Instant lunches. First courses are simple and tasty for every day

Zucchini, onion, carrots, cream, butter, paprika, bay, seasoning, herbs, salt, garlic, croutons

Creamy zucchini soup is definitely very tasty and hearty dish. It won't take much effort for you to prepare it.

- 1 zucchini,
- half an onion,
- 1 carrot,
- 120 ml. cream,
- 2.5 tbsp. vegetable oil,
- 1 tsp. paprika,
- 1 Bay leaf,
- 2 allspice,
- 1 thyme flower,
- 2 sprigs of dill,
- a sprig of parsley,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- 10 grams of chili pepper,
- 2 cloves of garlic,
- croutons or crackers.


Mushroom soup made from frozen mushrooms

boletus leg, potatoes, onions, carrots, butter, twin, bay, pepper, salt, garlic, herbs, sour cream

You can make a very tasty mushroom soup from frozen mushrooms. I described in detail how to do this simply and quickly in this recipe.

- 300 grams of boletus legs,
- 2 potatoes,
- 60 grams of onion,
- 1 carrot,
- 1 tbsp. vegetable oil,
- half tsp cumin,
- 1 bay leaf,
- 3 allspice,
- salt,
- 5 grams of hot pepper,
- 2 cloves of garlic,
- greenery,
- sour cream.


Classic okroshka with kvass sausage

kvass, sour cream, sausage, cucumber, potatoes, egg, onion, dill, parsley, salt, pepper, lemon juice

My favorite summer dish- this is okroshka. There are a lot of recipes for its preparation, but today I will tell you how to prepare it. classic okroshka with boiled sausage on kvass.

- one and a half liters of kvass,
- half a liter of sour cream,
- 250 grams of boiled sausage,
- 2-3 cucumbers,
- 2 potatoes,
- 2 eggs,
- a bunch of green onions,
- a bunch of dill,
- a bunch of parsley,
- salt,
- black pepper;
- lemon juice.


Classic okroshka with sausage

sausage, potatoes, cucumber, onion, egg, mayonnaise, vinegar, dill, salt, pepper, water

Okroshka is mine favorite dish in the summer. Prepare delicious okroshka It's not difficult at all. I described in detail how to do this for you in this article.

- 300 grams of sausage;
- 3 potatoes;
- 4 cucumbers;
- 100 grams of green onions;
- 3 eggs;
- 100 grams of mayonnaise;
- 15 ml. vinegar;
- dill;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- water.


Okroshka at the dance

potatoes, egg, sausage, cucumber, greens, onion, salt, pepper, lemon juice, tan, sour cream

There are a lot of okroshka recipes. Today I present to your attention a version of okroshka on tan with sausage.

- 2-3 potatoes;
- 3 eggs;
- 250 grams of boiled sausage;
- 2-3 cucumbers;
- a bunch of dill;
- a bunch of parsley;
- a bunch of green onions;
- salt;
- black pepper;
- lemon juice,
- 1.5-2 l. thana;
- 200 grams of sour cream.


Delicious hot beetroot soup

egg, beets, carrots, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, oil, tomato paste, garlic, bay, pepper, salt, herbs

Hot beetroot soup is a very tasty and filling first course. I kindly offered you a classic recipe for such beetroot soup.

- 1 egg,
- 1 beet,
- half a carrot,
- half an onion,
- 1 potato,
- 1 tomato,
- one and a half tbsp. vegetable oil,
- 1 tbsp. tomato paste,
- clove of garlic,
- 1-2 bay leaves,
- 1-2 pcs. allspice,
- salt,
- greenery.


Rassolnik "Leningradsky"

broth, potatoes, pickled cucumbers, cucumber pickle, carrots, onions, vegetable oil, salt, rice, bay leaf

I present to your attention an excellent recipe. delicious pickle"Leningradsky". Be sure to make this soup for your family.

- 2 liters of broth;
- 3-4 potatoes;
- 3 pickled cucumbers;
- 1-1.5 glasses of cucumber pickle;
- 1 carrot;
- 1 onion;
- 2 tbsp. vegetable oil;
- salt;
- 3-4 tbsp. rice;
- 1 bay leaf.


Chicken meatball soup

chicken breast, water, greens, egg, semolina, salt, pepper, onion, oil, carrots, potatoes, garlic, pasta

Soup with meatballs from minced chicken easy to prepare. Very often I cook it for lunch, my family gobble it up on both cheeks. I kindly share the soup recipe with you.

- 1 chicken breast;
- 2 liters of water;
- a bunch of greenery;
- 1 egg;
- 1 tbsp. semolina;
- salt;
- pepper;
- 1 onion;
- ghee;
- 1 carrot;
- 3 potatoes;
- 2 cloves of garlic;
- 10 grams of pasta.


