Recipes with Armenian lavash rolls. Rolls with mushrooms and cabbage. A simple roll with crab sticks in thin lavash for a quick meal

Those who don’t know what lavash rolls are are not very upset, it seems to them that they can do without lavash rolls. But as soon as you wrap these same rolls at least once, your appetite flares up, your imagination awakens and you want to create and delight everyone at home with your creativity. Needless to say, make your own lavash rolls and see the reaction.

You can prepare lavash rolls very quickly and easily, and everyone will eat them, even the pickiest children. Roll recipes require the use of the most different ingredients for the filling and the “shell” in which this filling will be wrapped.

1. A package of crab sticks, a couple of cloves of garlic, a boiled egg, grated cheese, herbs, mayonnaise.

2. A pack of cottage cheese, salt, herbs, a couple of cloves of garlic, a few tablespoons of mayonnaise.

3. A pack of cottage cheese, salt, herbs, a couple of cloves of garlic, grated cheese, slices of pickled cucumber.

4. Fried champignons with onions, herbs and a package (200 g) of processed cheese - amber, friendship, creamy, viola are suitable. You can add finely chopped pickled cucumbers for spiciness.

5. Red fish in pieces, fresh cucumber,greenery!

6. Adyghe
hand crumbled cheese Korean carrots, mayonnaise and greens.

7. Fish
canned food in oil, mashed with a fork, grated cheese, herbs.

8. Rice, egg and mayonnaise with herbs.

9. Ham cubes and hard cheese, grated fresh cucumber, garlic clove, mayonnaise.

10. Grated boiled eggs, Korean carrots, smoked sausage, mayonnaise.

11. Grated cucumber and carrots, pieces smoked sausage or smoked meat, herbs, mayonnaise.

12. Passed onion and sweet pepper, finely chopped pickles, pieces of fried chicken meat, pieces fresh tomato, clove of garlic and mayonnaise.

13. Fried minced meat, grated hard cheese, sautéed onions and Bell pepper

14. Grated carrots, grated beets, garlic clove, a handful of chopped kernels walnuts, mayonnaise.

15. Mushrooms fried with onions, grated cheese, boiled eggs, herbs.

16. Cream cheese, finely chopped onion and garlic, black and red ground pepper form into a smooth paste.

17. Fried chicken liver, ground pepper, a few spoons heavy cream puree in a blender, season with salt and pepper, heat in the microwave.

18. Turn onions, garlic, sweet peppers, eggplants, and a couple of tomatoes fried in vegetable oil into a homogeneous paste in a blender.

19. Butter, boiled peeled shrimp, mash a clove of garlic with a fork.

Lavash rolls “Duet”
There are several recipes for making lavash roll.

To prepare them you will need:
Lavash rolls with mushrooms ingredients:

A large sheet of lavash (weighing about 200 g);

Mushrooms (can be champignons) – 50 g;

Butter - 200 g;

Garlic – 4 medium sized cloves;

Solid and fused cream cheese(with mushroom filling) – 70 g each;

Mayonnaise – 2-4 tbsp. spoons;

Salt and pepper to taste.

Lavash rolls with trout:

Medium-sized lavash sheet (approximately 150 g);

Trout or other lightly salted red fish, cut into thin slices – 150 g;

Processed cream cheese (with pieces of salmon) – 100 g;

Butter – 50 g.
Recipe for lavash rolls with mushrooms and trout

1. Fry the mushrooms.

2.Mix mushrooms with soft butter, squeezed through a press with garlic, salt and pepper.

3. Add cream cheese and grate fine grater solid. Depending on the taste of the cheese and personal preference, add more or less mayonnaise. Mix the mixture well again until smooth.

4. Post minced mushroom spread onto the pita bread in an even layer and roll it into a tight roll.

5. Grease the second sheet of pita bread with butter. Then apply a thin layer processed cheese and spread the trout pieces evenly over the surface.

8. Also try to twist the pita bread with fish tightly. Wrap each roll in cellophane or cling film and put in the refrigerator for 12-14 hours.

9. Cut the pita bread snack into 1.5 cm thick pieces. First, place a layer of mushroom rolls on lettuce leaves, and trout rolls on them. Give the “dish of the evening” a place of honor in the center of the table so that everyone present can appreciate it.

Lavash soaked in filling is almost invisible and only helps the snack retain its shape. The appetizer goes well with Brut champagne even for the most picky guests.

Lavash roll stuffed with minced meat

Minced pork and beef 1:1 – 300-400 grams;

Thin lavash – 3 sheets;


Lettuce leaves;



Cheese – 50 g;

Parsley dill;

Garlic – a pair of cloves.


Fry chopped onion in a frying pan. After 3 minutes, add the grated carrots and continue to fry until they are half cooked. Next, add minced meat to the resulting mixture and fry for 25 minutes, not forgetting to stir, add salt and pepper.

Cut the tomatoes into circles, wash the lettuce leaves well and dry, and grate the cheese.

Then we start forming the rolls. Coat the unfolded sheet of lavash garlic sauce and spread the mixture of minced meat, onions and carrots in an even layer, while maintaining small indentations along the edges. Next, sprinkle the filling with herbs and smooth it out.

Coat another sheet of lavash with garlic sauce on both sides and carefully place it on top of the minced meat. Place the next layer of lettuce leaves, distribute tomato slices over the surface of which, coat well with mayonnaise. Cover all layers with a third sheet of pita bread, which must first be coated with garlic sauce on all sides. Sprinkle the surface of the layers with cheese and carefully roll everything into a roll. Ready roll place in the refrigerator or cool place for an hour, then cut into pieces about a couple of centimeters thick.

