Delicious manna with milk. Mannik with milk - step-by-step recipes with photos. How to cook semolina pie with sour and fresh milk

Manniki is a dessert in the “middle category” between pies and casseroles.

He took the best from his older brothers: tenderness, juiciness, splendor.

The pie is quite simple and at the same time effective, especially with its taste.

If you can't even Lenten flatbreads in a frying pan, still try to bake a pie from semolina; according to many housewives, it is not easy to cook more complicated than a sandwich.

Mannik with milk - general principles of preparation

Delicious air manna It’s very easy to bake with milk if you carefully follow some of the tricks for preparing such a pie.

main feature baking - instead of flour or along with it, semolina is added to the dough. To make the cake tender, the semolina must be properly soaked, it must absorb enough moisture and swell well. It is mixed with milk and left in it for at least an hour. The longer the semolina is kept in liquid, the more tender and airy the semolina turns out.

Liquid foundation dough - milk. For baking, it is better to take a stale, slightly sour product. Its fat content does not affect the quality of the pie, so you can use milk of any fat content, this will only affect the calorie content of the product.

It is equally important to bake the pie correctly. Mannik is baked for 40–90 minutes at 180 degrees in a preheated oven. In a poorly heated oven, the product will burn on top and will not be baked. Therefore, the oven should be turned on at least 15 minutes before the form with the dough is placed in it. It is extremely undesirable to open the door, otherwise the manna will settle and become dull.

Mannik with milk in a multicooker is baked in the “Baking” mode for about an hour, the lid is not opened until a sound signal notifies the end of the program.

The simplest manna with milk without flour

The set of products is the same as for semolina porridge, a little more granulated sugar and ripper. The easiest to prepare manna with milk is a recipe for beginners.


A glass of dry semolina;

A spoonful of melted sweet cream butter;

Cup white sugar;

Three eggs;

1.5 spoons of baking powder for dough;

Homemade milk- full glass.

Cooking method:

1. Mix semolina with granulated sugar and baking powder.

2. Pour the milk into a separate bowl. If you take it out of the refrigerator and warm it up slightly, it is best to take the packaging out of the refrigerator in advance and keep it at room temperature.

3. Beat the eggs in another bowl and, stirring, add egg mixture into milk.

4. Gradually add semolina mixed with sugar into milk. Stir everything with a whisk until smooth and leave for 40 minutes.

5. Cover the mold with parchment and apply a thin layer of vegetable oil on it, and also grease its sides with oil. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.

6. Stir the settled dough well, pour into the mold and place in the oven for 35 minutes.

Classic manna with milk and flour

Almost no different from the previous recipe. Just add flour and a little sunflower oil.


200 gr. semolina;

Two eggs;

Half a glass of high-quality flour;

spoon vanilla sugar;

250 ml unpasteurized milk;

Creamy homemade oil– 1 tbsp. l.;

A glass of refined sugar;

Three tablespoons of vegetable oil;

Factory ripper - 10 g.

Cooking method:

1. Grind vanilla and regular sugar with eggs. Add vegetable oil and also rub well.

2. Pour the milk into a small saucepan, put a piece of butter in it and heat slightly. Don't boil!

3. While stirring the milk with a whisk, wait until the butter has completely melted and immediately add the sweet egg mixture. While stirring, add semolina and set aside for half an hour.

4. Sift the flour and baking powder and, adding in small portions, add it to the swollen semolina.

5. Wipe the walls and bottom of the heat-resistant form with butter and sprinkle it with dry semolina. You can take margarine.

6. Pour the dough into the mold and place it in the oven for forty minutes.

Curd manna with milk

Adding cottage cheese to manna makes the baked goods not only tasty, but also healthy. In this dough for manna with milk, deviating from the recipe, you can add some berries or fresh fruits, this will give it even more juiciness.


200 gr. sugar;

A glass of milk;

200 gr. semolina;

Three large fresh eggs;

A small bag of vanillin;

Flour – 160 gr.;

Elastic 9% cottage cheese – 200 gr.;

Two spoons of ripper;

Sweet butter– 100 gr.;

A heaped spoon of powdered sugar.

