How to eat feijoa: rules, tips and tricks. How to eat feijoa: useful properties and recipes

Feijoa - an unusual one that appeared on the shelves of our stores relatively recently. He not only has pleasant taste, but also contains a large number of vitamins and minerals.

and how to use the fruit

Feijoa contains a large amount of pectin, fiber and vitamin C, which makes it incredibly useful for gastrointestinal tract. Energy value fruit is small, so it can be included in dietary ration. Minerals and vitamins, which are also part of the berry, stimulate the immune system.

The high content of vitamin C in fruits helps fight colds by supporting the body's immune system. In addition, the iodine included in the composition is perfectly absorbed by the body, making the fruits of the plant useful for the thyroid gland with regular use. Feijoa has certain benefits and cardiovascular system: vitamins and microelements contained in it maintain vascular tone, while counteracting the development of cancerous tumors in organs. The peel of the fruit contains antioxidants.

What are beneficial features feijoa and how to eat fruits? This information is very useful for hypertensive patients, since the substances contained in the fruits reduce blood pressure and cleanse the blood of toxins and cholesterol, preventing the development of plaques on the walls of blood vessels and having a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle. The fruit is widely used in cosmetology as one of the most effective anti-aging agents.

The peel of the fetus is no less beneficial - it contains almost as many vitamins as in the pulp itself. When answering the question of how to eat feijoa, it is worth noting right away that it is undesirable to eat the peel, but it can be used as an additive to tea, compotes or jam.

Despite the large number of useful properties, feijoa has certain contraindications. How to use this fruit and to whom it is contraindicated? First of all, because of too much sugar, it is not recommended to eat it for those who suffer. diabetes and obesity. With caution, it should be eaten and allergy sufferers: the berry practically does not cause allergic reactions, but it's worth it once again to play it safe.

Feijoa Vitamins

Since the pulp of the fruit contains a large amount of vitamin C, it is recommended for low hemoglobin levels in the blood and to support immune system. A prime example of how to consume feijoa in medicinal purposes, is the use of fruit pulp in cosmetology and pharmacy: the oil obtained from the berries has an anti-inflammatory effect, and the extract increases the softness and elasticity of the skin, hiding various imperfections.

Feijoa is unique plant, the fruits of which contain a large amount of vitamins, folic acid and trace elements. The whole complex of nutritional and useful substances It has an incredible healing and strengthening effect on the human body. Conducted medical studies have proven that the reduction blood pressure, antibacterial properties and effectiveness against Escherichia coli and staphylococci - feijoa has all these beneficial properties. How to eat it correctly? You can ask your dietitian about this.

Feijoa: how to use in cooking

Although given plant for our latitudes it is exotic, its taste is familiar to many - strawberry-pineapple, with tart notes. Before talking about how to eat feijoa, it is worth noting that in culinary purposes the whole fruit is usually used. The peel is dried and added to teas, compotes, jams from other fruits. Feijoa can be consumed like a regular fruit - for this, it is cut and the pulp is carefully removed with a spoon.

The fruits of this plant are often used as ingredients various salads with fruits, berries and vegetables. Sour cream and yogurt are ideal as dressings for such dishes. Berries are used in cooking not only in fresh How delicious fruit but also as the main ingredient various dishes- pastries, preserves, jams, salads, compotes, wines and tinctures.

The composition of feijoa includes rapidly digestible fats, so its fruits are classified as dietary products. It also refers to non-allergic reactions. However, it also has its limitations: it cannot be eaten by those who suffer from individual intolerance to feijoa. How to use it in this case, you can ask your doctor. It is quite possible that a small amount of pulp is still allowed.

Feijoa in folk medicine

Folk healers know well how to use feijoa. Often used as a treatment for thyroid disorders due to high content iodine in fruits. In diseases of this organ, it is advisable to eat 200-300 grams of pulp daily. It is worth remembering that in its raw form, the beneficial properties of feijoa are preserved for only one week. If you plan to harvest fruit in large quantities, then the berries are passed through a meat grinder and sprinkled with sugar. The mixture prepared in this way retains all the beneficial properties for a long time.

Despite the large number of useful properties, contraindications are also characteristic of feijoa:

Maximum daily dose berry juice for an adult is one glass, for a child under 7 years old - 0.5 cups.
. It is advisable not to consume berries in large quantities during pregnancy and during an exacerbation of chronic diseases.

