How to put delicious. Pasta with cheese. Pepper stuffed with tuna

Dinner, which is recommended to be given to the enemy, is the only complete meal for most people who eat dry food during the day. Some count the hours until the evening so they can afford something delicious for dinner, others prepare a quick and tasty dinner, because their only desire is to fall on the sofa after have a hard day, and still others are constantly looking for easy recipes dinner so as not to overeat before bed and lose weight.

What to cook for so that you can have a full meal at least once a day and not harm your body? The fact is that in the evening the metabolism slows down, so food is absorbed worse, and all the calories are deposited on the hips and stomach. Nutritionists and doctors recommend having a protein or protein-carbohydrate dinner with a minimum of fat, and postponing sweets for the morning. The healthiest and most delicious dishes for dinner are lean meat, fish, seafood, cereals, vegetables, mushrooms, dairy products and some fruits. Such a meal gives strength, increases vitality and does not burden the stomach.

The most best recipes dinner preparations are collected on the “Eat at Home” website. If you come home tired, don’t take store-bought dumplings out of the freezer, but use tips for dinner from Yulia Vysotskaya. Agree, roast beef with coffee sauce and chicken baked with cheese and broccoli will not only relieve hunger, but also satisfy everything taste buds. You can also prepare simpler dishes - stewed cabbage with mushrooms and beans, rice with zucchini, meat cutlets with mashed potatoes, beef with barley and baked pumpkin With green peas. If you want to eat healthy, satisfying and tasty, look for dinner recipes in our catalog and don’t deny yourself the delicacies!

Hello everybody! Today there is a common question on everyone’s agenda, namely, what to cook for dinner. I often ask this to my husband and children. Mine usually always answer that they would eat it, I don’t mind either, especially since we always cook them ourselves. But, you must admit that this dish is not a quick one, because modeling takes most of the time, although if you get the hang of it, you can learn how to make them quickly, or make

In general, choose according to your taste and income, cook with joy for your loved ones. I hope that you will try everything that I show you here))).

I think one of the easiest ideas for dinner is to cook chicken so that it has a crispy crust. It seems to me that everyone just loves it, and when we see it in a store or grill, our mouths immediately water and we just want to eat it. So let's make one, and in a way that is unusual for everyone.

After all, all we need is a chicken carcass and salt, to make it tastier, I’ll coat it with spices. Until recently, I approached this recipe with skepticism, I kept wondering how you could fry a chicken in salt, but believe me, it turns out divine, as if grilled, in general, an option for the lazy and for those who want to save on time.

You can see traditional cooking options for this dish in this

We will need:

  • chicken - 1 pc.
  • spices for chicken or your favorite - 2 tbsp
  • mayonnaise or sour cream - 3 tbsp
  • salt - 1 package 1 kg


1. First, take mayonnaise or sour cream and mix with spices.

Important! You don’t have to use mayonnaise (sour cream) and spices at all, it’s just that with them the crust turns out juicier, it’s much better than without them.

2. Chicken carcass you will need to defrost, wash and cut into the breast, and then pour a whole bag of salt onto a baking sheet and distribute the salt evenly. Place the chicken like in this picture.

Important! There must be salt under the meat.

3. Rub the seasoning mixture on top and wipe the chicken with it; use a brush to do this procedure.

Important! It’s more convenient to work if you have a silicone brush, because your hands will remain clean.

4. Then put the dish in the oven for 1 hour at a maximum setting of approximately 200 degrees. It may take 1 hour 10 minutes, depending on its size; the larger it is, the more time it will take. This is such a delicacy! It looks great, and how delicious and easy it is to make!

It looks great, and is also juicy and soft inside; serve hot with any side dish, for example

French potatoes with minced meat

This option is probably familiar to everyone, I just want to remind you of it. This dish uses the most simple ingredients, which we usually never show Russians. This is, of course, potatoes, and meat.

You can take absolutely any meat, such as pork, beef, elk or chicken, and make minced meat from it. It is better to take yellow varieties of potatoes, they are more crumbly and taste better.

We will need:

  • potatoes - 1 kg
  • minced meat - 0.5 kg
  • salt and pepper
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • cheese - 150 g


1. Prepare everything necessary ingredients. Peel the potatoes and cut them thinly into slices. Then take hold of onion, which is simply necessary here. Chop it into half rings with a kitchen knife. Grate the cheese onto fine grater.

Now let's get down to the very essence of the work. Take a leaf or mold and grease it with vegetable oil.

2. Place potato slices on it, salt and pepper. Here you can immediately apply a thin layer of mayonnaise or make a mayonnaise mesh.

3. Sprinkle with onions, scatter them evenly over the entire surface.

4. And now, of course, minced meat. Also pepper and salt it.

By the way, you can put the minced meat on the very bottom, and the potatoes as the last layer, do it differently each time, experiment in your kitchen!

5. Now sprinkle some of the grated cheese on the minced meat, and leave some for later.

6. Turn on the oven at 200 degrees and bake the potatoes in French for about 40 minutes, until the potatoes become almost soft; if they are pierced with a fork, then the dish can be removed from the oven and sprinkled with the remaining grated cheese. Bake again for 10 minutes.

7. This is such an unusually beautiful and inexpensive dish happened. And if you also make an awesome salad, for example or, then there will be a feast for the whole world))). Bon appetit!

Video about how you can cook delicious pork meat for dinner

This video review is dedicated to pork lovers and those who adore meat in general. Men will definitely be delighted with such a treat, my men very often ask to prepare such a culinary creation for the evening, in general, watch and repeat after the host and you will also succeed in this yum:

Quick pizza in the microwave

And this is just a bomb, not an idea, you have never seen anything like this before, but if you have, share it in the comments, write reviews with your dough recipes for this pizza. When I tried it with a friend, I didn’t believe at all that she made it in the microwave, as they say, it’s incredible, but true. I usually make pizza out of it when guests are on the doorstep. Remember our master class with my son?

It will take 15 minutes and your desire))). Can you imagine? After all, many people adore it, but not everyone cooks it because they think it’s a lot of trouble. But no...

It’s really nothing complicated, but it turns out tasty, quick, and very, very simple. In short, read everything for yourself, you will definitely like this miracle.

We will need:

  • flour - 300 g
  • water - 70 ml
  • salt - on the tip of a knife
  • sausage or ham - 70 g
  • cheese - 80 g
  • olives - 15 pcs.
  • onions - 0.5 pcs.
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • tomato paste - 1 tbsp
  • mayonnaise - 1 tbsp
  • fresh herbs


1. First, cut all the ingredients for our culinary art. To do this, cut the sausage into strips in the form of straws. Chop the onions into cubes or half rings. Tomato rings or half rings. Grate the cheese on a fine grater.