Salmon head ear

salmon, potatoes, carrots, onions, millet, water, salt, oil, bay, seasoning, herbs

I don't think you've tried salmon head soup. The taste of the soup is simply indescribable. Detailed recipe will tell you how to prepare it quickly and easily.

- salmon head - 1 pc.,
- salmon fillet - 2-3 pieces,
- potatoes - 2-3 pcs.,
- carrots - 1 pc.,
- onion - 1 pc.,
- millet - 3 tbsp.,
- water - 2 liters,
- salt - 1 tsp,
- vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.,
- bay leaf - 2-3 pcs.,
- ground coriander- a fifth of a tsp,
- fresh herbs.


Pho soup with chicken

rice noodles, onion, mint, pepper, salt, ginger, celery, garlic, carrots, chicken breast

Be sure to try it, very tasty Vietnamese soup Pho. The cooking recipe is described in detail for you. The soup turns out incredibly tasty and satisfying.

- 800 grams of chicken breast;
- 110 grams of onion;
- 150 grams of carrots;
- 3 cloves of garlic;
- 50 grams of celery;
- 50 grams of onion feathers;
- 30 grams of ginger;
- allspice;
- carnation;
- Bay leaf;
- salt;
- cinnamon;
- star anise;
- 120 grams of rice noodles;
- 150 grams of green onions;
- 30 grams of mint;
- 2 chili peppers.


Fresh frozen mackerel fish soup

mackerel, water, potatoes, carrots, onions, pepper, salt, parsley

Today I offer you a delicious, aromatic, quick and satisfying soup from fresh frozen mackerel. This version of the soup should appeal to all lovers of fish dishes; we will prepare the soup without frying, adding the vegetables directly to the pan. If you like more filling and rich soups, you can add cereal, millet will fit perfectly here to taste, and it will also work well with rice. Be sure to add fresh parsley. So, if you have some frozen mackerel in your stash, then this recipe with photo will come in handy.

- mackerel s/m – 250-300 gr.,
- water – 1.2 l.,
- potatoes – 2-3 pcs.,
- carrots – 1 pc.,
- onion – 1 pc.,
- allspice – 2 pcs.,
- salt, pepper - to taste,
- parsley – 10-15 gr.


Frozen spinach soup

spinach, potatoes, onions, celery, zucchini, broth, butter, sour cream, salt, sesame seeds

I often make spinach soup for lunch. The dish turns out very tasty and nutritious. To decorate before serving, I put a little black sesame on top.

- 400 grams of spinach;
- 250 grams of potatoes;
- 120 grams of onion;
- 80 grams of celery;
- 200 grams of zucchini;
- one and a half liters of chicken broth;
- 20 grams of butter;
- 20 grams of olive oil;
- 120 grams of sour cream;
- salt;
- black sesame.


Pumpkin soup with shrimp

pumpkin, shrimp, onion, carrot, vegetable oil, cream, salt, pepper, Provencal herbs, coriander

If you haven't tried pumpkin soup, then I advise you to use mine simple recipe delicious creamy soup. Prepare this delicious soup not difficult.

- pumpkin - 500 grams,
- shrimp - 150 grams,
- onion - 1 pc.,
- carrots - 1 pc.,
- vegetable oil - 30 grams,
- cream - 2 tbsp.,
- salt,
- black pepper,
- Provençal herbs - a couple of pinches,
- ground coriander - a couple of pinches.


Spinach and egg soup

chicken breast, pepper, carrots, spinach, egg, salt, spice

Today we will prepare a very tasty and satisfying soup with spinach, chicken and eggs for lunch. The soup turns out very tasty and satisfying.

- 1 chicken breast,
- 1 bell pepper,
- 1 carrot,
- 100 grams of spinach,
- 2 eggs,
- salt,
- spices.


Brussels sprout soup

chicken, cabbage, potatoes, onions, peppers, carrots, celery, tomatoes, oil, seasoning, salt, herbs

Try it very tasty diet soup With Brussels sprouts and chicken. It’s not difficult to prepare this soup, the main thing is to buy all the ingredients.

- 1 kg. Chicken;
- 300 grams of Brussels sprouts;
- 300 grams of potatoes;
- 110 grams of onion;
- half a chili pepper;
- 80 grams of carrots;
- 80 grams of celery;
- 150 grams of tomato;
- vegetable oil;
- seasonings and spices;
- salt;
- pepper;
- greenery.



beans, tomato, pepper, onion, carrots, water, tomato paste, salt, sugar, butter, garlic

Fasolada is a soup that came to us from Greece. The recipe for this delicious and hearty soup with beans, I described it in detail for you.

