What can you do with trout? Rainbow trout in foil with orange. Trout dishes - the best recipes

It's hard to find a person who doesn't like trout. This fish is one of the most delicious and healthy. In order to make it delicious dish, no special tricks are required. It is not too dry, and if you know how to cook trout deliciously in the oven or in a frying pan, it will remain tender and juicy. At the same time, trout dishes look very presentable, most of them are suitable for a festive table. However, the ease of preparing trout allows you to make dishes from it even for a family dinner.

The recipes we have collected will help you out in the most different situations. Using them, you can quickly prepare food for your family, even if you come home late from work, and holiday dishes to a spontaneously arisen festive feast.

Culinary secrets

Before you start choosing suitable recipe, we invite you to familiarize yourself with several secrets, the knowledge of which will allow you to cook trout in the oven or in a frying pan especially tasty.

  • If the meat or fish has not been frozen, it is always easier to maintain its juiciness. However experienced chefs capable of doing no less juicy dish from frozen products. The secret is in proper defrosting. If you let the trout thaw in the refrigerator, you'll have no problem keeping it juicy.
  • Trout cooks very quickly. Do not exceed the cooking time if you do not want to dry it out. Trout is usually baked in the oven for 30 to 40 minutes, and fried in a frying pan even faster.
  • Foil or culinary sleeve, when frying - batter. A fairly rich sauce made from sour cream, cream or mayonnaise can also cope with this task. If you cook trout in dough, it will also remain tender and juicy.
  • To give trout a seductive aroma and improve its already excellent taste, the fish is marinated. Most often used for marinade fragrant herbs, lemon juice, white and black pepper. There are recipes that call for the inclusion of honey or mustard in the marinade. In this case, the dish can be given a particularly piquant taste.

Now you know how to cook trout juicy and flavorful. We bring to your attention recipes for preparing baked trout whole, in the form of steaks or fillets. The last two recipes will help you cook trout deliciously in a frying pan. One of them is a treasure of Armenian cuisine; lake trout is usually prepared using it. So choose a recipe, create and enjoy. unique taste trout.

Trout baked with a crispy crust

What do you need:

  • river trout carcasses – 1 kg;
  • fresh basil – 100 g;
  • lemon – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 7-8 cloves;
  • egg yolk – 2 pcs.;
  • sour cream – 100 ml;
  • potato chips – 100 g;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • greens - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Clean, gut, wash and dry trout carcasses. Rub them inside and out with salt and spices. Squeeze the juice from one lemon and sprinkle it over the carcasses. Leave to marinate for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Finely chop the basil.
  3. Grate the zest from one lemon (the one from which the juice was squeezed).
  4. Crush the chips in a mortar into fine crumbs. Leave a few for decoration.
  5. Chop the garlic very finely with a knife.
  6. Mix garlic, chips crumbs with herbs and zest.
  7. Beat the yolks with sour cream. Add to spicy mixture, stir.
  8. Place the fish in a mold and cover each with a thick sauce.
  9. Place in an oven preheated to 180-200 degrees for half an hour. At first it is better to bake under foil, then without it.

Before serving, garnish with sprigs of herbs, remaining chips and fresh lemon wedges.

Whole baked river trout

What do you need:

  • river trout – 1kg;
  • oranges – 0.3 kg;
  • soy sauce – 40 ml;
  • honey – 1 tsp;
  • Russian mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • dried saffron – 1 tsp;
  • black ground pepper- taste;
  • mayonnaise – 100 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 10-20 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Season the prepared river trout carcasses with salt and pepper.
  2. Mix mustard, mayonnaise, honey and soy sauce. Coat the trout carcasses with the resulting mixture.
  3. Grease a sheet of foil and place it on a baking sheet.
  4. Cut the oranges into circles, remove the seeds from them. Place orange slices on foil. Place trout carcasses on them.
  5. Sprinkle the fish with saffron and pepper. Cover with a second sheet of foil and place in the oven. Bake for 30 minutes, including the last 10-15 minutes without foil. The temperature in the oven at this time should remain around 180 degrees.

Trout made according to this recipe has a spicy, sweetish taste, typical of Asian dishes. Therefore, it is best to prepare rice as a side dish.

Monastery-style trout

What do you need:

  • rainbow trout (steaks) – 0.5 kg;
  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • flour – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 140 ml;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • cheese – 50 g;
  • sour cream – 0.5 l;
  • onions – 100 g;
  • tarragon – 5-10 g;
  • fresh mushrooms – 0.25 kg;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the steaks, dry with napkins, rub with salt and spices.
  2. Cut the potatoes into bars, as for French fries, fry in vegetable oil, add salt and pepper.
  3. Fry the flour in butter, add sour cream, bring to a boil. Whisk the sauce until smooth.
  4. Cut the mushrooms into small cubes.
  5. Grease the mold and place the trout in it. Place mushrooms on it. Top with a mound of potatoes.
  6. Pour in the sauce.
  7. Bake at 180 degrees for half an hour. 10 minutes before cooking, sprinkle with grated cheese.
  8. Sprinkle with tarragon before serving.

Please note that the dish is not lean, and its calorie content is quite high. But this dish is very tasty and satisfying; you can feed your household with an excellent appetite.

