What and how to steam. Steamed dishes - the best recipes for simple, original and tasty treats

Steaming food is quite simple. This way the products retain more useful substances. In addition, steamed foods are lower in calories than stewed, fried and baked foods. However, many unfairly accuse such dishes of tastelessness. But if you know how to steam, you can preserve the taste and aroma of the product.

What can you steam?

You can steam seafood, vegetables, eggs, chicken and pork, as well as a variety of stuffed dough products. But beef and game should not be steamed, since such meat dries out in steam, losing its juiciness and aroma.

Before steaming foods, they must be cleaned and cut into small pieces, preferably the same size, so they will cook at the same time. Place food in the steam basket in one layer, so the steam will heat it evenly and it will cook well. When steaming food, it is recommended to use a small amount of water, but, nevertheless, you need to watch so that it does not completely boil away. It is necessary that the food being prepared is covered very tightly with a lid. This measure will reduce the cooking time, and the water will not boil away quickly. Before steaming various cereals, such as rice, millet and other things, they should be doused with boiling water.

Steaming vegetables

Many people don't know how to steam vegetables. There are several tricks to preparing them. First they need to be washed, peeled and, if necessary, cut into pieces. Cooking time directly depends on the vegetables themselves. Tubers with high density and whole root vegetables, such as carrots, potatoes, beets and others are cooked for about 25-30 minutes, legumes (peas, beans, etc.) for about 8-10 minutes, and for leafy ones (sorrel, spinach, etc. .) 1-3 minutes is quite enough. The readiness of vegetables can be determined by color or by piercing them with a fork or knife. Vegetables should be served hot, garnished with fresh herbs. You can also season them with sour cream, olive or butter, and add grated cheese.

Steamed vegetables recipe

To steam vegetables you will need the following products:

  • 150 g canned mushrooms
  • 200 g each of salted eggplant, zucchini and bell pepper
  • 2 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 clove of garlic
  • 5 stalks of asparagus
  • Parsley and dill
  • Spices to taste

First of all, you need to rinse the vegetables under water, then cut the salted eggplants and zucchini into small cubes, with pieces of asparagus. The pepper must be peeled, washed and cut into medium-sized pieces. After that we open canned mushrooms and drain the liquid from them. Next you need to finely chop the garlic and herbs. Now in a deep bowl, mix zucchini, asparagus, salted eggplant, mushrooms and peppers, add salt, spices and mix everything carefully. Then all the vegetables need to be placed in a double boiler and cooked for 30 minutes. After this time, carefully remove prepared vegetables, add olive oil, garlic and garnish with herbs. The dish must be served hot.

Steamed fish recipe

If you don’t know how to steam fish, then the recipe that will be described below will come in handy. You will need the following products:

  • Salmon steaks or fillets of any other fish
  • Olive oil
  • Tablespoon dried herbs
  • Ground black pepper

Fillet or steaks should be washed and dried. After this, you need to sprinkle the fish with olive oil, and then rub the fish pieces with salt, herbs and black ground pepper, and leave everything for 20 minutes so that the fish is saturated with aromas. Then we transfer it to a double boiler, in one layer. It doesn’t take long to cook the fish, 10 minutes is enough. You should prepare a light side dish for steamed fish; potato or vegetable puree, vegetable salad or steamed potatoes.

It is worth noting that you can steam cook in a convection oven, a saucepan with a steam basket, or an electric steamer, but most people prefer a multicooker. How to steam various products, you now know, and similar dishes will be frequent guests on your table.

When steamed, cutlets are not just tasty. They are also extremely useful due to the fact that due to the absence of fat in this method of heat treatment of the dish, it will contain significantly less harmful cholesterol and calories. On the contrary, it will be possible to preserve many times more vitamins and other nutrients than with a different method of preparation.

This food has one more advantage: it is suitable for the diet of people of virtually any age. It can also be enjoyed by children who are just beginning to get used to eating dishes from the common table, as well as those who are sick and must be on a special diet. As a rule, doctors do not prohibit steaming cutlets in such situations and often even recommend them - to saturate a weakened body with proteins.