- 200 grams of beans,
- 200 grams of tomatoes,
- 1 Bell pepper,
- 1 onion,
- 1 carrot,
- liter of water,
- half tbsp. tomato paste,
- salt,
- sugar,
- black pepper,
- 2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
- clove of garlic.

In the modern rhythm of life, rush, bustle and worries often become our companions. Each of us is familiar with the situation when there is absolutely no time left to prepare dinner. In fact, there are many recipes that allow you to cook dinner on a quick fix, just not every housewife knows about it. Don't believe me?

Is lunch necessary?

Clinical studies show that it is impossible to completely skip lunch. This can be harmful to health, lead to poor health, and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. However, nutritionists have found that heavy meals are no less harmful to health. They negatively affect performance and lead to strain on cardiovascular system, cause drowsiness. Therefore the pledge wellness- This healthy, balanced and even diet lunches.

  • Many experts advise sticking to fractional mealseat small portions 5-6 times a day. This will prevent you from overloading your body.
  • You should definitely include more in your diet fresh vegetables, fruits, herbs, vegetable oils, as well as protein products(non-fatty meats, seafood).
  • Should avoid long intervals between meals. This not only contributes to weight gain, but also leads to stress.
  • Be sure to eat hot food once a day, without giving up soup or a main course.
  • Don't give up broths. Research by nutritionists has shown that simple chicken broth contains a special enzyme - “lysocism”, which improves immunity, allows you to fight colds and viruses.

What's best to cook for lunch?

Set lunches

The most delicious and healthy lunch- complex, including three dishes:

First course

Hot soup. It is a mistake to believe that it takes a lot of time to prepare. Of course, if you are going to serve a signature Ukrainian borsch- this will take a lot of effort and will take at least 1.5-2 hours, especially for beginners. But simple and light soups can actually be prepared in 30-45 minutes. It can be:

  • chicken broths with croutons, seasoned with fresh herbs or noodles;
  • vegetable light soups;
  • cheese soups without adding meat;
  • mushroom soups.

Second course

As a rule, it consists of a side dish and meat or fish dish. The easiest way is to cook porridge or pasta as a side dish. They take no more than 15 minutes. At this time, you can fry the minced meat on the stove or the champignons with onions, and then mix with the side dish. In just 20 minutes you will get navy pasta or buckwheat with mushrooms. You can bake pieces of fish fillet or chicken in the oven.

Third course

It can be compote or jelly, or the simplest thing is black tea.

Quick lunches

Of course, set lunches are always more delicious and filling. But what to do if there is absolutely no time left? Is it better to refuse food or eat at fast food? Don't rush to conclusions! Even in a hurry, in just 15 minutes you can prepare a balanced Tasty dinner. It may be different vegetable salads, hot smoked fish, sandwiches with pieces of meat fillet and green lettuce, fresh juices and yoghurts.

Examples of simple and quick recipes

Quick recipe for cheese soup with mushrooms

We will need: 250 grams of champignons, one processed cheese (in the store it’s called “cheese for soup”), two potatoes, an onion, carrots, two tablespoons of cobweb pasta, croutons from white bread, salt and black pepper, fresh herbs.

Cooking steps:

  • Pour 2 liters of water into a saucepan and place it on the stove.
  • While the water is boiling, chop the carrots, onions, champignons, fry in a frying pan until golden color and put it in a saucepan.
  • Cut the potatoes into cubes and put them in a saucepan.
  • We wait until the vegetables are cooked and add the cheese. Stir the soup thoroughly with a spoon until the cheese is completely dissolved.
  • Add the pasta, wait 2-3 minutes and turn off the soup.
  • Serve with crackers and fresh herbs.

To make vegetables cook faster, you need to try to cut them as finely as possible. And to save time, you only need to use pasta or noodles instant cooking.

Navy pasta in 20 minutes

We will need: pasta - 400 grams, minced meat - 300 grams, onion, salt and ground pepper, tomato paste - 2 tablespoons, sunflower oil.

Cooking steps:

Advice: While the pasta is boiling, immediately start stuffing it so as not to waste time.

  • Finely chop the onion and fry it on the stove until golden crust.
  • Place minced meat, salt and pepper in a frying pan with onions and mix.
  • Wait 10 minutes, add tomato paste.
  • We wait another 5 minutes and put the cooked pasta into the minced meat. Mix everything, fry for 5 minutes and you can turn off the stove

Fried potatoes with fragrant bacon

We will need: 2 strips of bacon, 400 grams of potatoes, vegetable oil, tablespoon brown sugar, garlic clove, 3 spoons apple cider vinegar, a teaspoon of mustard, fresh herbs (dill, parsley, onion), salt and pepper.

