Meatballs with gravy. Very tasty recipes: with tomato sauce, with rice, in cream sauce and like in kindergarten. How to cook meatballs with rice? Meatballs: recipe

Meatballs are unique dish, which is prepared with any sauce. Any meat is suitable as a base; mixing two types is not prohibited.

Most recipes use rice; it is this product that makes the meatballs tender and also allows for a loose texture.

The sauce is the key to success: during cooking, the dish is saturated with this component, absorbing most of its taste and aroma.

Meatballs with gravy - step-by-step recipe with photos

Meatballs are a very healthy and tasty dish that everyone likes, regardless of age. Fragrant meat and rice cutlets with delicious gravy many of us remember from kindergarten.

So why not cook one of your children's favorite dishes now? Moreover, the whole process is not particularly difficult and will take about an hour.

Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes

Quantity: 6 servings


  • Beef meat: 600-700 g
  • Rice: 1/2 tbsp.
  • Egg: 1 pc.
  • Carrots: 1 pc.
  • Bow: 1 pc.
  • Sweet pepper: 1 pc.
  • Tomato paste: 1 tbsp. l.
  • Salt:
  • Pepper, other spices:

Cooking instructions

Variation of a dish with chicken and rice

One of the simplest recipes for making meatballs with rice and gravy.

For the meatballs with rice and gravy you will need the following Ingredients:

  • minced poultry meat – 0.8 kg;
  • onions – 4 pcs.;
  • rice cereal – 1 cup;
  • egg- 1 PC.;
  • small apple – 1 pc.;
  • salt and pepper to taste.
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • tomato paste – 4 tbsp., l.;
  • flour – 1 tbsp., l.;
  • cream – 0.2 liters;


  1. The rice is thoroughly washed and cooked until almost done, after which it must be allowed to cool and mixed with minced meat, chopped onion and apple, coarsely grated carrots, beaten egg, salt and pepper - all ingredients are mixed until smooth.
  2. Meatballs are formed from the resulting mass and rolled in flour.
  3. To prepare the gravy, chopped onion is fried in a hot frying pan, after some time finely grated carrots are added to it, all this is fried over low heat for about another 5 minutes. After that, flour, tomato paste, cream are added - all products are mixed, and water is added until the required thickness is obtained. Bring the gravy to a boil, add seasoning and salt to taste.
  4. The meatballs are placed in a deep frying pan and poured with gravy. The dish is simmered over low heat for about half an hour. After cooking, serve with any side dish.

Recipe in the oven

Meatballs cooked in the oven are much healthier than simply fried in a frying pan. By using simple recipe you can create delicious and healthy dinner with a stunning aroma that awakens an incredible appetite.


  • minced chicken – 0.5 kg;
  • 2 small onions;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • 1 carrot;
  • rice groats – 3 tbsp., l.;
  • 2 chicken eggs;
  • sour cream – 5 tbsp., l.;
  • sunflower oil – 4 tbsp., l.;
  • salt, pepper and spices to taste;
  • water.

As a result, you will get about ten servings of delicious meatballs with gravy.

Preparation meatballs with gravy in the oven.

  1. Rice cereals must be thoroughly rinsed in a colander several times, and then cooked over low heat until half cooked.
  2. Then drain the water and let it cool, then rinse again and mix with the minced chicken.
  3. Add eggs to the mixture, a teaspoon each of salt, pepper and spices. The resulting mass must be thoroughly mixed so that a continuous, homogeneous consistency is obtained.
  4. Then we make small balls from the workpiece - meatballs and place them on the bottom of some dish, the main thing is that it is deep, for baking.
  5. In a greased frying pan sunflower oil, chopped onions and coarsely grated carrots are fried.
  6. As soon as the vegetables have softened, mix them with 200 ml of water, sour cream, salt and spices - all this is cooked until it boils.
  7. Meatballs in a baking dish are filled to the middle of the usual boiled water. Next, the gravy is added, and finely grated garlic is sprinkled on top. As a result, the sauce should completely hide the meatballs underneath.
  8. In an oven preheated to 225 degrees, place a baking dish tightly wrapped in foil with meatballs for 60 minutes.
  9. After 30 minutes, you can taste the sauce and, if necessary, add salt, pepper or some boiled water.
  10. Ready-made meatballs are served for lunch or dinner with a side dish at the discretion of the hostess.

How to cook them in a frying pan

To prepare the meatballs and gravy, you will need the following ingredients:

  • minced poultry meat – 0.6 kg;
  • half a glass of rice cereal;
  • small onion;
  • one chicken egg;
  • salt to taste.
  • boiled water 300 ml;
  • 70 g medium fat sour cream;
  • 50 g flour;
  • 20 g tomato paste;
  • Bay leaf.


  1. Rice must be boiled until half cooked and mixed with minced meat.
  2. The onion is fried until transparent and, together with the egg and salt, is added to the prepared rice with minced meat - all this is whipped until smooth.
  3. Meatballs are formed from the resulting mass and sprinkled with flour.
  4. Then meat balls fry on both sides in a hot frying pan for a total of about 10 minutes.
  5. As soon as the meatballs are browned, fill them halfway with boiling water, add tomato paste, salt and throw in a bay leaf. Cover with a lid and simmer for approximately 25 minutes.
  6. After this, add a mixture of flour, sour cream and half a glass of water, it should be homogeneous - without lumps. After pouring all this into the meatballs, cover them again with a lid and shake the pan so that the mixture is evenly distributed in the dish.
  7. Now simmer the meatballs for 15 - 20 minutes until fully cooked.

Multicooker recipe

Among housewives it is believed that preparing this dish is a very troublesome and time-consuming task; a device such as a multicooker can make the task easier. To do this you will need the following set of products:

  • minced meat – 0.7 kg;
  • steamed rice – 200 g;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 chicken egg yolks;
  • 300ml boiled water;
  • 70 g ketchup;
  • 250 g sour cream;
  • 5 teaspoons vegetable oil;
  • 2 tablespoons flour;
  • salt and pepper to taste;
  • Bay leaf.