Trout with mushroom julienne

What do you need:

  • trout fillet – 0.5 kg;
  • champignons – 0.2 kg;
  • cream – 0.2 l;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • butter – 80 g;
  • flour – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, seasonings - to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Marinate the fish pieces in a mixture of lemon juice, salt and spices.
  2. Melt butter in a frying pan, fry mushrooms cut into small cubes in it, add flour and fry for a couple of minutes.
  3. Pour the cream into the pan in a thin stream, whisking it with a whisk.
  4. Cut the fillet into pieces approximately 5-6 cm wide. Cut each piece in half down to the skin and roll so that each piece resembles a steak in appearance.
  5. Place the steaks on “boats” made of foil.
  6. Cover the pieces with mushroom julienne.
  7. Bake in the oven for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

It is best to serve trout prepared according to this recipe directly in foil “boats”. They don't need a side dish.

Trout slice rolls

What do you need:

  • trout fillet – 0.5 kg;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • walnuts – 0.2 kg;
  • canned pineapples - small jar;
  • lemon – 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • olive oil – 50 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the trout fillet into pieces about half a centimeter thick.
  2. Marinate in a mixture of olive oil and lemon juice with salt and pepper.
  3. Grind the garlic in a blender along with walnuts and pineapples.
  4. Brush the mixture onto the trout slices and roll them into a roll.
  5. Pour into the bottom of the baking dish Pineapple juice or syrup from a jar. Place trout rolls in it.
  6. Bake at 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

This recipe can be used to prepare a holiday appetizer.

Trout fillet baked in dough

What do you need:

  • trout fillet – 0.5 kg;
  • soft cheese – 100 g;
  • olives – 10 pcs.;
  • cherry tomatoes – 5 pcs.;
  • purple onion – 50 g;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • puff pastry (yeast-free) – 0.5 kg.

How to cook:

  1. Roll out the dough.
  2. Season the fillet with salt and pepper and place on the dough.
  3. Place olives cut into rings on top, and onion cut into thin half rings. Cover it all with tomato slices.
  4. Lift the edges of the dough, bring them together, and twist them to seal them well.
  5. Brush the dough with egg.
  6. Place the “pie” in the oven after preheating it.
  7. Bake at 200 degrees until the dough is golden brown.

Before serving, the “pie” must be cut into portions.

Lake trout in a frying pan in Armenian style

What do you need:

  • trout – 1 kg;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • wine vinegar (3 percent) – 100 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Cut the fish into portioned pieces.
  2. Plane the butter.
  3. Place the butter slices in a non-stick frying pan.
  4. Place the fish pieces on the oil.
  5. Place the frying pan over low heat, covering with a lid.
  6. After 10 minutes, carefully turn the trout pieces over. Add vinegar, diluting it with water 1:1. Simmer for 20 minutes.

Sometimes it turns out that the most simple recipes- the best. Try cooking lake trout at home Armenian recipe– you won’t regret it, it turns out very tasty.

Trout in a frying pan in shrimp sauce

What do you need:

  • trout steaks or fillets – 0.5 kg;
  • peeled shrimp – 150 g;
  • flour – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • white wine – 50 ml;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - how much will be needed.

How to cook:

  1. Marinate the fish in a mixture of salt, pepper, and lemon juice.
  2. Boil shrimp in water with salt and pepper for 5 minutes.
  3. Remove the shrimp and place them in a blender jar. Pour in 100 ml of the broth in which they were cooked. Grind.
  4. Heat the vegetable oil in a frying pan, place the fish in it, fry on both sides, giving each side 5 minutes.
  5. Pour in the wine, reduce the heat, and cover the pan with a lid. Simmer for 10 minutes.
  6. Melt the butter in a clean frying pan and fry the flour in it. Add shrimp mixture, stir well, simmer for 5 minutes.

Place the fish on a plate, pour over the sauce and serve. Your guests will be delighted with this dish. It harmonizes especially well with white wine.

Trout can be cooked in the oven or in a frying pan. Even if you choose complex recipe, cooking will not take much time. At the same time, the dish will turn out tender, tasty, appetizing.

Trout - pretty unusual fish, the meat of which is both white and red. sea ​​trout can be very large and weigh several kilograms, river and lake fish are usually the size of a man’s palm.

Any trout dish is very healthy, tasty and delicious.

The meat of this fish contains a large number of vitamins, protein, amino acids, minerals and Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are very beneficial for human body, besides, they are not produced by him independently. Trout is excellent dietary dish, helps get rid of excess cholesterol in the blood and is very useful for diseases of the cardiovascular system.

How to cook trout simply, quickly and tasty? You can cook trout in the most different ways, but cooked trout in a frying pan, in addition to its benefits, also has an excellent taste that will definitely delight the whole family and guests.

Below are the best simple recipes for cooking trout in a frying pan that anyone can prepare.

Delicious trout steaks

This dish is prepared very quickly and simply, and looks just like a king. And if the finished dish is beautifully decorated and served with a side dish and a spoonful of red caviar, guests will get the impression that they spent half a day working on this dish. Boiled potatoes with herbs, country-style potatoes or french fries are perfect for a side dish.

Required ingredients:

  • trout - 700 gr.;
  • half a lemon;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper, rosemary (to taste).
Cooking method:
  1. Clean the fish, gut it, rinse, cut into steaks and place on a plate. Then sprinkle the steaks with salt, pepper, rosemary and pour over freshly squeezed lemon juice. Leave for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Heat a frying pan over a fire, add oil and place the steaks in the heated oil. Fry for 7-8 minutes over medium heat, then turn over and cook with the lid open for another 4-5 minutes. After this, close the pan with a lid, reduce the heat and simmer the steaks for 5-7 minutes.
  3. The cooked fish should be served immediately, beautifully decorated with sprigs of herbs and lemon slices.

Bon appetit!

Fried trout with mayonnaise

This dish turns out to be very aromatic and delicate in taste thanks to mayonnaise.

