What are the benefits of dark bitter chocolate? The healing properties of dark chocolate, how to determine the real one

Everyone knows the taste of chocolate. However, this delicacy is valuable not only for its taste and aromatic qualities. Thanks to a wide range of different chemicals in cocoa beans, this dessert has a beneficial effect on the human body. We must remember that the product must be natural and of high quality, only in this case the harm from chocolate will be minimized.

Chemical composition, calorie content and taste

High-quality dark chocolate is made from a small list of ingredients: cocoa butter, cocoa mass and sugar. Chocolate should not contain milk, cream, butter or palm oil, or any additives. Because of this, its taste is quite specific - bitter and tart, but the aroma is very bright and rich.

Chocolate is known to be a very high-calorie product. However the nutritional value it depends on the type and percentage of cocoa products. 100 g of it contains:

A high-quality dessert is rich in vitamins E, PP, B2, B1, microelements such as magnesium, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus and zinc. It is also rich in antioxidants, amino acids, tannins, tryptophan and other chemical compounds.

Types of dark chocolate

Today in the world there is a huge number chocolate treats all kinds of shapes and tastes. However, all of them can be systematized according to their main characteristics.

By shape

Dark chocolate maybe

  • tiled;
  • patterned;
  • curly.

The treat in tiles has flat shape and a pattern on one of the surfaces, allowing you to easily divide it into segments. Tiles come in weights from 10 to 250 grams.

Figured chocolate takes the form of various animals, medals, figurines, etc. Figures can be hollow or solid.

Patterned chocolate is more often found in sets in the form of small flat figures.

By cocoa share

Chocolate with high content Cocoa products without any additives can be divided into three groups:

  • dark;
  • bitter;
  • extra black.

All these types differ in the content of grated cocoa. In a bitter delicacy it must be more than 55%, otherwise it should be called dark.

According to the content of additional ingredients

Depending on the content of fillers dark chocolate May be

  • clean;
  • with additive;
  • with filling;
  • diabetic.

The pure product contains only cocoa and sugar. In diabetics, substitutes (sorbitol, xylitol or mannitol) are added instead of sugar.

According to production technology

Depending on the technology and recipe used, chocolate can be:

  • ordinary;
  • dessert;
  • porous.

Regular bars are made from regular cocoa beans of African or American origin, which taste bitter and slightly sour.

For dessert chocolate, characterized by a more gentle
flavor, choose cocoa elite varieties from Ecuador, they are more expensive, so the price of the final product is much higher. Cocoa beans undergo a conching process.

In this case, grinding the cocoa mass is accompanied by heating to 60°C for 3-5 days. As a result, he has more homogeneous mass And best taste, and also acquires the properties of making a peculiar sound when breaking and melting in the mouth.

Porous chocolate is obtained from dessert chocolate by foaming on special equipment.

Benefit for health

Chocolate - favorite treat many people, there are a huge number of myths about the benefits and harms of this dessert. Therefore, scientists from different countries often choose the effect of chocolate on certain systems of the human body as the object of their research.

It has been proven that regular use chocolate has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. It helps reduce carbon dioxide in the blood, strengthens the walls of blood vessels, and reduces the likelihood of stroke. Flavonoids in its composition lead to a decrease in cholesterol in the blood.

Theobromine contained in chocolate helps get rid of cough, but if we are talking about a disease of the upper respiratory tract in a mild form.

The vitamin and mineral composition of this delicacy has a beneficial effect on brain activity, which helps improve memory.

It normalizes the absorption of sugars, which reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes.

Natural chocolate contains a natural antiseptic, which has a positive effect on the oral mucosa, reduces the rate of tartar formation and protects against caries.

For men

Despite the fact that men are not known as chocolate lovers, this dessert can have a positive effect on their health.

The substances in its composition reduce the risk of blood clots, stimulate blood circulation, and strengthen the heart muscle. As a result, the risk of stroke and heart attack, to which the stronger half of humanity is more predisposed, is reduced.

Zinc stimulates the production of testosterone, which leads to an increase in the quality of sexual life.

For women

Cocoa beans are rich in antioxidants that reduce
the effect of free radicals on the body. As a result, the risk of developing breast and cervical cancer is reduced. Cell aging processes also slow down, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin.

Chocolate can relieve painful symptoms of PMS, reduce nervousness and depression. In addition, this dessert has long been known as an aphrodisiac.

Calcium and phosphorus in the bitter variety of delicacy have a positive effect on the condition of teeth, bones, nails and hair.

For children

Starting from the age of three, children can gradually introduce chocolate into their diet. And if there are no manifestations of intolerance, then a child can absorb no more than one hundred grams per week without negative consequences.

Potassium and phosphorus in the delicacy contribute to the formation and proper development of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

However, children should be given a product containing no more than 75% cocoa. There is too much in dark chocolate for child's body theobromine, which can cause gastrointestinal disturbances, nausea and headaches. Dairy milk contains too much sugar for a child, so its consumption should not become a habit.

How to use it correctly for weight loss

The effect of chocolate on weight loss has long been debated. From time to time, facts appear that confirm and refute the ability of this delicacy to help in weight loss.

In tiles dark chocolate must contain more than 70% cocoa. Only in this case, the concentration of caffeine and phenol will promote fat burning.

Of all the types of this delicacy, only dark chocolate effectively reduces appetite. In addition, this dessert will help people who “eat stress”, since the magnesium in its composition is necessary for the production of serotonin.

The main argument against is the high calorie content of this dessert. To feel positive influence dark chocolate on the body, you need to eat 25 grams of it daily, which is about 130 kcal.

A fasting day using this product is quite popular among those losing weight. The cocoa content in it must be at least 85%. A bar weighing 100 grams is eaten per day. During the day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water, green or herbal tea, rosehip decoction.

Harm and contraindications

Almost every child knows that chocolate is harmful to teeth, but this does not apply to dark chocolate, since there is very little sugar in a high-quality bar. However, it is not a harmless product.