How to choose feijoa

When buying such exotic fruit It is necessary to focus on the color of its peel and the hardness of the fruit itself. The berry should not be damaged, the skin should be even and smooth. The degree of ripeness is determined by the color of the pulp: in a mature fruit it is transparent.
Fresh fruits are stored on average from seven to fourteen days. For more long-term storage fruits are usually used to make preparations - jams, jams, compotes.

Feijoa with honey

It is useful to know how to consume feijoa with honey. This is not only a delicacy, but also a good one. medicine, which strengthens the immune system and has a beneficial effect on the human body. Among other things, such a dessert is easy to prepare and will be very original and an unusual treat on the table.

To prepare feijoa with honey you will need:

. feijoa;
. walnuts.

Feijoa fruits are thoroughly washed under cool water and dried. If desired, the skin can be removed from them, as it retains its tart taste even after heat treatment berries. The fruits are finely cut into several pieces and placed in a container, mixed with walnuts and honey. The resulting mixture is infused in the refrigerator for several hours, after which it is eaten.

Growing feijoa at home

Feijoa can be grown at home, despite the fact that it is an exotic plant. The main condition for its growth is competent care.

Feijoa loves moist bright places, but does not tolerate direct sun rays. As the plant grows in size, it is transplanted into large pots. Feijoa will bring the first fruits after 4-5 years. Externally, the plant is very beautiful and compact, it will perfectly complement any room or office, regularly supplying tasty and healthy fruits.

What are the beneficial properties of feijoa, how to eat feijoa, recipes with feijoa - the topic of our today's material.

At the end of autumn in our markets appears exotic fruit with a funny name - feijoa. Many of our compatriots have not yet really figured out what kind of "fruit" it is and why it is good. But the benefits of feijoa can really be enormous. Let's get to know him better.

Feijoa is a genus of South American tropical trees that currently grow quite widely in the south of our country, in the subtropical part of the Caucasus and Crimea, as well as in Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. Basically, it is from these places that feijoa fruits come to our markets.

The taste and smell of feijoa resembles something between a strawberry and a kiwi, and some also seem to smell like a pineapple. Imagine how interesting recipes with feijoa are. But in any case, in order to properly taste the feijoa, only fully ripened fruits should be eaten. The trouble is that ripe feijoas are very soft, they are easily damaged and quickly deteriorate, so not quite ripened fruits are usually sold in stores. To maximize the beneficial properties of feijoa, having bought a hard fruit, leave it for several days until it fully ripens: the fruit should be soft, and its pulp should resemble jelly. The more ripe the feijoa, the more useful it is.

Useful properties of feijoa

What is the use of feijoa? Its main wealth is iodine, the amount of which feijoa can compete with fish and other seafood. And in this tropical plant contains just water-soluble iodine compounds, which are well accepted by the human body.

The beneficial properties of feijoa do not end there. Its fruits are rich in vitamin C, contain a large amount of sucrose, pectin, fiber. These characteristics make it possible to recommend feijoa as dietary product for atherosclerosis, housing and communal services diseases, pyelonephritis, for colds and for everyone who wants to strengthen the immune system.

The peel of these exotic fruits is rich in antioxidants, however, due to excessive astringency, the fresh peel is rarely eaten. So that this valuable product does not disappear, the feijoa peel is dried and consumed, for example, as an additive to tea.

In order for the beneficial properties of feijoa to have a beneficial effect on you, it is important to choose the right one. To do this, ask to cut the feijoa - its flesh should be transparent, if white, the fruit is unripe, if brown, it has deteriorated. You can buy unripe feijoa - at home it will reach the desired condition in a few days.

How to eat feijoa

To answer the question of how feijoa is eaten, you need to decide whether you eat feijoa separately or as part of a dish. If you have a prescription. where feijoa is present, you need to remove the peel, then grate the feijoa or cut into small cubes. How a separate feijoa fruit is eaten differently - do not remove the peel, cut the feijoa in half and eat the pulp with a teaspoon.

Feijoa Recipes

Feijoa fruits can also not only be eaten fresh, but also used to prepare various dishes. Feijoa recipes are very original, dishes are unusual and tasty. Feijoa is added to vegetable and fruit salads, cooked with it savory sauces To meat dishes, used for making desserts and as a filling in pastries. If you love prune chicken, you'll love feijoa chicken even more. Of the feijoa salad recipes, I love beetroot with feijoa and walnuts. Gourmets can make feijoa with oranges - very original. Feijoa fruits can be used to prepare a variety of preserves or cook vitamin drinks. Very delicious recipe dessert - grated feijoa mixed with sour cream.

