Sandwiches for the holiday in a hurry. Sandwiches with caviar. Sandwiches with false caviar

The best easy and at the same time a hearty snack is considered a sandwich all over the world. This beloved snack was invented by Lord Sandwich once upon a time, and since then we have not parted with his culinary invention, neither morning, nor afternoon, nor evening. To prepare this delicacy, we use a variety of products: mushrooms, meat, cheese, eggs, sausage, fish, herbs, as an integral addition, caviar, as an originality and refinement of taste, cottage cheese, nut butter and even chocolate. With fragrant tea or strong coffee This dish suits a sweet soul, regardless of the time of day. And you don’t need to stand at the stove for a long time to whip up a tasty treat for yourself and the whole family; in just a moment, a large plate with boutiques is ready! If you love them too, then visit our article to enrich your culinary knowledge. In it you will find 12 photo ideas for the best recipes for simple and delicious sandwiches on a quick fix prepared from available and healthy products nutrition. Explore, experiment and pamper your family and loved ones. And we start our step by step master classes.

Cheese Sandwich Recipe

If you have a home/office microwave oven, you can make a very quick and tasty sandwich with cheese. Place one or two slices of cheese on top of a piece of white bread and microwave for a minute. Melted cheese will give a simply stunning aroma.

Sandwiches with pasta

At home you can make a very good nutritious sandwich paste. To do this, you need to finely grate one carrot and add it to the pre-softened butter(100 gr.). Sprinkle this mixture with grated cheese of any durum, and mix the ingredients well. Pepper the mixture to taste and beat. The finished paste can be spread on bread and tasted. The best quick photo recipe that you should definitely write down in your notebook.

Sandwiches with cheese and butter

Sandwiches with cheese. They are made quickly and turn out very tasty.

Option one: grate the cheese, mix it with sweet ground pepper, and sprinkle this mixture on a slice of bread, previously greased with butter.

Option two: take any hard cheese, and cut a small plate from it. Now this slice of cheese needs to be placed on a piece of bread greased with butter, and a little sugar or salt on top.

Sandwiches with canned food

Sandwiches with canned fish hastily. The easiest way, of course, is to eat canned food as a bite with black bread. But for those who are not looking for easy ways, but are looking for perfect combination external beauty and internal content, the following are the best photo recipes.

Option one: take a piece of herring fillet and place it on pre-cut bread. Boiled egg cut lengthwise into thin slices and place them next to the pieces of herring. You can use any greenery as a decoration.

Option two: prepare toast (if you don’t have a toaster, you can put the cut slices of bread in the oven until golden brown). Rub the toast with garlic, lay out 1 - 2 sprat fish, put a tomato slice, a slice of lemon and a sprig of parsley next to it. Preparing, as you can see, is easy and simple, it comes together in a minute!

Sausage sandwich recipe

We cut any sausage into circles, ovals or any other shapes. We put these masterpieces on bread and you can put them in your mouth. If desired, you can add a slice of cheese, fresh cucumber and good fresh herbs.

Sandwiches with red caviar

For gourmets - best recipe sandwiches with caviar in a hurry. A slice of white bread is brushed with butter. The next layer is caviar. You can take red, black (if possible) or any other. The thickness of the caviar layer depends only on the thickness of your wallet. Such masterpieces can be made with your own hands and in the form of miniature canapés, so they will look even more beautiful.

Quick recipe for hot ham and cheese sandwiches

You can have an almost self-sufficient lunch if you cook a good hot sandwich. For this dish you will need two slices of bread. Both should first be coated with butter. Place a slice of cheese on one of them, then a piece of ham, and another slice of cheese on top. Cover all this beauty with a second piece of bread and place it in a heated frying pan. Fry the sandwich on each side for 5 minutes and then serve. This recipe with photo is one of the best.

Egg Sandwiches

A delicious quick sandwich can easily turn into gourmet treat, if you pour it with a sauce of ketchup, hard cheese and sour cream. It can be made from a piece of bread, greased with butter, and a boiled egg, cut in half. Pour the workpiece on top good sauce and decorate with a bow arrow. Such culinary creations in the form of miniature canapés will look original. Try it for sure!

Simple recipes for hot butter sandwiches

A quick hot sandwich can replace a good, full breakfast. The method of preparing it is as follows: a slice of bread is greased with butter (you can pre-mix the butter with your favorite spices). Then the products are laid out on the prepared base. Among them can be any vegetables, sausages, mushrooms, etc. Sprinkle grated cheese on top of the sandwich and place in the oven for 10 minutes. You can decorate with fresh herbs. The dish turns out to be finger licking good, the best! Be sure to try it.

Sweet sandwiches in a hurry

Sandwiches with cottage cheese have an unusual taste. You need to put the bread aside for a while and start preparing the curd mixture. Take cottage cheese and mix it thoroughly with butter. Then add any preserves to this composition: strawberries, plums, raspberries, apricots, etc. The mass can be called ready after thoroughly mixing the specified ingredients. It is formed very simply: the finished curd mass needs to be spread on a slice of bread. This photo recipe is good dessert for gourmets.

The proposed options are not binding. You can experiment in the kitchen with different products and compose your own variations. In any case, by making sandwiches for yourself or a group of friends as a snack, you can quickly and for a long time satisfy your hunger.

Sandwich “Surprise” from Anastasia Skripkina

To make sandwiches quickly satisfying and good, you need to include the appropriate products, as in our best photo recipe. Nice snack which requires the following ingredients:

For the sauce:

  • 1 tsp. butter;
  • 1 tsp. flour;
  • 1 glass of meat broth;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. The loaf should be cut into 6 pieces, 1 - 1.5 cm thick.
  2. Remove the soft part from the middle of the bread, leaving only the edges.
  3. After this, we need to fry our preparations in a frying pan with vegetable oil.
  4. To prepare the sauce, you need to melt the butter in a metal container, then add flour and mix thoroughly.
  5. Follow the recipe with broth, sour cream and salt to taste. Mix everything thoroughly and bring to a boil.
  6. Pour the finished sauce into a medium-deep container and place our fried loaf pieces into it so that the empty middle in the bread does not fill with contents.
  7. Beat an egg into the middle of each slice and place in the oven to bake at 180 degrees for 20 - 25 minutes. Here are our quick sandwiches and ready! All your family will love this deliciousness. And if for cooking of this dish use quail eggs, then you can get some cool canapés, a treat for everyone!