  1. Chop the onion very finely, mix with steamed rice, yolks and prepared minced meat until homogeneous mass. Add salt and pepper.
  2. Mix 200 ml of boiled water with sour cream, ketchup and flour. Stir the mixture thoroughly so that there are no lumps.
  3. Form meatballs from the minced meat and place them in a multicooker container in one layer.
  4. Select a frying program on the device, add an existing vegetable oil and fry the meatballs until a crust appears.
  5. Turn off the multicooker. Pour the prepared sauce over the meatballs, add bay leaves and spices to taste.
  6. Set the multicooker to stewing mode for 40 minutes - this is enough for complete readiness.

Meatballs with the taste of childhood “like in kindergarten”

To prepare tasty and healthy dish You don’t need anything supernatural from childhood. A simple set of ingredients and a little patience and meat balls are on your table:

  • chopped meat– 400 g;
  • 1 small onion;
  • egg;
  • half a glass of rice;
  • 30 g flour
  • 50 g sour cream;
  • 15 g tomato paste;
  • 300 ml boiled water;
  • salt;
  • Bay leaf.


  1. Cook the rice until almost half done and mix with the prepared minced meat and egg.
  2. Chop the onion very finely and bring it to a state of transparency in a hot frying pan, mix with the previously prepared mass to a homogeneous consistency.
  3. Roll the dough into small ball-shaped cutlets and roll them in flour. Fry in a hot frying pan for about 3 minutes on each side to form a crust.
  4. Mix a glass of boiling water with 15 grams of tomato paste, add salt, pour the resulting mixture over the meat balls, add a bay leaf, add salt and leave under a closed lid over low heat for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Mix one hundred milliliters of water with 50 grams of sour cream and 30 grams of flour so that there are no lumps, and add to the meatballs. Shake the pan thoroughly so that everything is thoroughly mixed, and simmer for about a quarter of an hour until done.

Is it possible to cook them without rice? Of course yes!

Most recipes for this dish include rice among the ingredients, but there are also those that allow you to do without this product and get no less tasty meatballs. One of these methods is below.

Minced meat and fish dishes are popular in all cuisines of the world. Firstly, they are delicious, and secondly, nutrients, contained in them, after grinding are absorbed faster and better. Meatballs are not just healthy, their appearance even attracts children, who often refuse other meat dishes. In addition, dietary meatballs can be given to babies who are less than a year old.

Meatballs with rice, prepared according to step-by-step recipes, are suitable for lunch and evening menus. The dish consists of meat balls stewed in sauce. Unlike other minced meat dishes, rice and vegetables are added to the meatballs; the sauce options are different, but the most popular are tomato sauces.

General principles for preparing meatballs with rice using step-by-step recipes

Traditionally, meatballs are cooked on the stove or stewed in the oven, there are many adapted recipes such a dish for a slow cooker. Regardless of the preferred cooking option, the main condition should be taken into account - it is undesirable to place the meatballs in more than two rows, so the dishes should be selected deep and wide. It is desirable that it be thick-walled or with a multi-layer bottom. Enameled containers are not suitable; the sauce in them burns easily. If you decide to cook in the oven, use a non-stick baking sheet or fireproof glass dish. The goose pan is perhaps the ideal utensil for both methods.

Minced meatballs can be made from any meat; the choice depends on personal preference. Pork meatballs are popular, but they are most delicious from mixed minced meat, when pork and beef are taken in equal proportions. For dietary option It is better to use poultry meat: chicken or turkey. For lovers fish dishes, you can serve meatballs with rice from large sea fish. It is important that it is uniform, so twist it meat products in a meat grinder twice, using the finest grate.

Cooking meatballs should begin with preparing the rice. It is best to take round grain cereals. This rice quickly absorbs and retains moisture, making the meatballs juicy. In addition, round grain cereals, even after thorough washing, do not lose their stickiness, which is necessary for holding the minced meat together.

Rice must be sorted before use; grains may contain rubbish and husks. After this, it needs to be rinsed several times with a jet. cold water, and only then boil it. There is no exact ratio of rice to water, but keep in mind that round grain cereals require a lot of liquid. The meatballs do not require boiling the rice until cooked; after boiling, it is enough to simmer over low heat for no longer than a quarter of an hour. Rinse boiled rice not necessary. To cool it down and remove all excess moisture, just throw it in a colander.

Onions are added to the minced meat to make the meat or fish balls juicy. It is ground in a meat grinder or grater. In addition to rice and onions, other components can be added that improve taste qualities: cheese, garlic, spices and herbs. For better binding, eggs, bread crumbs or white breading of ground crackers are mixed into the minced meat.

Form the meatballs with your hands, moistening your palms with water for convenience. The size of the meat balls can be different, it all depends on the wishes of the cook.

All types of meatballs are stewed or baked in sauce. Most often prepared tomato dressing, into which, to soften tomato taste add sour cream or cream. The sauce for the meatballs can be prepared to your taste; there should be enough of it to cover the meatballs completely.

Meatballs with rice: step-by-step recipe with tomato sauce


Minced meat – half a kilogram;

Small carrot;

60 gr. rice cereal;

2 tablespoons of thick, unsalted tomato;

Eggs – 2 pcs.;

Large onion;

Four tablespoons of oil;

Half a liter of water;

50 gr. sour cream, medium fat.

Cooking method:

1. After sorting through the rice, rinse cold water, then boil for a quarter of an hour over low heat. Place the semi-finished cereal in a colander and lightly rinse warm water, dry it.

2. Finely chop the onion, cut the carrots into thin strips, or grate them coarsely. Add a little oil to the pan and fry the vegetables over medium heat until soft. We try to stir more often, cook under the lid, transfer to a plate and cool completely.

3. Using a wide bowl, stir in the eggs into the minced meat, sprinkle with pepper, add rice, cooled fry, add some salt and mix well.

4. With moistened hands, form round meatballs, the size of a small tangerine. Place in the prepared container in one or two rows.

