Hangover cocktail. The best hangover cocktails

There is an opinion that a person who has drunk too much alcohol in the evening can improve his health in the morning by drinking a small dose of the same alcohol. This is not entirely true.

  • Firstly, hangover itself is not the most the best way combating poor health.
  • Secondly, even if there are no other options, the choice of alcohol must be approached with special care: it is necessary that it actually improves and not worsens the person’s condition.

Hangover cocktail

One acceptable option is the Red Eye hangover cocktail. To prepare it, you need to take 200 g of chilled tomato juice, pour 200-250 ml into it light beer and release the whole egg yolk. You need to drink the cocktail without stirring, so as not to crush the yolk.

Another option is the Prairie Oyster cocktail, which consists of 30 ml of vodka or brandy, Worcestershire sauce, salt, pepper and 1 raw egg. Break the egg into a glass, pour alcohol on top, add a little sauce, salt and pepper. The cocktail is drunk so as not to crush the yolk.

Another good recipe- hangover cocktail “Auster”. To cook it, you need to grease it vegetable oil sides of a wide glass, mix raw yolk with a tablespoon of vodka and add a little red and black ground pepper.

Traditional « Bloody Mary"also helps with hangovers, but you need to drink it very early small quantity. To make a cocktail, you need to mix

  • 0.62 ml lemon and orange juice
  • 5 ml horseradish
  • 0.25 ml Tabasco
  • 3.72 ml Worcestershire sauce
  • 2 parts vodka
  • 3 parts tomato juice.

You need to add ground salt and black pepper to the cocktail, mix well and only then drink.

Traditional works well for many people. french cocktail hangover cure called "Piglet Rinse". To prepare such a cocktail, you need to take a little lemon syrup, half a glass of dry white wine and add sparkling water. All this is mixed and drunk.

More complex, but also more effective, is the recipe that was invented by Joe Shalom at the Shepperd Hotel in Cairo. The cocktail is called "Suffering Bastard": a mixture of brandy, gin and lemon juice - take 2 tablespoons of each drink and mix in one glass. You can also add a little Angostura, a bitter drink also included in the original recipe.

“Morning fizz” is easier to prepare, but no less effective, to prepare it you need to take three tablespoons of rye whiskey, a teaspoon of sugar and the juice of half a lemon. All this needs to be mixed in one glass and drunk.

Finally, the latest hangover cocktail is the Bullshot. To prepare such a cocktail, take 3-4 parts of chilled beef broth, 1-2 parts vodka or gin, teaspoon lemon juice, a little Tabasco, Worcestershire sauce and black pepper.

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Along with brine and other folk remedies, tomato juice is very popular for severe hangovers. They also drink it before a feast to prevent rapid intoxication and help the body process alcohol more fully. Vegetable drink You can use it without additives, or prepare cocktails based on it with or without alcohol. In addition to juice, recipes use ketchup, tomato paste and various sauces.

Benefits and contraindications

In 2012, Japanese researchers conducted experiments that proved the superiority of tomato drink over water in overcoming hangover symptoms. The same participants were given 100 g of alcohol, and to relieve withdrawal symptoms, they were given fresh tomato on one day, and water on the other. It turned out that after drinking tomato juice, the alcohol level dropped 3 times lower than after drinking water, and sobering up occurred 50 minutes faster.

Repeated experiments confirmed the results obtained.

This effectiveness is explained by the rich composition useful substances vegetable. Tomato juice has a beneficial effect on the body and relieves hangover symptoms.

He gives:

  • A large amount of vitamin C lost by the body during withdrawal. Ascorbic acid supports the immune system and restores strength to further fight against toxins.
  • Lemon, apple and succinic acid. They accelerate the breakdown of alcohol and the removal of decay products.
  • Lost electrolytes – sodium, potassium, magnesium.
  • Fructose and glucose, which increase sugar levels and speed up the breakdown of alcohol.
  • Antioxidants and lycopene prevent inflammatory processes.
  • Pectin and fiber, which improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, accelerate digestion and thereby increase the rate of elimination of toxins.

In addition, it perfectly quenches thirst during a hangover.