Cocoa butter is a strong allergen. Therefore, chocolate is contraindicated for children under 3 years of age and people with individual intolerance to its components.

Due to the content of oxalates, which can crystallize in the joints and bladder, this dessert should not be eaten by people with gout and urolithiasis.

Its bitter variety can cause addiction if eaten in moderation. This is a fairly common food addiction.

Application of dark chocolate 90% in cosmetology

One of the most famous cosmetic procedures that uses dark chocolate is body wraps. It has an anti-cellulite effect, which increases skin elasticity, promotes blood flow to its surface, and improves color. For the same reason, the delicacy is often used as the basis for face masks.

For different skin types, certain components are added to melted chocolate to improve the effect of the cosmetic procedure. So, those with dry skin are advised to add olive oil or sour cream.

In the mask for normal skin you can enter Orange juice or grated apple. Helps reduce oily skin lemon juice, cranberry, currant or blue clay.

Chocolate masks have a beneficial effect on the condition of the scalp and hair. The beneficial substances in its composition nourish the follicles and improve blood circulation. For this purpose, melted chocolate is mixed with egg yolk, kefir or honey.

When choosing chocolate, you need to remember that the bitter variety contains only three components: cocoa mass, cocoa butter and powdered sugar. And the total content of cocoa products cannot be lower than 85%.

The color of dark chocolate is a very dark brown, almost black. There should be no whitish coating on the surface of the tile, which indicates improper storage. Also, a violation of storage conditions is indicated by a swollen form.

Dark chocolate is a valuable food product, and concentrations useful substances depend on the type of this delicacy. In terms of quantity of cocoa, the most common varieties are dark and bitter. Dark chocolate can only be pure, while dark chocolate can contain various fillings.

The bitter variety of delicacy is most beneficial for women's and men's health, as well as for weight loss and cosmetic procedures. It is better to give dark chocolate to children over three years of age. When choosing it in a store, you should pay attention to the packaging with information about the percentage composition of the product, as well as its appearance.

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In this article, I intend to cover the topic “dark chocolate: benefit or harm?” in as much detail and impartially as possible...

Let's start with the benefits of dark chocolate. More precisely, why it is considered to be such. If you believe numerous articles on the Internet, he:

  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels
  • Stimulates blood flow to the brain
  • Reduces cholesterol levels
  • Normalizes blood pressure
  • Stimulates endorphin production
  • Slows down the aging process
  • Has an invigorating effect, improves performance
  • Reduces hunger and helps with weight loss

Now let's think - what exactly allows us to conclude that dark chocolate has these properties? After all, it does not grow in the fields. This is a man-made product and is a collection of ingredients. So what ingredients make dark chocolate healthy?

Answer - cocoa beans. This is the only healthy ingredient in a chocolate bar. Indeed, it is the percentage of cocoa beans in the composition that determines the degree of usefulness different types chocolate. The higher the amount of cocoa in chocolate, the better!

  • White chocolate does not contain cocoa beans, it is considered the most harmful and is essentially a mixture of fats and sugar.
  • In milk, the proportion of cocoa beans is usually 25-30%, which is also not good for the body.
  • In bitter - the proportion of cocoa beans is 55% or higher. And it is this chocolate that is considered the only healthy one.

By the way, what is the difference between dark chocolate and bitter chocolate? By and large - not much. But to be extremely precise, the content in dark chocolate is above 40%, and in bitter chocolate - 55-60%.

It turns out that the benefits of dark chocolate are based only on useful properties oh cocoa beans- just one of the ingredients!

Now let's look at the full composition of chocolate (what else does it contain, besides cocoa beans?) and decide whether it is healthy...

Harm of dark chocolate

The composition of dark chocolate varies greatly depending on the specific manufacturer.

There are two main segments, each of which occupies its own niche in the market:

  • Mass production. Each of the famous brands has dark chocolate in their line. Sold in supermarkets.
  • Handmade dark chocolate. Produced individually by small workshops or private chocolatiers. Sold in eco-shops, as well as through social media and websites.

I suggest starting with studying mass-produced chocolate, since this is what you can find on the shelves of every supermarket.

What's in a mass market chocolate bar?

Composition of dark chocolate: cocoa beans, sugar, cocoa butter, soy lecithin(emulsifier) .

This is the composition of good chocolate, high quality. But you need to try very hard to find it, because... Most popular brands of dark chocolate contain, in addition to these ingredients:

  • ethyl alcohol (yes, don’t be surprised, many chocolates contain it!)
  • milk fat(concentrated milk fat, added to reduce cocoa butter consumption)
  • vegetable cocoa butter equivalents, REKM (palm, soybean, rapeseed, cottonseed oils, which through hydrogenation acquire a consistency similar to cocoa butter, but at the same time become toxic trans fats)
  • flavorings identical to natural(chemicals synthesized in laboratories with the smells of vanilla, rum, cream, etc.)
  • tea (and usually the cheapest and poorest quality)

Of course, each of these nasty ingredients is harmful on its own. In fact, these are poisons for our body. Therefore, there is no need to talk about the benefits of chocolate with such ingredients. So my advice to you is - read the chocolate ingredients carefully. The inscriptions “bitter”, “elite”, “dark” on the packaging are not a guarantee of what you are holding in your hands quality product. Here are some illustrative examples that may shock you, as they once shocked me:

* “flavouring i.n.” means identical to natural

I do not recommend you eat a chocolate bar with such ingredients. Is not full list, so be more careful about the composition. It’s good if you only see one bad ingredient in the composition. What if there are several? And don’t let the inscription “identical to natural” reassure you. This is just a marketing trap, there is nothing natural there. This is a substance synthesized in laboratories, chemistry! It is not needed to make chocolate sweets. There are wonderful natural additives that are used by chocolatiers who know their business!

The equivalent of cocoa butter is absolutely terrible! These are oils that are so heavily processed that appearance and the structure does not even remotely resemble liquid vegetable oils. These are trans fats that are not absorbed by the body. Moreover, recently GOST allows adding them to chocolate in a volume of no more than 5%. These are the GOST standards: 5% poison will not harm people, and if it does, no one will notice!

