How many calories are in boiled new potatoes? Boiled potatoes: calorie content, benefits and harm

Boiled potatoes are a common dish that is prepared simply and quickly. Served either alone or as a side dish for any meat. The calorie content of boiled potatoes may vary and depend on the method of preparation and use. additional ingredients.

Composition of boiled potatoes

The root vegetable, which is prepared by cooking, retains its composition of nutrients and beneficial substances as much as possible. As for the energy value, the calorie content of 100 grams of boiled potatoes is 84 kcal.

Energy composition

  • 16.5 carbohydrates;
  • 0.5 fat;
  • 2.0 proteins.

Changes due to the inclusion of additional ingredients in the recipe different types and quantity. It is also influenced by the method of preparing the dish: in uniforms or without peels.

For example, the calorie content of boiled potatoes with butter is 118 kcal (per 100 g of dish). Energy composition the following (provided that 20 g of butter and 40 g of herbs are taken per kilogram of tubers):

  • 15.5 carbohydrates;
  • 4.1 fat;
  • 1.9 proteins.

The main substance in potatoes is starch. Its content is 13-25%, it depends on the type of variety and storage time of root crops. During the cooking process, the starch content does not change or decreases slightly.

Vitamins and minerals

Boiled root vegetables retain almost the entire composition of vitamins:

  • choline – 13 mg;
  • vitamin C – 7-8 mg;
  • vitamin PP – 1.5 mg;
  • folic acid – 10 mcg;
  • phyllolichon – 2 mcg.

Also present in small quantities are B vitamins (namely B, B2, B6), as well as vitamins D and E, and carotene.

The amino acids that make up boiled tubers are absorbed quickly and well. Thanks to minerals, the body is alkalized.

The composition of minerals is rich:

  • iron – 0.31 mg;
  • potassium – 328 mg;
  • calcium – 8 mg;
  • magnesium – 20 mg;
  • manganese – 0.14 mg;
  • copper – 167 mg;
  • sodium – 5 mg;
  • selenium – 0.3 mg;
  • phosphorus – 40 mg;
  • zinc – 0.27 mg.

The calorie content of boiled potatoes per 100 grams, as well as its composition, depends on the shelf life of the finished dish. Fresh cooked tubers retain the maximum composition of microelements and vitamins. The longer they are stored, the large quantity beneficial properties is lost.

How many calories are in boiled potatoes?

The raw root vegetable has a relatively low calorie content: only 80 kcal per 100 g. During cooking, it can decrease or increase - it all depends on the preferred type of cooking and the method of serving.

The calorie content of potatoes boiled with butter increases significantly, and if you boil them in water, it becomes lower or slightly higher:

Depending on the type and method of preparation, the number of calories in boiled potatoes varies:

  • with peel (“in uniform”) – no more than 75 kcal;
  • young with peel – 68 kcal;
  • without peel – from 84 kcal;
  • young without peel – 77 kcal.

Also, the calorie content of boiled potatoes is: full meal depends on the products with which it is served:

  • mushrooms – 105 kcal;
  • garlic + vegetable oil – 125 kcal;
  • lard – 175 kcal.

Thus, the calorie content of boiled jacket potatoes is the lowest. The value is even lower if the root crop is a young variety. That is why the dish is considered dietary and is recommended for those who want to bring their weight back to normal.

How low-calorie boiled potatoes can help you lose weight

Eating less to lose weight is a common misconception. In fact, the process of weight loss depends on the ratio of consumed and wasted kilocalories per day.

Weight loss occurs successfully when a daily intake of kilocalories is less than the individual threshold for maintaining body weight. With a standard threshold of 1000 kcal per day, you should consume no more than 900 kcal. If more, the weight will increase, much less, too. A nutritionist determines the calorie threshold when individually calculating height, body weight and physical activity.

The potato diet is one of the effective means for weight loss, if the recommendations of nutritionists are followed. The calorie content of potatoes boiled in water is very low, so they are ideal product for a mono-diet. Optimal time for weight loss “on potatoes” - end of summer. At this time the market offers various varieties young potatoes with maximum content of nutrients and minimum starch.

There are several options for the potato diet:

  • fast (lasting 3 days);
  • 7 days.

The first option is great for fasting days and allows you to lose 1-4 kg of weight. It is not recommended to eat anything other than tubers cooked in water (200-300 g), kefir (or skim milk - 1-2 glasses), greens and plain unboiled water.