Sandwich with crab meat from Yulia Vysotskaya

To prepare delicious and simple sandwiches quickly at home, we need:

  • crab meat - 1 b.;
  • black bread - 1/2 part;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • fennel - 1/2 pcs.;
  • lime - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • olive oil- 1 tbsp. l.;
  • pink pepper - 1/4 tsp;
  • ground black pepper to taste;
  • pinch of sea salt.

Cooking process:

  1. Fry in a frying pan with olive oil until golden color fennel, cut into thin strips.
  2. Grate the lime zest onto fine grater, and squeeze out the second half.
  3. Remove the crab meat from the films and place in a deep dish. Add finely chopped green fennel leaves, lime juice, salt, black ground pepper, olive oil and season everything with pink pepper. Mix all ingredients well.
  4. Cut the tomato into thin slices.
  5. Cut the bread into thin slices, place on a baking sheet and place on the grill for 2 - 3 minutes or in a preheated oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. If you want, you can use a toaster for this purpose.
  6. Rub the finished toasted bread with garlic.
  7. Place tomato slices, crab meat and fried fennel on it. Our delicious sandwiches are ready in a hurry. Hurry up and treat your loved ones to them! The best experience is guaranteed to you!

A buffet for a holiday involves decorating the table with a wide variety of food. These can be cold or hot dishes, light snacks and sweets, which you cannot do without. Sandwiches for the holiday table have already become something between food and original decoration. It's no longer just a piece of bread and sausage on top. Below you will find instructions for making beautiful and delicious sandwiches.

Holiday Sandwich Recipes

Sandwiches for the holiday table can help out in any situation, for example, when guests are already on the doorstep or there is little time left for cooking. Snacks require a minimum of ingredients, money and effort. Sandwiches with herring are popular. Except fillet lightly salted herring you will need:

  • bread – 10 slices;
  • mayonnaise and dill - to taste;
  • boiled egg – 2 pcs.;
  • boiled beets – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.


  1. Slice the bread thinly and brush with mayonnaise.
  2. Place an onion ring and a piece of fillet.
  3. Prepare one of the mixture options: grated boiled beets with mayonnaise or mayonnaise with egg yolk. Spread the mixture down the sides of the bread using a fork.
  4. Place dill on top of the herring.

An unusual option for sandwiches is canapés on festive table when the ingredients are placed on skewers. You will need:

  • white loaf– about 15 slices;
  • red or black caviar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon – 3 pcs.;
  • red sweet onion – 1 pc.;
  • sour cream – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • dill - 1 bunch.


  1. Chop the onion, dill and mix them with sour cream.
  2. Cut the lemon into thin slices.
  3. Take some slices of bread special form cut into circles.
  4. Grease the bread sour cream mixture.
  5. Add some caviar.
  6. Take a skewer or toothpick, place a folded lemon slice on it and stick it into the already ready-made sandwich. You should get a real sail.

For a children's party

Children will also love tasty ones for the holiday in the form of little animals or their favorite cartoon characters. The first option is “Ladybugs”. For them you need following ingredients:


  1. Spread a thin layer of butter over the bread and place a piece of fish on top.
  2. Cut the tomatoes in half and make a small cut in each half so that it looks like wings.
  3. Place the tomatoes on top of the fish, add olives to them - this will be the ladybug's head.
  4. Make black dots on the body of the beetle from chopped olives.
  5. Place 2 white dots on the cow's head with mayonnaise - these are eyes.
  6. Decorate with greens.

Light snacks

Seafood is classified as low-calorie and is often included in diet menus, so light snacks for the holiday table can be prepared based on shrimp. The following ingredients are needed:

  • peeled shrimp – 300 g;
  • black olives - 1 jar;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • tomato – 2 pcs.;
  • white bread or baguette – 10 slices;
  • olive oil, herbs and salt - to taste.


  1. Scald the tomatoes with boiling water, peel them, and finely chop the pulp, removing the seeds.
  2. Chop the garlic along with the olives, add the tomatoes, season with oil.
  3. Boil the shrimp, fry in olive oil until golden brown.
  4. Fry the bread slices without changing the oil after the shrimp.
  5. When the bread has cooled, place a mixture of olives and tomatoes on it, and 1-2 shrimp on top.

Simple sandwiches

Some simple options sandwiches for the holiday table will take you even less time. For the first recipe you need:

  • baguette or lavash – 1 pc.;
  • boiled or semi smoked sausage– 200 g;
  • tomato – 2 pcs.;
  • hard cheese – 200 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • ketchup or sauce.

How to cook hot snack based on cheese and sausage:

  1. Cut the baguette, sausage, tomatoes into slices, and the onion into rings.
  2. Cut the cheese into slices or grate it.
  3. Grease the bread with sauce or ketchup, add sausage, onion, tomato, and then cheese. If you use pita bread, then all the ingredients need to be laid out and then wrapped in a roll.
  4. Before serving, sandwiches need to be heated in the microwave or oven so that the cheese melts.

The following quick sandwiches require even fewer ingredients:

  • black or white bread;
  • pork, beef, chicken pate;
  • butter;
  • fresh or canned cucumber.

Recipe for appetizers with pate:

  1. Cut the bread into slices, apply a thin layer of butter.
  2. Spread the pate on top in a layer that is neither thick nor thin.
  3. Cut the cucumber into slices.
  4. Place a slice of cucumber on top of the pate.

How to make beautiful snacks for the holiday table

Today, food is not just a physiological necessity for the body to obtain energy, but also a decoration for a festive celebration, because aesthetic pleasure plays an equally important role in human life. How and what can you add to ordinary sandwiches? original look? Take advantage of several simple tips:

  1. Finely chopped dill, parsley, celery or lettuce leaves are the easiest way to decorate. You'll have to tinker with green onions– make many cuts on the onion feather, put it in ice water, after 10 minutes you will see how it begins to curl like a curl.
  2. Cut fresh, salted or pickled cucumbers into rings or thin slices, from which it is easy to make baskets and various curls.
  3. To serve tomatoes in an original way, cut them lengthwise, but not straight, but in a zigzag pattern. If you continuously cut the tomato peel in a spiral, you can arrange it in the shape of a flower.
  4. Boiled carrots cut into cubes, and raw - lengthwise into thin strips, which are secured with a toothpick and sent to cold water. After a couple of minutes, you can remove the finished curl and use it to decorate snack sandwiches for the holiday table.

