The benefits and harms of Savoy cabbage, contraindications. Harm of savoy cabbage and contraindications. Composition of Savoy cabbage

Savoy cabbage - This is a variation of the usual white cabbage. Due to its valuable and beneficial properties, this vegetable occupies one of the leading places and is often recommended for improving health and increasing the level of immunity.

Vitamin and chemical composition

This variety of cabbage is easily distinguishable from other varieties of vegetables: tender green color, wrinkled leaves, softer and with a slightly specific taste.

Cabbage contains a large number of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which help stabilize metabolic processes.

In terms of the amount of vitamins, Savoy cabbage also compares favorably with its relatives: vitamins A, group B, PP, E, C help improve the immune system, activate the body's natural defenses, preserve youth and beauty.

The mineral composition of cabbage also helps replenish the body's reserves. calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, iron.

Savoy cabbage contains a lot of natural amino acids, fiber, pectin compounds, carotene, mustard oil, thiamine.

Due to its rich vitamin content, this variety of cabbage is recommended for consumption by those people who suffer from heart disease. vascular diseases. The substances that make up cabbage stabilize cholesterol levels and prevent its accumulation on the walls of blood vessels. This problem is especially relevant for elderly people, in whom all processes of self-cleaning of blood vessels and cells slow down, so they suffer from high blood pressure, heart and vascular diseases, strokes, diabetes mellitus and chronic diseases.

Savoy cabbage is very useful for children of different ages. The protein that is present in cabbage is different forms and in large quantities, helps the child’s body grow and develop in a correct and stable manner. Thanks to the rich vitamin complex, it is possible to stabilize the level of immunity, which is very important for child's body, which does not yet have the ability to effectively protect from viruses and infections.

Savoy cabbage contains a rather rare component - vitamin U, which helps maintain the function and condition of the liver and stomach. Very often people, especially children in adolescence, the transitional period, suffer gastritis. To prevent such a problem from arising, you should include this variety of cabbage in your diet as a prophylactic agent that also prevents the development of gastric ulcers.

This vitamin has positive influence on the bone tissue of the body, teeth, which is also important for all people, of different ages, including children. Blood clotting largely depends on the amount of this vitamin in the body, which also accelerates the regeneration of cells and tissues and promotes rapid healing of the skin.

The benefits of savoy cabbage for people suffering from diabetes mellitus, comparable to medical therapy. Thanks to cabbage, blood sugar levels stabilize, the condition of blood vessels improves, and arterial pressure.

Cabbage contains a natural antioxidant - glutathione, which effectively fights various toxic and carcinogenic substances that enter the body along with harmful and low-quality food. Antioxidant activates regeneration of cells and tissues, which helps rejuvenate the skin, restore the functioning of internal organs, stabilize the nervous system.

In the last century, scientists conducting research on the qualities of Savoy cabbage identified another miraculous substance in its composition - ascorbigen, which is quickly absorbed and prevents the risk of developing diseases such as internal organ cancer.

It is impossible to ignore and dietary properties vegetable. Low calorie, as well as a high amount of fiber, contribute to the breakdown of adipose tissue, stabilization of metabolic processes, and breakdown of substances.

Delicious and healthy recipes from savoy cabbage

Savoy cabbage lends itself perfectly to heat treatment, in which it does not lose its beneficial properties. Of course, if you do not exceed the permissible cooking time.

Savoy cabbage cutlets

You will need:

  • Cabbage, 1 head;
  • Semolina, 3 tbsp;
  • Eggs, 2 pcs;
  • Milk, 100 ml;
  • Butter, 40 g;
  • Breadcrumbs;
  • Salt and spices to taste.

Chop the cabbage, add milk and boil for 20 minutes. Enter semolina and simmer for another 5 minutes.
Place the finished cabbage on a plate and cool. Then add all the other ingredients and form cutlets, roll them in breadcrumbs and fry in butter until golden color. When serving, sprinkle with herbs.

Savoy cabbage rolls

You will need:

  • Cabbage, 1 piece;
  • Minced meat, 700 g;
  • Rice, 250 gr;
  • Onion, 1 piece;
  • Carrots, 1 piece;
  • Tomato paste, 2 tsp;
  • Sour cream or cream, 2 tbsp;
  • Salt and spices to taste.

Wash the cabbage, remove the stalk and boil for 5 - 7 minutes after boiling. Remove, cool and separate the leaves. Boil the rice and cool, mix with minced meat, add salt and spices to taste. Form cabbage rolls and place them in a deep pan. Chop the onion, grate the carrots, fry on vegetable oil, mix with tomato paste and cream, add water, salt. Pour the resulting mixture over the cabbage rolls, add bay leaves and simmer over low heat for 40 minutes.

Vegetable soup with savoy cabbage

You will need:

  • Cabbage, half a head;
  • Potatoes, 2 – 3 pcs;
  • Green peas;
  • Carrots, 1 piece;
  • Onion, 1 piece;
  • Smoked meat (ribs, wings), 2 pcs;
  • Salt and spices.

Peel and cut cabbage, potatoes, onions and carrots. Throw the smoked meats into the water and boil for 20 minutes, then add green pea(fresh or frozen) and cook for another 10 minutes. Season the soup with salt and spices, finely chopped herbs. Serve with cream or sour cream.