The most elementary recipe is feijoa fruits grated with sugar. It is good because it is very easy to prepare and at the same time the beneficial properties of feijoa are fully preserved. Proportions - 1 kg of feijoa and 1 kg of sugar. Preparation - finely chopped fruits are covered with sugar and used as needed as a means of increasing the protective properties of the immune system. If the product is candied, do not worry: neither its taste nor useful qualities feijoas will not suffer from this.

How to choose feijoa?

Do not try to buy large fruits, as experience shows, they are not as fragrant as smaller ones. The main thing is that the skin of the feijoa should be evenly green, without dark spots and damage.

To get a good taste of feijoa, only fully ripened fruits should be eaten. The trouble is that ripe feijoa are very soft, they are easily damaged and quickly deteriorate, so not quite ripe fruits are usually sold on the markets. Ripe feijoa fruits are soft to the touch, with a transparent and juicy pulp. If the flesh is brown, the fruit is spoiled, and if it is white, it is not ripe. It is better to buy a slightly unripe, hard fruit - with room temperature it will mature in a couple of days. ripe fruit should be soft, and its pulp should resemble jelly. The more ripe the feijoa, the more useful it is.

You can eat feijoa cut in half, taking out the pulp with a spoon. It can be eaten whole by dipping in sugar, but the most popular way to consume this fruit is to crush and combine with sugar.

You will need:

  • feijoa fruit 1 kg
  • sugar 1 kg

Step by step photo recipe:

Be sure to wash the feijoa well cold water and drain in a colander to drain the water. Many believe that fruits should be doused with boiling water, but I think that it is better not to expose them to heat.

Cut off a dry hard inflorescence from each fruit, it will not be useful. The peel of the fruit is dense and tart, but also edible, it is in it that a large amount of pectins is concentrated, the content of which the product surpasses most fruits, so it does not need to be peeled. But if there are damage or darkening on the skin, it is better to cut them off. Cut the feijoa in half so you can easily notice the spoiled fruit and throw it away.

Grind the feijoa with a blender or meat grinder.

Combine chopped fruits with sugar and mix.

Spread the finished homogeneous green mass in clean, dry jars, close tightly and store in the refrigerator, where the “cold” jam can stand all winter. Do not be embarrassed if the top layer of jam darkens, this indicates a high content of iodine.

Favorite accompaniment to tea homemade jam, including feijoa, grated with sugar. By the way, this unusual name fruit comes from the name of the scientist Joanie de Silva Feijó (port. João da Silva Feijó), who in the old days headed the Museum of Natural Sciences in Brazil and made a significant contribution to the selection and distribution of many famous modern world plants.

For lovers of sweet feijoa, grated with sugar, this is just a godsend - the combination of tasty and healthy is not so common. Feijoa is recommended for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and its inflammatory processes. Very valuable property feijoa is that its fruits do not cause allergic reactions and it can be given to young children.

Happy tea, Friends!

Feijoa with sugar. Short recipe.

You will need:

  • feijoa fruit 1 kg
  • sugar 1 kg

Rinse the feijoa with cold water and drain in a colander to drain the water. Cut off a dry, hard inflorescence from each fruit and cut in half. Grind the feijoa with a blender or meat grinder. Combine chopped fruits with sugar and mix. Spread the finished homogeneous green mass in clean, dry jars, close tightly and store in the refrigerator.

Feijoa jam

Feijoa is a unique product of its kind. Pineapple, banana and strawberry flavors seem to come together, creating a completely unique fragrant harmony. It is not surprising that many housewives are trying to diversify the serving of desserts due to various cooking these fruits, and jams occupy an honorable first place in the list of delicacies. Our recipe is especially good because the berries become completely soft, and their usual sweet and sour taste favorably combined with tart notes of cognac.

What are the beneficial properties of feijoa, how to eat feijoa, recipes with feijoa - the topic of our today's material.

At the end of autumn, an exotic fruit with a funny name - feijoa - appears on our markets. Many of our compatriots have not yet really figured out what kind of "fruit" it is and why it is good. But the benefits of feijoa can really be huge. Let's get to know him better.

