Celery root - adding healthy dishes to your diet. Celery - cooking recipes

Surely, when the need arises to purchase several bunches of fresh herbs for a salad or first course, you have more than once come across such a cultivated plant as celery. Its succulent stems with a specific spicy aroma and flavor will always be appropriate in a plate of hot borscht or Lovers add it to fresh and in salads to add a special flavor. And for good reason, because this plant literally oozes substances beneficial to the body, the concentration of which is not comparable with the content in other products. However, take a closer look at what is lying nearby? Some massive round tuber about the size of good melon. And on the price tag again the inscription “Celery”. What's the matter?

It’s just that celery is so rich in vitamins and microelements that absolutely all its parts are eaten. And what can initially be confused with a large green radish is its root. It is possible to list its beneficial properties for a very long time, because the list of contents active substances quite long: salts of nickel, phosphorus, magnesium, selenium, molybdenum, chlorine, carbohydrates, proteins, carotene, ascorbic acid, acetic acid, etc. This is the real periodic table, you will say, and you will be partly right. All these components in microscopic doses can become good allies in the fight against cystitis and pilonephritis. Surprisingly, it is again included in the list of the most powerful aphrodisiacs. How to cook this amazing product?

It is incredibly popular among gourmets, so any Internet search engine for the query “celery root cooking recipes” will give you a great variety of tasty and healthy dishes. All that remains is to choose a cooking method and a set of accompanying products. Here are some of the most useful recipes.

Roasted celery root

Many foods fortified with vitamins and minerals are not recommended to be subjected to heat treatment. This is explained by the fact that as a result the dish will lose its beneficial properties. But celery root is not one of them. How to cook by covering a full festive table if not fried foods? There is only one answer - no way. So you can safely take out the frying pan and use the following options.

An option for those who do not want to look for something exotic from ingredients, and also value their free time. Everything is as simple as possible, the celery root (how to cook is clear from the subtitle) must first be peeled and cut into slices of the desired size and thickness. To give ready-made dish sourness, they need to be sprinkled on both sides with lemon juice. After this, roll them thoroughly in flour and place them in a heated frying pan. You can fry both sunflower and olive oil. The end result will taste like zucchini.

Celery root. How to cook soup

Perfect option for those who watch their figure, but at the same time want to eat tasty and healthy. This one is intense vegetable soup It will not only please everyone who loves such hot dishes, but will also replenish the supply of vitamins in the body during even the most strict diet.

0.2 kg celery root;

0.4 kg asparagus (you can take green beans);

A small head of white cabbage;

6 medium onions;

1 sweet bell pepper;

6 pieces of carrots;

6 small tomatoes;

One and a half liters of tomato juice, spices, salt, herbs.

All vegetables, including celery, must be carefully cut into strips of medium thickness (it is better not to chop too much, otherwise the soup may turn into porridge) and place in the prepared pan. Pour juice over everything and put on fire. If the juice does not hide the vegetables, then add water to the required volume. Stirring, bring to a boil and cook for another 10 minutes. After this, reduce the gas, cover with a lid and cook for the same amount of time. The soup is ready.

Hello friends. Do you know how celery root and stalks act for weight loss, hypertension, what benefits and harms they have for men and women, what salads and soups should be eaten for various diseases, if not, then I advise you to stop and study useful information about celery and how to choose it correctly and store it at home.

By the way, our distant ancestors used celery root as a medicine; the tops, or as they are also called, leaves, were used in weaving wreaths, which the Greeks gave to the winners.

I’ll write about the dangers of this plant a little lower, but for now I’ll focus on the benefits, namely, I’ll tell you about the vitamin wealth and how it should be used when losing weight, I’ll share recipes and methods of storing it at home.

So, this is what the benefits of celery are for our body.

  • The root of this plant contains vitamins A, C, B and K, which help our body in the prevention of many diseases, as well as osteoporosis. Vitamin A gives our skin firmness and elasticity.
  • Juice and salads with celery have a beneficial effect on our body, they cleanse it of toxins and sludge.
  • It is worth knowing that this miracle plant is a mild laxative and diuretic.
  • Calms the nervous system.
  • Celery contains quite a bit of iron, which means it is good folk remedy with anemia.
  • Contains magnesium, selenium, zinc, manganese, phosphorus, and, of course, iron.
  • To prevent cancer, it is also advisable to include celery in the diet.
  • It’s not for nothing that this plant is popularly called “ male power", because it is really useful for men.
  • As a sedative, celery is also suitable.
  • It lowers blood pressure, so it is also recommended to eat it for hypertension.
  • For heart diseases.
  • If you sweat, you should eat celery.
  • And finally, to everyone who wants to lose weight, I recommend soups and salads for weight loss with this plant.

