Egyptian helba tea, the unique properties of yellow tea. Helba yellow tea: properties and reviews. How to brew Egyptian tea

It is customary to brew Helba, because the drink is not a classic, full-fledged tea.

Before cooking special drink used tea seeds must be thoroughly washed, and then dried for two days. To do this, the seeds of the plant are carefully laid out on paper, left in a dry place.

How to brew helba correctly?

Based on seeds, it is customary to brew a healthy drink, observing the next proportion: 200 milliliters of water - 1 teaspoon of yellow Egyptian tea. If desired, the volume of water can be increased to 250 milliliters. Helba seeds are poured into water and boiled for 8 minutes. The drink can then be enjoyed.

How to brew helba: important nuances of making healthy tea

Mandatory rule: pre-soak helba seeds for three hours in cold water. The main task is to release a large number useful components. It is desirable to eat seeds, because they contain valuable alimentary fiber. Pre-brewing is the basis for preparing a delicious and healing drink.

How to brew helba: interesting ways

Most often, three methods are used, each of which deserves attention:

  1. A tablespoon of fenugreek should be filled with 250 milliliters boiled water, after which it is infused for about five minutes on low heat. Stirring is required. If desired, lemon, honey, low-fat milk can be added to the drink.
  2. The next option pleases with benefits and interesting notes of taste. Three tablespoons of fenugreek, 100 grams of grated ginger root, a teaspoon of turmeric, cumin, lemon: zest and juice are poured into 0.5 liters of boiled water, and then boiled for about five minutes. For insisting, about three hours are allotted. The prepared product contributes effective weight loss, and it is recommended to drink it 150 milliliters 30-60 minutes before the planned meal. If the prepared drink seems spicy, it is allowed to drink plain water.
  3. The third option is ideal for caffeine lovers: a teaspoon of fenugreek, a tablespoon of very finely ground coffee. Both ingredients are poured cold water and cook in Turkish traditional way. The tool has a tonic effect, but it may not like it the first time. Energy after such a drink is guaranteed.

How to brew a helba in a thermos: the easiest option

The easiest way to prepare a drink: Egyptian tea grains are placed in a thermos, filled with boiling water and tightly closed. It is recommended to insist the remedy for half an hour. For benefits add ginger, turmeric, cumin.

Egyptian Helba tea is a new and specific product in the CIS, which has a great future.

  • For people suffering from constipation, bloating, cramps, or other gastrointestinal issues, fenugreek tea can be a great help. As a natural laxative, this tea can stimulate peristaltic movement and smooth muscle function. Cleansing the body and normalizing the work of the digestive tract.

Treats arthritis

  • Powerful anti-inflammatory compounds found in this herbal tea are great for people suffering from arthritis, gout, and other inflammatory conditions. The reduction in symptoms in chronic disease is largely due to the antioxidant phytonutrients found in the seeds.

Promotes lactation

  • Mixes containing fenugreek help increase the amount of milk produced by the breast. The magnesium and vitamins in fenugreek help improve milk quality.

Protects heart health

  • Studies have shown a direct link, the use of fenugreek tea, with a decrease in blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Both of these properties have a serious effect on the cardiovascular system, which greatly reduces your chances of developing atherosclerosis, heart attack or stroke. This tea is also a natural anticoagulant, which means it reduces the risk of blood clots.

Regulates blood sugar

  • By lowering blood sugar levels and helping to regulate the production and release of insulin in the body, fenugreek tea can help diabetics live more normal lives. This tea is one of the most effective means control the symptoms of diabetes.

Fenugreek seeds - the basis of yellow tea

Reduces menstrual cramps

  • Fenugreek tea has been used for thousands of years to relieve menstrual cramps in women, as well as to soothe some others. side effects such as mood swings and hormonal fluctuations. The tea is also known to help minimize hot flashes, making it beneficial for menstruation and menopause.

Stimulates urination

  • This tea is a natural diuretic, which means it can help detoxify the body quickly by stimulating urination. It can eliminate excess toxins, fats, salts and water from the body, reducing the burden on the kidneys and other organs.

Improves blood circulation

  • The high levels of iron found in helba tea may help people avoid the symptoms of anemia, also known as iron deficiency. Iron is an important part of red blood cells.

Helba tea for weight loss

  • This tea has appetite-suppressing qualities that make it excellent choice for people who are trying to lose weight. It contains a number of important nutrients and vitamins, but does not affect calories and does not allow you to overeat.

