The benefits and harms of balsamic vinegar - use in recipes and for salad dressings. Balsamic vinegar: what is it, where is it used, what does it consist of? What can replace it with?

Balsamic vinegar, aka - in the Italian manner - acheto balsamico, or simply balsamic. It appeared in our area, not to say a very long time ago, it does not pretend to be the first role, it stands modestly on supermarket shelves, so that many do not even suspect its existence. This is understandable: vinegar consumption in our country is traditionally lower than in Europe. But Italian Cuisine, which quickly gained popularity thanks to its bright tastes and understandable simplicity, contributed to the popularity of balsamico. More and more people, having once tried balsamic vinegar, look for it in stores, and only after the treasured bottle finds its place on the shelf, they ask the question - “what kind of thing is this balsamic vinegar?”

The first and most important thing to know is that not all balsamic vinegars are created equal.

Traditional balsamic vinegar

Authentic balsamic, Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale, produced in Italian region Emilia-Romagna, in the cities of Modena and Reggio Emilia, for more than 1000 years. This process is slow and expensive. First, the juice of Trebbiano grapes is heated for a long time until it is reduced several times. The resulting thick, sugar-rich syrup—grape must—is aged in barrels made from a variety of woods, from oak and cherry to juniper and mulberry. During the aging process, some of the vinegar evaporates (this is called the “angels' share”, just like in the case of cognac), so each barrel has a different volume.

The finished vinegar is bottled from the last, smallest barrel, again topped up from a larger barrel, which is topped up from an even larger barrel, and so on - and the freshly made wort is added to the largest barrel. The wort for traditional balsamic vinegar is aged for at least 12 years, but the process itself, as can be seen from its description, has neither beginning nor end, and is called accordingly: in perpetuum. Of course, vinegar can be older than 12 years; other traditional aging periods are 18 and 25 years, and the longer the vinegar is aged, the more powerful and intense its flavor and aroma become.

Traditional balsamic vinegar is a noble product that requires many years of aging and labor, and, of course, everyone is already interested in the question of how to distinguish a fake. But I won’t bore you with the details, since most of us will not need this information: real Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale cannot be found in supermarkets. It is sold only in specialized stores, and the price is for 100 ml. starts from a hundred euros and above. Real "black gold".

Affordable Balsamic Vinegar

The balsamic vinegar that we sell is made using a different technology. The cheapest brands are the regular one, where coloring, sweetener and thickener are added to imitate the look and taste of that very real balsamic. According to the rules, such balsamic vinegar is also aged - but not in wooden barrels, but in steel ones, and not for 12 years, but for a couple of months, so this does not affect the taste so radically. Don’t let the name Aceto Balsamico di Modena confuse you: anyone can make this vinegar—you can see, for example, German vinegar on the shelves—and it doesn’t cost much more than regular wine vinegar. It is very easy to distinguish it; just read the composition, which should contain all the additives.

Higher quality varieties of balsamic vinegar are still produced in Italy. As a rule, the production technology of such vinegar is similar to traditional one, however, there are differences that did not allow it to receive the status of Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale - for example, shorter aging time, production in a different region, and so on. It is logical that such vinegar costs less than traditional vinegar, although it is more expensive than imitation with a sweetener, and in general is an example of a good price-quality ratio.

How to use balsamic vinegar?

Balsamic was originally used in medical purposes— in fact, the Latin balsamum, from which the name of this vinegar comes, is translated as “healing.” However, now the only use of balsamic vinegar is exclusively culinary.

Balsamic vinegar works very well in salad dressings, especially where tomatoes are involved. The same, by the way, applies to other tomato dishes - a couple of drops of balsamic definitely won’t hurt tomato soup or meat stewed in tomato sauce.

Balsamic vinegar can be replaced with any other vinegar in marinades and sauces, or sprinkled on - again, no more than a few drops! - any ready-made dishes, from scrambled eggs to fried meat. Balsamic also works well with some desserts: a drop of good, thick balsamic vinegar greatly enhances ice cream or ordinary strawberries or raspberries. Another idea is to add balsamic to a cocktail: in some cases it is very good.

Finally, let's not forget that you can make it from any industrial balsamic, including the cheapest one - and with the thick vinegar that you get in the end, you can decorate a dish or season everything described above, but with a better result.

Balsamic vinegar has become popular in recent years. Some believe that this was due to the appearance of this product in various salad dressings. But the most likely reason is its pronounced beneficial features. To find out the reason for its popularity, you need to find out what the benefits and harms of balsamic vinegar are, and how it differs from other types.

What is balsamic vinegar and what is it made from?

As early as 900 years ago, winemakers in the Modena region of Italy made balsamic vinegar, which was taken as a tonic and healthy drink, and also served as a sign of favor to important persons. He was then called wine vinegar, although this is not at all true: it was made not from wine, but from pressed grapes that had not yet begun to ferment.

The rich, slightly sweet aroma allowed the product to be added to salad dressings, gourmet marinades and sauces. A small amount of product may also give unusual taste soups and stews. It is the taste and complex aroma that make it much more pleasant and interesting than other types of vinegar.

Sweet white grapes are pressed, boiled down to a dark syrup, and then cured under harsh conditions. The syrup is placed in oak barrels, after which the aging process begins. In order for a product to be called balsamic, 12 years must pass. With age, the moisture evaporates and the thickening of the product concentrates the savory aroma.

Over the years, attempts have been made to store it in barrels made of chestnut, cherry wood, ash, mulberry and juniper to give it special properties taste and smell. Some of the best balsamic vinegars age for over 100 years. It is this aging process that makes real product so expensive.

