Low-calorie dishes in a slow cooker recipes. Low-calorie slow cooker recipes with calories included

Have you been wanting to start eating healthy, but think it’s expensive? Or maybe you think that cooking healthy dishes- incredibly long and difficult? Or do you think that food can be either healthy or tasty, but definitely not both of these qualities at once? We hasten to please you, all of this is nothing more than common misconceptions, and this article will show you that eating inexpensively, quickly, tasty and, most importantly, healthy is possible! We will add recipes for cooking in a slow cooker, which are not only incredibly easy to prepare, but will also improve your well-being, help you tighten your figure, and just fall in love with healthy food.

What does proper nutrition consist of?

  • Balanced diet. It is very important to maintain the ratio of fats, carbohydrates and proteins so that the body receives sufficient quantity energy and spent it optimally, and did not put it away in the form of adipose tissue “in reserve”. It is also necessary to consume microelements and vitamins, which predominate in vegetables, berries and fruits.
  • Read the labels of the products you purchase carefully. The fewer preservatives and chemical additives, so much the better, because there is absolutely no point in eating healthy if the products are unnatural or spoiled.
  • Give preference to fruits, vegetables, berries and all kinds of greens. They are low in calories, rich in vitamins, but at the same time satisfy hunger quite well. Grain bread, legumes and cereals are good suppliers of carbohydrates and proteins. You can diversify your diet lean meat, lean fish and seafood. Dairy products buy low fat ones.
  • Try to reduce your consumption, and ideally completely get rid of refined sweets, sugary sodas, fast food, yeast and puff pastry, juices from packages. All these things can easily be replaced with useful ones, but nothing less delicious berries and fruits, dried fruits, nuts, homemade compotes.
  • Benefit from healthy eating disappears if you are addicted to alcohol or smoke frequently and heavily.
  • The way you prepare foods is important. Roasting on regular frying pan, in which oil is most often used, will turn even the most healthy food into harmful product. Most of the vitamins are destroyed, and the food itself is filled with carcinogens. Best ways cook useful product without spoiling it - steam, bake, boil or stew.

Why a multicooker is an indispensable thing in the kitchen

The advantages of a multicooker are absolutely undeniable. You don’t have to worry about how to diversify your menu, how to prepare a dish that is healthy but at the same time tasty, or spend hours standing at the stove, sacrificing your rest or your favorite hobby. The multicooker will solve all these problems for you!

But in addition to the obvious advantage of saving time and effort, it has several more amazing properties, precisely thanks to which it has earned such popularity among fans of healthy and inexpensive nutrition:

  • Tightness. The lid, which tightly covers the prepared dish, does not allow steam to pass through, and with it the beneficial substances.. Plus - the dish languishes in own juice, which undoubtedly makes it much tastier and juicier.
  • Minimum oil. You don't need to grease the pot to prevent the cutlets from burning: the non-stick coating prevents the food from overcooking, which means it prevents the formation of carcinogens and difficult-to-digest substances.
  • Steaming dishes. The most dietary and useful way, in which almost all vitamins remain inside the products.
  • Taking care of your schedule. It takes from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours to prepare one dish, but your participation is not required at all. Place the recipe ingredients in the pot, select the desired program and go about your business. After some time, simply place the warm food (almost all multicookers have a built-in warming function) among the plates!
  • All dishes prepared in a slow cooker are dietary. They are easily absorbed by the body, have low calorie content and a delicate consistency.

Starting to eat healthy is absolutely an achievable goal. The vast majority of healthy meals consist of simple and easily digestible foods, which, moreover, are very inexpensive. And a multicooker will provide you with all possible assistance in preparing these dishes!

Recipes for healthy dishes in a slow cooker

There are countless recipes for cooking in a multicooker, and you yourself can experiment with creating your own, unique one. Here are two recipes for very satisfying and inexpensive dishes from which you can create full lunch and dinner.

Borscht with meat on the bone

You will need:

  • Beef on the bone - 1 kg
  • Water - 2 l
  • Garlic - 2 teeth.
  • Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Cabbage - 300 gr
  • Potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • Carrots (large) - 1 pc.
  • Beets - 1 pc.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
  • Tomato paste - 3 tbsp.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Black peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Place the meat in a pot, pour in water. Close the lid and cook for 1.5 hours on the “Stew” mode.
  • Grind the carrots and beets on a coarse grater. Pour oil into the pot and with the multicooker lid open, fry for 10 minutes on the “Fry/Bake” function.
  • Chop the cabbage, crush it with your hands (it will give juice and take up less space). Fry with carrots and beets for another 10 minutes.
  • Peel the potatoes and cut into strips. Peel the onion, but do not cut it.
  • Remove meat from bones.
  • Add a whole onion to the vegetables, Bay leaf, potatoes and peppercorns.
  • Pour broth over all products and leave with the lid closed on the “Stew” mode for 1 hour.
  • 15 minutes before the borscht is ready (according to the multicooker timer), add tomato paste and chopped garlic.
  • After an hour, add lemon juice and remove the onion.
  • Pour into plates, season with herbs and thick sour cream. Borscht is ready!