Lavash roll with crab sticks

Crab sticks – 300g;

Dill – 2 bunches;

Eggs – 6 pcs.;


Cheese – 200 gr.;

Thin lavash – 3 pcs.;

Garlic – 5 cloves.


Pass boiled eggs together with cheese and crab sticks through a meat grinder. Chop the dill and garlic.

Prepare the filling for the second layer. Mix mayonnaise with eggs to obtain a consistency reminiscent of the mass intended for the first layer.

We are preparing the filling for the third layer. Mix dill with mayonnaise.

Next, lay out the lavash leaves, on which we place the appropriate fillings and fold them in the form of a pie. Roll the pita bread with filling into a roll. To ensure that the finished roll retains its shape, it is recommended to wrap it in foil. Place the finished roll in the refrigerator or cool place for 6 hours, then cut into pieces about a couple of centimeters thick.

Lavash roll with fish

To prepare a pita roll with fish you need:


Eggs – 3 pcs.;

Canned fish – jar:

Garlic – 4 cloves;


Cheese – 200 gr.;

Thin lavash – 3 pcs.;


Boil the eggs in salted water until tender, then cool them, remove the shells and chop them. Drain the liquid from the canned food and mash the fish with a fork. Grate the cheese.

Mix chopped herbs, garlic and mayonnaise. Grease a sheet of pita bread with the resulting mixture and carefully place it on the table. Next, sprinkle the cheese in an even layer and cover with a second sheet of pita bread.

Pour the second pita bread with mayonnaise and place it on its surface canned fish, after which we cover with the last sheet of pita bread.

Pour mayonnaise over the third pita bread and sprinkle with chopped eggs.

We roll the resulting pie into a roll, press it with a press and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. Cut the finished roll into small pieces, sprinkle with herbs.

Lavash roll with mushrooms and cheese
To prepare a lavash roll with mushrooms and cheese you need:

Dill - a bunch;

Thin lavash – 3 pcs.;

Petruka – bunch;

Cheese – 300 gr.;

Marinated champignons – 450 gr.;


Onion - a couple of pieces.


Place the first sheet of lavash on the table, coat well with a layer of mayonnaise, sprinkle the surface with chopped herbs. Next, place the second sheet, pour mayonnaise over it and carefully spread the champignons over the surface. Cover with the last sheet of pita bread, coat it with mayonnaise and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Roll the resulting pie into a roll, place it in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Cut the finished roll into pieces.

Vegetable snack from lavash


Onion - a couple of pieces;
- thin lavash;


Onion - a couple of pieces;
- fresh champignons– 250 gr.;

Ketchup – 100 gr.;


Fry chopped onion, grated carrots and champignons, pre-cut into cubes, in a frying pan. Ready mixture sprinkle with herbs.

Unwrap the pita bread and coat it with a mixture of ketchup and sour cream. Then spread the filling in an even layer and roll it into a roll. Place the finished roll in the refrigerator or cool place for a couple of hours, then cut into pieces about a couple of centimeters thick.

Meat lavash roll


Minced chicken or pork and beef;

Ketchup – 3 tbsp;

Thin lavash - a couple of pieces;

Mayonnaise – 3 tbsp;




Place the pita breads on top of each other, unfolded. Coat them with a mixture of mayonnaise and ketchup, lay out the peppered and salted minced meat in an even layer. On top of it, place a layer of fried carrots and onions, sprinkled with spices.

Roll the prepared pita bread into a roll and bake in the oven for half an hour. Ready-made pita breads are served cut into pieces and sprinkled with herbs.

How thin cakes, similar to skillfully woven fabric, can be turned into... gourmet snack, delicate pastries, healthy homemade fast food? Original filling for lavash - universal method use of bread products.

Lavash roll

Thin is suitable for making rolls. Armenian lavash. Before laying out the filling, be sure to lubricate the surface of the sheet. butter fat, sour cream, ketchup or mayonnaise.


  • parsley, spinach, dill - a bunch each;
  • thin pita breads - 4 pcs.;
  • cheese (any that can melt quickly) - 200 g.


  1. Place the greens in a bowl of water for half an hour, changing the liquid several times. Remove the branches from the container, shake off excess drops, dry on a clean towel, and chop finely.
  2. We divide large sheets of pita bread into squares. Coarsely grate the cheese, sprinkle the shavings onto thin flatbreads, and lay out layers of chopped herbs. We roll the rolls into rectangles up to 5 cm wide, bending the ends of the plates on four sides towards the center - pack aromatic filling inside the product.
  3. Place the rolls in a dry frying pan, fry until golden brown, cut slightly diagonally. When presenting the dish, we decorate the plate with a delicate lettuce leaf, which harmonizes perfectly with the appetizing filling of the dish.

Filling for lavash with crab sticks


  • hard-boiled eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • crab sticks - 400 g;
  • onion feather - bunch;
  • mayonnaise - 150 g;
  • soft cheese- 150 g;
  • salt (to taste), dill - 30 g.


  1. Finely chop the crab sticks, chop the onion, clean herbs, and put the ingredients in a bowl. Add soft cheese, finely grated eggs, fresh mayonnaise. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and add salt to your taste.
  2. Apply a layer of aromatic assortment to each pita bread, roll the sheets into tube shapes, and cut into portions. Leave the rolls for half an hour so that they are saturated with the taste of the sauce.