Required ingredients:

  • trout - 2 kg;
  • onions - 2-3 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise;
  • breadcrumbs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt pepper.
  • Cooking method:
  1. First you need to clean the fresh fish, gut it, separate the head and fins, rinse well and cut into steaks. Then place the steaks in a deep pan, add salt and pepper. Pour in mayonnaise and mix everything thoroughly. Leave to marinate for 30 minutes without placing in the refrigerator.
  2. Onion peel and cut into half rings. Then fry it in a frying pan until golden color and place on a separate plate.
  3. After the fish has been marinated, you need to roll each piece in breadcrumbs and place it on a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry each piece on all sides.
  4. Place the cooked fish on a dish, garnishing with fried onion pieces on top.
Bon appetit!

Trout fried in breadcrumbs

Required ingredients:
  • trout - 0.6 kg;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • flour and breadcrumbs;
  • salt.
  • Cooking method:
  1. First you need to clean the fish, gut it, rinse it well and cut it into pieces. Then sprinkle each piece with salt and roll in flour.
  2. After this, you need to dip each piece in the egg and roll in breadcrumbs.
  3. Heat a frying pan, pour oil into it and place the fish. Fry on both sides until full readiness.
  4. Place the cooked fish on a dish and pour over the juice formed during cooking. You can garnish with parsley, lemon slices and onion rings.

Bon appetit!

Trout in white wine with shrimp sauce

Required ingredients:
  • trout (fillet) - 450 gr.;
  • half a lemon;
  • white wine - 0.25 cups;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt pepper.
For the sauce:
  • shrimp - 150 gr.;
  • butter - 25 gr.;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. l.
Cooking method:
  1. First, the fish needs to be washed, salted, peppered and sprinkled with freshly squeezed lemon juice. Leave for 20-30 minutes.
  2. Fry in vegetable oil in a frying pan until golden brown. Then reduce the heat, add white wine and simmer covered for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Prepare the sauce: for this you need to boil the shrimp in small quantity salted water, peel them and put them in a blender. Add to them 4 tbsp. tablespoons of the water in which they were boiled, and grind everything to the consistency of cream.
  4. In a separate frying pan, fry the flour, add butter, mix everything well and add chopped shrimp. Let the sauce simmer for 3-5 minutes.
  5. Pour shrimp sauce over the finished fish and serve.
Bon appetit!

Armenian dish - Ishkhan

Ishkhan - lake trout. Refers to armenian cuisine. This is a very simple recipe; you can cook trout even in the presence of guests.

Required ingredients:

  • trout - 1 kg;
  • dry white wine - 100 gr. (instead of wine you can use homemade vinegar);
  • butter - 50 gr.
Cooking method:
  1. Clean the fish, gut it, rinse well and divide into portions. Add salt.
  2. Cut the butter into thin slices - 1.5 mm thick, place on the bottom of the frying pan, and place pieces of fish on top.
  3. If you are using a frying pan with a non-stick coating, then cover with a lid, put on low heat and cook for 10 minutes - in this case the fish will turn out in own juice. If used Cast-iron pan, then you need to pour water so that it covers the fish, cover with a lid, put on low heat and cook for 20 minutes.
  4. Then pour in the wine, cover the pan with a lid and cook for another 5 minutes over low heat.

Ready fish place on a plate in the form of a whole carcass. You can garnish with olives, lemon slices and pomegranate seeds. They are not only an excellent decoration, but also pleasant and tasty addition to the fish. The dish can also be decorated with fresh tarragon.

Bon appetit!

Trout is healthy and nutritious fish, a dish from which will be an excellent decoration for any festive table. One of the most interesting and delicious ways cooking - baking with the addition of spices and seasonings. In this article we will look at how to cook trout in the oven at home.

The article presents many recipes for baking trout for every taste - from simple to complex, with vegetables in homemade sauce (based on mayonnaise and cheese or cream), in its own juice with a crispy crust, etc.

Before you start cooking, find out about the calorie content of the dish and read a few simple and useful recommendations, which will help bake trout tasty and nutritious.

Calorie content of trout baked in the oven

The calorie content of trout is 88 kilocalories per 100 grams, so it belongs to dietary products. Baked fish in its own juice with vegetables will not have serious consequences negative impact on the figure. The average calorie content of a baked dish is 100-140 kcal/100 g.

Addition high-calorie foods– another conversation. The increase in calorie content is affected by the use of sauce dressings (for example, based on cheese and mayonnaise). In this case, the calorie content will increase to 180-220 kcal.

  1. Defrost trout in a natural way, transfer it to the refrigerator, and then leave it on the kitchen table. It is not recommended to rush when resorting to help microwave oven or using the "water bath" method.
  2. To obtain juicy, aromatic and tender fish, it is recommended pre-marinating, and I already told you how to pickle trout in another article.
  3. To ensure that the fish is covered with a hard golden brown crust, 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking, unfold the foil, cutting the baking sleeve.
  4. A sauce based on sour cream and olive oil will make the steaks juicier and more tender.
  5. A whole fish takes an average of 30-40 minutes to cook. It is not recommended to keep trout for more than 40-45 minutes, as there is a high probability of drying out the delicacy.
  6. Trout, like baked pink salmon, goes well with vegetables. You can bake it with a delicious multi-layer “pillow” of potatoes, tomatoes and onions.
  7. A combination of parsley and dill sprigs is suitable for decoration.

How to properly clean and gut trout?

To remove scales, it is better to use a small knife with special serrations. It is possible to remove scales both in growth and against growth.