Stewed meat and potatoes

You will need:

  • Lean meat - 500 gr
  • Potatoes - 1 kg
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Garlic - 3 teeth.
  • Bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • Medium carrots - 2 pcs.
  • Salt, spices

Cooking method:

  • Rinse the meat under running water and dry. Grind it into small pieces across the grain. This will give the dish softness.
  • Peel and chop the vegetables.
  • Cut the potatoes into cubes slightly larger than the meat.
  • Place all the ingredients in the multicooker, pour water 5 cm above the food and with the lid closed on the “Stew” function, simmer for 1 hour.
  • Stir occasionally. Add spices and salt. If the water boils away, add more.
  • 10 minutes before the dish is ready, add spices, salt and chopped garlic.
  • After the end of the program, use the “Reheat” function to simmer the dish until full readiness 30 minutes.
  • Sprinkle with chopped herbs for flavor.

Dietary recipes in a slow cooker: a brief overview of why a slow cooker is good for losing weight.

Even when frying, even when boiling,

Cook everything in a slow cooker

And you, dieters, will be happy! Because any dietary dish can be cooked in this miracle pan. Don't believe me? Then we go to you. With recipes!

Useful properties of a multicooker

This device is remarkable because it is multifunctional (multi-many).

He has as many as 6 programs:

  • Buckwheat. Cooking program various cereals. No need to bother with calculating the amount of cereal and liquid, just pour in the cereal, pour in the liquid, add salt, oil, spices (optional) - the microprocessor will do the rest for you: cook crumbly porridge, will make sure that it doesn’t burn, that it doesn’t “run away,” that it doesn’t cool down. Don't be afraid - he won't eat your porridge for you.
  • Pilaf. Will cook real pilaf like in a restaurant. Or regular rice porridge with vegetables. Any whim at your request.
  • Milk porridge. Well, this is clear without words. He cooks small porridges - either for the baby or for the mother.
  • Bakery. Bakes casseroles, pies, muffins, biscuits, can bake meat, poultry, fish - either with butter or in its own juice.
  • Extinguishing. No, not a fire! As for the rest, everything is extinguished. And he even does vegetable preparations for the winter.
  • Steaming. For this function alone, the multicooker is a “must buy” for those who plan to “make friends with the diet” - the food turns out to be as healthy and harmless as possible: vitamins are not destroyed, calories are not added, and dishes do not become boring. You can also cook pasta and noodles and even boil milk without having to chase it.

Having a delay timer will allow you to get the finished dish by the appointed hour: “Oatmeal, sir!”

And now for the recipes!

Dietary recipes in a slow cooker. Cutlets in their own juice with vegetables


  • Take 800 g ground beef, add one onion, ground in a blender, to it, salt and pepper to taste, stir, form cutlets and lightly fry them on both sides in vegetable oil.
  • Place the cutlets in a slow cooker and add chopped vegetables on top ( green beans, cauliflower, broccoli), close the multicooker and set the “Stew” or “Steam” mode for 30 minutes.
  • During cooking, the vegetables will become saturated with the spirit of the cutlets, and the cutlets with the spirit of the vegetables. The dish will only benefit from this interaction. Try it!

KBJU per 100 g: proteins – 11.45; fats – 12.27; carbohydrates – 2.53; calorie content – ​​169.82.


Dietary recipes in a slow cooker. Steamed chicken cutlets


  • Prepare minced chicken breasts. Cut 900 g of breasts into pieces, also cut one large onion into pieces, soak 3 pieces white bread half a glass of milk and pass everything through a meat grinder.
  • Finely chop the greens (parsley, dill, lettuce) and add to the minced meat, break one egg there, add salt and pepper to taste and mix well. We form cutlets and place them in a mesh tray.
  • Pour into the slow cooker hot water, place the tray with cutlets and set the “Steam” mode for 25 minutes. When time passes, delicious steamed cutlets will be ready.

KBJU per 100 g: proteins – 12.3; fats – 5.75; carbohydrates – 5.29; calorie content – ​​123.26.


Steamed diet fish cutlets

For a change, we’ll have a “fish day” and cook fish cakes.

  • For this we take half a kilogram minced fish(it can be fatty - for example, from salmon, or lean - from pike or pollock, in this case add a tablespoon vegetable oil) and break one egg into it. Pour 50 g of white bread with half a glass of milk, stir until homogeneous mass and also add to the minced meat.
  • Salt and pepper to taste, add 50 g of finely chopped dill and mix everything thoroughly. We form cutlets and place them in a mesh tray. Place the tray in the multicooker and set the “Steam” function for 30 minutes. Another useful and tasty dish ready.

KBJU per 100 g: proteins – 12.16; fats – 1.81; carbohydrates – 4.52; calorie content – ​​83.7.


Dietary recipes in a slow cooker. Steamed cheesecakes

Steaming in a slow cooker is convenient for cooking not only cutlets, but also other dishes, and at least the same cheesecakes that you probably only fried before. Now try “boiled” cheesecakes - they will have noticeably fewer calories than fried ones.


  • In 400 g of cottage cheese, break one egg, pour 3 teaspoons of sugar, a third of a teaspoon of salt, three tablespoons of flour and vanilla on the tip of a knife. Grind with a fork, and then beat a little with a blender until a thick, homogeneous mass. With wet hands, form the cheesecakes and place them on a mesh tray.
  • Pour less than half of the water into the multicooker cup, place a tray with cheesecakes on the cup, and set the “Steam” mode for 20 minutes. When ready, cool the cheesecakes, transfer them to a plate, pour them with what you like - jam, honey, sour cream, yogurt, condensed milk. And you can enjoy it.