However, some link the creation of the above food with the presence in the house special device- steamers. There are those who believe that in the absence of such a device it will be very difficult to find an adequate replacement for it. This approach is incorrect, since in reality there are several ways to manufacture steam cutlets OK without a steamer.

One of the simplest methods known to a considerable number of housewives is the use of a flat-bottomed colander or sieve along with a sufficiently capacious saucepan with a lid. The latter should be slightly larger in diameter than the first, but such that they do not fall into it, but are held at the top.

The pan needs to be filled sufficient quantity liquids. However, its level, even when boiling, should be left just below the bottom of the sieve or colander. The dish is steamed, not boiled! However, you should not allow the liquid to completely boil away.

You can make cutlets any way you like. suitable recipe. For example, from half a kilogram of meat, a quarter of milk pre-soaked in a glass white loaf, one onion, egg and spices. Traditionally, all components are passed through a meat grinder, and not very large balls are formed from the resulting mass.

The cutlets should be placed in a sieve or colander so that a small distance is maintained between them. Next, the vessel must be placed on top of a pan with boiling liquid and covered with a lid. Reducing the heat slightly (to medium), you need to cook the food for about 30-40 minutes. To determine readiness, break one cutlet. The meat inside it should be uniform in color, and the flowing juice should be transparent.

For other methods of creating steam cutlets, a metal sieve is also useful. In addition to this, you will need pans of various sizes, a piece of gauze at least 50x50 cm, twine and a grill grate from the microwave.

Pour water into one of the saucepans, whose diameter is about 20-25 cm, and cover everything with gauze, tying it tightly with twine. The fabric then needs to be pushed down a little to form a kind of hemisphere. After boiling water, place the cutlets on cheesecloth and, covering the pan with a lid, cook the dish for 35-40 minutes.

Instead of gauze, you can try placing a special rounded grill stand inside a pan of suitable diameter. Heat treatment of cutlets on it usually lasts about 40 minutes.

In each case, you need to ensure that the lid on top tightly closes the pan. Otherwise, the cooking time for steam cutlets will be increased - up to 60 minutes, or even more.

This dish will be different from its fried version lack of golden brown crust. At the same time, however, it will be much juicier and more tender in taste.

Many people recommend steamed dishes for health reasons. Firstly, this is the most gentle food for patients with digestive disorders; it is better absorbed by the body. Secondly, with this cooking method, the maximum possible amount of microelements and vitamins that are found in raw foods. After all, when frying or boiling, some of the beneficial substances contained in food are destroyed. In addition, boiling oil produces substances that are harmful to the liver and stomach. Thirdly, the food is low in calories - unlike dishes cooked in fat or oil.
Steaming food has its own subtleties. All products are placed in a steamer or pan with a special steam basket (instead, you can use a colander of a suitable size). The pan must be covered with a lid. Water is poured into the bottom of the pan, which, when boiling, evaporates and penetrates through the holes in the steam basket, “steaming” and cooking the food in it. It is better to cook in a double boiler without salt, and salt the food already on the plate - this will reduce salt consumption to a minimum.

To all people who care about their health.
Patients with diseases gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, cholecystitis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, etc.
People suffering from diseases of cardio-vascular system and atherosclerosis.
If you are overweight, have metabolic disorders, allergies, etc.
Children, pregnant women, elderly people.
Any person with frequent and prolonged stress, increased workload, lack of sleep, etc.