Improves the immune system

  • Yellow tea is often prescribed for people with respiratory infections, as it can quickly stop phlegm and mucus and neutralize the underlying pathogen. Thus, the antioxidants and vitamins in this tea give immune system powerful impulse. Vitamin C content alone is enough to stimulate the production of white blood cells and act as the body's main line of defense against pathogens and bacteria.

Egypt is a beautiful country of sunny beaches, pyramids and… unusual yellow tea.

The Egyptians love and appreciate this flavored drink with an unusual taste for foreigners. And outside the country of sphinxes there are more and more lovers of yellow tea. The fact is that yellow tea is amazingly healthy.

What is "yellow tea from Egypt"?

Let's figure out what Egyptian yellow tea is. We learn its useful properties, how to brew it correctly and where to buy it.

Yellow tea is not actually tea. It has nothing to do with the leaves of tea bushes, from which a drink familiar to almost the whole world is produced.

Egyptian yellow tea is made from the seeds of the fenugreek plant. It is also called shamballa, helba, camel grass, abish, chaman, etc. Fenugreek belongs to the legume family. It is used in medicine and cooking in China, India, Ethiopia, South America and other regions.

Since ancient times, people have known and appreciated the beneficial properties of fenugreek. It was brewed, made infusions, ground and added to food and medicines. Fenugreek was considered indispensable for female diseases, colds, problems with potency, during the recovery period after a long illness, to cleanse the skin. And this is not a complete list of problems that fenugreek helps to solve.

In Egypt, tourists are often offered to taste yellow tea. It's not worth giving up. At first glance, unbrewed yellow tea seems strange: not dry leaves, but something like cereals. And they brew it completely differently than regular tea. But amazing scent. unusual taste and benefits for the whole body make this tea an indispensable drink for health.

By the way, yellow tea It is also called Chinese tea. What these drinks have in common is only the name.

The composition of yellow tea from Egypt

Why is this tea so useful? It's all about useful substances in its composition.

Fenugreek seeds, from which yellow tea is obtained, contain:

  • vitamins: PP, A, C, B1, B2, B9;
  • carotenoids;
  • phytosterols;
  • trace elements: iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, selenium;
  • amino acids;
  • flavonoids;
  • polysaccharides.

All these substances are important for the human body.

  • Vitamin PP has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, normalizes fat metabolism and protects a person from joint diseases and the development of diabetes.
  • Vitamin A improves immunity, stabilizes activity genitourinary system and gastrointestinal tract, enhances the regenerative abilities of organs, improves skin condition and is responsible for the normal distribution of body fat.
  • Vitamin C has a positive effect on the emotional state, strengthens the body's immunity and helps to maintain a slim figure.
  • Vitamin B1 neutralizes toxins, protects cells and helps maintain memory and attention.
  • Vitamin B2 is responsible for eye health, increases stress resistance and helps convert fats and carbohydrates into energy.
  • Vitamin B9 is involved in the process of hematopoiesis, normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract and improves mood.
  • Carotenoids contribute to the saturation of cells with oxygen and ensure the normalization of water balance.
  • Phytosterols improve immunity.
  • Flavonoids improve performance of cardio-vascular system and have antioxidant activity.
  • Polysaccharides cleanse the body of toxins and heavy metals, stabilize the cells.
  • Iron improves appearance and condition of skin, nails and hair.
  • Potassium reduces fatigue, promotes brain function and normalizes blood pressure.
  • Magnesium protects the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and digestive systems, prevents diabetes.
  • Sodium contributes to the saturation of cells with glucose, normalizes the water balance in the body.
  • Phosphorus is responsible for energy metabolism and brain activity.
  • Zinc has a beneficial effect on the condition of the joints and skin and strengthens the immune system.
  • Selenium is an antioxidant, it also enhances the protective functions of the body and prevents premature aging.

tea properties

Let's see what properties it has egyptian tea helba?

1. Yellow tea is recommended for chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in cases of spasms or other painful reactions to unusual food.
2. This drink is good for skin diseases.
3. Egyptian yellow tea improves mood.
4. This tea is indicated for unbalanced nutrition and heavy physical activity as well as constant stress.
5. In combination with medicines yellow tea is used to prevent and treat diabetes and joint diseases.
6. Tea is used to treat impotence and infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.
7. This drink relieves pain during the menstrual cycle (fenugreek is a strong antispasmodic).
8. Tea is useful for kidney diseases.
9. Yellow tea from Egypt is indispensable for colds as an effective antipyretic and expectorant.
10. This tea is especially useful for overweight people, as it normalizes metabolic processes.