5. Mix the tomato with sour cream, dilute it with boiling water, add a little salt and pour the resulting sauce over the meatballs. We do this extremely carefully, trying not to get into semi-finished products. Pour the meatballs so that they are completely covered with the sauce and place the container on high heat.

6. As soon as the sauce boils, set the heat to minimum. Simmer the meatballs covered in tomato-sour cream sauce for at least 40 minutes.

Delicious meatballs with rice: step-by-step recipe with Adyghe cheese (in the oven)


Chicken mince, we can replace it with anything, even fish – 700 gr.;

80 grams of rice;

Two spoons of tomato, GOST quality;

A glass of sour cream, low-fat;

Adyghe cheese– 200 gr.;

150 grams of fresh “Russian” cheese;

Dried basil.

Cooking method:

1. Boil the rice until half cooked. We sort out the grains, rinse them and fill them with cold water and set them to maximum heat. While waiting for it to boil, stir so that the grains of rice that have settled to the bottom do not stick; you can add a little salt to the water. Next, reduce the heat a little and cook for a quarter of an hour. It is important not to let it boil intensely, otherwise the shell of the grains will burst and the rice will boil, but for our purposes this is undesirable. Place the rice in a colander and set aside until completely cool.

2. Grind the Adyghe cheese coarsely using a grater and place it in a bowl. Add minced meat and boiled rice, add salt, pepper and mix thoroughly.

3. With wet hands, form the meatballs of the desired size, place them in dense rows in a fireproof form, trying to do this in one layer.

4. Prepare the sauce. After peeling three small cloves of garlic, finely chop with a knife and transfer to a bowl. Add basil, tomato, sour cream, add a little salt and stir. Instead of paste, ketchup, tomato juice or grated fresh tomatoes, season the sauce to taste. If you need the same amount of ketchup as paste, then at least 120 grams of tomato juice or puree.

5. Grate the hard cheese into small shavings, stir the prepared sauce and pour it over the meatballs laid out in the mold. Sprinkle hard cheese on top.

6. Place the dish in a preheated oven for forty minutes.

Steamed meatballs with rice: step-by-step recipe with gravy like in kindergarten


Half a kilogram pork neck And beef tenderloin;

A raw egg;

Cup round grain rice;

Head of bitter onion;

50 gr. coarsely ground white breadcrumbs, preferably homemade.

In the gravy:

Two spoons of wheat and one rye flour;

50 grams of frozen homemade cream;

20 gr. vegetable oil;

Two spoons of low-fat sour cream.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the sorted rice and set to cook in 700 ml of cool water. After boiling, keep it on medium heat until all the water has gone into the cereal. Place in a sieve or colander and leave to cool.

2. When assembling the meat grinder, install a grid with the smallest holes. We twist the washed meat twice, then pass the peeled onion.

3. Place the mixture in a bowl and mix thoroughly so that the pork and beef are distributed evenly. Add the cooled rice, add a little salt, and add a quarter spoon of ground pepper. Pour the egg into the minced meat and mix well again.

4. The minced meat for the meatballs is almost ready, all you have to do is add it breadcrumbs. Don’t add everything at once, mix in half the amount, then try to form a ball. If it is not difficult to fashion it, and it holds its shape well, there is no longer any need to introduce crackers.

5. Divide the meat mixture into 24 balls and place in a steam container of a multicooker or double boiler. Fill the cooking bowl or lower container of the steamer halfway with boiling water and place a container with meatballs on top. Steam for half an hour, then place in a saucepan and cover with a lid to keep warm. We don’t pour out the water, pour half a liter into a separate bowl, it will come in handy.

6. Prepare the gravy. Reseed and mix wheat flour with rye. Having heated the frying pan, pour in the vegetable oil and without delay put it in butter. As soon as the latter is completely melted, we fall asleep flour mixture, thoroughly mixing it with fat. Add sour cream and mix everything well again. Having achieved homogeneity, pour in half a liter of water left from cooking the meatballs and again stir everything thoroughly, avoiding the formation of lumps. Season with pepper, add a little salt, and bring to a boil. After pouring the gravy over the meatballs, simmer, covering with a lid, for five minutes over low heat.

Fish meatballs with rice: a step-by-step recipe for a dish baked in creamy sauce


Large fillet sea ​​fish(cod, pink salmon, pollock or hake can be used) – 400 gr.;

Two full spoons of rice;

70 grams of slightly dried cheese;

1/3 spoon of pepper;

20% cream - two thirds of a glass;

spoon ready mixture spices for fish;

Milk or water – 100 ml;

Small onion;

50 gr. crumb white bread;

Two tablespoons of refined, high-quality oil;

One egg (yolk).

Cooking method:

1. Fill the bread with water or milk and let it soak.

2. Rinse the thawed fish fillet and inspect for small bones, cut in large pieces and grind twice. Grind the well-squeezed crumb and onion into the same bowl with a meat grinder. Mix the fish mixture thoroughly.

3. Wash the sorted rice, boil in slightly salted water, as in the previous step-by-step recipes for meatballs with rice, until half cooked. Drain in a colander, rinse well with cold water and leave for a while to allow the liquid to drain.

4. Break the egg. Remove the white and pour the yolk into the minced fish. Season with pepper and add salt very carefully. Add half the spices, rice and mix thoroughly again. We form round meatballs, up to 5 centimeters in diameter.

5. After pouring a little oil into a refractory dish, place the fish meatballs in one layer. For a quarter of an hour we place in hot oven, and in the meantime we prepare the sauce.

6. Pour the cream into a bowl, coarsely grate the cheese into it, add the rest of the spices and a little more pepper. Lightly add salt, stir and pour over baked meatballs. Put the pan back in the oven, heat the meatballs in cream sauce a quarter of an hour, no more.

Tricks for making meatballs with rice using step-by-step recipes

Meatballs with rice, prepared according to step-by-step recipes from our collection, turn out crumbly and soft. If you like them dense, lightly fry the balls in vegetable oil before pouring the sauce.