Learning to steam cook

Anything can be steamed lean meat, cut into portions. As it is ready (and it needs to be “steamed” for 30–40 minutes), it changes color, becomes soft and tender. At this point, you can sprinkle it with salt, season with spices, garlic and cook for another 10 minutes. And if the meat is pre-marinated with onions and spices, its taste will be more piquant.
They turn out delicious steam dishes from minced meat – cutlets, meatballs, etc. First we make the cutlet mass by turning it through a meat grinder onion and a piece of lean beef or veal, chicken or turkey fillet and adding bread, egg, and spices soaked in milk. After kneading the resulting mass, shape it into cutlets or meatballs and place them to “steam” for 10–30 minutes, depending on the size.
An unusual dish is steam roll. Spread the cutlet mass in an even layer 1.5 cm thick on two-layer gauze moistened with water. Place in an even layer in the middle or boiled rice with herbs, or a finely chopped hard-boiled egg, or other filling. Then, lifting the gauze on one side, cover the filling so that the edges of the layer cutlet mass connected with each other. After this, roll the roll, seam side down, from the gauze onto the grate of a steam pan and steam it. You can cook the roll directly in gauze and remove it when the dish is cooked. Before serving, cut the roll into pieces.
Steamed fish (fillet of pike perch, catfish, pike, burbot, salmon, etc.) turns out much tastier than usual boiled fish. The prepared pieces should be placed in one row in a double boiler or pan, and spices should be added. And instead of water, pour broth made from the bones, fins and tail of the fish.
Fish cutlets are prepared in the same way as meat cutlets.
Steamed vegetables retain the aroma and most vitamins and do not become watery. The fresher the vegetable, the tastier the dish.
You can cook any vegetables: spinach, pumpkin, zucchini, broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts, beets, turnips, carrots, potatoes, beans, etc. Small vegetables are usually cooked whole. Spinach and cabbage are separated into leaves. More large vegetables cut.
You can mix vegetables different sizes, but the main thing is to remember the cooking time. Vegetables that take longer to cook are placed in the steamer earlier. It is important not to steam them too long, otherwise they will lose their beneficial features. When you turn off the heat, the vegetables should still have a slight “crunch” inside. They need to be left under the lid for a few more minutes, and they will “reach”. It is better to serve steamed vegetables with a slice of lemon, olive oil and ground black pepper.
You can even steam buns and pies . Here, for example, is how you can prepare sweet buns: knead yeast dough made from flour, sugar, yeast, eggs and glass warm water. Leave it to rise for 2-3 hours in a warm place. Then roll out the dough into rectangular layer 0.7 cm thick, brush the surface with jam, roll into a roll and cut into equal pieces. Make buns from each piece, brush them with syrup and steam (preferably in a pressure cooker) at high boil for 30 minutes.
Dumplings and dumplings (manti) are also steamed. . For cooking lazy dumplings Peel the potatoes, place them in a steamer and cook for 8-12 minutes (or boil). Then mix cottage cheese with potatoes, add 2 egg yolks, flour, starch, beaten egg whites, salt and knead the dough. Roll “sausages” from the resulting mass, cut them into pieces (slices). Place the resulting dumplings in a steamer and cook for 5–8 minutes. Serve with sour cream.

Steam food recipes

Meatballs with steamed potatoes

This is a very tasty, healthy and, importantly, “quick” dish. Peel the potatoes, place them in a saucepan and pour in enough water to just cover the potatoes. Let it cook, adding salt. While the water is boiling, prepare the minced meat for the cutlets and form it into round balls (like large meatballs). Five minutes after the potatoes have boiled, add meat balls straight onto the potatoes. It is important that the potatoes boil, then the meatballs will set quickly and will not fall apart. Cover with a lid and bring everything to readiness over low heat. At the same time we get delicious meatballs, and potatoes with broth.

Steamed lamb with vegetables

Cut the lamb into wide slices, beat, salt and pepper. Cut the potatoes into slices, carrots into slices, broccoli and cauliflower disassemble into inflorescences. Place the vegetables in layers on the steamer rack, with a layer of potatoes on top. Salt, pepper, sprinkle with cumin and dill, place garlic cloves and pieces of meat on top of the potatoes, cover with a lid. Steam the lamb with vegetables for 1.5–2 hours. When serving, place the lamb on a plate and arrange the vegetables around. You can serve sour cream separately.