Lavash in the oven with filling

Cooked hot pastries are a great crispy treat for children and adults.


  • pita breads - 3 pcs.;
  • cheese ( durum varieties) - 400 g;
  • milk - 60 ml;
  • garlic cloves - 2 pcs.;
  • egg;
  • butter - 50 g.


  1. Combine finely grated cheese, milk and egg in a bowl. Add chopped garlic (two cloves) and chopped herbs, add a little salt and pepper to the ingredients, mix the mixture thoroughly.
  2. Place a thin sheet on a baking sheet (adjust to size), grease with filling. Place another pita bread on top. Repeat the procedure with the filling.
  3. In this way we use all the prepared ingredients. Leave the top layer open. Bake in an oven at 200°C.

Lavash in the oven with filling will turn into amazing pie amazing taste!

Lavash triangles

The universal capabilities of Armenian bread are especially clearly manifested in the presented recipe for the dish. “Sleight of hand” and no deception - before us are delicious “chebureks” with a luxurious crispy crust!


  • thin pita bread;
  • prepared minced meat;
  • bulb;
  • pepper, salt, spices, herbs are selected according to preference;
  • oil (olive or sunflower);
  • ice-cold purified water - up to 20 ml.

Lavash – unleavened White bread, which has the form thin flatbread. It is common among the peoples of the North Caucasus, as well as in Iran, Afghanistan and Asian countries.

For residents of Slavic countries, it evokes associations with pancakes, so they came up with many fillings for it and began to prepare hot and cold snacks, rolls, tubes and casseroles from the flatbread.

TO simple fillings for lavash you can use everything that is in the refrigerator - cheese, mayonnaise, ketchup, eggs, sausages and meat, offal, herbs and salted fish.

You will need:

  • thin Armenian flatbreads;
  • a pack of crab sticks;
  • fused or regular cheese– 200 gr;
  • fresh herbs;
  • mayonnaise.

Manufacturing stages:

  1. You need to boil 2 eggs and chop them.
  2. Grate the processed cheese on the largest grater.
  3. Shape the surimi meat sticks into cubes.
  4. Combine all ingredients, add chopped herbs and 100 gr. mayonnaise. There is enough filling for 5 pita breads.
  5. All that remains is to give them time to soak, and then cut them into pieces of a suitable size and serve.

Delicious cheese filling

Along with cheese, Korean carrots are used for cooking. From it, citizens of the USSR made traditional korean dish- kimchi. It is used for Chinese cabbage, but due to a shortage they took carrots.

You will need:

  • lavash – 4 sheets;
  • mayonnaise;
  • Korean spiced carrots;
  • cheese – 200 gr;
  • greenery.

Cooking steps:

  1. It is necessary to grate the cheese on the coarsest grater.
  2. Finely chop greens, such as cilantro.
  3. Expand first Armenian flatbread and coat it with mayonnaise. Sprinkle with cheese Korean carrots and herbs, taking into account that you will need to make 3 such layers, so each ingredient should be divided into approximately three parts.
  4. Cover with a second sheet of pita bread and repeat the procedure 2 times.
  5. Roll it into a roll, wrap it in plastic and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.
  6. After this time, remove, cut into pieces of the usual size and serve.

Original fillings for lavash

Thin lavash can be filled with non-meat, fish and vegetable ingredients, and sweets - jams, preserves, fruits, dairy products and nuts.

You will need:

  • thin Armenian flatbreads;
  • nuts – 50 gr;
  • sweet fruit yogurt– 90 ml.

Cooking steps:

  1. Make 8 pieces of the same size from two sheets of pita bread.
  2. Chop any nuts.
  3. Peel two bananas and mash with a fork. You can not make puree, but cut the fruit into thin slices.
  4. Mix fruit filling, nuts and pour in yogurt.
  5. Place two sheets of pita bread in the mold and spread with a thin layer of filling, then two more sheets of flatbread and another layer of filling until the ingredients run out.
  6. Pour 60 gr. yogurt and microwave for 4 minutes, turning on the device at maximum power. Then the casserole should be removed and inspected. If it has dried out somewhere, then these places can be greased with yogurt.
  7. Return it and cook for another 4 minutes. After this time, take it out and enjoy delicious pastries. If desired, you can sprinkle with grated chocolate and decorate with nuts and banana slices.

Read also:

Crab sticks - benefits, harm and rules of choice

Mushroom and sour cream filling

  1. Take 300 gr. fresh or frozen forest mushrooms and cut them into small cubes.
  2. Chop a medium-sized onion and fry in a frying pan with vegetable oil before golden color. Transfer to a bowl.
  3. In the frying pan in which the onions were fried, fry the mushrooms. If you are using frozen mushrooms, they must be thawed at room temperature and squeeze to remove excess liquid.
  4. When the mushrooms brown, add a couple of spoons of sour cream and 50 grams of grated cheese.
  5. Mix with fried onions and place it in a not too thick layer on the pita bread. Roll into a long sausage.
  6. Refrigerate for several hours, then cut into rolls with a sharp knife and place on a large plate. Garnish with herbs and serve the appetizer on the table.

Canned salmon filling with eggs

  1. Take a jar canned salmon V own juice, drain the liquid and shred the fish with a fork, removing large bones.
  2. Boil three chicken eggs hard-boiled Peel the cooled eggs and grate them on a coarse grater. Mix with prepared fish and a spoon of mayonnaise. If the minced meat turns out too dry, you can add more mayonnaise.
  3. Lubricate the pita bread with melted cheese or a thin layer of mayonnaise, lay out the filling, and roll up a long sausage.
  4. Leave for several hours and cut into rolls. Garnish with a sprig of dill and serve.

Salted fish filling

  1. Cut into thin pieces 250 gr. salted salmon or trout. Grease the base of the roll with melted cheese or mayonnaise.
  2. Arrange the salmon pieces in a checkerboard pattern, leaving a small space between pieces. Sprinkle with chopped dill and roll into a tight sausage.
  3. Place in the refrigerator for a couple of hours, then cut into rolls and place on a beautiful platter.
  4. Garnish with a slice of lemon, a sprig of dill and a couple of olives.

Cod liver filling

  1. Open the can of cod liver and drain the oil. Boil three chicken eggs and pour them cold water. Lubricate the base with mayonnaise.
  2. Grate 70 grams of hard cheese on a coarse grater. Wash a few lettuce leaves and dry them on a towel. Mash the liver with a fork until smooth.
  3. Peel the eggs and grate on a coarse grater. Place grated eggs in a strip on the pita bread, the next strip should be made from lettuce leaves. Make the next strip from the liver, and the last strip from grated cheese.
  4. Roll into a sausage so that the layers of filling run lengthwise. Leave to soak in a cool place for a while and then cut into rolls. Decorate the plate with lettuce leaves and place the rolls on them.

Tomato, garlic and cheese filling

  1. Mix two tablespoons of mayonnaise with a clove of garlic, which you squeeze out with a press. Lubricate with this aromatic mixture basis. Sprinkle grated hard cheese on top.
  2. Three fleshy tomatoes wash and cut into cubes, removing seeds and excess juice first. If the skin is too hard, it is better to get rid of it by scalding the tomatoes with boiling water.
  3. Arrange tomato cubes and lettuce leaves. Roll the sausage and let it soak. Cut into rolls and serve, garnishing the dish with a sprig of parsley.

Vegetable filling

  1. In a bowl, mix four tablespoons of mayonnaise with a teaspoon of mustard, a couple of tablespoons of ketchup and a teaspoon of honey. If the ketchup is not spicy, add a little ground black pepper.
  2. Spread the layer of pita bread with the prepared sauce. Couple fresh cucumbers wash and cut into thin strips. If the Korean carrots are cut into too long slices, chop them too.
  3. Add lettuce leaves that can be torn into pieces by hand. Place the vegetables on the sauce and sprinkle with grated hard cheese. Sprinkle finely chopped dill on top and roll into a long sausage.
  4. Leave it overnight, and in the morning cut it into rolls and serve this vegetable snack for meat dishes.

Chicken stuffing with pickled cucumbers

  1. Hard boil three chicken eggs and cover them with cold water.
  2. Boil skinless, boneless chicken breast in salted water until tender. Get it chicken fillet from the broth, let cool, and cut into strips.
  3. Peel the eggs and grate on a coarse grater. Cut a couple of pickled cucumbers into thin strips or grate them. Squeeze to remove excess liquid. Add to other ingredients. Stir and add a couple of spoons of mayonnaise.
  4. Lubricate the base with a thin layer of mayonnaise or creamy soft cheese. Distribute the filling evenly and roll into a sausage.
  5. Let it sit in the cold. Before serving, cut into rolls, place on a plate, and garnish with thin green onion rings.

Ham and cheese filling

  1. Spread a thin layer of soft cream cheese over the base of the roll. 200 gr. Cut the ham into thin slices. Place small slices on top of the cheese.
  2. Wash a bunch of parsley and dry on a paper towel. Finely chop the greens without using sprigs.
  3. Sprinkle the parsley over the ham and roll into a long sausage. Pack it and put it in a cool place for several hours.
  4. Before serving, cut the resulting roll into rolls. Garnish the plate with lettuce leaves and tomato slices.

From the article presented to your attention, you can learn how to properly and almost professionally prepare a lavash roll. Photos, step-by-step cooking recipes, and tips on combining foods and spices will help you quickly master this versatile dish.

Armenian lavash

Supermarkets sell packages of ready-made wheat flour. They are large sheets of very thin and elastic unleavened dough. No preservatives are used in their production, only flour, water and salt. Therefore, their shelf life is very limited. Two to four packages are enough to feed a small family a good dinner. You can bake lavash yourself, in home oven, but it will never turn out as thin as ready-made Armenian lavash from the store. The fact is that the dough for them is rolled through special rollers. Roll out evenly using a rolling pin at home unleavened dough Only a great professional can do it. And the baking tray, due to its relatively small size, quite limits the possibilities. It can take half a day to prepare the dough, roll it out and bake it. This is not very convenient for a working woman. It is much easier to use a ready-made one.

Homemade lavash

If you still want to make the dough yourself, take 5 cups of flour, sift through a fine sieve, mix with salt and knead the dough with one glass of water. It should be soft enough to roll into a ball, but not stick to your hands. Add flour if necessary. To make the dough more elastic, beat it on the table fifteen times, then place it in the refrigerator, on the top shelf, for half an hour. Roll out with a rolling pin as thin as possible. Bake in hot oven about five minutes. The pita bread will be fragile at first. To soften, cover with a damp towel. In about 30 minutes it can be used for rolls.

Quick treat for different occasions

The recipes for lavash rolls with with different fillings will help you not to worry about choosing what to fill them with and how to wrap them. You just need to decide which one to choose - meat, fish or vegetarian. Each lavash roll described here is delicious. The fillings, photos of which you see, are also not difficult to prepare. For cooking simple roll it takes no more than half an hour. If you master the recipes for lavash rolls with different fillings, you will forever solve the problem of what food to take on a picnic and what to feed unexpected guests.

Appetizer with smoked salmon and avocado

It requires two sheets of pita bread, melted cream cheese, salmon fillet, avocado and fresh dill.

Using a silicone brush, apply cheese to the pita bread, moving 5 cm from one edge. Sprinkle evenly with finely chopped dill. Place avocado and salmon pieces on top of the dill. You can add more rings if you wish. onions. Roll into tight rolls.

If, when folding, you feel that the filling is not distributed very uniformly, fill the void with pieces of salmon. Wrap the rolls in plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator. Various rolls It is easier to cut lavash if they are slightly frozen.

In addition, the film will protect against drying out if you do not plan to eat the rolls in one sitting. However, they cannot be stored for a long time. It is optimal to eat them within 3-4 hours after preparation.

Recipes for lavash rolls with different fillings based on processed cheese can be supplemented with one more.

Rolls with fresh cucumbers

To prepare you will need pita bread, fresh cucumbers and salt.

Make it strong saline solution and dip cucumbers cut into thin slices into it. After 10 minutes, remove, rinse and dry on a napkin. Spread the pita bread with cheese. Don't forget to indent the edges to avoid any inconvenience when folding. Place the cucumbers in an even layer on the cheese.

Roll the pita bread into a tight roll and freeze it slightly in the refrigerator so that the cheese becomes harder and the product is easier to cut. Cut the roll into rolls and secure them with toothpicks. The pictures show how the lavash roll is assembled sequentially. Step by step photo illustrates the ways of serving this dish to the table.

Ham roll

For the roll you will need:

  • 4 sheets of pita bread;
  • 8 thin slices of ham;
  • 1 long fresh cucumber (cut into long narrow strips);
  • 2 avocados (peeled and cut into slices);
  • 250 g feta cheese, cottage cheese or processed cheese;
  • lettuce (tear with your hands);
  • salt and ground pepper to taste.

Divide all ingredients into four equal parts and place evenly on each sheet of pita bread, placing them near the bottom edge. Step back 7-8 cm from the cut on the right side. Place this side margin over the filling. Next, roll it tightly, placing the filling so that it lies tightly, but does not protrude beyond the left open edge of the pita bread. The first time it may not turn out very nice and neat. Do not despair. A couple of experiments - and you will begin to twist them perfectly.

Lavash roll with carrots

For six rolls of three large sheets of lavash made from wheat flour (preferably whole grain), you will need the following products.

For pasta:

  • dried apricots - 6 pieces;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • walnut kernels - 1/3 cup;
  • fresh chopped cilantro - 3 tablespoons;
  • olive oil - 6 tablespoons;
  • natural fruit vinegar - 1 teaspoon (can be replaced with wine, sherry or cider);
  • salt and freshly ground pepper to taste.

For the marinade:

  • Aleppo pepper - ¼ to ½ teaspoon (or chili powder to taste);
  • fresh carrots - 1 kg;
  • finely chopped fresh dill - 3 tablespoons (or chopped fresh mint leaves - 2 tablespoons);
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice- 1 tablespoon.

For the sauce:

  • natural yogurt - 3 cups;
  • freshly squeezed juice from a whole lemon;
  • puree from 1 clove of garlic;
  • 1/3 cup olive oil.

Pour half a glass of boiling water over the dried apricots. After 5-10 minutes, when it becomes soft, remove from the water, dry and cut into small cubes. With help kitchen appliances or chop the garlic by hand and walnuts, put in a bowl, place cilantro and dried apricots there, stir well. Pour in a quarter cup of olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper and use a blender to form a paste. If it turns out too thick, dilute it with water from soaking the apricots. The paste should be easy to apply to the pita bread.

Peel the carrots and blanch in boiling water for about 5 minutes, no longer. Cool slightly and cut into very thin and long strips, as for Korean carrots. Prepare a marinade from lemon juice, the remaining olive oil, dill or mint, salt and pepper, put carrots in it, stir, let it brew and soak for 15-20 minutes. If you don’t want or have the opportunity to cook pita roll for a long time, Korean carrots from the supermarket will be a good alternative.

Cut from ready-made lavash three pieces 25 cm long. Apply nut-garlic paste to the pita bread over the entire area. Also divide the carrots into three equal parts and place them on the flatbreads on one side, 5 cm away from the edge. Starting from this side, roll the pita breads into tight rolls. Roll up the ends as you would for a burrito. Cut crosswise into two parts. You got six rolls. They are pleasant to eat warm. Heat each roll from or in a frying pan without oil at medium temperature until slightly darkened. Serve with sauce. For it, mix yogurt, lemon juice, garlic and olive oil in a blender.

Chicken roll

The step-by-step recipe for lavash roll is captured in the photographs.

Fry chicken in oil over high heat. Place the pieces in a roasting pan, add a glass of water and bring to a boil.

In the boiling broth, add salt, peppercorns, celery stalks, parsley, oregano, quartered lemon, and a whole head of unpeeled garlic to taste.

Cover the roasting pan with a lid and place in the oven as hot as possible for 40 minutes. After this time, turn off the oven, but do not open the broiler until it has cooled down.

Place the chicken on one half of the lavash sheet, slightly dividing the meat along the grain. Squeeze the garlic out of the peel with your hands and add to the meat. Place artichoke petals, chopped olives and feta cheese there. Roll the roll as shown in the photo.

For a crispy crust, heat the pita roll in the oven. It will work better if it is wrapped like a burrito.

Sweet rolls

On the culinary pages you can find recipes for lavash rolls with different fillings, including sweet ones. Sweet rolls are a wonderful dessert. Mini rolls look very elegant. They are sprinkled powdered sugar and cinnamon. Cinnamon goes especially well with apples.

Strawberry dessert

Ingredients for filling a roll from one sheet of lavash:


  • mascarpone cheese - 100 g;
  • softened butter - 2 tablespoons;
  • - 1 teaspoon.

Decoration: fresh strawberries.

Spread butter over the entire surface of the pita bread. After this, using a silicone spatula, spread the jam on it, stepping back 5 cm from the edge. Roll it into a tight roll, wrap it in cellophane film and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. When the roll hardens a little, it should be cut into 8-10 rolls. Use a rotary cutter or dental floss. This will help prevent it from being flattened. Cover flat shape baking paper s and place the rolls in it. Bake for 20 minutes in a very hot oven. It is important not to overdry. They should turn out juicy, soft and slightly browned.

While the rolls are baking, prepare the cream. To do this, beat the cheese, butter and vanilla with a mixer.

Cool the finished rolls a little and place on big dish. Decorate each roll with cream and strawberries. This dish can be eaten warm.

Not only strawberry jam, but any other jam is suitable as a filling. You can make a roll with chocolate or nut cream.

Summer rolls

In the summer, you should try making such a roll with fresh seasonal berries - raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, blueberries, honeysuckle, mulberries or others. To prevent the filling from leaking, brew starch and put berries and sugar in it.

Also very tasty sweet roll With curd filling. Cottage cheese should be rubbed through a sieve, mixed with raw egg, sugar and fresh berries or jam. For best aroma add vanillin or cinnamon.

The options for using lavash presented in the article are only a small part of what can be prepared from it. In addition to those described above, very interesting are lavash rolls made from buckwheat or from mini-rolls you can make gourmet cakes. In general, the design of rolls, serving them to the table and selection of drinks is a topic for a separate big conversation.

If you are looking for recipes: lavash rolls with different fillings, recipes with step-by-step photos - you are on the right track. Today I will tell you how to prepare a variety of snacks from thin Armenian lavash that will help out both in your daily diet and on festive table will come in handy. You can choose different fillings for lavash - crab sticks, cheese, mushrooms, chicken, greens, Korean carrots, ham, red or canned fish, cottage cheese, greens and even herring oil. So, let's start debriefing - how and what to cook so that it is tasty and simple, satisfying and beautiful. We will fry the rolls in a frying pan, bake them in the oven and simply, pre-greased with sauce and kept in the refrigerator, cut them for the festive table. There are many recipes, I’ve tried them all on my guests and family members - they’re all good. Choose any!

Rolls with cheese and garlic

The most popular appetizer for any table is cheese with garlic and mayonnaise. different options. You can simply put it in a bowl and serve. You can roll it into balls like rafaelo, or spread it on pita bread and get several options for an excellent snack.

Preparing the cheese and garlic filling

There is freedom for creativity here, so exact proportions I won’t give it, experiment, I’ll just give you the basics.


  1. Hard cheese or good quality processed cheese;
  2. Garlic;
  3. Mayonnaise.

How to cook:

If you use processed cheese, my advice is to put them in the freezer for a while, they will shred better.

So, grate the cheese (on a fine grater the appetizer will be more airy, on a coarse grater it will be denser, see how you like it). The garlic was crushed, mayonnaise was added (it is better to use homemade mayonnaise), everything was thoroughly mixed, put in a bowl and decorated, that’s it, you can serve.

Second option- roll the appetizer into Raffaello-type balls, you can put nuts or prunes inside, you can roll them in coconut flakes or chopped nuts. Post it beautifully on lettuce leaf- the appetizer is ready!

Third option- take thin pita bread, grease it with a little mayonnaise first so that our pita bread is soaked and not dry, apply the appetizer, roll it up and put it in a bag in the refrigerator. There it will soak for a couple of hours and can be cut for the table.

Advice: know when to stop - if you add too much mayonnaise, the roll will fall apart when slicing; if you spread too little, it will be dry. You can also do this: immediately cut the pita bread into strips of the desired size, and then form them into rolls.

Armenian thin lavash rolls with crab sticks

Crab roll in pita bread is probably one of the most popular and frequent guests at holiday feasts. The filling turns out tender, piquant, and tasty.


  • 1 package of thin pita bread from two sheets
  • Pack of crab sticks
  • A pack of soft processed cheese like Yantar
  • 100 grams of hard cheese
  • Greenery

How to cook:

First, lay out one sheet on the table, grease it with soft cheese (half a pack). Chop the crab sticks, grate the cheese, rinse the herbs, let the water drain so that it is not wet.
Place half of the sticks on the soft cheese, sprinkle with cheese, and add herbs. Roll everything up and put it in the refrigerator for soaking, after wrapping it in film. Then take it out, carefully cut it and place it on lettuce leaves. Beautiful, tasty, simple!