One of the most popular snacks are sandwiches. Any table nowadays cannot do without them. By the way, no one still knows the author of this wonderful dish. A simple piece of bread with a slice of cheese or other delicacy on it is a complete breakfast in many countries. Sandwiches are often served as a snack on major holidays. For example, these are New Year or March 8.

Denmark is a country where there are more than two hundred varieties of sandwiches. When you enter any store or restaurant, you will immediately notice a large selection of this dish. It is worth noting that even the simplest sandwiches in this country have their own names. And if you ever have to visit buffet, where there will be cold appetizers, then get ready to meet even more sandwiches, because they are more popular there than in Denmark. Today we will share with you recipes for the most popular sandwiches that will be an excellent decoration for your holiday table.

Hot sandwiches in the oven

This great option and a lifesaver for housewives. With hot sandwiches you can feed the whole family breakfast, especially children. And most importantly, you will spend a minimum of time and effort.


The sandwich that came to us from France is called “Croque Monsieur”. It’s worth once to feel this indescribable crunch, which, when paired with... delicious filling makes the sandwich incredibly appetizing, and you will want to make it yourself.


  • egg 2 pcs.
  • loaf 4 pieces.
  • leek 1 pc.
  • milk 200 ml.
  • hard cheese 100 g.
  • herbs, salt and herbs to your taste.


1.Slice the loaf.

2. Break the eggs into the milk, add the spices and mix thoroughly.

3.Each slice must be dipped in the milk mixture.

4. Alternately place onion and cheese on the loaf.

5. Turn on the oven and heat up to 180 degrees. Place the sandwiches and bake for about 15 minutes. Chop the greens and sprinkle on top.

Video recipe

Bon appetit!

Hot with tomatoes and bacon

The toast for this dish is made from multigrain bread. The cooking itself will take place in the oven.


  • multigrain bread 4 slices.
  • bacon 8 slices.
  • tomatoes in the form of slices 12 pcs.
  • Gruyère cheese 120 g (chopped).
  • mustard 8 tsp


1. Activate the “grill” mode in the oven to preheat the oven.

2. Place the pieces of bread on a baking sheet, place in the oven and fry each side for 1.5 minutes. Be sure to spread mustard on each piece, put a couple of pieces of bacon on top, 3 pieces of tomato on top and sprinkle grated cheese on top. Bake for 3 minutes, during which time the cheese will melt and give the dish a wonderful appearance.

Serve them hot immediately, garnish with tomato slices.

With chicken fillet

There is often a situation where you don’t have time to cook, but you really want something delicious. Appetizing sandwich easily solves this problem.


  • chicken fillet 4 pieces, 150 g each.
  • flour 1 tbsp.
  • mayonnaise 0.25 cups.
  • refined oil 1 tbsp.
  • ham 4 slices.
  • chopped basil 2 tbsp.
  • tomato 1 pc.
  • bread of any type 4 pieces.
  • coarsely ground black pepper.
  • mozzarella or other type of cheese 60 g.


1.First of all, mix the flour with pepper and sprinkle the chicken fillet with the mixture.

2. Heat a frying pan with refined oil over moderate heat. Place the meat and fry until golden brown. This will take about 10 minutes. Fry until the fillet becomes soft.

3. Turn on the oven. While it rises to temperature, we will make the sauce. Add pepper and basil to mayonnaise and mix.

4. Soak each slice of bread well with the sauce and place in the oven for a couple of minutes.

5. Place a slice of fillet on each piece of bread and a tomato on top of it. Sprinkle hard cheese on top and put it back in the oven for a couple of minutes. If the cheese has not yet melted, then put it in the oven for another minute. Bon appetit!

Simple and delicious birthday sandwiches

Today, not a single holiday is complete without such a snack as sandwiches. They look great on ceremonial table with all other goodies, and will delight not only you, but also your guests.

Canapes for the festive table

Today we will look at 3 canapé options that will be an excellent snack for... New Year's table. Many friends will come to visit you, they definitely need to cook something delicious, but they don’t have time. What to do? Believe me, no regular sandwiches They will not only decorate the festive table, but will also become a favorite treat for all guests!


  • white bread.
  • black bread.
  • Doctor's and Moscow sausage (sliced).
  • hard cheese (sliced).
  • herring (fillet).
  • Crimean onion (blue).
  • butter.
  • Cherry tomatoes.
  • greens to your taste.
  • lettuce leaves.
  • olives.
  • lemon 1 pc.


First we will prepare canapés with herring and onions.

1.Prepare the necessary ingredients.

2.Cut the black bread into rectangular bars, lightly spread with butter, but not in a too thick layer.

3. Place a herring and a couple of Crimean onions on each piece of bread.

4. Place a slice of lemon on top and decorate with herbs. We connect everything with a skewer.

1. Prepare everything you need.

2.Cut White bread into pieces of medium thickness. Make a round piece out of each slice.

3.For each piece of crumb, place a leaf of lettuce, on top of a thin piece doctor's sausage, which we fold 4 times.

4. Decorate with tomato and herbs. Using a skewer we fasten our canapes.

The latest canape recipe - with cheese

1. Cut the bread in the same way as in the previous recipe.

2. Place hard cheese of the same shape on top of each round slice.

3. Place a lettuce leaf on the cheese, a piece of Moscow sausage on top and garnish with an olive. We connect the components with a skewer.

4. We succeeded great snack for a feast. Bon appetit!

With red caviar

Tartlets with red caviar will be a wonderful appetizer. The dish is made quickly enough; no skills are required. Small baskets will be an addition to the holiday table. Be sure to make this appetizer for the next holiday and feel this delicate taste!


  • processed cheese 150 g.
  • garlic 1 clove.
  • red caviar 120 g.
  • ready-made tartlets 10 pcs.
  • boiled eggs 4 pcs.
  • mayonnaise to your taste.
  • olives 10 pcs.