Manti with pumpkin

Knead a stiff dough from flour, salt, eggs and water (like dumplings). Cover it with a damp cloth for half an hour, then roll it into a rope, cut into pieces and roll into thin circles with a diameter of 9–10 cm (the edges of the cakes should be thinner than the middle). Place the minced meat on the flatbreads and pinch the edges. Steam the manti for 20–25 minutes, serve with sour cream or butter.
For the minced meat: cut the pumpkin into small cubes, add finely chopped lard and onions. You can also prepare manti with meat, cottage cheese, zucchini, spinach and other fillings.

Beef dumplings

For the dough, combine flour with salt and water, stirring continuously. Leave it to “rest” for half an hour. Then divide the dough into balls, roll each one out, place a ball in the middle minced meat, and pinch the edges, leaving a hole. Place the dumplings in a greased container so that they do not touch each other (pre-grease the steamer rack with oil). Steam the dumplings until done.
For the filling: combine soy sauce with starch, add minced beef, chopped parsley, carrots, green onions, dill, salt and pepper.

Chicken rolls

Beat the chicken fillet, place the minced meat, roll it into rolls and fasten with wooden skewers. Place the rolls on a greased steamer rack and steam for 40 minutes. When serving, remove the skewers from the rolls, cut and place on a platter. You can serve brown rice as a side dish.
For the minced meat: cut the ham into strips, mix with grated cheese, add salt, pepper, sage and a little rum (you can do without it).

Egg white omelette

Beat the egg whites with a whisk, gradually pouring in the milk, and add salt to the mixture. IN portion mold, greased with oil, pour the milk-protein mixture and cook it in a water bath. Serve the omelette in a ramekin.

Steamed zebra cake

Whisk egg whites from 5 eggs. Separately mix the yolks with sugar (120 g), flour (170 g), vanilla, then carefully fold in the whipped whites. Divide the resulting dough into two parts, mix cocoa powder into one. Place foil in a rice container and spoon two colors of dough into it, alternating. Cover the top of the container with foil and steam for 35–45 minutes. Then remove the foil and cut the cake into portioned pieces, water orange juice and sprinkle with coconut flakes.

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Today, many are trying to lose excess weight and maintain youth as long as possible; steamed foods are exactly what they need. After all, eating steamed food improves human health and well-being noticeably improves.

What is steaming?

Steaming is very close to regular cooking, the only difference is that in this case the temperature transmitter is not boiling water, but hot steam. This is precisely where the fundamental difference between the two related methods lies: since steaming does not involve contact with liquid and the dish is prepared solely by steam, this allows the products to retain most of the substances they contain, both beneficial and flavorful. If we talk about benefits, the content of folic acid and vitamin C in products after steaming decreases by 15%, while during regular cooking it decreases by 35% and 25%, respectively - what can we say about other methods of heat treatment!

About flavoring agents I also said it for a reason: if you put a piece of meat or fish into boiling water, you, except finished product, you will also end up with a broth, which in most cases is too light to be serious. culinary value. However, this broth is a sure sign that the flavor compounds have passed into the water, which means they are no longer in the product itself. Often they try to avoid this by using already ready broth, but if there is a simpler way: steaming. Without a doubt, steaming is the most delicate of the traditional culinary methods, and among the modern ones it is second only to the sous vide method.

There are many different devices for steaming, from Chinese bamboo steamers to modern electrical appliances, however, in principle, you don’t need any complex or expensive equipment - a steamer can be “created” using a saucepan with a colander placed in it, which is covered with a lid .

These are really three necessary components steamers:

  • a container where the water will boil;
  • a food stand that will allow rising steam to pass through;
  • and a lid so that the steam does not escape outside, but circulates inside.

To steam food, bring water to a boil, then place the steamer with food over it and cover with a lid to ensure steam circulation and even heating of food. Initially, steaming, like most other healthy things, was invented in the east, so Chinese bamboo steamers are often used, which are installed in a wok over boiling water. These steamers have several levels - the baskets are placed one on top of the other, so you can cook different foods at the same time. I also use a bamboo steamer - in addition to the fact that it does its job perfectly, it also looks very stylish, so you can serve ready-made dishes directly in the steamer. In addition, you can buy an inexpensive metal steamer in the store or look for a more modern device - electric pressure cookers, multicookers and other appliances usually have a built-in steaming function.