Cooking steps:

  • Potatoes need to be cut into strips and boiled on the stove.
  • Then fry the bacon in a frying pan, drain off excess oil, break the bacon into small pieces.
  • Place the potatoes in the pan where the bacon was fried, add vegetable oil and fry a little.
  • Add garlic, salt, sugar to potatoes, pour in vinegar, stir. After a few minutes you can turn it off.

You need to make sure that the potatoes are half cooked, otherwise they will begin to crumble when frying.

Tomato and egg salad

We will need: 5 boiled eggs, sweet pepper, onion, green lettuce, celery root, cheese, mayonnaise

Cooking steps

  • Boiled eggs should be cut into cubes and placed in a deep bowl.
  • Cut the celery and red pepper into strips and finely chop the onion, put in a bowl. Add salt, pepper, 2 tablespoons of mayonnaise, mix.
  • Now you need to take a plate and put lettuce leaves on it, and tomatoes cut into half rings on top. Place the prepared salad on the tomatoes and serve. You can decorate the top with mint leaves and sprinkle with dill.

As you can see, there are many delicious, healthy recipes to whip up lunch. Don't limit yourself and refuse to eat at lunchtime. It is much better to learn how to cook it correctly and quickly.

Appetizing and simple casserole - excellent dish chicken for Sunday lunch. And there’s no shame in serving something hot at the holiday table. Because it’s beautiful and tasty, everyone will immediately appreciate how great a housewife you are. :)

Chicken fillet, potatoes, hard cheese, onions, mayonnaise, sour cream, salt, pepper, seasoning, vegetable oil

Good second dish with meat and mushrooms. It is better to serve in the same container that was prepared.

Pork, vegetable oil, onions, carrots, potatoes, champignons, salt, ground black pepper, basil, broth, herbs, soy sauce, honey, cognac, balsamic vinegar...

It has long been a universally recognized “folk” recipe. Navy pasta has not lost its popularity over the years. A simple recipe - naval pasta is prepared from minimum quantity products, any meat can be used (or mixed minced meat). Plus, it's filling and very delicious recipe. Navy pasta can gather a whole army of its fans.

Pasta, meat, margarine, onions, broth, salt, pepper, herbs

Preparing baked potatoes with vegetables is easy and simple. Place all the vegetables in a sleeve with spices and... rest until done, because you don’t need to stand over the frying pan and stir. You can just mind your own business.

Potatoes, carrots, tomatoes, mushrooms, onions, garlic, vegetable oil, salt, spices

There are varieties of lagman a huge number. Real experts will say that this is just an adaptation of the “real” lagman. This dish always causes a lot of controversy about the recipe. And I recommend vegetarian option famous dish.

Carrots, potatoes, apple, onion, tomato paste, bell pepper, vegetable oil, spaghetti, herbs, vinegar, lemon juice

Great recipe pizza. In just half an hour you will have two pizzas. The filling can be anything you like. The only condition is that it must be ready. Pizza bakes so quickly! :)

Flour, milk, salt, sugar, dry yeast, vegetable oil, bell pepper, sausage, smoked meat, tomatoes, hard cheese, ketchup, mayonnaise

For an incredibly long time I was going to write about this soup, because it... Yes, of all the soups, shurpa is my favorite. As my husband said, vegetables before in soup I perceived it as something inevitable, simply filling the plate and stomach, but in shurpa they are something wonderful :)) And it also contains boiled onions and boiled lard... ;)) But you don’t have to say it, you have to eat it (c)

Lamb, fat tail fat, onions, potatoes, tomatoes, sweet peppers, carrots, basil, basil, chili peppers, garlic, cumin, coriander, red pepper, allspice...

Solyanka has always confidently held the lead among my favorite “first” dishes, falling into the category holiday dishes, because I try to cook it infrequently, so as not to get boring. With time and the amount of prepared hodgepodge, I came up with approximately one recipe for hodgepodge of mixed meats.

Beef brisket, onions, tomatoes, tomato paste, smoked meats, pickled cucumbers, pickled mushrooms, pickled mushrooms, lemon, olives, olives, capers, herbs, sour cream, salt, sugar

My grandchildren are big fans Italian cuisine. Serve them pizza, pasta and lasagna at least every day. It’s not difficult to prepare lasagna; it’s more difficult to find plates for it. Of course, you can cook them, but, firstly, it’s difficult to find flour from durum varieties wheat, as in Italy, and, secondly, there is such a thing as “laziness”. Finally, I found plates in one of the supermarkets and today there will be lasagna. A simple recipe that everyone likes. It should have a lot of meat, cheese and pepper.

Onion, bell pepper, olive oil, minced meat, tomato paste, ketchup, hard cheese, cottage cheese, cream, lasagna sheets, herbs, salt, pepper

Chicken always helps me out. It's quick to prepare and delicious, mmmm! I present a recipe for chicken breast stroganoff, I think you will like it. WITH beautiful design will also serve as a hot dish New Year 2016.

Chicken fillet, onion, flour, cream, tomato juice, mustard, salt, pepper, vegetable oil

Very affordable recipe even for novice housewives. The recipe was created by me. Required minimum set products, but it turns out very elegant. You can please your family and surprise your friends

Chicken fillet, onion, eggs, salt, pepper, starch, garlic, dill, vegetable oil

Roast potatoes with mushrooms is a very tasty dish, vegetarian and also lean. Can be served as a side dish for meat. The roast is prepared in a casserole on the stove or in the oven.

Potatoes, carrots, champignons, canned green peas, vegetable oil, soy sauce, boiling water, salt, pepper, spices

Probably everyone has already tried lagman today. Or haven't you tried it yet? This dish is very popular among the peoples of Central Asia. So we decided to try another recipe and share it with you.

Beef, melted butter, onions, carrots, radishes, sweet peppers, tomatoes, tomato puree, potatoes, garlic, meat broth, salt, black pepper, parsley...

Love Caucasian cuisine? Then aromatic soup Georgian kharcho is just for you.

Beef brisket, water, rice, onion, sweet pepper, tomatoes, tomato paste, garlic, vegetable oil, salt, pepper, bay leaf, suneli hops, Tkemali sauce, herbs

I want to show how I cook chakhokhbili. And this recipe of mine is a fusion of recipes, at least three different residents of the North Caucasus region - my mother, my father’s mother and one Tuapse Georgian who prepared chakhokhbili so spicy that molten lead seemed like cool water in comparison.

Chicken, onions, tomatoes, red pepper, red pepper, sweet pepper, coriander seeds, cumin, cilantro, salt

We all love fluffy mashed potatoes since childhood! How to cook the most popular side dish both adults and children know. I offer you a recipe for the most delicious, tender and airy mashed potatoes, the method of preparation of which differs from the classic one.

Potatoes, chicken egg, vegetable oil, salt, bay leaf

For lunch - delicious homemade rice soup with meat. And what a taste! What a scent!..

Pork, beef, water, rice, potatoes, onions, carrots, vegetable oil, tomato paste, salt, pepper, bay leaf, parsley, dill

Still wondering what to cook for lunch? Your loved ones will love this potato casserole with minced meat and peas, and it will save you time.

Minced meat, potatoes, frozen green peas, onions, carrots, vegetable oil, herbs, tomato paste, seasoning, seasoning, salt, mayonnaise, cheese

Culinary community Li.Ru -

In conditions of constant lack of time, the question “what to cook for lunch quickly and tasty” is becoming increasingly relevant. Well, let's learn how to cook simple delicious dishes for dinner - dishes that do not require endless spinning around the stove, but which are full lunch. Especially for you - a selection of recipes, having mastered which you will know how to quickly prepare lunch in dozens of ways!

Quick meals for lunch

Probably, champignons in sour cream are the simplest dish in the world. But no! Add a twist and you'll get something completely new. interesting taste. Read the recipe with a twist;)

Everyone should know the recipe for cooking meatballs with gravy in a frying pan - after all, this is a time-tested classic, inexpensive and hearty snack for any side dish! And also the taste of childhood... try it :)

Pilaf with mushrooms is an easy and quick to prepare main dish. You can cook hot food in just half an hour! I use champignons for this dish, but any other mushroom will do.

Pork chops in batter go well with mashed potatoes. They can also be used in sandwiches; they go great with fresh herbs and vegetables.

Does the combination of seafood and legumes in one dish seem too bold to you? Then you should find out how to cook crab salad with beans! A dish for those who are not afraid to take risks;)

Whether as an appetizer or as a main course, battered cod is always a safe bet. Read how to cook cod in batter!

Fried fish in batter - an excellent dish for lazy or rushing people. It's quick and easy to prepare and served with any side dish. I tell you and show you how to cook!

Mushroom soup from boletus is very easy to prepare. You can cook it with or without meat. My simple recipe mushroom soup- without meat. Add potatoes, carrots, onions, some herbs and the soup is ready!

I will share a way to cook new potatoes with sour cream exactly as they are usually prepared in European restaurants. Try the regular one too boiled potatoes turn it into a dish of the day! :)

Grilled Italian sausage, peppers, onions and garlic create an amazing flavor that is sure to make you addicted to this wonderful combination. So, pasta with sausages and vegetables - let's cook!

Personally, my homemade casserole with potatoes and fish always turns out very juicy, which is why it ranks high in the ranking of my favorite dishes. Try it, simple, economical and tasty!