The second option involves the following menu:

  • Breakfast – a glass of kefir or low-fat milk;
  • Lunch – 250 g of unsalted puree in water with a small amount greenery;
  • Dinner - an egg and 200 g of boiled root vegetable salad with cucumber, herbs and a small amount vegetable oil.

The potato diet is not balanced and can put the body in a state of stress. That is why it is recommended to use it with a break of 4 months.

The mention of this type of diet raises doubts among many, since the root vegetable is considered high in calories. But it is impossible to gain weight from boiled potatoes, cooked correctly and eaten in reasonable quantities.

How to cook potatoes correctly

For those who adhere to principles proper nutrition and strives to maintain their normal figure, experts give recommendations for preparing boiled potatoes.

  1. For taste, add garlic or dill to the pan with the cooking tubers. If the dill is chopped, it is wrapped in gauze.
  2. The skin of jacket potatoes will remain beautiful and smooth if you add 4-5 drops of vinegar to the water.
  3. Before cooking the tubers in their skins, wash them thoroughly, then dip them in hot water. This way the protein will coagulate, so that the amino acids will not be destroyed during the preparation and storage of the finished dish.
  4. Adding butter or margarine to the water will shorten the cooking time.
  5. On average, the process of cooking root vegetables does not exceed 20 minutes over medium heat. To ensure that all tubers reach readiness at the same time, it is better to choose them of the same size.
  6. Pour enough water into the pan so that it just covers the laid vegetables, but does not exceed their level.
  7. To prevent the dish from having a bitter aftertaste, drain the hot water from the pan, which has not yet boiled, and fill it with clean hot water.
  8. Vitamin C will be preserved as much as possible if the tubers are immersed in already boiling salted water and then simmered over low heat under a closed lid.
  9. The root vegetables will not crumble and will retain their shape if you throw three circles of pickled cucumbers into the water.
  10. The benefits of the dish will be greater if you mash the potatoes immediately after cooking.
  11. Potato dishes react with aluminum, resulting in the loss of a large amount of nutrients. Therefore, it is better to store them in aluminum, glass, and plastic containers.
  12. Raw egg, beaten before mashing the puree, makes the dish healthier and less caloric.
  13. Old tubers cannot be boiled with their skins on: they are peeled in a thick layer, because a substance harmful to health, solanine, has accumulated underneath it. To avoid it negative influence, add 2-3 cloves of garlic to the pan, and drain the primary water (hot until boiling).
  14. You should not eat green root vegetables - they contain a lot of solanine, which has penetrated deep inside.

It’s not for nothing that people call potatoes “the second bread.” Dishes made from it are necessarily present on the table every day in every family: jacket potatoes, fried potatoes, stewed potatoes, mashed potatoes, potato pancakes, boiled potatoes, dumplings with potatoes - it’s impossible to list all the dishes. This vegetable is the main component of most soups and salads. There is an opinion that it has no place in the diet dietary nutrition, because the calorie content of potatoes is too high, and the favorite vegetable is prohibited for those losing weight. Is it really that high in calories?

Nutritional value of potatoes

Calorie content raw potatoes– 76 kcal per 100 g. This is significantly more than other vegetables, due to high content it contains starch: up to 16 g per 100 g. Young potatoes contain less starch, so their calorie content is lower - only 65 kcal.

Potatoes cooked in their skins are the most useful - boiled in their skins or baked; almost all vitamins and minerals are preserved in such a product.

Potatoes contain:

  • 80 g water;
  • minimum amount of fat - 0.2–0.4 g;
  • 1.5–2 g protein;
  • 16.6 g carbohydrates per 100 g.

Carbohydrates are presented as insoluble fiber(mainly found in the peel) and starch.

Glycemic index of potatoes

Due to the high starch content, the product has a high glycemic index, therefore, eating it causes a sharp rise in blood sugar and increases appetite. The glycemic index increases with heat treatment of the vegetable: if in raw potatoes it is 80 units, then in boiled or fried – 95.

According to recent studies, part of what comes from food potato starch not digested (not broken down into glucose) in digestive tract. In the large intestine it becomes food for beneficial bacteria. This is the so-called resistant starch. Its concentration is greater in raw tubers and chilled boiled vegetables.

In addition to starch, potatoes contain proteins, ascorbic acid and many vitamins.