Celery benefits and harms for weight loss

  • Celery is a rare vegetable that, from roots to tops, is completely beneficial for the body. This vegetable is low-calorie, so you can eat it in any quantity and still happily lose weight.
  • Salads and soups prepared with it not only satisfy hunger, but also remove excess fluid from our body and cleanse the intestines of harmful and unnecessary toxins.
  • After giving birth, women immediately try to lose weight, but they should know that celery should be excluded from the list of products. However, just like during pregnancy.

For weight loss, both women and men are recommended to consume about 200 grams of this vegetable. It is worth remembering that fresh and useful substances much more. You can make salads, soups, purees, smoothies with celery, but also juice pure form It's also good to drink. Two teaspoons of juice will not only help you cope with irritability, but will also cleanse your body of toxins and add shine to your hair.

Celery benefits and harms for hypertension

The harm of this vegetable will be if you exceed the dose of consumption, because then the pressure will not only normalize, but also drop to indecent numbers.

The benefit for hypertension lies in just 2 barrels petiole celery, this is exactly how much you need to eat per day to normalize your blood pressure.

Celery benefits and harms for men

Many doctors and scientists call celery “Viagra” and for good reason, because its regular use has an excellent effect on potency. This vegetable, or rather celery, contains androsterone, a hormone that increases potency.

You can also get rid of prostatitis using the same plant. It helps get rid of infectious diseases due to its diuretic properties.

Celery benefits and harms for women

This root can be beneficial not only for men and hypertension, but also for women. A little higher I described why it is good for losing weight, so I won’t repeat it. Below I will write a few simple recipes for weight loss.

But as for painful menstruation, in this case it is necessary to use not the roots or petioles, but a water infusion of the seeds.

Harm of celery to the body

  • To begin with, pregnant women should avoid this miracle; eating celery is contraindicated for them.
  • Those suffering from epilepsy are also contraindicated to eat it.
  • If you have kidney diseases or urolithiasis, you should never eat salads and soups with celery.
  • And finally, I would like to note that people suffering from uterine bleeding, pancreatitis, thyroid diseases and elderly grandparents are contraindicated to consume food with this plant, not to mention the juice.

How to choose celery

  1. When buying celery, choosing is not at all difficult, you just need to know some tricks.
  2. The petioles of the plant should be brittle, and if they bend like a wire, then the vegetable is not fresh.
  3. You should choose celery that is brightly saturated in green color; yellowed tips indicate improper storage.
  4. Root vegetables should not be soft like last year's potatoes.
  5. Choose celery without a seed, because the taste will be bitter and not suitable for salads or soups.

How to store celery root

If you bought a small root vegetable, then there won’t be much to store there. We nibbled a little, rubbed it into a salad, made soup and there was nothing left for storage.

If you choose a large celery root, then you should only store it in a dark place. It is recommended to do this in paper bag and in the refrigerator for no more than two days.

You can also store the root vegetable in sand; to do this, you need to stick it in so that the petioles look out.

If you need this vegetable dried for the winter, then it should be cut into strips and dried in the sun. Store only in a glass jar.

Celery root recipes

Celery root: recipes for weight loss

There are quite a few recipes for cooking with celery root for weight loss; you can simply drink 2 teaspoons of juice a day and within 3 weeks you will notice the result.

There are salads and soups that are no less active in this process.

Celery root salad recipes

The recipe for the first healthy salad for weight loss.

  • Cabbage 400 gr;
  • Celery root 250 gr;
  • Bell pepper 2 pcs;
  • Tomatoes 4 pcs;
  • Greenery.

Second salad "Apple and celery."

  • Apple 1 piece;
  • Kefir 150 gr;
  • Celery root 10 g;
  • optional.
  • Salad with walnut.
  • Apples 1 piece;
  • Walnut 0.5 cups;
  • Low-fat yogurt 150 g;
  • Lemon juice taste;
  • Grapes optional.

These are the recipes you can use for salads with celery root.

Celery root: recipes for treating illnesses

  1. If men have weak potency, then a few hours before meeting your beloved you should drink a mixture consisting of 100 grams of juice and 20 grams of apple juice.
  2. For allergies, place 2 tablespoons of grated root in 200 grams of water, leave the tincture for 2 hours and consume 70 milliliters 20 minutes before meals, no more than three times a day.
  3. For purulent wounds, you need to make a mixture of butter and celery juice. They must be mixed in equal quantities.
  4. can also be cured with the help of this wonderful plant. Add 30 grams of the plant to 0.5 liters of boiling water and put on fire for 5 minutes. Then leave for 8 hours and strain. Take 2 tablespoons three times a day before meals.