Rolls with mushrooms and cheese, baked in the oven

This lavash snack is perfect for festive feast, and for breakfast for the household.


  1. Champignon mushrooms (or others to taste) – 300 g;
  2. Cheese – 100 g;
  3. Lavash - 1 of 2 sheets;
  4. 2 onions;
  5. Mayonnaise or sour cream.


First, let's prepare the filling. Wash the mushrooms and cut into slices.

Onion – cubed. Fry the onion in oil, then add the mushrooms to it. Fry everything, add salt. Add ground pepper, taste it to make sure it’s spicy - the lavash is unleavened!

When the mushrooms have cooled, make a snack.

First, unfold the first sheet. Lightly coat with mayonnaise or, for example, pesto sauce, place the mushrooms on the edge close to you, you can sprinkle with more cheese, if you have enough, and roll it up. Do the same with the second sheet.

Cut into pieces, place on a greased baking sheet, spread with sour cream or mayonnaise on top. Sprinkle with grated cheese and place in the oven. 10 minutes at 180 degrees is enough. delicious!

Rolls with mushrooms and cabbage


  1. 2 Armenian pita breads, 2 sheets each (makes 10 rolls);
  2. 0.5 kg fresh champignons;
  3. 1 small fork of cabbage;
  4. 2 carrots;
  5. 0.5 kilos of onions.

Peel the mushrooms - remove the skin, wash, cut into thin slices. Next, take 4 onions, cut into cubes and fry in sunflower oil(take refined so that there is no smell). Add mushrooms to the fried onions (when they are already golden) and begin to fry them along with the onions. Meanwhile, chop the cabbage, pour half a glass of water into the cauldron and put the cabbage to simmer over low heat under the lid. Stir it like this periodically – either the cabbage or the mushrooms.

When the mushrooms are thoroughly fried, salt them and add spices (I added dried dill, possible, fresh if available), ground ginger, coreander Then I added a spoonful of tomato to the mushrooms and mixed everything thoroughly.

At this time, our cabbage was already stewed - we look and try. It should not become soft, that is, when you try it, there should be such a slight crunch in it - then the filling will turn out delicious.
I add the mushrooms to the cauldron with the cabbage, mix everything, add salt and spices again (we don’t have any cabbage yet), let it boil and turn it off.

That's it, put it on plates and let the filling cool. Once your filling has cooled completely, unwrap the pita bread. Place the filling on it along one edge, wrap it into a roll, and cut it.
Place the frying pan on the stove, pour a little oil, and when the oil is hot enough, place your lavash pancakes on it. Literally a minute or two and they will be ready, so watch carefully and turn them over on time. As soon as the pancakes are browned, remove and place on a plate. They are so delicious - golden brown, crispy and just melt in your mouth! Pour tea or juice into cups and feed your household. Bon appetit!

Bean rolls

It's beautiful and tasty dish during Lent, you can cook it for breakfast for your family, take it with you to work or take your child to school. Nourishing and healthy, because beans have a lot useful properties, and when else is it available, if not during Lent?
I buy red beans and soak them in water overnight. In the morning, I drain the water and let our beans cook over low heat. While it is cooking, I fry an onion in a frying pan (cut it into cubes), carrots (usually grated on a coarse grater) and put it aside.

When the beans are ready (that is, completely soft, but not to such a state that they fall apart), you need to pound them with a mortar, just like mashed potatoes. Then we add our overcooked onion with carrots to it, salt, pepper, and add any spices to taste. You can (even need to) add finely chopped herbs (whatever you like or what you have on hand), I prefer cilantro, parsley or dill.

Mix it all well, and if you see that the filling is too thick, add a little butter. But don’t overdo it, our rolls will still fry in a frying pan.

That's it, unroll one sheet, spread with filling, roll into a roll and cut into five pieces.
We got these cute pancakes. Fry them in butter in a frying pan for just a minute or two until golden – place them on a plate, pour some tea and start eating. Bon appetit!

Lavash with liver pate and cheese

A very simple snack option, both for breakfast and for an afternoon snack, served with mustard.

We will need:

  • A little pate
  • Pita
  • Mayonnaise

Place a sheet of pita bread on the table, place circles of pate along the bottom edge, and grate cheese onto it. Roll the pita bread into a roll and cut into pieces.

Heat a little oil in a frying pan, add the pancakes, and fry for literally a minute on each side.

All crispy delicious pancakes The pita bread is ready, you can pour some tea and have breakfast!

Making herring oil at home

For many years I have been preparing herring butter at home for sandwiches.

Or I spread it on thin Armenian lavash and make rolls from it for the holiday table. In any case, this snack leaves no one indifferent; everyone eats it with pleasure. It’s hearty and tasty, it’s quick and easy to prepare, I recommend it!


  • 1 large fat one salted herring(choose saltier, it will be tastier)
  • 2 processed cheese without additives
  • 0.5 sticks of butter
  • 1 large carrot cheese

How to make herring oil recipe with carrots and processed cheese- delicious!

Freeze the cheeses and butter a little first to make it easier to process. Wash and peel the carrots.
We fillet the herring and remove all the bones.

Mixed everything well, tasted it - if the herring was lightly salted, it might need some more salt.

Now the resulting homemade herring oil can be used to spread on sandwiches.