1. Peel the garlic and pass it through a garlic press.

2. Rub processed cheese on a small grater.

3. Take the olives, drain the water from them and cut them into rings.

4. Boil the eggs hard and let cool. Peel, rinse and grate on a small grater.

5.Unpack the tartlets and open the red caviar.

7.Pour the mixture into each tartlet, put a little red caviar on top and garnish with an olive.

With smoked salmon and avocado

Today we will prepare tartines with fish and avocado. Small sandwiches with pieces of salmon will complement your holiday table. Without exception, this appetizer is suitable for any feast. Salmon is a rather expensive pleasure that you don’t often see on the table, so we will make tartines with small pieces of fish and avocado, but even in such volumes you will enjoy the appetizer.


  • avocado 100 g.
  • red fish (salmon or similar) 100 g.
  • fat cheese 100 g.
  • black bread 200 g.


1. We buy all the ingredients for making fish sandwiches. If everything is assembled, it will take you no more than 10 minutes to create the snack.

2. Cut the black bread into slices, dividing each into triangles.

3. Spread each piece with cream cheese. If it is not available, then use butter.

4.Remove the bones from the fillet, cut into small pieces and place the fish on all the tartines.

5. Divide the avocado into 2 parts, remove the pit. Cut the pulp into small pieces, preferably thin.

6.Place avocado on bread and place a piece of fish on top. We do this with each tartine and place the finished sandwiches on a plate.

Bon appetit!

Quick sandwiches recipes from simple ingredients

This is the best and quick option breakfast or snack for the whole family.


If sausage is not currently in your house, then hard cheese, albeit not in large quantities, is definitely in the refrigerator. For a quick sandwich, you can use any type of cheese, for example, Dutch or smoked. To make the sandwich more appetizing, you can decorate it with a slice of fresh cucumber.


  • hard cheese 200 g.
  • butter 100 g.
  • fresh cucumber.
  • baguette or other bread.


1. Cut the baguette into thin pieces.

2.Spread a small layer of butter on all the slices.

3.Slice the hard cheese as thin as possible and place it on the butter.

4.Wash the cucumber, peel and cut into slices, place them on top of the cheese. Top with a slice of bun.


Having received enough carbohydrates in the morning, you will definitely be full of energy until lunch. You probably think that you will have to eat cereal for breakfast again, but you are wrong. If you make a few sweet sandwiches, they will completely replace porridge and give you energy for half the day.



1. Cut the bun into pieces of medium thickness. Do not feel sorry for it, because even without filling it has excellent taste qualities, and with it it will be even more delicious.

2.Spread each slice chocolate spread. Use chocolate butter as a substitute.

3. Clean walnuts and grind the kernels in any convenient way. Avoid getting the peel!

4. Peel the banana and cut into slices. Place on chocolate sandwiches. Bon appetit!

Recipes with sprats

With kiwi

Today we will prepare sandwiches from sprats and cheese. Decorate with a thin slice of kiwi. The appetizer will attract attention at any feast!


  • kiwi 1 pc.
  • garlic 1 clove.
  • mayonnaise 4 tbsp.
  • loaf 6 pieces.
  • sprats in oil 6 pcs.
  • processed cheese 30 g.


1.We buy necessary components for a sandwich. I think it goes better with sprats sausage cheese. Kiwi should be firm and sour.

2.What you need for the sauce.

3.Pass the garlic through a garlic press and mix with mayonnaise. Choose the volume according to your personal taste.

4.Grate the processed cheese on a grater of any size.

5.Mix it with garlic sauce.

6. Cut the loaf into slices of medium thickness.

7. Place them in a frying pan to dry.

8. The loaf pieces should become golden brown. This will take 10 minutes.

9.Remove the peel from the kiwi and cut it into thin slices.

10. Coat the slice with garlic sauce.

11. Place sprat on top.

12. Decorate the kiwi sandwich.

Appetizing sandwiches are prepared.

Set the festive table. Bon Appetit everyone!

With sprats and crab sticks

Sandwiches are prepared quickly enough, have a crispy taste and perfectly complement the holiday table. like this delicious snack All your friends will definitely love it!


  • sprats 6 pcs.
  • tomato 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise 2 tbsp.
  • refined oil.
  • crab sticks 3 pcs.
  • loaf 6 pieces.


1. We buy ingredients.

2.Cut the loaf (baguette) into medium-thick slices.

3. Heat the frying pan, pre-lubricate it with refined oil and dry the loaf on it.

4. Keep the heat low, otherwise the toast will turn out very hard.

5.Fry each side until golden.

6. Coat each piece of loaf with a thin layer of mayonnaise.

7. Divide the crab sticks into 2 parts.

9.Chop the crab sticks (inner part).

10. Sprinkle the sandwiches on top. Alternatively, you can pour the sticks into mayonnaise, mix and only then spread on the loaf.

11.Wrap the sprats in crab sticks.

12.Cut the tomato into thin slices.

13.Place on each sandwich.

14.If you wish, you can additionally decorate each piece with greens or Korean carrots.

15.For convenience, you can fasten the components with a skewer and serve!

Your family will definitely love this deliciousness. Bon appetit!

Sandwiches with sprats

Sandwiches with sprats are quite common at any feast. But you've probably never made sandwiches exactly according to our recipe. Crispy bread with egg and sprat will create a very delicate taste that everyone will love!


  • fresh cucumber 1 pc.
  • mayonnaise 150 g.
  • cherry tomatoes about 7 pcs., take extra for decoration.
  • sprats 1 jar.
  • boiled eggs 3 pcs.
  • green onion 1 bunch.
  • parsley, dill 1 bunch each.
  • salad to your taste.
  • sliced ​​loaf 16 slices.


1. We buy ingredients for sandwiches.

2. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place the loaf pieces inside. In 20 minutes they will dry and become caramel colored.

3. Chop all the greens as finely as possible.

4.Crush the boiled eggs with a fork. Do this carefully so that no large pieces remain.

5. Greens and eggs need to be mixed with mayonnaise until smooth.

6. Coat each slice of loaf with a middle layer of sauce.

7.Now let's start assembling the sandwich. Place the tomato and cucumber on top of the sauce and 2 fish. We decorate our appetizer with greenery.

8. Post bright sandwiches on beautiful dish. Do not put them in 2 layers, otherwise the appearance will deteriorate significantly.

Is our delicious dish ready! Bon Appetit everyone!