However, there is another opinion about the effect of the drink on withdrawal symptoms. Some experts point to the oxalic acid present in its composition. In their opinion, the aggressive effect of the substance neutralizes beneficial features drink, and therefore it is useless during withdrawal. Despite skepticism, many people find tomato juice beneficial and successfully relieve painful conditions with its help.

But we must remember about contraindications; juice should not be consumed if:

  • Food poisoning, weak stomach.
  • Kidney and gallstones.
  • Stomach ulcers, exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Allergies to red foods.

In order for the body to quickly cope with the painful condition of a hangover, it is necessary to consume only natural drink. It is best to make the juice yourself, or buy a high-quality product.

If you don’t have the strength or are too lazy to move in the morning, you can get by with the drink without any additions. But it’s still better to add finely chopped parsley to it: the greens will support the hard-working heart and blood vessels. Or add one tablespoon of lemon juice, the same amount of honey to a glass of tomato, and add a pinch of cayenne or black pepper.

"Vitamin Explosion"

  • Tomato juice – 120 ml.
  • Worcestershire sauce - 2 teaspoons.
  • Orange fresh juice – 100 ml.
  • Cayenne pepper - a pinch.

Mix ingredients, add ice cubes if desired.

Besides without alcoholic drinks, cocktails with alcohol are very popular.

The most famous is “Bloody Mary”:

  • Tomato juice – 150 ml.
  • Lemon juice – 15 ml.
  • Vodka – 75ml.
  • Salt, black pepper.

Mix the ingredients and add ice to the glass if desired.

"Baby Mary"

  • Tomato juice – 30ml.
  • Vodka – 40 ml.
  • Lemon juice – 10 ml.
  • Cherry tomato.
  • Worcestershire sauce and Tabasco - a few drops each.
  • A slice of cheese.

Pour half a portion of tomato juice and vodka into a glass, then add sauces, spices, and lemon juice. Place half of the cherry tomatoes, pour in the rest of the drink and vodka, and add cheese to the mixture.

"Bloody Caesar"

  • Tomato juice – 120 ml.
  • Vodka – 45 ml.
  • Worcestershire sauce and Tabasco - 1-3 drops each.
  • Salt pepper.

Mix everything and serve with a piece of leaf celery. The greens can be ground or finely chopped and combined with the rest of the ingredients.

"Ginger Mary"

Best used for cooking fresh tomato: It will give a delicate texture and natural aroma. Ginger will make the cocktail piquant and unusual in taste.

If you don't have cachaça, you can replace it with rum.

  • Cachaça SagatibaPura – 60 ml.
  • Ripe medium-sized tomato – 1 pc.
  • Grated ginger – 1 tbsp. spoon.
  • Hot sauce – 2-3 drops.
  • Worcestershire sauce - 3 drops.
  • Lime juice – 15 ml.
  • For decoration (optional) - a slice of chili pepper.

Cut the tomato into pieces and grind in a mixer or shaker. Place the puree into a glass, mix with the remaining ingredients, and add ice. Stir and garnish with chili pepper.

Those who don't want to drink can indulge in a beer drink. The easiest way to prepare it is to uncork it in the evening and leave it to dry out, diluting it in half with juice in the morning.

If you complicate the recipe by adding raw yolk, you get a new cocktail.

"Bloody Eye":

  • Tomato juice – 240 ml.
  • Beer (preferably light) – 180 ml.
  • Egg yolk.

Combine the drinks and carefully add the yolk. Do not stir the cocktail.

If you like tomato juice and there are no contraindications for consumption, then drink it when you have a hangover. It will quench thirst, relieve withdrawal symptoms, while simultaneously enriching the body with vitamins and beneficial acids.

A hangover is a severe and unpleasant condition that develops after drinking large quantity alcoholic drinks. A special cocktail will help relieve it. A hangover greatly complicates a person’s life, forcing them to give up their usual activities and give preference to unplanned rest. After 1-2 days, all signs of a hangover disappear on their own, but it is quite possible to speed up this process.

Experts usually offer patients medications, but you shouldn’t write off unconventional methods, such as drinking drinks, some of which can be easily prepared at home.