The healing properties of savoy cabbage

With regular consumption of Savoy cabbage, you can improve your overall health, increase vitality, get rid of insomnia, calm the nervous system and improve the functioning of all other internal organs.
Using cabbage, like folk remedy, many can stabilize blood pressure and block non-negative changes that older people are susceptible to. Cabbage is also useful for young people - its composition helps maintain youth, prevent the activation of aging mechanisms, as well as the formation of cancer tumors.

Cabbage is useful for those whose metabolic processes are disrupted, as a result of which excess weight appears and the condition of blood vessels worsens. Regular consumption of savoy cabbage dishes will help to establish lipid metabolism, the processes of formation and breakdown of adipose tissue.

Harm and contraindications

Patients who have undergone abdominal surgery can include cabbage in their diet only after a period of rehabilitation and complete healing of the tissue incisions.

Today, it is becoming increasingly popular among supporters healthy eating savoy cabbage picks up. Benefits and harms are not the only points that attract people who prefer a product. Delicate texture, pleasant taste, delicate aroma, versatility - and this is not a complete list of the advantages of an exotic vegetable. It does not contain dense veins, which so often spoil dishes made from traditional types of cabbage. The product is also famous for the minimal number of contraindications to its introduction into the diet.

Features of Savoy cabbage

The birthplace of edible products plant origin is the historical region of Savoy, located on the border of France and Italy. The active distribution and growing demand for Savoy cabbage can be explained by a number of its features:

  • The fiber content of the leaves is minimal, which is why their texture is very delicate and soft.
  • The upper leaves are dark green, the inner leaves are light yellow. This allows you to create not only tasty, but also attractive culinary masterpieces from the product.
  • A loose head of cabbage weighs very little. He easily understands individual leaves, which are not damaged.
  • Savoy cabbage is not similar in taste to other members of the family. It is more delicate and subtle, and the aroma is pronounced, but not intrusive.

Tip: Don't buy wrapped savoy cabbage cling film. First, once the wrapper is removed, it will begin to deteriorate very quickly. Secondly, even if the product is put into use immediately, its taste will not be as pleasant and rich as it should be. fresh vegetable.

The maximum benefit of Savoy cabbage is possible when consumed in fresh, but also after heat treatment It retains many substances necessary for the body. The vegetable can be included in first courses and side dishes; it makes an excellent filling for pies and pies.

Here are a few rules to remember when working with savoy cabbage:

  1. Vegetable oil is used in minimal quantities. The loose leaves of the product will quickly absorb it in any case.
  2. The heat treatment time of the product should take 5-10 minutes less than in the case of the white cabbage analogue.
  3. You can even make cabbage rolls from Savoy cabbage, but in this case the filling should be half cooked, otherwise the leaves will boil too much.
  4. The vegetable does not go well with legumes. Such experiments can lead to digestive upset.
  5. The ideal companions for products are: soy cheese, any other vegetables.

Savoy cabbage cannot only be fermented. This approach will destroy all the beneficial chemical compounds in the vegetable and ruin its unique texture.

Composition and beneficial properties of savoy cabbage

In its composition, Savoy cabbage differs significantly from other types of vegetables. There is little fiber in it, but there are other useful components a lot of. Some of them are very rare, which is especially valued by nutritionists.

  • Vegetable fats.
  • Phytoncides.
  • Alcohol mannitol.
  • Mineral elements. Savoy cabbage contains the most calcium, phosphorus and iron.
  • Vitamins A, groups B, C, E, K. There is even a very rare vitamin U,
  • and amino acids.
  • Ascorbigen. This rare substance slows down or stops the growth of cancer cells, reducing the likelihood of developing cancer.

Thanks to such an abundance of antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and simply useful elements Savoy cabbage has a pronounced positive effect on the human body. Here are just the basic results of introducing vegetables into the diet:

  1. Immunity is strengthened. This leads to the attenuation of chronic processes and reduces susceptibility to external factors.
  2. Rapid cell aging is prevented, tissues are constantly renewed.
  3. The likelihood of developing cancer is reduced.
  4. Appetite improves, digestion processes are normalized.
  5. Blood sugar levels drop to normal levels.
  6. The blood is cleansed and its composition improves.
  7. Due to the diuretic effect of cabbage, you can get rid of excess fluid in the body.
  8. Savoy cabbage is an excellent natural remedy for preventing prostatitis and improving potency.

Women can also use the vegetable as a cosmetic product. Masks with savoy cabbage juice can rejuvenate the skin, lighten age spots, and get rid of excessive oiliness of the epidermis.

Indications and contraindications for eating savoy cabbage

  • Diabetes.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Diseases of the heart and blood vessels.
  • Obesity, the need to lose excess weight.
  • Arthritis, gout, other joint problems.
  • Decreased performance due to chronic fatigue.
  • Elderly age.
  • A period of increased susceptibility to infectious diseases.

There are few contraindications to the use of the Savoy miracle. It will have to be abandoned in the following cases:

  1. Individual intolerance to the product.
  2. Peptic ulcer, pancreatitis, gastritis, decreased liver function.
  3. The recovery period after abdominal surgery.
  4. Some diseases of the endocrine system (doctor's permission required).