To the delight of mushroom pickers - a simple recipe for making fried honey mushrooms. Tasty, simple, fast - just what you need. Perhaps the easiest way to prepare honey mushrooms.

stewed cabbage

In addition to (or instead of) the side dish, make braised cauliflower. This cabbage is easy and quick to prepare. In addition, cauliflower is very healthy; it is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Cauliflower breaded rather resembles lush pies, which go great with different sauces for cold. It’s not a shame to serve such a dish as an appetizer at festive table. Prepares quickly.

When I want to have an easy and tasty snack, but don’t have to stress too much, I cook zucchini in the oven. While the oven is heating up, I cut the zucchini, empty the contents of the refrigerator and - voila! - the dish is ready!

Your attention - classic recipe chops with tomatoes. The chops turn out tender, satisfying and juicy - this is thanks to the tomatoes. They never burn. Great recipe!

Your attention - original way how to cook sausages with tomatoes so that they turn into elegant and delicious dish. Even gourmets will appreciate this original presentation. Shall we try? :)

A simple recipe for tomatoes with ham personally ranks top among quick snacks, - nourishing, aromatic and very appetizing, ready in a matter of minutes. In a word, great option snack :)

Salad "Obzhorka" with chicken

“Obzhorka” salad with chicken is, as the name suggests, a very filling, high-calorie salad, suitable for a substantial lunch or dinner. A simple recipe for salad "Obzhorka" - salvation for bachelors :)

Delicious variation on the topic of combining vegetables with minced meat. I strongly recommend that you prepare this zucchini casserole with minced meat - it will be eaten in one sitting!

Sterlet is very delicious fish, which fits perfectly in the ear. It is rich in vitamins and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, so sterlet fish soup is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Recipe for cooking cabbage soup in pots. Treat your family to a traditional Russian dish for lunch or dinner. Cabbage soup in pots requires some skill, but it's worth it!

Cabbage soup with bell pepper is a delight at any time of the year. Cabbage soup is especially tasty during vegetable season. This is a healthy and satisfying dish for the whole family. Cabbage soup with bell pepper remains delicious for several days.

Cabbage soup with mushrooms and beans is an unusual variation of this dish, very popular in Ukraine and Poland. These cabbage soups are easy to prepare and can be served cold or hot. Discover Transcarpathian cuisine!

They say that cabbage soup is a traditional national dish Russian dish, which will surprise no one. Not true :) Well-cooked cabbage soup is a real extravaganza of taste. I'll tell you how to cook!

I suggest you learn how to make cabbage soup from sorrel in a slow cooker. The taste is excellent, and there is no need to stand at the stove, skimming off the foam and stirring - the multicooker will handle it itself.

Green cabbage soup with sorrel - classic, a traditional dish, which is very popular in many Slavic countries where it grows fresh sorrel. Very tasty, rich and healthy hot soup it turns out.

Simple and snack - fried zucchini with garlic. Zucchini is served both cold and hot. The appetizer is prepared in just over 20 minutes. You can serve fried zucchini with garlic as a side dish.

Do you want to charge your body? nutrients for all day? Eat a bowl of this hearty soup! You will learn how to cook soup with mushrooms and meat from this recipe!

Lagman - a soup from Central Asia that contains noodles homemade(preferably), beef, onion, bell pepper, potato, garlic, tomato and spices. It takes about two hours to prepare.

Both adults and children love meatball soup. This dish is for perfect lunch which remains delicious the next day. The soup turns out bright, aromatic and healthy. Let's add vegetables to it.

This soup is often prepared in Vietnam for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. It is prepared with beef and fish sauce. Pho soup is different unique taste, which is formed by beef and spices.

I offer very cool recipe preparations pea soup with bacon! We cook this soup based on pork broth with peas and other vegetables. The soup turns out very rich and incredibly tasty.

Rich borscht, seasoned with fresh herbs and sour cream - one of the most popular dishes in modern Russian cuisine. Today I will tell you how to cook borscht using a miracle device - a multicooker.

Popular recipe Georgian soup Kharcho. Every self-respecting home cook should know how to cook Kharcho soup.

Tver soup is a dish, as the name suggests, originally Russian. Well, we cook, eat and imagine ourselves as large landowners of the 18th century.

Do you like KFC? At first glance, it may seem that it is impossible to replicate the famous chicken from this restaurant, but I tried it, and the chicken I got was just like KFC. I give you the recipe!

This Thai chicken recipe will help you prepare a dish no worse than in real restaurants Thai cuisine. Perhaps the Thais themselves prepare the dish a little differently, but in any case the recipe is very similar.