The sauce should be poured into the container with the meatballs with extreme caution, as their integrity may be damaged. When pouring the sauce, try to direct the stream between the meatballs.

If there are a lot of meatballs and the size of the container does not allow them to be placed in one row, pre-fry the semi-finished products. Thanks to the formed on the surface golden brown crust, the meatballs will keep their shape well, even if there is a second layer on top of the first layer.

Meatballs with rice - general cooking principles

Meatballs - filling meat dish to the second, which are balls of minced meat. Meatballs with rice are prepared accordingly by adding boiled rice to the minced meat. Also, eggs, grated cheese, vegetables, dried fruits, mashed potatoes, crackers, bread, onions, garlic, sautéed vegetables and seasonings are sometimes added to the minced meat. Meatballs with rice can be fried in a frying pan, baked in the oven, cooked in a slow cooker or steamed, or stewed in gravy.

To prepare meatballs, use any meat or minced fish: from pork, beef, lamb, veal, chicken, pink salmon, etc. You can also cook lean meatballs, for example, from lentils and rice. Distinctive feature meatballs (as opposed to cutlets) is that they turn out more tender, juicy and loose. These are the properties that rice gives the dish. Add the rice itself to finished form or in a state of semi-preparedness. The average size meatballs are from 4 to 6 centimeters in diameter. For children, the meatballs are made even smaller - about 3 centimeters.

The cooking process consists of the following steps: first, prepare the minced meat and make balls from it. The meatballs are then fried in oil, then covered in sauce and left to simmer in the gravy. You can stew meatballs in tomato, sour cream or sour cream and tomato sauce. Some water, sugar, flour or starch are sometimes added to the gravy. You need to prepare enough sauce so that it almost completely covers the meatballs. If there is not enough sauce, you can add boiled water. After boiling, the meatballs are simmered for about 20-25 minutes.

Serve hot meatballs with rice with any side dish: mashed potatoes, buckwheat or with vegetables.

Meatballs with rice - preparing food and utensils

To prepare meatballs with rice, you may need: a frying pan, a baking dish, foil, a colander, a knife, cutting board, grater, gravy bowl and blender. If the meatballs are baked in the oven, it must be preheated. Meatballs are served on regular serving plates for main courses along with a side dish.

To prepare meatballs with rice, you need to prepare the ingredients: sort the rice, rinse and boil until tender, place in a colander to drain. You also need to add the missing ingredients to the minced meat: onions, vegetable roasting, eggs and seasonings. To prepare the gravy, you need to sift the flour, measure required quantity sour cream, tomato paste and water.

Recipes for meatballs with rice:

Recipe 1: Meatballs with rice

Meatballs with rice are prepared from regular minced meat, to which they add onion and seasonings. In this recipe, the meatballs are cooked in the oven, so they are not only tasty, but also healthy.

Required ingredients:

  • 400 g minced meat;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 egg;
  • Half a glass of rice;
  • 2-2.5 tbsp. l. tomato paste;
  • 200 g mayonnaise;
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

Chop the onion, add it to the prepared minced meat, break an egg there, season with salt and pepper. Mix everything properly. We sort the rice, rinse it, cook it in salted water until tender, drain it in a colander, and cool it. Then you need to mix the rice with the minced meat and add a spoonful of tomato paste. Coat the pan with mayonnaise, form small balls from the minced meat and place them in the pan quite tightly (but without crushing the sides). In a separate bowl, mix the remaining tomato paste, mayonnaise and salt and pepper. Pour 2 cups of water into the mixture and mix thoroughly. Pour the resulting sauce over the meatballs. It is necessary that the sauce covers the meatballs almost completely. If it seems that the mixture is not enough, you can also dilute a small amount of water with pasta and mayonnaise. Preheat the oven and set the pan for half an hour.

Recipe 2: Meatballs with rice and mushrooms

These meatballs with rice and mushrooms turn out tender, juicy and soft, with big amount flavorful gravy. Mushrooms go well with minced meat and add an appetizing aroma and piquancy to the dish. To make the dish as healthy as possible, it is better to cook the meatballs in the oven.

Required ingredients:

  • 300 g minced meat;
  • 200 g champignons;
  • 50 g hard cheese;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • Half a glass of rice;
  • Water - half a glass;
  • Glass of thick tomato juice;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour or starch;
  • 45 ml sour cream;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Greenery.

Cooking method:

Wash the rice, cook until tender and cool. We wash the mushrooms, peel the onions and garlic, grind everything together in a blender (but not into porridge). Place rice, chopped mushrooms with garlic and onions, grated cheese and herbs into the minced meat. Season the mixture to taste with pepper and salt. Mix everything thoroughly. We make small balls from the minced meat and place them in a heat-resistant form. Mix the tomato mixture in a separate bowl with sour cream and sugar. Dissolve flour or starch in half a glass of water. Combine the dissolved flour with the tomato-sour cream mixture and pour the resulting sauce over the meatballs. Cover the pan with foil and place in the preheated oven for 45-60 minutes.

Recipe 3: Meatballs with rice in a slow cooker

Meatballs with rice in a slow cooker turn out juicy, dietary and very healthy. In addition, you don’t need to spend a lot of time cooking - just form the minced meat into balls and place in the slow cooker. The device will take care of the rest.

Required ingredients:

  • Half a kilo of minced meat;
  • 2 onions;
  • Half a glass of rice;
  • 1 egg;
  • 30 ml tomato paste;
  • 2 tbsp. l. flour;
  • 30 ml sour cream.

Cooking method:

Chop the onion and add to the minced meat, break 1 egg there. Wash the rice, cook until tender and cool. Add to meat. Season the mixture with salt and your favorite spices. We make small meatballs from the minced meat. Separately, prepare the sauce: mix a small amount of water with flour, tomato paste and sour cream. Place the meatballs in a slow cooker and pour in the prepared sauce. You can put it on top for flavor. onion rings. Set the “Stew” option for 60 minutes. After the time has passed, open the lid of the multicooker and enjoy the juicy, aromatic meatballs with rice.

