Sour yeast pancakes recipe with photos. Wheat pancakes made from sour dough. Secrets of Russian pancakes

Step-by-step recipes preparing thin and thick sour pancakes with yeast, kefir, sour milk, sourdough

2018-09-29 Oleg Mikhailov





In 100 grams ready-made dish

5 gr.

6 gr.


27 gr.

183 kcal.

Option 1: Classic recipe for sour pancakes with milk

Choose the filling to your taste; pancakes are prepared with both sweet jam and salty cheese. Honey is very popular, and there are fillings in which cheese is added to it. It turns out original treat, the taste of which is extremely difficult to describe.


  • 800 milliliters of sour milk;
  • four tablespoons of sugar;
  • three fresh eggs;
  • salt;
  • flour - two and a half glasses;
  • six tablespoons of refined oil;
  • half a spoon of dry soda.

Step-by-step recipe for sour pancakes

When working with raw eggs It is highly advisable to wash them first. Otherwise, microorganisms located on the surface of the shell can get into the prepared dish and cause a lot of trouble. It is enough to place the eggs in a container with warm water and a cloth or sponge with a minimum detergent or just a solution baking soda Wipe the shell thoroughly, then rinse under the tap.

After drying the eggs after washing, break the shells and release the eggs one at a time into the cup. After making sure that the product is fresh and does not contain foreign particles, pour the eggs into a bowl. Salt them and add sugar, initially the amount indicated in the recipe, then, if you consider it necessary, you can sweeten the dough further. After warming up the milk a little, pour in about half and begin to gradually add the sifted flour ahead of time. Mix with a spoon.

Please note two points. First, the milk should not be sour; pancakes with yogurt are a slightly different recipe. Secondly, you need to heat the milk very low, otherwise it will curdle. Dissolve another spoonful of sugar in the second portion of milk, if the dough seems not sweet enough and pour it into the dough. Set aside the spoon and take a mixer set to medium speed. Knead the dough, watching for lumps, as soon as there are no lumps, add oil and soda.

Set the covered bowl with the dough aside for about twenty minutes, then stir it again and bake the pancakes until ordinary technology. Wash the frying pan and dry it with a towel, heat it up and add a small amount cooking oil. Decide for yourself what it should be, pancakes are equally good with lard or butter of any kind.

Option 2: Quick recipe for sour pancakes with kefir

These pancakes also come out very beautiful. If you have a frying pan with a non-stick coating on your household, use it, then you will hardly have to grease it.


  • kefir, fat content up to 3% - 500 milliliters;
  • two raw eggs;
  • three tablespoons of pure oil and one of vinegar;
  • 220 grams of flour;
  • sugar - three spoons;
  • salt;
  • soda - a spoon without a slide.

How to quickly cook sour pancakes

After releasing the eggs into an enamel bowl, add salt, add sugar and beat with a fork. When you reach a light foam, stop and sift the flour. Kefir should be slightly warmer than the air temperature, and it needs to be warmed up in advance.

First add kefir to the egg mixture, then stir and, without stopping, add handfuls of flour. Make the dough a little thicker than for milk pancakes; at the last step, add butter into it and mix.

Quench the soda in vinegar; it is convenient to do this in a small ladle. After mixing the soda into the dough, evaluate the thickness, add flour if necessary, but try to use as little as possible. Set aside for a quarter of an hour, covering the bowl.

It is convenient to moisten the frying pan with oil using half a potato. Peel it and prick it on a fork, dip it in oil and, shaking off excess drops, quickly wipe the frying pan with a potato. When the pan is heated moderately on the first side thin pancake it takes up to one and a half minutes, and the second one turns red in about thirty seconds.

Option 3: Thin sour pancakes with sourdough bread

Even if you don’t intend to bake such pancakes, take the recipe for sourdough “on a pencil”, it is simple and may be useful to you. Good sourdough we will make it from whole ground rye flour, we will only need half a glass of it at first.

Slightly heat the water (no higher than forty degrees), pour it into the flour and stir so that there are no lumps left. Pour into a jar of suitable volume and cover the top with gauze. The first stage - up to one and a half days, during this time stir the starter twice.

Next, remove about half of the starter, add half the original amount of flour, and add a quarter glass of water. We keep the starter in the same mode and mix it twice. We determine the readiness of the mass by the smell that has become more delicate, with light sour notes.


  • four glasses of water and flour;
  • three spoons of ready-made bread sourdough;
  • spoon of salt;
  • oil, lean;
  • four tablespoons of sugar;
  • one raw egg.

Step by step recipe

After sifting the flour, combine it with sugar and add warm water. You shouldn’t heat it up too much, the most suitable temperature is forty degrees, no higher! Add the starter to the same bowl and mix the mixture especially thoroughly.

Cover with a lid and keep the dough warm. Depending on various factors, primarily such as room temperature and the strength of the starter, it will take from three to five hours to rise the dough.

Look in the bowl; the dough, having doubled in volume, is almost ready. All that remains is to stir in the butter and egg, add salt. Fry the pancakes in the same oil that was added to the dough.

There should be up to three dozen thin pancakes from the batch of dough, turn them over to fry reverse side, as soon as a ruddy outline forms around the edges. Don't brown the other side too much!