Composition of balsamic vinegar

Real balsamic vinegar must be created from a special variety of grapes. Rich Brown color The product appears from aging in wooden barrels, often for decades. It is made from grapes (and not from wine, like most vinegars), so its health benefits are obvious. However, there are many low-quality variations that can cause harm to health.

The inexpensive balsamic vinegar found in stores today is often made by combining traditional white wine vinegar with colorings and flavorings. Such a product is not only not useful, but can also cause harm if used regularly.

Its chemical composition is very complex and is not fully described in the sources. The main components include sugars (mainly glucose and fructose) and organic acids (acetic, gluconic, malic, tartaric, succinic).

Classes of minor compounds include volatiles and antioxidant molecules (mostly polyphenols).

Separately, melanoidins are isolated - a heterogeneous mixture of polymers that arises from sugar decomposition reactions and is activated during the cooking of grapes. These polymers provide many physical properties product, including refractive index, density, specific heat capacity and so on.

Important! It is important to remember that balsamic is not suitable for making pickles and should not be stored in aluminum containers.

Benefits of balsamic vinegar for the body

The health benefits of balsamic vinegar have long been proven. The product is considered extremely useful in the following aspects:

  • Improved skin health;
  • Reduced blood sugar levels. Balsamic vinegar has been found to have an anti-glycemic effect when consumed, meaning that a person's blood sugar levels will drop sharply after eating;
  • Promote healthy digestion. Acetic acid is the active compound in this product. It contains probiotic strains that aid digestion and support overall immune function;
  • Reducing cholesterol levels. The benefits of balsamic vinegar may help lower cholesterol levels. Antioxidants in its composition help block toxic cells in the body;
  • Weight loss. The probiotics in balsamic vinegar may also help a person feel fuller longer. Some studies show that people may consume fewer calories throughout the day if they add this product to their morning meal;
  • Treatment of wounds: the beneficial properties of balsamic vinegar in this area have been known for a long time;
  • Reducing arterial hypertension. This is especially noticeable if a person replaces fatty foods with vinegar, thus reducing the total amount of fat consumed;
  • Reduce acid reflux and treat heartburn. This remedy may not work for everyone, so it is best to try it large quantities and wait a few hours to see if it improves or worsens symptoms;
  • Promote blood circulation. Balsamic vinegar is obtained from grapes. Research has shown that grapes may protect against heart disease by preventing the formation of platelets in blood vessels.

Benefits of balsamic vinegar for weight loss

Vinegars are known for their anti-obesity properties, and balsamic is no exception. As mentioned above, the product contains probiotic compounds that help a person feel full longer. Unlike other dressings such as oil and mayonnaise, balsamic vinegar contains no fat. Of course, it is not a magic weight loss remedy, but there is evidence that including it in your diet can help you lose weight.

Important! The benefit of balsamic vinegar for weight loss without harm lies in its low calorie content: one tablespoon of the product contains only 14 calories. This property will be especially significant if you replace oils and mayonnaise with it on an ongoing basis.

Is balsamic vinegar safe for pregnant women?

Many people are unsure whether balsamic vinegar is beneficial during pregnancy or if it can cause harm. Despite the fact that it still contains certain dangerous substances, you will have to consume a very large amount of them to harm the fetus.

The product contains some traces of lead, but in small quantities that cannot be considered hazardous. Humans consume more lead from tap water than from balsamic vinegar.

The intense flavor present in balsamic vinegar acts as a salt substitute, which affects sodium intake. The product is not completely free of this substance, but contains low levels of it.

As you know, edema often occurs in the body of pregnant women, which can be reduced by limiting sodium intake. Balsamic vinegar is beneficial in that, compared to other sauces, it contains a small amount of salt.

Iron is also necessary for women during pregnancy. It helps in the creation of red blood cells. Balsamic vinegar contains 0.12 mg of iron. This is not much, but still provides additional benefits for pregnant women.

Attention! Some of the common opinions about the dangers of balsamic vinegar are incorrect: the benefits of the product for the health of a pregnant woman are obvious.

Balsamic vinegar for breastfeeding

The benefits and harms of balsamic during breastfeeding are controversial. On the one hand, in small quantity it cannot cause harm to the body of mother and child. On the other hand, it contains a small amount of lead, which can negate all beneficial properties.

According to doctors, during the first 3 to 4 months of breastfeeding, you should stop drinking any vinegars, and then little by little return only high-quality, expensive balsamic to your diet, the benefits of which are beyond doubt. When buying cheap options, there is a risk of purchasing tinted, sweetened non- quality product, which does much more harm than good.

Balsamic vinegar in folk medicine

Since the invention of the product, its beneficial properties have been used very actively. Hippocrates (c. 420 BC) used it to treat wounds. Cleopatra (circa 50 BC) dissolved precious pearls in it and prepared a love potion.

Song Ze, the 10th-century creator of forensic medicine, advocated washing hands with sulfur and vinegar to avoid contamination during autopsies.

According to the works of practicing doctors of the late 18th century, many diseases - from dropsy to poisoning - were treated with balsamic vinegar, and the benefits of using it as healing agent was considered proven. In addition, before the advent of hypoglycemic agents, it was famous for its obvious benefits in lowering sugar in diabetics.

Compress for wounds and burns

Balsamic vinegar has been used for many years to treat wounds. It is believed to have antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial properties.