Signs of a hangover and its causes

Almost everyone has an idea of ​​what a hangover is. This condition is provoked by excessive accumulation of acetaldehyde inside the tissues, a substance that is formed from ethyl alcohol during its oxidation in the presence of liver enzymes. This is an intermediate product that will later turn into acetic acid and leave the body. But until this happens, the person will be tormented by unpleasant symptoms:

This is far from full list all possible signs of a hangover. Among additional manifestations, doctors name dizziness and tachycardia, tremors of the limbs, and stomach pain. The person feels bad and strives to do everything to correct the situation.

Is it possible to help at home?

It is much easier to recover if after drinking you have the opportunity to take an unplanned day off. Then, in a calm environment, you can choose the optimal treatment method. Doctors warn that dealing with a hangover is difficult. All unpleasant symptoms are provoked by the presence of acetaldehyde. This means that the condition will improve as its concentration decreases. This usually occurs within 10-12 hours. Typically in the evening next day the person feels much better.

Many people are wondering whether it is possible to help themselves at home. Doctors tend to give an affirmative answer. Medical assistance for a hangover is required only in extreme cases, when the intoxication is too strong, that is, when drinking a critical dose. Usually the problem can be dealt with at home.

Of course best option– taking medications or specialized food additives. They are designed not only to eliminate local symptoms, but also to accelerate the removal of acetaldehyde to the outside. Unfortunately, medications may not be available at the right time, so doctors advise considering other methods of help.

Due to the fact that the digestive system reacts quite sharply to the presence of ethanol and substances formed during its oxidation, you need to carefully choose drinks and food for the next day. Some liquids can make the situation worse. This happens if people focus on thirst and drink a lot of water. This only increases stomach discomfort, bloating and gagging.

There are drinks that can help eliminate the problem. These are a variety of cocktails, which include several components at once. Many of them are so simple to make that it is quite possible to prepare them at home.

Cocktails with alcohol

Some drinks contain alcohol. Experts rarely recommend them, but they can improve the condition. Alcohol, in the opinion of doctors, is dangerous, since ethanol instantly provokes intoxication and slightly clouds the mind.

The doses of alcohol are usually minimal, and people who drink such cocktails may feel sober, but feelings are often deceptive. In fact, the brain is affected by alcohol, so such drinks should not be consumed on working days or before planned important events. It is strictly forbidden to drive after drinking them.

Principle of operation

Alcoholic cocktails for hangovers are the most quick way cheer up and feel better. Doctors explain that the principle of their work is based on the effect of ethyl alcohol on the body. The body receives a new portion of fresh ethanol, which provokes intoxication. Consciousness changes, and the person stops feeling unwell.

Ethyl alcohol changes the permeability of membranes. Due to this, hormones secreted by the endocrine glands more actively penetrate into the cells. As a result, the concentration of endorphins, serotonin, adrenaline and oxytocin increases. All of the listed compounds are responsible for the general mood of a person. When there are enough of them, the mood is good. This is exactly what happens when drinking an alcoholic cocktail. People forget about unpleasant symptoms and feel a surge of strength and vigor.

Doctors urge caution when choosing an alcoholic cocktail as a remedy for a hangover. Unfortunately, such tactics, although they help quickly, provoke more serious problems in the future. In particular, the likelihood of developing alcohol dependence is high.

Constant consumption of new doses of alcohol is the first step towards bad habit. It will be extremely difficult to get rid of it. Moreover, if in the early stages it can only be done with the help of a psychotherapist, in later stages it is impossible to do without drug intervention.

Best Recipes

Alcoholic hangover cocktails should remain a last resort. In emergency cases, when discomfort and pain cannot be tolerated, it is permissible to prepare such a drink for yourself, but this method should not become a habit.

There are several cocktail recipes. You can choose a drink based on your taste. Some ingredients may seem strange, but they can really help improve your well-being:

Cocktails without alcohol

Doctors say that when abandoning traditional medications, it is better to choose the most safe means, which include alcoholic cocktails it is forbidden. The latter can only temporarily suppress unpleasant symptoms. When ethanol stops its intoxicating effect, the person will sober up, and the signs of a hangover may return again.

It's much better to choose folk remedies alcohol-free. They really help speed up your metabolism and a short time remove breakdown products of ethyl alcohol from the body.

Operating principle

A mocktail will not provide immediate relief, but the effects will last longer. This is the main advantage of this tool. When choosing a recipe, you should pay attention to the composition of the ingredients. It often duplicates alcoholic analogues, but does not cause additional harm to health and does not provoke addiction.