KBJU per 100 g: proteins – 14.3; fats – 7.6; carbohydrates – 16.77; calorie content – ​​195.13.


Vegetable stew in a slow cooker

Anyone who has ever cooked a dish in pots knows how the taste of the most familiar products, if you place them in such a container. Moreover, the taste changes in better side. Let's try to cook vegetable stew in a multicooker: after all, in essence, a multicooker is nothing more than a large electric pot.


  • First, prepare all the ingredients. Cut the vegetables into small cubes and place them separately: two medium tomatoes, one zucchini, one eggplant (you can peel it first so it doesn’t taste bitter), one bell pepper, one medium onion, grate one carrot on a coarse grater and chop 300 g of cabbage.
  • First put tomatoes in a multicooker cup, then onions, zucchini, carrots, eggplant, peppers, cabbage, pour three tablespoons of mayonnaise on top and sprinkle with one teaspoon of salt - mix everything lightly. We do not add any water or oil.
  • Set the “Quenching” mode for 40 minutes. When the time is up, the finished stew needs to be stirred. Divide into portions, garnish with herbs and serve.

KBJU per 100 g: proteins – 1.03; fats – 2.15; carbohydrates – 4.82; calorie content – ​​42.88.


Dietary recipes in a slow cooker. Vegetarian vegetable soup

Well, the turn has come to dietary soups prepared in a slow cooker. This will be a soup that is equally good for both adults and children.


  • Dice 1 bell pepper, 4 medium potatoes, 1 tomato and 1 onion. 1 medium carrot cut into half rings. Pour about two liters of water into the multicooker cup and add chopped vegetables there.
  • Add salt to taste, spices to taste (ground black pepper, oregano, turmeric, allspice peas) and one bay leaf. Set the “Extinguishing” mode for 35 minutes. After the specified time, simple and tasty diet soup he'll be ready.

KBJU per 100 g: proteins – 0.48; fats – 0.1; carbohydrates – 3.12; calorie content – ​​15.1.


Dietary recipes in a slow cooker. Buckwheat porridge with mushrooms

No way without porridge. Especially without it being so fragrant and tasty. Let's get ready!


  • Cut one onion into cubes, grate one carrot on a medium grater and cut the champignons (300 g) into slices. Since we will be preparing buckwheat porridge, we will turn on the “Buckwheat” mode on the multicooker - it was set specifically for inattentive cooks.
  • Our time is 25 minutes. Turned it on, waited 5 minutes for the multicooker to heat up, pour in 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil and fry the onion in it for 5 minutes with the lid open, stirring occasionally, then add the carrots and, stirring, continue frying for another 5 minutes. Finally, add the mushrooms and, stirring, fry for 5 minutes.
  • After frying, add salt and pepper to taste (1 teaspoon each), stir, close the lid and wait the remaining 5 minutes. Open the lid, pour one glass of washed buckwheat into the roast and add 550 ml of hot water. Mix again. Set the time to 30 minutes. We wait. Let's work up an appetite. And finally...!

KBJU per 100 g: proteins – 3.04; fats – 3.19; carbohydrates – 9.98; calorie content – ​​78.79.


- Pesya, did you see what kind of mug the neighbor’s cat ate for himself?

- So what?

- And yet it’s all on our mice!

Dietary dishes need to be made quickly and have them as preparations, so that if you are hungry you do not have to wait long for a meal. For hunger is the enemy of someone who is losing weight.

In my arsenal of dietary dishes, I have accumulated many proven recipes, all of them are in the “” section. In this article, I want to briefly give recipes for dietary dishes indicating their calorie content. Surely many people will find this information useful. I cook many dishes in a slow cooker, others in the oven. If you need recipe details, then click on the links in the description and you will be taken to a whole article with a recipe for preparing a dietary dish.

A few basics to help those losing weight :
1. Calorie content should not fall below 1000-1200 kcal.
2. You need to adhere to your personal intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
3. You need to eat 5-6 times a day.
4. Portions should be 200-300 grams
5. Drink throughout the day clean water
6. Eat a varied diet so as not to get bored.

Recipes for dietary dishes with calorie content

Conventionally, the dishes are divided into breakfast, lunch, dinner and desserts, but they can be changed according to meal times.

Diet breakfast recipes

Omelette in a slow cooker made from two eggs and 200 ml of milk. Beat eggs with milk, add a little salt. Cook the omelette in the “Baking” or “Frying” mode for 5-10 minutes, depending on the power of the model. The calorie content of an omelet in a slow cooker is 120 kcal.

Recipes for dietary dishes for lunch in a slow cooker

. Calorie content depends on which parts chicken meat you are using. As is known, the most low calorie content at chicken breast due to its low fat content. Such meatballs can be prepared for future use by measuring required quantity grams in each of them. All the details are in the article itself.

131 kcal per 100 g. Rice can be replaced with millet or buckwheat.

– 22 kcal per 100 g. The dish can be varied according to the combination of ingredients.

— 187 kcal per 100 g. An excellent replacement for sausage; use bread instead of bread.