Feijoa is a genus of South American tropical trees that currently grow quite widely in the south of our country, in the subtropical part of the Caucasus and Crimea, as well as in Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan. Basically, it is from these places that feijoa fruits come to our markets.

The taste and smell of feijoa resembles something between a strawberry and a kiwi, and some also seem to smell like a pineapple. Imagine how interesting recipes with feijoa are. But in any case, in order to properly taste the feijoa, only fully ripened fruits should be eaten. The trouble is that ripe feijoas are very soft, they are easily damaged and quickly deteriorate, so not quite ripened fruits are usually sold in stores. To maximize the beneficial properties of feijoa, having bought a hard fruit, leave it for several days until it fully ripens: the fruit should be soft, and its pulp should resemble jelly. The more ripe the feijoa, the more useful it is.

Useful properties of feijoa

What is the use of feijoa? Its main wealth is iodine, the amount of which feijoa can compete with fish and other seafood. Moreover, this tropical plant contains just water-soluble iodine compounds, which are well accepted by the human body.

The beneficial properties of feijoa do not end there. Its fruits are rich in vitamin C, contain a large amount of sucrose, pectin, fiber. These characteristics make it possible to recommend feijoa as a dietary product for atherosclerosis, housing and communal diseases, pyelonephritis, for colds and for anyone who wants tostrengthen immunity .

Feijoa is rich in substances such as anthocyanins and phenols. They remove free radicals and toxins from the body, which makes the product useful for preserving youth and preventing cancer. Most of them are in the peel of feijoa, which is dried and consumed, for example, as an additive to tea or as a seasoning.

How to choose a really useful feijoa

Experts say that what benefit you get from the product depends largely on your ability to choose feijoa. Therefore, it is better to buy it in the market, because there the seller, at your request, will be able to cut the fruit and show the quality of the product. So, if the pulp of the product is transparent on the cut, then the fruit is ripe. If the flesh turned out to be white, then the fruit is not ripe, but in this case, you can still purchase it, at room temperature the feijoa will ripen in two days. But the fruit with brown, too soft is not recommended to buy, the goods are damaged. If, nevertheless, it is not possible to evaluate the pulp, but pay attention to appearance fetus. The skin should be evenly colored in a light green color, the presence of spots, inclusions and other defects is not allowed. May be natural on fruit white coating, which is erased if you rub it with your finger, this is quite normal. And one more secret, choose large feijoa fruits.

How to eat feijoa

To answer the question of how feijoa is eaten, you need to decide whether you eat feijoa separately or as part of a dish. If you have a recipe where feijoa is present, you need to remove the peel, then grate the feijoa or cut into small cubes. How a separate feijoa fruit is eaten differently - do not remove the peel, cut the feijoa in half and eat the pulp with a teaspoon.

Feijoa Recipes

The most elementary recipe is feijoa fruits grated with sugar. It is good because it is very easy to prepare and at the same time the beneficial properties of feijoa are fully preserved. Proportions - 1 kg of feijoa and 1 kg of sugar. Preparation - finely chopped fruits are covered with sugar and used as needed as a means of increasing the protective properties of the immune system. If the product is candied, do not worry: neither its taste nor the beneficial qualities of feijoa will suffer from this.

Feijoa can be excellent diet salads. Here is a recipe for one of them - five feijoa fruits, one boiled beetroot and a handful of any nuts. Peel and chop the feijoa, cut the beets into thin strips. Combine, pour olive oil, add nuts, spices and herbs. This salad perfectly cleanses the intestines of toxins and helps to lose weight.

From feijoa are obtained delicious cocktails for breakfast, snack or vitamin support of the body. Take 4 medium feijoa fruits, peel, put in a blender, add kiwi, a quarter of an apple and half a banana, a glass of milk or kefir, and a pinch of cinnamon. Grind it all up homogeneous mass, garnish with a sprig of mint when serving.

AND great dessert- Finely chop 5-6 feijoa fruits and mix with sour cream or yogurt. Real jam!

Feijoa in cosmetology

Feijoa has proven itself in cosmetology, this exotic fruit makes excellent masks that are suitable for any skin type and for any problems. For the mask, you will need feijoa pulp (2 tablespoons), egg yolk, 1 tsp honey and 1 tsp. olive oil. Mix the ingredients, heat a little in a water bath to body temperature and apply to a cleansed face. Wash off after 20-30 minutes warm water. This universal mask is suitable for any type of skin and has moisturizing, softening, nourishing, soothing and tightening properties.