There are also more exotic methods of steaming, for example, this: products that require a particularly delicate approach (say, swallow's nests) are placed in a ceramic vessel with water, and this vessel, in turn, is placed in a double boiler, usually for several hours.

Benefits of steamed food

  1. The first positive quality of steamed food is that it is low-calorie and is recommended by nutritionists to people who suffer from overweight and just to tone the body.
  2. Products retain all their healthy vitamins and microelements, their shape is not deformed and the natural color is not lost. The dishes turn out appetizing, with pleasant aroma and taste, if, of course, you know how to cook.
  3. Food that is steamed always contains minimal amount fats, this happens due to the fact that no oil is used during the cooking process and vitamins such as C and A remain in place. The calorie content is also reduced due to this factor, because oil when exposed to high temperatures begins to produce carcinogens harmful to the body.
  4. Steamed food is great alternative for people who want to lose weight simply, tasty and without grueling physical activity. By eating steamed food every day, hunger is completely absent, but the process of losing weight occurs.
  5. The food turns out quite juicy compared to normal preparation. The smell persists fresh vegetables and their taste does not deteriorate; people get used to such food very quickly.
  6. There is no need to constantly stand near the stove and stir or turn over. Nothing will ever burn in a steamer.
  7. When frying, kitchen utensils get dirty due to the addition of oil, but in this case the steam does not leave any greasy stains.
  8. Dishes that are steamed are quickly absorbed by the body, there is no feeling of discomfort or heaviness.
  9. If you regularly eat such foods, your skin condition will noticeably improve, your hair will become stronger and your the immune system. Also steam food calms down nervous system and to some extent brings the body into a relaxed state, thereby eliminating stress and improving the quality of sleep.

Harmful of steamed food

It is not recommended to replace the steamer with a regular frying pan, because the effect will be completely different. Many people are accustomed to eating rich broths and food with golden crust, you can simply add it to an already prepared dish various sauces, herbs or favorite seasonings to keep your food healthy.

Features of steamed food

Taste of steamed food

This is probably the most important question that interests the majority - the question of taste qualities steam food.

Steamed food is juicier than traditionally cooked food. It also retains the aroma fresh products and original taste. You get used to this kind of food quickly.

Fast steam cooking

Thanks to modern kitchen appliances, namely microwave oven or steamer, time to prepare healthy and delicious food very little is spent.

In a double boiler or microwave, you can cook several foods at the same time without worrying about the food getting burned. This saves a lot of time on preparation, and tastes different dishes do not mix during cooking.

There is the simplest way to steam food - a pan of water with a sieve or a special grill on top for cooking steamed food, tightly closed with a lid on top. This is convenient for small amounts of food. Accessories are now available modern technology, a steamer that allows you to quickly and inexpensively cook wonderful dishes.

All necessary products placed in a bowl, filled with water and set to the desired time.

The practicality of steaming food

The cooking process does not require constant supervision. There is no need to constantly stir or turn anything - the food cooks evenly and nothing can burn in the steamer. No oil is used for cooking. And unlike oil used in frying, the steam does not settle on kitchen utensils and does not form greasy stains on furniture.

  • Nutritionists advise all people who care about their health to eat steamed food. However, in some cases, switching to a steam kitchen is especially recommended. So, steam diet prescribed for various diseases.
  • Steamed food is necessary for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: chronic gastritis, cholecystitis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer stomach, etc. Steam nutrition is the most gentle for sick digestive organs.
  • Other indications for switching to a steam kitchen are diseases of the cardiovascular system. In case of atherosclerosis, it is important to exclude acute and fatty foods to lower blood cholesterol levels.
  • Steam nutrition is necessary for metabolic disorders, excess weight, allergies and other diseases.

"Steam" diet

Dishes for a steamed diet do not need to be cooked for a long time, so following this diet will add enough extra free time to you.