In order to prepare a compress to treat a burn or wound, balsamic is mixed with castor, linseed or olive oil in a 1:2 ratio. This mixture is applied to gauze and then applied to the damaged skin. A layer of cotton wool is needed on top: bandage everything and leave for 4 - 6 hours. Useful properties of this folk remedy will become noticeable within a day.

Gargling for colds

This product can help with sore throats. A rinse solution is prepared from it by mixing 5 ml of honey, 200 ml of warm boiled water and 15 ml of balsamic.

This mixture has significant benefits, alleviating pain and relieving inflammation.

Balsamic vinegar in home cosmetology

Balsamic has beneficial properties due to the presence of antioxidants, antimicrobial components and acetic acid in its composition.

These substances can help improve complexion, and over time, cleanse the skin quite deeply.

Facial peeling

First of all, the benefit of balsamic lies in its cleansing properties. Therefore from of this product peeling is often prepared. To prepare it, you need clean gauze or a thin cloth. It should be folded in several layers, and then a little balsamic vinegar should be applied to it: its addition to the fabric should be undiluted. The soaked cloth is applied to the face for 15 minutes, avoiding contact of the liquid with the eyes and lips. Then the compress is removed and the skin is not washed for an hour. After this time, you should wash your face with a sponge or soft washcloth to deeply cleanse the skin, and then wipe your face with ice.

Rinsing hair with balsamic vinegar

Many types of vinegar are traditionally used to rinse hair. This is explained by the fact that the acids in the product help smooth out the hair scales, making the curls shine beautifully in the light. Particularly useful for this purpose is balsamic, which contains more useful substances.

To use the hair product with maximum benefit, it is diluted with six parts of water. And to prevent its evaporation, use it immediately.

Moisturizing hand cream

Because balsamic helps soften the skin, it makes an excellent hand cream. This is done very simply. Balsamic vinegar in an amount of 15 ml should be added to a jar of any prepared cream and mixed well, and then refrigerated for 12 - 18 hours.

Important! To maximize the beneficial properties of the folk remedy, you should use it twice a day.

How to make balsamic vinegar at home

Balsamic vinegar has a unique taste and there is no real substitute for it. It is almost impossible to repeat the process of preparing it at home. Of course, it is realistic to find or mix several ingredients to get something similar in taste. However, the benefits and harms of such a product will differ significantly from the original. Although the original balsamic vinegar cannot be recreated, the following homemade recipes for its analogues are available:

  1. Mix 1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar and half teaspoon sugar in a small cup. Stir until sugar dissolves. You can heat the mixture in a small saucepan to speed up the process. Allow the mixture to cool before using it in different recipes.
  2. Stir 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar with 1/2 teaspoon sugar in a small bowl until sugar dissolves. Cool completely before using.
  3. Combine five parts 6% table vinegar with one part sugar. Heat the mixture in a small saucepan to dissolve the latter. Cool to room temperature.

How to use balsamic vinegar in cooking

Balsamic is primarily used in salad dressings, marinades and sauces. It is used for culinary processing steaks, as well as fish or other grilled foods.

In addition, it is used in many vegetable and meat dishes oh, pasta, risotto, fruit desserts and for decoupage. Traditional balsamic vinegar is believed to help improve digestion.

Harm of balsamic vinegar

The action of balsamic has 2 effects, which can cause its harm.

Excessive consumption of the product can lead to erosion of tooth enamel due to its high acidity and also due to the presence of some lead in it.

Balsamic is slightly less acidic than other vinegars, but it can still erode tooth enamel. The fact is that any type of food or drink with a pH of 4 or lower has such undesirable properties. Balsamic has this indicator of about 4. To reduce the effect of acid and minimize harm, it is better to mix the product with oils.

On the other hand, the amount of lead in the product is considered too small to affect the body of an adult. But there is still a possibility that it could harm young children.

If an adult would need to consume 1 to 2 cups of balsamic vinegar daily to get dangerous dose lead, then a clearly smaller amount affects the child. Studies have shown that even one tablespoon of balsamic significantly increases the level of heavy metal in a child's body.

Contraindications to the use of balsamic vinegar

There are only a few possible side effects from overuse balsamic The product is generally considered safe to eat unless a person has an allergy. Possible risks include:

  • stomach upset;
  • sore throat;
  • damage to the esophagus.

To avoid harming oneself, a person should limit their intake to approximately 2 tablespoons or less. Those who often have stomach upsets and other similar health problems should not get carried away with balsamic.

You should pay close attention to tags and labels before purchasing. Authentic balsamic may be expensive, but it contains no added sugars, making its health benefits more noticeable.

Attention! Inexpensive brands may contain additional sugars to enhance the taste and are less healthy.

What is the difference between balsamic vinegar and wine vinegar?

Red wine vinegar and balsamic vinegar are prepared differently, and dishes containing them will taste different. In order to decide which one to use, you need to know the properties of each product.

Balsamic vinegar has a sweet, fruity flavor and mild acidity. It adds rich flavor volume to salads and vegetable dishes. In practice, you can season anything with it: from fried meat to boiled fruit. This great choice for decoupage.

But not all balsamic vinegars have the same properties. There are several varieties. The best traditional balsamics are made from freshly picked grapes. The juice is brewed to approximately 30% of its original volume, then fermented in wooden barrels for 12 years or more, becoming sweeter and more concentrated over time. The quality of properly prepared balsamic is so amazing that you can drink it as a drink.

There is a cheaper version of this product that is a mixture of balsamic and wine vinegar. You can also find very budget versions in which the taste is recreated by adding sugar and other ingredients.