Regina Raitova All rights reserved

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Hello dear readers! Our guest today is exotic and came from afar, from Latin America. It came to Europe only at the end of the 19th century, from where it was transported to the Crimea. It grows well in subtropical climates and in former USSR settled in the southern regions of Russia (Dagestan, Krasnodar Territory), Transcaucasia and Central Asia. We are talking about feijoa - a fruit with such an unusual name for our ear.


Feijoa - good source and vitamins of group B, and from minerals - potassium, iron, manganese, copper, zinc, phosphorus, and most importantly - iodine. According to its content, feijoa is the only plant that can be compared with seafood. Moreover, the element, so necessary for a person, is in a water-soluble form and is easily absorbed by the body. However, it must be admitted that the amount of iodine depends on the place where the plant has grown.

Feijoa. Benefits and contraindications

I understand that every fruit or berry is useful. It is from them that we get vitamins and essential trace elements. So what is the use of feijoa? What substances accumulate in this amazing tasting berry?

  • Due to the content of iodine, the fruits are recommended by doctors to people with a lack of this element in case of violations of the thyroid gland. Regular use feijoa for food excellent prevention thyroid diseases.
  • For the same reason, the berry is desirable for use by schoolchildren and people engaged in mental work.
  • Low calorie content allows nutritionists to recommend feijoa to people struggling with extra pounds.
  • The high content of vitamin C makes feijoas useful for colds. It is good to prepare drinks from it, which the patient especially needs on days of illness, or if there is jam, then drink tea with jam.
  • Feijoa is recommended for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and inflammatory diseases kidneys (pyelonephritis).

There are no contraindications for the fruits, except for personal intolerance. The only one who needs to be careful is diabetics, because the fruits are sweet.

How do you eat feijoa?

Perhaps for many the question “how to eat feijoa” will be superfluous, but I will not be surprised that some people are not at all familiar with this berry.

Usually the fruits are plucked and transported unripe. The fruits are green oval berries up to 7 cm long. It is impossible to distinguish a ripe fruit by the color of the peel or not. Only by cutting it across, you can determine its ripeness. If the pulp is transparent, then the fruit is ripe, if it is opaque, white color, that is its early. Let it lie down, wait until it ripens. When the fruit becomes soft and the pulp is jelly-like, it will bring you not only benefits, but also a pleasant taste sensation.

The taste of ripe feijoa is sweet and fragrant. It is best eaten with a spoon, but it is quite possible to eat it with the peel, although taste qualities peels will worsen the impression, as the skin is sour and tougher.

If you don't eat feijoa with the skin on, then don't throw it away. The peel contains antioxidants. Therefore, brew it in tea or add to compotes. To prevent the peel from spoiling, you can dry it.

Feijoa is actively used in cooking. Jam, compotes, lemonades, jams, jellies are cooked from it, fruit puree is added to sauces. Great to use them in salads. Agree that fragrant feijoa will make anyone fruit salad unforgettably delicious. It is very tasty to grind the berries and mix with sugar, as we prepare blackcurrants or cranberries. The resulting paste can be used to make delicious pastries.

How to make feijoa jam?

If you want to keep the taste and benefits of this beautiful berry for the winter, then prepare jam or compote. As I wrote above, it is best to twist a fresh berry and cover it with sugar. To do this, wash the berries, cut off the tips of the berries and twist through a meat grinder. Take granulated sugar in a ratio of 1: 1 or 1: 1.2. Keep this jam in the refrigerator for a short time.

Feijoa goes well with other fruits, so you can experiment and make a mix jam. Try adding an orange or lemon. To do this, clean the fruit from seeds and films, leave only the pulp. Wash and cut the feijoa. Mix the fruits and grind in a blender. To give additional piquant taste add crushed nuts to the jam (to your taste!) Add a kilogram of sugar per kilogram of the resulting mixture and cook the jam. There is nothing tastier and healthier! If you add lemons, then their amount should be less than oranges so that the jam is not too sour. But lemons give an unforgettable flavor!