Recipe 4: Meatballs with rice and fish

These meatballs with rice and fish can be prepared during the Nativity Fast. The dish turns out no less tasty and appetizing. To the recipe fish meatballs also includes cabbage, onions, beans, carrots and seasonings with lemon juice.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 fresh frozen pink salmon;
  • Half a glass of rice;
  • 100 g white cabbage;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 1 can of white beans;
  • A glass of white semi-sweet wine;
  • Salt, black pepper - to taste;
  • 15 ml lemon juice;
  • Greens - to taste.

Cooking method:

Boil the rice in salted water until tender, cool. Chop the onion and remove the top leaves from the cabbage. Grind in a meat grinder fish fillet along with cabbage and onions. Season the minced meat with salt and pepper, add boiled rice. Form small balls from the minced meat. Grease a baking dish with oil and place the meatballs tightly. Finely chop the onion and grate the carrots on a coarse grater. Sauté vegetables in vegetable oil. Place the beans along with the liquid in a bowl, add the fried vegetables and pour in a glass of wine. Pass the mixture through a blender. Salt the prepared sauce and pour it into it lemon juice. Preheat the oven, pour the sauce over the meatballs and place in the oven for 25 minutes. These meatballs can be served with any side dish. When serving, sprinkle with fresh chopped herbs.

Recipe 5: Meatballs with rice “Lenten”

These meatballs do not contain meat or fish - only lentils and vegetables. But this doesn’t make the dish any worse. This recipe Vegetarians and fasting people can take note. Rice and lentils go well together and are well absorbed by the body.

Required ingredients:

  • 150 g sticky rice;
  • 100 g lentils;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • Spices - half a teaspoon;
  • 45 ml tomato paste;
  • Salt and sugar - half a teaspoon each;
  • Vegetable oil - 80-90 ml;
  • 1 tbsp. l. flour.

Cooking method:

Wash the lentils, add 200 g of water and set to cook for half an hour. Lentils will absorb almost all the water. Wash the rice, add 150 g of water and place on high heat. Bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to low and simmer with the lid on for about 7 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the rice covered for 10 minutes. Chop the onion, grate the carrots, fry everything together in vegetable oil until golden brown. Grind the lentils in a blender, add rice, fry and season with salt and spices. Mix everything thoroughly. We make meatballs from the minced meat and fry them in oil. To prepare the gravy, mix tomato paste and flour with half a teaspoon of sugar and salt. You can pour the sauce over the fried balls. After boiling, the gravy will thicken, after which you can turn off the heat, cover the pan with a lid and leave to soak for 5 minutes.

Recipe 6: Meatballs with rice “Italian style”

An excellent second course that will appeal to both men, women and children. Getting ready Italian meatballs It’s very easy to make with rice and they turn out very tasty, beautiful and appetizing.

Required ingredients:

  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 50 g parmesan;
  • Greens - to taste;
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil;
  • 100 g bacon;
  • Salt, black ground pepper- taste;
  • 100 g rice;
  • Half a kilo of ground beef;
  • Onions - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

Cook the rice until tender, drain in a colander and cool. Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil. Place the rice in the minced meat, add fried onions and chopped herbs, break the egg and season everything with salt and pepper. Mix the minced meat thoroughly. Form small balls. Wrap each ball with a piece of bacon and secure with a toothpick. Fry the meatballs on olive oil on both sides and place in a preheated oven for 15 minutes. We do not grate the cheese fine grater and sprinkle it over the hot Italian rice meatballs. Place in the oven for another 5 minutes until the cheese melts. Serve meatballs with rice with any side dish.

— To prevent meatballs from burning, it is better not to use them for cooking enamel dishes;

— A common mistake among many housewives is preparing a dish according to the cutlet principle;

— Meatballs must be served in the sauce in which they were stewed;

— Steamed rice from bags can be immediately added to the minced meat - the rice will “come” during the process of stewing the meatballs;

- For festive table You can put a “surprise” in each meatball: raisins, prunes, nuts, pickled cucumber, etc.

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When cooking at home, we often resort to using semi-finished products; it is convenient, practical and does not take much time. But this approach to family meals threatens to cause indignation among household members, but a recipe for how to cook meatballs with minced rice can save the situation. This nutritious, tender and incredibly delicious dish meets the needs of everyone in the family, and it only takes 40 minutes to prepare.

What are "hedgehogs"

The word meatballs has ambiguous origins. “Kiftelus” is a Moldovan word distorted by Jews, which came from the Turks, who called “kyufta” spherical cutlets made of twisted meat. Such balls could be of completely different sizes, from the diameter of a ping-pong ball to the volume of an average tomato.

One of the main differences between hedgehogs and cutlets, along with the shape, is the breading, because meatballs can be rolled exclusively in rice or wheat flour, but not in breadcrumbs or semolina.

In addition, in addition to minced meat, meatballs may also include additional ingredients. Usually these are cereals, for example, rice, dried fruits and vegetables: tomatoes, potatoes, carrots and onions. Thanks to such additives, meat balls can dramatically change not only their appearance, but also taste characteristics. In addition, this measure allows you to significantly reduce the heat treatment time for lunch, because with the presence of food additives, the minced meat becomes more loose.

In general, this dish is quite satisfying, because, for example, meatballs with rice from minced pork have caloric content of as much as 220 kcal. However, there is also a dietary alternative - chicken or veal meat, in which case energy value will be no more than 140-150 kcal per 100 grams.

Any recipe for how to cook minced meatballs with rice in sauce begins with twisting the minced meat, and it depends on the quality meat base The taste and juiciness of the finished dish depends. To prepare meat composition By highest level, you should follow some rules.