2. Chop the olives in a way convenient for you; by the way, you can not chop them at all, but put them whole.

Important! It is best to take pitted olives to save time.

3. Once the ingredients are ready for filling, make the dough. Pour the flour into a cup in the form of a mound, make a small depression in the middle of the mound, and pour water into it. Add salt. Use your hands to form a soft dough.

4. And then knead it with your hands to make a circle. What diameter should it be? Take from microwave oven a plate, and that same transparent one made of glass. Grease it with vegetable oil and form a flat cake directly on it. You can roll it out with a rolling pin or a mug on any surface, and then transfer the circle to a glass plate.

Make small sides.

5. Place the resulting circle in a plate in the microwave for 6 minutes, turn it on at full power. And this is what happened, cool! The pizza base is ready.

6. Grease the flatbread with mayonnaise and tomato paste; you can mix these two ingredients separately in a cup. Place pieces of sausage, after tomatoes, onions. Sprinkle grated cheese on top and garnish with olives.

7. Microwave at the same maximum power and well, that's what happened. Parsley leaves, incidentally, will also add brightness, so decorate with them.

A simple recipe for pork kebab in a jar

I don’t know a single man like this, and we basically cook mostly for them, who don’t like meat and barbecue. I suggest you make it, not an easy one, but at home, and even in the oven and in a jar. How is this possible, very possible, if you have a chance to go on a picnic or nature, then of course you can fry it there.

And this is a fairly new recipe, which also captivated many because it is simple and easy. The only thing is that you will have to marinate the meat in the morning, so that when you arrive, you can immediately get to work.

We will need:

  • pork meat - 1 kg
  • seasonings for pork - 1 sachet
  • beer - 0.5 tbsp.


1. Cut the pork meat into pieces, cut small, but not huge, so that they can be easily put on skewers.

2. Then place them in a saucepan and sprinkle with seasonings, you can use the ones you like the most. Pour in the beer and mix everything thoroughly with your hands. Cut the onions into rings. Leave this marinade to stand in the refrigerator for 3-5 hours.

By the way, you can choose any other marinade, there are a whole bunch of them.

3. Take skewers and put on pieces of meat and onions. Use skewers not made of metal, but of wood, because after all, we are not on a picnic and metal ones are not suitable for the oven.

4. Then stick the kebab sticks into the jar vertically, and cover the area where the lid is with foil. Place in the oven.

Important! The oven should initially be cold, the jar should heat up together with the oven.

5. The kebab should be baked in the oven for 1 hour at a temperature of 220 degrees.

What a beauty it turned out, delicious and very fragrant! The most tender meat, of course, it turns out better over a fire and in the fresh air, but as an option, you can make such a dish at home, because after all, it’s not always summer outside, it’s often winter))). Eat for your health!

Pasta casserole with minced meat

I think everyone knows the Navy version of pasta, yes, it can be whipped up quickly. If you want something interesting and not banal, then make this dish, but in a slightly different role in the form of a casserole.

We will need:

  • pasta - 380 g
  • minced meat - 450 g
  • onions - 1-2 pcs.
  • milk - 2 tbsp.
  • egg - 1-2 pcs.
  • cheese - 90 g
  • salt pepper


1. First, boil the pasta in salted water until tender in a saucepan. I hope you know how to do this. If anything, there are always detailed instructions on the package))). Once the noodles are cooked, drain the water and then shake in a colander to drain all excess water.

2. Cut the onion into cubes. Take a frying pan, pour vegetable oil into it and fry the onion until soft, then add the minced meat, stir, add salt and pepper. Fry over low heat for about 10 minutes.

Interesting! You can add water to prevent meat lumps; simmer with the lid closed.

Grate the cheese on a medium grater. Mix the eggs and milk in a glass, stir with a whisk or fork, this way the filling for the casserole will be ready.

3. Now take the glass deep baking tray and lay out half the pasta, spread the minced meat and onions on top, then the pasta again, and then the grated cheese.

4. Fill with special sauce. Send to bake in a preheated oven for about thirty minutes at a temperature of 200-220 degrees. When you see the fried cheese crust, pull it out. It doesn't last long, it's beautiful and cool! Bon appetit!

Beef azu in Tatar style

Another meat option, this is the basics, a good recipe for conquering your loved ones with something unusually original. Moreover, if you like to cook noodles or pasta, then this basic dish will become your assistant, because it will only make ordinary pasta better. Take note and bookmark the article so you don’t lose it.

We will need:

  • beef or lamb meat - 500 g
  • tomato paste - 1-2 tbsp
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • carrots - 1 pc.
  • salted or pickled cucumbers - 2-3 pcs.
  • wheat flour - 1 tsp
  • sunflower oil
  • Bay leaf— 1-2 pcs.
  • black peppercorns - 3-5 pcs.


1. Chop the meat fillet into cubes, rinsing it with water in advance. Take a cauldron or deep frying pan and pour a little vegetable oil. Add pieces of meat and fry. If you see a lot of foam on the surface, then pour water over the meat and remove it after boiling.

2. Simmer with the lid closed until cooked, so that it becomes soft and tender.

Important! Cook over moderate heat, check the toughness of the meat.

3. Meanwhile, while the meat is frying, take care of the vegetables. Chop the carrots into pieces and the onions into cubes. Cut the cucumbers roughly like carrots, you can also chop them into strips. Add to cooked meat, salt and pepper.

Important! The water should all evaporate when you add the vegetables.

4. Increase the heat and fry the onions and carrots until the onions and carrots are golden brown. Don't forget to stir. At this moment, when the vegetables are fried, add a little water and add tomato paste. Stir.

Add cucumbers, bay leaves and black peppercorns and simmer over low heat for 5-10 minutes.

In a glass, dilute flour in warm water so that the finished dish is not too liquid, and add it to the boiling meat base. Stir to avoid lumps. Let it simmer for another 2-3 minutes. Then serve hot with any side dish, such as mashed potatoes or regular pasta.

Meat and potato casserole in the oven

A stunning elegant option, when you see it you immediately get an appetite, and when everyone starts eating, it lasts for a long time. Well, just lick your fingers.

A hearty and delicious casserole made from your favorite ingredients, sour cream, cheese, potatoes and minced meat. Awesome! Take a look at the list of products; you can find one in any house or apartment.

We will need:

  • Potatoes-1 kg
  • Mixed minced meat - 0.5 kg
  • Onions - 2 heads
  • Sour cream – 240 g
  • Cream - 2-3 tbsp
  • Cherry tomatoes - 16-20 pcs.
  • Salt pepper


1. Do the preparatory work, peel the onions and cut into cubes. Fry it on vegetable oil. For the casserole, cut the potatoes into thin slices, add salt and stir.