Cocktails without alcohol are designed to solve several problems that bother people with a hangover. In particular, they quench thirst and mild hunger. Another reason to take such a drink is the saturation with vitamins, which increase the body's resistance.

After the cocktail, nausea and vomiting and stomach pain disappear. Metabolic processes accelerate, and the liver begins to more actively produce enzymes necessary for the oxidation of toxic acetaldehyde to harmless acetic acid. As soon as the amount of toxins is reduced to a minimum, the condition returns to normal.

Popular recipes

Prepare non-alcoholic cocktail hangover is easy. The most commonly used simple ingredients, which are sure to be found in every kitchen. This means that you don’t have to urgently go shopping to improve your well-being. There are several recipes that differ from each other in components:

It is important to understand that such hangover remedies do not guarantee instant results. It is likely that improvement will come, but not immediately. Some symptoms may persist, since it is unrealistic to quickly remove all the aldehyde. Other treatment options, including medication, may be needed.

Juices for a hangover

The easiest way to eliminate the symptoms of acetaldehyde poisoning is to drink natural juice. Will bring benefits different drinks. It is better if they are fresh, but if they are not available, packaged ones will do. store products. Experts explain that each fruit brings its own benefits.

So, tomato juice is preferable for a hangover. It doesn't just satiate useful compounds and speeds up metabolism. Tomato is a vegetable that does not require sugar. Many people prefer a salty drink. This is a definite plus, since drinking tomato juice with sodium chloride is guaranteed to restore mineral balance.

Another healthy drinkOrange juice. Its bitter taste relieves attacks of nausea and vomiting well. Drinks made from any citrus fruit – best source vitamins that will support the body in the fight against toxins. Besides, these juices are much better drinking water quenches thirst during a hangover.

Traditional option - Apple juice. It will also be useful, but it is advisable that the drink does not contain sugar. This product is rich in natural fruit acids, which accelerate the oxidation of acetaldehyde and its elimination from the body. It turns out that apple juice helps cleanse the body of poisons.

Alternative methods to combat a hangover

Cocktails and juices are not the only hangover remedies. There are other drinks that help correct the situation. So, from the point of view of restoring the supply of electrolytes, it will be especially useful mineral water. She replenishes the supply inorganic compounds which are lost by the body through vomiting or diarrhea.

Doctors advise drinking various herbal decoctions. This not only eliminates thirst and removes dangerous metabolites, but also helps restore liver tissue. Thyme, chamomile and sage are especially useful. Based on them, a tasty decoction is obtained, which is best drunk warm.

Don't limit your search for the perfect hangover cure to drinks. Maybe, the best option will become medications that are recommended by doctors. The most popular specialized remedies for hangover syndrome include:

  • Alkozeltzer;
  • Antipohmelin;
  • Zenalk;
  • Drinkoff;
  • Zorex.

The mechanism of their work depends directly on the composition. So, Drinkoff and Zenalk are natural supplements plant origin, the purpose of which is the speedy recovery of the body. Zorex is taken for prevention severe hangover, and Antipohmelin and Alkozeltzer can not only influence the speed of metabolic processes, but also relieve headaches.

Traditional anti-fever pills, which almost everyone has in their home medicine cabinet, will also help cope with this problem. This is Citramon or Aspirin. Enterosorbents are also useful for hangovers - Smecta, Polysorb, Activated carbon. They absorb toxic substances in the intestines and remove them. This means that your health will improve.

There are actually many ways to combat a hangover. These are walks on fresh air, dream, exercise stress. You need to choose a recovery method based on the original state. If it is satisfactory, then even light training is appropriate, but if you feel very unwell, it is better to drink healing drink or take medication.

Making a hangover cocktail at home. One dose of alcohol taken early in the morning after a hard night will provide only a short-term effect, creating the illusion of relief. But after this, you will still need to carry out a detoxification procedure for the whole body.

In other words, the body should be cleansed of formaldehyde formed during the breakdown of alcohol in the liver.

If you choose to take another dose of an alcohol-containing drink, the body will have a weak anesthetic and sedative effect. However, it is unlikely that you will be able to completely get rid of a hangover using this method.

There are quite a large number of ways to get rid of a hangover, which are more effective and less harmful to the body. One of these effective and safe methods is taking a cocktail made from natural products.