  1. For minced meat, you can use any type of meat, including poultry, the main thing is that it should be quite fatty. If we take leaner meat, then it should be diluted with fat or butter.
  2. Do not twist the fillet too finely. Passing it through the middle nozzle of the meat grinder once will be enough.
  3. Onions will also help add juiciness to the products, which can also be immediately passed along with the meat or cut into small cubes and then mixed with the meat mass.
  4. Preparing the rice is also important in this process. As a rule, already cooked rice is used for meatballs, but we recommend that you just pour washed grains with boiling water for about 10 minutes. This approach has its advantages. During the stewing of the “hedgehogs”, the gluing enzymes of the rice will serve as a kind of glue for the minced meat and the meatballs will then not fall apart.
  5. Naturally, rice is not the main astringent component, and its role is played by a raw chicken egg, which should also be added to the overall meat batch.
  6. After all the ingredients have been mixed, you can add salt and season the meatball mass with spices and garlic passed through a press.

In the next stage of preparing minced meat great importance is given to the rules of kneading. IN in this case Most likely, the mass should be beaten rather than kneaded. Having lifted the lump of minced meat above the bowl, you can forcefully throw it into the container several times. This approach will serve as a guarantee of the strength of the balls.

However, there is one more nuance - cooling. After all the manipulations with the rice and meat mass, it should be placed in the refrigerator for about 15 minutes. And so as not to waste time, during this period you can start preparing the sauce.

Minced meatballs with rice have a mass in various ways cooking. We can boil, stew or steam them, fry them and even bake them in the oven. This, as they say, is a matter of taste. However, the classic Turkic version of this dish involves cooking and serving meatballs in gravy.

This rule has been around since the discovery of this dish, when meat “hedgehogs” were boiled in a common cauldron along with thick sauce, this trend has continued to this day, and many European culinary houses cannot imagine any other way of cooking these meat balls.

Often, restaurants resort to basting meatballs with the wrong sauce in which they were simmered, and this, it must be said, has an extremely unpleasant effect on the quality of the treat. Everything in the dish should be in harmony, so the best move would be to use the same dressing in which the spherical cutlets were stewed.

The most best sauce for these purposes are fried turnip and leek onions, tomatoes, garlic and celery, diluted meat broth with the addition of sour cream and flour as a thickener.


  • — 0.6 kg + -
  • Rice - 180 g + -
  • - 2 heads + -
  • - 4 slices + -
  • - 1 root vegetable + -

You can eat this dish forever (or so) because it is so reminiscent of “that” taste of kindergarten lunch. If you want to shed a couple of decades at once during a meal, include it in your menu in tomato sauce. A step-by-step recipe with photos will help even those whose memories of preschool educational institution No need to refresh yet.

Soft and juicy meatballs You can safely cook for children from one year old. If you are not allergic to tomatoes. For a children's version, use chicken or other low-fat minced meat. The sauce is prepared based on tomato paste. It turns out moderately thick and aromatic. Bay leaf adds a piquant and spicy aroma. Once cooked, the gravy will appear runny. But after 15-20 minutes it will thicken. For children's table into the dish better spices do not add.


  • minced meat or meat - 500 g
  • white rice - 0.5 cup.
  • table salt - 1 tsp. (without slide)
  • Provençal herbs - optional
  • onion - 1 head
  • selected category chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • ground black pepper - a pinch
  • dried garlic - 0.5 tsp. (optional)
  • vegetable oil - for frying

For the gravy:

  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp. l.
  • bay leaf - 2-4 pcs. (not very large)
  • salt - 0.5 tsp.
  • filtered water - 1.5 cups.

How to cook meatballs with rice in tomato sauce (detailed step by step recipe):

  1. Can be prepared from pork, beef, chicken or combined minced meat. I had pork and beef. Do you have unprocessed meat? Cut it into small pieces. And then pass through a meat grinder with a fine mesh. Was the meatball base a bit dry? Add 70-100 g of ground lard. Cut the onion into several parts. Grind with meat pieces. You ready minced meat? Then finely chop the onion, finely grate it or puree it in a blender. Read more:
  2. Beat in the egg. Is the mince moist enough? This ingredient can be safely crossed off the list. Add salt and favorite seasonings to taste. Instead (or together) of the above, you can use ground paprika, coriander, dried pieces of vegetables, etc. You can chop a bunch of fresh herbs. Dill or parsley are great.
  3. Rice can be used both round and long grain. Rinse it. Boil until half cooked. To do this, pour a glass clean water. Add salt to taste (about 2 pinches). Bring the liquid in the saucepan to a boil. Reduce heat. Cook for 10-12 minutes (if the cereal is regular). Cook the steamed grain for 5-7 minutes. Let the rice cool slightly. There is no need to refill anything. Squeeze thoroughly with your hands. Pour into meat.
  4. Mix all ingredients thoroughly with your hands. The minced meat should become soft, viscous and pliable. Form into small balls. Flatten them slightly. Bread the preparations in flour. Another breading option is ground rolled oats flakes. IN ready dish they will not be felt, but will make the meatballs tender and juicy. And if you want to get a golden crust that will retain all the juice inside during stewing, use breadcrumbs.
  5. Heat the oil in a deep frying pan. It is advisable to use deodorized fat. Fry the meatballs in small portions. This should be done over medium heat for 2-3 minutes on each side. They will grab and turn brown, as in the photo. There is no need to cover the pan with a lid during frying! Because condensation will form and drip into the hot oil. This will lower his temperature. Before stewing, it is advisable to remove oil residues after frying. Otherwise, the meatballs in the sauce will turn out greasy. Therefore, transfer the finished balls to a stack of paper towels.
  6. Place the fried meat balls tightly in a saucepan or saucepan. Pour boiling water until the contents are covered to about halfway. Add a couple of pinches of salt, bay leaf and tomato paste. If it's too sour, compensate a small amount Sahara. Instead of pasta you can use canned tomatoes V own juice. Or fresh tomatoes. In the first case, simply mash the contents of a half-liter jar with a fork and add to the saucepan. If necessary, add a little water. Blanch fresh fruits. To do this, make cross-shaped cuts with a knife at the point of attachment to the stem. Place in boiling water.
  7. After a couple of minutes, remove with a slotted spoon. Cool slightly. Remove the skin. And then turn it tomato pulp puree using a blender or meat grinder. If desired, add allspice or black peppercorns to the gravy, dried basil, thyme, rosemary, etc. And a spoonful of rich sour cream will help you get a creamy flavor. It's better to use homemade one. It does not curl up into lumps, but melts evenly. Cover the saucepan/saucepan with a lid. Simmer over medium heat for about 15 minutes. During this time, the meatballs will have time to soak in the sauce and will be completely cooked. You can deviate a little from the recipe and stew the meatballs in a slow cooker. “Quenching” mode. Cooking time is about a quarter of an hour.
  8. Serve the dish warm with vegetable side dish, mashed potatoes or porridge. And don't forget about fresh vegetables. You can - in the form of a salad or vegetable slices.