With cod liver

Here are some options for delicious and filling snacks.

Liver with quail eggs

This dish is from chicken liver will diversify your holiday table. The appetizer is served in a rather original way.


  • chicken liver 0.4 kg.
  • butter 100 g (additional for croutons).
  • white bread up to 19 pieces.
  • Quail eggs up to 10 pcs.
  • onion 1 pc.
  • salt to your taste.
  • pepper to your taste.
  • parsley or lettuce as a garnish.


1.First we will make a pate for sandwiches. Let's start by frying the onions refined oil until transparent.

2.Wash the liver and cut into small pieces. Mix it with onions and fry for 5 minutes. Next, close the pan and simmer the mixture for another 10 minutes.

3. Cool the liver and chop it in any convenient way. If you wish, you can use a blender; a meat grinder would be a backup option. To soften, add a little butter and beat the mixture.

4. Let's start preparing the croutons. Cut out circles from pieces of bread.

5.Fry them lightly in butter. To get rid of unnecessary oil, pat the bread circles dry with a paper towel.

6. Throw quail eggs into boiling water and cook for about 5 minutes.

7.Fill in pastry bag pate, put on the star attachment and squeeze the mixture onto the croutons.

8. Our dish is ready. You can decorate it to your taste with any greenery. For example, you can add a piece of egg and a sprig of parsley.

Video recipe:

Bon appetit!

With egg and cod liver


  • cod liver (canned) 100 g.
  • chicken egg 1 pc.
  • wheat bread 2 slices.
  • chopped parsley.
  • pickled cucumber 1 pc.
  • refined oil 1 tbsp.
  • salt and pepper to your taste.


1. Boil the eggs hard and cut into slices.

2. Wash the liver and cut it into small cubes.

3.We do the same with cucumber.

4. Lightly fry the bread, place the liver on each piece, an egg and a slice of pickled cucumber on top.

5. Salt the sandwiches and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

With red fish

This appetizer is more expensive, but it turns out very beautiful and tasty.

With black caviar: Red poppies

The sandwiches have a rather unusual design that will attract all guests. In addition, the sandwiches have a wonderful taste.


We take the ingredients for 12 sandwiches.

  • sliced ​​loaf 12 pieces.
  • trout or salmon 200 g (2 packs).
  • butter 100 g.
  • black caviar 6 tsp.
  • green olives 6 pcs.
  • green onion 2 pods.
  • pickled cucumbers 3 pcs.
  • cranberries or red currants.


1.Mix soft butter with black caviar and spread a small layer on the loaf.

2. We make “petals” from pieces of cut fish. We make a flower from the petals from one part of the sandwich. Place some in the center of the slice black caviar, decorate with a green olive, cut in half.

3. Cut the cucumbers lengthwise into slices, preferably thinner. Make a cut to half the slice. Decorate the sandwich with a small piece of green onion and lay out a few berries. Red currants will look very good. We put them on a beautiful dish.

Our appetizer is ready. Bon appetit!

With salmon and pickled ginger

A canape made in an unusual style will be a wonderful decoration for your holiday table. Cucumber along with pickled ginger will give the sandwich a special piquancy and spiciness. Thanks to the pieces of salmon, the dish will be more satisfying and tender.


  • cucumber 1 pc.
  • salmon or trout 100 g.
  • cottage cheese 50 g.
  • butter 30 g.
  • pickled ginger 20 g.
  • black bread 100 g.
  • salt and pepper to taste.

If you don't have it at hand the right fish, then you can take smoked herring, pink salmon or something similar.

Brown bread can be replaced with French loaf, rye bread or malt.

To prevent sandwiches from losing their taste and juiciness, make them before the start of the feast.


1. We buy all the necessary ingredients.

2. Stir cottage cheese with butter, add pepper and salt.

3. Stir the resulting mixture until smooth.

4. Cut the black bread into small pieces.

5. Spread curd mass for each slice.

6. Cut the cucumber into thin rings and place on bread.

7. Salmon or other fish on top of the cucumber.

8. All you have to do is add a little ginger and the dish is ready!

You can serve an appetizer to the table. Bon appetit!

Sandwiches are a snack that adds variety to the holiday and everyday menu. Sandwiches are served as independent dish, as a snack before dinner or lunch, with tea, coffee, in the form of great snack to a cold table, and also always take with you on hikes and picnics. You can also cook delicious sandwiches and when guests unexpectedly arrived.
There are a variety of sandwich recipes and there are enough of them a large number of. So, depending on the situation and available ingredients, you can prepare large high-calorie cold or hot sandwiches, small snack sandwiches or even canapés.
To make sandwiches for a birthday or any other holiday, you can use absolutely any product. Very often, for their preparation, they use those products that are simply not enough to prepare a separate full-fledged dish.
In order for the sandwiches on the holiday table to be tasty and beautiful, you just need to delve into some of the secrets of cooking and think carefully about how you can achieve wonderful combinations from the products available at home. However, you don’t have to do this, because everything has already been thought out for you. You just need to find a little time to look for recipes on how to prepare sandwiches for the holiday table in this category, which contains a large number of them.
There are simple recipes and delicious recipes and recipes for hot sandwiches. As for sandwiches for a feast, keep in mind that holiday sandwiches should be prepared depending on the preferences of your guests. If all the guests don’t mind treating themselves to a high-calorie sandwich, then there will be no problems, but suddenly among the guests there will be those who only consume healthy food or is he watching his weight? In this case, prepare the so-called low-calorie sandwiches, for the preparation of which they use only fresh vegetables, greens, lean meat and low-fat cottage cheese.
Absolutely everyone likes well-prepared sandwiches with cheese, sausage, and vegetables. But for children it is very important that the food is beautifully presented, so sandwiches for them should be attractive and bright. Recipes for sandwiches with photos, which are quite simple and understandable, will help you get ideas on how to decorate and present this appetizer in an original, attractive way. Believe me, recipes for how to make sandwiches with photos will not seem complicated even to a novice cook or a child.