It's clear with harmful ingredients. Now let's consider compound quality dark chocolate, bought in a store. Is it beneficial or harmful?

Cocoa butter

Cocoa butter is 60% saturated fat

Cocoa butter is 60% saturated fatty acids. I wrote what this means in a separate article. I will repeat it briefly here. Fats are called saturated because... they are saturated with hydrogen and consist of very stable molecules. When they enter the body, they remain almost unchanged, since their structure is very stable. That is, the body cannot effectively process these fats. They fall like dead weight inside our body.

A sign of fat saturation is the pour point. At room temperature they freeze. This is exactly what happens with cocoa and coconut butter. Therefore, I don’t recommend getting carried away with them, but there is still a lot of cocoa butter in chocolates ( 40-50% of the weight of the tile, including 24-30% - saturated fats, which is 120-150% of the daily value). So, without knowing it, we are eating an extra portion of difficult-to-digest saturated fat, which will take several hours to digest. In fact, frozen butter with additives is dark chocolate, the calorie content of which is quite high! So to the question “Is it possible to eat dark chocolate when you are losing weight?”, my answer is no, dark chocolate is not very good for your figure.

To be fair, it should be noted that saturated fats also come in different varieties. Cocoa butter contains a lot of stearic acid, which is somewhat milder in its effect on the body than other types of saturated fats. But I still don’t recommend abusing it.


sugar - white death

White sugar is empty calories, which bring nothing but harm to the body. We can talk for hours about the dangers of sugar. In short, sugar leads to an increase in the acidity of the orgasm, that is, it increases the Ph of the fluids inside the body. And this has a very negative impact on health. All bacteria and viruses develop in an acidic environment, from colds to cancer! In addition, the body fights excess acidity and in this fight removes calcium from the bones (calcium neutralizes acid). At the same time, a lot of calcium is released into the blood, part of which is lost in the urine, and the other part is deposited in the kidneys and gallbladder in the form of stones.

An acidic environment also leads to red blood cells and platelets sticking together, which is bad for our blood vessels.What else acidifies the body, besides sugar, you can read in the article .

Further. Absorption of sugar requires not only huge amount calcium, but also B vitamins, which the body takes from muscles, kidneys, liver, and blood. And of course, sugar disrupts digestion and weakens immune system(immune cells are damaged)! But that's not all. Sugar has a bad effect on the skin: collagen and elastin fibers become brittle and dry, which leads to a loss of skin tone and elasticity.

It would seem - a small amount of It won't kill sugar! But are you sure it's small? Research shows that people uncontrollably consume most of the sugar not from the sugar bowl, but from chocolate bars, muesli, cookies, ready-made breakfasts, soda... That is, they eat gigantic amounts of sugar from hidden sources. A dark chocolate bar contains 25-40% sugar, and that’s a lot! 2.5 -4 tablespoons!

And the most important. Sugar combined with fats is an explosive mixture that interferes with normal metabolism! From the point of view, sugar and fats should be eaten separately. Together they take a long time and are not effectively absorbed. Therefore, fatty and sweet desserts are bad. Sweet and low-fat ones are better.

By the way, chocolates sometimes also contain regular white salt add. Which is also bad. You can read about the effect of salt on the body in the article.

Soy lecithin

soy lecithin: there is no need to talk about naturalness

Actually, of course it's not required ingredient chocolate bar. And you will never see this ingredient in real handmade chocolate. It is used to reduce the cost of the product. Thanks to lecithin, the ingredients are better mixed into a homogeneous mass. It usually contains no more than 0.5%.

If the manufacturer is conscientious, then lecithin is produced from high-quality soybean oil by low temperature treatment. This ingredient cannot be called useful, but the degree of harmfulness is not as high as that of sugar... Be careful, lecithin can be vegetable (soy) and animal (egg). Undoubtedly soy is preferable! Not only for humanitarian reasons, but also for health! According to some reports, animal lecithin disrupts digestion and can lead to an increase in liver size and kidney failure. Also, it has a bad effect on metabolism.

The composition should say “emulsifier E322” or “soy lecithin,” or even better, “genetically non-modified soy lecithin.” If you see “emulsifier E476”, then this is animal lecithin!

Cocoa beans

roasted cocoa beans... is there any benefit left?

Fresh, raw (not roasted) cocoa beans actually have health benefits. They contain flavonoids - natural antioxidants that activate the action of enzymes in the body, speed up metabolism, and protect cells from the action of free radicals. Flavonoids also strengthen blood vessels, reduce bad cholesterol, improve blood circulation... It is thanks to these miraculous properties that dark chocolate is considered healthy. But there are three buts!

Without fermentation, cocoa beans are not eaten, as they have a bitter-tart taste and are pale in color. In general, they are very far from the aromatic cocoa beans we are used to.

Firstly, in the production of mass-produced chocolates (that is, in large volumes) the pristine properties of cocoa are largely lost. The fact is that cocoa beans, before being included in the chocolate bar, are first subjected to fermentation, then drying and finally frying and conching (intensive kneading during high temperatures Oh). In private workshops where handmade chocolate is prepared, the quality of cocoa beans is monitored and only raw materials are used. That is, unroasted beans that have been fermented at a temperature no higher than 40 degrees and then dried in the sun. But large factories don’t do this. They use roasted beans that have gone through several stages of high-temperature processing. The bottom line is that refried beans are cheaper, store better, and are more predictable in terms of flavor. But, alas, valuable flavonoids are destroyed. Even intuitively, a product that is fried to an almost charred state is not associated with health. The photo above is of refried beans. Raw fermented beans are a soft brown color...

I wonder what flavonoids are found only in plant foods! Animals get them exclusively from plants. It is believed that these substances are essential for humans and other mammals.