Do not overuse vegetables. Like any other product, it should be present in the diet in moderation. After all, the abundance of even beneficial substances can provoke unpleasant health consequences.

Savoy cabbage – vegetable crop with thin, corrugated leaves and a loose head. The product was first cultivated in the Italian county of Savoy. This low calorie vegetable(27 kcal per 100 g), which has diuretic, phytoncidal and immunomodulatory properties. Savoy cabbage is easily absorbed by the body, due to which it is indicated for consumption by adults, children, and the elderly. Currently, it is cultivated in the USA, Canada and Western Europe.

Depending on the ripening period, the following varieties are distinguished:

  • early (105-120 days): English, Ulm, Vienna greenhouse;
  • medium (120-135 days): Tasmania, Kroma, Sphere;
  • late (from 140 days): vertus major, blumental yellow, marceline.

It is interesting that in the homeland of vegetable culture, in Italy, a celebration dedicated to cabbage is organized every year. This tradition is dedicated to the day of honoring the harvest and is held in January. During the celebration, everyone can try dishes made from Savoy cabbage. It is noteworthy that in the Czech Republic and Slovakia it is called French and is used for making cutlets.

Chemical composition

Savoy cabbage contains 2 times more easily digestible protein and ¼ less dietary fiber than white cabbage. It is more nutritious, more delicate in taste and without hard veins on the leaves.

The energy ratio B:F:U corresponds to 17%: 3%: 85%.

It contains a powerful natural antioxidant - glutathione, which helps rejuvenate the body and protects immune cells. In addition, this is the only representative of cabbage that contains a sugar substitute (mannitol alcohol) that is approved for use by diabetics.

Chemical composition of savoy cabbage
Name Nutrient content per 100 grams of product, milligrams
Ascorbic acid (C) 31,0
Choline (B4) 12,3
Beta carotene (A) 0,6
Niacin (B3) 0,3
Pyridoxine (B6) 0,19
Pantothenic acid (B5) 0,187
Tocopherol (E) 0,17
Folic acid (B9) 0,08
Thiamine (B1) 0,07
Phylloquinone (K) 0,07
Riboflavin (B2) 0,03
Potassium 230
Phosphorus 42
Calcium 35
Magnesium 28
Sodium 28
Iron 0,4
Zinc 0,27
Manganese 0,18
Copper 0,062
Selenium 0,0009

To preserve nutrients, it is recommended to eat the vegetable raw. Prolonged heat treatment (longer than 20 minutes) contributes to the destruction of nutrients and loss of product structure. As a result, the nutritional value of cabbage decreases. In addition, it becomes soft, loses its taste and spreads.

What is the benefit

Savoy cabbage contains dietary fiber that improves digestion and cleanses the intestines. It helps get rid of extra pounds, saturating the body with nutrients and keeping the body in great shape.

Benefits of the vegetable:

  1. Reduces the growth of female hormones that cause the formation of malignant tumors of the mammary gland and genital organs, neutralizes the effects of carcinogens and poisons (due to the content of ascorbigen).
  2. Supports the functioning of the nervous system, prolongs the youth of the body (natural antioxidants).
  3. Strengthens the immune system, prevents the development of skin diseases, removes harmful cholesterol, increases the body's endurance (vitamin C).
  4. Protects against the development of atherosclerosis, neurological diseases, coronary disease (polyphenols).
  5. Improves coagulation and blood composition, promotes wound healing, increases the strength of teeth and bones (vitamin K).
  6. Inhibits the breakdown of carbohydrates, stimulates the burning of subcutaneous fat, which prevents obesity (tartronic acid).
  7. Normalizes intestinal function, relieves constipation, removes waste and toxins (dietary fiber).
  8. Returns appetite.
  9. Accelerates the development of children.
  10. Has diuretic properties.
  11. Restores vision.

Savoy cabbage is used to make nourishing masks for any skin type. They saturate the dehydrated dermis with moisture, refresh and tone, lighten freckles, age spots, eliminate oily sheen from the wings of the nose and chin, and improve facial tone. In addition, vegetable juice is used to strengthen hair, provide natural shine and stimulate hair growth.


The representative of cruciferous vegetables does not contain carcinogenic substances and GMOs. The amount of carbohydrates and saturated fats in it is minimal. If the product is abused, it causes increased gas formation and aggravates the course of gastrointestinal diseases.

Savoy cabbage is contraindicated if you are prone to heartburn, flatulence, gastritis, pancreatitis, or stomach ulcers. It is recommended to exclude fresh vegetables from the diet of pregnant women, babies under 7 months and patients who have undergone surgery on the chest or abdominal cavity.

Use in cooking

Savoy cabbage dishes are widely popular in European cuisine: in France they make a pie or fish terrine from it, in Holland they make a stamppot, in Switzerland they make a palenta with the addition of mascarpone, in Hungary they make a salad. The vegetable has exquisite taste, thanks to this it can be used dried, fresh, boiled, stewed, stuffed, fried, pickled.

Savoy cabbage is used to prepare casseroles, schnitzels, lasagnas, soups, borscht, omelettes, zrazy, salads, solyankas, cabbage rolls, fillings for rolls, dumplings and pies.