To begin the gutting process, a large cut must be made, extending from a few centimeters from the tail to the fins on the chest. You can use scissors or a sharp knife. Carefully remove the entrails. Take your time to get rid of films and blood clots, as they can spoil the taste and ruin your efforts.

To remove the gill plates, make additional cuts (on the side and under the jaw). You don’t have to cut off the head; it’s enough to make one deep cut in the lower part.

Classic baking recipe


  • Trout (loin) – 2 pieces,
  • Lemon – 1 piece,
  • Salt – 10 g,
  • Olive oil – 10 g,
  • Herbal mixture – 5 g.


  1. I thoroughly wash the portioned fish steaks. Dry on both sides with paper towels.
  2. I roll it in a plate with salt and a mixture of dry herbs (basil, rosemary).
  3. I pour olive oil over the trout. I sprinkle with lemon juice. I put it in the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.
  4. I take a baking dish, cover the bottom with foil and turn on the oven. I set the temperature to 180 degrees.
  5. I put a baking dish with trout pieces soaked in lemon juice and sprinkled with spices in a preheated oven. Cooking time – 15 minutes. Then I turn off the oven. I leave it to “reach” for 10-12 minutes.

Video recipe

I serve ready-made steaks with fresh vegetables, boiled potatoes and tartar sauce. I decorate the top with finely chopped herbs.

How to bake whole trout in the oven so that it is juicy


  • Trout carcass – 1 piece,
  • Pepper mixture - 1 teaspoon,
  • Lemon – 1 piece,
  • Butter – 50 g,
  • Salt – 1 small spoon,
  • Parsley and dill - 1 bunch each.


  1. I remove the head, fins and scales. I carefully take out the insides. I wash it several times. I give excess water drain. I dry it.
  2. I rub the carcass with a mixture of peppers and salt. I pour in lemon juice (squeeze from half the fruit).
  3. I put finely chopped greens inside. I leave to marinate for 20 minutes.
  4. I turn on the oven. I set the temperature to 180 degrees. I cut the remaining half of the lemon into thin slices.
  5. I spread a sheet of foil. I'm posting lemon wedges(several things). I put marinated fish on top. I carefully make the cuts. I put in them a slice of lemon and a small piece butter.
  6. I wrap it in foil. I put it in the oven. Optimal time cooking - 30-35 minutes. The recipe also makes it possible to cook juicy salmon or mackerel.

Helpful advice. Use a knife to check for doneness.

Trout baked in the oven in foil

Portioned recipe in pieces


  • Trout tenderloin – 400 g,
  • Mustard – 2.5 tablespoons,
  • Honey – 1 large spoon,
  • Lemon juice – 2 tablespoons,
  • Olive oil – 1 tablespoon,
  • Yogurt – 125 g,
  • Sour cream - 3 large spoons,
  • Salt, ground black pepper, chili pepper - to taste,
  • Greens – 1 bunch of dill.


Helpful advice. 5 minutes before cooking, unfold the foil so that a delicious golden brown crust forms on the surface of the fish.

  1. I thoroughly wash and dry the trout steaks.
  2. I rub it with two different peppers and salt. I sprinkle with lemon juice, coat on all sides with 2 tablespoons of mustard, pre-mixed with honey.
  3. I let the fish soak in the mixture for 15-20 minutes. After the specified time, I wrap the steaks in foil.
  4. I turn on the oven. Installing temperature regime at 170-180 degrees. I cook for 20-25 minutes.
  5. While it's cooking, I start making a delicious sauce dressing. Finely chop the dill and whisk together with sour cream and yogurt in a blender. I add 1 large spoon of lemon juice to the resulting mixture, add half a tablespoon of mustard. I add black pepper and chili pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly.

Video cooking

I serve hot and crispy trout with homemade sauce. Suitable as a side dish boiled rice or fresh vegetable salad.

Whole trout with vegetables


  • Fish carcass – 500 g,
  • Tomato – 1 piece,
  • Onion – 1 piece,
  • bell pepper- 1 piece,
  • Greens (parsley and dill) - 2 sprigs each,
  • Lemon – 1 piece,
  • A set of herbs and spices - to taste.


  1. I clean the fish of scales. I remove the entrails and gills. I wash it several times. Dry with towels.
  2. I rub the outside and inside with a mixture of salt and pepper (ground black). I pour lemon juice obtained from half the fruit. I leave to marinate for 20 minutes.
  3. Washing vegetables. I cut the peppers into slices, the tomatoes into medium-sized cubes, and the onions into half rings. Finely chop 1 sprig of parsley and dill. I save the remaining greens for decoration. ready-made dish.
  4. Line a fireproof baking dish with foil. I put half a lemon, cut into thin slices, on the bottom. I put fish on top. I insert chopped vegetables through the cut on the belly. I add my favorite spices to taste.
  5. I wrap it in foil. I preheat the oven to 180 degrees. Place the pan with trout and cook for 30 minutes.

I serve, having done beautiful decoration from sprigs of greenery.

Rainbow trout in foil with orange

Rainbow trout is also called Kamchatka salmon and mykiss. Unlike the brook, the rainbow has a longer body and a wide stripe running along the sides. There are no red spots on the scales.


  • Rainbow trout – 3 pieces, 250 g each,
  • Lemon - half the fruit
  • Orange – 1 piece,
  • Provencal herbs(dried) – 1 teaspoon,
  • Parsley – 1 bunch,
  • Dill – 1 bunch,
  • Ground pepper, salt, olive oil - to taste.