Celery root recipes for cooking in the oven

  • Celery 1 root;
  • Hot or bell pepper;
  • Butter 100 gr;
  • Salt;
  • You can alternate mustard or flax seeds according to taste and desire.

We need to cut the root into large cubes, then add pepper, oil and salt, and mix. Place the baking dish in which ours already lies in a preheated oven to 220 degrees. Tasty dinner. After 30 minutes, take everything out, mix, sprinkle with mustard seeds and return to the oven for 5 minutes. Bon appetit.

Celery root soup recipes

  • Celery root 200g;
  • Carrots 600 gr;
  • Bell pepper 400 gr;
  • Tomatoes 6 pcs;
  • Greenery;
  • Onion 1 piece;
  • Cabbage optional;
  • Tomato juice 1.5 l.

All this needs to be chopped, poured tomato juice and cook without a lid, as soon as the soup boils, cover with a lid and wait another 10 minutes. This soup is very good for weight loss.

For this soup you will need:

  • Water 3 liters;
  • Celery stalk 2 bunches;
  • Onion pieces;
  • Tomatoes 2 pcs;
  • Cabbage to taste;
  • Bell pepper 2 pcs;
  • Salt.

Pour water over all ingredients and bring to a boil.

Remember, celery helps men in sexual relations, women with menstrual pain, girls lose weight, and older women get rid of hypertension. There are not only benefits from celery root and petioles, but also harm. This is exactly what I wrote about today, my friends.

Write your comments and share information.

With love, Nina Kuzmenko.

Healthy and tasty dishes are prepared from all parts of celery. The stems and greens of this plant, its roots and even seeds are used in cooking. Salads, soups, and side dishes are prepared from celery root. It is boiled, steamed, eaten fresh, stewed and even pickled.

Celery dishes are included in many weight loss diets. This is because this plant is considered a “fat burner.” This means that the body will need more calories to absorb it than will be obtained in the process of digesting this plant. Dishes made from celery root are recommended for anyone who wants to lose weight. This plant helps improve metabolism, as well as the removal of excess fluid, and helps speed up the process of burning calories.

But these are not all the advantages of celery. Its root, like its stems, contains a lot of substances beneficial to the body and many vitamins. Among them are vitamins B, K, E, C. Dishes from this plant are recommended for patients with diabetes, as well as people suffering from metabolic disorders.

Celery root has a very beneficial effect on the body as a whole. Improves physical performance, increases vitality, stimulates mental activity.

Nutritionists say that regular use Eating celery promotes systematic and gradual weight loss, as well as overall health of the body.

A wonderful light and vitamin salad. Celery is known to promote weight loss. This healthy salad with spicy taste, is perfect for both those who want to lose weight and those who love healthy dishes.


  • Small celery root - 500 g;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Apple - 1 pc.;
  • Raisins - 1 glass;
  • Walnuts - 1 cup;
  • Lemon - 1 pc.;
  • Sour cream - 150 ml (you can natural yogurt).

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the raisins and pour boiling water for 10 minutes. Drain the water and squeeze a little excess liquid out of the raisins.
  2. We wash the celery root and cut off the top layer.
  3. Grate the celery or cut it into thin strips.
  4. Peel the carrots and chop them using a grater.
  5. Remove the core from the apple and cut into strips.
  6. Place the chopped celery, carrots and apple in a separate container.
  7. Pour over juice squeezed from lemon. Mix a little.
  8. Lemon juice will prevent the apple from browning.
  9. Finely chop the nuts with a knife or grind them using a blender.

Combine all prepared ingredients. Add sour cream or natural yogurt. Mix the salad and serve immediately.

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  • . Try to cook this dish, and if you didn’t like celery before, then after this puree soup you will definitely change your attitude towards this root vegetable. In addition, celery is a storehouse of vitamins, so this dish is also very healthy.
  • Celery root - 500 g;
  • Shallot - 1 pc.;
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • Onions - 1 pc.;
  • Garlic - 4 cloves;
  • Chicken broth, or just water - 2.5 l;
  • Cream - 200 ml;
  • Butter - 50 g;
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • Nutmeg - a pinch;
  • Salt, black pepper;

Cooking method:

  1. Fresh greens. Chop the onion and cut the garlic into slices. Fry on butter
  2. until a light golden color appears.
  3. Wash the celery root, peel it, and cut it into cubes.
  4. Add celery to garlic and onion, mix. Lightly fry everything together.
  5. Wash the potatoes, peel them, and cut them into small cubes. Pour the prepared chicken bouillon or plain water
  6. . Bring to a boil. Place the potato cubes into the boiling liquid. Add the rest of the fried ingredients. Stir, add salt. Cook until
  7. full readiness
  8. all components. Add bay leaf to the soup a few minutes before it is ready. From ready soup delete
  9. Bay leaf . Using a blender, puree the soup until smooth. Add heavy cream. Stir and bring the soup to a boil again. Add a little
  10. nutmeg

and freshly ground pepper.