How to Brew Egyptian Yellow Tea

Since this drink is not tea in the conventional sense of the word, then brew it as black or green tea it would be wrong.
Yellow tea is not brewed, but rather brewed.

Before preparation, yellow tea is washed and dried for 48 hours. To do this, the washed seeds can be laid out on paper and left in a dry place.

By the way, fenugreek seeds can be eaten: they improve the functioning of the stomach. And ground seeds are part of curry seasonings and suneli hops.

This drink is brewed in a saucepan. For one glass of water (200-250 ml) you need 1 teaspoon of yellow tea. Tea is poured into water and brought to a boil. The drink should boil for no more than 8 minutes. After that, yellow tea (and it is really colored in a pleasant yellow color) can be poured into mugs and enjoyed.

This tea is drunk with ginger or cinnamon, with lemon or honey, with sugar or milk.

Warm yellow tea perfectly warms, cool - quenches thirst. This drink is uplifting and invigorating.

The price of tea and where to buy it

You can buy yellow tea in Egypt. locals willingly treat tourists, so you can try this amazing drink everywhere: at a party, in a cafe or restaurant, and even in a tea shop. Guides can always help with the purchase of yellow tea.

Sometimes fenugreek seeds are also sold in spice shops (both in Egypt and in Russia).

In Russia, yellow tea from Egypt is available in some specialized online stores, but, unfortunately, it is not easy to find such stores. So if your friends and relatives are going to travel to the country of the pharaohs, be sure to ask them to bring them this wonderful tea.

The price reaches 324 rubles per 100 grams, in Egypt you can buy 1 kg. yellow tea for about $1.50.

Do you want to know, ? All about the correct preparation of Chinese pu-erh tea read this article.

Even more information about different varieties tea read in our section on the site, which is dedicated to this wonderful drink

Coming from the depths of centuries, the helba plant is still widely used today, the beneficial properties of which are very much in demand in folk medicine, and in cooking.

What is helba

Fenugreek, shambhala, fungerek are common names for this annual plant from the legume family. tall stem round shape and with a branching top reaches 70 cm in height. Inflorescences can be multiple or solitary, often yellowish in color, less common with blue or purple flowers. The leaves are small, up to 4 cm wide.

Helba fruits have cylindrical shape and resemble flat beans with a long oblong spout. It is they who have the properties for which this plant is so valued. The fruits have a very specific smell, similar to the aroma of a nut. They are used to make spices and as a medicine.

Helba is native to Tibet. Gradually, this plant spread to southern countries- Egypt, Iran, Saudi Arabia. Today, the Helba plant is grown and used almost all over the world.

Beneficial features

According to one of the ancient doctors, if you put all the diseases that mankind suffers on one side of the scales, and helba on the other, then the scales will balance. The unique composition of this plant allows it to be used in the treatment of many diseases. Helba has become especially popular due to the increased interest of people in self-medication and traditional medicine. Its stimulating, restorative, tonic, anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect helps to cure the digestive system, colds, bronchitis, etc. It also successfully copes with a number of gynecological problems. For stress relief and how depressant helba is also used.

Reviews of those to whom this plant helped to solve health problems are quite numerous. Among them, many examples are described when it was possible to reduce weight due to the powerful ability of Helba to cleanse the intestines of toxins and normalize metabolic processes.

Helba tea for weight loss

Especially popular among overweight people is tea made from helba seeds. Its action is based on the removal of toxins and toxins from the body, the diuretic effect and the ability to accelerate metabolic processes. Adding to the daily diet of tea made from helba, rich in fiber helps reduce hunger and prevent overeating. It will also help you adjust to any restrictive diet. At the same time, it is important to know and follow some rules for using a drink such as Helba tea: how to brew it, how to apply it in order to get the expected result.

The chemical composition of tea

Useful substances present in the composition of the seeds of this plant saturate and make unusually healthy drink prepared from them. These are trace elements such as selenium, magnesium, calcium, zinc, iron, sodium, etc. Almost the entire periodic table contains helba.

The use of tea from the seeds of this plant helps to restore health also due to high content flavonoids, phenolic acids, enzymes, tannins, vitamins A, C and B, amino acids and polysaccharides (hemicellulose, starch, pectins, etc.).