Useful properties of potatoes

Resistant starches contained in potatoes have a positive effect on the body:

  • reduce blood sugar levels;
  • improve the absorption of vitamins and minerals;
  • reduce acidity in the stomach and reduce inflammation;
  • restore microflora in the intestines.

These beneficial properties of starch are used in the treatment of diabetes and gastrointestinal diseases.

The vegetable also contains vitamins and a large amount of minerals, thanks to which regular use potatoes:

  • improves the activity of the nervous system;
  • lowers blood pressure;
  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels.

Due to the high carbohydrate content, potatoes have a fairly high calorie content - almost 2-3 times higher than other vegetables.

Potatoes are especially rich in vitamin C, potassium and phosphorus, so it is recommended to include them in the daily diet for people with diseases of cardio-vascular system, kidney and joint diseases.

It should be remembered that the main part of the beneficial substances is found in the peel of the vegetable and directly under it, therefore greatest benefit Boiled or baked potatoes in their jackets will benefit the body.

Cooking young potatoes in their skins will not only benefit the body, but is also one of the best ways to get the least high-calorie dish. The calorie content of potatoes directly depends on the method of its preparation.

How many calories are in boiled potatoes?

Boiled potatoes- one of the lowest-calorie dishes prepared from tubers. This is the simplest and quick way cooking vegetables. It can be boiled with the peel or peeled.

The calorie content of boiled potatoes, peeled and boiled in water, is approximately 90 kcal per 100 g. If you boil it in milk, the number of calories will increase to 100 kcal. The calorie content of potatoes boiled in their jackets coincides with the energy value of raw potatoes - 76–80 kcal/100 g.

A standard portion of such a product (300 g) will contain no more than 240–270 kcal. But the problem is that boiled vegetables Most often served as a side dish and almost never eaten without oil, so the calorie content in such a dish increases sharply.

Calorie content per 100 g crushed potatoes - mashed potatoes- due to the addition of milk and butter it is already 140 kcal. It can be significantly reduced by adding to the dish skimmed milk or replacing it with water. Great solution - add to puree boiled zucchini or pumpkin.

Boiled potatoes

Energy value of boiled potatoes (per 100 g), cooked different ways, is:

  • boiled in its jacket – 78 kcal;
  • steamed – 80 kcal;
  • boiled, peeled – 90 kcal;
  • boiled with onions fried in oil - 125 kcal;
  • boiled with butter – 130 kcal;
  • mashed potatoes – 120–140 kcal.

A small portion (250 g) of boiled potatoes with butter will already contain 300 kcal! If you also add the number of calories in cutlets or sausages with which vegetables are served, then with such a dish you can easily get 500 kcal and several extra centimeters at the waist.

Besides high calorie content, potatoes, consisting mainly of carbohydrates, are consumed together with fatty foods. And this inevitably causes an increase in fat deposits. After all, insulin, released to digest starch, also captures some of the fats, distributing them and glucose in the subcutaneous fat. That is why the myth about the high calorie content of potatoes and that they are the cause of obesity arose.

Useful properties of potatoes

Calorie content of fried potatoes

Fried potatoes are saturated with fats during the cooking process, which further increases their calorie content and glycemic index. It is difficult to digest and is completely unhealthy for the figure and the body. In addition, it also acquires carcinogenic properties, thanks to the oil that is used for frying.

Calorie content fried potatoes depends on what it is fried in (in lard or oil) and on the amount of oil added during frying. You can reduce the energy value of a dish by frying chopped potato slices in a frying pan with a ceramic or Teflon coating under a closed lid. In this case, the amount of oil can be significantly reduced.

Calorie content of fried potatoes depending on the frying method (kcal/100 g):

  • fried under the lid - 140;
  • fried in oil – 200–40;
  • fried with pieces of lard – 250;
  • potato pancakes ( potato fritters) - 220;
  • French fries (deep fried) – 310–350;
  • “Russian potatoes” - chips – 550!

Of course, people who want to reset excess weight, it is better to refrain from eating such dishes.

Fried potatoes

Energy value of baked potatoes

Potatoes retain most of their beneficial properties and at the same time have low calorie content when baking. It turns out very tasty and dietary dish. The calorie content of a baked jacket potato is only 80 kcal/100 g. If you bake the potato in the oven without peeling or in foil, the calorie content will be even slightly lower - about 75 kcal.