Fried in a frying pan with vegetable oil until golden crust add onions to chopped meat from pork and beef, mix and add salt and pepper to your liking.

2. Take a leaf, preferably with a non-stick coating or a glass mold, lay the potatoes in a layer, and make balls and meatballs from the minced meat.

3. Then spread the cherry tomatoes over the surface. Place the sauce in a glass, add eggs, add sour cream and cream, whisk and add a little salt. Wow and calories in this miracle casserole, if you want, you can replace potatoes with, and instead mixed minced meat take chicken and you will get a more dietary dish.

4. Pour the sauce evenly and bake in the oven for 40 minutes at 180 degrees.

5. At the very end, when the potatoes are almost ready, remove the dish from the oven and sprinkle the top with grated cheese. Place back in the oven and bake for another 5 minutes to brown the cheese.

6. For elegance, you can sprinkle with dill or any other herbs. Well, bon appetit!

Meatballs with rice and gravy

As banal as it may seem, you can make something like meatballs, or maybe you like to fry most or? Share your opinion.

By the way, my kids call this dish hedgehogs because that’s what they cook and say in kindergarten. Make it, because it can be a great solution for any side dish, such as rice or mashed potatoes. Or you can eat it like this if you want))).

We will need:


1. Cut the onion into small cubes (1 piece), make sure the knife is sharp. Chop the garlic or put it through a press.

Grate the carrots on the finest grater. Add to minced meat boiled rice, onion (grated 1 pc.), garlic, chicken egg, salt, pepper and mix everything with your hands.

2. Make the buns, roll them in flour and place them in a well-heated frying pan. Fry in vegetable oil on both sides until both crusts are browned.

Important! If the minced meat sticks to your hands, wet your hands in water.

That's almost all, you can eat.

3. But if you want an unexpected twist, then do it tomato sauce. To do this, place onions and carrots in a well-heated pan and fry until light brown.

Then add tomato paste and stir. Dilute it all with drinking water. The sauce has boiled, add salt, black ground pepper, paprika, any greens and bay leaf at the very last moment so that it does not give off bitterness. Add sugar, simmer for about 5 minutes.

4. Pour the sauce over the meatballs and rice and let them simmer over low heat for 10 minutes.

5. This is such a delicious meat, you definitely can’t resist. Serve hot. Treat your children to this dish, or make a feast for two. Cheap and cheerful, but looks amazing, cool!

Fish with vegetables in a slow cooker for those on a diet

Well, it’s also quite simple and unusual dish, which you can make in a slow cooker for guests in just a couple of minutes.

What to cook quickly and tasty? This sacramental question worries even experienced housewives. Let's start with the main thing - a correctly chosen recipe, which will not only save our time when selecting and consuming products, but will also allow us to get the perfect result literally in one go.

What to cook quickly and tasty for breakfast

The morning meal is especially important, since our body has not yet fully woken up, the pancreas and digestive organs also do not work fully . We arrange « delicious" and healthy awakening!

Quick cottage cheese casserole with rice


  • egg;
  • butter;
  • a packet of vanillin;
  • rice - 120 g;
  • a handful of raisins;
  • homemade cottage cheese (fat content from 5%) - 200 g;
  • regular sugar - 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Soak dried fruits for 30 minutes in slightly warm water, then rinse and dry with napkins.
  2. Grind the cottage cheese thoroughly through a sieve and place in a spacious bowl.
  3. To obtain a high-quality casserole, we use round rice. We wash it well, put it in boiling and salted water, and boil until tender. We place the product in a colander, place it again under the stream from an open tap, and leave it in the same container until all the moisture has drained.
  4. Beat the egg and sugar. Add ready-made cereals, rice, raisins and a bag of vanillin to the cottage cheese. Mix everything thoroughly, then pour in egg composition. Work with a fork again to get a homogeneous mass.
  5. We treat the heat-resistant form with a piece of fresh butter, lay out the combined components of the dish. Level the surface with a silicone spatula and place the food in the oven for 45 minutes (190°C).

You can make it with cottage cheese for breakfast incredible amount tasty and healthy food. There is always a choice!

Omelet with cheese and tomatoes

Grocery list:

  • cherry tomatoes - 10 pcs.;
  • olives - 8 pcs.;
  • Feta cheese - 50 g;
  • eggs - 6 pcs.;
  • onion (preferably red);
  • olive oil - 30 ml;
  • a handful of chopped parsley (other herbs).

Preparation procedure:

  1. Heat in a frying pan suitable for baking fresh oil. Fry the red onion, chopped into half rings, until golden brown. This vegetable, which is also called “Yalta or Crimean,” has a pleasant sweetish taste and a lot of beneficial properties for the body.
  2. Beat eggs with added herbs, pepper and salt. Cut the cherry tomatoes into halves and add them to the onion along with the pitted olives. Cook until the tomatoes are completely soft.
  3. Reduce heat to medium. Pour the egg mixture into the tomato mixture, fry for literally two minutes, constantly stirring the ingredients of the dish.
  4. Cover the dish with crumbled feta and place in the oven for 6 minutes (180°C).

When the omelette with cheese and tomatoes is covered appetizing crust from melted cheese, take it out of the oven, cut it into portions, and serve for breakfast.

Oatmeal with apple, banana and pear

List of components:

  • liquid honey - 40 g;
  • cinnamon - 1 tsp;
  • classic yogurt - 100 g;
  • oat flakes - 200 g;
  • apple, banana, pear - 1 pc.;
  • whole milk- 100 ml.

Cooking steps:

  1. Rinse fresh fruits, cut off the thin skin from them, remove the seeds, divide them into small cubes. Chop banana pulp in any form.
  2. We prepare oatmeal the night before. Place them in a bowl or glass jar and fill them with yogurt without any additives. Shake the composition several times so that all components are evenly distributed among themselves.
  3. Pour whole milk into the bowl, add pieces of fruit, liquid honey, and a spoonful of cinnamon. This spice is called “natural treasure”, it has such phenomenally beneficial properties. Mix the aromatic mass well again and leave it in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. In the morning the food is ready to eat. If desired, we heat the food in the microwave, however, porridge is no less good when cold.

Preparing oatmeal with fruit for breakfast means taking, figuratively speaking, a “handful” of tablets with a vitamin and mineral composition.

Healthy corn porridge with pumpkin

Product set:

  • fresh milk - 150 ml;
  • butter and sunflower oil - 25 and 20 g, respectively;
  • sweet pumpkin - 150 g;
  • corn grits - 50 g;
  • drinking water - 150 ml.