The beauty of this diet is that it’s difficult to even call it a diet. It's just a way to go to healthy way nutrition and heal your body every day. Steamed dishes are just as tasty as regular ones, only healthier. This diet not only not dangerous, but beneficial for the body.

The period of following a diet for a couple can be as long as desired. Since it is easily tolerated, it is healthier than regular food, then there are no time limits. The advantage of such a diet is that there is no feeling that you have to give up something, since there will be no restrictions in terms of products either.

Products processed in a slow cooker are perfectly absorbed by the body, which means that in this form they are clearly healthier. The most important thing is that the steamed diet has no contraindications. Although, in order to avoid all surprises, before you get hooked on this diet, you should still visit a doctor. Truth in medicine in this case advocates such nutrition. In fact, it is steam food that appears in reference books on therapeutic dietetics.

So we can assume that medical reviews about this diet are favorable. It is this food that is recommended by specialists for gastritis, colitis, stomach and duodenal ulcers. This method of cooking is recommended for hypertensive patients, and for people suffering from high blood cholesterol, and for diabetics various types, both for kidney and liver patients. Steamed nutrition should be practiced by pregnant women and mothers during lactation, since this method is also less allergenic, and, accordingly, the safest for the health of the newborn as well. Steamed food, suitable for people with various chronic diseases. The food is recommended for children and pensioners. Steamed food is indicated for heavy loads and overexertion. It is perfectly absorbed and digested.

The multicooker is capable of making delicious and nutritious cereals, vegetables, soups and any meat. The main thing is not to oversalt, and also not to use various harmful seasonings.

Food that is cooked in a double boiler retains all vitamins and minerals. This is where steaming food beats even boiling. Up to 50 percent can evaporate during cooking. useful elements. Thus, even boiled food cannot compete with steamed dishes in terms of nutritional value.

What can you steam?

Oddly enough - almost anything! If you think that only unleavened vegetables can be steamed, then know that in Chinese cuisine rice, fish, various dumplings and buns, and even meat are steamed. As for dumplings, this type of preparation has spread throughout Central Asia; it is enough to recall manti, which is somewhat closer to us, for cooking which they use a mantyshnitsa - essentially the same Chinese multi-story steamer, only slightly modified. In China or Korea, you can try steamed buns, both regular and stuffed with vegetables, pork or beef: the dough turns out to be the most ordinary, except perhaps without a golden brown crust, for obvious reasons. Besides, Chinese cuisine invites us to steam it rack of pork ribs, duck, chicken, goose, eggs, as well as vegetables, rice and much more.

A fish that in itself is considered useful product, are also often steamed: in the selection of recipes that concludes this article, you will find steaming recipes like whole fish, and fillet. Of course, seafood can be cooked in the same way, and steamed shrimp will have more rich taste than boiled in water.

However, what do we need Asia for? Let's take more understandable and familiar products, say, the same potatoes. If we are all accustomed to boiled potatoes, then European and American cooks and housewives mostly steam them. The reasons are the same as described above - the potatoes retain more of their own taste and nutrients that would otherwise go into the water. The same goes for other vegetables: if you are not making broth, there is absolutely no reason to boil vegetables in water rather than steam. Apparently, in our country, until recently, no one was interested in steaming - I can’t think of any other clear reasons why we are used to boiling vegetables for vinaigrette or Olivier in water.


Steamed cod with hollandaise sauce


  • 500 grams of fish
  • salt, pepper, spices

For the sauce:

  • 3 raw yolks
  • 150 grams butter
  • 2 tablespoons cold water
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • salt pepper

Cooking method: sprinkle the prepared fish with salt, pepper and spices that you prefer, sprinkle lemon juice and place in a steamer. Cook for 7-10 minutes. Properly steamed classic hollandaise sauce is perfect for this dish.

Method for preparing the sauce: In a bowl, mix the yolks, water, salt, pepper, place it all in steam bath and beat all the time, adding a small piece of butter. Add the next piece after the previous one is completely combined with the yolk mass. The end result should be a thick and smooth buttery sauce. Finally, add lemon juice to taste and beat well again.