Secondly, in addition to flavonoids Cocoa contains caffeine and theobromine. Caffeine increases performance and gives a boost of energy, which is why coffee lovers value it. But at the same time, it has a very specific negative impact on the body. Read more about this in the article. Let me remind you briefly. Caffeine increases, slows down blood flow in the stomach and intestines, loads the cardiovascular system, increases blood pressure, interferes with the absorption of iron and B vitamins, promotes the leaching of calcium, increases blood sugar levels and therefore loads endocrine system. For me personally, this is a rather high price for a boost of energy... For me, it is also indicative of the fact that caffeine is prohibited for pregnant women, lactating women and children under 3 years of age.

There are also complaints about theobromine) Its effect on health is similar to caffeine, but with less influence on the central nervous system. It also wears out the body on all fronts... Very large quantities is poison.

Thirdly, good chocolate contains only organic grated cocoa beans. But in practice, cheap cocoa powder and the so-called cocoa-vellu, simply - cocoa bean husks, a by-product of the industry.

cocoa wella is the husk of cocoa beans

How is cocoa powder different from grated cocoa beans? The cocoa beans are ground to add the resulting mass to the chocolate bar. Or they are pressed to obtain cocoa butter. Cocoa powder is the cake left over after these procedures!

If you see “75% cocoa” on the package, then know that we are talking about all products: cocoa mass, cocoa butter, cocoa powder and cocoa vella. It is impossible to determine by appearance how many cheap cocoa products were put into the bar. Even in the laboratory this is not easy to find out. But the most important thing is that the quality of cocoa affects not only the taste of chocolate, but primarily its safety. During cultivation and immediately after harvest, cocoa beans are often treated with chemicals to ensure safety and protect them from pests. Some chemicals remain in finished product, since the shell of cocoa beans absorbs substances very well.

An examination of chocolate carried out by the Roskontrol OPP showed that heavy metals were found in many samples: lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury. These toxic metals are known to accumulate in the human body (especially in the brain), causing Negative influence on the nervous system, cells, internal organs. Lead and cadmium were especially high - up to 50% of the maximum permissible daily allowance. Although I would not focus here on daily norm, given how difficult it is for them to be eliminated from the body.

Experts have calculated that if you eat 50 g of chocolate every day, 9 mg of lead will accumulate in your body over the course of a year. It's a lot! Compare for yourself - from a polluted atmosphere (during the processing of lead ores, etc.) a person receives 20 mg of lead per year. The most lead was found in Korkunov, Lindt and Rieter Sport chocolates. All three are not from the cheap segment! Draw your own conclusions...

Here's my advice to you. Considering our ecology and the sometimes terrible quality of food, remember that berries, greens, sprouted seeds can gradually remove toxic metals...

But that's not all about the quality of cocoa. The fact is that cocoa beans contain chitin. This is nothing more than the remains of cockroaches, as well as other insects. How does he get there? Colonies of tropical cockroaches often settle in cocoa beans; this is a well-known fact and we can say that it is the norm. When beans are harvested in large quantities, insects get into the crop. Surprisingly, even international standards stipulate the percentage of chitin in chocolate! The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) accepts natural contaminants chocolate bar in the form of “insects, rodents and other natural contaminants.” Sometimes the chitin content reaches 5%, that is, 5 grams per 100-gram tile. High-quality chocolate contains less...

By the way, why is chocolate bitter? It all depends on the taste and quality of the raw material - poop beans. The taste should be slightly bitter, with a pronounced chocolate tint. If chocolate flavor almost none, but there is only bitterness, then this is a sign large quantity cocoa powder in the chocolate bar, which is not very good.

Why am I doing all this?

Lovers of chocolate sweets, don't throw stones at me, but P The benefits of dark chocolate for the body are questionable. The only one useful ingredient it contains cocoa beans. In general, dark chocolate cannot be called healthy, because... it is very fatty and it combines fats with the most common harmful sugar. That's if you're lucky. In the worst case we have to deal with synthetic flavors, hydrogenated fats, alcohol and other nasty things in chocolates, and quite decent brands.

I understand that the topic of sweets is very sensitive! People often react very emotionally when asked to give up sugar. After all, everyone is the most delicious desserts and the most beloved sweets are essentially a mixture of fat and sugar. “To give them up means to give up the pleasures in life. This is fanaticism! This is too much!” - I often hear such emotional arguments... And they can be understood. I thought the same thing myself.

Here everyone decides for himself. Take into account the information I give in this article or not. It's important for me to keep a level head. Therefore, no matter how sad it sounds - no, chocolate is not healthy. Cocoa beans - maybe depends on the quality.

I am not calling you to give up sugar and chocolates forever. I know the main thing is to come from awareness. Give up something because you no longer see the point, and not because you create another ban. And at first, don’t refuse at all, but gradually reduce consumption and choose only the highest quality chocolate!

I myself go this route because I love dark chocolate. Sometimes I eat it, but only the best and little by little! In my opinion, the game is definitely worth the candle! After all, this is precious health. All our taste habits are just habits. If there is motivation, then it is not so difficult to change them. Previously, I could not imagine life without Milka milk chocolates and various cakes. Now I haven’t eaten all this for a very long time! And I don’t suffer at all) I’m not even talking about the fact that it turned my life around for the better!

In general, if you really want dark chocolate, then continue to eat it, but in moderation and only high-quality chocolate without additives that pollute the body.

How much dark chocolate can you eat a day?

Dark chocolate: which is the best?

From the mass production segment these are:

All these brands are in approximately the same price range - 100-150 rubles/100 g. I've highlighted in red the ingredients that I don't really like. For example, cocoa mass sounds very blurry. There is a possibility that this name actually hides a mixture of grated cocoa, cocoa powder and cocoa well. In addition, as we know, Lindt chocolate was listed as one of the chocolates containing toxic metals... Roasted almonds in chocolate A priori, I didn’t like it simply because it was fried. Nuts contain a lot of oil, and any oil, when heated strongly, changes its structure and releases carcinogens. So roasted nuts I don’t eat it and I don’t advise you to.