Hot sandwiches in a frying pan with sausage, cheese and egg

Ingredients: loaf, egg, salt, pepper, sausage, cheese, vegetable oil

Hot sandwiches are prepared simply and quickly. They turn out very tasty and satisfying with sausage, cheese and egg. They are prepared in the microwave and in the oven, but the easiest way to do this is in a frying pan.
- loaf - 3-4 slices;
- eggs - 1 pc;
- salt - 1 pinch;
- black pepper - 1 pinch;
- boiled sausage- 50 gr;
- smoked sausage - 50 g;
- hard cheese - 30 g;
- vegetable oil.


Sandwiches with herring

Ingredients: herring, black bread, onion, eggs, butter, lettuce

I really love sandwiches with black bread and herring. Very often I cook them even for the holiday table.


- herring - 200 grams,
- black bread - 200 grams,
- onion - 2 pcs.,
- eggs - 2-3 pcs.,
- butter - 70-80 grams,
- lettuce leaves.


Sandwiches with salmon and avocado

Ingredients: avocado, lemon, salmon, bread, salt, pepper, greens

Sandwiches are a must for the holiday table. Today I have prepared for you great recipe my favorite sandwiches with avocado and salmon.


- 1 avocado,
- half a lemon,
- 100 grams of salmon,
- 3-4 slices of bread,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- greenery.


Hot sandwiches with potatoes in a frying pan

Ingredients: loaf, potatoes, garlic, eggs, salt, pepper, vegetable oil

If there is no cheese or sausage left at home, but you want a quick and satisfying snack, then you can make delicious hot sandwiches with eggs and potatoes. To bake them you don’t need an oven or a microwave - they are made in a regular frying pan.

- loaf - 0.5 pcs;
- raw potatoes- 3-4 pcs;
- garlic - 1-2 cloves;
- eggs - 1-2 pcs;
- salt to taste;
- pepper to taste;
- vegetable oil for frying.


Forshmak in Jewish

Ingredients: herring fillet, eggs, apple, butter, onion, rye bread

We prepare a simple and very delicious snack from herring fillet - Jewish forshmak. We add onion, bread, apple to the ingredients and get an amazing tasting snack that will not go unnoticed at any time. daily menu, nor on the festive table.

- 150 g herring fillet,
- half a sour apple,
- 2 chicken eggs,
- 70 g onions,
- 1 slice of rye bread,
- 70 g butter.


Festive sandwiches with kiwi

Ingredients: kiwi, cheese, bread, crab sticks, garlic, mayonnaise

Sandwiches with kiwi and crab sticks look very appetizing, and the taste of such a snack is very interesting. So feel free to prepare them for the holiday - you won’t regret it! And we will provide you with the recipe.

- kiwi - 200 gr;
- cheese - 100 gr;
- white sandwich bread;
- crab sticks - 50 g;
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- mayonnaise - 60-70 gr.


Sandwich-salad “Ladybug”

Ingredients: loaf, eggs, processed cheese, garlic, parsley, tomatoes, olives, mayonnaise, salt

Decorating children's dishes is an integral part of preparing children's party. Mushrooms made from eggs, carrot salad or hedgehogs with rice look original and interesting. However original presentation can be invented even for the most simple dishes. For example, it’s nice to decorate a sandwich or salad for a birthday or even just for breakfast, making them in the shape of ladybugs.


- processed cheese – 1 pc.;
- celery or parsley with large leaves - 1 bunch;
- olives – 2 pcs.;
- salt - to taste;
- square loaf – 4 pieces;
- eggs – 2 pcs.;
- garlic - optional;
- tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
- mayonnaise - to taste.


Unusual sandwiches with kiwi

Ingredients: loaf, cheese, kiwi, egg, mayonnaise, salt, garlic, pepper

You can easily prepare these unusual sandwiches. I described the cooking recipe in detail. Inexpensive sandwiches look gorgeous.


- 5-6 slices of gray loaf or bread;
- 1 processed cheese;
- 40 grams of Dutch cheese;
- 1 kiwi;
- 1 egg;
- 1 tbsp. mayonnaise;
- 1 clove of garlic;
- salt;
- ground black pepper;
- chili.


Delicious sandwiches with sprats

Ingredients: black bread, garlic, egg, mayonnaise, spratina, tomato, lemon, parsley

Today I want to invite you to prepare very tasty sandwiches with sprats, eggs and tomatoes. The recipe is very simple. As an appetizer, an excellent option for any holiday table.


- 6-8 slices of black bread;
- 1 clove of garlic;
- 2 eggs;
- 2 tbsp. mayonnaise;
- 100 grams of sprat in oil;
- 1 tomato;
- 1 slice of lemon;
- parsley.


Sandwiches Doggies for New Year 2018

Ingredients: salami, cheese, bread, butter, greens, pepper, tomato

The simplest sandwiches can be very colorful and themed. For this New Year - 2018, you can make funny sandwiches in the shape of a dog's face. They contain cheese and sausage, so it will also be very tasty!

- bread - 2 slices;
- salami sausage - 2 slices;
- hard cheese - 2 slices;
- butter - 20 g;
- greens - 6-7 stems;
- peppercorns for decoration;
- tomato for decoration.


Hot sandwiches

Ingredients: saury, loaf, egg, onion, cheese, mayonnaise, butter, greens, cherry

If you like hot sandwiches cooked in the oven, then we advise you to definitely try making them with saury - this option is very interesting and effective, and also very inexpensive.

- 1 can of canned saury in oil;
- 300 grams of loaf;
- 2 eggs;
- 50 grams of onions;
- 60 grams of hard cheese;
- 50 grams of mayonnaise;
- vegetable oil;
- greenery;
- cherry.


Salmon and avocado sandwich

Ingredients: bread, smoked salmon, avocado, cream cheese, onion, lettuce, salt

if you love fish dishes and sandwiches, then I suggest you combine these passions and cook delicious sandwich with salmon, avocado and cream cheese. A recipe with a photo will help you make it quickly and easily.

- bun - 2 pcs,
- avocado - 1/2 pcs,
- cold smoked salmon fillet - 30 g,
- onion- 1/2 pcs,
- Philadelphia cream cheese 4 tsp,
- lettuce leaves - 2 pcs,
- salt to taste.


Sandwiches with egg and garlic

Ingredients: egg, loaf, garlic, mayonnaise, butter

You don't have to spend half a day in the kitchen to make a delicious snack. You can use it very simple recipe toast with egg and garlic so that you have a wonderful dish on your table - satisfying and appetizing.