Diet dessert recipes

Dietary desserts are distinguished by the absence of flour and fats. If possible, sugar too.

Curd muffins with bran - for 180 g of cottage cheese, 20 g of bran, 1 egg, 1 tablet of sakhzam (dissolve in a small amount of water). Mix everything and bake in silicone molds in the oven for 20 minutes.

per 100 g of pie 261 kcal

proteins - 10.8 g

fat - 7 g

carbohydrates - 34.7 g

Losing weight is closely related to what we eat. Organizing a proper (healthy) diet is the first and most important step on the path to a slim figure.

You can invent extreme ways to lose weight as much as you like, such as a chocolate or sweet diet, but the consequences of such executions will have the saddest impact not only on your appearance, but also on your health.

A multicooker is a modern “unit” for cooking healthy food. Its only drawback is electricity consumption. Everything else is an advantage and a very significant one.

We really cook in a slow cooker healthy breakfasts, lunches, dinners, which also help you lose weight. If your kitchen doesn't have this universal assistant- it's time to get one. And soon you will be surprised to notice how the kilograms are falling off, and the process of cooking food has begun to bring enormous pleasure.

Indeed, why spend money on a purchase when there is a stove in the kitchen and a frying pan on the stove? But cooking is not just about heat treatment options according to one recipe or another, but also a whole system for preserving the maximum amount of vitamins.

It is not always possible to achieve the optimal combination of taste and quality. Boiled vegetables are rarely pleasing rich taste, porridge often tends to be overcooked or undercooked, and the meat becomes tasty only after frying with big amount oils

To lose weight, food must be special - low-calorie, healthy and tasty. Gone are the days when the process of getting rid of obesity was accompanied by sad chewing of a soaked apple.

Today's beauties do not deprive themselves of the pleasure of eating delicious food, and a multicooker becomes an indispensable assistant for preparing such food.

  • retains the maximum amount of vitamins;
  • all dishes acquire a special rich taste;
  • no oil is required (which means the calorie content of food is reduced significantly);
  • The timer allows you to activate the cooking process for any given time;
  • The automatic temperature maintenance function eliminates repeated heating.

We cook in a slow cooker not because it is fashionable, but because it is useful and simple. Steamed meatballs With vegetable side dish, waiting for you ready and hot after work - a pleasant end to the day.

So, today we are preparing weight loss dishes in a slow cooker - the most dietary and most delicious. The whole family can join in on this meal. It won't be long before you forget the horrors of scraping pans after cooking a roast.

And you can cook dishes from any cuisine in the world - soups and cereals, meat and fish dishes, salads and drinks, desserts and treats.

We will modestly keep silent about biscuits and pilaf with lamb - not for weight loss the best option. But remember that there are no unsolvable problems for a multicooker.

When we cook in a slow cooker for weight loss, we do right choice in the field of delicious and healthy food. The benefits of such dishes are undeniable, and everyone can be convinced of their delicious taste. empirically. This will be your best gastronomic experience in your own kitchen.

Dishes prepared in a slow cooker are a good alternative for proper nutrition. The design and operation features of the multicooker prevent beneficial substances and vitamins from evaporating. For those who want to lose weight, new food recipes prepared in a slow cooker are ideal.

Features of cooking in a slow cooker for weight loss

A multicooker is a special household electrical appliance for cooking, which consists of a Teflon-coated pan. This pan is hermetically sealed and has electronic program control. Depending on the model, the multicooker has several cooking modes:

  • cooking;
  • stewing;
  • steaming;
  • bake.

Cooking is very simple. The required amount of food is placed in the multicooker container and the desired cooking program is set, adjusting both temperature and time.
Food cooked in a slow cooker is healthier than fried food because it does not contain carcinogens formed when foods are fried. This device is ideal for those people who want to eat healthy foods that help them lose weight.

Cooking weight loss products in a slow cooker

To make losing weight enjoyable and beneficial for the body, it is important to choose correct composition and diet. A multicooker will make it easier for you to prepare healthy food.

Rules for preparing healthy food in a slow cooker:

  • Cook food only in the boiling, stewing, or steaming modes.
  • Choose plain, fresh or frozen foods.
  • Minimum oil, salt and sugar.

How to cook dietary meat and poultry in a slow cooker

For proper nutrition, dishes made from rabbit, beef, turkey, and chicken breast are ideal. Cut the required amount of meat or poultry into pieces of 100 grams. Place the product in the bottom of a container or in a steaming bowl. Add spices to your taste. Pour the required amount of water as recommended in the operating instructions for the multicooker. Set the Stewing or Steaming mode for 40-60 minutes. Meat cooked in a slow cooker this way is healthier and promotes weight loss.

Cooking fish in a slow cooker

Fish is considered healthier than meat. Therefore, its use during weight loss is preferable. Cook fish in a slow cooker in the Steam mode. Pour required amount water. Depending on the breed and thickness of the pieces, set the time from 10 to 25 minutes. Salt, pepper, spices and lime to your taste. You can do it the most delicate dish from fish.