Cooking features:

  1. Wash the pumpkin thoroughly and pat dry with paper towels. Cut off the hard crust with a sharp knife, and use a spoon to scrape out the seeds well along with the fibers. Cut the vegetable into small cubes.
  2. Place both types of oil in a saucepan, add pieces of yellow fruit, fry for 5 minutes, stirring the product constantly.
  3. Now pour in half the volume of milk, reduce the heat, season the dish with salt, and simmer for another 6 minutes over low heat.
  4. Next we connect vegetable composition With corn grits, dilute the mixture with the rest of the milk. If desired, add required quantity regular sugar or sweeten food with honey.
  5. Continue cooking for another 10 minutes covered, then turn off the heat and wrap the dishes in a towel.

After 20 minutes corn porridge with pumpkin will make our amazingly delicious breakfast and will charge you with a cheerful and joyful mood for the whole day.

Stumps from loaf and sausage

Required components:

  • fresh baguette;
  • large ripe tomato;
  • Parmesan cheese (other variety) - 100 g;
  • smoked sausages - up to 5 pcs.;
  • homemade sour cream - 30 g;
  • onion feather, other greens.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the peeled tomato into small pieces. We free the sausages from the films and divide them into rings.
  2. Place sprigs of fresh herbs in hot water for a minute, releasing the fragrant aroma of the herbs. Shake off excess droplets, dry with napkins, and finely chop.
  3. Combine sausage slices, crumbled cheese, herbs and sour cream in a bowl and mix the mixture.
  4. Cut the soft loaf into pieces up to 7 cm wide, press the crumb into each piece of baguette with your fingers, forming small cavities. Place the prepared filling inside the bread “stumps”, place them on a baking sheet covered parchment paper, bake for up to 8 minutes (200 °C).

After such a crispy dish, there are no questions left about what to cook quickly and tasty for breakfast.

Pancakes with sour milk without eggs

Required ingredients:

  • sifted flour (preferably rye) - 300 g;
  • melted butter;
  • sour milk - 1 l;
  • baking soda - 6 g;
  • granulated sugar - 120 g;
  • semolina - 200 g.


  1. Pour sour milk into a spacious bowl, quench the soda in it, and mix the products. If bubbles appear in the composition, it means there is a good reaction. Add a pinch of salt, granulated sugar and semolina. Mix the ingredients of the dish thoroughly, then add the pre-sifted flour in small portions.
  2. We get a very thick dough, the consistency of homemade sour cream. Leave the mixture “rest” for half an hour.
  3. Heat a frying pan with high heat melted butter. It was with this kind of fat that our grandmothers cooked the most rosy, fluffy, extraordinarily tasty pancakes.
  4. Scoop out portions of the dough with a spoon, place them in hot oil, and fry both sides until golden brown.

Serve pancakes on sour milk without eggs along with honey, jam, jam or delicious sour cream.

Dishes for lunch

So, we happily ate a nutritious breakfast ourselves. Now I need to cook for lunch tasty dish, in order, as popular wisdom says, to share it with a friend. Nutritionists believe that at this time it is advisable to consume up to 40% of the total daily food volume.

Mushroom soup with champignons


  • beef - 300 g;
  • fresh mushrooms - 700 g;
  • sweet carrots;
  • potatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • bulb;
  • vermicelli - 50 g;
  • butter (butter or sunflower) - 50 g;
  • pepper, dill, salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Delicious mushroom soup can be obtained both in broth and water-based, because champignons successfully replace the meat component in the first dish. In the meantime, put a piece of beef in a pan, add 2 liters of water, and cook the broth. We do this the day before to prepare. hot food most quickly.
  2. Chop the peeled onions and carrots into strips and sauté the products in oil for 10 minutes. Separate the stems from the washed mushrooms, chop them into rings, place them in a frying pan with slices, and fry until golden brown.
  3. Add chopped dill, add butter, finish cooking after 2 minutes. With this heat treatment, the greens are saturated with oil and retain their wonderful aroma in the soup longer..
  4. When the broth is ready, take the meat out of it, put the peeled, diced potato tubers into the pan, salt and pepper the food, and cook the root vegetables until tender.
  5. Cut the champignon caps into halves (small) or quarters, put them in the soup along with mushroom dressing and vermicelli. Stir the food and cook for no more than two minutes, otherwise the spore organisms will become “rubbery” and tasteless. Turn off the fire.

Serve the soup with champignons hot, put a spoonful of fresh sour cream on plates.

Pasta with stewed meat for main course

Grocery list:

  • bulb;
  • vegetable oil and butter - 20 g each;
  • spaghetti or other kind pasta- 300 g;
  • coriander and paprika;
  • tomato paste - 50 g;
  • beef or pork stew - 1 can;
  • vinegar - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • regular sugar, salt.

Preparation procedure:

  1. Boil the pasta by placing it in salted boiling water. The method of heat treatment of the product is specified on the manufacturer’s packaging. You should not add oil to the liquid to prevent the tubes from sticking together. Let's process it butter fat spaghetti is already ready, but for now we just stir it constantly.
  2. Peel the onion, chop into cubes, fry in vegetable oil until golden brown. We take the stew out of the can, separate the fat, mash the meat with a fork, and send it to the roasting vegetable.
  3. We continue heating the products, add a pinch of sugar, paprika and coriander, and tomato paste. Mix everything well. Take half a glass of broth from the pan with pasta and pour it into the meat mixture.
  4. Drain the spaghetti in a colander, then place it in a deep bowl and place the meat processed in the sauce on top.

Pasta for the main course with stewed meat is an indescribably appetizing dish that never gets boring and is always perceived as if it were the first time!

Classic borscht with meat broth

Required components:

  • beet;
  • carrot;
  • meat (preferably brisket on the bone) - 500 g;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • lean and butter in equal proportions - 100 g;
  • regular sugar - 10 g;
  • tomato puree - 5 g;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • pre-cooked beans - 50 g;
  • sweet and hot pepper (chili) - 1 pc.;
  • cabbage - ¼ head of medium size;
  • half a lemon;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • salt, herbs.

Cooking technology:

  • We wash the piece of meat, divide it into parts, place it in a pan with drinking (spring) water, put it on the fire, and start heating. After boiling for two minutes, pour out the dark liquid and replace it pure composition, boil the meat for up to 2 hours. It is impossible to reduce this time, so for quick receipt borscht, prepare the broth in advance.
  • We clean all the vegetables. Chop the onion, pepper (without seeds), chopped chili and carrots into small pieces. Fry the food for 5 minutes in oil. Add the coarsely grated beets, continue cooking, and stir the mixture periodically.
  • After 15 minutes, add the juice of half a lemon, sugar, finely chopped tomatoes, tomato puree, and a ladle of hot broth. Mix the dressing ingredients well and simmer covered for another 10 minutes. At the end of the process, place the garlic slices.
  • Remove the pieces of meat from the aromatic broth, add the potatoes cut into cubes, and cook until tender.
  • Now put cabbage, chopped into small thin strips, beans, vegetable dressing. Bring the food to a boil, after 5 minutes turn off the heat.