When adding butter, sour cream or mayonnaise to a dish, the number of calories will double. To really get low calorie dish, but at the same time very tasty, you can mix baked (or boiled) potatoes with garlic sauce. For this you will need:

  • a jar of natural yogurt;
  • chopped garlic clove;
  • a teaspoon of mustard;
  • finely chopped herbs or mint;
  • a few drops of squeezed lemon juice.

Adding this sauce to potatoes will help avoid the dryness of the dish, and since it contains almost no fat, it will bring nothing but wonderful taste and additional vitamins. To diversify your diet, you can add it to boiled or baked vegetables green pea, cabbage, bell pepper, boiled beets, celery.

Calorie content of stewed potatoes and various dishes made from them

Energy value per 100 g stewed potatoes depends on what it is stewed with:

  • vegetable stew (with zucchini, carrots and onions) – 90 kcal;
  • stewed in cream sauce– 130 kcal;
  • with stew – 145 kcal;
  • stew with pork – 150 kcal.

There are many more dishes made from this vegetable, the calorie content of which must be taken into account when losing weight:

  • dumplings with potatoes – 220 kcal;
  • fried potato pies - 200 kcal;
  • pies baked in the oven, shangi – 180–190 kcal;
  • sorcerers (pancakes with minced meat) – 250 kcal;
  • French-style potatoes (with onions and mayonnaise), cooked in the oven – 300 kcal.

Over the entire existence of potatoes, culinary specialists have come up with many delicious recipes preparing dishes from it, but nutritionists advise not to cook potatoes, but to eat them raw. You can prepare a very healthy korean salad from grated raw potatoes with garlic, energy value which will be only 65 kcal.

How to properly eat potatoes when losing weight

Although potatoes are the most high-calorie vegetable, their consumption cannot be an obstacle to a good figure if you follow certain rules:

  • Potatoes are best boiled or baked.
  • Do not combine vegetables with fatty foods or oil.
  • Avoid fried potatoes and chips.
  • It is recommended to eat no more than 350 g of potatoes during the day. This volume satisfies daily requirement the body in carbohydrates, potassium and phosphorus.
  • Divide the daily portion into 2-3 doses and eat it in the morning or no later than six o’clock in the evening.

Following these rules will help you avoid gaining extra pounds by eating your favorite vegetable, and will help you stay healthy. in great shape. If you properly consume properly cooked potatoes, they will only bring benefits to the body and will never cause extra centimeters on your waist. In combination with vegetables, herbs, boiled meat or fish, boiled or baked potatoes must be present in the daily menu, since they serve as a source of energy and nutrients.

When it comes to creating a diet for a person who is losing weight, the first step is to calculate the energy value of foods and their glycemic index. And at this stage, you can hear a strong recommendation from nutritionists not to eat potatoes, or at least do it as rarely as possible. Why does this happen, how many calories are in boiled potatoes, which most often end up on the everyday menu?

How many calories are in boiled potatoes?

This product is already hundreds of years old - in Russia it began to appear on dining table back in the 18th century, but it began to be grown more than 10 centuries ago. The importance of the potato was not denied then or now: thanks to its chemical composition, which varies partly depending on the soil in which the tubers are grown, it is the most nutritious representative vegetable group. And in terms of its cost, it is also one of the most affordable, which makes it extremely popular in most countries.

Potatoes are consumed only after heat treatment, because raw product contains solanine, which is a poison for human body. It is fried, stewed, baked, steamed, grilled, over a fire, but most often it is boiled, so most people who care about their figure are mainly interested in the calorie content of boiled potatoes. Of course, this indicator will depend on exactly how (or, more precisely, with what) it was prepared. So:

  • The calorie content of boiled potatoes per 100 grams will be 80 kcal if the product is in clean or salted water.
  • If you cooked jacket potatoes, their calorie content will be 74-75 kcal for the same 100 g.
  • New potatoes show the most record numbers - only 68 kcal per 100 g after boiling.
  • Sweet potatoes (yams) are lighter than usual - when boiled, they “weigh” only 61 kcal.
  • As for boiled potatoes, which were later mashed, then you need to consider the addition of components that give the dish a more delicate texture. Most often their role is played by butter and milk, so you need to add the calorie content of each of these products to the calorie content of regular boiled potatoes.