Steamed vegetables or stewing them in a slow cooker for weight loss

For a person to be healthy, he must eat a lot of vegetables. Vitamins, minerals and nutrients are contained in plant foods. Cooking vegetables in a slow cooker will take you less time than cooking on the stove. Your task is to choose which vegetables to cook. Broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, zucchini, potatoes, etc. Peel the vegetables, cut them in any way and place them in a steaming bowl or in the container itself. Pour water. Set the time from 20 to 60 minutes. Please note that for any heat treatment Most vitamins break down. The longer you cook food, the less it has useful properties. Vegetable stew and steamed - the most perfect food for weight loss. You can eat it in any quantity.

Cooking cereals in a slow cooker for weight loss

In order for the body to lose weight without causing a deficiency of vitamins and elements, you need to eat porridge. A special place in the fight against overweight buckwheat plays, oatmeal, pearl barley porridge, barley porridge. Most multicookers have a “milk porridge” cooking mode. You need to place the washed cereal in a slow cooker, fill it with water or skim milk and cook in the indicated mode. For a full breakfast - a very good option.

In conclusion, it should be noted that recipes for losing weight in a slow cooker are very diverse. With the help of this household appliance you can prepare healthy food for yourself. A nice addition is that there is no need to monitor the cooking process. This is convenient for a modern person.

The multicooker seems to be created for preparing dietary dishes, since not everyone can eat low-calorie salads! There is no doubt about the usefulness of food from a multicooker:

  • steamed or stewed food retains the entire spectrum of vitamins and microelements;
  • food can be prepared using very little fat (or no fat at all);
  • food never burns and a fried “harmful” crust does not form.

Therefore, for those who are prescribed a diet for health reasons, as well as small children, schoolchildren and people who want to normalize their weight, a multicooker is best helper in cooking. You can also create variety of dishes, bake pies and prepare natural yoghurts, which will turn any diet from a difficult ordeal into a tasty and healthy balanced diet.

Cooking time: 2 hours

Number of servings: 6 pcs.

Number of calories per 100 g of dish: 40 Kcal


  • Beef – 600 g
  • Cabbage – 350 g
  • Potatoes – 3 pcs.
  • Beetroot – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Tomatoes – 2 pcs.
  • Water – 1.5 l
  • Lemon juice – 1 tbsp.
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.
  • Bay leaf – 2-3 pcs.
  • Black peppercorns – 5-6 pcs.
  • Green onion – 50 g
  • Salt, ground black pepper - to taste


Wash the meat, trim off all the fat and cut into small pieces. Fry in a small amount of vegetable oil in a multicooker (20 minutes, “Baking” mode). Finely chop the cabbage. Grate the beets and carrots on a coarse grater. Finely chop the onion. Cut potatoes and fresh tomatoes into cubes. If not fresh tomatoes, you can use canned ones, but you cannot use tomato or ketchup - these are not dietary products at all.

Yes, borscht can also be dietary!

Place all the vegetables in a slow cooker in layers on top of the meat: onions, potatoes, beets, carrots, cabbage. Fill with water to the very top mark in the multicooker bowl. Add salt, pepper (ground and peppercorns), bay leaf and lemon juice. If there is no fresh lemon juice, you can dilute a couple of grains in water citric acid. It is unacceptable to use vinegar - it is not a dietary product.

In the “Baking” mode, bring the borscht to a boil, but do not let it boil, but immediately switch to the “Stewing” mode and leave it for 1.5 hours. After the readiness signal, the borscht should steep (25-30 minutes), and then it can be poured into plates. It is recommended to sprinkle finely chopped borscht on the plate green onions. For those who are not on a strict diet, you can add a spoonful of sour cream, but this will increase the calorie content of the portions.

Cooking time: 60 minutes

Number of servings: 4 pcs.

Number of calories per 100 g of dish: 154 Kcal


  • Turkey fillet – 500 g
  • Basmati rice – 450 g
  • Carrots – 200 g
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Water – 580 ml
  • Vegetable oil – 60 ml
  • Garlic – 10 cloves
  • Salt, pepper, turmeric, cumin - to taste


Cut the turkey fillet into small pieces, carrots into strips, and onions into cubes. Finely chop six cloves of garlic. Place everything together in a saucepan and mix well. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, turmeric and cumin. Rice rinse cold water until the water is clear.

Diet pilaf with turkey

Cooking time: 45 minutes

Number of servings: 4 pcs.

Number of calories per 100 g of dish: 88 Kcal


  • Cauliflower – 400 g
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Hard cheese – 100 g
  • Milk – 250 ml
  • Sour cream 15% – 60 g
  • Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


Grease the bottom of the pan with oil. Top with cauliflower (you can use broccoli, fresh or frozen, instead). Cut the onion into half rings and place on the cabbage. Grate the carrots and cheese on a coarse grater and place on top of the onion. In a separate bowl, mix milk, sour cream and egg. Beat. Season with salt and pepper to taste, pour into a saucepan with vegetables.

Even children eat cauliflower cooked in a slow cooker!

Place the pan in the multicooker. Turn on the “Baking” mode, cooking time – 35 minutes. Ready casserole it will very easily “come out” of the pan - all you have to do is cut it into portioned pieces and start eating. This low-calorie and very tasty dish is suitable not only for those who are on a diet, but also for children who do not want to eat cauliflower.

Cooking time: 90 minutes

Number of servings: 6 pcs.