Classic borscht in meat broth should sit for half an hour. Serve the dish with fresh sour cream and soft bread.

Merchant-style buckwheat in a slow cooker with chicken

List of products:

  • tomato paste - 70 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • buckwheat - 300 g;
  • chicken fillet - 450 g;
  • carrot;
  • vegetable oil;
  • purified water - 500 ml;
  • pepper, salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Remove the skin from the washed fillet, divide the product into small parts, place the pieces of meat in the multicooker bowl, add vegetable oil. We set the “Frying” program on the unit, cooking time is 20 minutes. Don't forget to stir the ingredients of the dish periodically.
  2. After 6 minutes, add peeled and chopped carrots, chopped onions, fry the products until the vegetables are transparent.
  3. We sort out the buckwheat, remove foreign inclusions, then rinse the cereal well. Add it to other products. Add tomato paste, pour in drinking water, season the mixture with salt, pepper, and your favorite spices. Change the cooking program to “Stew” and select a time of 40 minutes. Decorate the hot dish with chopped herbs.

Most quick way, which allows you to prepare a delicious second dish, is to use smart home appliances, which is what we did.

Pea soup with smoked ribs

Product set:

  • vegetable oil;
  • potatoes - 2 pcs.;
  • pork ribs - 350 g;
  • split peas (halved) - 80 g;
  • bulb onions;
  • carrot;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking features:

  1. We thoroughly rinse the peas under running water until it becomes transparent, leaving the product in the liquid. By lunchtime we once again arrange “water treatments” for the yellow halves.
  2. Chop the smoked ribs into small pieces and fry in oil until pink. The aroma wafts through the kitchen - amazing!
  3. Place the meat in the pan and use a silicone spatula to place the entire contents of the pan into the bowl. Fill the food with two liters of bottled water.
  4. Cook the ingredients for half an hour, then add the peas. Mix the soup ingredients and continue cooking for another 15 minutes, remembering to skim off the foam.
  5. Now lay out the diced potatoes, chopped vegetables and fried in oil: onions and carrots. Season the soup with salt and pepper and cook until the root vegetables are ready.

Serve the first course in portioned plates, sprinkle the food with fresh herbs.

Simple and delicious noodle soup

Product set:

  • chicken (any parts of poultry) - 500 g;
  • potato tubers - 2 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper, dill;
  • small onion heads - 2 pcs.;
  • vermicelli - 150 g;
  • sweet carrots - 2 pcs.


  1. Place the pre-processed portioned parts of the bird into the pan and fill the dish with three liters of drinking water. Add a few sprigs of parsley, a small peeled carrot, a washed onion with its peel, and a bay leaf.
  2. Boil food until done meat component, strain the broth. Place the chicken parts on a plate and discard the rest.
  3. Peel and wash the vegetables, cut them into small pieces, put them in chicken bouillon, season it with salt. Cook the soup until the root vegetables are soft, then add vermicelli, return the chicken pieces, pepper the dish, add finely chopped dill. Mix everything carefully. As soon as it starts boiling, turn off the heat.

Simple and tasty soup Kids especially love vermicelli, because in this dish you don’t need to chew anything - eat and enjoy the fragrant aromas!

Cooking dinner

It's time to think about what to cook for dinner. Enemies to whom, according to popular belief, one must give evening food, we don’t, but the food will be light, healthy and very tasty.

How to quickly cook pizza in the oven


  • ripe tomato;
  • cheese ( soft varieties product) - 150 g;
  • pita;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt, pepper, herbs;
  • olives - 10 pcs.;
  • ketchup and mayonnaise - 30 g each;
  • sausage (favorite type) - 230 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the pita bread on an oiled baking sheet. Mix mayonnaise and ketchup in a bowl until homogeneous mass. Lubricate the surface flour product the resulting composition.
  2. Cut the sausage into thin circles or strips and place it on pita bread, alternating with pieces of tomato, divided into round slices. Decorate the pizza with pitted olive halves.
  3. Season the dish with pepper and salt or sprinkle with a mixture of dried Provençal herbs. Place the product in an oven heated to 180°C for 10 minutes.

Quick pizza in the oven is prepared taking into account the recipe of Italian masters - the best specialists in baking this delicious food.

Tender chicken chops

Grocery list:

  • flour - 120 g;
  • pepper, salt;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • chicken breasts - up to 600 g;
  • vegetable oil

Preparation procedure:

  1. To get a delicious dish you will need two chicken breasts. We wash them thoroughly, be sure to blot them with napkins, make a cut in the middle, maintaining the integrity of the product. We remove films, tendons and excess fat. Beat the pieces of meat well, covering them with cellophane.
  2. Lightly beat in a bowl fresh eggs, add a little salt and pepper to the composition. Heat the oil in a frying pan. Dip each layer in flour, then dip into egg mixture, then transfer it to a bowl with hot oil.
  3. Fry the meat over medium heat until a thick golden crust appears on both sides.

You can quickly prepare tender chicken chops from minced meat in just a few minutes, complementing the dish light salad or your favorite side dish.

  • Divide the prepared meat into small pieces and fry until golden brown. Chop the peeled onion into half rings, add to the meat, cook for another 7 minutes.
  • Drain the liquid from the peas, place the cereal in a pan of drinking water (800 ml), and boil for 50 minutes. When the yellow halves swell, they are capable of “single shots,” so let’s be careful and careful!
  • Mash the finished peas until pureed, combine with meat and onions, and place in a greased form. Cover the dish with foil and place in the oven for 10 minutes (180°C). When serving the dish, sprinkle it with chopped dill.
  • The hearty porridge with pork turned out just like it came out of a Russian oven - fragrant, crumbly, amazingly tasty!

    Potato casserole with minced meat

    List of products:

    • onions - 2 pcs.;
    • eggs - 2 pcs.;
    • cheese - 350 g;
    • vegetable oil;
    • salt and pepper;
    • minced meat - 600 g;
    • potatoes - 1 kg;
    • whole milk - 200 ml.