It is served as a side dish for meat dishes, combined with vegetables and rice. Before stewing, the vegetable leaves are sprinkled with vinegar and fried - blanched.

Spices, seasonings, herbs that highlight the taste of cabbage:

  • garlic;
  • ginger;
  • balsamic and rice vinegar;
  • juniper;
  • anise;
  • marjoram;
  • sesame;
  • caraway;
  • basil leaves.

Savoy cabbage can be placed in any dish instead of white cabbage, but it is not suitable for fermentation. Interestingly, the vegetable can withstand temperatures down to minus 8 degrees and can be stored for a long time. Therefore it can be for a long time keep the beds simply covered with snow.

For cooking culinary masterpieces It is recommended to buy cabbage stalks with fresh top leaves, without stains or damage. They should not be dry, as this indicates that the vegetable has been lying on store shelves for a long time. This means that such leaves have lost more than 50% of their moisture inside. It is preferable that the stalk be white, without coarse veins Brown and black inclusions.

To prepare lasagna, cabbage rolls and stewing vegetables, choose larger heads of cabbage, and for cold appetizers and salads - smaller ones (up to 0.5 kg).

Cook at home

Recipe No. 1 “Vegetarian cabbage rolls”


  • zucchini – 2 pcs;
  • savoy cabbage – 1 piece;
  • tomatoes – 3 pcs;
  • olive oil – 40 ml;
  • round grain rice – 100 g;
  • sweet pepper – 2 pcs;
  • soy sauce – 20 ml;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking sequence

  1. Wash and boil the rice.
  2. Zucchini and bell pepper chop, fry in oil, add chopped tomatoes. Salt and pepper the vegetables. Simmer for a quarter of an hour until done.
  3. Add soy sauce, boiled rice, mix.
  4. Separate the cabbage into leaves and boil until half cooked in salted water. Place in a colander and cut off any hard parts.
  5. Place the vegetables at the base of the sheet and carefully wrap the filling.
  • chop carrots, tomatoes and onions (1 pc. each);
  • fry the vegetables, after 10 minutes pour in 200 ml of drinking water;
  • season the dressing with salt and pepper;
  • simmer over low heat with the cabbage rolls under the lid for half an hour.

Recipe No. 2 “Colcannon”


  • green onions– 1 bunch;
  • milk – 100 ml;
  • potatoes – 1 kg;
  • a mixture of green leafy vegetables (spinach, savoy cabbage, lettuce, chard) - 300 g;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking principle

  1. Peel the potatoes and cut them in half.
  2. Remove tough stems from green leafy vegetables and chop finely.
  3. Boil the potatoes until soft for 30 minutes, then puree.
  4. Heat green leaves in a frying pan with butter, salt. Cook for 7 minutes until softened, add to puree.

You can add 100 g of cheese cut into strips to the dish.

Recipe No. 3 “Bean soup”


  • raw smoked loin – 100 g;
  • onion – 2 pcs;
  • dry white beans– 100 g;
  • turnip – 1 piece;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • cloves – 4 buds;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • garni – 1 bouquet;
  • Savoy cabbage – 0.5 heads;
  • potatoes – 200 g;
  • leek - 1 stalk;
  • smoked chicken meat – 500 g;
  • rendered lard – 15 ml;
  • green beans – 50 g;
  • water – 1.5 l;
  • salt pepper.

Process sequence

  1. Wash and cover white beans with cold water and leave for 12-24 hours.
  2. Clear half onions from the peel, stick a clove into it. Place the vegetable in a container with beans, add the loin and bouquet of edges.
  3. Place the pan on the fire, when the water boils, remove the foam from the surface, cook for 45 minutes under the lid over medium heat, add salt.
  4. Remove the hard core from the cabbage leaves, wash and carefully cut into strips. Peel carrots, potatoes, turnips, garlic and red onions, chop into small pieces, and leeks into half rings.
  5. Heat melted lard in a frying pan. Fry onions, garlic, turnips and carrots in it (for 7 minutes). Place the vegetables in a cauldron with beans, season, stir, cook for 15 minutes. To avoid prolonging the cooking time, so that the food is not raw, it should be cooked with the lid tightly closed.
  6. Blanch the chopped savoy cabbage leaves (1.5 minutes), then transfer to a saucepan with ice water. This procedure will ensure the preservation of the bright color of the vegetable.
  7. Add potatoes and cabbage to the soup and cook for 15 minutes. Remove the bouquet garni and onion from the pan. Cut the loin into small pieces and return to the soup.
  8. Remove the skin from chicken legs, separate the fillet from the bone, disassemble into fibers. Add green beans and meat to the soup and cook for another 5 minutes.

Serve the dish hot.

Cabbage diet

Due to the low calorie content of the main product (27 kcal per 100 g), this method of weight loss is considered a highly effective nutritional regimen. It does not limit the person losing weight in choosing the type of cabbage. Throughout the diet, it is allowed to eat Savoy, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage and kohlrabi. To avoid monotony in your diet, it is recommended to combine different types and cabbage varieties.