Option 4: Thick sour pancakes

You should get about a dozen and a half pancakes from the specified amount of ingredients. They will turn out less sweet than in the previous recipe, but almost any filling is suitable for them. If thin pancakes are good for rolling into rolls, then with thick ones you have to do things a little differently. More often, the filling is less liquid and folded into triangles.


  • three glasses of heated water;
  • sugar, refined - three tablespoons;
  • a third of a glass of oil (refined);
  • four full glasses of white flour;
  • salt;
  • three spoons of sourdough (as in the previous recipe).

How to cook

Mix the starter with water, pour into the sifted flour, add sugar and mix very thoroughly. Cover and wrap the bowl with the dough, set aside close to warmth. After waiting for the dough to rise twice, pour oil into it and stir.

Determine the taste raw dough It’s not easy, try it just in case, then add a small spoonful of salt and mix thoroughly. Taste again and, if necessary, increase the total amount of salt to a full spoon.

With minor differences, the recipe for thick pancakes is similar to the previous one, we bake them almost the same way. Add just a little bit of oil to the frying pan, but pour in half as much dough.

Option 5: Yeast sour pancakes

It is acceptable to replace dry yeast with fresh ones if you are not sure of the quality of powdered yeast. You will need approximately 50 grams of fresh, alcoholic or bread. The preparation procedure differs slightly, grind the yeast with sugar, adding milk little by little, then add it all without any residue and keep it warm.


  • a glass of good flour;
  • a couple of spoons of sugar;
  • 10 grams of powdered yeast;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • butter - four tablespoons;
  • half a liter of sour milk;
  • soda;
  • a pair of chicken eggs;
  • vinegar.

Step by step recipe

Warm the milk a little above 30 degrees, quickly stir the sugar and yeast in it until dissolved. Set the covered bowl aside for about twenty minutes, closer to the heat. You can even build a simple “bath” by lowering a bowl of milk into a large one, into which you pour warm water.

Quench half a spoonful of soda with vinegar and add it to the yeast mixture along with the egg and salt. Next, add oil and, stirring in a circle with a whisk, add flour by the handful. Having ensured that all the lumps have disappeared without a trace, we cover the vessel again and send it to a warmer place for an hour.

Do not open the bowls of dough until the specified time has elapsed, then check how much the dough has risen. It may not double in size, but the dough should be bubbly and noticeably “grow” in the bowl.

Do not stir the dough too much; scoop portions with a ladle and pour onto hot frying pan. Keep the temperature at medium, adjusting it according to the first pair of pancakes. Grease the pan with lard or rub it with a slice of lard, also if necessary, remembering that the dough already contains some oil.

Ruddy pancakes are the favorite delicacy of every Russian person. After all, this unique dish decorates our table not only for Maslenitsa. Pancakes can be served for breakfast and even as a snack. festive feast. In this article you will learn how to make sour pancakes with yeast, the recipe for which is very simple.

Pancakes - a classic of Russian cuisine

This a traditional dish many Slavic peoples came to us from ancient times. Historians have found the first mentions of pancakes dating back to the 9th century AD. Needless to say, throughout its existence, the recipe for their preparation has undergone a number of changes and modifications. After all, housewives cook not only traditional pancakes based on milk, but also use kefir, sourdough and even beer.

But it is the sour ones that turn out to be the most appetizing and unusual. The culinary recipes presented in this article will help you prepare them quickly and very tasty. Try making fragrant and golden brown pancakes with us.

Traditional pancake recipe

Most popular recipe, which is known to every housewife, is pancakes with milk. After all, it is in this case that they turn out very thin and tasty. To prepare you need to beat egg and mix it with 500 ml of milk and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. For taste, add a tablespoon of sugar and a teaspoon of salt. A glass of milk is enough to sift for the measured amount of milk. wheat flour. After all, the dough should turn out liquid, like kefir. To prevent lumps from forming, you need to vigorously mix all the ingredients when adding. Some housewives use a mixer for this purpose.

If you don't get the dough right the first time, try experimenting with the proportions of the ingredients. After all, the skill of making delicious pancakes comes only with experience. Be sure to record the amount of food you added so you can reproduce your culinary masterpiece in the future.

Why add yeast to pancakes?

In order to diversify usual recipe, you can add yeast to it. At the same time, the pancakes are not as thin as those made with milk. They will become fluffy and will look more like pancakes. Therefore, if you are not afraid of experiments in the kitchen, try making sour pancakes with yeast. Step-by-step recipes will help you follow correct proportions, and your household will appreciate your culinary talent.

When frying pancakes with yeast, you will notice that they will rise. In addition, bubbles will form on the dough, due to which the pancakes will turn out delicate and very beautiful. Often, it is precisely because of the appearance of the dish that housewives prefer this cooking method. On taste qualities it has virtually no effect. But remember that you should only use fresh yeast. An expired product may not give the desired effect.

step by step recipe

It takes a little longer to cook pancakes with yeast. To do this, you need to heat one liter of milk or on the stove. After all, yeast can only be activated in a warm environment. You need to dilute 3-4 teaspoons of dry yeast in milk and let the dough brew for an hour. In this case, the bowl must be covered with a towel to maintain the desired temperature.

After time, add 3-4 tablespoons of vegetable oil, 2 tablespoons of sugar, a little salt and 2 cups of sifted wheat flour to the dough. The dough should be liquid. The pancake mixture also needs to sit for half an hour for the yeast to start working.

Using the same principle, you can prepare sour pancakes with yeast. The recipe will be very similar to the classic one. However, we will replace one very important ingredient.

Sour (yeast) pancakes: recipe

WITH traditional ways Everything about cooking is more or less clear. But how to cook sour pancakes? The recipe is not as complicated as it might seem at first glance. And to create it you will need kefir with low fat content. In this case, the dough turns out sour, which gives it a special taste.

To prepare, heat a liter of kefir and dilute dry yeast in it in the same way as in the previous recipe. However, note that the amount of flour should be slightly less than when using milk. After all, kefir has a thicker consistency. The result should be a liquid, but at the same time tight dough, reminiscent of pancake dough.

How to fry pancakes correctly?

In order for the pancakes to turn out perfect shape, you should use a frying pan with a flat and thin bottom. In this case, the utensil should have a handle, since you will have to distribute the dough

Before frying, heat the pan well and grease it butter. Some housewives use animal fat for this purpose. But it will give the pancakes a specific smell.

Scoop the dough into a ladle and pour it into the middle of the pan. After which you need to quickly take it by the handle and evenly distribute the dough over the surface in a circular motion. If you do everything slowly, the pancake will not take the desired shape.

Pancakes are fried in milk for 1-2 minutes on both sides. After which you need to immediately remove them from the pan and grease them with butter, stacking them on top of each other.

Sour pancakes made with yeast, the recipe for which was described above, are fried a little longer than regular pancakes on milk. Because the result is a rather thick dough, more like pancakes.

How long can pancakes be stored?

Ready-made pancakes are usually eaten quickly. After all, you can resist thanks to their aroma and appetizing appearance very difficult. However, if you still have uneaten pancakes, you should fold them in the shape of triangles and hide them in special food containers. In this form they can be stored for a whole week, and if necessary, heated in a frying pan or in a microwave oven. But you should remember that sour pancakes made with yeast, the recipe for which is described in this article, spoil much faster than those prepared with milk.

Another way to preserve pancakes is to stuff them with different fillings. In this case, you will not only prolong them, but also make a full lunch dish or a snack for work. should also be stored in the refrigerator. However, keep in mind that not every filling will stay fresh for a long time.

How can you stuff yeast pancakes?

You can use cottage cheese, grated with sugar, as a filling for pancakes. You can add a little for flavor vanilla sugar. This recipe would be a great idea for breakfast or dessert. You can serve the dish with sour cream, condensed milk or your favorite berry jam.

For more hearty snack can be used chopped meat, fried with onions and seasoned with salt and spices. The most delicious pancakes are obtained from minced chicken. But you can find recipes with the addition of liver, beef and pork. In general, it all depends on personal preferences. Pancakes filled in this way should be fried on both sides before serving.

And the most traditional recipe for Russian cuisine is pancakes with red caviar. Despite the high cost of this ingredient, the dish is extremely popular. However, remember that pancakes with caviar cannot be stored even in the refrigerator. They should be consumed immediately after preparation. After all, fish delicacies tend to spoil quickly.

The best recipes for pancakes made with yeast, milk and kefir can be found in Russia. After all, our country is the birthplace of this unique and unique dish, which is loved by both adults and children. Therefore, hurry up and please yourself and your loved ones with delicious homemade pancakes!

At first glance, it seems that sour pancakes are not the best delicious dish and it feels like it has gone sour. But in fact, everything turns out exactly the opposite. Sour pancakes are called healthy and delicious product made from sour milk. This is an old Russian recipe for sour pancakes, which our grandmothers used. Such a product will not necessarily taste sour, and it will largely depend on the wishes of the person preparing it.

The advantages of sour pancakes are that, firstly, you can experiment with the shape: for example, make them lacy or (they contain lactic acid, due to which, by adding soda, you can achieve the desired consistency of the dough). Secondly, if you do not add sugar to the dough, but leave it sour, then you can get very tasty pancakes with any hearty filling (chicken and mushrooms, cottage cheese, potatoes, and so on). If preference is given to sweet pancakes, then you can add sugar to the dough and serve the finished product with jam or jam. So, to prepare sour pancakes you will need the following ingredients.


  1. 500 milliliters of sour milk;
  2. two glasses of flour;
  3. two eggs;
  4. 200 milliliters of water;
  5. 3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  6. sugar to taste.

It is also worth noting the peculiarities of preparing sour pancakes. If all of them are taken into account, the pancakes will not burn, and the cooking process will not cause any trouble. The first thing to consider is that all ingredients should be at the same temperature, and liquids (milk and water) should be slightly warmed up.

If you separate the yolks from the whites and beat them separately, the dough will be more tender and airy. The flour must be sifted using a sieve. This is necessary not in order to clean it of debris, but in order to saturate the product with oxygen.

A whisk is usually used to mix the dough, but you can use a blender. When using this method, you will be able to completely get rid of lumps in a matter of minutes. The dough is usually mixed in deep container, and for baking, use a cast iron or pancake frying pan, preferably with a non-stick coating. To flip the pancakes we need a spatula.