Meatballs are filling meat second a dish that is shaped like balls made from minced meat and rice. Distinctive feature of this dish is that it turns out juicy, very tender and loose. How to cook meatballs with rice? You will find the recipe in the article below.

You can cook a lot of rice delicious dishes, rice is very healthy, has a lot of positive properties, which you can read about. The abundance of dishes that can be prepared using this grain is immeasurable. Meatballs with rice are a fairly simple and, at the same time, delicious dish.


  1. To make meatballs from minced meat and rice, you need to prepare the necessary set of products and utensils.
  2. In the process of preparing meaty and juicy rice meatballs, you may need: a knife, a frying pan, a bowl, foil, a grater, a baking dish, a cutting board, a blender and a colander. And if the meatballs are baked in the oven, then it must be preheated. Meatballs with rice are served paired with a side dish on classic serving plates intended for main courses.
  3. Traditional meatballs with rice are made from regular minced meat, to which seasonings and onions are added. In our recipe, minced meatballs with rice are cooked in the oven. Thanks to this, which is important, they turn out not only juicy and tasty, but also healthy.

Recipe for minced meatballs with rice

At the beginning of cooking, you need to prepare 2 main products and perform certain manipulations with them:

  • rice– sort, rinse, cook until half cooked, drain in a colander;
  • ground meat– add onions, eggs, fried vegetables and some seasonings;
  • gravy– sift the flour, add a certain amount of tomato paste, water and sour cream.

Ingredients you will need for this recipe:

  • 450 g minced meat (chicken, pork-beef or any other);
  • 1 egg;
  • rice (half a cup);
  • ground black pepper;
  • 2 onions;
  • salt;
  • 2-4 tbsp. l. tomato paste (to taste);
  • 200 g mayonnaise.


First, chop the onion, then add it to the previously prepared minced meat. Add 1 egg there. And at the end we season with black and allspice, salt and mix everything thoroughly. We sort the rice, wash it, and cook it in slightly salted water. After this, put the cereal in a colander and wait until it cools down. Then add minced meat, a spoonful of tomato paste to the rice and mix everything.

We form small and neat balls from rice mixed with minced meat. Then put them in a tight order in a frying pan, previously greased with mayonnaise. In a separate container, mix mayonnaise, tomato paste, pepper and salt. Pour in 400 ml of water and stir. Received tomato-mayonnaise sauce Fill the pan with meatballs almost to the edge. If the mixture is not enough, re-dilute the paste and mayonnaise with a little water. Place the meatballs in a preheated oven and cook them for half an hour.

Many people remember the taste of kindergarten meatballs with gravy and mashed potatoes from childhood.

A dish from childhood, which we still eat with great pleasure and ask for more.

So I decided to remind those who forgot and tell those who don’t know about this simple but very tasty dish.

Appetizing, juicy meatballs cooked in the oven

To prepare this dish, we will need minced meat, boiled rice until half cooked (you can find out how to cook rice correctly in the previous material), carrots, onions, a couple of cloves of garlic, one egg, half a glass of flour, a little tomato paste, ground pepper, salt and vegetable oil for frying

Making meatballs:

  1. Grind one onion with garlic in a blender
  2. In a bowl, mix the minced meat with rice and add chopped onion and garlic.
  3. Beat in the egg, pepper and salt to taste
  4. Mix everything until smooth
  5. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and form meatballs so that the minced meat does not stick to your hands, it is better to moisten them with water

Prepare the sauce for the meatballs:

  1. Finely chop one onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater, add three tablespoons of flour in half a glass of water, adding a little salt.
  2. Fry onions and carrots in a frying pan in vegetable oil, add a little tomato paste
  3. Add water and let it boil, after boiling add salt and pepper to taste
  4. Add fresh or frozen herbs
  5. Add the diluted flour, stirring constantly so that no lumps form, let the sauce boil well
  6. Cooking meatballs in gravy
  7. The sauce is ready, pour it over the meatballs
  8. Place the baking sheet with meatballs in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 30 minutes.

The recipe is very delicious meatballs from minced meat to sour cream sauce in a frying pan, step by step:

In this recipe I’ll tell you about meatballs cooked in a frying pan in tomato sour cream sauce

  1. We prepare the necessary products
  2. To prepare, take a piece of veal, it’s better to take a fatter one, cut it into pieces for subsequent preparation of minced meat
  3. We prepare the minced meat in a blender, or through a meat grinder, if you have what you have on hand
  4. We also chop the onion in a blender, after chopping it, add a bunch of green onions to the bowl and turn on the blender again
  5. Spread the onion pulp into the minced meat
  6. Break several pieces of loaf into small pieces and pour milk.
  7. Pour boiling water over three tomatoes and remove their skins
  8. When the bread has absorbed all the milk, grind it in a blender, pour it into the minced meat and mix everything well until smooth.
  9. Add salt and mix everything well again, you can add black pepper to taste
  10. Using a blender, make a paste from peeled tomatoes.
  11. Salt, add a teaspoon of paprika and 30 ml of vegetable oil, mix everything
  12. We prepare two frying pans, in one we will cook meatballs, pour and heat vegetable oil into it, heat the second without oil
  13. Roll the prepared minced meat into meatballs, lightly press them down and put them in a frying pan, fry them on both sides, but not completely, but just until they appear. golden crust, but inside they remained raw
  14. Pour our tomatoes into a second heated frying pan and simmer them for 5 – 7 minutes
  15. Add sour cream, mix and simmer for another 5 minutes
  16. Add parsley or dill leaves
  17. We lay out our semi-fried meatballs
  18. Close the lid and cook for 15 minutes until the meat is done
  19. Add a little boiling water, we need it so that when boiling, the water evaporates, and not our sauce
  20. In 10 - 15 minutes our meatballs in sauce will be ready; on average, it takes about 30 minutes to cook them after putting them in a frying pan.
  21. Sprinkle them with herbs on top.