100 grams of fenugreek seeds contain: fiber - 10 g, carbohydrates - 58.4 g, fats - 6.4 g, proteins - 23 g.

How to brew and take helba

Before brewing Egyptian Helba tea, it is necessary to prepare the seeds. They are thoroughly washed, then laid out on paper and placed for 2 days in a dry place to dry. Dried seeds are poured into a saucepan with water (1 teaspoon per glass of water) and boiled for 8 minutes. Ready drink pour into a cup and drink.

It should be remembered that this is a rather specific product, so tea from it should not be drunk the way we usually do. It is necessary to observe moderate dosages so that there are no undesirable consequences and the helba is able to show the beneficial properties that it possesses as much as possible.

To improve the taste of the prepared drink, you can add to it additional ingredients: ginger, cumin, turmeric, zest. magnificent flavor combination obtained with honey, milk and lemon.

Helba in cosmetology

A hair mask is prepared from finely ground fenugreek with the addition of caraway and olive oil. The resulting mixture should be rubbed well into the hair roots, insulate the head and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse. warm water. Such a mask not only accelerates hair growth, but relieves dandruff and cures dermatitis present on the scalp.

Helba is also used as a means for cleaning the skin of the face, the beneficial properties of which help to cope with acne, all kinds of dermatitis and other cosmetic problems.

Very effective and face mask based on fenugreek. In addition to seeds, for its preparation you will need honey, caraway and olive oil(everything in a teaspoon) and the yolk of one egg. Everything is thoroughly mixed and applied to the skin for 15 minutes. This mask has mainly a nourishing effect. instead of moisturizing the skin vegetable oils carrot juice and aloe are added to the mixture.

Helba for infertility

Not a bioadditive, but an ordinary plant with medicinal properties is a helba, the use of which therefore does not require a doctor's consultation. Good result gives its use in the treatment of infertility, exerting an effect on the reproductive system. At the same time, many tissues and the entire body are rejuvenated. As a result of improved blood circulation in the small pelvis, the general strengthening and antiseptic effect that Helba has, the reviews of many women note the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. There are also results in the cure of tumors of the uterus and ovaries.

Helba is also recommended for men, helping to get rid of congestive inflammatory processes. Increased blood circulation in the pelvis leads to increased potency, progesterone production, increased sex drive and spermatogenesis.

For those who want to become a mother, there are recipes where helba is used. How to brew it is described above, only mint, honey, cinnamon, ginger and lemon should be added to the resulting broth. You need to take this drink for at least a month several times a day. Instead of a decoction, you can simply soak the seeds for three hours, then strain and warm a little before drinking.

Helba recipes

In order to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, 2 teaspoons of crushed helba seeds are poured into a glass of water and boiled for five minutes over very low heat. You can pour the seeds with boiling water in the evening and let it brew until the morning. Drink the drink on an empty stomach before meals. For improvement palatability honey or figs are added to it. original drink it turns out if you mix helba with ground coffee and brew in a coffee maker.

To get rid of fungal diseases, a gruel is prepared from fenugreek seeds, which is simmered over low heat for 10 minutes.

The cooled mass is tied to the affected area of ​​the skin with the help of cotton fabric.

Helba will also help to cope with the hated cellulite. The recipes for preparing the mixture are very simple, but effective and will help you easily get rid of " orange peel". To do this, helba seeds ground into powder are poured with boiling water, and after cooling, the resulting slurry is applied to problem areas of the body for one hour. The effect will be enhanced if a plastic film is wound on top. The procedure is performed 2 times a week.

Helba is widely used in cooking. It is part of many different seasonings that are found on almost every table.


When self-medicating, precautions should be taken when using products based on a plant such as helba. Beneficial features it is undoubted, but at the same time, complete medical studies have not been conducted. All reviews are based on people's experience.

A contraindication for the use of Helba is pregnancy on early dates, some diseases of the female genital organs, such as fibroids, adenomyosis, endometriosis, hyperplasia.

Helba should be carefully taken by people suffering from diabetes, gastritis, stomach ulcers.

Before you drink helba, you need to familiarize yourself with side effects that may appear. Mainly allergic reactions or indigestion. If these symptoms appear, the drug should be discontinued.

Fans of exotic drinks will certainly appreciate the incomparable, refined taste Helba tea is a yellow tea from Egypt.