It is preferable to consume the product fresh so that it retains a maximum of vitamins, macro- and microelements, vegetable fiber. Dietary fiber stimulates the intestines, cleanses the body of toxins, reduces the digestibility of carbohydrates and triglycerides, normalizes stool, removes undigested food, accelerates metabolism, due to which sweets do not have time to be absorbed.

The highest nutritional value of representatives of the cruciforms comes from Brussels sprouts(44 kcal per 100 g) and the smallest for fermented (19 kcal per 100 g). The latter is a storehouse of vitamin C (38 mg per 100 g, which is 42% of daily norm). Sauerkraut normalizes fat metabolism, removes toxins, regulates metabolism, eliminates constipation and takes a long time to digest, which gives a feeling of fullness. In addition, it supplies iodine to the body, nourishes the thyroid gland, kills E. coli, and lowers cholesterol levels.

To achieve positive dynamics in weight loss, it is recommended to replace fresh vegetables with pickled vegetables every 3 days.

The cabbage diet is designed for 10 days. During this period, you can get rid of 5 to 10 kg, depending on the degree of obesity and the physiological characteristics of the body. Repeating the diet is possible only after 2 months (not earlier).

Throughout the entire period of weight loss, you should not eat flour, confectionery, alcohol, sugar, salt. At the same time, without restrictions you can eat grapefruit, lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, apples, green onions, celery, turnips, artichokes, bell peppers, zucchini, drink water, green tea. In the morning you can treat yourself to a cup brewed coffee, which speeds up metabolism, which promotes additional weight loss.

Benefits of the Cabbage Diet

  • stimulation of intestinal function;
  • detoxification of the body;
  • long-term result (after completing the diet, subject to proper nutrition the lost kilograms do not come back);
  • low cost, availability of the product;
  • improved digestion;
  • rapid weight loss (virtually due to lack of complex carbohydrates and protein in the composition).


  • discomfort (headaches, upset stomach, bloating, cramps in the intestines);
  • decreased performance and reaction speed, apathy (due to low energy value cabbage);
  • difficult to maintain, high risk of diet failure.

The cabbage weight loss program is contraindicated in the presence of intolerance to cruciferous products and diseases of the digestive system.

Menu for 10 days

  • breakfast – coffee - 40 ml or green tea - 200 ml;
  • lunch – boiled chicken or fish - 150 g, carrot and cabbage salad, seasoned olive oil- 200 g;
  • dinner - quail egg- 1 piece, cabbage - 200 g, apple or grapefruit - 1 piece;
  • 2 hours before bedtime - kefir 1% - 200 ml.

Between meals, you are allowed to eat sauerkraut or fresh cabbage in unlimited quantities. If desired, the vegetable can be boiled or stewed for no more than 15 minutes. Cabbage salad can be replaced with vegetarian soup or vegetable cabbage rolls.

Remember, any diet requires reasonable approach. It is strictly forbidden to eat a cabbage diet all the time, as this may lead to problems with the digestive system.


Cabbage is a long-day plant. If there is a lack of light (less than 12 hours), the vegetable does not form an arrow with seeds. As a result, the crop does not produce a harvest and gradually dies. For flowering and fruiting, Savoy cabbage needs a minimum of 13 hours of daylight. The plant loves open southern slopes, soil with acidity ph = 6.7-7.4, abundant watering 2 times every 7 days (8-13 liters of water per 1 sq.m.), loosening.

Good predecessors for cruciferous vegetables are cucumbers, grains, green manure, onions, legumes, carrots, and potatoes. The bad ones are turnips, radishes, radishes, beets, tomatoes.

Preparing for landing

Dry vegetable seeds are soaked in water (50 degrees) for a quarter of an hour, then placed in cold liquid for 1 minute, and then in a solution of microelements for 12 hours. Next, they are washed under running water, kept for a day in the refrigerator, dried, sown as seedlings in a substrate, maintaining a distance between grooves of 3 cm, between plants - 1 cm. The depth of planting seeds into the soil should not exceed 1 cm. The favorable temperature for their growth is 2 -5 degrees above zero. Depending on the variety of vegetable crop, seedlings are planted in the ground from March 5 to March 20.

After sowing the seeds, the soil is sprinkled with water until seedlings emerge (within 5 days). A box with seedlings is placed in a room with an ambient temperature of 20 degrees. When the seedlings appear, to stretch the plants, they are transferred to a room where 8 degrees above zero is maintained. After 9 days, the sprouts are picked. 7 days before planting savoy cabbage in open ground they stop watering it. The seedlings are buried down to the first true leaf. The first 3 days after planting it is shaded. After 20 days, the cabbage is hilled. This procedure is repeated again after 10 days. To feed vegetables, mullein, wood ash, urea, superphosphate, dolomite flour, and lime are used.


Savoy cabbage is a plant of the Brassica family with dark green corrugated, curly and thin leaves that have delicate taste and aroma. Unlike cabbage cabbage, Brussels sprouts are not as tough because they do not contain coarse veins.

Savoy cabbage is rich in sugars, mustard oil, fiber, pectin, phytoncides, vitamins and minerals. It contains glutathione, which is a powerful natural antioxidant. Tripeptide γ-glutamylcysteinylglycine strengthens immune system, protects the body from the harmful effects of carcinogens, regulates the functioning of the nervous system.