In the case when the housewife does not add anything to the water, the energy value of the finished product is almost no different from the figures that the raw product has: a drop of 4-5 units is possible, but no more. Thus, if you do not want to calculate too scrupulously, remember that the calorie content of boiled potatoes without additives will range from 70 to 80 kcal.

Will potatoes harm your figure?

Since most people become interested in the energy value of this product from the perspective of losing weight, it is worth talking about how exactly these notorious 70-80 kcal affect body fat and overall weight.

  • The reason why nutritionists advise not to overuse potatoes is not the calorie content, but the high proportion of starch (almost 30%) in chemical composition tubers.

In addition, it also contains sugars (glucose, fructose, sucrose, a little maltose), which long-term storage accumulate. Starch, on the contrary, is destroyed. Accordingly, the calorie content of young potatoes is less than that of old ones.

  • In 100 g of boiled potatoes you can find 16.7 g of carbohydrates, as well as 2 g of proteins. There is almost no fat here - only 0.4 g.

Potatoes are sometimes rightly called second bread, and when boiled they are used as a side dish, independent dish, added to soups, salads and many main dishes. TO important advantages include quick cooking, so anyone can cook potatoes.

In most cases, boiled potatoes are served sliced, adding vegetable or butter, as well as some herbs. Today we will look at boiled potatoes and the calorie content of the product with and without oil, and analyze the nutritional value, benefits and harms of the dish.

Energy value

We will look at how many calories are in 100 g of boiled potatoes below, but first let’s talk about nutritional value product. Proteins in the product contain essential amino acids, and when you eat boiled potatoes in the amount of 300 g per day, you will supply the body with potassium, phosphorus and carbohydrates in the required quantity.

Despite the calorie content of boiled potatoes with butter, 100 g of the dish contains up to 20 g of vitamin C, but the longer the root vegetables are stored, the less vitamin remains in them.

Potatoes contain quite a lot of mineral salts, represented by phosphorus and potassium salts. The product contains sodium, calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, silicon, bromine, copper, boron, manganese and iodine. It should be noted that minerals are distributed unevenly throughout the potato tuber, and most of them are closer to the peel.

The calorie content of boiled potatoes with butter or other products depends on the method of preparing the dish (all values ​​​​are based on 100 g):

Carbohydrates, g

regular boiled potatoes

boiled young

boiled in its jacket

boiled with butter

boiled with sour cream

boiled with herring

Calorie content of boiled potatoes

Now let’s take a closer look at how many calories are in boiled potatoes with salt and butter. Many people believe that since this dish is filling and nutritious, it is fatty and unhealthy. In fact, the calorie content of young boiled or old potatoes depends on the cooking method. Pure boiled potatoes contain only 85 kcal per 100 g. By adding additional ingredients, you will increase the calorie content:

About the calorie content of processed potatoes different ways, you will learn from our other article.

Benefits and harms

Minerals are contained in boiled potatoes in an easily digestible form, so they support alkaline balance in blood. People with exacerbation of ulcers or gastritis can safely consume boiled potatoes, since the fiber it contains does not irritate the mucous membrane.

It is not the calorie content of boiled potatoes with butter that is harmful, but the solanine contained in the product. This toxic substance is present in sprouted and greened tubers. As for starch, it can also cause harm by increasing blood sugar levels. To reduce its concentration in the product, the tubers must first be soaked in cold water for up to several hours.

We have figured out how many calories are in boiled potatoes without salt or with salt, so you can safely consume this low-calorie dish.

Potato - popular product in Europe and America. It came to the Old World at the end of the 16th century. Initially, Europeans mistook potatoes for an ornamental plant and considered them poisonous. But over time we tried it. Potatoes are delicious and healthy root vegetable, containing a set necessary for the body substances. Potatoes have no competitors in terms of the variety of their uses in culinary practice. Let's find out how many calories are in potatoes by looking at the most popular dishes.

Chemical composition and nutritional value

Potatoes contain most of the amino acids found in plants, including essential ones. Eating daily norm boiled potatoes (0.3 kilograms), you will satisfy the body's need for nutritious carbohydrates, potassium and phosphorus. Root vegetables contain vitamins PP, A, E, C, group B. Note the content of fiber and organic acids: malic, oxalic, etc.

100 grams of new potato tubers contain 20 milligrams of ascorbic acid. But with long-term storage of the product, the vitamin C capacity gradually decreases. Potatoes that have lain until spring contain a third of the initial content of ascorbic acid.