Number of calories per 100 g of dish: 105 Kcal


  • Beef liver – 800 g
  • Eggs – 3 pcs.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Semolina – 3 tbsp.
  • Milk – 60 ml
  • Salt – 1 tsp.


Pour 60 ml of milk over semolina and leave to swell. Wash the liver, remove the films. To make the liver especially tender, you can pre-soak it in milk for 30 minutes. Finely chop the onion, grate the carrots on a coarse grater. In the microwave, turn on the “Baking” mode and fry the carrots and onions for 10 minutes, and then cool until room temperature. Remove the liver from the milk, grind in a meat grinder or grind in a blender.

Liver pie

Cooking time: 40 minutes

Number of servings: 2 pcs.

Number of calories per 100 g of dish: 142 Kcal


  • Mackerel fillet – 500 g
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 2 pcs.
  • Hard cheese – 200 g
  • Fresh herbs (parsley, dill) – 100 g
  • Salt, pepper - to taste


Flounder (less calories) or trout (more calories) also work well for this recipe. Be sure to use fresh herbs - they neutralize the strong smell of fish. Fish fillet need to be washed and dried. Cut the onion into rings, grate the carrots and cheese on a coarse grater, finely chop the greens.

Steamed fish is an integral part of many diets

Place a piece of food foil in the steaming basket. Place fish fillet salted and peppered on both sides on it. Place onion rings on the fillet, sprinkle with grated carrots and cheese, and herbs on top. Pour some water into the multicooker pan, insert the steamer basket with the fish and turn on the “Steamer” mode for 30 minutes.

Cooking time: 60 minutes

Number of servings: 4 pcs.

Number of calories per 100 g of dish: 84 Kcal


  • Hercules cereal – 1 tbsp.
  • Berries (any) – 30 g
  • Dried apricots – 30 g
  • Raisins – 30 g
  • Honey – 1 tsp.
  • Milk – 4 glasses


The recipe requires Hercules, not cereals instant cooking. Milk should be skimmed or low fat. You can use any berries - fresh, frozen or dried. If dried apricots and raisins are too dry, then before cooking they should be poured with boiling water for 10 minutes.

Oatmeal with berries is the best dietary start to the day

Pour Hercules cereal into the multicooker pan. Cut the dried apricots into thin strips and add to the cereal. Also add berries and raisins. Pour in milk and add honey. Set the “Milk porridge” mode; Do not open the lid until the dish is ready. Before serving, each serving can be decorated fresh berries or dried fruits.

Many women on a diet often fail because they are forced to spend 2 times more time preparing two different diets food: dietary for myself and temptingly high in calories for my husband. A multicooker solves such difficulties - you just need to throw in a set of products and turn on correct mode to end up with a nutritious dietary dish.

These are the dietary dishes in a slow cooker that we have prepared below for you. Hurry up, grab your pens and write down our recipes for weight loss.

The popular Israeli food is easy to prepare at home using a slow cooker. Ready dish can be eaten with sauce as a snack or added to other dishes. Suluguni in this recipe a component of falafel, but it is also placed in small pieces as a filling.

  • dry chickpeas – 250 g;
  • liter of water;
  • garlic – 5 teeth;
  • large onion;
  • sesame seeds – 75 g;
  • egg;
  • cumin - to taste;
  • suluguni – 150 gr;
  • ground coriander seeds – ½ tsp;
  • cayenne pepper – ½ tsp;
  • nutmeg – 5 g;
  • parsley and cilantro - 150 gr.

Cooking time: 2.5 hours.

Calories: 149 kcal.

  1. Rinse the chickpeas and soak in water for at least 4 hours, preferably overnight;
  2. At the beginning of cooking, rinse the chickpeas, place them in a slow cooker and add water;
  3. Cook for 60 minutes;
  4. Drain the remaining water, and if the peas are not completely boiled, grind them with a blender;
  5. Peel the onion and garlic, and blend together with herbs, suluguni, egg and caraway seeds;
  6. Mix both masses;
  7. Add all the spices to the resulting minced meat. If it turns out very cool, add a little of the remaining chickpea broth or just boiled water to it;
  8. Form small balls from the minced meat and roll each of them in sesame seeds;
  9. Leave the falafel for an hour;
  10. Place the balls into the multicooker bowl;
  11. Cook them in the “Baking” mode for another 40 minutes;
  12. Serve with any sauce.

If you are tired of eating dry fish and vegetables, but still want to lose weight, you can combine all the ingredients together and get a delicious dietary casserole with a minimum of calories!


  • fish fillet (pangasius, pollock) – 500 g;
  • milk – 250 ml;
  • potato tubers – 3 pcs.;
  • egg;
  • carrots – 3 pcs.;
  • olive oil – 25 ml;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Time spent: 1 hour.

Calories: 95 kcal.

  1. Place vegetables in the multicooker bowl (wash, but do not peel), fill them with water so that it barely covers them and cook for 20 minutes on the “Cooking” mode;
  2. Grind the fish fillet (finely chop or grind in a blender);
  3. Grate the cooked and peeled vegetables on a fine grater;
  4. Pour a spoonful of oil into the bowl, add a layer of vegetables on top, then a layer of fish and again vegetables. Add spices;
  5. Pour in a glass of milk, beat the egg and pour over the casserole;
  6. Bake on the “Baking” mode for 30 minutes. If you can set the temperature on the multicooker, then set the temperature to 110 degrees;
  7. After the signal, take out the casserole, cut and serve.