Cooking method:

1. To swell, pour milk over semolina and let stand for a while. Don't forget to warm up the milk in advance.

2. Beat eggs and refined sugar with a mixer. Add the egg mixture to the swollen semolina and immediately pour in the melted butter. Add vanillin and baking powder and mix everything with a mixer. Add cottage cheese and flour there and go through the mixer again.

3. Pour curd dough into a mold greased with margarine and immediately place in hot oven for 45 min.

4. Carefully remove the finished manna from the mold, and when it cools down, decorate powdered sugar.

Chocolate manna with milk and curd balls

White balls in chocolate manna with milk - the recipe will win the hearts of both kids and adults. Simple, available products, ease of execution, and taste and look like an expensive dessert.


Sour milk – 250 ml;

Homemade butter – 100 gr.;

Five grams baking soda;

Eggs – 3 pcs.;

120 gr. dark chocolate;

Granulated sugar – 280 gr.;

100 gr. coconut flakes;

50 gr. cocoa powder;

For balls:

300 gr. fat cottage cheese;

One egg;

60 gr. unrefined sugar;

40 gr. baking flour.

Cooking method:

1. Pour yogurt over the semolina, stir so that there are no lumps, and leave covered with a napkin.

2. While the semolina is swelling, prepare curd balls. Twist the cottage cheese in a meat grinder or grind it through a fine sieve. Then into a homogeneous curd mass break the egg, add mixed with coconut flakes sugar and add flour. Mix well and form small balls, about the size of small cream, with wet hands. Place the pieces in one layer on a wide plate and put them in the freezer for at least half an hour.

3. Thoroughly mash the eggs with sugar. Do not beat, but rather grind until a homogeneous white mass is obtained. Then mix it with the swollen semolina and add well-melted butter. Quench the soda with vinegar and add it to the semolina, stir and add the mixed flour and cocoa. Break it finely chocolate bar, add to the dough and mix again.

4. Prepare a baking dish and pour the curd dough into it. Then remove the curd balls from the freezer, spread them evenly over the surface and place the pan in the preheated oven.

5. After about 80 minutes, the manna will be available.

Mannik with milk in a slow cooker - “Sfuf”

Sfouf is an Arabic, or more precisely, Lebanese version of manna with milk. It is simple and very similar to classic recipe, characterized by the addition of vegetable oil and spices.


Two glasses of semolina;

Full glass full fat milk;

200 gr. Sahara;

1.5 spoons of baking powder;

Vanilla sugar – 1 spoon;

A teaspoon of ground turmeric;

Two spoons of white coconut;

Half a cup of unflavored sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

1. Dissolve sugar in warm milk. Add semolina, stir so that the mixture does not contain lumps, and leave for about a quarter of an hour on the table.

2. Add turmeric, vanillin and baking powder. Beat the mixture with a mixer for at least five minutes and add half the coconut flakes.

3. Pour the dough into the cooking bowl prepared for baking and turn on the appliance in baking mode for one hour.

4. Allow the finished manna to cool right in the bowl, making sure to open the lid, then carefully remove the cake and sprinkle its surface with the remaining coconut shavings.

Mannik with milk in a slow cooker - “Sunny”

Pumpkin manna with milk - recipe fragrant pie no eggs or butter. He can rightfully claim the title low-calorie dessert.


250 gr. dry semolina;

240 ml cow's milk, preferably sour;

One large lemon;

350 gr. pumpkin pulp;

160 gr. granulated sugar;

Apple juice;

5 gr. baking soda.

Cooking method:

1. Pumpkin pulp rub fine grater and mix it with sour milk. Add sugar and stir well until the grains dissolve. Then add and stir the semolina.

2. Scald the lemon with boiling water, scrape the zest from it with a fine grater. Cut the citrus in half, squeeze the juice well and strain it.

3. Add soda to the dough, and to extinguish it, take a teaspoon fresh juice lemon. Then immediately add the zest, stir thoroughly and leave for half an hour for the cereal to swell.