- 3-4 eggs;
- 0.5 loaves;
- 2-3 cloves of garlic;
- 2=3 tbsp. mayonnaise;
- vegetable oil - for frying the loaf.


Sandwiches with cheese and tomato

Ingredients: bread, butter, mayonnaise, garlic, tomato, parsley, herbs

We offer you one of the simple, but very delicious options making a sandwich. As you know, tomatoes go very well with cheeses. This is exactly what we decided to focus on. Read more in our photo recipe.

Products for the recipe:
- 4 slices of white bread,
- 1 tbsp. spoon of butter,
- 40 g mayonnaise,
- a clove of garlic,
- small tomato,
- 70 g hard cheese,
- fresh parsley,
- dry Italian herbs - to taste.


Cheese bread

Ingredients: bun, butter, cheese

Usually in the morning we are always late, so I’m just sure that this simple and quick recipe hot cheese sandwiches. These delicious breads can be prepared both in the oven and in the microwave.


- 2 buns,
- 50 grams of butter,
- 100 grams of hard cheese.


Homemade burgers with chicken cutlet

Ingredients: bun, red onion, tomato, egg, cheese, dill, oil, vinegar, mayonnaise, flour, sauce, yogurt, salt

That's why simple recipe you can prepare delicious homemade burgers with chicken cutlets that are in no way inferior to the purchased ones.


- 2 hamburger buns,
- 160 grams of minced chicken,
- half a red onion,
- 60 grams of tomato,
- 2 chicken eggs,
- half of processed cheese,
- a handful of dill/parsley/lettuce,
- 60 ml. sunflower oil,
- 30 ml. wine vinegar,
- 30 ml. mayonnaise,
- 60 grams of flour,
- 30 ml. barbecue sauce
- 30 ml. yogurt,
- a third tsp sea ​​salt,
- a third tsp ground black pepper.

If, in preparation for a picnic, you decide to make as many snacks as possible at home, ideal option There will be simple open and closed sandwiches.

Considering that such a treat will still have to be transported, it is still better to prepare closed types of snacks.

The word “sandwich” itself is translated from German as bread and butter. In fact, it is a piece of bread with any snack.

It was this technology that formed the basis for the preparation simple snacks. Replacement variations only regular oil many appeared. In addition, sauces, spreads, and decorations were added.

This is how snack canapés and tartines, tartlets and vol-au-vents, croutons and hot open sandwiches appeared.

A sandwich is a familiar sandwich for many, which consists of two pieces of bread and filling between them.

The name appeared in honor of John Montague, the fourth Earl of Sandwich, a huge fan of card games.

It was he who came up with the idea of ​​​​making sandwiches from two pieces of bread. Since the avid gambler simply did not have enough time to eat, he took such a snack with him and had a snack without leaving the card table.

Layered sandwiches or tiered sandwiches. This snack can contain up to 7-9 pieces of bread at the same time.

Moreover, the filling between the slices will be very varied and not always compatible.

Burgers. In fact, this is the same sandwich, but the bread base is a snack bun, which is cut in half.

But the full name of such a sandwich will depend on the type of filling.

Hamburgers are America's favorite bun and cutlet.

Cheeseburgers - and here cheese is added to the bun with the cutlet.

Hot dogs are sausages in a bun with mustard and sauce.

Bruschetta – fried bread with tomatoes and mozzarella.

Panini is a type of Italian sandwich baked under a tightly pressed grill lid.

Fajitas - meat with vegetables wrapped in corn or wheat cake with guacamole sauce.

Doner kebab - it is prepared in Turkey, like many people’s favorite shawarma.

You can get acquainted with the varieties of different sandwiches in the article “Sandwiches from different countries.”

And now we offer you to prepare homemade burgers and sandwiches using recipes that are easy to follow.

Sandwich with tomatoes, ham and cheese: recipe with photos

  • black bread - 2 pieces;
  • ham - 2 slices;
  • cheese - 1 plate;
  • tomato;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • butter.

Your favorite cheese sandwich can be prepared using this recipe in literally 5 minutes.

Grease the bread with softened butter.

Place ham and cheese on top of the butter, cover with tomato slices and lettuce leaves.

Cover the entire structure with a second piece of bread and the treat is ready.

Delicious sandwiches with cucumber and eggs: recipe

To prepare you will need:

  • toast bread - 2 pieces;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumbers – 2 pcs.;
  • lettuce – 3 pcs.;
  • mustard sauce.

First, hard-boil and peel the eggs, cut the cucumbers into slices diagonally, wash the greens and dry them.

Let's start assembling the snack.

Grease the bread mustard sauce. Lay out the egg slices and immediately cover them with chopped cucumbers.

Cover with lettuce leaves and another slice of bread. You can wrap the sandwich or snack on it right away.

Club sandwich: club sandwich recipe

To prepare you will need:

  • toast bread - 3 slices;
  • chicken breast – 100 gr.;
  • bacon – 50 gr.;
  • lettuce – 2 leaves;
  • cucumbers – 1 pc.;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • mayonnaise – 50 gr.;
  • ketchup – 40 gr.;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • French fries.

American club sandwich- it's three-tiered closed sandwich, which is usually served with French fries.

Must be marinated first chicken breast. It's very easy to do.

It is enough to add salt, pepper, grated garlic and olive oil to the poultry meat. The chicken will spend about a couple of hours in this marinade.

You can make pickled preparations in advance and place them in a container and leave them in the freezer.

While the breast is marinating, prepare all the other components of the multi-component sandwich.

Wash the vegetables, dry them and cut the tomatoes into slices and the cucumbers into oblong thin slices. Dry the bread in a toaster.

Fry bacon slices in a dry frying pan. Without pouring out the rendered fat, place the chicken breast cut into pieces in a frying pan and fry until golden brown.

Let's start assembling the snack. Grease the bread with mayonnaise on one side and place lettuce leaves, chicken pieces and tomato slices on it. Take the second piece of bread, spread the sauce on both sides and cover the first tier of the sandwich.

Place the second tier of filling. To do this, the bacon comes first, followed by cucumbers and lettuce. The design is completed by another piece of bread, smeared with mayonnaise on the bottom side.

To prevent the club sandwich from falling apart, you can hold it together with toothpicks.