  1. I squeeze lemon juice into a deep plate. Add salt and a mixture of dry herbs. I pour olive oil. I stir.
  2. I am preparing fish. I remove the insides, remove the scales. Wash thoroughly and let dry.
  3. I rub the carcasses on all sides with a prepared mixture of dry herbs, lemon juice and olive oil. I cover the top with a plate. I put it in the refrigerator for 60-90 minutes.
  4. I turn on the oven. I set the temperature to 200 degrees.
  5. My orange. I cut it in half and divide it into thin slices. I put pieces of fish in the belly citrus fruit along with fresh herbs.
  6. I wrap it in foil. I put it in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

Video recipe

Served with fresh vegetables and homemade mustard sauce.

River trout with dried fruits


  • Trout carcass – 600 g,
  • Onion – 1 piece,
  • Prunes – 300 g,
  • Dried apricots – 300 g,
  • Raisins – 50 g,
  • Lemon – 1 piece,
  • Olive oil – 50 ml,
  • Salt, pepper - to taste,
  • Parsley stems - for decoration.


  1. I rinse dried fruits several times. Afterwards I leave it in warm water to soften for 15 minutes.
  2. Finely chop half the dried fruits. I transfer it to a plate.
  3. Preparing the fish for baking. I remove unnecessary external and internal parts. I wash it, make an incision in the abdomen and rub it with a mixture of salt and spices.
  4. I put crushed dried fruits in the belly of river trout. Transfer to a baking sheet lined with foil. To prevent the fish from “spreading” in the belly area, I use toothpicks.
  5. I turn on the oven at 200 degrees. I send the dish to bake for 30 minutes.
  6. While the trout is cooking, I’ll make something simple, but very tasty. homemade gas station.
  7. Fry finely chopped onion in olive oil. Add the remaining half of the dried fruits (whole). Simmer, remembering to stir.

I serve the finished fish with fried dried fruits and onions. I decorate with thin lemon slices and sprigs of herbs.

Trout in the oven in the sleeve is quick and tasty


  • Rainbow trout – 1 kg,
  • Lemon – 1 piece,
  • Butter – 2 large spoons,
  • Sea salt – 1 small spoon,
  • Black pepper – 6 g,
  • Olive oil – 10 ml,
  • Fresh parsley– 2 bundles.


  1. I remove scales, fins, gills and entrails. After the preparatory procedures, I rinse thoroughly in running water. I wipe with napkins or a paper kitchen towel.
  2. In a small bowl, mix sea salt and pepper. I prefer ground black. I thoroughly coat the fish inside and out.
  3. My lemon. I cut off 1/3 of it and squeeze out the juice. I mix it with oil (olive) and rub the trout again. I leave to marinate for 15 minutes.
  4. I make several cuts on the surface of the fish. I put crushed pieces of butter into the resulting slits, a few pieces of lemon along with parsley.
  5. I place the workpiece in a baking sleeve. I tie it and put it on a baking sheet. I put it in an oven preheated to 90-100 degrees.
  6. I bake for 40 minutes. If you would like to receive golden brown crust, cut the sleeve 5-7 minutes before the end of cooking the trout.

I put it on a plate and decorate with greens.

Trout baked in the oven with cheese and mayonnaise


  • Trout steaks – 5 pieces,
  • Cheese durum varieties– 150 g,
  • Mayonnaise – 100 g,
  • Sour cream – 150 g,
  • Lemon – 1 piece,
  • Vegetable oil - for frying the fish (greasing the mold),
  • Salt, ground pepper - to taste,
  • Greens – parsley and dill (2 sprigs each).


Helpful advice. If desired, add your favorite spices and seasonings (for example, a mixture of dried herbs).

  1. I take 5 ready-made fish steaks. I salt and pepper on different sides, sprinkle with the juice obtained from half a lemon. I leave it for 5-10 minutes.
  2. I mix mayonnaise and sour cream in a deep dish. I grate the cheese on a coarse grater. I wash the greens under running water. I chop finely kitchen board.
  3. Half grated cheese mix together with mayonnaise and sour cream. The remaining part hard cheese mix with chopped herbs in a separate bowl.
  4. I fry the steaks in a heated frying pan with vegetable oil. 1.5-2 minutes on each side is enough.
  5. I place the lightly browned trout in a mold previously greased with vegetable oil. On each piece I put a sauce dressing of cheese, mayonnaise and sour cream.
  6. I preheat the oven by setting the temperature to 200 degrees. I send it to bake for 6-8 minutes.
  7. I take out the mold and sprinkle a “hat” of herbs and cheese on top.
  8. I put it back in the oven. Cook for about 15-20 minutes until golden brown.

How to cook trout steaks in the oven with cream

River trout goes well with onions, tomatoes and cheese and is ideal if you don't know what to cook for dinner. Delicate sauce made from cream is a pleasant addition to the dish.


  • River trout – 2-3 pieces,
  • Fresh cream – 300 ml,
  • Onions - 2-3 pieces,
  • Tomatoes – 2 pieces,
  • Cheese – 250 g,
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.


  1. I carry out the necessary preparatory procedures with fish. I clean, remove excess parts, wash thoroughly in running water several times. I dry it. I rub it with salt and spices. I leave it in the plate for a few minutes.
  2. I peel the onion and chop it finely. I grate cheese (semi-hard) on a fine grater. I wash the tomatoes thoroughly. I cut it into thin rings.
  3. I move the fish into a baking dish, fill it with cream, lay out a layer of thin tomato rings, put onion and sprinkle cheese on top.
  4. I turn on the oven at 180 degrees and bake for 25-35 minutes.