Nutritionists pay attention to the value of potatoes as a source of potassium and phosphorus salts, sodium, iron, copper, calcium, chlorine, and magnesium. Let's highlight the microelements zinc, bromine, selenium, silicon, manganese, iodine, cobalt. It is interesting that minerals are distributed unevenly in the tubers: their maximum amount is in the bark, slightly less in the outer part of the core, and small at the base.

Now let's talk about the contents of the BJU. 100 grams of potatoes contain little fat (no more than 0.4 g). Protein – up to 2 grams. Potatoes contain the most carbohydrates - 18.1 grams per 100 g of product. They are represented by starch. 65% of the volume of raw root vegetables is water.

Calorie content of potatoes in 100 grams

The calorie tables indicate that the energy value of 100 grams of potatoes is 80 kcal. But it would be wrong to believe that this indicator does not change, no matter in what form you consume it. Boiled potatoes have fewer calories than fried potatoes, and the energy value is even lower than chips. We invite you to find out how many calories are in popular potato products.

In raw potatoes

Potatoes contain a large amount of starch. For this reason, due to the fact that when preparing dishes from this root vegetable we add oil, chicken or other foods containing many calories, the energy value of the product is considered to be high. But in reality things are different.

The calorie content of raw potatoes is estimated at 80 kcal per 100 grams. A large potato the size of a tennis ball weighs 180 grams. Such 1 piece will contain up to 150 kilocalories. A 1 potato small size can weigh 50 g. Its calorie content is 40 kcal. If you cook potatoes without adding oil, you will get a healthy dietary dish. But compared to vegetables, potatoes have more calories. The nutritional value of the root crop is affected by the starch content in the tuber. The higher its capacity, the more calories there are in the potato.

The calorie content of young potatoes is 60 kilocalories per 100 grams. The differences are explained by the 25% lower starch content. Young potatoes contain more vitamin C than mature potatoes. However, the heat treatment process destroys 70% of ascorbic acid. Note that raw potatoes Useful for constipation, nausea, heartburn.


People also love such a product as stewed potatoes. The calorie content in it is estimated at 103 kcal. But considering that few people simmer potatoes under a lid alone, the calorie content of the dish depends on the additives. You need at least a sauce, or better yet, a few additional ingredients. 10% cream and mushrooms increase the energy value of a dish the least (up to 155 kilocalories per 100 grams).

Meat increases the calorie content of stewed potatoes by more than 2 times. A diet-friendly option is to simmer the product without cream, in water, with the addition of a drop of vegetable oil. Use onion, grated carrots, champignons, garnish the dish with parsley. The energy value of the finished dish will be 72 kilocalories.

Boiled without peel

It's time to find out how many calories are in boiled potatoes. Note that boiling is a simple method of preparing potatoes. It reveals better this way taste palette product. Young people are very popular boiled potatoes, served with melted butter and chopped herbs. Old root vegetables are boiled in their skins. The calorie content of boiled potatoes is 86 kcal; young potatoes have fewer calories - up to 78 kcal.

Boiled potatoes are universal product nutrition. But to get tasty and healthy dish It is necessary to follow some cooking rules. Firstly, potatoes should be boiled low heat, so the root vegetable will cook evenly. Secondly, remember that young potatoes are immersed in boiling water, old ones - in cool water. It is not advisable to overcook the product or re-cook it.

In uniform

Potatoes can be boiled without peeling them. This method of cooking is called “in uniform”. According to nutritionists, the benefits of this product are greater than potatoes boiled without skin. The outer layer of jacket potatoes contains the bulk of microelements valuable for the human body (potassium, magnesium and others). And it contains 74 kcal calories per 100 grams. The dish is prepared quickly. Before cooking, wash the potatoes and place them in a cauldron or pan. Due to its low calorie content, jacket potatoes are recommended for consumption during diets.

Baked in the oven

Beautiful taste qualities The baked product also has. Calorie content baked potatoes without peel is estimated at 70 kilocalories, with skin - at 80 kcal. The second option is more useful. Potato peel contains potassium, which strengthens the heart muscle, blood vessels and removes salt deposits and excess fluid from the body. Note that the calorie content of 100 g of product baked with minced meat reaches 160 kilocalories; with mushrooms – 125 kcal.