As you might guess, red wine vinegar is made from red wine. Its name seems original, since the word “vinegar” itself comes from the French “vinagre”, which means “sour wine”.

Red wine vinegar is aged for a shorter period of time - it only needs a year or two to ferment until it's ready. It is less sweet than balsamic, and its sharper flavor is used for dressing salads, sauces and marinades. The product goes well with the strong aromas of spicy dishes. As with the original balsamic, this product can vary in price and quality. Inexpensive types aged for a shorter period of time, resulting in a more acidic and sharper product.

What can you substitute for balsamic vinegar?

As stated above, balsamic vinegar cannot be made at home. But it can be replaced with brown rice or Chinese black vinegar. Rice option especially popular in Asian countries, and is widely used for salad dressings as well as dipping sauces. Brown rice vinegar are made on the basis brown rice, which is why the product has a dark amber color.

Like the product from brown rice, you can use Chinese black vinegar to replace balsamic in many recipes. It generally costs less and can be used to make sauces, fries, soups and marinades. It is usually made from rice, millet, wheat or sorghum: characterized by its black color and malty taste.

In addition to Chinese black and brown rice, you can use sherry, fruit, or even red wine vinegar to replace balsamic in recipes. The latter will most likely have to be mixed with sugar or honey until a similar taste is achieved. This combination is well suited for marinades, sauces and stews. On the other hand, sherry vinegar can be used to replace balsamic in sauces, stews, dressings and marinades.

Advice! To replace balsamic, you can use white wine vinegar with added sugar.

How to choose the right balsamic vinegar

Balsamic highest quality certainly labeled as Aceto balsamico tradizionale. This label indicates that the product is prepared using traditional methods from Modena. For other markings, the requirements for processing and aging methods are not as strict, but the quality must still be good.

If the price of the product is very inexpensive, sulfites and a lot of sugar can be added as a preservative.

After purchasing, you should place balsamic vinegar in a cool, dark place away from heat (for example, kitchen cabinet). It should not be refrigerated. It will not oxidize once opened and can be stored indefinitely. The appearance of sediment at the bottom of the bottle is natural. by-product the aging process and it will not cause harm.


From all of the above, the benefits and harms of balsamic vinegar depend on the quality of the product itself. However, the original can bring many times more benefits than harm. It can be used in cooking and cosmetology, as well as for medical purposes. The main thing is not to save money when purchasing.

Balsamic vinegar comes from Italy (the provinces of Reggio Emilia and Modena), and although the product is made from sweet white grapes, it is significantly different from wine vinegar. The technology for preparing balsamic vinegar is quite interesting and not at all simple. In particular, it is aged in barrels for 3 to 25 years after preparation (and naturally, vinegar is valued the more, the longer it is aged). Moreover, in our time, traditional balsamic vinegar aged 12 years is considered the highest quality - it is very dark, thick and has a strong fruity aroma.

Modern cooking also involves the use of balsamic vinegar made in industrial scale(various additives can be added to it). The aging of such vinegar is insignificant, and its properties are similar to traditional balsamic.

Today you can find another version of balsamic vinegar on sale - vinegar prepared by mixing industrial vinegar with expensive traditional one. This type of vinegar, in its taste and quality properties much higher than the industrial one, but at the same time costs less than the traditional one.

Many Italian dishes are prepared with the addition of a seasoning such as balsamic vinegar. Moreover, industrial vinegar is usually used to improve the taste of simple everyday dishes, and traditional - to create true culinary masterpieces.

Main properties of balsamic vinegar

Balsamic vinegar contains many useful microelements that can suppress pathogenic microflora in the human body and contribute to its overall health and strengthening. There is calcium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, sodium and some other elements that support and restore human bones and blood vessels. Balsamic vinegar also contains a lot of vitamin B - a vitamin that improves human brain activity and stabilizes it nervous system, – and polyphenols that can have a positive effect on heart function. And with all this, balsamic vinegar is a low-calorie product.

True, the beneficial properties of this product cannot be preserved during its heat treatment. And below we will look at some recipes for original dishes seasoned with non-heat-treated balsamic vinegar.


Professionals note that the taste of balsamic vinegar is so original that it can turn even the most delicious dishes into extraordinary dishes. simple food. Make sure of this too!

Arugula with Parmesan

Dressing: 40 ml olive oil, 20 ml balsamic vinegar, 5 ml olive oil grape seeds.

Pour this dressing over 400 g of arugula, add salt and place Parmesan cheese, cut into thin slices, on top of the arugula (150 g is enough). Sprinkle the top of the dish with ground black pepper.

Baked vegetables

You need to cut three small tomatoes and two sweet peppers into slices, place them on a baking sheet, pour in olive oil, and then bake for 30 minutes. After this, the baking sheet should be removed from the oven, cooled, seasoned with balsamic vinegar and sprinkled with chopped cilantro.

Balsamic vinegar It’s not at all like traditional vinegar as we understand it. This is a unique thick sweet and sour seasoning that is obtained by processing grape must. The balsamic extract is made in exactly the same way as the main component in wine production.

Initially it was obtained only from grape wines, but nowadays cooks also use the wort of wines made from black currants, tangerines, pomegranates, apples, and figs. This amazing product is even made from coconut milk.

Fermentation of real balsamic vinegar can last from three to twelve years, although there is information that the most expensive brands of the product have been aged for a century. A product of this quality ended up exclusively on the tables of royal families, because the cost of such vinegar was and is incredibly high.

Based on these facts, we can conclude that the shelf life of real balsamic is unlimited. But this is provided that it is prepared correctly and the seasoning is stored in proper conditions: in a dark and cool room in a tightly sealed glass container.