In 1957, it was found that cabbage contains ascorbigen, which, when broken down in the stomach, suppresses the growth of cancer cells and prevents the development of cancer. This is the only representative of the cruciforms, which contains mannitol alcohol (a natural sugar substitute for diabetics).

Savoy cabbage improves food digestion, metabolism, and reduces blood pressure, removes toxins and excess liquid. People who have no contraindications are recommended to consume the product on an ongoing basis, at least 200 g of fresh vegetables per day. And those losing weight are advised to pay attention to the ten-day cabbage diet, which helps to get rid of up to 10 extra pounds.

Soups, borscht, casseroles, and cabbage rolls are prepared from the cross-shaped vegetable. Remember, this type of cabbage has a soft structure, so it cannot be cooked for a long time.

Savoy cabbage is a vegetable crop belonging to the type of cabbage. Varietal group - sabauda. To date, the vegetable has not become widespread in Russia. This is due to the short shelf life, low yield compared to white cabbage, and this variety is also not used for pickling. Savoy cabbage can be eaten fresh, or added to salads, soups, stewed, or prepared for the winter. There are a large number of recipes for dishes made from this vegetable.


Savoy cabbage was first bred in Italy more than 500 years ago. It received its name in honor of one of the duchies, which was located in the north of the state and disappeared from the map of Europe in the 18th century. In Italy the vegetable is known as Milanese or Lombard cabbage, and in the Czech Republic as French cabbage.

Its appearance is very similar to cabbage, but it has unusual corrugated leaves that are very prized. The advantages of the vegetable include its delicate taste. He can often be found in variety of dishes residents of the USA and Canada.

Savoy cabbage is resistant to diseases and changes in air temperature; it is not harmed by drought and frost down to -7°C. The yield of the vegetable is lower than that of white cabbage, and its shelf life is only 2 months. Caring for Savoy cabbage is simple and does not differ from the maintenance requirements for other varieties. The plant propagates using seedlings. Per 1 m², the vegetable yield is 8 kg.

Beneficial features

The benefits of Savoy cabbage are very great. The biochemical composition of the vegetable is rich in easily digestible protein, as well as various micro- and macroelements necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems of the human body. Among them are the following substances:

  • mustard oils - participate in the normalization of digestive and cardiovascular systems, have a positive effect on the walls of blood vessels and capillaries, helping to quickly activate fat metabolism;
  • chlorophyll - protects cells from mutation;
  • dietary fiber - helps normalize intestinal functions;
  • phytoncides - strengthen the immune system;
  • a complex of vitamins and minerals, including B vitamins, folic acid, selenium, aluminum, copper, sulfur, calcium, potassium, beta-carotene.

The vegetable contains a rare vitamin U, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the liver, as well as vitamin K, which human blood needs.

Folic acid contained in savoy cabbage is an important vitamin primarily needed by pregnant women. If the expectant mother's body is deficient in this substance, various defects of the fetal neural tube may appear. There is also a possibility of anencephaly (a malformation of the brain), spinal pathology and problems with the limbs. Folic acid takes part in the process of carbohydrate transfer, which improves the metabolism of amino acids and the synthesis of nucleic acids. The action of the substance is aimed at the process of formation of new cells and DNA copying.

The vitamin C contained in the vegetable reduces the risk of developing gout, the presence of which can be determined by the painful condition of the big toe. The disease occurs due to the presence of excess uric acid in the joints. According to research, regular consumption of savoy cabbage reduces the risk of gout by 30%. The vegetable contains soluble fibers, which help in slowing down the digestion process and ensure the maintenance of optimal sugar levels in human blood. This helps increase the sensitivity of diabetic patients to insulin. There is also Feedback between dietary fiber in the blood and glucose levels. If you consume large amounts of soluble fiber, the body's resistance to insulin, which forms when glucose levels rise, decreases.

Savoy cabbage contains vitamins C, A, D and K, which reduce the risk of gum disease and oral cavity. Frequent consumption of the vegetable helps eliminate bacteria that multiply in this area. The interaction of vitamin K with other substances prevents the development of a variety of diseases that cause caries and damage tooth enamel. The effect of vitamin K is also observed in improving metabolic processes and starting the work of sphingolipids - molecules that are found in cell membranes. This substance also has anti-inflammatory properties and has anti-oxidative effects caused by radicals. Oxidation provokes Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

Savoy cabbage contains a large amount of bioactive substances that have antioxidant properties. These elements include:

  • glutathione - aimed at neutralizing radicals, helps protect the body from carcinogens, slows down the aging process of cells;
  • ascorbigen - suppresses the proliferation of cancer cells and helps destroy them;
  • polyphenols - do not allow the development of atherosclerosis, ischemia and other diseases associated with neurology.

Savoy cabbage is an indispensable product nutrition, which has other benefits:

  1. 1. Helps get rid of edema and excess weight.
  2. 2. Normalizes blood pressure.
  3. 3. Helps saturate the human body with useful substances.
  4. 4. Has a beneficial effect on bone tissue and strengthens the immune system.

Harm and contraindications

Savoy cabbage is not harmful in moderation, but frequent use can provoke increased gas production, as well as diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

The vegetable is contraindicated for children under 8 months. Up to 1 year of age, savoy cabbage can be given to a child only after heat treatment (preferably in boiled) and in small quantities. Otherwise, the baby may develop colic and an upset stomach.

Consumption of vegetables is contraindicated during the recovery period after operations in the chest and abdominal area. You should not eat this variety of cabbage if you have ulcers, pancreatitis and gastritis.


Savoy cabbage can be cooked different ways. It is suitable for main courses and snacks, and can also be prepared for the winter (pickled or filled with marinade; the vegetable can be boiled and blanched beforehand).

Most popular recipes are stewed, stuffed cabbage and cabbage rolls.

Stewed savoy cabbage in cream sauce

To prepare this dish you will need the following products:

  • savoy cabbage - 800 g;
  • white onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt to taste;
  • butter - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 2 tsp. ;
  • cream - 250 ml;
  • vegetable broth - 100 ml;
  • cumin - 2 tsp. ;
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • ground black pepper;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 0.5 cups.

The onion should be chopped. The cabbage must be peeled from the top rough leaves and the head cut out. The vegetable leaves must be cut into small strips of 2 cm each. The cabbage must be placed in a salted boiled water and cook for 5 minutes. After this, the liquid should be drained and the vegetable should be left in a colander.

In pre-melted butter in a saucepan, you need to fry the onion. To give the dish an unforgettable taste, you can add flour during the process. After this you need to pour in the cream and broth. Using a whisk, you must thoroughly mix the entire contents of the container. The sauce should cook for 7 minutes, while it needs to be stirred.

Add cabbage, parsley, and cumin to the pan. All this needs to be simmered for 5 minutes, the fire should be low. Then the dish must be peppered, salted and sprinkled lemon juice.

Stuffed cabbage rolls with mushrooms

The necessary ingredients for making cabbage rolls are:

  • savoy cabbage - 1 head;
  • boiled rice - 300 g;
  • mixed minced meat - 300 g;
  • mushroom caviar - 300 g;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt;
  • broth - 1 glass;
  • ketchup - 3 tbsp. l. ;
  • sour cream - 5 tbsp. l. ;
  • margarine - 100 g.

To prepare this dish, cabbage is processed in the same way as for regular cabbage rolls. First you need to remove the leaves and steam them in hot water. You need to cut off the thickenings from them. To make the filling, you need to mix rice with minced meat, then add salt and pepper to taste. To them should be added mushroom caviar. All contents of the container must be mixed well. After this, the minced meat must be placed on cabbage leaves and wrapped. It is important to be careful when doing this, as the leaves are very delicate and can be easily torn. Rolled cabbage rolls must be placed in deep baking tray, on the bottom of which you need to line the top removed leaves.

To prepare the dressing in hot water you need to place the following ingredients: margarine or butter and bouillon cube. Ketchup and sour cream should be added to the broth. Everything must be thoroughly mixed, and the prepared dressing must be poured over the cabbage rolls. It should completely cover them in the pan.

The top of the cabbage rolls should be covered with leaves. The dish should be baked in the oven; it will not burn, since the bottom layer of leaves protects against this. The cabbage rolls can be covered with a lid; in this case, there is no need to place the leaves on top. The dish should be baked at +180 degrees for 1 hour. The thickness of the cabbage rolls may affect the cooking time. After baking, it is recommended to place the cabbage rolls on a plate and sprinkle a small amount greenery

Stuffed cabbage

Required ingredients:

  • small savoy cabbage - 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. l. ;
  • diced red pepper - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • rice vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l. ;
  • chopped ginger - 2 tbsp. l. ;
  • boiled rice - 1/2 cup;
  • washed canned white beans - 1 cup;
  • canned chestnuts - 250 g;
  • bread;
  • canned tomatoes - 800 g.

It is necessary to remove the top two leaves of cabbage and cut out the middle of the head of cabbage. A funnel-like hole should form. The cut cabbage needs to be chopped. As a result, it can take about 2 glasses.

It is necessary to heat a large frying pan over low heat, add 1 tbsp. l. oils When it melts, put pepper and half an onion in a container and fry them for 10 minutes until golden crust. In the pan you need to add shredded cabbage, vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce, garlic and 1 tbsp. l. ginger and cook for 5 minutes. The pan should be removed from the heat, after which you need to pour rice, chestnuts and beans into it.

The cabbage must be stuffed with the resulting vegetable mixture, then cover with leaves and tie with rope. After this you need to warm up cast iron pan over low heat, add 1 tbsp. l. oils and onions. Fry the mixture for 5 minutes. Then you need to pour 1 tbsp. l. ginger and cook for 30 seconds.

You need to put the tomatoes with juice on a plate and mash them using the edge of a spoon. After this, add a glass of water and 1 tbsp. l. soy sauce. Place cabbage in the resulting tomato mass and cover the top with leaves. The dish must be simmered for 1 hour. Cabbage should be served at large dish, you need to remove the ropes in advance. The vegetable can be poured with sauce and cut into slices. It is recommended to serve the dish with French bread.

Savoy cabbage belongs to the cruciferous family. A photophilous biennial vegetable crop with excellent taste qualities and many beneficial properties, it is widely used in cooking. A valuable dietary product is used in medical nutrition.