Hollandaise sauce goes great with low-fat varieties steamed fish, as well as vegetables.

Vegetables cooked in a double boiler are very tasty and at the same time have a very attractive appearance. The fact is that with normal heat treatment(cooking or frying, it doesn’t matter) they lose their color. This does not happen when using steam. An assortment of carrots, broccoli, cauliflower and spinach looks very nice.

Steamed mixed vegetables

(serve with fish and hollandaise sauce)


  • 100 grams of carrots
  • 100 grams of broccoli
  • 100 grams cauliflower
  • 100 grams of spinach

Cooking method: Wash and peel the vegetables. Cut the carrots, separate the cabbage into inflorescences, free the spinach from rough stems. Place vegetables in a steamer (except for spinach - add it literally a minute before the end of cooking) and cook for 5-7 minutes.

Fish in a steam bath


  • 500 grams of fish fillet
  • 2 tablespoons soy sauce
  • teaspoon grated ginger
  • teaspoon curry
  • salt pepper
  • 1-2 tablespoons lemon juice

Cooking method: wash the fish, dry it, mix with ginger, soy sauce, curry, salt, pepper and lemon juice. Place everything in a bowl and place in a steam bath. Cook with the lid tightly closed for 7-10 minutes. It turns out very delicate fish spicy clear broth. Serve with fluffy rice.

Steamed chicken cutlets


  • 500 grams of minced chicken
  • 1 egg
  • 150 grams of white bread
  • a glass of milk
  • 1 onion
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • salt pepper, nutmeg

Cooking method: Soak the bread in milk. Chop the onion very finely and sauté olive oil. Mix the minced meat with fried onions, squeezed bread and eggs, add salt, pepper, nutmeg and beat everything well.

Divide the resulting mass into small cutlets and place in a double boiler. Cook for 7-10 minutes. For those who love recipes for dietary dishes, we can recommend preparing cutlets from pork, beef, and fish using this principle.

The recipes for dishes cooked in a double boiler, which we brought to your attention, can be perceived as basic and, starting from them, you can come up with your own dietary dishes. Bon appetit!

Steaming is considered a fairly ancient method of cooking, which is successfully used in modern cooking. It is especially popular among everyone who wants to lose weight and improve their health. After all, the steamed diet is one of the most popular and safe ways gain the desired shape, improve your overall well-being and mood in life.

Steamed food: benefit or harm?

Benefits of steam cooking:

  1. All vitamins, shape and color of products, their natural smell and taste are preserved.
  2. There is no need to add fat, so the dish turns out to be dietary.
  3. Fast preparation.
  4. The food turns out juicy, low-calorie, tasty and healthy.
  5. This food is suitable for gastrointestinal diseases due to its easy digestibility.
  6. Natural color and the taste of the products can attract children suffering from lack of appetite.

It has recently become fashionable balanced diet, and therefore concern for health, so the benefits of steaming are obvious. With regular consumption of such food, the functioning of the heart muscle improves, overall well-being changes, and vitality, hair and skin are transformed. People forget about migraines and increased flatulence, since the body is undergoing internal restructuring, allowing it to continue to work exclusively for the good.

Disadvantages of steaming:

  • This kind of food quickly gets boring, especially for that category of people who are accustomed to gastronomic delights on their table.
  • You will have to work hard to remove food debris and grease from the steamer grids.

However, the vast majority of followers of steamed food note that such food only seems bland at first. The body just needs to get used to it and adjust to a new operating mode. This usually takes about three weeks.

  • Both meat and fish dishes should not be consumed at the same time as a side dish. In addition, the optimal interval between eating carbohydrates and proteins is 4 hours.
  • You can eat as much as your body requires. The main thing is to avoid overeating and stop eating 2 hours before going to bed.
  • When preparing cereals, exclude salt; it is better to use soy sauce.
  • All sweets cooked in a double boiler should be enjoyed only before lunch.