I've tried all these chocolates and they're all good. But for me the best dark chocolate is Spartak. It used to be like this for me - “dark chocolate = the taste of tart, bitter cocoa.” But Spartak has a very delicate taste, not typical for dark chocolate. I want to savor it! I also love Apriori because they have a wide range of dark chocolate with fillings.

chocolates Spartak (left) and Sobranie (right)

There is also one brand that deserves attention, but it is not in the table, because... this is a more expensive segment - Pacari, Ecuador. It still contains the same composition: cocoa beans, cane sugar(considering that this is Ecuadorian cane sugar, it is better than our white one), cocoa butter, vegetable lecithin. The beauty is that this chocolate bar is from Ecuador, the birthplace of cocoa. It's raw and organic. And he has a huge assortment - with maca, with spirulina, with blueberries, with figs. They even have 100% dark chocolate! The price is steep - 480 rubles/100 g.

There are also chocolates Eco Botany(Rot Front line), the composition of which I don’t like, although the manufacturer claims to be an eco-brand. The composition of Eco Botanica chocolate consists of dozens of ingredients, including isomalt sweetener, palm oil, wheat fiber, concentrated juice (nothing is written about freshly squeezed juice, which means it’s just a concentrate like in bags) and, in addition, synthetic vitamins. I already wrote...

Now you know, how to choose dark chocolate: You need to look carefully at the composition. You also know what the composition should be. It remains to remember the recommendations given in this article.

But the best thing, of course, is natural artisan chocolate. If you have the opportunity, buy it! It's better than any store bought one. And now I will briefly tell you what...

Handmade chocolate

There is a real boom in handmade chocolate right now! In general, the topic of healthy eating is very relevant and is gaining momentum every year. Every self-respecting eco-products store must have a good selection. natural chocolate from real cocoa beans and without harmful additives. Almost every day a new chocolate workshop appears!

Why is this chocolate better than store-bought quality chocolate? For example, those brands that are listed just above in the table?

  • First of all, it has no sugar. Instead, there are natural sweeteners. Such as: honey, carob, dates, coconut sugar, agave or Jerusalem artichoke syrup….
  • Secondly, this is chocolate made from cocoa beans and cocoa butter of excellent quality, because... Reputation is very important to artisans. Especially in the current situation, when competition is growing every day.
  • Thirdly, cocoa beans are not subjected to harsh heat treatment. But this does not apply to every chocolate factory.
  • Fourthly, since this is a priori a niche product, manufacturers try to pamper the client with a variety of additives, such as goji berries, organic dried fruits, unroasted nuts, chia seeds, etc.
  • Fifthly, it does not contain lecithin. Small artisans prepare chocolate in small batches, so they knead and pour it by hand, which allows them to control the homogeneity of the chocolate mass and even distribution among the molds.

Ingredients of natural chocolate: cocoa beans, natural sweetener, cocoa butter, vanilla, various natural additives (nuts, raisins, spices, etc.)

Handmade chocolate tastes wonderful. The only problem is that it is almost impossible to find in stores. It must be ordered on artisan websites or purchased in eco-goods stores. Therefore, there is a risk that at the moment when you dream of a piece of high-quality dark chocolate, it will not be at hand. In this case, there is only one piece of advice - buy mass-produced chocolate in the store, but with a more or less good composition.

Here are a few tips on where you can buy handmade artisan chocolate:

  • “Raw lunch” - with grape sugar, nuts or goji. Price 200 rub/80 g.
  • “Vegan food” - with carob, dates, raisins, a huge assortment. Price 150-200 rub./50 g.
  • "Gagarinskaya Manufactory" - on honey, a huge selection is very unusual tastes. I hope they don't heat the honey too much, because... this kills its beneficial properties. Price. 195-250 rub/90 g.
  • How to make homemade chocolate from cocoa?

    Making homemade chocolate from cocoa is extremely simple and quick!

    We will need:

    • cocoa beans -100 gr
    • cocoa butter - 60-100 g (depending on)
    • honey - 3 tbsp. Or another sweetener (agave syrup, Jerusalem artichoke, coconut sugar, etc.)
    • additives to taste - vanilla, raisins, nuts, mint, Cayenne pepper... Lots of options!

    How to cook:

  1. Grind the cocoa beans in a coffee grinder as finely as possible
  2. Melt cocoa butter in a water bath
  3. Mix cocoa beans into cocoa butter, add additives and sweetener if it is not honey. If honey, then wait until the mass cools down and add honey.
  4. Place the finished chocolate mixture into a nice mold and put it in the cold.

That's all simple recipe homemade chocolate from cocoa! Dark chocolate with fillings is especially delicious. I like it with mint, orange zest, and raisins. And if you put the dessert in small molds, you will get natural candies made from dark chocolate.

Another option, my favorite, is to cook dessert made from cocoa beans, without butter. Maybe someone will like it) My friend Slava told me this super recipe:

  • We take high-quality cocoa powder. Or cocoa beans ground in a coffee grinder.
  • Dissolve cocoa in water and heat. The consistency should be like thick sour cream. No need to boil.
  • Remove from the stove. When the mass begins to cool slightly, add dried fruits, nuts, seeds, and spices. Whatever your heart desires!
  • When it is still cool, add honey. Remember, honey cannot withstand high temperatures and becomes carcinogenic!
  • Place into molds and put in the refrigerator to harden! You can even put it in the freezer.

Note that there is no cocoa butter in this recipe at all, which is great!


So, the moral of the article is:

  • The beneficial properties attributed to dark chocolate actually only come from the cocoa bean - just one ingredient.
  • Fresh cocoa beans can indeed be considered healthy. The benefits of heavily roasted beans from which chocolate is made are questionable.
  • Taking into account all the ingredients, dark chocolate cannot be called healthy. It is a mixture of fats (mostly saturated) and sugar.
  • Many famous brands dark chocolate contains harmful components: alcohol, cocoa butter equivalent, artificial flavors, milk fat.
  • If you are a chocolate lover, then eat it in moderation and choose good quality, without harmful additives.
  • Most best chocolate- craftsman. It is made by hand from the best raw materials, and natural sweeteners are used instead of sugar. But it costs more.