Chicken in batter - the recipe for this dish is completely unusual. But the chicken also has a special taste. The chicken turns out tender, soft, tasty. I give you a recipe for chicken in batter - use it!

Spaghetti with chicken and mushrooms is suitable for everyday and festive dinner. I like chicken breast and mushrooms - they are affordable and quick to prepare. Add some color to the dish in the form of broccoli.

Italian chicken served with mushrooms, vegetables and pasta. We marinate the chicken and then fry it. You can choose vegetables to your taste, I have artichoke and broccoli. Pasta - fettuccine, or spaghetti.

Every housewife has at least once encountered a situation when there is little time left for cooking, but you want to please your household or unexpected guests with a hearty dinner.

In such cases, a selection of recipes will help out, using which you will be able to create real culinary masterpieces without prejudice to family budget and the need to spend a long time in the kitchen. So, what to cook for lunch quickly and tasty?

Cheese soup with champignons

It’s hard to imagine a delicious lunch without a portion of soup. For proper functioning of the digestive system and maintenance vitality To keep you in good shape, nutritionists recommend including this dish in your daily diet.

Chicken soup with vegetables

For those who like more hearty first courses for lunch, you can prepare soup using chicken broth as a base. Its preparation does not require significant time investment.

Cooking time: 45 minutes.

Energy value per 100 g: 125 kcal.

  1. Place the broth on the stove and wait until it boils;
  2. Meanwhile, chop the carrots and onions. Cut the potatoes into small cubes;
  3. After boiling, add vegetables (except onions) and poultry into the broth. Add salt. Cook over low heat until the potatoes are done;
  4. After 20 minutes, remove the chicken meat from the pan and, cutting it into thin slices, return it back to the broth;
  5. Add onion. Spice up. Let the soup cook for another 5 minutes.
  6. Remove the dish from the stove. Serve in portioned plates, first sprinkled with fresh herbs.

If desired, or for variety, instead of potatoes in this recipe, it is acceptable to use any other filler, for example, cereal, pasta or dough dumplings.

Fish in creamy cucumber sauce

The spicy sauce used in this recipe will not leave anyone indifferent, and a seemingly familiar dish with it will sparkle with new colors.

It will take 35 minutes to prepare.

Calorie content per 100 g: 144 kcal.

  1. Divide the fish into portions. Season with spices and salt. Dust with flour;
  2. Heat oil in a frying pan. Turn on the oven to heat up;
  3. Place the fillet in a frying pan and fry on all sides until golden brown crust. This process will take no more than 5 minutes;
  4. Wrap the fish in foil and place in the oven, heated to 200 degrees, for 25 minutes;
  5. In the meantime, prepare the sauce: combine sour cream with yogurt without additives in equal proportions, add pre-grated cucumber, finely chopped herbs and chopped garlic cloves to the resulting mass, mix thoroughly;
  6. Get it fish fillet from oven, pour generously over the sauce and serve for lunch.

Rice or baked potatoes can serve as a side dish for this dish.

Chicken pancakes

Very simple and delicate dish Requiring a minimum of cooking time, the whole family will enjoy it.

Time it takes to cook: 15 minutes.

Nutritional value: 189 kilocalories per 100 g.

  1. Cut the breast into small, thin slices;
  2. Add egg, sour cream, flour and starch to the fillet. Add salt. If desired, sprinkle the mixture with Provençal herbs. Mix everything thoroughly;
  3. Using a tablespoon, place the mixture into a frying pan with heated oil.
  4. Fry the pancakes until golden brown. A delicious lunch is ready.

This dish can also be prepared in the oven, without using oil. Thus it will turn out dietary product, also suitable for baby food.

Lasagna with pita bread

In a fairly short time, any housewife will be able to prepare not only a dish for a modest family lunch, but also a culinary creation for the occasion home party or unexpected guests.

Preparation time: 60 minutes.

Calorie content: 263 kilocalories per 100 g.

  1. Finely chop the peppers, tomatoes and yellow onions. Cut the eggplants into strips. Grate the cheese;
  2. Heat two frying pans with vegetable oil. On one you need to fry the minced meat with onions, on the second you need to stew the remaining vegetables. Season the contents of both frying pans with spices;
  3. Heat the oven to a temperature of 200 degrees;
  4. Grease a baking sheet with oil and place a sheet of lavash as a base, then part vegetable filling. Sprinkle with grated cheese;
  5. Cover the mass with pita bread and lay out some of the minced meat;
  6. Continue to successively alternate pita bread with vegetable and meat layers;
  7. Place the lasagna in the oven for 10 – 15 minutes.

Beef Stroganoff

This dish is popular for its relatively simple preparation method and consistently amazing results. What could be tastier? juicy meat literally melts in your mouth? You shouldn’t deprive yourself and your family of such pleasure even on weekdays, because it only takes an hour to cook.