Ready-made balsamic vinegar is an ideal ingredient for many preparations. gourmet dishes and is rightfully considered the best vinegar in the world.


The preparation of natural balsamic vinegar in industrial conditions consists of complex process juice processing and has remained unchanged for many centuries. The distillation method is a kind of GOST, so any deviation from it makes the product suitable exclusively for cooking.

The technology for producing high-quality and tasty balsamic consists of the following stages:

  • pressing light grapes to obtain juice;
  • boiling (evaporation) of the product;
  • cooling;
  • careful straining;
  • infusion (excerpt).

Each process is allotted a certain time, and this is carefully monitored by manufacturers. The final stage is considered the most important process in preparing vinegar. During fermentation, balsamic is poured into wooden barrels from different types of wood. Each time the vinegar acquires new flavor notes and changes color.

Thanks to its longevity and control, natural balsamic has the color of dark chocolate, a thick consistency and a very pronounced aroma of the original grape variety, shaded by a slight taste of wood.

After the desired fermentation time, balsamic vinegar is tested for suitability and its selling price is determined based on the quality of the finished product.

The cost of real vinegar is quite high, so many manufacturers have learned to produce “high-quality fakes” based on wines, and most often use red semi-dry for this purpose.

In the list of ingredients budget option Balsamic vinegar may also contain components such as:

  • corn syrup, glucose or fructose as a sweetener;
  • pectin and various types of starches, including modified ones, to add thickness;
  • gum carob for product digestibility;

All of them are used to give the product the “correct” taste and consistency, because such vinegar will be suitable for food without infusion and aging. But it should be taken into account that, due to its artificial origin, it has a limited shelf life. It is not recommended to use expired product for food.

Many housewives have repeatedly thought about the possibility of preparing an expensive component at home. Frankly, we want to say that this is impossible, because the technology is very labor-intensive and has many secrets.

Enterprising housewives have learned to replace the product homemade tinctures which are prepared from cherries, citrus fruits and aromatic seasonings, and also replace it apple cider vinegar. Of course, reviews of such products are quite good, but still these formulations are inferior to the original.

Composition, packaging and nutritional value

Natural balsamic vinegar contains the following components::

  • potassium;
  • calcium;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • phosphorus;
  • manganese;
  • zinc;
  • B vitamins,
  • carotene;
  • ascorbic acid.

The nutritional value natural product is small, and dosed consumption makes it almost invisible in the diet. Balsamic vinegar does not affect the BJU index, unlike wine vinegar, which, like alcohol, has a higher number of calories.

A high-quality product must be packaged in glass containers with a tight-fitting stopper. In retail chains you can find balsamic in the form of a spray or balsamic cream with flavors. The latter can be painted in different colors and have different flavors: honey, fruit and berries, creamy or classic. But they, like wine vinegar, can only figuratively be considered an original product.

Difference between wine and balsamic vinegar

What is the difference between wine vinegar and balsamic vinegar? Out of ignorance, many housewives equate these two products, but in fact they are completely different things.

Wine vinegar is fermented wine. It is liquid and tastes very sour wine with a specific pungent odor of vinegar essence. It is this product that is used to speed up the ripening process of real thick balsamic vinegar.

Balsamic vinegar, on the other hand, is very thick, dark, and does not have a strong flavor.

How to choose?

Every inquisitive housewife would probably like to know how to choose a quality product.

Making the right choice is quite simple. You just need to carefully read the composition of the product and information about its manufacturer. Among the many companies that put out similar products on the shelves, great amount conscientious and not so conscientious. Therefore, in this section I would like to pay special attention to vinegar brands, such as “Tradizionale”, “Aceto balzamico di Modena”, “Condimento”.

Which of these products to choose will directly depend on the financial capabilities and needs of the consumer. They all differ in their quality characteristics and cost, but they are united by the fact that they are all made in Italy using ancient, time-tested technologies. So, let's try to figure it out.

  1. Balsamic, which has a name "Traditional" and DOP marking, is considered the most expensive and highest quality. It is this series of vinegar that is distinguished by the shine and thickness of the product. The age of such vinegar can be easily determined by the color of the label. A gold label means the vinegar has been aged for more than 25 years, a silver label means at least 18 years, but a red label means that the vinegar has been fermented for 12 years. Vinegar of this quality can be used for medicinal purposes, because it will be completely natural and will benefit the body.
  2. Vinegar, on the bottles of which you can see such a name as "Aceto balzamico di Modena" With abbreviation IGP, undoubtedly, is the same real vinegar, produced and passed quality control in the province of Modena. It will have an exquisite aroma, a sharp but very pleasant sweet and sour taste and a thick consistency. It will be produced in compliance with strict rules. The cost of this vinegar compared to others expensive varieties the product will be in the middle price category.
  3. Product labeled as "Condimento", differs from previous types in less purity, so its cost will be lower. The quality of such vinegar is not regulated by standards, and manufacturers under this brand can produce (under the name balsamic) ordinary flavored wine grape vinegar. More expensive versions of vinegar of this standard will contain exclusively wine must, but cheaper products of this series may contain sugar and other additives.


Use of balsamic vinegar modern housewives found very wide. It is used both in cooking and for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes, as well as in cosmetology.

The product does not require dilution or prolonged heat treatment, although many recipes involve heating it. In this case, cooks try to do everything very quickly, because too hot a seasoning gives off a rather acrid steam, similar in smell to highly acidified wine.