I hope that the article was useful to you in some way!

The history of chocolate begins from time immemorial. The first similarity of it was prepared by the Aztecs in 1519. They added roasted cocoa beans to sweetened water to create a delicious, aromatic drink. Chocolate bars that are familiar to us appeared in the 18th century. It was made from mixed cocoa and milk. Modern research on this popular sweets prove that in addition to its delicious taste, dark chocolate has many beneficial properties.

Today, on the pages of the website www.site, we will talk about this popular sweet product, discuss the beneficial and harmful properties of dark chocolate.

What are the benefits of dark chocolate?

It is this type of chocolate that will be discussed, since it is the most useful among other types of sweet product.

Cocoa beans from which dark chocolate is made contain flavonoids. These substances promote the synthesis of nitric oxide, which improves blood flow. These compounds also have a positive effect on the nervous system and have antioxidant properties. They help normalize blood pressure.

Therefore, the higher the percentage of cocoa beans, the healthier the chocolate. In addition, dark, bitter chocolate has a healing effect on the heart and reduces the risk of diabetes. It improves blood circulation, increasing blood flow to the brain. This has a positive effect on the activation of mental activity and creative processes.

Women are known to have a sweet tooth. Therefore, it is natural that many of us cannot live without a sweet chocolate bar. Many people worry whether this sweetness is harmful to our figure? According to scientists, these fears are completely unfounded. Dark chocolate does not harm your elegant figure and, in addition, has many beneficial properties.

Our favorite sweet is an undeniable antidepressant. This is probably why, during various experiences, grief, stress, the hand itself reaches for a sweet chocolate bar. He is the source Have a good mood, calms the nerves. Having eaten a piece of a sweet product, you suddenly realize that life is wonderful and everything will work out.

Also popular product contains microelements necessary for health: potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, caffeine. Therefore, by eating a piece of it, we prevent various painful conditions, reduce the level of bad cholesterol, reduce the risk of diabetes, increase performance, endurance, and overall body tone.

At the same time, our favorite delicacy helps to prolong youth, restores and tightens the skin, and smoothes out fine wrinkles. It is not without reason that chocolate is used by the best cosmetologists for anti-aging procedures, SPA procedures, and used in the treatment of cellulite. Well-known cosmetic companies use it in the development of cosmetics.

Does chocolate have harmful qualities?

Many people tirelessly repeat that consuming this product is harmful, as it damages teeth, contributes to excess weight, and is addictive. And they say a lot of bad things. Is it true? Maybe those who claim that something tasty cannot be healthy are right? Let's figure it out:

Myth 1 – dark chocolate is harmful to tooth enamel. It has been proven that it is not it that is harmful to teeth, but the sugar it contains. But the cocoa butter contained in the product protects tooth enamel from the harmful effects of acid. Therefore, you can eat the product, but only a small amount, and rinse your mouth immediately after use. boiled water.

Myth 2 – you can’t eat it at night, it prevents you from falling asleep. Indeed, the product contains caffeine. But there is only 30 mg of it for the entire bar. For example, a cup of coffee contains 180 mg of caffeine. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with a small piece of dark chocolate before bed.

Myth 3 – the product is addictive. Here two concepts are confused: addiction and habit. To become addicted to chocolate you need to eat at least 0.5 kg. sweet product per day. Which, you see, is not real.

Other myths about the dangers of chocolate, namely that it promotes the formation of cholesterol plaques, has a bad effect on the heart, and causes constipation, have also not been scientifically confirmed.

You just need to know when to stop everything. Then any product, including this one, will not harm the body. To provide yourself with the beneficial properties that dark chocolate has, eat no more than 30 g of the product at one time, eat it no more than 2-3 times a week. Choose a product with a high content of cocoa beans. It should be 78% - 90%. In this case, neither your teeth nor your figure will be harmed.

Evaluate the harmful and beneficial properties described in the article, eat your favorite chocolate, and enjoy it. Well, if you are really worried about your figure, let the extra piece you eat serve as an incentive for you to work out your abs and run in the morning. It's always useful. Be healthy!

Dark chocolate is one of the favorite delicacies of people from various countries world and layers of the population. Nuts, raisins, and pieces of cookies are often added to it. They all make chocolate even tastier; everyone will find an option for themselves. Such widespread popularity provokes a question regarding the benefits and harms of the treat. Let's look at the important aspects in order.

Composition and calorie content of dark chocolate

All manufacturing companies have certain recipes according to which chocolate is made. It is important to understand that the more cocoa in the bar, the healthier the product will be. The higher the calorie content will be.

Traditionally for 100 gr. dark chocolate accounts for 500-550 Kcal, it all depends on the specific brand. Glycemic index allows diabetics to consume chocolate. In addition, a few slices will not harm your figure.

It is especially useful to eat treats while on a diet. You will increase your energy level, improve your mood and stock up on the necessary natural sugar. Even the strictest diet should include this delicacy. The main thing is not to overuse chocolate.

It contains many B vitamins, such as thiamine, riboflavin, pyridoxine, nicotinic acid, pantothenic acid, folic acid and others. All these elements have a beneficial effect on the psycho-emotional environment of people.

Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids, iron, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, tocopherol, vitamin PP, and retinol. When combined, these elements form a powerful combination of antioxidants and immunostimulants.