    Cooking steps:

    1. The minced meat is already in the refrigerator. We got it from the pulp of pork (200 g) and beef (400 g). We simply chopped pieces of meat in a home processor, added a little water, pepper, salt, and mixed the composition.
    2. Now let's prepare a quick and tasty dish. Finely chop the peeled onion and fry in oil. Add the minced meat and mash it well with a fork to get a mass of grains. Simmer the food for 15 minutes.
    3. Cut the peeled potatoes into thin slices, wash and pat the slices dry. Place half the amount of root vegetables on the oiled pan. On top we place a layer of minced meat with onions and another row of potatoes.
    4. Combine whole milk with eggs, add chopped herbs, pour the resulting sauce over the dish. Sprinkle the food with shavings of grated cheese and place in the oven for an hour (190°C).
    5. Chop the peeled onion into rings and place in a colander. Pour the liquid with cabbage directly onto the circles raw vegetable, leave the food until it cools down.
    6. We take the squid out of the jar, take it apart, and cut it into small thin strips.
    7. Combine all the ingredients of the dish in a salad bowl, add finely grated carrots and chopped parsley.

    Season the appetizer with salt and pepper, pour olive oil over it, and serve immediately.

    Rabbit in sour cream

    Product composition:

    • carrot;
    • bulb;
    • vegetable oil;
    • homemade sour cream - 100 g;
    • rabbit - up to 700 g;
    • flour - 90 g;
    • salt, bay leaf, pepper.


    1. We thoroughly wash the animal carcass, cut it into medium portions, and fry in oil until golden brown.
    2. Peel the vegetables, chop the onion into cubes, finely grate the carrots, and sauté until soft.
    3. Place the rabbit pieces in a saucepan, add the prepared vegetable slicing. Fill the food with a liter of hot water, throw in a bay leaf, pepper, salt and spices.
    4. Quickly fry the flour in a saucepan, dilute it with half a glass of broth (borrow from the rabbit), mix the mixture thoroughly, bringing it to a thick consistency. Pour the aromatic sauce into the meat and add homemade sour cream. Mix everything carefully and simmer covered for 10 minutes.

    If you still have doubts about what to cook for dinner, don’t hesitate to choose a delicate dish from dietary meat a rabbit.

    The dishes presented in the article are so versatile that they can be used in the daily diet or included in the menu festive table. A little skill and imagination will save you from thinking about what to cook quickly and tasty in any life situation.

    It often happens that you need to quickly grab a bite to eat and run errands without slowing down. Quite often people ask the same question about what to cook quickly and tasty. But there are many recipes for dishes that will help solve this issue, and in each case there is an opportunity to eat not only for yourself, but also to quickly feed your family.

    To help caring housewives who always plan their affairs and think through lunch and dinner in advance, we have created this topic to somehow ease their troubles with finding the right dish.

    Delicious breakfast recipes

    The day should start with a proper and healthy breakfast. It is morning food that will contribute more to the results of your activities. A quick breakfast is what everyone needs in the morning. But it wouldn’t be bad at all if these same dishes turned out to be nourishing and tasty, but also healthy.

    The simplest thing you can offer for breakfast is to cook scrambled eggs, not just regular eggs, but stuffed into a bun with milk, cheese and herbs.

    This is a complete meal with available ingredients. A cheese omelet can be filled with almost any product and is not difficult to prepare.

    Omelette baked in the oven A very tasty, healthy and nutritious omelette can be prepared in the oven, which looks very appetizing and attractive.

    Vegetable stew with baked eggs This food is superior in taste and nutrition to previous recipes. Stewed vegetables with scrambled eggs are much more satisfying and flavorful, which can be the key to a successful day.

    A very original approach to cooking scrambled eggs. The idea is so impressive that even if you have no appetite, you want to try them.

    Delicious and healthy breakfast– this is the key to success that will accompany you throughout your working day. It’s not a pity to lose a little more time in order to prepare an omelette with broccoli.

    What to cook for lunch

    You need to approach lunch more responsibly and neglect it, under no circumstances is it highly advisable.

    Well, what about without the first one, because lunch should be complete and soup cannot be excluded from the diet under any circumstances. And therefore, rich rice soup with cabbage is just right for the midday table.

    And on a hot summer day, when it’s not hot, you can cook cold soup with tomatoes. The process is quite simple even for beginners.

    For skillful housewife It won’t be difficult to knead the dough and whip up pies. For the middle of the day, baked goods with meat filling will be just right.

    The easiest and cheapest way to feed your family is to boil pasta with minced meat or stew using sailor technology. After such a hearty lunch, you can safely go on a long voyage.

    Baked drumsticks in marinade Chicken drumsticks can be cooked in different ways, and without unnecessary hassle, it is best to bake them in the oven. Of course, it will take a little more time, but it's worth it.

    A casual lunch dish that is best suited for the occasion and can be prepared in different variations. Roast - an example of ideal homemade food with a great combination of two main components - meat and potatoes.

    Culinary tradition Every family includes potatoes with meat; without these ingredients it is difficult to imagine a healthy person’s menu. Compared to the previous recipe, here the products are steamed.

    One more thing must be mentioned family dish- This meat casserole with cabbage, inside which they successfully combine completely different ingredients. The dish is poured with sauce and then baked in the oven.

    Wrapped minced meat with rice in white cabbage- of course, these are cabbage rolls, hearty lunch for the whole family who love everything without exception. Exist different variants and methods of their preparation.

    Dinner is quick and tasty

    For dinner, it is recommended to choose something lower in calories, and fatty foods It is advised to eliminate it altogether, even if not completely, but you need to reduce the amount. But what to do if at the end of the working day you really want to pamper yourself and have a belly celebration - then our recipes for quick and have a delicious dinner to your aid.

    It is known that chocolate is not only a pleasant and beloved treat, but also one of the proven ways to reduce appetite. You can be sure that a small portion chocolate pudding It won't harm your health.

    Chicken salad is more of a festive dish that is also great for dinner. To prepare this salad, white chicken meat with all kinds of vegetables is mainly used.

    Probably nothing bad will happen if you eat a plate of it for dinner stewed cabbage. After all, vegetable stew is healthy and low-calorie dish, which is easily absorbed by the body.

    Baked potato in Spanish It doesn’t matter what recipe the potatoes are prepared according to, baked ones turn out to be especially aromatic, tasty and healthy.

    Chicken breasts in cream and cheese Chicken is a dietary meat and naturally chicken breast perfect for healthy eating. Thanks to the cream and cheese, the chicken will be juicy, soft and tasty.

    For many people who are content with short snacks during the day, the only opportunity is to eat a hearty meal in the evening. Quite often, most dinner parties are scheduled during this period of time, and for such an occasion you need to prepare the most delicious dishes for every taste.

    Festive delicious dinner

    The ceremonial table for dear guests should be special and thought out in detail, so that at the first quick glance it is clear that they were expected here.