In folk medicine

IN folk medicine Balsamic vinegar has been used for a long time to treat trophic ulcers and various wounds. It was previously called “balsam,” which translated from Latin meant “aromatic resin.” Currently, these product properties are also relevant.

The product, which has a strong antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect, was used as a liquid for external use, but in some cases it was recommended to take a few drops orally. There was no talk of using it in cooking back then.

And to this day, in many countries, balsamic vinegar is given a place of honor in many areas of medicine. It is believed that this product helps to cope with a large number of ailments, but in the best possible way it affects the gastrointestinal tract, larynx and immune system. The product helps maintain normal blood cholesterol levels, stimulates memory and reduces the risk of developing inflammatory diseases.

Good reviews about the effect of balsamic vinegar on the human body are noted in the following conditions:

  • poor appetite;
  • stagnation of bile and fluid;
  • indigestion, cramps and flatulence;
  • low blood clotting.

IN modern world Balsamic vinegar is used as a weight loss aid, but it is not some kind of miracle drug. The essence of its action is that products flavored with it do not require additional fat and turn out tasty.

In cooking

In cooking, balsamic vinegar is valued for its unique taste qualities and the ability to be used both as a salad dressing and to add flavor to desserts. A salad made from avocado, arugula and shrimp also turns out impeccable and elegant. Delicacies such as ice cream and strawberries, which the French serve on biscuits, provide a unique flavor. Many chefs decorate dishes with balsamic vinegar, as well as “caviar” made from it.

Meat marinated in this sauce acquires an amazing taste, and the product goes equally well with pork, lamb, and various types poultry meat and offal.

Meat preparations can be baked and barbecued. Chicken wings, legs or breasts, and pork steaks are best suited for these purposes. Impeccable taste and the flavor comes from duck, goose or turkey meat: the tough fibers of the meat become much softer, and dishes made from them cook much faster and simply melt in your mouth. A balsamic marinade can also suppress the specific taste of the fat of these birds.

Balsamic vinegar goes well with fish and seafood. Most often, cooks use tuna fillet to prepare gourmet dishes, although even ordinary pollock or the usual herring get an extraordinary taste when soaked in such a marinade.

Vinegar is added in small quantities to various soups. Two spoons of balsamic added to the borscht frying gives the finished dish an impeccable color. And all because it goes well with tomatoes, including sun-dried, fried and baked.

Grilled mushrooms and other vegetables are no less tasty. Marinate for vegetable kebab Can:

  • Champignon;
  • eggplant;
  • zucchini;
  • onion;
  • bell pepper

One of the popular and very unusual dishes considered fried and then baked in aromatic caramel Brussels sprouts with sesame. This easy-to-prepare dish can easily be considered haute cuisine.

Many restaurants around the world serve caramelized salmon with grilled salmon. powdered sugar oranges sprinkled with a small amount of natural balsamic.

Balsamic vinegar goes well with olive oil, different types mustard and even garlic. In some recipes you can see a combination of this interesting product with soy sauce.

The sweetish taste of balsamic allows you to get the perfect dressing sauce for light salads, which can easily replace many’s favorite mayonnaise. This seasoning will highlight the taste of fresh cucumbers, arugula, young cabbage or tender Chinese cabbage. The well-known classic “Greek” salad with this sauce also acquires a unique taste. All components of such a dish, including feta cheese or mozzarella, go perfectly with delicate taste refueling and easily absorb it.

In cosmetology

In cosmetology, balsamic vinegar is used to make nourishing masks for the face and strengthening compositions for hair. This becomes possible thanks to the content of polyphenols and anthocyanin in the product, which together slow down the aging process of the epidermis, preserve the life of hair follicles and give a healthy shine to the hair.

Recipes with Balsamic Vinegar

There are a huge number of recipes for cooking dishes with the addition of balsamic vinegar. The so-called vinegar goes well with squid and red onions, which are usually served stewed with a side dish of white boiled rice.

There is one dish that no one can resist. They call it “Chicken Caprese”. To prepare this very appetizing-looking (as in the photo) and unusual delicious chicken you will need:

  • whole chicken or its individual parts (preferably legs or thighs);
  • balsamic vinegar;
  • chicken seasoning that contains oregano;
  • purple basil;
  • brown sugar or natural honey;
  • Mozzarella;
  • tomatoes;
  • salt;
  • a little vegetable oil, and ideally olive oil (for frying meat);
  • garlic.

All products are taken optionally, the main thing is that the quantity ready-made dish was sufficient for your household. The amount of finished brown caramel should be close to one glass, and it is always prepared from equal volume parts of sugar and balsamic, which must be added in one go.

The preparation of this dish includes three stages:

  1. Rub the meat generously with chicken seasoning and add a small amount of salt if necessary. Leave the product for twenty minutes at room temperature for marinating. After this, fry the chicken in a hot frying pan in a small amount of vegetable oil until golden crust. Place the finished meat in a frying pan or one-piece baking dish.
  2. In the remaining oil, fry a few cloves of garlic, chopped into small cubes. From balsamic vinegar and brown sugar prepare caramel. This is easy to do, because all you need to do is heat both components in a frying pan with garlic until it becomes liquid honey. The resulting aromatic and slightly spicy sauce pour over the chicken.
  3. Place a piece of mozzarella on top of each piece of meat, and arrange small juicy tomatoes cut into two to four pieces around this beauty. Now place the pan in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees Celsius, and bake the dish in it for 25 minutes. After the time has passed, remove the chicken and generously sprinkle all this splendor with finely chopped purple basil leaves. And that’s it, you can enjoy unearthly gastronomic pleasure!