Bon appetit!

What to cook from trout fillet in the oven?

Recipe with ginger, tomatoes and garlic


  • Fillet – 800 g,
  • Grated ginger - half a tablespoon
  • Onion – 1 small head,
  • Garlic – 1 clove,
  • Tomato – 1 piece,
  • Soy sauce - 1 large spoon,
  • Greens (parsley, basil, green onions, dill) - 1 bunch each,
  • Lemon – 1 piece,
  • Sunflower oil - for greasing the baking sheet,
  • Salt, pepper - to taste.


Helpful advice. Do not use too much salt as the recipe contains soy sauce.

  1. I also clean and wash the vegetables. I cut the garlic into thin pieces. I cut the onion into half rings of small thickness. I chop the tomato into small cubes. I chop the greens. I grate the lemon zest.
  2. Grease the baking tray sunflower oil and add the fillet. I water from above soy sauce. I lightly sprinkle with lemon juice. I add salt and pepper.
  3. Place ginger, chopped garlic, grated lemon zest. I lay out the onion half rings and tomatoes. On top I add a mixture of finely chopped greens.
  4. I preheat the oven to 200 degrees. I place the baking tray with the fish. Drizzle the fillets with olive oil before baking. Cooking time – 20 minutes.

Serve the dish with a light side dish (for example, fresh vegetables).

Recipe with potatoes and cheese

Very tasty and hearty meal. Combination of baked potatoes with tender trout in cream will not leave guests indifferent.


  • Trout steaks – 600 g,
  • Potatoes – 700 g,
  • Cheese – 200 g,
  • Cream – 250 g,
  • Garlic – 2 cloves,
  • Butter - half a tablespoon,
  • Vegetable oil – 1 teaspoon,
  • Salt, oregano, ground black pepper - to taste,
  • Greenery - for decoration.


  1. Wash the potatoes, peel them and cut them into thin slices. I cut the fillet into portions.
  2. I grate the cheese. I press the garlic through a special press.
  3. Add a little vegetable oil to the baking dish. If desired, replace vegetable oil with olive oil.
  4. Mix the melted butter with chopped garlic. I add salt and a little pepper.
  5. I spread a layer of potato slices. I grease the potatoes with a mixture of butter and garlic. Then I lay out the fish. I sprinkle cheese on top.
  6. I add oregano, salt and pepper to the cream. I pour the sauce over the ingredients on the baking sheet.
  7. I place the oven in a preheated 190 degrees. Cooking time – no more than 30 minutes.

You can bake trout at home in many ways with the addition of various ingredients, spices and homemade sauces. Try it interesting combinations products, experiment with sauce dressings and find the most preferable recipe for preparing fish from the salmon family, which your family and friends will certainly be delighted with. Good luck!

Today's guest in our column is one of the most delicious and delicate fish related to noble family salmonids. This fish is capable of decorating even the most sophisticated menu of a sophisticated gourmet. Of course, you already guessed that today we will talk about trout. Undeniable taste and high nutritional value, coupled with ease and speed of preparation, make trout one of the most desirable and favorite types of fish in the world. home cooking. Judge for yourself, by spending just fifteen minutes of time and quickly frying the trout in the oven with just a pinch of salt, you can easily and quickly get a delicious, tender, appetizing dish, worthy best restaurants. However, we should not forget about the pitfalls. As with any other delicate and delicate-tasting fish, cooking trout requires knowledge of a few culinary secrets and tricks that will allow you to avoid mistakes and disappointments. Today we invite you to figure out and remember with us how to cook trout.

A noble fish is noble in everything. So trout not only pleases us with its taste qualities, but also surprises with its nutritional value and significant benefits for our health. The most tender trout meat is extremely rich in vitamins B, D, A and E, as well as important amino acids, minerals and trace elements. In addition, trout is an excellent source important polyunsaturated fatty acids Omega-3. All this makes trout a unique source of health and longevity, having the most beneficial effect on cardiovascular system, regulating blood cholesterol levels, as well as improving the functioning of the brain and nervous system. Regular use trout plays an important role in the prevention diabetes mellitus, hypertension, oncological diseases and even depression. However, we must admit honestly that first of all we love trout for its tenderness and charming delicate taste.

There are a great many recipes for cooking trout. Trout is boiled and fried, baked and stewed, salted and pickled. From this beautiful fish turn out delicious snacks and excellent first courses, delicious roasts and wonderful kebabs. They bake wonderful pies with trout, and juicy pies. For those who are on diets, aimed at weight loss, trout dishes have the advantage of being prepared without adding oil at all; when baked, the trout itself will give back to your dish required quantity fat Trout goes well with many other products. Vegetables and mushrooms will perfectly set off and emphasize the tenderness and delicacy of the taste, pasta or rice will add satiety, milk and cream will add tenderness and softness to the taste of this wonderful fish. And the excellent compatibility with citrus fruits and many spices and seasonings, multiplied by your imagination and personal taste preferences, allows you to safely consider the variety of trout dishes truly limitless.

Today the Culinary Eden website has carefully collected and recorded for you the most important secrets and advice along with the most interesting recipes, which will definitely help even the most inexperienced housewives and will easily tell you how to cook trout.

1. Many housewives are wondering how to protect themselves from unscrupulous sellers and learn to distinguish trout from the coarser and somewhat cheaper salmon? Take advantage of our simple recommendations. Pay attention to the size of the carcass. Trout is slaughtered when it reaches a weight of three to four kilograms, while salmon is allowed to grow to 7 to 8 kilograms. Take a closer look at the appearance of the fish. The shape of a trout carcass is always more rounded, even pot-bellied, while salmon is distinguished by a much more elongated carcass shape and a pointed head. Take a closer look at the scales. Trout has noticeably smaller scales than salmon. In addition, only trout have characteristic longitudinal stripes along the sides. If you are offered an already cut carcass, carefully evaluate the color of the meat. Trout meat differs from salmon meat in being noticeably brighter and more saturated in color. Of course, all of the above applies to large carcasses of cultured trout. Confuse small-sized wild lake and river trout with salmon it’s simply impossible.

2. When choosing fresh trout in a store, pay close attention to it appearance, skin, gills and eyes. The trout skin should be slightly damp, elastic, and without damage. The scales of fresh fish will always have a natural shine and color. A fresh trout's eyes will be clear and protruding, and its gills will be brightly colored. Don't forget to smell the fish offered to you. good fresh trout has a barely noticeable characteristic pleasant smell. If you are offered fish with sunken, dull eyes, darkened gills, cloudy sticky scales and a noticeable unpleasant sour odor or the smell of fish oil, it is better to refuse the purchase. delicious dish It is impossible to cook from stale trout.

3. When choosing a frozen trout fillet or carcass, first of all, pay attention to the thickness and color of the glaze covering the fish. The glaze layer must be very thin, transparent and undamaged. Today, frozen trout is often found in stores. Such fish should be very firm to the touch, without the slightest signs of softening. You should not buy frozen trout, the skin of which is covered with noticeable white spots or areas that have changed its natural color. These signs will tell you that the fish was not frozen correctly or was damaged before it was frozen. You should not buy visibly crumpled, twisted, or crumpled frozen fish carcasses. With a high degree of probability, such damage will indicate to you that the fish has already been thawed and then frozen a second time. Such fish are no longer suitable for food. Pay close attention to the process of thawing trout at home. Defrost fish only in the lower section of the refrigerator, at a temperature no higher than +5⁰C. Exactly like this slow way defrosting will allow you to fully preserve all the taste and nutritional qualities of trout.

4. Lightly salted trout is rightfully considered one of the most delicious snacks, which is served to the table as an independent dish, or as part of salads, rolls, canapés and sandwiches. Of course, you can always buy ready-made lightly salted trout at your nearest supermarket, but you must agree that cooked with my own hands, such a snack will definitely turn out much more tasty and tender. And preparing lightly salted trout is very, very simple. Two pieces of trout fillet with skin, total weight 300 - 400 g. Rinse lightly in cool water and dry with tissues. In a separate bowl, mix 1 tbsp. spoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of finely chopped dill and a pinch of black pepper. Rub the trout fillet thoroughly on all sides with the resulting mixture. Place one piece of fillet, skin side down, on the edge of the cling film, place a couple of bay leaves on top and sprinkle with the remaining pickling mixture. Place the second piece of fillet on top, skin side up, and press lightly. Carefully wrap the fish prepared in this way on all sides. cling film, and then place it in a deep plate or tray. Place in the refrigerator for a day. When time runs out, your trout home salting ready.

5. Salad made from salted trout and avocado is very tasty. Peel one large avocado, cut into small cubes, sprinkle with lemon juice and stir. Cut 200 grams into small cubes. home lightly salted trout. Combine trout and avocado. Disassemble one head of lettuce into individual leaves, rinse with cool water and dry. Place lettuce leaves on large dish, fill each sheet with a mixture of trout and avocado. Prepare the dressing separately. To do this, use a whisk to lightly whisk one tablespoon of liquid honey with one tablespoon of mustard. Continuing to whisk continuously, add two tablespoons of lemon juice, and then pour in six tablespoons of olive oil in a thin stream. Salt and pepper to taste. Whip the sauce until its consistency resembles liquid sour cream. Ready sauce pour over salad and serve immediately.

6. In hot weather it’s the best time to delicious botvinya with trout. Boil 500 g in a small amount of salted water in advance. trout fillet without bones. Cool the fish in the broth and then cut into small pieces. Cut into thin strips a small bunch of sorrel, 15 fresh young beet leaves and a large bunch fresh spinach. Dip the chopped greens into boiling fish broth for a minute, and then drain in a colander. Peel and remove seeds from four fresh cucumbers medium size. Cut the cucumber pulp into small cubes. Pour one liter of light unsweetened kvass into a deep saucepan, add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated horseradish and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated lemon zest. Then add all the greens and salt the botvina to taste. Leave to brew in a cool place for a couple of hours. Before serving, pour the botvinya into plates, add boiled trout and one tablespoon of sour cream to each plate. Sprinkle with finely chopped fresh dill and serve immediately.

7. For cool weather, you will definitely need a trout fish kalya recipe. Place one kilogram of trout fillet in a saucepan and pour into four plates cold water. Measure the water into the plates in which you will serve your potassium to the table. Bring to a boil and simmer, covered, over low heat for 30 minutes. Remove the finished fish from the broth, remove the bones, and disassemble the flesh into small pieces. Strain the broth and return to the pan. Using a masher, thoroughly grind 150 g. any fresh or lightly salted caviar sea ​​fish. Add the crushed caviar to the broth. Peel three medium-sized pickled cucumbers, remove seeds, and finely chop the pulp. Finely chop one onion. Add cucumbers and onions to the broth, pour in one glass cucumber pickle, pepper and salt to taste. Bring to a boil and cook the potassium, covered, over low heat for 30 minutes. Five minutes before cooking, add the trout pieces.