Selection of dark chocolate

  1. Everyone knows that only high-quality products benefit the body. Therefore, dark chocolate must be chosen correctly. You will find a lot of tiles from various manufacturers on the shelves, do not rush into purchasing, carefully read the “Composition” column.
  2. The healthiest and most natural chocolate is considered to be the one marked “80% cocoa” or “72% cocoa” on the packaging. Be sure that when consuming such a treat you will extract all its valuable qualities.
  3. The composition must contain cocoa butter in an amount of at least 30%. Also evaluate the presence of cocoa mass - at least 60%.
  4. Naturally, pay attention to other components. The composition should not contain thickeners, flavor enhancers, preservatives or other “nasties” that you do not understand.
  5. After purchasing, evaluate the structure of the tiles. When breaking off a cube, you will feel the pressure and density of the chocolate, and there will also be a slight crunch. Bitter chocolate is not purely black in color; the shade is dark brown.
  6. The “Ingredients” column for good dark chocolate must contain only 3 ingredients: grated cocoa, powdered sugar, cocoa butter. This is a natural composition that should not be supplemented with anything.
  7. If, after opening the package, you notice a whitish coating on the chocolate, this indicates that the bar has been lying on the shelves for a long time. Storage conditions may also have been violated.
  8. Unscrupulous manufacturing companies stuff their products palm oil to reduce the price of the product. The main thing is to make sure that there is no more than 5% of this oil in chocolate. Otherwise, all the benefits will be reduced to zero.

  1. The value of the delicacy has been thoroughly studied. It is useful to eat chocolate when you have a lingering cough; just 1 slice will soothe your throat and relieve inflammation. This becomes possible thanks to theobromine in dark chocolate.
  2. Chocolate reduces intracranial and arterial pressure. If you are diagnosed with hypertension, eat a slice of treat daily that contains at least 70% cocoa.
  3. If you periodically eat chocolate within reason, you will prevent possible heart pathologies. The composition improves the production of red blood cells and overall quality blood, opens blood vessels, saturates tissues with oxygen.
  4. Incoming antioxidants stimulate brain neurons, which improves memory, visual perception, and concentration. Beta-carotene has a good effect on the eye muscles, strengthening them. Thus, chocolate is recommended for people with low vision.
  5. The treat contains a lot of iron, which is responsible for hemoglobin levels. The product is indicated for use by girls during menstruation. Chocolate will relieve muscle spasms, improve your mood, and relieve dizziness.
  6. The main feature of a quality product is that it has the ability to remove bad cholesterol from the blood. Hence, the prevention of atherosclerosis and other ailments of this type is carried out.
  7. The composition is rich in natural antioxidants. They are necessary to stop the action of free radicals and quickly remove them from the body. Against this background, cancer is prevented and the risk of premature aging is reduced.
  8. Dark chocolate takes a relatively long time to digest, unlike other products of this type. When severe hunger strikes, it is enough to eat 1 cube to quell your appetite. For these reasons, the product is often included in the menu of even the most strict diets.
  9. The value of chocolate for the psycho-emotional environment has been proven repeatedly. If you eat 25-35 grams daily. product, you will relieve the effects of stress, improve sleep, and stimulate the release of joy hormones. On this basis, a person experiences peace.
  10. Interestingly, dark chocolate strengthens tooth enamel and is used to prevent tooth decay. It is also used as an analgesic for headaches and toothaches.

Dark chocolate for diabetes

  1. People with insulin addiction often ask the question: is it possible to consume chocolate with such a disease? The treat contains little sugar, but almost all high-calorie foods lead to glucose surges.
  2. Patients with diabetes should know that there are special manufacturing companies that produce chocolate just for you. This product does not contain glucose. Read the ingredients, it must contain at least 85% cocoa.
  3. This type of treat contains polyphenolic compounds that reduce resistance to saccharides. If you have type 2 diabetes, the product will increase insulin secretion.

  1. European doctors insist that new mothers should consume dark chocolate, but in limited quantities.
  2. Experts from our homeland do not agree with this statement. They insist on introducing the product into the diet starting from 3 months of the baby’s life.
  3. Each case is individual. You need to carefully follow your doctor's recommendations regarding proper nutrition.
  4. If you are not allergic to the product, consume 1 cube of chocolate 2 times a week and monitor your child’s reaction. If everything is fine, increase the amount.

Dark chocolate for pregnant women

  1. The product is rich in natural flavonoids. The substances have a positive effect on the general condition of the expectant mother’s body, suppressing premature aging processes. The abundance of microelements has a positive effect on the fetus.
  2. Keep in mind that during this critical period, chocolate consumption should be strictly dosed. Oversaturation of the body with the composition can provoke allergic reaction. Heartburn may also develop and blood flow to the uterus may decrease.

Dark chocolate for women

  1. Eating treats in moderation has a positive effect on metabolism, improving activity gastrointestinal tract. It is recommended to eat chocolate in the first half of the day, otherwise problems may affect the hips and waist.
  2. To choose quality chocolate, always pay due attention to packaging. Great benefit for the body will bring a product with a high cocoa content. White and milk chocolate less useful.

Dark chocolate in cosmetology

  1. In cosmetology, chocolate wrap is especially popular among the fair sex. This procedure can be carried out independently at home.
  2. To do this, melt 200 gr. quality chocolate in a water bath. Combine the prepared grounds with 50 ml. heavy cream, mix thoroughly. Apply the composition to warm on problem areas of the body. Wait about 20 minutes, rinse off.
  3. Do not take into account unconfirmed rumors that chocolate allegedly contributes to the appearance of acne. The delicacy has nothing to do with this case. Most often, acne occurs due to hormonal imbalance.

  1. Chocolate belongs to high-calorie foods, but its use in diets does not interfere with this at all. The composition contains a small amount of sugar, plus the delicacy is completely absorbed by the body.
  2. The bitter composition perfectly saturates the cells and suppresses the feeling of hunger for a long time. Chocolate removes any desire to consume harmful products. They can also calm the nervous system after a hard day at work.
  3. To lose a few extra pounds, chocolate should be included in your daily diet. With the help of treats you can arrange fasting days. Some diets are specialized in the chocolate diet.
  4. This technique is quite harsh, since daily ration Only a chocolate bar, purified water and coffee with milk without sugar are included. Please note that before such a procedure you need to make sure that there are no various ailments.

