taste, this porridge can be cooked not only in water or milk, but also in meat or chicken broth.
  5. They say that you can't spoil porridge with butter, and this is true. It is necessary to add butter not only to the finished dish and already laid out on plates, a teaspoon of butter will also be needed at the end of cooking the buckwheat in a saucepan, and when adding this ingredient, the porridge itself should not be stirred.
  6. To prevent the buckwheat from coming out too boiled, with lumps, you need to carefully monitor its cooking time. How long should you cook buckwheat porridge to make it tasty? The traditional method of cooking in a saucepan will not take more than 20 minutes if you are preparing a dish with water or broth and want to get crumbly buckwheat. But buckwheat with milk takes a little longer to cook – up to 35 minutes.
  7. After all the water has evaporated and the cooking time has expired ready-made porridge leave to “languish” under the lid for some more time (usually 30-45 minutes). For a greater “steamy” effect, the pan can be covered with a thick towel or wrapped in a blanket or blanket and placed in a warm place.
  8. The right choice of cookware is the key to a successful dish. Pans with enamel coating and also made of aluminum. Such dishes will not be able to maintain uniform heat inside themselves, and this is extremely important while the buckwheat is being cooked. You should also choose a pan that has fairly dense, thick walls, then desired temperature The inside will last longer.
  9. In addition to the dishes themselves, it is important to choose the right lid. It should also be tight enough, without holes, to hold the steam inside the container.
  10. During the cooking process, buckwheat is never stirred. And, having covered the pan, it is advisable not to open it again until the end of cooking. This will allow the grains to swell and reach the required degree of readiness. You just need to try not to overcook the porridge under the lid on low heat so that it doesn’t boil over.
  11. It is important to remember: the porridge is not salted during the cooking process. Salt and spices to taste should be added to still cold water before pouring the cereal into it. If the porridge is prepared not in a saucepan, but, for example, in microwave oven, then it is salted immediately along with the water.
Data general tips They will not only allow you to cook buckwheat correctly, but also make it very tasty.

Recipe for cooking buckwheat in water

Cooking buckwheat in water in a saucepan is quite simple. Taking into account the instructions provided, even the first time it can turn out truly tasty dish for the whole family.
  • Before starting cooking, in some cases it is necessary to sort out the cereal so that there are no pebbles or debris left inside. There is no need to do this when preparing porridge in bags; at the moment, this may only be relevant for cereals sold by weight.
  • Measured by glass required quantity Buckwheat should be rinsed under cold water. This can be done either in a saucepan, then draining the water, or in a strainer or colander, placing it under the tap.
  • The required amount of water is poured into the selected thick-walled container, taking into account the 1:2 ratio (buckwheat:water). The container is placed on the burner turned on at maximum power, spices and salt (half a teaspoon) are added.
  • Afterwards, the washed cereal is poured into the pan, the porridge is not stirred, and the water is brought to a boil.
  • Reducing the heat to almost minimum, cover the container with buckwheat with a lid. It will take another 10 or 15 minutes to cook this porridge.
  • When right time For cooking it will pass, oil is added to the buckwheat, the pan is covered again with a lid and removed from the heat.
  • Afterwards, the buckwheat “languishes” in the bowl for some more time.
Buckwheat is a very unusual cereal. And its main unusualness is that this porridge does not need to be cooked at all. This recipe for cooking buckwheat is perfect for breakfast, during a diet, or when you don’t have enough time to cook buckwheat in a saucepan without leaving the stove.

Video on how to cook delicious buckwheat on the stove

Tricky recipe for buckwheat without cooking

A glass of cereal is filled with a couple of glasses of water (cold). The container with buckwheat is covered with a plate or lid and left overnight. If such porridge is prepared during the day without cooking, it will take about 5 hours for it to brew. Afterwards all you have to do is heat the buckwheat in a frying pan or in the microwave. This cooking method retains more nutrients and vitamins, because the thermal effect on the product is minimized.

How to properly cook buckwheat with milk?

Buckwheat milk porridge can become a wonderful dish V children's menu. To make it especially tasty, a certain amount of sugar should be added to it at the end of the cooking process.

There are two options for cooking buckwheat with milk

Option one

  1. Initially the porridge is cooked traditional way on the water, the instructions for which were given above.
  2. Then in a saucepan with ready-made buckwheat add milk (cold, hot, fresh, boiled, diluted powdered milk). And let the porridge brew for 5-10 minutes. If desired, it is not necessary to fill all the prepared buckwheat with milk; it can be added to a portion of porridge directly on the plate.
Option two
  1. For 1 glass of washed buckwheat, take 4 glasses of pure milk.
  2. The cereal is poured into the selected bowl. The required amount of milk is diluted with water 1:1, this is required primarily to ensure that the dish does not burn during the cooking process.
  3. Pour the diluted milk mixture over the cereal and close the pan with a tight lid. Buckwheat with milk is brought to a boil over high heat, and then cooked for some more time on low heat. Total time cooking time – 35 minutes.
  4. Afterwards, butter and sugar are added to the finished milk porridge to taste. Cover the pan again with a lid, remove from the heat and leave for another 15 minutes until fully cooked.

Cooking buckwheat: modern methods

In the past, buckwheat was always prepared in cast iron cookware in the oven, while it was not boiled, but simply “languished” on the fire and in the warmth, doused with water or milk. This method of cooking is practically impossible nowadays, which is why it is traditional to cook buckwheat in saucepans. But now there are many modern devices that are also suitable for preparing this dish.

Buckwheat in. The washed cereal is poured into a bowl, then filled with the required volume of water based on the previously specified proportions. At this stage you need to add salt, sugar, and spices to taste. Then the desired mode is selected in the multicooker: “buckwheat”, “rice” or something close to them (depending on the device model), the timer is set for 60 minutes. A small cube of butter is added to the prepared buckwheat.

Buckwheat in a double boiler. This steamed porridge turns out to be especially tasty and crumbly. Pour the prepared cereal into a bowl with water and add salt. Water is also added to the lower bowl of the steamer, but in smaller quantities. The timer on the device is set to 40 minutes. Butter, as in the case of buckwheat in a slow cooker, it is added to the finished dish.

Buckwheat in a thermos. The thermos must be large (at least 2.5 liters). For a glass of buckwheat, take 3 cups of boiled hot water. The washed cereal is salted and thoroughly mixed, then poured into a thermos and poured with boiling water. The container is tightly closed and left for 6-8 hours (overnight is possible); for greater effect, the thermos can be wrapped in a warm terry towel or an old blanket. Oil is added to taste to the finished dish.

Buckwheat on. You can also cook buckwheat in a deep frying pan. The prepared cereal is poured into the container, filled with the required volume of water, and salted. The frying pan is placed on a burner with high heat and covered with a lid. During the process of evaporating the water, the fire is reduced to a minimum. The preparation time for this porridge is 20 minutes.

Buckwheat in. The required amount of cereal is poured into a suitable container. Buckwheat is poured with cold water on top. Covering with a tight lid, the dishes go into the oven. You need to cook buckwheat in the microwave in stages. The first 4 minutes at a power of up to 1000 W; then, replacing the lid with one that has a hole for steam to escape, the buckwheat is cooked for another 15 minutes at a power of up to 800 W. Afterwards the porridge should stand for another 5 minutes. Finally, salt and oil are added.

Buckwheat in bags: fast and tasty

Various cereals in bags are very popular now. After all, they simplify the cooking process. The cereal does not need to be sorted and washed, being in separate bags, it is already ready for cooking.

The process of such preparation includes the following steps:

  • pour into the selected container with thick walls sufficient quantity cold water, into which the bags of cereal are then lowered (the water should completely cover them);
  • add salt and spices to taste;
  • turning on the maximum heat, bring the buckwheat to a boil, only then, reducing the power of the burner, close the container with the porridge with a lid;
  • total cooking time – about 15 minutes;
  • ready-made bags of buckwheat porridge are pulled out of the pan with a fork or knife, cut and their contents are poured onto a plate; the remaining water in the pan is drained.
You can cook buckwheat this way by throwing the bags into boiling and salted water. This will not change the taste.

Cooking buckwheat is not so difficult; it is important to do it correctly, based on required proportions, refusing to cook “by eye”. If you take into account all the nuances, the porridge will turn out tasty and aromatic. And the opportunity to combine it with various products will allow you to diversify the menu, which regularly includes buckwheat.

Cooking hearty buckwheat porridge as a side dish with onions and carrots, according to a step-by-step recipe with photo and video instructions. Tasty and satisfying. Bon appetit!

40 min

167 kcal

4.5/5 (4)

Buckwheat as a side dish- This perfect choice like for lunch or even dinner. Everyone knows that buckwheat is very healthy and tasty. But few people know how to deliciously cook crumbly buckwheat as a side dish so that all the trace elements are preserved.
Also, few people know what needs to be done to make buckwheat very tasty. Today I will tell you some secrets of cooking buckwheat. This very quick and simple dish will keep you full for a long time.

What you need to know before cooking

Kitchen appliances:

  • Pan and lid.
  • Calico or colander.
  • Table and tea spoons.
  • Glass 250 ml.
  • Frying pan.
  • Grater


Cooking sequence

Cooking video

To better understand this recipe, I advise you to watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1AoZsH06zKg. It will help you save a lot of time and get useful knowledge in the field of cooking. Step by step recipe in combination with the video will help you prepare this dish well, and most importantly, quickly.

This side dish tastes best when combined with with meat products. Pork, beef, veal, lamb - all this will perfectly complement the taste of buckwheat and even increase it.
It would also be useful baked vegetables. This dish is distinguished by its practicality in that it can complement any product. This dish is ideal for satisfying hunger in a minimum of time. It is very simple and accessible to everyone. And just buckwheat can be served even with. This will add variety to the taste of buckwheat. And don't forget the spinach. Only here you will learn the fastest and easiest recipe.

Cooking options

Buckwheat side dish can be prepared to suit every taste. Everything is limited only by your preferences. For variety you can use mushrooms, garlic, zucchini and many other vegetables. Now that you have learned how to properly prepare buckwheat for a side dish, you can freely select and experiment with products.
You can also use it instead of vegetables meat products. This will make such a side dish complete and healthy dish. I also recommend reading about