What to serve pancakes with?

A huge plus of sour pancakes is that they can be served with anything, there is a very large selection. If the pancakes are sweetened, you can serve them with condensed milk, sour cream, jam or preserves. Unsweetened pancakes goes well with potatoes, fish and others hearty fillings. Bon appetit.

How to cook sour pancakes yeast recipe with a photo - a complete description of the preparation so that the dish turns out very tasty and original.

Sour pancakes with yeast

Vintage Russians sour pancakes with yeastexcellent dish, which, with the help of your magic hands, can turn into a divine dessert or become the most appetizing second dish. They take quite a long time to prepare, but they always turn out fluffy, aromatic, filling and very tasty!

Ingredients for making sour pancakes with yeast:

  1. Sour milk 850 milliliters
  2. Fresh yeast 30 grams
  3. Sugar 2 tablespoons
  4. Salt 1 teaspoon
  5. Chicken egg 2 pieces
  6. Butter 50 grams
  7. Vegetable oil 2 tablespoons in the dough and as much as needed for frying
  8. Wheat flour 500 grams

Products not suitable? Choose similar recipe from others!

Tablespoon, teaspoon, kitchen scale, dinner fork, stove, deep saucepan (capacity 2 liters), deep bowl, deep plate - 2 pieces, plastic cling film, kitchen towel, whisk, saucepan, wide kitchen spatula, kitchen knife, bandage sterile, large frying pan, ladle, large flat dish, portion plate.

Making sour pancakes with yeast:

Step 1: prepare the milk

First pour into a small saucepan required quantity enough sour milk and put it on medium heat. Heat this ingredient for approx. up to 36–38 degrees Celsius. so that it is warm and you can safely dip your fingers into it without fear of getting burned.

Step 2: prepare the dough

Then pour a little milk into a deep plate, two hundred milliliters is enough. Crumble fresh yeast there and add one tablespoon granulated sugar. Mix everything thoroughly until smooth, cover the dough with a kitchen towel and place in a warm place on 35–40 minutes. for example, near the switched on stove, so that it rises.

Step 3: prepare the butter

Without wasting a minute, melt a piece of butter to a liquid consistency. It can be done different ways: in the microwave, steamed or the old fashioned way in a saucepan on the stove. During this process, the fat should be stirred periodically to avoid burning.

Step 4: prepare chicken eggs

Then we take chicken eggs, beat each one with the back of a knife and throw the yolks and whites into a small clean bowl. Beat them with a fork or whisk until fluffy, but not for long, just so that the mixture becomes homogeneous.

Step 5: prepare the dough

When the dough blooms into a chic, fluffy head, pour it into a deep bowl. We send the remaining warm milk there, add another tablespoon of sugar, a little salt, beaten chicken eggs and shake everything until smooth. After this, using a sieve with a fine mesh, we begin to introduce wheat flour into it, preferably premium.

We act gradually, adding this ingredient little by little, while kneading the semi-thick dough. Then tighten the bowl with plastic cling film, cover with a kitchen towel and place in a warm place on 50–60 minutes .

After this time, pour two types of butter into the risen semi-finished flour product: melted butter and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil. Mix the thick yeast mass with fat again to a homogeneous consistency, leave for 50 minutes covered and proceed to the next, almost final step.

Step 6: fry sour pancakes with yeast

We fold a piece of sterile bandage in 2-3 layers, moisten it in vegetable oil and apply fat to the bottom of the frying pan in a very thin layer, and then immediately put it on medium heat. After a few minutes, when this dish is very hot, pour about one ladle of fluffy yeast dough. Raise the pan at an angle 25–30 degrees. With a smooth movement of the hand, we turn it so that the semi-finished flour product spreads in an even layer in the form of a large flat circle of thickness 3–4 millimeters. and put it back on the stove.

As soon as the edge of the pancake is browned and the dough in the middle is compacted, we lift it delicious product using a wide kitchen spatula, with a deft movement of the hand, turn it over to the other side and fry in the same way until golden crust. In general, it takes approximately 2–3 minutes. Then we transfer the pancake to a large flat dish and fry the rest in the same way, each time greasing the pan with a thin layer of vegetable oil.

Step 7: serve sour pancakes with yeast

Sour pancakes made with yeast are served hot. You can serve them in different ways, for example, if you fill these flour products with sweet filling, condensed milk, fruits, berries, jam or preserves, then you will get an excellent dessert.

Spicy filling is also suitable, a good option is boiled and stewed rice with meat, eggs with herbs, potatoes with fried onions, in this case you will get a full-fledged second course for hearty breakfast, lunch or dinner. Well, the invariable addition is, of course, sour cream or cream. Enjoy delicious and long lasting food!
Bon appetit!

– very often they use not vegetable oil, but a piece of oil to lubricate the pan raw lard, the fat of which is used to cover hot dishes in a very thin layer, leaving no excess;

– the amount of sugar and salt can be adjusted depending on the taste you want to give to your flour product. Also, sometimes spices and seasonings are added to the dough, if it is prepared for dessert, then vanilla sugar, cinnamon or fruit or berry essences, and under spicy filling: suneli hops, rosemary, dried dill, parsley, ground bay leaf and many others;

– if the pancakes tear during frying, although this happens extremely rarely with this dough, add another chicken egg or a little flour to the semi-finished flour product for thickness;

– an alternative to butter and vegetable oil, which is placed in the dough – melted premium margarine with a minimum water content and maximum fat.