4. Prepare the bowl - grease its sides and bottom butter fat and sprinkle with semolina.

5. Pour the dough into the bowl and turn on the multicooker, setting the “Baking” mode for 60 minutes.

6. While the manna is baking, prepare the syrup on the stove. To do this, mix in equal quantities lemon juice with apple, add to taste granulated sugar, mix well and bring the syrup to a boil over medium heat, cool.

7. Hot Pie pour syrup and leave in the turned off multicooker for half an hour, with the lid down.

8. Carefully remove the manna from the bowl, cut into pieces and serve with tea or milk.

Mannik with milk - cooking tricks and useful tips

Pour the semolina into the milk in a thin stream, without stopping stirring it. If you do the opposite, the cereal may form lumps that will be difficult to break.

Be sure to warm the milk, then the cereal will absorb it better.

To ready pie easily slips out of the mold or cooking bowl of the multicooker, grease the bottom and sides with a cloth soaked in vegetable oil. You can also apply butter. For reliability, sprinkle the oil layer with semolina or flour.

If you can’t get the manna, place the container with the cake on a damp terry towel. In just a quarter of an hour it will be freely available.

Mannikas with milk are best raised in a slow cooker. The miracle saucepan makes it look fuller and taller. Any manna with milk, the recipe for which is offered in the selection, can be adapted for a miracle stove.

Each oven and slow cooker has its own characteristics, so before removing the cake, check its readiness by piercing a toothpick in the center. If it remains dry, then the cake is ready.

The best recipes for making manna

manna with milk

1 hour

270 kcal

5 /5 (1 )

Many people wonder: what to do when children refuse to eat healthy food? semolina porridge? In fact, the answer to this question is very simple - you need to prepare a tender and airy manna with milk. Baked semolina pie Quite quickly, even a novice cook will cope with the task. In addition, the recipes use simple and affordable ingredients that are sure to be found in any kitchen. If desired, you can add dried fruits, candied fruits, chocolate or nuts to the manna so that the child certainly does not refuse this delicacy.

So, how to bake manna with milk? I present to your attention several simple recipes manna with various variations in the ingredients, but with the constant participation of milk.

Recipe for making mannik pie with milk


  • pan for heating liquid;
  • deep, capacious container for preparing dough;
  • several small bowls for preparing ingredients;
  • mixer or blender for preparing dough;
  • round baking dish for semolina;
  • a large dish or several small plates for serving baked goods on the table.

We will need

Step-by-step instruction

  1. Pour the milk into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil over medium heat.

  2. Then add to boiled milk butter and stir the mixture until it is completely dissolved.

  3. In a separate deep bowl, mix granulated sugar, vanillin, eggs, then beat them with a mixer until smooth.

  4. Now add vegetable oil to the mixture and mix the mass thoroughly again.

  5. After this, pour the resulting mixture into warm milk and shake a little.

  6. Then pour it in there semolina and mix everything thoroughly.

  7. Next, set the mixture aside for half an hour so that the semolina swells well.

  8. In a small container, mix flour and baking powder.

  9. Then we get enough sleep flour mixture into the dough and mix it until smooth.

  10. Generously grease the baking dish with butter and sprinkle it with a little semolina.

  11. Then pour the dough into the mold and send the product to the oven, preheated to 180-190 degrees.

  12. Bake the manna for about 30 minutes. Check the product for readiness using a toothpick. If the stick inserted into the dough remains dry after being pulled out, the manna is ready.

  13. Now let the semolina cool completely, then remove it from the mold.

  14. Cut the pie into portioned pieces, put it on a plate and serve.

Video recipe for manna with milk

For those who perceive information better visually, I have selected a video with detailed step by step instructions preparing manna with milk. The recipe is almost the same, but with one difference, which many will also probably like - in the video they suggest adding fruit to the manna. Try it!