Cocktail No. 1"Bloody Eye"

To prepare this cocktail you will need tomato juice (200 ml), light beer (150 ml) and one chicken egg. In a glass container, mix beer with tomato juice. Next add the yolk to the mixture chicken egg. It is important that the yolk is intact. After adding it, the cocktail cannot be mixed.

Cocktail No. 2"Auster"

The walls of a large glass must be greased with vegetable oil. Next, place the yolk of a chicken egg and one dessert spoon of vodka into a glass. After this you need to add a pinch of red or black ground pepper. The ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. The cocktail is now considered ready to drink.

Cocktail No. 3"Piglet wash"

Pour 150 ml of dry white wine into a glass, add the juice of half a lemon and 100 ml of sparkling water. It is recommended to drink the cocktail in large sips.

Cocktail No. 4"Morning Fizz"

Pour 30 ml of whiskey (preferably rye) into a glass, then add a dessert spoon granulated sugar and juice squeezed from one half of a lemon. Drink the drink in one gulp.

Cocktail No. 5"Suffering Bastard"

To prepare this cocktail, you will need to mix 20 ml of gin and brandy, adding 10 ml of lemon juice. Ideal option will be adding 50 ml of Angostura drink to the cocktail. This drink is a part original cocktail, which was invented by Joe Shalom at one of the Shepperd Hotels in Cairo.

Cocktail No. 6"Worcester Oyster"

The recipe for this cocktail is more difficult to prepare. You will need:

Cognac – 50 g;

One chicken egg;

Wine vinegar – 10 ml;

Ketchup – 5 g;

Sauces (Tobasco and Worcestershire) - 5 g each.

Mix all the above ingredients in one glass, then add red pepper, salt and cinnamon (on the tip of a knife of each ingredient). The cocktail must be stirred. Lastly add chicken yolk. The drink must be drunk in one gulp without damaging the yolk.

In conclusion, it is necessary to warn persons with weakened immune system that it is not recommended to drink hangover cocktails that contain raw chicken yolk. This is due to the possibility of developing salmonellosis.

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Of course, a hangover is a rather painful syndrome that manifests itself differently in everyone. Some people may feel slightly nauseous in the morning and have a headache, which goes away after just one aspirin tablet, while others may be “hooked” much more severely.

  • Severe form of migraine.
  • Vomiting and nausea.
  • Auditory hallucinations.
  • Irritability.
  • Dry mouth.
  • High pressure.
  • Chills and fever.
  • Muscle spasms, etc.

Today modern pharmaceuticals offers us many effective means, which allow you to whiten hangover syndrome. But, firstly, not everyone is a supporter of pharmaceutical drugs, and secondly, you simply may not have a life-saving pill like “Alkazeitser” or “anti-hangover” in your home, and a hangover may strike suddenly. Therefore, folk remedies that have been tested over the years and by millions of people will come to the rescue.

What to drink when you have a hangover?

Everyone knows that in order not to suffer from a hangover in the morning, you need to limit your consumption of alcoholic drinks the night before. However, there are situations in life when you cannot do without alcohol. And a difficult morning state after drinking is not always directly proportional to the large amount of alcohol consumed.

So remember a few simple cocktails hangover remedies that will come in handy in life.

How to survive a hangover painlessly?

There are several simple and effective ways, which will help, if not completely protect yourself from a hangover, then at least reduce its painful symptoms.

Try not to smoke or, if possible, reduce the amount to a minimum. tobacco products. Nicotine in combination with alcohol represents an explosive mixture for the body, which is very difficult for it to cope with.

Don't drink alcohol on an empty stomach. If you're planning a party, dinner with friends, or a corporate event, eat well beforehand. This way you will get drunk much slower and it will be easier to recover from a hangover.

Hot and fatty food as a snack will reduce the risk alcohol poisoning. Therefore, if you are going to take a hefty dose of alcohol this evening, do not forget at least about a good snack.

Do you want to improve your health and cleanse your body of toxins? I can recommend an excellent health school , in which you will be taught proper nutrition and help you organize a healthy lifestyle.

If your friends often suffer from a hangover and no longer know what to drink to get rid of the painful syndrome, share with them a link to this article. Stay safe and subscribe to blog updates.