Rolls stuffed with herring butter

We buy Armenian thin lavash, usually there are 2 sheets per package. We unfold the first sheet, grease it lightly with mayonnaise (the main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise the rolls will fall apart too much), and you can’t not spread it with mayonnaise, because it will be dry. Therefore, spread about 1 tablespoon over the sheet, especially on the edge that will be on top of the roll; the inner parts will be soaked anyway.

Place inside herring oil, herbs, fresh cucumber, cut into cubes, you can bell pepper red - it will look beautiful when cut and will add a hint of flavor to the dish. Roll into a roll, cut into pieces of whatever size you want and place beautifully on a plate, garnished with herbs. Let it sit in the refrigerator for a while until it soaks in. Bon appetit!

Lavash rolls with potatoes and onions, fried in a frying pan

This appetizer is perfect for breakfast, it’s very easy to prepare, you just need to boil the potatoes the night before, mash them into puree, add fried onions, salt and pepper, and the filling is ready.

In the morning, all that remains is to bring it to mind, it will take about 10 minutes, no more, and here you are, ruddy, beautiful and delicious pancakes They are already waiting for members of the household!


  1. 5 potatoes;
  2. 1 onion;
  3. Green onion;
  4. Salt, pepper.

How to cook:

Unroll the pita bread, apply the filling, sprinkle with chopped green onions, you can also add dill and parsley, it will be even better.

We rolled the roll and cut it into pieces.

Meanwhile, the oil has already heated up in the frying pan - put the pancakes in, fry for a minute on each side, and on the table - delicious! They come out with a crispy crust, tender, and melt in your mouth!

Cheese and egg rolls

If you have some cheese, a couple of eggs and some greens, you can prepare this for your household light breakfast. Grate the cheese, boil the eggs, cool. Unwrap the pita bread, lay out the filling, finely chopped herbs, roll it up, cut into pieces. Fry in oil. Tasty, simple and quick - breakfast is ready with a cup of tea!

Rolls with canned fish

Fish in lavash - delicious and hearty dish. You can make excellent breakfast rolls from a jar of canned saury or pink salmon.


  1. A can of canned food (it’s better to take it in its own juice);
  2. 2 eggs;
  3. A piece of cheese;
  4. Greenery;
  5. sweet red pepper.

How to cook:

Boil the eggs for 10 minutes. Remove the liquid from the canned food and mash it with a fork. Chop the eggs and peppers. Grate the cheese, chop the herbs, mix everything, you can add a little sauce, for example, mayonnaise homemade. Unfold the sheet on the table, lay out the filling, roll it up, cut it - and let it soak in the cold.

Lavash rolls with red fish

With pink salmon, salmon and salmon, you can prepare an excellent appetizer that will decorate the festive table and satisfy your guests. In addition, it is simple and easy to prepare, and the result is excellent.


  • Salmon, salmon or pink salmon, lightly salted – 300 g
  • 1 two-piece pita bread
  • 1 fresh cucumber
  • Processed cheese
  • Greenery

How we will cook:

Everything is simple and easy. Cut the salmon into thin layers or cubes, grate the cheese, cut the cucumber into thin bars, chop the greens.
Unwrap the pita bread; if the cheese is soft, spread it with cheese; if it is hard, first brush it a little with mayonnaise, then spread the grated cheese, followed by greens, red fish on top, and cucumbers on top. Roll everything up tightly and refrigerate; the pita bread must be soaked, otherwise it will be dry. Then slice nicely and serve.

With chicken and mushrooms

A hearty snack for breakfast or a snack for a picnic before a barbecue, or for a holiday table, beautifully decorated.


  • Chicken breast (can be successfully replaced with thighs)
  • Mushrooms – 200 g fresh;
  • Onion - 1 piece;
  • Sauce - mayonnaise, pesto or to your taste;
  • Lavash made from two sheets is thin.


First, boil the meat (salt the water so that it doesn’t turn out bland). Wash the mushrooms, chop them, dice the onion, fry them in butter, add the mushrooms to it and fry them too. When everything has cooled down, prepare the filling.
Chop the meat, if it’s breast, mix it with the sauce, if it’s thighs, they’re already juicy, you don’t have to mix them. Add mushrooms with onions, you can add fresh cucumber and herbs if you want. Unwrap the pita bread, lay out the prepared mixture, wrap it in a roll, and refrigerate in cellophane. Once soaked, you can cut it beautifully and serve it.

With cottage cheese and herbs

On a quick fix You can make an excellent snack, filling and tasty.


  • Cottage cheese;
  • Green onion, dill;
  • You can add garlic;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • 2 sheets of pita bread.


Mix cottage cheese with chopped herbs and mayonnaise, spread on pita bread. Roll it up and put it in the refrigerator for soaking. Remove, slice, serve. It's simple!

Lavash with ham and cheese

If you have a piece of cheese and some ham, fresh or pickled cucumber and a little greenery, you can whip up a quick snack in no time.

Cut the ham into cubes, also the cucumber, grate the cheese. Grease the pita bread with sauce, add the filling, and roll it up. Then you can either send it for soaking, fry it in pieces in a frying pan, or bake it in the oven and serve hot.

Rolls with Korean carrots from Armenian thin lavash

Korean carrots go well with chicken meat, we offer you an excellent snack.
Boil the chicken, cool, chop. Spread the sheet of dough on the table, apply mayonnaise over the entire area, carrots on top, meat on it. Roll everything up, cut it, let it soak a little - and great snack ready!