You can serve them with a side dish of rice or potatoes, they are very tender and tasty, you won’t regret making them.

Meatballs with rice in tomato sauce

Meatballs, tender and juicy, will be eaten by every child, adults will like them, and the elderly will benefit. Tender, tasty, this is exactly what we are having for lunch today - meatballs with rice in tomato sauce, I have attached a step-by-step recipe with photos. As a bonus, here are a few more options for preparing meatballs with rice: in the oven, steamed, in a slow cooker, with milk for the kids. Cook deliciously, get joy from food!

And if you have any leftover minced meat, cook it zucchini stuffed in the oven, delicious!

Ingredients for meatballs with rice in tomato sauce:

  • minced pork and beef (preferred option) – 800g
  • round rice (you can replace it with long rice, but round rice gives more rich taste) – 1.5 cups
  • tomato paste - triangle or 2 spoons
  • water 2 glasses
  • 1 egg
  • 1 large onion (I have small ones, so that’s a lot)
  • salt, pepper
  • spoon of sour cream
  • spoon of flour

How to cook meatballs:

  1. Initially, I will say that tomato sauce can be easily replaced with homemade lecho, for example, you can dilute tomato paste with some water, chop a sweet pepper and add garlic. You can add herbs and seasonings to suit your taste. I made it - tomato with sour cream, it tastes better to me.
  2. So, the very first thing for good meatballs - correct minced meat. I tried it once chicken fillet to make, it turned out to be a little dry, from one pork a little fatty, through trial and error I found out that the best, juiciest and delicious meatballs are obtained from minced pork and beef. Therefore, we go to the nearest market and buy good meat.
  3. The first important thing is done, with tomato sauce We have decided, now - rice. In my opinion, with round rice It’s tastier, like the Krasnodar one, it’s tasty in itself, with a long one it turns out blander, but that’s how you like it. My preference is round rice.
  4. Now regarding the quantity - some people put less rice, more meat, I take about 1/3 of the total weight of rice, and it turns out just right.
  5. Onion - you can chop it finely, you can also grind it on a grater, turning it into a kind of liquid, drain the juice - also at your discretion, I just grind it together with the meat in a blender.
    So, we have considered all the nuances, now let’s start cooking.
  6. I ground the meat into minced meat, added onion, an egg, I put the rice raw - and there is less hassle (some people prefer to boil it until half-cooked, they turn out more tender), and the meatballs turn out denser.
  7. Now you need to mix the minced meat well, mash it, even beat it a little - this way the meatballs will hold their shape more tightly and will not fall apart during stewing and frying.
  8. That's it, the minced meat is ready, now let's prepare the sauce. I lightly fried the flour in a frying pan, added the tomato, mixed, poured in water and added sour cream. I added some salt, a little pepper and in a minute the sauce was ready.
    Next, fry the meatballs so that they don’t lose their shape when cooked. further cooking. If you finish cooking the meatballs with rice in the oven, you can skip this process, immediately put the meatballs in the mold, pour in the sauce and bake. I cook meatballs in a frying pan (in a cauldron or saucepan the same thing happens), so I lightly fry them.
  9. Then I put everything in a frying pan, pour in the resulting sauce and put it on the fire, covering it with a lid.
  10. In about 20-30 minutes our meatballs with rice in tomato sauce will be ready, I hope my step by step detailed recipe It will help you even if this is your first time preparing this dish.
  11. Now, as promised, some tips on other types of cooking meatballs.

Steamed meatballs

For children or sick, old, people who diet food shown, you can cook meatballs with steamed rice. But in this case you need to add a couple of slices white loaf, soaking in milk and squeezing - this is so that the meatballs do not fall apart, they hold the texture stronger, because you will not fry them. Then just carefully place them in the steamer and after 30 minutes they are fragrant and tender meatballs ready.

Meatballs in a slow cooker

Here everything is similar to the first recipe, with the only difference being that you can immediately put the meatballs in a bowl, pour the sauce over it, turn on my favorite Stewing mode for an hour, in which the meatballs will simmer like in my grandmother’s oven, and that’s it, the process has begun.

Children's meatballs

More interesting option for the kids - meatballs milk sauce, for kids. Here the rice is pre-boiled and 1 liter of milk is used instead of tomato sauce. And don’t add the egg either, the meatballs will be more tender and healthier. But - here we need to beat the meat well so that it becomes elastic, and our meatballs stick together well. And then wrap the finished minced meat in film and let it ripen in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

Meatballs with mushrooms

An option for gourmets - tasty, aromatic, satisfying and piquant. Here the meatballs are also cooked in tomato sauce with sour cream in the oven; they turn out unusually tender, juicy, and very tasty.
There will be changes in the quantity of ingredients - we replace some of the minced meat with mushrooms, and add a piece of 50 grams of hard cheese.

The rice here comes boiled, the meatballs are not fried, and finely chopped mushrooms, lightly fried with onions, are added to the minced meat (you can add some to the gravy).

The meatballs are formed after the minced meat is ready and slightly beaten for a dense structure, laid out in a mold, poured with sauce, covered with foil and simmered under it in the oven for about an hour. You can cook such meatballs with rice on the stove in a saucepan, or in a slow cooker, everything will be tasty and aromatic.