Video: Real Russian yeast pancakes

Video: Sour Pancakes with Yeast Recipe

Yeast pancakes - a delicious dish of Russian cuisine

If you want to prepare a tasty and appetizing dish without spending much time, there is an excellent solution - make pancakes. Today modern housewives They invent more and more new recipes, but in this situation the taste of the dish depends on the dough. Someone prepares them based on fresh milk, some use sour or diluted with water, some use yeast or omit it to save time. Depending on the ingredients used and the cooking method, you can get thin or thick, smooth or openwork products, just like in the photo below.

Over time, each housewife develops her own recipes with secrets and features, thanks to which the products turn out fluffy and tender. IN in this case all comes with experience. We offer recipes for pancakes with milk that will make life tastier and more fun.

Recipe for simple pancakes with yeast

It is yeast pancakes that are called real or the right pancakes. The recipe for their preparation includes the following products:

  • 500 milliliters of milk
  • 15 – 20 g pressed yeast or 0.5 pack. dry
  • 2 tbsp. flour
  • 2 fresh eggs
  • 2 table. l. granulated sugar
  • 1 tsp salt
  • 3 – 4 table. l. oil (vegetable or butter)

Like any yeast dough, they are prepared on a dough, for the preparation of which dry yeast is combined with warm milk, half a portion of sugar and flour. In the case of fresh yeast, they need to be mixed with milk and sugar in advance and allowed to rise slightly. Mix all the ingredients of the dough thoroughly and leave in a warm place for 30 - 40 minutes.

To obtain tasty dish, the dough needs to be seasoned after it has risen well. That is, you need to add eggs, salt, the remaining sugar and pour in the oil, then mix everything until smooth. It is better to do this with a mixer, which will allow you to break up all the small lumps. There you go batter for yeast pancakes.

Grease the hot frying pan for the first pancake; for all subsequent pancakes, use grease as needed. Pour the dough into the pan with a ladle, tilting it in different directions to form a pancake.

A good housewife will always try the first pancake and, if necessary, add milk, flour or salt to obtain the desired taste.

Thick pancakes with yeast

Prepare thick porous pancakes It will take a lot of time, but their taste is worth the time and effort.

  • 3 stacks warm water
  • 7 stacks milk
  • 7 stacks flour
  • 3 eggs
  • ¾ pack pressed yeast or 1.5 pack. dry
  • 1 ½ tsp. salt
  • 6 table. l. Sahara
  • 4 – 5 table. l. vegetable oil

The preparation of such pancakes begins with the dough. To do this, dissolve the yeast in warm water, add about 3 cups of flour and knead well. Place the dough covered with a towel in a warm place for 1.5 - 2 hours. During this period, the volume of the dough should double. Add beaten eggs, salt and sugar, butter, remaining flour to the prepared dough and thoroughly knead the thick dough. Place again in a warm place for half an hour, and in the meantime boil the milk and cool it slightly. Add hot milk to the dough in small portions, stirring continuously. The dough will be ready when it acquires the consistency of sour cream and it’s okay if some of the milk remains unused.

You can now bake thick pancakes. This should be done in a well-heated frying pan, which is greased with oil using half a potato. Finished goods It’s better to put it in a pan and cover it with a lid so that it doesn’t have time to cool too much.

You can eat them with whatever your heart desires: sour cream, condensed milk, jam, herring or red caviar, as in the photo.

Thin yeast pancakes

This recipe makes it possible to get thin lace pancakes that melt in your mouth. For this you will need:

  • 2.5 - 3 stacks. milk
  • 1.5 – 2 stacks. flour
  • 25 g pressed yeast
  • 1 table. l. Sahara
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • 2 fresh eggs
  • 1 table. l. vegetable oil
  • 100 g butter, melted and slightly cooled

Mix the yeast with sugar and milk with the addition of a pinch of salt. Add less than a glass of flour there and stir until the lumps disappear. Cover the bowl with the resulting thin dough with a towel and place on a warm water bath. After about half an hour, the dough will rise, after which we add the yolks, butter and sifted flour. Exactly for thin ones openwork pancakes you need oxygen-enriched flour, for which you need to sift it through a sieve. We put the dough in a warm place again and wait for it to rise a second time. Then add the whites whipped into a strong foam and leave the dough to rest for the last time for 10-15 minutes. If a lot of bubbles appear in the dough, the yeast has performed its functions perfectly and thin pancakes They will turn out just as delicate as in the photo.

It is better to bake pancakes in a frying pan with a thick bottom, which you grease with a piece of pork fat or vegetable oil. They bake very quickly, you just need to have time to turn them over and remove them. Carefully remove the finished pancake from the pan with a thin spatula and grease it with butter.

Pancakes with sour milk

An excellent solution to use up sour milk is to simply bake tender and fluffy pancakes with sour milk. For this you will need:

  • sour milk - 1 cup.
  • dry yeast - 1 tsp.
  • hot water - 2/3 tbsp.
  • wheat flour - 1.25 tbsp.
  • chicken eggs - 2 pcs.
  • sugar - 2 table. l.
  • a pinch of salt
  • vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons. l.

In a bowl mix 0.5 tbsp. sifted flour, sugar, yeast and salt. Then pour in the heated sour milk and, stirring well, leave under a towel for 30 minutes. After this time, add the whisked eggs, the remaining flour and pour in a thin stream hot water without stopping stirring the dough. Cover again with a towel and leave for 20 minutes. Immediately before frying pancakes in sour milk, add vegetable oil.

You need to fry the pancakes in a hot frying pan, greased with oil until golden color on both sides. You can serve them on the table already in this form, or you can smear them custard or condensed milk and then you will get such beauty.

Pancakes without yeast

If you need to quickly bake pancakes and don’t have time for yeast dough, without yeast pancakes- what is needed in this situation

  • 3 stacks milk
  • 2 stacks flour
  • 4 chicken eggs
  • 3 table. l. vegetable oil
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • 1 table. l. Sahara

Mix sifted flour with milk, sugar and salt. The consistency of the dough depends on the desire of the housewife: for thinner products and milk you will need a little more than 2.5 glasses for a dough with the consistency of liquid sour cream. In a separate clean bowl, beat the chilled eggs into a strong foam and combine with the dough. You can also fry yeast-free pancakes in a Teflon frying pan; it is not necessary to use a cast iron one. Once the edges of the pancake are golden, flip to the other side using a spatula. If desired, you can add cinnamon, vanilla or pureed fruit to the dough.

Cooking pancakes does not always take much time; sometimes it only takes half an hour. This dish can be served with various sauces or just with sour cream, as you like. Everyone can find recipes to their liking, the main thing is not to be afraid to experiment! We also recommend reading: Recipe for pancakes with yeast.

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Recipe for sour pancakes with yeast

oil for frying pancakes.

Heat the sour milk. Pour approximately 150 ml into a bowl, add yeast and 0.5 teaspoon of sugar. Add 2 tablespoons of flour, mix well and leave to rise in a warm place for 15-20 minutes. The suitable dough should increase in volume by 1.5-2 times. In a separate bowl, beat eggs with salt and remaining sugar. Pour in 400 ml sour milk, vegetable oil and mix. Add the dough and mix again. Gradually add flour. Knead a thick viscous dough. Cover the bowl with the dough with cling film and leave to rise in a warm place for 1 hour.

Stir the dough, cover and leave for another 20-30 minutes. The dough will be quite thick.

Therefore, to prevent the pancakes from being too thick, like flatbreads, dilute the dough with the remaining milk to such a consistency that the dough is easily distributed in the pan. Let the dough rest for another 15 minutes.

Fry pancakes in a greased frying pan over medium heat. First on one side until golden brown, then on the other.

Ready pancakes stack and brush with butter (optional). Very tasty and fluffy sour pancakes with yeast are ready. Bon appetit, make your loved ones happy!

Recipes for pancakes with yeast: tasty and very simple

In 2016, the Russian yeast or sour pancake celebrates its 1010th birthday, because it was first mentioned in 1006. This delicacy was extremely popular and was prepared not only at home, but also for sale. You could treat yourself to pancakes in taverns or by buying them from a tray at a fair, bazaar, or just on the street. On Maslenitsa, a traditional red pancake was baked, symbolizing the sun, and on other days, skorodumki or pancakes with unleavened dough were more often served, which, although very tasty, of course, could not compare with rich pancakes.

Usually pancakes were prepared from wheat flour with yeast; it was called creating pancakes, because when it came into the leaven, the dead flour came to life and turned into a breathing dough. Pancakes were baked in a thick frying pan in the oven, and this action required considerable skill from the housewife. However, even now there are recipes in use that involve not frying, but rather baking a rich pancake. Today, an oven is used for this.

This is the “weekend method”: you will need time as the dough needs to rest for more than an hour. But the recipe for fluffy yeast pancakes is simple and even novice cooks can follow it.

Water with milk is mentioned here, but you can use milk alone (in this case you will need about half a liter).

  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • milk - 1.5 cups;
  • water - 1 glass;
  • egg - 3 pieces;
  • dry yeast (“quick”) - half a tablespoon;
  • vegetable oil, refined - half a glass;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • salt - a large pinch.
  1. Break the eggs, add salt, sugar, beat everything together well.
  2. Add other ingredients.
  3. Mix thoroughly, add water and mix again until smooth (there should be no lumps).
  4. The dough should rest for an hour in a warm place. After doubling the volume, stir (this will remove the air) and let rise again (no need to stir anymore!).
  5. Grease a heated Teflon frying pan with oil using a pen or silicone pastry brush.
  6. Scoop the foamy mixture from the top with a ladle, pour it in an even layer into the center of the pan and let it spread, quickly tilting the pan in a circle. After the top has dried, fry the other side of the pancake.
  7. Serve on its own with sauces or toppings.

Tip: if you can’t find a warm, unventilated place, try keeping the dough in the oven at 40°C (preheat the oven until it’s “nicely warm” inside, then turn it off).

As you can see, cook these delicious pancakes very easy. It may seem to you that there is not enough sugar, but its amount is selected specifically for a neutral taste. Planning to cook sweet filling- perhaps you should add more sugar, but then the dough is unlikely to rise well.

We will also look at a recipe for yeast pancakes with milk and others interesting ways preparations.

Openwork made from milk dough

These yeast pancakes, just like grandma’s, look cute - thin, with holes, like lace. This simplest recipe worth trying and surprising everyone you serve.

  • flour - 3 cups;
  • dry yeast (or 30 grams of fresh) - 1 sachet;
  • milk - 1 liter;
  • eggs - 2 pieces;
  • sour cream (20% fat) or vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons;
  • sugar - half a glass;
  • salt - half a tablespoon.
  1. Combine the yeast and flour, add warm milk (if the yeast is raw, first dissolve it in the milk, and only then will it come to the flour). Stir. Throw a towel over it for an hour.
  2. Beat the eggs until foamy, add granulated sugar, salt, add sour cream (or butter) and beat again. Mix with the prepared dough, leave the dough to rise for half an hour.
  3. Lubricate with oil hot frying pan(if it is not non-stick) and start baking. Place the pancakes on top of each other, seasoning with butter.

Yeast pancakes with milk are good to make from warm ingredients: this applies not only to the milk itself, but also to eggs and water. Therefore, remove them from the refrigerator in advance, and the liquids can be additionally heated on the stove a little warmer room temperature. Remember that the yeast pancake dough itself also loves warm and quiet places (without drafts). Here it is better to stick to the “golden mean”: if too high temperature the mass will not rise; at low temperatures it will rise very slowly.

Pancakes made with dry yeast, like those made with fresh yeast, initially bubble and become as if “varnished”. As the product bakes, the color of its edges changes and the color fades a little. Then it's time to turn it over.

Unusually delicate pancakes made with yeast, with some sourness, will be obtained thanks to the kefir dough. They can be served with sweet, salty additions (eg fish, caviar). The dish is good for festive table and, as a rule, children like it.

  • kefir - 1 glass;
  • water - an incomplete glass;
  • flour - 1.5 cups;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • yeast (dry) and sugar - half a tablespoon each;
  • salt - to taste;
  • vegetable oil (for product) - 2 tablespoons;
  • butter (to lubricate products) - ¼ pack;
  • sunflower oil (for a frying pan) - 1.5-2 cups.
  1. Pour slightly warmed water into a bowl, add yeast and half a cup of flour. Stir and leave the starter for half an hour.
  2. Beat the eggs and granulated sugar thoroughly. Add kefir and prepared starter to the mixture, add salt and vegetable oil. Bring to a homogeneous structure.
  3. Add a little at a time and stir in the rest of the flour.
  4. Leave the dough warm for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Bake in the usual way until golden brown.
  6. Place on a dish, you can coat with butter.

If you add a little (tablespoon) mustard oil, yeast pancakes made with kefir will acquire a beautiful golden brown color and will not become stale.

Some housewives are sure that the recipe for pancakes with yeast and milk is better and tastier, while others object: but yeast pancakes with water are much more tender. While they're arguing, try this one out easy way and decide for yourself.

  • flour - 350 grams;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • “quick” yeast - 1 heaped tablespoon;
  • egg - 2 pieces;
  • sour cream (not too fatty) - 50 grams;
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons;
  • butter - 1 small piece;
  • vegetable oil - to taste.
  1. Heat the water and dissolve the yeast in it.
  2. Beat the eggs well with salt, sugar, add sour cream, add the prepared melted butter.
  3. Pour water with yeast into the sifted flour, mixing thoroughly (avoid the formation of lumps). Add the egg-sour cream-butter mixture and knead the dough.
  4. Set it aside for 40 minutes: it should become quite thick and porous.
  5. Bake as usual.

These quick yeast pancakes made with dry yeast really turn out to be very tender in consistency, and absolutely any filling is suitable for them.

Tip: to keep the dish warm, heat the oven (to about 100°C), place a plate there and place the prepared pancakes on it.

Having learned simple ways How to cook yeast pancakes, you can start experimenting with this “base”. By adding or subtracting ingredients, even substituting them partially, you can create another wonderful “signature” taste in your culinary practice.

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Yeast pancakes, Pancakes with milk

A simple recipe for thin openwork pancakes, the dough for which is prepared with the addition of yeast. Openwork pancakes, like classic ones, can be stuffed various fillings, for example, cottage cheese with raisins.

milk, wheat flour, chicken egg, sugar, vanilla sugar, salt, dry yeast, vegetable oil, cottage cheese, chicken egg, sugar, raisins

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Pancake recipes are very, very diverse, they can be made sweet, sour, fresh, yeasty, thick, thin, with or without holes.

The peculiar sour pancakes made with yeast, the recipe for which we present here, are a traditional type of pancakes that are usually baked on Maslenitsa as a treat. It is believed that yeast makes the dough “alive”, and earlier, during sacred holidays, housewives put a special, spiritual meaning into baking such pancakes.

Unlike unleavened dough, with yeast you will have to tinker a little. It takes longer to prepare, so plan ahead.

There are several options for yeast dough: with dry yeast, with live yeast, with milk, cream, kefir. Let's look at some of the best recipes.

Yeast sour pancakes: recipe with milk

How to make sour pancakes with milk

  1. Heat the milk to 30-40 degrees. While it is warm, dissolve the sugar and yeast in it, and then put it in a warm, dry place for about 20 minutes, covering the container with a napkin.
  2. Then, when the yeast has dissolved, add eggs, salt and soda dissolved in vinegar to the liquid. Mix everything.
  3. Pour oil into the dough, stir the dough again. You can use a whisk for this.
  4. Start adding flour in small portions. Stir the ingredients until the batter is smooth and free of lumps.
  5. When everything is ready, cover the dishes with a napkin again and put them in a warm place for an hour.
  6. Once you open the dough after the specified time, you will see that it has increased in volume and become bubbly. Now you can start baking pancakes!

Please note that pancakes mixed with dry yeast may be less fluffy. You need to take only proven powdered yeast, since not all of them are of high quality. But there are no problems with live ones; the dough always rises well with them.

How to make sour pancakes with sourdough

Another original recipe nalistniki, which is made with pre-prepared sourdough. Such pancakes turn out even more fluffy with pronounced sour notes. No yeast is used in this dough.

  • Wheat flour - 2 cups;
  • Purified water - 1 glass;
  • Milk - 1 glass;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pcs;
  • Sugar - 3 tbsp;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp.

How to make sour pancakes with sourdough

First you need to make the starter itself; this is a rather lengthy process that takes several days.

  1. Combine a glass of flour with warm water and stir until standing homogeneous mass no lumps.
  2. Pour the mixture into a clean glass jar, so that it is 2/3 full. Cover it with gauze folded in 3-4 layers on top. A plastic lid cannot be used; the starter needs to receive oxygen.
  3. Place the jar in a warm place. The mixture should ferment for 3-4 days. Every day you need to stir it, add a little warm water and add 2 tbsp. l. flour.
  4. You can tell that the starter is ready for use by the white bubbly foam that should rise from the top.

After that, we deal directly with the test.

  1. Mix warm milk with a glass of starter. Let the mixture sit for half an hour in a warm place.
  2. Then add eggs, sugar and a pinch of salt to the mixture, mix everything.
  3. Gradually pour a glass of flour into the dough, dissolving it well so that there are no lumps left.
  4. Add vegetable oil to the ingredients and mix everything well again.
  5. Cover the container with the dough with a napkin and let it sit for an hour, or better yet, two. Once the time is up, start baking the pancakes.

Unlike sour yeast pancakes, the recipe for sourdough is more complex and takes more time, since the mixture must be prepared in advance. But once you try these sheets, you will be convinced that they turn out more tender and fluffy.

Pancake recipe with sour cream

If the cream in your refrigerator suddenly stagnates and has already become sour, this is not a reason to throw it away. You can use them to make excellent yeast pancakes!

  • Sour cream – 500 ml;
  • Wheat flour – 150 g;
  • Eggs – 2 pcs;
  • Yeast – 10 g dry or 50 g fresh;
  • Sugar – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • Salt - a pinch;
  • Vegetable oil – 3 tbsp. l.

How to cook sour pancakes with cream

  1. Heat the cream to 30 degrees, dissolve sugar in it and add yeast. Cover the bowl with a napkin and let the mixture sit for 15-20 minutes until the yeast is completely dispersed.
  2. Then add eggs, salt, stir everything. There is no need to use baking soda in this recipe, as the cream is sour.
  3. Start adding flour little by little, stirring the dough.
  4. At the end, pour in the vegetable oil and stir the mixture so that there are not even small lumps left in it.
  5. Let the dough sit in a warm place for an hour, then stir again and you can start baking pancakes.

Instead of cream, you can also use acidified kefir.

Any type of pancakes is baked in a pre-heated frying pan in small quantity oils It is most convenient to coat the bottom with oil using a silicone brush so that the sheets are not too greasy.

Now you can safely try making sour pancakes with yeast, choose the recipe at your discretion. The dish is served with sour cream, cream, yogurt, honey, jam, jam or condensed milk. You can store the pancakes in the refrigerator in a closed food container for 2 days.

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Fluffy milk pancakes without yeast recipe

Pancakes from sour dough, prepared according to the recipe from our website, turn out so tender and tasty that your household will definitely like it. In general, they are not difficult to prepare, and they are tender. milky taste And pleasant aroma will make your lunch truly cozy. Serving these pancakes is especially tasty with honey or condensed milk.

List of ingredients

  • sour milk - 1 l
  • eggs - 2-3 pcs
  • sugar - 2-4 tbsp. spoons
  • soda - 1/2 teaspoon
  • vegetable oil- 5 tbsp. spoons
  • flour - 1.5-2 cups
  • vegetable oil- for frying

Cooking method

Beat the egg with sugar and salt until fluffy. Pour in a third of the sour milk and stir. Add flour in small portions through a fine sieve and stir until smooth. Pour in the rest of the sour milk and mix again. This is convenient to do either with a mixer or with a culinary whisk.

Grease the frying pan with vegetable oil. Pour in a little using a ladle pancake dough and bake over medium heat until the top side is dry. Turn over with a spatula and bake until golden brown. Use the same method to bake the rest of the pancakes.

Bon appetit!