A quick weight loss dish that doesn't require much time. The result is delicious and healthy summer food. The range of products is such that it is perfect for a vegetarian menu.

  • blue ones - 2 pcs.;
  • medium zucchini;
  • bell pepper – 3 pcs.;
  • bulb;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • ripe meaty tomatoes- 3 pcs.;
  • garlic – 4 teeth;
  • spices and herbs - to taste.

Time required: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Calorie content: 80 calories.

  1. Peel the zucchini and cut into cubes. If it is old, then remove all the seeds, and for a young one you can even leave the skin if it is thin;
  2. Chop the peeled onion and carrot;
  3. Cut the peeled eggplant into cubes and cover with salt for a few minutes, and then rinse it well. This will remove all the bitterness from the vegetable;
  4. Cut the seeds from the pepper, wash it well, cut into strips;
  5. Make cuts on the tomatoes and keep them in boiling water for a couple of minutes so that the skin can be easily removed. Cut into cubes or slices, at your discretion;
  6. Grind the garlic using a press or fine grater;
  7. You can take fresh greens (parsley, dill) and finely chop them or use already chopped dry ones;
  8. Throw all ingredients into a slow cooker, sprinkle with spices and herbs;
  9. Turn on the “Pilaf” or “Stew” mode, depending on the multicooker model, and leave the vegetables to stew for 1 hour 20 minutes.

Turkey meat itself is dietary, but not as dry as chicken. However, if you wish, you can add a lot of onions and tomato sauce so that they are softer and richer.


  • turkey (minced meat or fillet) – 0.3 kg;
  • carrot;
  • granulated sugar – ½ tsp;
  • rice – 60 g;
  • garlic to taste;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • egg;
  • tomato juice– 1 glass;
  • spices - to taste;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. l.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Calories: 85 calories.

  1. The rice must be washed several times. You can simply keep it in a sieve under tap water;
  2. Boil for 10 minutes (water in a ratio of 1:1). You can do this in a saucepan, or you can do it in a slow cooker on the “Cooking” mode for 10 minutes;
  3. Leave the rice to cool and prepare the vegetables: peel them and chop them on a grater (blender);
  4. If fillet was initially taken, then it must be turned into minced meat along with onions and garlic using a meat grinder;
  5. Beat the egg into the minced meat and add the vegetables, then the rice and vegetables;
  6. Pour tomato juice or paste, diluted with water until liquid, into the multicooker bowl;
  7. Add a pinch of sugar and salt to the juice. Turn on the “Baking” mode and wait until the dressing boils;
  8. Form meatballs from the minced meat, roll them in flour and place in tomato dressing;
  9. If the multicooker bowl is small, you can cook part of the meatballs in it, and put the rest on the steamer bowl and steam;
  10. Cook for 40 minutes, setting the “Bake” mode.

How to cook rice noodles and what dishes you can prepare from it, read our article.

How to stuff fish the old-fashioned way Jewish recipe read our article.

Find out how to choose the right snack to go with whiskey in our article.

Steamed dietary dishes in a slow cooker

A double boiler is completely useless in a house where there is a multicooker, since this device already has the appropriate modes! Let's consider suitable recipes tasty and healthy dishes.

You can prepare this dish the night before and not waste time preparing breakfast in the morning. But in any case, it is prepared quickly and does not require special effort, but incredibly nutritious and great for a hearty breakfast.


  • eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • champignons – 4 pcs. (large);
  • soy sauce – 25 ml;
  • carrot – 1 pc.;
  • green or boiled peas– 50 g;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • a pinch of salt.

Cooking time: ½ hour.

Calories: 45 calories.

  1. Prepare vegetables: peel and cut into convenient pieces;
  2. Pour 1/3 of the water into the bowl and steam the vegetables for 5 minutes on the appropriate setting;
  3. Break the eggs into a bowl and add sauce and spices to them. Mix them until smooth using a whisk. Then pour in the rest of the water and mix well again;
  4. Set the “Multi-cook” mode, if available, or “Baking” if not, for 20 minutes. You can also set the temperature to 110 degrees;
  5. Pour the eggs into the bowl, throw in the peas and close the lid;
  6. Cook for 20 minutes.

Rabbit meat has always been valued as dietary and nutritious. But its liver is strongly recommended to be included in the diets of pregnant women, children and those who want to lose weight, but receive all the necessary vitamins during the diet.


  • rabbit liver – 0.5 kg;
  • 2 eggs;
  • sour cream – 1 tbsp. l;
  • one carrot;
  • one onion;
  • semolina – 50 g;
  • spices to taste;
  • oil for lubricating molds;
  • ground pepper – ½ tsp.

Time required: 1 hour.

Calories: 75 calories.