What and how to steam?

So, the desire to move to proper nutrition ripe. Of course, a double boiler will be an indispensable assistant in this important matter. Easy to use and care, it will help you experience the main benefits of steaming dishes. There are several types of steamers, varying in size. However, they all have a single design, consisting of a heating element, a water container, compartments for storing food and a reliable lid.

Cooking process healthy food concluded as follows:

  • It is necessary to place food in the appropriate compartment (for example, vegetables - cabbage, carrots, onions).
  • Pour required quantity water.
  • Close the lid.
  • Set timer with optimal time preparations.

Upon completion, the steamer will notify the owners that the dish is ready.

A multicooker for steaming is also suitable if it has the appropriate function. Frozen foods do not need to be pre-defrosted; simply increase the cooking time slightly.

Steamed diet: one-day menu

  1. Breakfast

It is better to start the day with a light but nutritious meal containing fiber and complex carbohydrates. Quite suitable

  • impressive portion of milk oatmeal with the addition of corn;
  • tea without sugar and its substitutes.

Porridge recipe


Pour the corn along with the flakes into a steamer bowl intended for rice, pour water and 50 ml of milk into it, mix thoroughly and wait for half an hour. Finally, add the rest of the milk.

  1. Dinner

The middle of the day involves including first courses and vegetables in the diet, such as:

Recipe for vegetable soup with meatballs


  • medium fork of broccoli;
  • carrots and potatoes (1 piece each);
  • a small amount of minced meat;
  • a glass of purified water.

Place several cabbage inflorescences and potatoes cut into small cubes into a rice container. From ground beef and chopped carrots are made into meatballs and also placed in a double boiler. This is all filled with water and cooked for half an hour.

Steamed vegetables (for 4 persons)


  • four small potatoes;
  • two small tomatoes;
  • one carrot;
  • two onions;
  • one large beet;
  • a quarter fork of white cabbage.

Cabbage and beets are chopped into thin strips, potato tubers are cut into small cubes, and onions are cut into half rings. Then all the vegetables are mixed, salted and covered with food foil. Place in a rice container. The dish takes exactly one hour to prepare

  1. Dinner

Great option - chicken breast with vegetables and soy sauce.



  • medium-sized breast;
  • three carrots;
  • large fork of cauliflower;
  • one large turnip;
  • three onions and a stalk of celery;
  • 0.5 l fresh vegetable broth;
  • a small spoonful of vegetable oil and soy sauce;
  • salt and spices to taste.

All vegetables are cut into small slices, meat into medium pieces, and the celery stalk is thoroughly chopped. Place in layers in a saucepan to cook using steam. Pour in the broth, adding the sauce along with the butter. In total, the dish takes 2 hours to prepare.

A diet based on steamed foods is necessary both for weight loss and for cleansing the body. Food prepared in this way contains virtually no fat, but retains all important vitamins and essential microelements. This diet will prevent you from overeating. high-calorie dishes and dangerous carcinogens contained in fried foods vegetable oil food.

Compliance with this diet promises to get rid of excess weight, as well as achieving healing and even rejuvenation of the body. In 3 weeks, you can get rid of 5 hated kilograms without much difficulty. However, the final result directly depends on the initial weight.

Why should you choose a steam diet?

  • If you eat everything steamed, then such a diet removes restrictions on the consumption of certain foods. After all, literally everything is allowed to eat.
  • The process of preparing different dishes in any steamer is very convenient. Food will never burn in it and will not require constant attention from a person.
  • Capacious multifunctional steamers have several levels, making it possible to possible cooking several dishes at once.
  • All steamed dishes are always beautiful and appetizing to look at.

Steam diet in Lately It is no longer just a temporary method of rational weight loss, but also a system of permanent nutrition. And for some, it’s a way of life. You just need to realize one fact: steamed food is in no way inferior in taste to dishes from the usual diet. However, it is much more useful. Through it, you can radically change your own habitual eating style without much difficulty and inevitable breakdowns.

Let's steam it. Steamed diet