Manna. Mannik pie with milk. Recipe for manna with fruit

Mannik is one of those recipes that every housewife should have. Manna pie with milk is prepared simply and quickly.
Mannik with milk - great alternative semolina porridge, children will eat it with pleasure. Absolutely any housewife can prepare manna, and besides, it is prepared from simple ingredients. If you wish, you can add candied fruits, dried fruits, nuts or chocolate to the manna.
Check out the recipe for manna with fruit and let it be one of your favorites!
Enjoy watching everyone!
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Recipe for making manna with milk without flour

  • Cooking time: 45-60 minutes (with your participation about 15-18 minutes).
  • Number of servings: for 10-12 persons.


  • a small iron bowl for melting butter;
  • deep bowl for mixing ingredients and kneading dough;
  • measuring cup and spoons for precise measurement of food quantities;
  • whisk or mixer for high-quality mixing of ingredients;
  • silicone mold for baking manna;
  • dish for serving the pie on the table.

We will need

Step-by-step instruction

  1. On low heat melt the butter until liquid state. Then remove the melted butter from the heat and let it cool slightly.
  2. Then, in a separate deep bowl, combine granulated sugar and eggs.

  3. Whisk the mixture thoroughly with a whisk until the sugar is completely dissolved.

  4. Then add semolina and mix everything thoroughly again.

  5. Then carefully pour in the melted butter, add vanilla sugar and baking powder.

  6. Mix everything thoroughly with the same whisk.

  7. Next, pour milk into the mixture. room temperature and do the last batch.

  8. Now pour it out ready dough into a silicone baking dish.

  9. Place the product in an oven preheated to 180-190 degrees.
  10. Bake the manna for 30 to 40 minutes, checking the readiness with a toothpick from time to time.
  11. Remove the finished product from the oven, cool and cut into portions. Then put the chopped manna on a dish and serve.

Video recipe for manna with milk without flour

I suggest you familiarize yourself with detailed description the intricacies of preparing manna according to the recipe described above in this video. Enjoy watching!

MANNIK with milk. Semolina pie

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How to decorate a pie

First of all, you can generously sprinkle the manna with powdered sugar or pour melted chocolate over its surface. You can also decorate part of the cake with powdered sugar and the other half with cocoa powder. In addition, you can make chocolate or sugar icing and pour it over the cooled pie. After this, sprinkle the product with multi-colored powder or chopped chocolate - small children will really like this.

Goes very well taste qualities manna and sour cream - with it the pie takes on a richer and more appetizing appearance. In the end, you can fill the pie with homemade jam. I often use this method of decorating when I don't have any other products on hand.

  • To ensure that the cake turns out tender and airy, do not open the oven for half an hour, only after the specified time check it for readiness.
  • I also recommend using a mixer or blender while kneading the dough - better and more thorough mixing of the ingredients will ensure better rise and lightness of the pie.
  • It is best to bake manna in silicone form , then the product will definitely not burn and it will be very easy to remove it from the mold. If you have a metal or paper form, then be sure to lubricate it with butter or vegetable oil. Cover the bottom of the mold baking paper I don’t recommend it: the paper may stick to the dough, which will only ruin your mood.

Other filling and preparation options

Often improvise with recipes by adding other ingredients or completely removing some from the list. For example, you can prepare manna with milk without adding eggs, just replace them with kefir or sour cream in an amount of no more than one glass. The product prepared in this way is often served on the table during Lent.

Mannik is amazing dish, preparing quickly and as simply as possible. You can always rely on manna; even beginners in cooking can make it. In addition, you should not focus only on manna with milk; prepare pies from what is in the refrigerator. For example, try the most delicious and also wonderful, which is considered classic dish from semolina.

I am sure that I managed to intrigue you and you will definitely decide to prepare an easy-to-prepare and amazing-tasting manna with milk. If you have any additional questions related to its preparation, be sure to ask them in the comments, and I will immediately give a comprehensive answer and help you avoid mistakes. I would also really like to know what kind of mannas you prepare for your own family? Which additional ingredients do you use? Write about it, I will definitely try your recipes and share them with my friends! Bon appetit and exclamations of exceptional admiration for your culinary abilities!