The dark green feijoa fruit is rather plain in appearance. The more amazing it is to feel exotic fragrance, someone reminiscent of the smell of strawberries, someone - kiwi, and someone - pineapple. The taste of this juicy berry, rich in iodine, is also quite unusual. But that's how to eat feijoa to get it off her maximum benefit? (Yes, yes, do not be surprised, in Russian the word "feijoa" is feminine!)

In its purest form

Without a doubt, it is most beneficial to eat the fruit exotic plant in its raw, so to speak, unprocessed form. Although this is not so exotic: of course, feijoa grows in Brazil, and in Argentina, and in Uruguay, and in New Zealand, but it is grown in the Krasnodar Territory, and in the Crimea, and in Abkhazia, and in Georgia, and in Armenia…

The main advantage of feijoa is in iodine, which is contained in it in huge quantities. The highest content of an element valuable for health is noted in fruits growing as close as possible to the sea coast. Therefore, in diseases of the thyroid gland, feijoa should be included in the diet as often as various seafood.

So, how to eat feijoa - with or without peel? If you do not really like the tart-bitter-sour taste, you can, of course, cut off the upper dark green layer with a knife: for example, the Japanese do this, which peel even grapes. But the most useful feijoa- with peel. By eating such a fruit, you will get a lot necessary for the body substances. In addition to the already mentioned iodine, this is vitamin C, and sucrose, and malic acid, and pectin, and natural antioxidants. You just need to learn how to choose the most delicious and ripe feijoa correctly.

To do this, give preference to fruits that, when pressed with your fingers, feel like ripe banana. Pay attention that there are no dark spots on the peel: if they are, the berry is stale, and there are fewer vitamins in it. A uniformly colored green skin and a sweetish aroma are signs of a quality fruit. When buying feijoas from the market, ask them to cut one of them in half. The pulp should be light, translucent, gelatinous, similar to jelly. If it is white, the berries are not yet ripe, if brown, on the contrary, they are overripe and unsuitable for human consumption. Unripe fruits ripen well at room temperature.

Wash the berry thoroughly and enjoy it unusual taste and aroma. Feijoa pulp is tender and sweetish, and the peel, as already mentioned, is bitter-tart-spicy with a sourish tint. It is in it that contains the most iodine and powerful antioxidants that help in the fight against oncological diseases. The black "tail" is not worth eating.

If you are still not a supporter of eating the peel, then it will suit you next way: feijoa need to be washed, put the fruit on cutting board, cut it in half and scoop out the pulp from each half with a teaspoon. It is especially convenient to eat fairly large fruits. The peel, by the way, can be dried and then brewed together with any kind of tea.

You can learn about the difference between large and small feijoa fruits and which ones are more useful from a short video:

Culinary experiments

But in pure form you can't eat a lot of feijoa. Therefore, thrifty housewives prepare grated berries for future use, and also make delicious salads, compotes, preserves, jams, sauces, desserts and fillings for baking. Here are just a few options on how you can cook feijoa.

Raw feijoa "jam"

The easiest way to do vitamin preparation from feijoa - wash the fruits (peel if desired, cut off), cut off the tails, grind (or chop with a blender), mix with sugar or honey, transfer to jars and refrigerate. Chopped walnut or hazelnut kernels can be added to the mixture. For 1 kg of feijoa, 0.7-1.0 kg is taken granulated sugar. This is very healthy treat to help strengthen the immune system.

Feijoa salad with beets

An original and simple recipe.

You will need:

  • 150 g feijoa,
  • 400 g beets,
  • 20 halves walnuts,
  • 4 tbsp. tablespoons of any vegetable oil,
  • salt.


Boil the beets in their skins, peel and chop. Peeled feijoa fruits cut into slices. Chop the halves of the walnuts. Mix all the ingredients, season with oil, salt.

Feijoa salad with citrus

A dish perfect for cold, inclement weather and cold season.

You will need:

  • 200 g chopped feijoa
  • 200 g peeled and chopped tangerines or oranges,
  • 1 lemon, peeled and chopped
  • 100 g chopped walnut and hazelnut kernels,
  • 50 g raisins,
  • sour cream,
  • powdered sugar,
  • salt.


Mix all ingredients. Before serving, sprinkle the salad with finely grated orange zest.

So, the only recipe how to eat feijoa does not exist. It all depends on appetite and taste preferences. Choose any of the ways you like - and enjoy exotic taste this miracle fruit, which will replenish your body's reserves of iodine for the entire period of winter-spring beriberi.