Pour the finished puree soup into bowls and serve hot. Decorate with chopped herbs. Now you know how to cook celery root according to the recipe with photo. Bon appetit!
  • Still have questions about how to cook celery root? Then
  • useful recommendations
  • You can make flavorful cutlets from celery root. To do this, peel carrots (1 pc.), onion (1 pc.), celery root (500 g), garlic (3 cloves), potatoes (2 pcs.), and grind in a meat grinder. Add egg and spices. Form the mixture into cutlets, which should be fried in oil.
  • To puree the soup celery root For a more intense, pungent taste, add grated cheese to a ready-made hot dish. Stir and serve.
  • If desired, you can add mayonnaise to the salad: this will make the dish even more tasty, but at the same time significantly high in calories.
  • Celery root can be served both as a dish on its own and as a side dish for meat, chicken or fish. To prepare a side dish, celery root is fried, boiled or stewed.

The riches of autumn delight with choice, attract with offers, lift your spirits with colors and richness. Supermarket shelves are crowded with elastic heads celery root- they are so beautiful that it is impossible to pass by. Every trip to the store results in the appearance in the kitchen of a weighty tuber, under the skin of which an incredibly aromatic dense substance is hidden, after trying which it is impossible to remain indifferent. Celery root either they adore it or don’t perceive it at all. Fortunately, my family chose the first option to deal with this the most useful product, thanks to which celery dishes appear on our table quite often.

Celery is a famous aphrodosiac. One of its passionate fans is Casanova, who ate this product almost daily.

I am constantly looking for new and new recipes with celery, and while I myself am in a creative search, I remind you of several options that are most often implemented in our home. So, what to cook with celery root?

Carpaccio is always delicious, and when it comes to carpaccio, it is not only tasty, but also incredibly healthy. The recipe will certainly be of interest to those who have heard about products with negative calorie. This snack is exactly in this category: the body spends more calories digesting celery and grapefruit than it receives.

An absolute culinary hit. Fresh, aromatic and sunny - what else do you need to make food enjoyable? And in in this case It's not just about pleasure, but also about great benefits.

Roasted celery is a completely unconventional way to prepare this root vegetable, however, it deserves your attention. Try it at least once - and you will forever fall in love with the fragrant crispy cubes, inside of which the fragrant juicy pulp is hidden. By the way, fried celery is not only an option to diversify familiar salads, it is also a very healthy and non-trivial side dish.

Another salad - - pleases with its colors and richness of flavors. This is a completely unusual, juicy, rich mix, each component of which plays its own aria, but all the melodies magically come together and turn into an amazing composition.

I love celery, and not only because it is very healthy! Salads with it turn out very tender, light and pleasant. The main thing is that all products are fresh. Easy to prepare and delicious!

Beneficial features celery cannot be counted. Try making delicious celery soup!

After reading the title of this soup There should be no questions left about its purpose. This celery soup recipe is to help those who are losing weight.

Diet soup from celery will help burn overweight and cleanse the body of toxins. I recommend eating this soup for at least a week. Cook the soup in half an hour! Be healthy and love yourself!

Here is a recipe for making a very simple soup with delicate taste celery. In addition to celery, the soup contains onions, butter, broth and spices. You can cook the soup in an hour. This soup is also suitable for weight loss.

This is a very healthy and easy to prepare celery root salad that will saturate your body. a huge amount nutrients and vitamins. For those who monitor their health.

Turkey and celery salad - fresh, hearty, with plenty of... different tastes. This includes not only turkey and celery, but also sun-dried tomatoes and fresh rosemary. Yummy. Season with mayonnaise.

Celery and tuna salad is very easy to prepare and incredibly delicious! You can always surprise your family and close friends with them. Perfect for every day and for the holiday table.

This one is lightweight and healthy sauce will help you diversify the taste of familiar dishes. You will learn how to make celery sauce from the recipe with step by step photos!