Harm of dark chocolate

  1. Dark chocolate will be beneficial for humans if consumption standards are observed and there are no contraindications. It is prohibited to eat treats if your metabolism is impaired.
  2. Also, chocolate should not be included in the diet of people who are prone to frequent migraine attacks. The delicacy contains tannin, an enzyme that promotes active vasoconstriction.
  3. If you consume a low-quality product, you soon risk developing gastritis. If you eat chocolate excessively, you will quickly gain overweight and face problems with disturbed sleep.
  4. In a normal diet without any diets daily norm chocolate should not exceed 40 grams. Otherwise, you will quickly start gaining excess weight. He will bring a treat invaluable benefits for the body if you consume only a high-quality product.

Rules for storing dark chocolate

  1. When buying chocolate, pay attention to the production date and expiration date. If all requirements are met, the product can be stored for up to 1 year.
  2. A quality product must be tightly packaged. Do not store chocolate in the refrigerator. Choose the most suitable place with a temperature of about 17 degrees, humidity of at least 75%, and no heat sources.

We are talking only about natural dark chocolate, which contains at least 65% cocoa. The benefits and harms of such a product have been studied repeatedly. Before use, make sure that you have no contraindications.

Video: dark chocolate and blood pressure

Dark chocolate is a delicacy loved by many gourmets. Its popularity is growing every day, even despite the fact that the cost of a bar of high-quality dark chocolate is quite high.

Dark chocolate is never produced with fillings; it should not contain more than 5% of other vegetable oils, and their properties should be equivalent to cocoa butter. Many unscrupulous manufacturers add cheap chocolate to chocolate, which will undoubtedly affect taste qualities product. GOST also does not allow the addition of flavors, dyes and other ingredients. Real dark chocolate is dark brown – the color of cocoa, not black.

In Russia, this delicacy is produced in accordance with GOST. It clearly states all the ingredients that should or can be included in dark chocolate, as well as their ratio. Oddly enough, the smaller the list of components we see on the packaging, the better. Dark chocolate must contain at least 55% dry cocoa products. Ideally than more content grated cocoa (not cocoa powder) in it, the more expensive and valuable it is. In addition, real dark chocolate must contain cocoa butter (at least 33% of the total amount of cocoa products), sugar or powdered sugar. It is allowed to add grated nuts, vanilla, and alcohol to it, but true connoisseurs are unlikely to choose such a product.

Beneficial properties of dark chocolate

Chocolate stimulates the production of serotonin and improves mood.

When talking about the benefits of dark chocolate, we will mean a high-quality product made in accordance with GOST. Nutritional value such a product is represented by fats, carbohydrates and proteins, it contains alimentary fiber, tannins and dyes, vitamins and minerals, caffeine, theobromine and many other natural chemical compounds that have various effects on the human body.

One of the main beneficial properties of chocolate is considered by many to be its ability to improve mood. It contains the amino acid tryptophan, B vitamins and carbohydrates, which stimulate the production of serotonin, called the hormone of happiness. This is precisely why real dark chocolate is considered an excellent remedy to combat depression and bad mood. Thanks to the high percentage of carbohydrates and fats, it gives the body energy. Caffeine contained in dark chocolate tones and activates brain activity. So if you are tired, a piece of this delicacy will give you strength and lift your spirits.

Dark chocolate is the record holder for the content of substances with antioxidant properties; it contains several times more of them than chocolate. People who often consume this delicacy protect their body from premature aging and cancer.

Chocolate with a high content of cocoa products is good for the cardiovascular system. It contains microelements necessary for the functioning of the heart muscle. It has been proven that the biologically active compounds included in the treat make the walls of blood vessels more elastic and prevent platelets from sticking together and, consequently, the formation of blood clots. Substances found in dark chocolate have a vasodilating and diuretic effect, which helps. At the same time, you should not be afraid of the negative impact of caffeine on the cardiovascular system, since the content of this substance in a whole chocolate bar is several times less than in a cup of coffee.

Eating a few pieces of dark chocolate every day will have a beneficial effect on your metabolism. This is due to the fact that it contains elements that stimulate fat burning. Thus, this delicacy can become not only tasty, but even a healthy addition to many weight loss diets, during which sweets are usually limited. However, it should be remembered that abuse can lead to the opposite effect; nevertheless, the calorie content of dark chocolate is about 550 kcal per 100 g of product.

Chocolate with a high content of cocoa products contains theobromine, a substance on the basis of which medications for the treatment of bronchopulmonary diseases. Also, theobromine, like caffeine, has a weak diuretic effect.

Chocolate for beauty

Chocolate wraps make the skin more elastic and firm.

Recently, all kinds of cosmetic procedures with chocolate (wraps, massages, masks, peelings, etc.) have become very popular. This is explained by the fact that caffeine, cocoa butter and other substances included in its composition stimulate blood circulation and fat metabolism in the skin. Thanks to this, chocolate wraps and massage are useful for combating cellulite and making the skin more elastic and firm. For the same reason, face masks with chocolate are popular; their regular use helps slow down skin aging and get rid of fine wrinkles. For cosmetic purposes, you also need to choose good quality dark chocolate.

The harm of chocolate

Despite the fact that dark chocolate is much healthier for the body than any other variety of this delicacy, it can also be harmful. Moreover, in most cases this is only possible as a result of abuse. You should eat no more than 30 g of this product per day.

Chocolate contains quite a lot of sugar and fat, so its abuse can lead to impaired carbohydrate metabolism and obesity.

This delicacy can cause an allergic reaction, most often manifested in the form of hives. However, when moderate consumption this product, such consequences are rare in adults.

Dark chocolate contains quite a lot of substances that cause the formation of oxalate stones in the kidneys, so when urolithiasis, gout and other joint diseases, its use is not recommended.

Low-quality products that contain added trans fats, low-quality cheap vegetable oils, flavorings and others chemical substances, which should not be in real dark chocolate, can have a negative effect on the body.

Program “Examination of things. OTK" on the topic "Bitter and dark chocolate":

Nutritionist Lidia Ionova talks about the benefits of dark chocolate:
