Homemade mayonnaise. Better video recipes for homemade mayonnaise. Diet mayonnaise at home

A universally revered sauce that has a place in any refrigerator, mayonnaise prepared at home in a blender or mixer will not only be an excellent addition to dishes. But it will also give an opportunity to culinary creativity. Judge for yourself, in addition to its classic recipe called “Provencal”, you can make many options from a few ingredients: with and without eggs, with mustard, lean, and other interesting additives. And about each one we can say with confidence that it is the most delicious.

I don’t even want to talk about store-bought mayonnaise, especially when you read its ingredients. Anyone who has mastered the science of making homemade sauce will proudly walk past the shelves in the store with the assortment of sauces displayed there. And there are several significant explanations for this.

How to make the most delicious mayonnaiseat home

Mayonnaise made at home using a simple device in the form of a blender or mixer has many advantages:

  • Mayonnaise products are available and included in the list of everyday products.
  • You can control the quality and freshness of the products yourself.
  • Preparation homemade mayonnaise takes just minutes.
  • And, finally, it’s delicious, and in addition, it’s also healthy.

Before introducing you to step-by-step recipes for homemade mayonnaise, I’ll tell you about some nuances so that when you cook for the first time and encounter some difficulties, you won’t be disappointed or upset.

  1. For whipping, use a blender or mixer - this, firstly, will make the process quick and easy, and secondly, with manual preparation it is difficult to achieve homogeneity of the mass.
  2. You need to start whipping the mayonnaise at low speeds, and only when the mass begins to thicken should the speed be increased.
  3. The ingredients should be at the same temperature to easily mix into a homogeneous and thick mass, even if you use a whisk.
  4. To prevent food from oxidizing, use a blender bowl, or choose earthenware.
  5. An important point: do not beat all the products at once, work step by step.
  6. Pour in the vegetable oil in portions and in a thin stream, without stopping the whisking. If you break the rule, the mayonnaise will curdle.
  7. Are you losing weight and want to do it? low calorie sauce? Pour a little warm water into the ready-made mayonnaise and beat thoroughly again.
  8. From store-bought eggs, the sauce sometimes turns out too pale and not beautiful. To correct the situation, add a pinch of turmeric, just don’t overdo it. The color will be amazing - golden.

If the mass has curled up

You can correct the situation by adding a few drops of warm water and whisking the sauce thoroughly again.

If your number doesn’t work, then you need to break an egg into a separate bowl and slowly add curdled mayonnaise to it. Whisk and continue whisking, literally pour in the vegetable oil drop by drop. Then add the acidifier - lemon juice. The mixture will immediately become liquid, don’t be alarmed.

Continue adding butter and whisking at the same time. That is, you will make mayonnaise again from a new portion of products, but you will introduce spoiled mayonnaise into it, and the products will not be wasted.

Choosing oil

The most delicious is olive mayonnaise, made from unrefined, cold-pressed oil. Great option– vegetable, but refined so that its characteristic aftertaste is not present.

A few words about the products:

  • Add salt at the end of whipping, to taste.
  • Same thing with sugar, but it's better to take powdered sugar.
  • Lemon juice and table vinegar will add acidity.
  • The sauce loves eggs; with them it turns out richer and thicker.

Recipe for the best classic mayonnaise “Provencal”

A simple recipe for mayonnaise, made with a blender, familiar to everyone, spicier than classic version. The best thing for meat dishes, the favorite salad “Olivier” is also unthinkable without it.

You will need:

  • Vegetable oil - a glass.
  • Eggs – 1 pc.
  • Salt – 1/4 teaspoon.
  • Sugar or powder - half a teaspoon.
  • Mustard powder - teaspoon.
  • Vinegar - a teaspoon.


IN this recipe Mustard is a good emulsifier, and there is no need to add oil drop by drop, otherwise everything will come together instantly. Therefore, you can immediately add oil to the yolks, a teaspoon at a time, and use a blender.

Towards the end, pour in a tablespoon at a time and continue whisking without stopping. But be careful, if you overfill the oil, the mayonnaise will disintegrate, or as the chefs say, “it will become oily.”

  1. So: put the egg, salt, mustard and sugar into a glass of blender, stir and start pouring in the oil, whisking at the same time. You can take it already, I also always make it myself, I shared recipes, as usual, and you can get acquainted with them.
  2. After receiving thick mass, pour in lemon juice. The mayonnaise will immediately become lighter and its consistency will be more liquid.

Mayonnaise at home using a blender, step-by-step recipe from a professional

All homemade mayonnaise options presented here have been tested more than once. Your task is to choose and apply. And to make it easier for you to understand, I found a video that expertly talks about all the principles of preparing the sauce.

Homemade mayonnaise - without mustard, with yolks

Cooking a classic is considered aerobatics among culinary specialists, since they make it without mustard, which is a good emulsifier. This is what professionals do. Therefore, I advise you to use refined olive oil, it whips up easier, and the taste is the same, classic, it is not as sharp as Provencal. The taste is more delicate, but it is this that made mayonnaise famous in world cooking.


  • Olive oil – 150 – 200 ml.
  • Yolks – 2 pcs.
  • Table salt - a little less than a quarter of a teaspoon.
  • Lemon juice - half a tablespoon.
  • Red pepper – 1/4 teaspoon.
  • Lemon zest, grated – a teaspoon (preferably, but not required).
  • Dry tarragon, ground in a coffee grinder - a quarter of a teaspoon.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Beat the yolks and start adding the oil drop by drop. At first, indeed, a few drops, but towards the end - a teaspoon, no more.
  2. When the mass becomes thick, add lemon juice, then, without interrupting the whisking process, lemon zest, tarragon, pepper and add salt if necessary.

How to make lean mayonnaise without eggs - you can’t tell it from the real thing

I offer you two lean recipes, a couple more await you in my other article, follow the link. The recipes are excellent, suitable for vegan and dietary diets.

Recipe No. 1. Very gentle mayonnaise, children like it, it will help you out if the kids are allergic to eggs and want to feed it deliciously. In addition, the sauce is made only from natural products.


  • Milk – 200 ml.
  • Lemon juice – 2 large spoons (optional).
  • Vegetable oil – 400 ml.
  • Mustard, salt, pepper as desired. To achieve unique taste, you can add other seasonings - herbs.


  • Heat the milk a little, add butter (continuously whisking) and achieve a thick mass.
  • Then add all the spices, add lemon juice and run the blender for another three minutes. To make the sauce harden faster, you can place it in the cold.

Recipe No. 2. From beans. Mayonnaise unusual taste, is even suitable for using it as a paste, spread on bread. In this case, it would be appropriate to add it at the end of cooking. fried onion, mushrooms, sesame seeds, garlic and fresh herbs. Grinded with a blender, the products will add piquancy and aroma.

What do you need:

  • Boiled or canned beans – 400 gr.
  • Vegetable oil – 300 ml. (a little more than a glass)
  • Powdered sugar and salt - half a teaspoon each.
  • Mustard powder - teaspoon.
  • Liquid from a can of beans – 50 ml.
  • Lemon juice – 2 large spoons (or substitute big spoon vinegar).


  1. Place the beans in a blender bowl, draining the jar of liquid, mustard, salt and powdered sugar (sugar crystals take longer to dissolve). Grind.
  2. Without stopping whisking, start pouring in the oil in small portions. The next step is to add lemon juice or vinegar.
  3. Now look, if the mayonnaise comes out a bit thick, then dilute it with liquid from a can of beans.

Recipe for simple mayonnaise without vinegar at home

  • Vegetable oil - a quarter cup.
  • Yolk – 1 pc.
  • Citric acid or juice - a third of a tablespoon.
  • Mustard - a quarter of a teaspoon.
  • Salt.

Beat mayonnaise without vinegar:

  1. Separate the yolk and salt it, stir and start adding butter. Add a teaspoon at a time, each time using the blender more. It is not necessary to add mustard, but if you want more spicy sauce, then put the finished one in before you start adding the oil.
  2. When you get a thick and homogeneous mass, pour in citric acid and see if the sauce is too thick. Decide to make it less thick - add a small spoon warm water.

Mayonnaise - dietary home recipe

When they say that mayonnaise is low-calorie, it is most likely marketing ploy for the concerned overweight buyers. Any made by classic recipe on vegetable oil, has a high energy value. To make the sauce less calorie, you can replace vegetable oil with macadamia or avocado oil. But it is a little expensive, and therefore I suggest you diet sauce take low-fat yogurt.


  • Natural yogurt – 100 gr.
  • Yolk – 2 pcs.
  • Ready mustard or powder – 2 tablespoons.
  • Lemon juice, salt and any seasonings. To make the taste brighter, you can add fresh herbs or olives, finely chopping them.

Preparation of mayonnaise:

  1. Boil the eggs and grind the yolks as finely as possible. Mix the yolks with yogurt in a glass of blender and beat.
  2. Add mustard, seasonings and lemon juice to the mixture.

Original recipes for homemade mayonnaise sauce - 10 ideas

If you follow the classic recipe, you will prepare real mayonnaise sauce, the same as the French ate it back in the 18th century. But you can compose it yourself, at home. new recipe, and get mayonnaise that will blow your mind. You can vary the original flavoring additives indefinitely, adapting the recipes to different dishes and your individual taste. I will list only the most common ones.

To the cold fried meat, boiled pork:

  • With horseradish. At the end of cooking, add grated horseradish to taste.
  • With gherkins and capers. Chop the cucumbers very finely and capers and add mayonnaise at the end of whipping.
  • Orange. Add equal amounts of grated horseradish and orange juice.

To the cold fried fish, salad dressings with fish:

  • With tomato. Add tomato paste, a little red pepper and add more sugar and salt. Add fried onions if desired.

For vegetable salads:

  • Spiced and soy sauce. Add at the end of beating.
  • With dill. You can also use parsley, sometimes add dill oil instead of fresh herbs.
  • Onion. Finely chop green onions or chop (grate) onions.
  • Garlic. Make a paste out of the cloves and add more black pepper.
  • Apple or Swiss. Put some in the sauce applesauce and pour in dry wine with lemon juice.
  • Spinach. Grated horseradish + finely chopped spinach or spinach paste. With tarragon. Fresh or dried will do.

In addition to dressing sauces under the general name “mayonnaise”, there is a group of snack bars. They perfectly complement fish and egg dishes, decorate the sandwich.

You can add red or black caviar, finely chop the herring and also add to the sauce. Sometimes herring is replaced with red fish - salmon, chum salmon, sockeye salmon, coho salmon. There is a budget one, but no less interesting option- with sprat. In a blender, all the ingredients will be crushed and you will get a completely original and unusual homemade sauce.

Attention! It is advisable to add all additions to mayonnaise no more than an hour before serving, and such a sauce cannot be stored.

The number of times I bought sauce can be counted on one hand. It seems strange to me to pay for some substance stuffed with chemicals when you can prepare your own excellent mayonnaise at home. I used to make it in a mixer, but now I’ve used a blender and am happy.

As always, I have a request: suggest yours in the comments original options delicious sauce, share - don't be greedy. With love... Galina Nekrasova.


Diets and healthy eating 02.08.2017

Dear readers, it’s rare that any of us doesn’t use mayonnaise for dressing salads, appetizers and other dishes. And I'm no exception. I won’t say that mayonnaise is a frequent guest on our table, but nevertheless, we often use it on holidays.

The easiest way is to buy mayonnaise in the store. But let’s think about how much chemicals, preservatives there are in it, what products are used for its production? And why don't we make our own mayonnaise? Such mayonnaise will definitely be healthier, besides, we can choose the products for its preparation ourselves and vary the composition of the recipe, add something to our taste. Everything is simple, accessible and cheaper than in the store.

Today we will talk about how to make mayonnaise at home. Natalya Groznova will share her recipes on the pages of my blog. I give her the floor.

History of the recipe

Good afternoon to all readers of Irina’s blog. Let's first look at history. Indispensable white sauce, mayonnaise, got its name from the capital of the Spanish island of Menorca - Mahon. The French Encyclopedia describes this historical event as follows. The French Duke Richelieu conquered Mahon in 1758. At that time, the team ran out of food supplies. The exceptions were olive oil and chicken eggs. Usually these ingredients were used to make omelettes, which the French officers were pretty tired of. Then Richelieu ordered the chef to diversify the menu and prepare something new. The resourceful cook beat eggs with butter and seasoned the resulting mixture with salt and spices. Thus, the world-famous white sauce was born.

IN these days mayonnaise is the best famous sauce worldwide. It is widespread in modern kitchen. Skillful housewives We learned how to prepare it ourselves at home using a mixer or blender. The whipping process can be done with a regular hand whisk, it will just take more time.

And they cook french sauce very differently. They make it with yolks, with whole eggs, vegan without eggs, with olive or vegetable oil, with spices and additives... In short, there are many variations, and we will look at some of them today.

The benefits and harms of homemade mayonnaise

It should be noted that homemade mayonnaise consists exclusively of natural products: oil, mustard, eggs, salt, vinegar. Obviously, there is nothing harmful in these products. Only mustard may raise doubts, but in small doses it improves digestion. Also, constant controversy arises due to vinegar, but to minimize its impact, you can use apple or balsamic vinegar.

Homemade mayonnaise made from fresh, good quality and quality products It is easily digestible and useful for absolutely everyone, including children. The only indisputable drawback of the product is high calorie content and fat content, therefore in large quantities It is not recommended to use it. A harmless everyday serving is 1 tbsp. l. in a day.

Homemade mayonnaise recipes

Classic recipe


  • olive oil – 160 ml;
  • eggs – 1 pc.;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • sugar and salt - 0.5 tsp;
  • mustard – 1/4 tsp.


To make mayonnaise at home, you will need a deep bowl, mixer, blender or hand whisk.

Break the egg into a bowl. Add mustard, salt, sugar. Take a mixer with cream whisks or a hand blender.

Beat the eggs until fluffy. Continuing to whisk, gradually pour in the olive oil in a thin stream. The mass should thicken and acquire the consistency of mayonnaise.

Classic homemade mayonnaise will never be snow-white like store-bought mayonnaise. Therefore, add lemon juice to the mixture. It will also add a slight piquant sourness.

Beat for another 15 seconds. Homemade mayonnaise is ready.

Store mayonnaise in a cool place in a closed container for no more than a week. If it contains additives, the shelf life is halved.

Yolk mayonnaise


  • egg yolk- 1 PC.;
  • mustard and apple cider vinegar - 0.5 tsp;
  • a pinch of sugar and salt;
  • olive oil – 100 ml.


Break the eggs. Separate the yolks, add mustard, salt and sugar to them. Beat the products with a mixer/blender until smooth. Gradually add olive oil.

As soon as the mixture begins to stick to the whisk, the mayonnaise is ready. The last step is to add apple cider vinegar.

Homemade mayonnaise in a blender. Step by step recipe


  • refined vegetable oil – 400 ml;
  • eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • table vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • salt.


Place vegetable oil, chicken eggs, vinegar and salt in a blender bowl. Lower the blender attachment until it rests on the bottom and turn on the appliance. The blender blades will begin to beat the eggs, then pick up the oil, and the mixture will change color before your eyes. Continue the process until the mixture thickens evenly. Add salt to taste.

You can clearly see how to make healthy homemade mayonnaise by watching the video recipe from Hector Jimenez Bravo.

  • To get a good result, you need to prepare mayonnaise from products room temperature;
  • to increase shelf life, use fresh food and do not allow other food to get into the mayonnaise;
  • homemade eggs will give the sauce a delicate yellowish color, store-bought eggs will give a white tint;
  • a pinch of ground turmeric will make the light sauce intensely yellow;
  • Refined sunflower oil is used, olive extra virgin or combine several types;
  • acidify mayonnaise with lemon juice, table vinegar, apple or balsamic vinegar;
  • Mustard will add a spicy note. Mustard powder will make mayonnaise spicier;
  • viscous sauce is diluted with 1-2 tbsp. l. warm water, it can be made thicker with lemon juice;
  • for cooking low calorie mayonnaise, without cholesterol, eggs are replaced with cold milk, and lemon juice thickens this mass;
  • more useful and gentle mayonnaise obtained from quail eggs.

How to diversify the taste of mayonnaise

The taste of mayonnaise can be changed by adding all kinds of spices, herbs, herbs and products. Then it will turn out more interesting and unusual. For example, a favorite addition is chopped or pressed garlic. It will add spice and give great combination mayonnaise with crispy baguette and meat.

Chopped parsley, cilantro and basil are no less popular. This sauce goes well with fish dishes. Finely chopped olives or pickled cucumbers add a southern touch that goes well with potato dishes. Grated cheese harmonizes with vegetables, and lemon zest with fish and seafood.

Some recipes contain cumin, coriander, cumin, various peppers, tarragon, herbs de Provence, gherkins, capers, horseradish, paprika, etc.

Additives enrich the taste of mayonnaise and add new flavor tones. Experiment with different ingredients, and many combinations will unexpectedly surprise you with their originality and sophistication.

Multi-colored mayonnaise

In addition to adding flavoring additives, for aesthetic reasons, mayonnaise is made colored. How to add color to mayonnaise, make it bright and unusual? So, the sauce will be bright with boiled grated beets. Curry will give a delicate sunny color, asparagus or spinach will give a green tint, boiled chopped carrots will give an orange tint.

Hello, dear readers! Continuing culinary theme, I’ll tell you how to make mayonnaise at home. I think every housewife should be able to cook this delicious sauce Houses.

New dishes, sauces or soups, appear as a result of a successful experiment by a virtuoso cook. True, some products that are popular today appeared in interesting conditions. Often this was facilitated by general need. This includes mayonnaise.

Classic recipe


  • Egg – 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil – 1 cup.
  • Mustard – 0.25 teaspoon.
  • Salt – 2 pinches.
  • Vinegar 9% – 1 teaspoon.


  1. Pour vegetable oil into a jar. In a separate bowl, mix mustard, salt and vinegar. After mixing, combine the mixture with the butter and beat in the egg.
  2. Take a blender, place it in a jar, lower it to the bottom and turn it on. In ten seconds kitchen appliances turn off and check thickness. If it doesn't suit you, beat the mixture a little more. That's all.

Video recipe in 10 minutes

Having mastered basic recipe, experiment. Change the taste by adding herbs or spices. If your imagination is poorly developed, continue reading the article. Next, I will share ideas for improving homemade mayonnaise.

How to make homemade mayonnaise with additives

Homemade mayonnaise is an alternative to store-bought mayonnaise. It is healthier because it does not contain preservatives. You can add herbs and spices to the sauce. With the help of additives, you will get a different sauce that differs in taste and aromatic qualities.

  • Spicy mayonnaise . Pairs with grilled foods. Add two tablespoons of chili paste to your homemade product and stir. If it seems too spicy, reduce the amount of chili paste by half.
  • Beet mayonnaise . It is characterized by its bright color and complements the taste of crab and cod. Grate 50 grams of boiled beets and mix with mayonnaise. You can add a little salt and pepper.
  • Basil mayonnaise . Summer sauce, which I recommend serving with ham, rice, seafood, squid and mussels. Add a spoonful of basil paste along with a few chopped leaves of the plant to the dressing.
  • Mayonnaise with curry . Sauce universal type, mild or spicy. Try it with beef, potatoes, chicken or turkey. To prepare mayonnaise, add a spoonful of curry paste.
  • Mayonnaise with horseradish . Addition to baked roast beef. The dressing goes well with herring, ham, smoked pink salmon and other fish. Add a couple of tablespoons of grated horseradish to homemade mayonnaise along with salt and pepper and stir.
  • Oyster mayonnaise . Add some legumes to your homemade product and oyster sauce. The result will be a filling characterized wonderful aroma and a rich taste that goes well with fish kebabs or tuna. Take a spoonful of the listed ingredients.
  • Asparagus mayonnaise . Delicate taste and goes well with smoked fish or asparagus. Finely chop one hundred grams of boiled asparagus and add to the sauce. Use salt and pepper to taste.
  • Mayonnaise with tomatoes . The aroma of sun-dried tomatoes combines with pasta, mushrooms and goat cheese. To the gas station homemade add a spoonful of pasta dried tomatoes.
  • Celery mayonnaise . Complements chicken, rabbit, beef, baked salmon or ham. Boil the root of the plant in an amount of one hundred grams, finely grate and mix with mayonnaise.
  • Mustard mayonnaise . Used as an additive grainy mustard. Pairs with avocado, chicken, celery or baked cheese. Add just two tablespoons of mustard to the sauce and stir.

As you can see, we were not talking about the additives and fillers that manufacturers use. All listed ingredients are natural and safe for health. correct use and use.

Video cooking

Try the above ideas in practice. Perhaps independent ideas will appear. Leave them in the comments and I'll take a look. Cooking welcomes sharing experiences, and that's a good thing.

If you intend to make mayonnaise at home using store-bought eggs, you will end up with a light sauce. This can be corrected by adding large quantity turmeric. The main thing is not to overdo it.

Olive or refined mayonnaise is suitable for homemade mayonnaise. sunflower oil. Add a little salt and sugar according to taste. Use lemon juice to acidify the dressing, and mustard will add a piquant taste.

If you don't have a blender and are blending by hand, make sure that the temperature of the ingredients is the same. This technique will speed up cooking. Amount of ingredients is approximate. If you add more eggs, you will get a tastier and richer sauce.

What is the difference between homemade mayonnaise and store-bought mayonnaise?

Homemade mayonnaise differs from store-bought mayonnaise, as it does not contain artificial additives, milk or water. Classic recipe, which I shared, is original and follows the recipe used by French cooks in the 18th century.

Homemade mayonnaise is easy to prepare. The industrial analogue cannot compare with it in taste. In addition, homemade sauce does not spoil the dish and is safe for health. There is one drawback - the shelf life is one week.

A store-bought product is a dubious pleasure. A beautiful package with olives and golden yolks is a cunning bait that often works. After reviewing the composition store product, it turns out that in addition to preservatives and flavorings, there are thickeners, stabilizers and other substances that extend shelf life.

If you doubt the harm store-bought mayonnaise, try cleaning the toilet with it. I assure you, the result will be no worse than if you use a cleaning product.

Homemade mayonnaise is another matter. The dressing is prepared from natural ingredients, tastier and safer than its industrial counterpart. To make the sauce you will need simple products and a few minutes of time. Result - flavorful sauce cream color without essential oils, gelatin, synthetic starches and soy proteins.

Why make your own mayonnaise?

Many cooks will doubt the need to prepare mayonnaise at home, since it is sold in any store. And the range in supermarkets is huge. There are reasons for this. First of all, everyone knows that manufacturers often sin by including additives in their products. Try to find a product on the counter that does not contain preservatives and dyes that are harmful to the body.

A friend of mine who works at a mayonnaise manufacturing plant had never used the company's products before. Now she has completely abandoned the store-bought equivalent, replacing it with a homemade one. When she shared her story, I also became inspired to start cooking. home product.

You can make mayonnaise at home only using a blender or mixer. I've cooked it by hand a few times, but... good result didn't achieve it. The taste depends on the amount of mustard and vinegar. If you add more than one of the ingredients, the dressing will inherit the smell. Even if you can’t cook it the first time, don’t be upset, reduce or increase the amount of mustard or vinegar.

At first, I was of the opinion that thickness depended on the size of the egg, but over time I became convinced that this ingredient did not affect the thickness.

There are homemade mayonnaise recipes that call for the use of 3 percent vinegar. Practice has shown that such vinegar essence produces liquid sauce. I do not recommend diluting vinegar.

History of mayonnaise

According to the official version, the history of mayonnaise began in 1757. During those difficult times, the British were besieging the French town of Mahon. The city's residents did their best to hold back the enemy's onslaught and stubbornly restored the city walls.

For the construction and repair of walls and fortresses, they were used as a binding mortar. egg whites. Under such conditions, the yolks accumulated in a huge number. The French threw them away because they spoiled.

The Duke of Richelieu, who commanded the French defensive forces, yearned for his native cuisine, which had no place in the besieged city. As a result, the Duke ordered the cook to come up with a sauce based on yolks. It took the cook several days to solve the problem, after which he offered the duke a sauce that included

Making mayonnaise at home

The difference between store-bought mayonnaise and homemade mayonnaise is that homemade mayonnaise turns out to be fatty and high in calories, while in the store you can choose mayonnaise of any fat content. Homemade mayonnaise is more suitable for salads and for spreading on bread and is not suitable for baking or frying, not suitable for home mayonnaise and for high temperature mayonnaise breaks down into its components (vegetable oil is separated, the yolks are curdled). And here is a vivid example of this.

But one plus is that we prepare homemade mayonnaise from natural products, which is what we all strive to eat. natural products. Making mayonnaise at home is not difficult.

To prepare homemade mayonnaise, we use only homemade fresh eggs. My mother, for example, has chickens and she makes mayonnaise with eggs “literally from the chicken.” But unfortunately, my mother lives very far from us, we live in the city and we have to buy eggs at the rural market from grandmothers, but it’s not always possible to buy fresh eggs at the market, even from grandmothers. This is precisely why we make mayonnaise very rarely. Yes, and you won’t eat homemade mayonnaise with a spoon every day, just like store-bought mayonnaise, otherwise it could be caused by your liver or stomach. And we prepare salads for the holidays, but sometimes we make a holiday for ourselves on an ordinary weekday and prepare a salad, and it’s also very tasty if you spread a piece of fresh, crispy baguette with homemade mayonnaise, but again, you shouldn’t eat mayonnaise with a baguette every day, since mayonnaise is like no high-calorie product.

By mom's recipe We made mayonnaise (a little later I’ll share my mother’s mayonnaise recipe), but this is the first time we’ve made it with yolks. Today in our kitchen we are conducting whole experiments on making homemade mayonnaise; we will try to prepare mayonnaise with vinegar by whisking it. And we’ll make the second one with the addition of lemon juice and beat it with a mixer, and then compare which mayonnaise tastes better. The chefs say that classic mayonnaise Provencal must be prepared with vinegar; lemon juice does not give the piquancy to Provencal mayonnaise that vinegar does. Well, let's try this and that and see.

How to make homemade mayonnaise

Recipe for homemade mayonnaise No. 1.

2 egg yolks (room temperature)

1 teaspoon mustard

1 tablespoon vinegar 9%

1 teaspoon sugar

a pinch of salt

300 ml. vegetable oil.

Mayonnaise can be whipped using a mixer, blender or a simple whisk; I use a regular whisk.

As for vegetable oil, you can use regular refined vegetable oil, or you can mix sunflower and olive oil mixed in a 1:1 ratio, in pure olive oil mayonnaise will taste bitter, and it is also not suitable to use unrefined vegetable oil to make homemade mayonnaise.

Before preparing mayonnaise, we wash the eggs under running water, dry them, carefully break the egg in the middle and separate the yolks from the whites, be sure to smell broken egg, because we use raw yolks and they should not have any foreign smell.

Today I make mayonnaise using 9% vinegar.

First, let's prepare the ingredients for making mayonnaise, I have regular mustard, not dry, homemade eggs, regular refined sunflower oil.

We separate the yolks from the whites, I accidentally got damaged when separating the whites from the yolks, well, such troubles can happen. Add a teaspoon of mustard to the yolks.

Then add a pinch of salt and one full teaspoon of sugar.

This is how my mayonnaise turned out.

Take a clean jar and put the mayonnaise in the jar, close the lid and put it in the refrigerator.

Now I will try to make mayonnaise using lemon juice and add a little more sugar, beat the mayonnaise with a mixer.

Homemade mayonnaise with yolks. Recipe

Recipe for mayonnaise No. 2.

1 tablespoon sugar

1 teaspoon mustard

a pinch of salt

half a lemon (a medium-sized lemon makes 2 tablespoons of lemon juice)

2 tablespoons of boiled water at room temperature.

0.300 ml. vegetable oil

We add boiled water to mayonnaise so that our mayonnaise does not separate.

Let's prepare all the ingredients to make delicious mayonnaise.

Add yolks, mustard, salt and sugar to the bowl in which we will beat mayonnaise.

We need 0.300 ml of vegetable oil.

Beat the ingredients while pouring in half the oil in a thin stream.

When we have poured half the oil into our mayonnaise (150 ml), we add one or two tablespoons of boiled water at room temperature, do not use under any circumstances hot water otherwise the yolks will simply cook.

Now we will need to add the juice of half a lemon, two tablespoons of lemon juice come out of half a medium-sized lemon, make sure that no seeds get into the juice.

Lemon juice should be added to the mayonnaise and again, in a thin stream, continuing to whisk, pour in the rest of the vegetable oil. I show in the photo what we get, unfortunately I couldn’t take a photo of how I pour in the vegetable oil.

This is what we got for mayonnaise, this is a close-up shot.

Mayonnaise prepared with lemon juice turns out to be more delicate in taste and not as sour as mayonnaise prepared with vinegar; we like sweet and sour mayonnaise, adding a spoonful of sugar it turns out just like that. In my opinion, the second mayonnaise recipe is simply perfect. Only when preparing it is necessary to observe all proportions.

This mayonnaise is delicious spread on a loaf or baguette, and we added mayonnaise prepared according to the first recipe to the salad.

This mayonnaise can be safely stored in the refrigerator for 5 days. Optimal temperature for storing homemade mayonnaise at about 6 degrees. But it’s better when homemade mayonnaise is prepared no earlier than half an hour before serving.

How to make delicious homemade mayonnaise. Recipe

My mom's homemade mayonnaise recipe.

3 chicken eggs

1 teaspoon sugar

1 teaspoon mustard

1 tbsp. spoon of vinegar 9%

a pinch of salt

0.800 ml vegetable oil

First of all, she adds eggs, mustard, sugar, salt and 200 ml of vegetable oil to a bowl, and beats everything with a mixer. Then add the rest of the vegetable oil in a thin stream and continue whisking, adding a spoonful of vinegar at the end. This amount of ingredients yields about one liter of mayonnaise. For holidays and birthdays, mom cooks 3-4 liter jars of this mayonnaise and dresses salads with this mayonnaise. Mom usually has a lot of guests.

For example, you can replace chicken eggs with quail eggs, one egg replace with four quail eggs.

I also want to say that you can add spices, seasonings, herbs, garlic, black pepper to homemade mayonnaise, you will get an interesting, tasty and not entirely ordinary combination.

For example, you can add fresh dill, parsley and even basil to mayonnaise, the mayonnaise will acquire spicy taste and aroma, such mayonnaise can go well with fish dishes.

You can squeeze garlic into mayonnaise through a press; such mayonnaise will acquire a certain piquancy and will be tasty if you spread such mayonnaise on a piece of fresh crispy baguette, and it will also go well with all meat dishes. Or you can peel a clove of garlic, crush the clove with a knife and grind it well with salt and put this garlic in a bowl in which you will beat the mayonnaise.

You can also go to fine grater rub into mayonnaise hard cheese, such mayonnaise will also be very tasty and suitable as a dressing for vegetable salads or just to the usual fresh vegetables.

You can also grate lemon zest into mayonnaise, this also produces a very unusual taste and this mayonnaise is suitable for fresh vegetables or fish dishes.

And if you love olives, then you can chop the olives very finely and mix them with mayonnaise, such mayonnaise acquires, one might say, southern notes in taste.

You can add Provençal herbs to the bowl (or other container) in which you will prepare mayonnaise and prepare mayonnaise with Provencal herbs, it turns out unique and spicy taste mayonnaise, it is suitable as a sauce for salads.

But you must remember that mayonnaise should not be consumed by people suffering from diseases gastrointestinal tract, and especially during periods of exacerbation of diseases. Because of high content vegetable oil, mayonnaise should not be consumed by people watching their weight, because mayonnaise is a fairly high-calorie product.