Now cut the sandwich into four pieces diagonally. We serve this appetizer with french fries, which can be easily deep-fried from frozen stock.

Pepper and tuna sandwich: recipe with photos

To prepare you will need:

  • ciabattas – 0.5 pcs.;
  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • canned tuna – 100 gr.;
  • sweet pepper – 0.5 pcs.;
  • lettuce leaves – 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise – 1.5 tbsp. l.

Cut half of the ciabatta lengthwise. Can be cut italian bread not completely.

For the filling, prepare the main ingredients. Boil the eggs, peel and cut in half.

Mash the tuna with a fork and mix with a spoon of mayonnaise. Cut the pepper into thin strips.

Grease half of the bun with the rest of the mayonnaise, and put fish spread on the other half.

Place the egg halves on the first piece and cover them with lettuce leaves. Connect both halves of the sandwich.

Radish and chicken sandwich: detailed recipe

To prepare you will need:

  • black bread - 2 slices;
  • chicken fillet – 120 gr.;
  • cream cheese – 120 gr.;
  • dill and parsley - 2 sprigs each;
  • radishes – 2 – 3 pcs.;
  • lettuce leaves – 2 pcs.;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Cut the chicken fillet into long pieces. Fry the poultry meat on a grill or dry frying pan, then add salt and pepper.

Finely chop pure greens and mix with soft cheese until ready homogeneous mass. Cut the radishes into slices.

Spread the bread with the cheese mixture and place a lettuce leaf on it. Now add the chicken pieces and radish slices. Covering the sandwich lettuce leaf and another piece of bread.

Easy Sandwich Recipes: Egg Salad Sandwich

To prepare you will need:

  • black bread - 2 slices;
  • boiled eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • celery leaves;
  • green onions;
  • lettuce leaf;
  • curry;
  • pepper;
  • salt.

Mash the hard-boiled eggs with a fork. TO egg mixture add mayonnaise and some finely chopped onion and celery.

Sprinkle the salad with salt, add ground pepper and curry to taste. Mix all components until smooth.

Dry the black bread in the oven or fry it in a frying pan without oil. Spread the first piece ready-made salad which we cover with a lettuce leaf. Place the second piece of bread on top.

If desired, more warm bread You can grate it with garlic.

Salmon sandwich: homemade recipe

To prepare you will need:

  • black bread - 2 slices;
  • lettuce leaves;
  • finished salmon – 50 gr.;
  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • cream cheese.

Wash the vegetables thoroughly under running water and dry. Cucumbers can be peeled if desired. Slice the cucumber diagonally into thin discs.

Spread both pieces of bread with cream cheese and place lettuce leaves on them.

Place slices of cucumber on one piece and smoked salmon on the other. We connect both halves of the sandwich and cut the finished sandwich diagonally.

Avocado Sandwiches: Chicken Recipes

To prepare you will need:

  • chicken fillet – 1 pc.;
  • avocado – 1 pc.;
  • apple – 1 pc.;
  • stalk celery – 2 pcs.;
  • red onion – 1 pc.;
  • cilantro and parsley - 2 sprigs each;
  • lemon juice – 50 ml;
  • salt;
  • ground pepper.

Fry the chicken fillet in a frying pan and cut into cubes. Mash the avocado with a fork and add to the chicken.

Add grated apple and finely diced red onion there. Chop the greens finely and pour into a container with the rest of the ingredients.

Add salt to the mixture, pepper and pour lemon juice. Mix the spread well.

This filling is suitable for making sandwiches on both white and black bread.

Homemade chicken burger recipe

To prepare you will need:

  • burger buns – 8 pcs.;
  • chicken – 1 piece;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • salt;
  • pepper;
  • cucumbers – 5 – 6 pcs.;
  • ketchup
  • greenery.

We wash the chicken carcass and cut it into pieces. Cut all the meat off the bones.

Grind the meat pieces with fat, skin and onion in a meat grinder. Add salt and pepper to taste.

From ready minced meat Form cutlets and place them on a baking sheet.

Prepare burger patties in the oven using grill mode.

When will it appear golden brown crust, reduce the temperature and keep the cutlets in the oven for 15 minutes.

Cut the buns into two halves. Place on the bottom of each burger chicken cutlets and immediately pour ketchup on it. Place chopped cucumbers and some greens on top.

Cover the entire structure with the other half of the bun.

Closed Sandwich Recipe: Fish Burger

To prepare you will need:

  • cod – 300 gr.;
  • onions – 1 pc.;
  • chicken eggs – 1 pc.;
  • breadcrumbs – 50 gr.;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tablespoons;
  • burger buns – 2 pcs.;
  • tartar sauce – 4 tbsp. l.

Grind the cod fillet with a knife or in a meat grinder with a large grid. Along with the fish, add chopped onion. Add one egg to the minced meat, salt and pepper. Beat the mixture well with your hands.

Wet your hands and form cutlets. Roll each one in breadcrumbs and place on cutting board. Now the cutlets need to be placed in the refrigerator, where they will spend the next hour.

Chilled fish preparations fry on sunflower oil at both sides.

Cut the warmed buns and grease them ready-made sauce tartare and immediately place the hot ones fish cutlets. Cover the sandwich with the other half of the bun.

Non-standard closed sandwiches: recipes for snacks in a loaf with photos

To prepare you will need:

  • baguette - 1 bun;
  • sausages – 400 gr.;
  • pickled cucumbers – 200 gr.;
  • butter – 150 gr.;
  • Dijon mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • parsley, dill - 2 - 3 sprigs each.

These not quite ordinary sandwiches will become original treat and a wonderful table decoration.

To prepare, cut the baguette in half lengthwise. We completely remove the crumb from the bun.

Prepare the filling by cutting the sausages and cucumbers into cubes. Add mustard to them, lemon juice and softened butter.

Dry the crumb taken out of the bread in the oven and crumble it into the prepared mixture.

Mix all the filling ingredients well and place in both halves of the baguette.

We connect both halves and wrap the baguette cling film so that it doesn't fall apart.

We send the bread with the filling to the refrigerator, where the loaf should spend several hours so that the butter completely hardens and combines all the components, including the bread, into a single whole.

Cut the cooled loaf into pieces and serve immediately. You can take this snack to a picnic by freezing it first.

Video: how to make a hot closed sandwich at a picnic