The current market offers many different types tea, the most unusual of them can be called Helba tea or yellow tea from Egypt. This drink has an original incomparable aroma and taste. It simultaneously contains both vanilla and nutty, and chocolate notes. Despite such good characteristics, for those who try yellow tea for the first time, its taste may seem strange and not very pleasant, but most people soon get used to it and subsequently experience only pleasure from drinking Helba. However, the main value this drink not a taste at all - but an extraordinary benefit for the body.

What is Egyptian golden tea

In fact, Helba is called tea in literally This word is not entirely correct, since it is not made from tea leaves, but from fenugreek seeds. This is a very common plant that vivo grows not only in Egypt, but also in many other countries. Perhaps that is why it has many names: shamballa, chaman, camel ant, hilba, Greek goat trefoil, helba, cubic melilot, Greek fenugreek, cocked hat, hay fenugreek, fenugreek, etc. Fenugreek in medicinal purposes many peoples have used it since time immemorial, but the idea to make a delicious, tonic drink from it still belongs to the Egyptians, in this regard, it is considered national and is treated to all tourists and visitors.

Composition of Helba tea

The composition of fenugreek seeds includes a lot of useful and even valuable substances, which at proper cooking saturate Helba golden tea. These components include:

The energy value of a teaspoon of fenugreek seeds is 12 calories, and one hundred grams of this product contains 10 g of fiber, 58.4 g of carbohydrates, 23 g of protein, 6.4 g of fat.

Benefits of golden tea

Due to such a rich composition, Egyptian Helba tea has a versatile effect on the body and has an anti-inflammatory, tonic, immunostimulating, antispasmodic, expectorant, tonic and antipyretic effect. That is why it perfectly manifests itself in the complex treatment and prevention of many diseases.

Its regular consumption will be a good prevention of many diseases associated with the sexual system. And inclusion in complex therapy will help with polycystic and ovarian cysts, female infertility, mastopathy, endometriosis and uterine myoma.

  • Painful periods and menstrual irregularities.
  • Climax. Helba helps with early menopause and relieves most of the symptoms characteristic of the climatic period.
  • shortage breast milk . Drinking yellow tea helps improve lactation.
  • Decreased sex drive and sexual disorders. The drink increases potency and stimulates sexual activity.
  • Joint diseases. Tea is effective in the fight against arthritis, gout, polyarthritis, osteochondrosis, osteomyelitis, etc.
  • Diseases of the urinary system. The drink helps a lot in the fight against infectious diseases, has a diuretic effect, and also contributes to the destruction of stones in bladder and kidneys.
  • unsatisfactory condition nervous system - mental fatigue, memory impairment, decreased concentration and mental abilities, depression, chronic fatigue, neurasthenia.
  • In addition, yellow tea has properties that allow it to be used in the treatment of hypertension, dermatitis, anemia, diabetes, high cholesterol, tonsillitis, diseases of the spleen and many other diseases.

    Many peoples use fenugreek as a seasoning, appropriately, it is one of the essential components of curry and suneli hops. This plant is a good source of protein, and it is also one of the few spices that improves its absorption from legumes and prevents flatulence. Therefore, Helba seeds are very useful for vegetarians, especially beginners.

    How to Brew Yellow Tea for Daily Drinking

    Since golden Egyptian tea is not addictive and does not have many contraindications, it can become fine drink for daily use. However, Helba is prepared in a completely different way than ordinary tea. This is due to the fact that seeds are used for its preparation, which do not reveal their properties as easily as leaves.

    Just brewing golden tea is not worth it, it is recommended to brew it. This can be done in several ways:

    Pulling yellow tea is better not hot, but warm. The perfect addition this drink will be milk, ground ginger, lemon, honey or sugar. Choose from the proposed products the one that you like best and add it to your tea to taste. Seeds left after drinking tea should not be thrown away, they are also very useful, so they can be eaten.

    How to use golden tea from Egypt for medicinal purposes

    Contraindications to the use of Egyptian tea

    Golden tea from Egypt still has contraindications, the truth is there are not so many of them. First of all, this drink should be abandoned by pregnant women, since it can require bleeding and miscarriage, with the exception of only the final month of pregnancy, as well as women suffering from vaginal bleeding. With caution and only after consulting a doctor, yellow tea should be taken by people who have an insulin-dependent form of diabetes and who take drugs containing anticoagulants and thyroid hormones.

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