History and geography of the product

Savoy cabbage has been cultivated in Europe since the 17th century. Her first harvest was harvested in northern Italy, in the Duchy of Savoy ( Italian Savoia, fr. Savoie). In 1860, these lands became part of France. In Italy, savoy cabbage is still extremely popular today; it is cultivated in various regions of the country.

A rather unpretentious vegetable crop grows well in saline soils. In 17th-century Holland, cabbage plantations were used to desalinate the soil. Currently, Savoy cabbage is grown in many European countries. It is also popular on the American continent.

Types and varieties

The leaves of Savoy cabbage are more tender than those of white cabbage. They do not have rough veins. Smooth and tight outer leaves protect the inner, young and thin leaves, forming a compact head of cabbage. Also cultivated in Savoie leaf varieties. Savoy cabbage is grown in seedlings. Its varieties are divided into early, mid-season hybrids And late.

Among the early varieties one can distinguish such as “Golden Early”, “Yubileinaya 2170”, “Vienna”. The leaves of early ripening varieties begin to curl into heads as early as July. These varieties are resistant to cracking and produce good yields. The mid-season hybrid “F1Kroma” allows you to harvest dense heads of cabbage. The mid-season hybrid “F1Melissa” produces a stable harvest. Among the mid-late varieties, the Dutch hybrid “F1Ovasa” has proven itself well, which is resistant to diseases and weather disasters. Beautiful velvety heads of cabbage weigh 3-4 kg. Late varieties with dense large heads of cabbage ripen around the end of September. They are usually stored for no more than two months.

Depending on the variety, the outer corrugated leaves are light or dark green. Young inner leaves are lighter in color. All varieties love good, but not excessive watering. If the humidity is too high, the roots of the plant die. Unlike white cabbage, heads of Savoy cabbage tolerate frost quite well.

Beneficial features

Savoy cabbage contains:
easily digestible carbohydrates (glucose and fructose);
mustard oils;
pectin substances.

Thanks to pectin and fiber, cabbage is useful for the prevention of gastrointestinal diseases. Including savoy cabbage dishes in your diet helps improve intestinal motility.

Savoy cabbage is recommended to be used for the treatment and prevention of vitamin deficiency. It contains a unique and balanced complex of vitamins. One hundred grams dietary product contains essential for humans vitamins:
A or carotene - 0.6 mg;
Group - thiamine - 0.07 mg, riboflavin -0.03 mg, niacin - 0.3 mg, pantothenic acid - 0.187 mg, pyridoxine - 0.19 mg, folic acid - 0.08 mg, tocopherol - 31 mg;
C or ascorbic acid - 31 mg;
E or tocopherol - 0.17 mg;
U or methionine (has antiulcer properties) -0.32 mg;
K or phylloquinone - 0.069 mg.

The popular vegetable contains many beneficial minerals and microelements:
Potassium - 238 mg;
Phosphorus - 42 mg;
magnesium - 28 mg;
calcium 35 mg;
zinc - 0.27 mg;
iron - 0.4 mg.

Savoy cabbage, which has bactericidal and antioxidant properties, is recommended for the prevention of colds. It is ideal for dietary nutrition. Its regular inclusion in the diet has a beneficial effect on the state of the nervous system, speeds up metabolism, and helps improve blood composition. Savoy cabbage is useful for children and the elderly; it is recommended for people suffering from hypertension, diabetes, and also for those who want to reduce their weight. One hundred grams of the product contains about 28 kcal.

Taste qualities

Savoy cabbage has high taste qualities. In taste and appearance, it resembles cabbage, but is a little spicier, more aromatic, and more tender, since it contains less coarse fiber. Her succulent leaves contain a large amount vegetable protein. Taste shades depend on the method of preparation. The most important thing is not to overcook tender leaves. When cooked for a long time they lose useful material, acquire a specific bitter cabbage taste and smell. Savoy cabbage makes exceptionally tasty and tender cabbage soup, aromatic vegetable stews, schnitzels and cutlets.

Use in cooking

Culinary dishes made from Savoy cabbage are popular in many European countries. Its succulent leaves are delicious raw. They make various and very healthy salads. Due to the fact that the leaves have a wavy shape, the salad looks extremely aesthetically pleasing. A tasty, healthy and iron-rich salad will turn out if you add fresh apples.

Salads and cold appetizers are prepared from heads of cabbage that weigh no more than 500 grams. The head of cabbage is washed and the outer leaves are removed. If these leaves are dry, this means that the head of cabbage has been stored for a long time and has begun to lose moisture. The tender inner leaves are boiled and stewed ( often with pork). They are used for soups, for cooking, cutlets, stuffed dishes, vegetable stew and puree. It is recommended to prepare Savoy cabbage using minimum quantity water, cabbage leaves should not be overcooked.

Seasonings used: salt, pepper, nutmeg, basil leaves, marjoram, parsley, garlic. Cabbage cutlets and casseroles are served under sour cream sauce. Salads are seasoned with olive oil. Savoy cabbage is not used for pickling and canning. But it can be dried. The inner thin and tender leaves are blanched and then cut into strips. They are dried at a temperature of about 50-60 degrees. From dried leaves they cook soups, prepare vegetable stews, cabbage cutlets.