I wonder if there are any housewives who have never tried to cook manna with milk in their lives? If you have them, then immediately take note of our recipe with photos and delight your family with a delicious meal. It couldn't be easier or simpler.

It's such sponge cake, which contains semolina. Very often it is prepared using fermented milk products (kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt). But ours today's recipe classic - manna with milk.

The photo recipe will help even the most inexperienced cook prepare such baked goods. The dish, of course, is very high in calories, but sometimes you can allow yourself such pleasant little things.

Recipe for manna with milk in the oven


  • chicken eggs – 2 pieces;
  • vanilla sugar – 1 teaspoon;
  • granulated sugar – 1 cup;
  • milk – 1 glass;
  • semolina – 1 glass;
  • wheat white flour– 1 glass;
  • vinegar and soda - 1 teaspoon each;
  • vegetable oil – 100 ml.


1. Beat eggs into a deep bowl, add sugar (regular and vanilla). Now beat everything with a fork, kitchen whisk or mixer.

2. Pour milk into the egg-sugar mixture, stir everything until smooth.

3. Now add semolina and stir. This must be done with special care so that there are no lumps of cereal left, otherwise the semolina will not swell and then crunch on the teeth while eating. Let the mixture stand for a while so that the semolina absorbs liquid and swells. Most perfect option so that it stands for about an hour, if you do not have too much free time, then 40 minutes will be enough.

4. After the required time has passed, add vegetable oil, sifted flour and soda, quenched with vinegar, to the mixture (you can use baking powder instead of soda). Knead the dough.

5. If you use a silicone mold for baking, you do not need to grease it. In the case when the manna will be baked in a metal form, it is necessary to generously grease it with vegetable oil. Place the dough in the mold and place it in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees.

6. After 30-40 minutes, the baked goods will appear golden brown crust, this means that manna with milk is ready. You can check readiness with a skewer or toothpick. Remove the finished dish from the oven, let cool slightly, remove from the pan and, when serving, cut into portions. Pour sour cream, honey or strawberry jam over the manna.

- when you put the manna out of the mold onto a dish, you can dust it with powdered sugar or pour it on top chocolate icing;

- given here classic recipe manna, when you try it and like it, you can continue experimenting. Add raisins, finely chopped dried apricots or prunes to the dough according to your taste and desire, fresh berries raspberries or strawberries, sliced ​​bananas, apples, oranges, chocolate or cocoa;

- it will be very convenient to prepare small semolina muffins; for this, the dough should be poured into more than one big shape, and in silicone molds for cupcakes;

- manna can also be prepared in a slow cooker or double boiler;

- Can ready-made manna pour syrup (orange, raspberry or cherry), it will take 30-40 minutes for it to soak well, then cut into pieces and serve - the taste is truly amazing;

- a metal baking dish, after greasing it with oil, it would be good to sprinkle flour or semolina over the entire surface, then the semolina will definitely not stick and you can get it out without problems.

And for a full lunch You can also cook pilaf with chicken.

We invite you to prepare easy and air cake– manna with milk: classic recipe, step-by-step recipe with photos. You can add it to the dough fresh fruits and berries, many other ingredients. This will allow you to pamper your family every day, and you won’t get tired of the pie, because it will have a different taste every time. In addition, the dish is prepared from very available ingredients, and every housewife definitely has them in stock. So, today we’ll look at a simple recipe for manna with milk, tasty and tender.

See also: the most tender recipe - a wonderful and simple breakfast option for the whole family!

  1. Homemade milk – 1 glass;
  2. Granulated sugar – 1 glass;
  3. Butter (can be replaced with margarine) – 50 g;
  4. Eggs – 3 pcs.;
  5. Semolina – 1 cup;
  6. flour - 1.5 cups
  7. 0.5 teaspoon soda, quench with a bite
  8. Salt – 1/2 tsp.

Preparing manna with milk:

Let's prepare all the ingredients. The milk needs to be at room temperature, so take it out of the refrigerator in advance. pour milk into the semolina and let it sit for 20 minutes, swell, stir a couple of times.