Fried in vegetable oil/lard

Crispy fried potatoes - who doesn't love this dish? The simplest way feed hungry family members - fry thin slices of potatoes in a frying pan. People's taste priorities differ: some people like to fry the product in sunflower oil, others prefer to use it for this purpose. lard(lard).

What is the calorie content of potatoes prepared this way? Potatoes fried on large quantities sunflower oil, has an energy value of 204 kilocalories per 100 grams. The same amount of product fried in lard contains more calories: 212 kcal. Potatoes cooked with lard have the highest calorie content. It is estimated at 225 kilocalories. The opinion of nutritionists regarding fried potatoes is unanimous: healthy eating she has nothing to do with it.

Mashed potatoes

Mashed potatoes are one of the first dishes that began to be made in Europe when this root vegetable was imported from America. His recipe has not changed to this day. Traditional ingredients 3: milk, potatoes and butter. The calorie content of 100 grams of a dish prepared from these ingredients reaches 106 kilocalories.

There are fewer calories in pureed water – 88.8 kcal. This dish is considered dietary. If you're watching your calories daily ration and trying to lose weight, do not mix puree with butter and do not add salt. However, the energy value of a serving will increase if you consume potatoes as a side dish for meat dishes high in calories.

In French fries

French fries are consumed as a main dish. It doesn’t take long to prepare: deep fry the potatoes cut into strips for 3-4 minutes. Served finished product with ketchup, emphasizing the taste of potatoes. This dish is in great demand in fast foods all over the world and is a specialty of the Mc'Donalds chain. How many calories are in McDonald's fries?

  • Small portion – 240 kcal;
  • Average portion – 340 kcal;
  • Large portion – 440 kcal.

Home-cooked French fries have a calorie content of 400 kcal per 100 grams. This is one-fifth of the daily calorie requirement of an adult. The main advantage of French fries is that the product quickly fills you up, satisfying your hunger in a matter of minutes. However, it has almost no beneficial properties.

In potato chips

Useful properties in potato chips are missing. This product should be permanently excluded from the diet. It is a mixture of fat and heavy carbohydrates, plus flavor substitutes and dyes. The chips you can buy in the supermarket no longer use thinly sliced ​​potatoes. Instead, they use corn or Wheat flour, soy starch. All components are mixed, the mixture is formed into chips, which are then fried in low-quality fat.

If used frequently industrial chips, you will harm the body. Soy starch turns into glucose, which leads to rapid weight gain and severe obesity. In an unpleasant sense, the calorie content of the product is also surprising. 100 grams popular Lays chips or Lux contain 510 kilocalories! But their consumption is often not limited to one package.

A passion for chips is fraught with increased cholesterol levels in the blood (and serious problems with the heart and blood vessels), diabetes mellitus, increasing the risk of heart attack. The fat they are fried in contains carcinogens that cause oncological diseases. Acrylamide formed during the processing of starch during high temperatures, increases the chance of getting cancer. And all kinds of preservatives in the product worsen the condition of the liver.

Chips may not be beneficial, but you can try to minimize their harm. To do this you need to cook them yourself. Clean potatoes are peeled, cut with a special knife, sprinkled with oil and evenly laid out on the surface of a baking sheet. The product is kept in a well-heated oven until full readiness, after which it is sprinkled with salt and/or seasonings. The calorie content of such chips is 520 kcal per 100 grams. However, infrequent consumption of such a product will not harm health, unlike industrial products.

How many calories are in 100 grams of potato dish?

Potatoes are used to prepare first and second courses, are included in salads and all kinds of snacks, and are used as a filling for baked goods. Cooks can find thousands of uses for this product, but we'll look at the calorie content of five popular dishes prepared according to traditional recipes:

  • Pie with potatoes – 208 kcal;
  • Fried pie with potatoes – 253 kcal;
  • Stewed potatoes with meat – 132 kcal;
  • Fried potatoes with mushrooms – 121 kcal;
  • Dumplings with potatoes (per 100 g) – 148 kcal.

Daily consumption rate

Potato - high-calorie product, especially fried or with additives such as butter, milk or side dishes. Therefore, nutritionists advise consuming up to 300 grams of product per day no more than 4 times a week. By following this regimen of potato consumption, you will satisfy the body’s needs and useful substances, contained in potatoes, and will not gain weight due to extra calories.