A dish no less tasty and simple in all respects than the one described above would be chicken or beef liver, cooked in a fragrant and spicy wine filling. Any housewife can make it, and such a dish will look no worse than a restaurant’s “Venetian-style liver.” Taste cooked meat will exceed all your expectations! You will find the secret and ingredients in the recipe below.

  1. Soak fresh liver in milk for an hour. Fry three medium-sized onions in a small amount of vegetable oil, and then add 100 ml of balsamic vinegar, a pinch of salt and a little granulated sugar. Caramelize the onions while stirring constantly, and once the sauce reaches the consistency thick sour cream, carefully transfer the onion to a clean plate and leave it for a while.
  2. Place the chopped and well-dried liver into the frying pan. Fry the product until cooked, then pepper and sprinkle the meat a little fine salt. After this, pour 100 ml of dry red wine into the dish and simmer it for about fifteen minutes until the liquid has completely evaporated.
  3. Serve the liver with mashed potatoes, which is beautifully placed on a plate with wide edges. Place two or three tablespoons of caramelized onions on top of the potatoes, and one or more pieces of liver as a third layer.

Now you know how to surprise your family with your culinary skills!

But balsamic vinegar is used not only in salads and when frying meat. Beets and carrots baked in the oven in this amazing and aromatic caramel become an unrivaled and very healthy side dish. The calorie content of such a product will be very low, so the dish will be appreciated by those who are on a diet and want to lose weight or maintain their weight.

Use unique product can be done in the process of preparing sushi and rolls, as well as any other dishes asian cuisine. Italians prepare risotto, pasta, as well as pasta and spaghetti with balsamic, giving a new, incomparable taste to these unleavened flour products.

A very tasty recipe is made from sour cream and balsamic vinegar. thick sauce with a slight hint of chocolate and delicate taste. This paste is perfect for dressing hearty salads with meat.

Benefits and harms

The benefits obtained from consuming balsamic vinegar is one of the main indicators that attracts more and more people. By using this valuable product as food, people not only have the opportunity to satisfy their gastronomic needs, but also receive a therapeutic effect. However, it is still worth considering some precautions and not violating them.

Balsamic vinegar contains glucose, fructose and polysaccharides. Therefore, to avoid harm, this product should be used with caution by people suffering from diabetes mellitus. To avoid allergic reactions, the use of balsamic vinegar should be limited to pregnant and lactating women, as well as those who are susceptible to food allergies.

Consuming balsamic in large quantities can provoke an exacerbation peptic ulcer, and also significantly increase the acidity of gastric juice. It is also recommended to limit the use of the product for those who suffer from liver pathologies.

But nevertheless, nutritionists and doctors consider individual intolerance to the components and alcohol, in particular, to be the main contraindication to the use of the product. People facing this problem should completely avoid using the product and dishes containing it.

Balsamic vinegar is a unique dressing for dishes and has wide range impact on pathogenic flora human body. It helps not only to improve a person’s psychological state, but also to maintain the proper functioning of all systems. Watch an overview video about this amazing product and its properties and make sure that the balsamic is unique in all respects.

What is balsamic vinegar, or balsamic, how useful is it and what is its use in cooking?

First mentioned in 1046. The future king Henry II lived in Modena, Italy. The Marquis Bonifacio presented him with liquid seasoning in a beautiful barrel self made. So balsamic vinegar became the personification of prestige and wealth.

Varieties of balsamic differ from each other in the base - the product on which the infusion took place. The traditional one is made strictly from Trebbiano grapes. In the future, additives can be added to it to give a new shade and aroma:

  • cherry,
  • lemon,
  • pear,
  • raspberries.

Let the listed components add seasoning unusual aroma, but the traditional taste is “hidden”.

Interesting! Most people don't know the exact composition. It is prepared on the basis of grape must, adding a set of spices, the proportions and names of which are kept secret. Why? Apparently, to maintain traditions. And also so that no one can create an analogue that can displace a traditional product from the market.

There is also white balsamic vinegar, which is loved by culinary aesthetes. The seasoning is infused in steel barrels rather than traditional wooden ones. As a result, it acquires a rich golden hue and does not darken salads, which is the “sin” of classic options.

Nutritional value

The composition contains useful organic acids: pyruvic, acetic, tartaric, malic, lactic, gluconic. Balsamic is rich in vitamins A, B and C. Contains microelements valuable for humans:

  • calcium,
  • manganese,
  • magnesium,
  • phosphorus,
  • iron,
  • zinc,
  • sodium,
  • copper.

And this is not a complete list. Balsamic vinegar contains almost all the substances necessary for the body, and in harmonious proportions.

Nutritional value is about 70-90 kcal per 100 g (the exact value depends on the variety). There are no fats or gluten at all, proteins – no more than 0.49 g, but carbohydrates – no less than 17 g per 100 g.

Beneficial features

It has a positive effect on many organs and systems of the body.

For gastrointestinal tract (GIT):

  • normalizes intestinal function;
  • relieves acid reflux;
  • stimulates the production of digestive enzymes - pepsins, increases salivation;
  • prolongs the feeling of fullness after eating, which helps in the fight against excess weight;
  • normalizes metabolism due to increased production of digestive juices;
  • thanks to acetic acid in the composition, normalizes the pH level and helps the gastrointestinal tract produce more hydrochloric acid.

To prevent severe heartburn, it is enough to drink 1 tbsp. l. balsamic vinegar with honey before eating.