8. Incredibly easy to prepare delicious trout, fried in almonds. Cut 800 g into portions. trout fillet. Two egg whites beat lightly with a whisk. Mix three tablespoons of flour with ½ teaspoon of salt, ¼ teaspoon of ground white pepper and a pinch of ground cardamom. Lightly coat each piece of fish in flour mixture, then dip into beaten egg whites and bread almonds, chopped petals. Heat three tablespoons of olive oil in a wide frying pan and fry the trout over medium heat for 10 minutes on each side. Serve on a platter lined with lettuce leaves and garnished with lemon and lime slices.

9. The trout with vegetables in a sauce of white wine and cream is juicy, tender and at the same time piquant. Boil two liters of water in a deep saucepan, add a teaspoon of salt, stir. Place one in boiling water medium carrot, cut into small pieces, cook for one minute, then add one small zucchini, cut into halves, a cup fresh leaves spinach and ½ cup coarsely chopped green onion stalks. Bring everything to a boil, remove from heat and drain the vegetables in a colander. 600 gr. Cut the trout fillet into portions. Melt 2 tbsp in a frying pan. spoons of butter and fry the trout over maximum heat for two minutes on each side. Transfer the fried fish to separate dish, and pour 200 ml into the frying pan with the remaining oil. dry white wine. Heat, stirring, for one minute, then add 200 ml. heavy cream, stirring, bring to a boil and let simmer over low heat for five minutes. Then add vegetables and fish, salt and pepper to taste, mix gently, cover the pan with a lid and simmer everything together over medium heat for five minutes. Remove from heat and let sit for another 10 minutes. Serve with boiled potatoes and fresh vegetables.

10. Magnificent traditional Russian pies with fish, rasstegai, always make an excellent impression on guests and family. Pies with trout turn out especially tasty and juicy. Prepare one kilogram in advance yeast dough according to your favorite recipe. Cut 200 grams into thin slices. lightly salted fillet trout. 400 gr. raw fillet Finely chop the trout with a sharp knife or pass through a meat grinder with a large grid. Cut two onions into thin half rings. Heat 1 tbsp in a frying pan. spoon of butter, add onion and fry until golden brown. Transfer to a separate plate. Add another spoonful of butter to the pan, add the minced fish and stir-fry for five minutes. Remove from heat, add salt and pepper to taste, and stir. Divide the dough into small pieces the size of an apricot, roll into circles no more than one centimeter thick and let rise in a warm place for 15 minutes. Place one tablespoon of fried dough in the center of each dough circle. minced fish, put a little on it fried onions and cover with a slice of lightly salted trout on top. Pinch the edges of the dough from bottom to top, leaving a small hole in the center at the top. Through this hole, pour one teaspoon into each pie. fish broth or white wine. Place the pies on a baking sheet, grease egg yolk and bake in an oven preheated to 180⁰ for 15 minutes until golden brown.

And KEDEM.RU “Culinary Eden” on its pages is always happy to offer you even more interesting ideas and proven recipes that will definitely tell you how to cook trout.

Brown trout - delicious fish which is being prepared different ways. It can be baked, fried, boiled and salted.

Trout turns out very tasty in combination with vegetables and herbs.

  • Number of servings: 8
  • Cooking time: 45 minutes

Recipe for brown trout in the oven with broccoli

If the fish is sea fish, you should not add salt. It already contains enough salt, and lemon gives the necessary sourness. A river fish salt is necessary.


  1. Cut the carcass into portions.
  2. Squeeze the juice from the lemon and brush the pieces inside and out. Leave for 1/2 hour to marinate the meat well.
  3. Bake in the oven until done.
  4. Simmer broccoli in olive oil and water for no more than 6 minutes.
  5. Grind the cheese on a grater.
  6. Place the finished pieces of fish fillet over the broccoli, sprinkle with shavings of cheese and place in the oven until the cheese completely melts and forms a crust.

Sprinkle the finished dish with any herbs to taste.

How to cook trout with vegetables


  • fish – 2.5 kg;
  • tomatoes – 6 pcs.;
  • celery – 3 stalks;
  • leeks - 4 stalks;
  • green onions– bundle;
  • melted butter - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • dill - to taste;
  • salt and pepper.


  1. Clean the fish and remove the bones.
  2. Cut leeks into rings, tomatoes into slices, chop celery. Place vegetables on a baking sheet. Salt and pepper.
  3. On vegetable pillow post fish fillet, add a little salt.
  4. Mix lemon juice, butter and vegetable oil, add chopped herbs. Pour over the fish.
  5. Cook for 25-35 minutes depending on the size of the fish.

Serve with a side dish of potatoes.

Baked trout with greens


  • gutted carcass – 1 kg;
  • green onions - a bunch;
  • lemon – `1/4 pcs.;
  • dill - a bunch;
  • salt pepper.


  1. Mix salt and pepper, rub the prepared carcass inside and out.
  2. Sprinkle with lemon juice.
  3. Finely chop the greens and place in the belly.
  4. Place the carcass on foil so that the back is down. This way the juice will not leak out.
  5. Wrap the edges of the foil and bake for 40 minutes.

You can serve directly in foil.

Salted trout

Salty fish It's very easy to prepare.


  • carcass – 1 kg;
  • salt - how much will take;
  • lemon juice – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.


  1. Grease the fillet with vegetable oil and lemon juice and sprinkle with salt.
  2. Leave in a cool place for 24 hours.
  3. After a day, the fillet must be washed and sprinkled with lemon juice again.

After this, the snack is ready to eat.

This fish is delicious hot or cold and goes well with any side dish.