Do you make homemade mayonnaise and what kind of mayonnaise do you like best, using whole eggs or just yolks, with vinegar or lemon juice? If you have made homemade mayonnaise, please share your success. Did you like the taste of homemade mayonnaise? Or maybe you have your own recipe for making homemade mayonnaise?

Today, mayonnaise is the most common sauce for many dishes. His taste qualities appreciated a long time ago, but right now many housewives began to wonder about its benefits in the home menu.

To be sure of the quality of such a product, you should make it yourself. Let's look at some recipes for this popular sauce that you can make at home.

Homemade mayonnaise can be served as holiday dishes, and to everyday life.

The benefits of homemade mayonnaise

Reading the ingredients on the packaging of store-bought mayonnaise, many become disheartened: preservatives, flavors, stabilizers and other chemical additives. This set is not beneficial to human health.

When preparing homemade mayonnaise, the simplest everyday products are taken, and the housewife herself can control their freshness and quality. For homemade sauce no chemical additives are required to extend its shelf life, because it is prepared in small portions and eaten immediately or very quickly.

Preparing mayonnaise at home will not take much time and effort - just a couple of minutes, and its taste and beautiful creamy color will be many times better than the store-bought version. To check this, you just need to make homemade mayonnaise and then you will forever refuse the store-bought equivalent.

Real mayonnaise at home: step-by-step recipes

Simple traditional

This recipe for mayonnaise at home is very easy; we will describe all the stages of its preparation below with a photo.

For the sauce to whip well, all ingredients must be at room temperature. Beat an egg into a blender glass or a tall round bowl, add mustard, sugar, salt, pepper and squeeze the juice from half a lemon.

Mix all products thoroughly using an immersion blender. Without lifting it from the bottom of the bowl and without ceasing to beat, pour in the vegetable oil (can be diluted with a quarter of olive oil).

Add the oil slowly, pouring in little by little and whisking thoroughly. The structure of the sauce can be adjusted using vegetable oil; the more of it, the thicker the mayonnaise will be.

Thanks to the blender, enjoy delicate taste You can make homemade mayonnaise within a few minutes of starting preparation.

But before serving, it is still advisable to keep it in the refrigerator for some time.

A step-by-step video recipe for homemade mayonnaise prepared with a blender is presented below:

Thick on yolks

Required ingredients:

  • Fresh yolks - 2 medium pieces;
  • Vegetable oil (you can add olive) – 370 ml;
  • Sugar – 2 teaspoons;
  • Lemon juice (you can use vinegar) – not the full 2 ​​tbsp. spoons;
  • Mustard (any) – 2 teaspoons;
  • Salt and pepper on the tip of a knife.

During the cooking process, it is desirable that all products are at room temperature, and that the eggs are homemade, with bright yellow or orange yolks. To prepare the sauce you need to take a deep bowl. Also keep in mind that we will prepare mayonnaise with a mixer.

Break the eggs and pour the yolks into a bowl, add a little salt, pepper, sugar and mustard. Using a mixer, beat all the ingredients of the sauce well until homogeneous mass.

First you need to add just a few tablespoons of butter so that when whipping it mixes well with the egg mass. Then, without ceasing to beat at high speed, add the remaining oil.

The thickness of mayonnaise can again be adjusted using oil, because the more there is, the denser the sauce will be.

When the mayonnaise is almost ready, you need to add fresh lemon juice or the same amount apple cider vinegar and mix with a mixer for a few more minutes.

Homemade mayonnaise prepared using a mixer will be most similar in consistency to store-bought mayonnaise.

Provencal at home

Required ingredients:

  • Egg yolks – 3 or 4 pieces;
  • Refined sunflower oil – 350 ml;
  • Lemon juice or wine vinegar - less than 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Mustard (any) – 1 full teaspoon (can be replaced with a pinch of dry mustard powder);
  • Half a teaspoon each of salt and black pepper.

Separate the yolks from the whites and beat them with spices in a tall bowl. When the salt and pepper have dissolved, add a little mustard or mustard powder, pour in lemon juice (can be replaced with wine vinegar) and mix everything thoroughly.

Without ceasing to beat, add vegetable oil. It's better to take refined oil, then the sauce will have a pleasant color and aroma, and the taste of oil will not be felt.

To prevent the mixture from curdling, add the oil little by little. This will also help regulate the degree of thickness of the mayonnaise.

When the mass acquires a uniform color and there is no oil film, add the remaining mustard and pour in the acidifier (lemon juice or the same amount wine vinegar). Continue whisking until the whole mass becomes a beautiful yellowish color, reminiscent of sour cream in thickness.

Let's watch in the video how Provencal mayonnaise is “born” before your eyes:

Lenten without eggs

Required ingredients:

  • Fresh milk – 200 g;
  • Vegetable oil – 400 g;
  • Lemon juice - to taste, about 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Mustard, salt and pepper to taste.

To achieve an unusual taste in mayonnaise, you can add various favorite seasonings. Pour warm milk and sunflower oil at room temperature into a tall bowl and mix for several minutes.

When the mixture becomes thick, add spices, mustard and lemon juice. Beat for another three minutes. To harden the sauce, it is better to place it in the refrigerator for a while.

This sauce can be safely offered to children over 5 years old, because it contains no harmful chemical additives, as in a store, and raw eggs, how in regular recipes for making homemade mayonnaise.


Classic recipes for homemade mayonnaise include high-calorie sunflower oil. It makes the sauce very heavy and makes consumption impossible for people who are on a diet for health reasons or simply want to lose weight.

But there is a way out! Sunflower oil can be replaced with less high-calorie oil avocado or macadamia nut.

Or you can prepare it without any oil at all, using low-fat yogurt.

Required ingredients:

  • Natural yogurt (you can make it homemade using milk and starter culture) – 100 ml;
  • Boiled egg yolks – 2 pieces;
  • A couple of tablespoons of mustard powder or ready-made mustard;
  • Lemon juice;
  • Salt and favorite seasonings to taste.

For lovers bright flavors You can add finely chopped herbs or olives.

Grind the yolks as finely as possible. Pour the yogurt into a tall blender bowl, add the yolks and beat for a few minutes.

Then add mustard, lemon juice and your favorite seasonings. Add additional spices to taste.

And here is another video that discusses how to make dietary mayonnaise at home with a different recipe:

The options for homemade mayonnaise don’t end with these recipes; you can do a lot of experiments, each time adding something new to the recipe. And, by the way, very successfully. The following recipes will allow you to verify this.


Required ingredients:

  • Fresh eggs – 2 pieces;
  • Sunflower oil – 200 ml;
  • Boiled beets – 50 g;
  • Sugar - half a teaspoon;
  • Lemon juice – a few teaspoons;
  • A little salt and pepper.

Beat eggs with sunflower oil until smooth in a tall bowl. Add spices, lemon juice and sugar.

When the sauce is ready, add the boiled grated beets and whisk everything together for a few minutes. Such a bright dish has a beautiful bright color and will set off other products in ready-made dishes.


Required ingredients:

  • Garlic cloves – 6 pieces;
  • Sunflower oil (olive) – 700 ml;
  • Raw egg yolk – 3 pieces;
  • Juice of 1 lemon;
  • Salt pepper.

Cut the garlic into halves and bake in the oven or fry in a frying pan until golden color. Beat the yolks, adding a little salt to them.

Slowly, using a tablespoon, add butter to them, constantly whisking. When the mass becomes dense, pour in a little lemon juice and, without ceasing to beat at high speed, continue pouring in the oil.

When the oil runs out, squeeze out the remaining lemon juice, pepper and beat well again. Squeeze the fried garlic through a garlic press and add to the prepared mayonnaise. Stir and leave in the refrigerator for a while.


Required ingredients:

  • Fresh egg – 2 pieces;
  • Sunflower oil – 360 ml;
  • Ready mustard - 1 teaspoon;
  • Lemon juice - full 2 ​​tbsp. spoons;
  • Hard cheese – 100 g;
  • Salt, a couple of cloves of garlic.

Mix the egg with salt, add mustard and beat well. When a little foam appears on top, add sunflower oil (pour in a thin stream or add a little at a time with a spoon).

The mass should become homogeneous and thick. Add Fresh Juice lemon and stir.

Grate the hard cheese on a fine grater, and squeeze out the garlic cloves using a garlic press. Add all this to the mayonnaise and beat well again. Delicate sauce ready!

You can also add various seasonings and herbs to the classic mayonnaise recipe.

For example, for fried foods or grilled vegetables, you can make a spicy sauce by adding a few tablespoons of chili paste to mayonnaise, and it’s perfect for seafood dishes light summer sauce with two tablespoons of basil paste or finely chopped fresh leaves basilica

Once you learn how to make mayonnaise, you can master the preparation of other sauces. Make bold experiments!

Do you like Mimosa? Of course, such a bright salad in every sense cannot be ignored. described step by step recipe its preparations.

Treat yourself to a French dinner by preparing julienne in a slow cooker. It will turn out quite quickly and very tasty!

At first glance, all the components of recipes for making mayonnaise are simple; they can be found in every refrigerator. This is true, but there are still some secrets in preparing a delicious sauce:

  1. The first one is that all components must be at the same room temperature. Then the oil will mix well with the eggs, neither their taste nor the taste of the oil will be felt. The mass will be homogeneous and thick;
  2. The second secret is in the dishes. To whip mayonnaise, you should take porcelain or earthenware dishes so that the products do not oxidize;
  3. The third is to beat using a mixer or blender. When mixing by hand, it is very difficult to achieve uniformity and beautiful color;
  4. Fourth, you should first beat at low speeds, and when the mass begins to thicken, increase the speed.

Do not mix all products at once. And the vegetable oil should be poured in a thin stream or added with a spoon, without ceasing to whisk. If you pour in the oil very quickly, the mixture will curdle and the food will have to be thrown away.

If the mass still curdles, you can put one egg in a separate bowl and gradually add the curdled mass. Beat everything thoroughly and pour in the vegetable oil drop by drop, slowly. When half the oil is poured in, you need to add an acidifier (lemon juice or vinegar essence). The resulting mass will become liquid. Add the rest of the vegetable oil there, without ceasing to beat. The whole procedure takes only a few minutes and is not as labor-intensive as it seems at first.

To make the sauce less high in calories and lighter, you can add a few tablespoons of boiling water and beat everything well again.

Try making natural homemade mayonnaise and you will forever refuse the store-bought equivalent. Eat right!

We suggest you familiarize yourself with some mistakes that may prevent you from making homemade mayonnaise. Watch the video to avoid them and end up with a nice thick sauce.