For circulatory system:

  • fights high and low blood pressure;
  • promotes absorption minerals magnesium and calcium, necessary for the heart muscle;
  • lowers cholesterol levels, thereby preventing atherosclerosis.

Is source of antioxidants(including), which:

  • help strengthen the immune system;
  • reduce the risk of developing cancer;
  • rejuvenate the body, preventing the “fading” of cells;
  • help break down protein into amino acids, which improves metabolism;
  • have anti-inflammatory properties.

For of cardio-vascular system:

  • normalizes blood cholesterol levels;
  • reduces blood pressure (BP);
  • prevents hardening of vascular walls.

Japanese scientists have proven that regular consumption of balsamic vinegar can reduce systolic blood pressure by about 20 mmHg. Art.

Suitable for the prevention of diabetes:

  • protects pancreatic cells from destruction;
  • maintains insulin production in the required volume;
  • In the long term, it significantly reduces blood glucose levels.

Important! Balsamic promotes wound healing due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties. If 1 tsp. dilute with a glass of water to obtain an effective disinfectant for external use.

Harm and contraindications

Balsamic vinegar has no contraindications, other than increased stomach acidity.

Harm can be caused to the digestive system, but only if a person takes too large a dose at once - due to ingestion large quantity acids As well as tooth enamel (due to pH about 4).

If you are hypersensitive to the components, an allergic reaction is possible.

There is some concern about the presence of lead. But to harm your health, you would need to drink at least 2 cups of balsamic per day.

Experts say that modern people get more lead from tap water than from balsamic vinegar.

Is it possible during pregnancy?

Some believe that balsamic vinegar in the diet during pregnancy poses additional risks. In addition to lead, pregnant women are frightened by rumors that this seasoning complicates childbirth. But there is no scientific evidence of such a phenomenon.

In small doses, balsamic may even be beneficial for pregnant women due to its lower sodium content (compared to other sauces) and the presence of iron.

Range of applications


Balsamic vinegar is used in folk medicine as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent.

To prepare the tincture you will need:

  • 1 liter of vinegar;
  • sage;
  • mint;
  • sagebrush;
  • lavender;
  • 6 cloves of garlic.

All ingredients are mixed and left in the sun for 2 weeks. The product can only be used externally!

Since balsamic is an expensive product, it can be replaced with similar properties.

Cosmetic sector

It is impossible to find a replacement in cosmetology. It rejuvenates the skin, making it firm and toned.

When purchasing, make sure that the bottle contains balsamic and not regular table vinegar with flavorings. Application is simple - 1-2 drops in any cream or shampoo (prevents hair loss).

Production Features

During the preparation process, the grape must is poured into barrels. Their shape, size, material play an important role.

The type of wood from which the barrels are made largely determines the smell and taste of the product. It could be:

  • cherry,
  • chestnut,
  • juniper,
  • ash.

Mulberry wood is used to make large containers.

The production process is complex and lengthy (takes several years).

Original recipe ( Aceto Balsamico Tradizionale) involves the participation of certain grape varieties (Trebbiano and Lambrusco) grown in Modena or Reggio Emilia.

  1. From grape berries squeeze out the juice, which is boiled for several hours. The result is a syrup. This is what is poured into barrels.
  2. The aging period varies from 12 to 100 years and depends on the recipe.
  3. In the later stages, the fermented liquid is poured into large mulberry barrels.

To obtain 3 kg of balsamic vinegar, it takes at least 12 years and about 100 kg of grapes. That's why it's so expensive.

Age can be determined by the color of the label:

  • red – at least 12 years;
  • silver – 18 years;
  • gold - about 25 years.

Important! Balsamic is sometimes confused with wine vinegar, but this is a mistake. The cheaper product is simply fermented wine with no history.

Choosing quality

Balsamic vinegar has a narrow application - mainly for salads. It sets the tone for dishes and gives them refined notes.

To avoid buying a fake, look at the label:

  • place of production - real balsamic can only be produced in Modena, otherwise it will not be able to obtain a certificate and license;
  • aging period - we are not necessarily talking about a fake: perhaps it is industrial product average quality.

The differences from the fake are easy to detect when consumed: the surrogate does not have the characteristic astringency and is highly sour.

Use in cooking

Here are a few recipes that will allow you to appreciate the qualities of this seasoning.

  • Mushroom appetizer. Fry 400 g of chopped champignons in olive oil. Drizzle with balsamic vinegar. The dish is served cold.
  • Baked vegetables. Cut a few tomatoes and sweet peppers, a small zucchini and eggplant into slices and bake on a baking sheet for 30 minutes. Cool, drizzle with balsamic and season with cilantro.
  • Arugula with Parmesan. Sprinkle 400 g of arugula with Parmesan and black pepper. Mix 20 ml vinegar, 1 tsp. grape seed oil and 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and season the dish.

Balsamic is suitable for anyone vegetable salad and many meat dishes. In Europe there are gourmets who pour it on fresh berries, peaches and ice cream!

Is it possible to cook it yourself?

Real balsamic is very expensive, and not everyone can afford such a purchase. You won't be able to cook it at home either. But you can get by with a cheaper analogue, the taste and aroma of which resembles the original.

To do this you will need:

  • 0.5 liters of vinegar (9%);
  • 2 cups cherries;
  • 1/2 tsp. cinnamon;
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • lemon peel.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove pits from cherries and mash.
  2. Add the remaining ingredients to the resulting slurry.
  3. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 20 minutes.
  4. Pour the liquid into a sterile bottle or jar and put it in the refrigerator for 2 days.
  5. After this, strain through cheesecloth - the seasoning is ready.