Time required: 60 minutes.

Energy value per 100 g: 247 kcal.

  1. Cut the meat into small strips across the grain. Bread in flour and shake out excess;
  2. Divide the onion into thin half rings and fry using both oils;
  3. In a cauldron, fry the tenderloin pieces until golden brown, add the onion and pour in the cream. Season with spices and salt;
  4. Simmer over low heat for 45 minutes. A few minutes before the end of cooking, add a spoonful of mustard to the dish;
  5. Serve in portions for lunch, garnishing the beef stroganoff with a leaf of greenery.

Potato dishes

The following recipes for hearty lunch will help you save not only time, but also money. After all, it’s not uncommon for there to be several boiled potatoes or leftover cheese and cold cuts in the refrigerator that weren’t eaten at dinner.

A housewife who values ​​her time and knows how to manage finances will be able to give these products a second life using the cooking methods below.

Stuffed potatoes

Time required for preparation: 30 minutes.

Calorie content: 215 kcal per 100 g.

  1. Cut the bacon into slices and fry in a frying pan without adding fat or oil;
  2. Grind the cheese. Chop the greens;
  3. Cut the potatoes in half. Using a spoon, carefully remove the central part;
  4. Crush the resulting pulp, add cheese, sour cream and herbs;
  5. Fill the potato halves with the prepared mixture;
  6. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees;
  7. Place the potatoes on a baking sheet, sprinkle with paprika and drizzle with vegetable oil;
  8. Bake for about 15 minutes.

Potato balls with cheese

It will take 25 minutes to prepare.

Nutritional value: 205 kcal/100 g.

  1. Grind the potatoes into puree. Sprinkle with pepper and salt, add dried dill, flour and eggs. Shake thoroughly;
  2. Chop the ham and simmer a little on the fire. Add it to the potato mixture;
  3. Cut the cheese into cubes;
  4. Form the puree into small balls, placing a piece of cheese in the middle. Roll in breadcrumbs.
  5. Fry the resulting balls on all sides in a preheated frying pan with required quantity oils

This dish will go well with creamy dressing on the base natural yogurt, chopped garlic and herbs.

Unfortunately, there is no universal secret suitable for any housewife. However, each homemaker, taking into account the points described below, and based on the amount of free time for cooking and the preferences of household members, will be able to choose the right behavior strategy for herself, which will help spend time resources as rationally as possible.

  1. Planning. By devoting just 10 minutes to compiling your weekly menu, you can significantly reduce your time in the kitchen and get rid of constant and annoying thoughts about what to cook for lunch;
  2. Buying groceries for the week ahead. This point is a consequence of the previous one. Having an idea of ​​the dishes that will be prepared in the coming days, the housewife will be able to make a shopping list in advance and purchase everything on the weekend. Thus, protecting yourself and family members from the possibility of emergency situations associated with going to the store due to the lack of a necessary product at home;
  3. Organizing your workspace and maintaining order in the kitchen. It is very important that the countertop on which you plan to prepare dinner is always clean and free of debris, and that frequently used appliances and utensils are always at hand. Rational use kitchen space will significantly reduce the time spent by the housewife at the stove;
  4. Avoid frying in favor of baking and stewing. Dishes fried in a pan require much more attention than those prepared by stewing and baking. After sending the dish to the oven or slow cooker, you can devote time to your favorite pastime or start preparing ingredients for your next culinary masterpiece;
  5. Preparation and freezing of semi-finished products. You can freeze almost everything: pre-washed and chopped vegetables, fried soups, meat and chicken broths, dumplings, cutlets and even dough. This method saves many housewives from spending a long time in the kitchen and saves not only time, but also money. After all, each product has its own seasonality - the period when its price is at its lowest.
  6. Boiling water in a kettle. It is no secret that an electric kettle is able to bring 2 liters of water to a boil in almost a couple of minutes, while in a saucepan on the stove this process will take at least 10 minutes. The conclusion is obvious: in emergency situations, when water for cooking needs to be prepared as quickly as possible, you should not neglect the help of kitchen appliances;
  7. Component size. The finer the ingredients of a dish are chopped or grated, the less time it will take to heat them;
  8. Use of spices. Pepper, dried dill and Provençal herbs can be excellent helpers if not sufficient quantity time for long simmering of the dish under the lid.

That's all the basic tips for housewives who want to use their time in the kitchen correctly. With the right approach, even a working, busy woman is quite capable of leading household and delight loved ones with gastronomic masterpieces.

Now you know how to prepare a delicious lunch quickly and tasty. We hope that you will like the recipes in this article and that you will bring them to life more than once! Bon appetit!