Drive the eggs into the bowl and beat them lightly.

Add sugar, salt and whisk the ingredients to the eggs.

Then add softened butter (or margarine) and beat again. Mix with swollen semolina and flour.

You can also add grated lemon zest to the baking soda, quenched with vinegar, to create a pleasant flavor.
Pour the dough into a suitable form, pre-greased. Bake for 40 minutes at 180 degrees. IN in this case We baked in a slow cooker, select the “Baking” mode for 1 hour. (I baked it in the oven for 25 minutes, set it to 180 degrees. But the oven is small, electric, see how it bakes in yours).

Place the finished manna on a plate.

We learned how to cook a simple manna with milk, now you can experiment with any products and serve your new little masterpieces to the table every time.

The finished manna can be served simply cut into pieces, or you can sprinkle with coconut flakes, cinnamon, melted chocolate, and jam. You can also cut the pie in half and spread some sweet paste, For example, sour cream, jam, condensed milk, glaze. In addition, you can serve manna with a scoop of ice cream, it will be much tastier. Sometimes such pies are soaked in rum or cognac. Look again - very tasty and tender, great option with tea or a cup of milk.
You can replace milk fermented milk products, for example, whey, kefir, sour cream or yogurt. In this case, add a little soda, the cake will turn out more fluffy. Manniks are prepared with various fillings and creams, so you can safely add berries and fruits, candied fruits and dried fruits, chocolate, honey and even pumpkin.

After adding semolina to the dough, be sure to let it swell. This may take more than half an hour. Don’t rush to put the manna in the oven, otherwise the cereal will not spread well and will crunch on your teeth. ready dish. The best way to check the readiness of the pie is with a toothpick.

Costs for preparing manna:

  • milk - 2.50 UAH
  • sugar - 3.0 UAH
  • butter - 2 UAH
  • eggs - 4 UAH
  • semolina - 3 UAH
  • Total: 15.50 UAH (0.75 USD)

Today we are preparing manna with milk, a classic recipe for this wonderful dessert.

A pie that will delight you and your loved ones with its taste is quick and easy to prepare.

I have already told you how it can be prepared using, and also what happens if you use it.

The principle of its preparation is almost the same, each recipe differs only in its composition.

They all turn out very tasty, fluffy, aromatic. Just a necessary addition to tea

Mannik with milk - a classic recipe

To prepare such a delicious lush dessert pie you need a minimum of products


  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Semolina – 1.5 tbsp.
  • Milk - 1 tbsp.
  • A pinch of salt
  • Baking powder – 1 tsp.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Butter – 50 gr.


  1. Warm the milk to room temperature and pour the semolina into it, let it brew for 1 hour.

2. Beat eggs into a bowl, add salt, sugar, add softened butter and beat well with a whisk.

3. Pour the egg mixture into the swollen semolina and add baking powder, mix everything well

4. Pour the dough into the mold and put it in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees for 40 - 45 minutes

It turns out so lush, airy dessert.

Mannik with milk and fruits


  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Milk – 1 tbsp.
  • Flour – 1 tbsp.
  • Semolina – 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Baking powder – 1 tbsp. l.
  • Vegetable oil – 80 gr.
  • Butter – 20 gr.
  • A pinch of salt
  • Vanilla sugar 1 sachet
  • Fruits (peaches)


  1. Beat eggs, sugar, salt in a bowl
  2. Add vegetable oil and mix
  3. Without ceasing to knead, add semolina and vanilla sugar.
  4. In a separate bowl, stir the butter in warm milk.
  5. Pour milk and butter into the egg-semolina mixture
  6. Mix everything well and leave to swell for 30 minutes.
  7. Sift the flour and mix it with baking powder
  8. Wash 3 – 4 peaches, remove the pit and cut into thin slices
  9. Pour flour into the swollen milk mixture and knead the dough
  10. Add peaches to the dough and mix gently
  11. Grease the mold with oil and pour the dough into it.
  12. Bake in the oven for 35 - 40 minutes until done at 180 degrees