    Compared to fried fish, baked fish does not create heaviness in the stomach and retains more beneficial qualities. Fish is the queen of the festive table.

    Original snack can easily be made from roast beef slices. The presence of canapés on the table foreshadows a long and cheerful feast.

    Fish salad in unusual combination will satisfy most guests and appeal to everyone. This salad will be great addition and will serve as a satisfying snack.

    Fillet is perfect for people on a diet. And you can also use less low-calorie products as filling.

    Chicken with potatoes in the oven The most perfect dish any festive table - this is chicken with a side dish, which will serve as the official signal for the start of the feast.

    It’s worth watching the action of preparing pilaf a couple of times and you will be able to repeat and surprise everyone present with this wonderful dish.

    Chicken in the oven is already a holiday. Gourmet dish for welcoming guests, which is baked in foil without extra effort and in a hurry.

    In any case, you need to save on time within reasonable limits, because some dishes cannot be rushed and this mainly applies to lunch and dinner.

    Original post by povarru

    Culinary community Li.Ru - Quick recipes

    Quick recipes

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    re=View recipe collections]

    Quick solyanka

    A tasty and satisfying soup is especially good in winter, when a lot of calories are required. And this soup goes well after a big party :) I’m giving you a quick solyanka recipe!

    Quick sour cream

    Quick sour cream is a very tasty and tender cake. It's easy and quick to prepare. Eat with tea and pleasure :) I am sharing the recipe.

    Cheesecakes in a hurry

    These cheesecakes are perfect for quick breakfast or for capricious children who don’t like to eat cottage cheese. Everyone eats hot and flavorful cheesecakes in a hurry!

    Quick gingerbread

    Very delicious gingerbread hastily. Easy and simple to cook available products, minimum baking time and decent results.

    Quick pilaf

    The quick-cooked pilaf cannot be called real, but it is also pilaf in terms of the ingredients. And the taste is, in general, very close. A quick pilaf recipe helps out when there is absolutely no time.

    Quick donuts

    Such delicious and rosy donuts will always be welcome in your family. They prepare quickly and you can involve the kids in the process. Interesting? Then read how to make crumpets in a hurry;)

    Quick whitewash

    Airy and soft belyashi with a delicious filling and a mind-blowing smell:) These belyashi are prepared really quickly, in a hurry, even though they are made from yeast dough. I'm sharing a secret.

    Quick dumplings

    There are all sorts of dumplings. And with cottage cheese and cherries and cabbage. My family really loves dumplings with potatoes. When I have very little time, I make quick or lazy dumplings. Just!

    Mannik in a hurry

    Delicious semolina cake Any housewife can whip it up for evening tea. This recipe will never let you down.

    Cheese flatbreads in a hurry

    Quick cheese scones are an incredibly tasty and satisfying addition to tea. Prepare them, and your breakfast will become much brighter and more fun :) Fortunately, they are prepared very simply and quickly.

    Quick cutlets

    Juicy and tender cutlets for dinner in half an hour. Almost no effort - and a delicious dish on the table. I'll tell you how to make cutlets in a hurry!

    Quick biscuit

    A biscuit is an indispensable thing for any housewife; it can be prepared in half an hour, and with fillings - it all depends on your imagination. A light, airy sponge cake made in a hurry.

    Chebureks in a hurry

    Who doesn't love chebureks? Thin, flaky dough, hot juicy filling. Everyone loves it, but cooking is a hassle. Both long and troublesome. But with this recipe it's the other way around. Let's whip up pasties!

    Sweet buns in a hurry

    Quick cottage cheese pie

    A delicious, tender and beautiful quick curd pie. And besides, it’s also useful. It’s easy to prepare, but the result is a masterpiece!

    Quick bread

    The light and unique smell of freshly baked bread will fill your home with the aromas of warmth and comfort. Baking such bread will not be difficult for anyone - the recipe for quick bread is extremely simple!

    Quick honey cookies

    Unusually tender and tasty honey cookies a quick meal will not leave anyone indifferent. Prepare it for children, guests or just for yourself, it won’t take you much time.

    Quick homemade cookies

    That's why simple recipe it turns out very tasty and crispy homemade cookies hastily. You can and should involve children in the process :) It’s prepared very quickly!

    Quick liver

    For those who really want to eat, but are in a hurry on business, very tender and soft chicken liver, which we will prepare in half an hour. The rest of the time can be spent relaxing.

    Quick bagels

    These bagels refute the popular belief that nothing delicious can be made in a hurry. Learn a quick bagel recipe and break stereotypes!

    Quick cottage cheese casserole

    The most delicate taste of this casserole will captivate you and your children. Very healthy dish, prepares quickly and easily. Let's learn the recipe for a quick cottage cheese casserole!

    Cheesecake in a hurry

    Cheesecake is very delicious dessert, which is loved all over the world. Classic cheesecake It takes a lot of time to bake. There are no-bake cheesecake options. I want to offer something easier and simpler. Try it!

    Quick honey cake

    Delicious and tender cake with honey aroma- this is a good dessert for anyone family holiday. I'll tell you how to do it honey cake hastily.

    Cheese pie in a hurry

    Have guests on the doorstep or want something tasty and unusual? Make a delicious and satisfying cheese pie in a hurry. It's easy and simple!

    Quick yeast dough

    Yeast dough for pies, pizza, bagels and buns at record prices a short time. Products made from such dough will be appreciated by the whole family, and, of course, by you. Let's do yeast dough hastily!

    Quick honey pie

    If you want to make something truly delicious with your own hands, then this easy quick honey pie recipe is just what you need.

    Quick biscuit roll

    If you have a free 20 minutes and really want homemade sweets, then this wonderful recipe created for you. Just take your favorite jam out of the pantry and start cooking.

    Quick Napoleon cake

    Everyone knows the cake. But the recipe is simplified for those who do not have time for the classic execution of this masterpiece. The taste will not be affected :) So, let's whip up the Napoleon cake!

    Quick pancakes

    Wonderful plump pancakes - a traditional dish V Sunday morning in my family for many years. Quick and tasty, rosy and aromatic - what could be tastier.

    Quick pancakes

    This is a great option for quick and delicious breakfast, which can be easily prepared before work or for children before school. Very tasty and satisfying and doesn’t take much time.

    Quick buns

    Quick, fragrant and tasty buns for tea. They will fill your home with the smell of cinnamon, comfort and tranquility. The recipe for quick buns is extremely simple and clear - so everyone can figure it out.

    Quick muffins

    Everyone enjoys pies, but they have a small drawback - they are not very convenient to eat. Especially children. Another conversation is muffins. There's just enough to do - just a couple of bites. Shall we cook it quickly? You'll like it!