You can make a very tasty and healthy snack from celery by stuffing it with goodies like tomatoes and goat cheese. I'll tell you how to make stuffed celery!

Celery juice for weight loss is full of vitamins and minerals. And the body spends much more calories on its digestion than is contained in celery. The juice removes toxins and speeds up metabolism.

To fill yourself up with just soup at lunch, I advise you to prepare soups with cereals. The soup is very tasty pearl barley. Cooked with vegetables. Very satisfying!

One winter we ate lentil soup with celery in a cafe. We were left with a strong impression, chilled and hungry, we quickly warmed up when they brought thick soup. You asked for the recipe - here it is!

For a long time now, everyone has known about the benefits of various fresh juices, and fresh celery is no exception. And its main benefit is improving digestion, so it is ideal for those who decide to lose weight.

For light dinner or dietary lunch You can cook stewed celery with vegetables - a simple and very tasty dish.

Celery with kefir for weight loss can be used on a kefir fasting day. If someone wants to lose weight, then without fasting days once every four days is not enough. Celery is your helper!

Soup with celery and chicken is suitable for both children and adults who care about their figure. It turns out rich, quite light and healthy. And celery promotes rapid metabolism.

If you want to cook something new, then pork with celery is perfect. A spicy combination of meat and crispy celery is original idea for lunch.

Fragrant, tasty and low calorie dish, which came to us from the East. Meat with celery, complemented with walnuts, will be a great idea for lunch or dinner.

Celery rarely appears in the kitchen of housewives, but in vain. It is a storehouse of vitamins and also promotes weight loss. I suggest you try making simple celery soup.

I make celery root puree by adding onions and some potatoes. And also various seasonings and herbs, which makes my celery root puree tasty and healthy :) I’m giving you a proven recipe!

Celery has a specific taste that not everyone likes. But even the most ardent opponents of this vegetable should like the recipe for making a salad with shrimp and celery - it’s so tasty that it’s simply impossible to resist!

Chicken salad with celery can become not only healthy snack, but also delicious filling for pita. It is very simple and quick to prepare. Will need chicken fillet, celery, onion and apple.

Lenten and healthy soup I cook it from celery root when I want to relieve the body and fill it with vitamins. There's no meat in it, not even meat broth, only vegetables. My friend is especially happy with this soup.

Home vegetable broth with celery - it’s both quite tasty and very healthy. And you can cook it from what has been left in the refrigerator for a little while. But main ingredient, of course - celery.

Celery smoothie is delicious and extraordinary healthy cocktail. This smoothie will provide the body with useful substances and will also help you lose weight. The perfect drink for dieters!

Vegetable soup with celery I have known for a very long time. True, for me this is a soup in a weight loss program, so I perceive it as healthy and medicinal. I’m sharing the recipe - I hope it’s useful to someone!

Celery is famous for its qualities, especially when it comes to losing weight and saturating the body with useful substances. True, you won’t chew the root itself, but it’s good for celery cream soup.

Spicy flavorful snack or a nice side dish made from celery stalks. Stewed celery cooks for 20-25 minutes. I add to it seasonal vegetables and favorite spices. It turns out very tasty!

There is always a place for celery salad in my diet! After all, celery is not only tasty, but also healthy vegetable. This simple celery salad recipe will help you out when you have unexpected guests.

Very delicate salad I use celery stalks for lunch or as an afternoon snack. It turns out light, but satisfying, and is prepared in no time. This celery salad is full of vitamins and nutrients!

Celery salad for weight loss - a proven method in the fight against overweight. Celery has many beneficial substances and properties, including helping you look great and stay in good shape!

Celery soup is a very healthy dish! Tender, aromatic and tasty soup will change your opinion about celery in better side. So, the recipe for celery cream soup is for your attention, gentlemen:)

If you want to know how to make a radish and celery salad that is not only healthy, but also truly delicious, this recipe is for you. The products are affordable, and the benefits are invaluable!

Celery and carrot salad

Celery and carrot salad - real vitamin bomb. It’s very simple to prepare, there are a minimum of ingredients, but you can’t even imagine how much benefit this salad brings to the body.

All year round An apple and celery smoothie can be your richest source of vitamins. However, this cocktail is not only very healthy, but also quite tasty. I am sharing its simple recipe.

Celery salad is a very healthy salad that is full of fiber and protein. This is one of those vegetarian dishes, which even people who are indifferent to vegetarianism eat with pleasure.

If you don’t know what to cook from celery root, I recommend celery salad with apples and eggs. It is very easy to prepare, but tasty and healthy salad. You will definitely like it.