  1. Thaw the rabbit liver in advance, wash it, remove all films and soak in water or milk;
  2. Peel and wash vegetables;
  3. In a meat grinder, turn the liver into minced meat along with vegetables. You can use a blender, but the minced meat will then turn out runny and you will have to increase the amount of semolina;
  4. Add spices to the minced meat, beat in eggs and pour in sour cream;
  5. Mix everything together until the mixture becomes homogeneous and leave for 20 minutes. This is necessary for the semolina to swell;
  6. Grease silicone muffin tins;
  7. Divide the mixture into molds;
  8. Pour a couple of multicooker glasses into the multicooker bowl;
  9. Place a special plate for steaming and place muffin tins on it;
  10. Set the “Steam” mode or just “Cooking” if there is no steamer mode and leave the muffins to cook for 20 minutes;
  11. After the signal, take out the molds and leave the diet liver muffins to cool. Remove from pans and serve.

It’s easy to prepare delicious, low-calorie meals for weight loss in a slow cooker, and if you know some tricks, you can improve the taste of the prepared dishes:

  1. For any meatballs, the rice should not be completely cooked; it will cook during the stewing process and then will not fall apart;
  2. If desired, you can add boiled bulgur or bread soaked in milk to the falafel;
  3. Replace semolina in muffins wheat cereal, and sour cream - natural yoghurt in the same quantity;
  4. Any recipe will become less calorie if sunflower oil replace it with olive oil or use it altogether a small amount of water;
  5. Not only any vegetables are added to the omelet, but also chicken or turkey meat;
  6. You should add other spices to any dietary dish. Cayenne pepper– it helps speed up metabolism.

Losing weight does not at all mean sitting on dry chicken and boiled vegetables. Showing your imagination and eating right is easy, especially if you use a multicooker as an assistant!

After a person buys a multicooker, he is naturally interested in what to cook in the multicooker. If you are wondering what can be cooked in a slow cooker, the answer is: almost everything! Multicooker Recipes very diverse. Someone is looking for how to cook pilaf in a slow cooker, someone is looking for yogurt in a slow cooker or cottage cheese in a slow cooker. There are many cooking modes in a multicooker, so you can prepare soup in a multicooker, mushrooms in a multicooker, fish in a multicooker (recipes, for example, salmon in a multicooker, pink salmon in a multicooker), bread in a multicooker, baking in a multicooker (charlotte recipes in a multicooker , casserole in a slow cooker, pie recipes in a slow cooker, cupcake recipe in a slow cooker, sponge cake in a slow cooker, cake in a slow cooker, cheesecake in a slow cooker, manna in a slow cooker, cottage cheese casserole in a slow cooker, pizza in a slow cooker, omelet in a slow cooker). It is very convenient to cook vegetables in a slow cooker; thanks to intensive cooking, they cook very quickly, retaining maximum of their useful substances. Potatoes in a slow cooker turn out very tasty; recipes for pumpkin in a slow cooker, cauliflower in a slow cooker, zucchini in a slow cooker, cabbage in a slow cooker, beans in a slow cooker, potatoes in a slow cooker will also perfectly demonstrate to you how to cook vegetables in a slow cooker. Unconditional hits - stewed potatoes in a slow cooker, recipes for chicken with potatoes in a slow cooker, braised cabbage in a slow cooker.

Finally, the meat in the slow cooker. Multicooker recipes allow you to bake or boil meat. Thanks to high temperature chicken in a slow cooker is prepared quickly and tasty, turkey recipe in a slow cooker, rabbit in a slow cooker, beef in a slow cooker, pork in a slow cooker. You can cook whole meat (baked pork in a slow cooker, chicken legs in a slow cooker, liver in a slow cooker), or some more complex meat dish: stew in a slow cooker, pilaf in a slow cooker, recipe for potatoes with meat in a slow cooker, roast in a slow cooker, stewed meat in a slow cooker, ribs in a slow cooker, stew in a slow cooker, dumplings in a slow cooker, manti in a slow cooker, meatballs in a slow cooker, cutlets in a slow cooker, cabbage rolls in a slow cooker.

But first of all, a multicooker is created to cook. For example, soups. The main advantage here is the speed of preparation. Try making soups in a slow cooker, the recipes are ordinary, the results are extraordinary. In soup mode it turns out delicious borscht in a slow cooker, pea soup in a slow cooker, solyanka in a slow cooker, rassolnik in a slow cooker, goulash in a slow cooker, cabbage soup in a slow cooker, jellied meat in a slow cooker. Don’t forget about dough products, this lazy cabbage rolls in a slow cooker, pasta in a slow cooker. Porridge in a slow cooker is no less tasty. Exact proportions and a timer will help you make tasty and healthy porridges from various cereals in a slow cooker. Porridge recipes are useful for preparing breakfast and as a side dish for lunch. Depending on your preferences, you can choose the recipe: millet porridge in a slow cooker, buckwheat in a slow cooker, rice porrige in a slow cooker or just rice in a slow cooker, semolina in a slow cooker, pea porridge in a slow cooker, buckwheat in a slow cooker, oatmeal in a slow cooker, corn porridge in a slow cooker, barley in a slow cooker, milk porridge in a slow cooker. If you have pumpkin, this is a good reason to have pumpkin porridge on your table; it’s very easy to prepare in a slow cooker. All this and much more will help you prepare multicooker. Multicooker recipes can mainly be attributed to healthy food, since they only use boiling and stewing foods.

Despite the fact that, complete with instructions for a multicooker, the manufacturer usually includes a few recipes for a multicooker a la Cooking in a multicooker, to be sure, you can watch video recipes for a multicooker and recipes for a multicooker with photos. You can also download recipes for the slow cooker.