    Khachapuri in a hurry

    If you are expecting guests in half an hour, but there is no time to prepare something delicious, then quick khachapuri will undoubtedly come to the rescue and will pleasantly surprise your guests.

    Quick sweet pie

    For those who don’t like to stand at the stove for a long time, but still like to treat themselves to something sweet. It's very simple and quick pie, and you can safely come up with the filling for it yourself.

    Quick lasagna

    When you have very little time to cook, but want to cook something unconventional, whip up lasagna using this recipe. Unusual, tasty and most importantly - fast!

    Quick sponge cake

    When you want something tasty and festive, but have little time to prepare - this recipe sponge cake will quickly help you out.

    Meat pancakes in a hurry

    Quick and unusual pancakes will help you feed the whole family tasty and inexpensively. I'm telling you how to make meat pancakes in a hurry!

    Quick chocolate cake

    This cake is perfect for an unexpected holiday or if you just want to quickly make yourself something delicious. In any case, its taste will unexpectedly and pleasantly surprise you.

    Cheesecake in a hurry

    I’ll tell you how to make a delicious and tender cheesecake for those who are sorely short of time to cook. Anyone can make a quick cheesecake!

    Quick Caesar salad

    It happens that you know exactly what dish you want. And you also know for sure that you don’t have time to cook it according to the classic recipe. Or strength. Or both. Let's try the same recipe, but accelerated.

    Instant chocolate cake

    Well, who hasn’t had such a condition when you want something tasty? Or again unexpectedly guests are on the doorstep... This is where this recipe comes in handy!

    Quick sweet roll

    In the evening, when the whole family is gathered, it’s so great to drink tea. And not just some tea, but with something tasty. And the sweet roll will come in handy here. Let's cook!

    Quick soup

    If you urgently need to feed the whole family, but you are sorely short of time, then this wonderful recipe is your salvation. It will take you 30 minutes to prepare, and you will get a hearty, rich soup.

    Quick cabbage pie

    If you think that pies are long and troublesome, then you are deeply mistaken! This recipe will show you how to cook cabbage pie in a hurry, and please your family and friends with fragrant fresh baked goods without unnecessary hassles.

    Quick homemade sponge cake

    Delicious homemade biscuit Suitable for making cakes, pastries and desserts. It is much tastier than store-bought ones, because the love and warmth of your beloved hands has been put into it.

    Quick sponge cake

    Ah, this cozy smell of home, a warm blanket, a cup of tea and fresh biscuit...What could be better? And, if you have a blanket and tea, let's make a biscuit.

    Quick borscht

    Yes, don’t be surprised, it’s possible - indeed, borscht can be prepared in a hurry. And very delicious borscht It works, believe me!

    Quick oatmeal cookies

    A healthy, sweet and tasty treat for those with a sweet tooth - quick oatmeal cookies. A very quick recipe - see for yourself!

    Charlotte in a hurry

    Delicious and aromatic autumn pie will cheer you up in inclement weather. Easy to prepare and enjoyable to eat. I’ll tell you how to make charlotte in a hurry!

    Instant meat pie

    Delicious and hearty pie Everyone will like it, especially men. And the main thing is that this one is being prepared meat pie in a hurry - you don’t have to spend a lot of time and effort preparing it!

    Quick donuts

    Golden and fluffy donuts They will certainly delight your children, and it’s rare that an adult will refuse such delicious food. I'm telling you how to make donuts in a hurry!

    Hot sandwiches in a hurry

    A great quick breakfast option for those who don't have time in the morning. Very quickly and easily you can prepare delicious and crispy sandwiches in a hurry, which even children will appreciate.

    Cold sandwiches in a hurry

    Cold sandwiches in a hurry are very popular for students! Fast, beautiful, satisfying and for big company. I'm sharing the recipe;)

    Pancakes in a hurry

    Everyone loves pancakes, both children and adults, and there are a great many recipes for making them. This recipe is wonderful, tasty and fluffy pancakes, which you can prepare in 15-20 minutes.

    Quick fish pie

    The pie is prepared very quickly because ready-made puff pastry is used and canned fish. It turns out very tasty pie, which your entire family will love.

    Homemade pizza in a hurry

    A simple and easy version of everyone's favorite pizza. We just use what we have at home and make the dough without yeast - and we are ready for the arrival of unexpected guests, and our family will be satisfied.

    Quick apple pie

    Excellent taste and aroma, ease of preparation and availability of ingredients - these are the main advantages of this pie. Get this one ready Apple pie whip it up and enjoy the result!

    Quick breads

    A very simple and quick recipe for making quick breads. The dough is prepared without oil and without yeast, and therefore very quickly.

    Quick flatbreads

    A hot flatbread will quickly make your Sunday breakfast much tastier and more varied. Products - minimum, pleasure - maximum :) I’m sharing the recipe!

    Simple quick sandwiches

    These are actually probably the simplest salmon sandwiches out there, taking about 10 minutes at most to prepare. Three simple steps and we get delicious and beautiful holiday sandwiches.

    Instant peasant soup

    Delicious and light soup, very inexpensive and quick to prepare. Peasant - because without meat and with a lot of vegetables. Cooking peasant soup hastily!

    Quick fried pies

    Delicious homemade pies are made very quickly. A recipe for those who are very busy or for those who love to eat but are too lazy to cook :)

    Quick buns

    Amazing, fragrant and delicious buns whipped up using this recipe. Take a little time and bake this miracle, you will love the result!

    Quick mini pizza

    If you don’t have time, but want to pamper your loved ones with something tasty and hot, the recipe for this dish will come in handy. Fast, simple and very tasty.

    Quick dough

    An excellent option for quick dough, which is well suited for making pies and savory pies, and is also a wonderful option for baking during Lent.

    Quickly pickled cucumbers

    Quickly pickled cucumbers are a delicious addition to lunch or dinner. They prepare quickly, look unusual and are practically no hassle.

    Julienne in a frying pan

    Julienne in a frying pan - signature dish my dad. It goes very well with a side dish of mashed potatoes. I cook julienne in a frying pan with chicken fillet. Give it a try.

    Salad "Beloved Woman"

    Men will really like this “beloved woman” salad recipe. After all, it will take a maximum of 10 minutes to prepare it. Simple, quick and not many ingredients.

    Salad "Favorite" with chicken

    I prepare “favorite” salad with chicken with boiled or smoked chicken fillet. Both options are very tasty. Give it a try.

    Pizza in a frying pan

    Delicious, juicy pizza in a frying pan in 10 minutes - wonderful dish for a quick lunch or dinner. This simple pan pizza recipe is especially good for beginner cooks.
