Economical New Year's menu. Inexpensive New Year

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What to cook for New Year 2017

The main thing on the New Year's table is snacks. Traditional snacks There should be, of course, but I want to dilute them with new ones. I offer several options for canapés for the New Year. Bright, tasty, new! Try it!

The central dish of the holiday, with the exception of hot dishes, is cake! Both the taste and the appearance of it should knock you off your feet. A birthday cake with strawberries is just that. It is suitable for an anniversary, New Year, and a wedding.

New Year tree can be decorated not only with sweets, but also delicious cookies. Both sweet and beautiful! And the kids are happy! In addition, such cookies can become New Year's gift for friends.

Royal snack for the New Year - these are small pancakes with smoked salmon and caviar. On a grand scale, in Russian, beautiful! Black caviar can be replaced with artificial one, of course. It will still turn out spectacular!

I love truffle candy! And when I first decided to make them myself, I really regretted it, out of happiness I gained two kilograms in the evening :)) I don’t make such mistakes anymore, but I continue to prepare them!

I took a simple recipe for potato salad without mayonnaise from the owner of a small cafe in Germany where we stayed. Very filling delicious salad goes well with fresh vegetables. Try it!

Salad "Shuba"

"Shuba" salad is a well-known holiday salad that is prepared with herring. The main feature of my recipe is that the salad is prepared in portions, in separate salad bowls. It is very comfortable!

Dessert "Santa Claus" for the New Year

Usually New Year's dessert the least amount of time is devoted. My dessert is just like this. "Santa Claus" for the New Year, or rather a whole army of Santa Clauses, is prepared from strawberries and cream.

On New Year's table you can prepare a very simple, tasty and beautiful snack in the form of a New Year tree. The Christmas tree is made from pieces of prepared pita. Let's decorate the Christmas tree with guacamole and bell peppers.

New Year's cakes "Santa Claus Hat"

New Year's cakes "Santa Claus Hat" can be prepared on any basis - sponge cake, brownie, yeast dough. You will also need cream cheese and strawberries. You can buy the base or make it yourself.

A wonderful snack for the New Year can be prepared from sliced ​​vegetables and vegetables. There is no need to bake, fry or infuse it. Let's just take it finished products and arrange it in a Christmas tree shape. Simple, fast, beautiful and tasty!

New Year's salad "Christmas tree"

Fresh or steamed vegetables can be served on the New Year's table in an original way. You can make a Christmas tree out of them. For the salad we need broccoli, cauliflower and pomegranate.

In Europe and America, Christmas wreaths are hung on doors before Christmas. They are usually made from evergreens and red flowers, berries or bows. And we will make a Christmas appetizer in the form of a wreath.

Muffins "Polar Bear" for New Year

New Year's dessert is usually left for the next day. But it should be on the table. Children are especially happy with New Year's dessert. Polar Bear muffins look very cute, and they are incredibly delicious!

I can’t imagine a New Year’s table without herring under a fur coat. This - great snack, including vodka. New Year's herring under a fur coat is more different from the usual one bright ingredients and flowers.

A New Year's salad should be festive, bright and retain its shape throughout the night. New Year's salad with pasta comes from Italy. It also includes broccoli, Brussels sprouts and pomegranate.

Real Olivier salad

The recipe for making the real Olivier salad is to a certain extent a fiction, because the author, French chef Lucien Olivier, did not reveal the secret of this dish to anyone. But we will try to restore it.

Salad "Olivier" with fish

There are dozens of variations of this salad, but today I want to offer you a simple recipe for Olivier salad with fish. I'm sure that many of your guests have never tried this - so surprise them! :)

Salad "Olivier" with crayfish tails

Recipe for Olivier salad with cancerous cervixes was first published in 1894. For many years it remained inaccessible to most of the population of our country, but today we can bring it to life!

Olivier salad with carrots

Every family has its own "Olivier"! And each of us thinks it’s our mother’s/grandmother’s/auntie’s salad that is the most delicious... And I want to tell you how to prepare Olivier salad with carrots according to my family’s recipe!

Tender and juicy pink salmon with potatoes in the oven under a cheese cap - what could be better? This perfect treat for guests for any holiday or just hearty dinner for your family.

I love goat cheese and cherry tomato tartlets. This is an amazing appetizer for your guests and loved ones, which is very easy to prepare. Sharing simple recipe!

I tried jelly with vodka for the first time at a banquet at home. The jelly was not just in a bowl, as usual, but in the form of an unusual snack. These were apple boats with vodka jelly. Very impressive and tasty!

Salad "Olivier" with sausage

Olivier salad with sausage is one of the most popular holiday salads, without which it is difficult to imagine any feast. For New Year, birthday, anniversary - there is always a place for this salad.

Caesar salad with chicken and tomatoes

A simple recipe for Caesar salad with chicken and tomatoes is one of the most popular options for preparing this famous dish! Try this "Caesar" and you won't want anything else.

Fried duck breast- a wonderful dish for guests, which is not a shame to put on the festive table. It's not very easy to prepare, but the dish turns out surprisingly tasty - try it yourself!

Do you want to pamper your guests with an interesting cold snack, but are afraid to hear “what a disgusting thing, this is yours jellied fish"? Don't worry! With this pike perch jellied recipe, you won't face such a phrase!

Chicken cutlets stuffed with mushrooms- Very tasty dish! The cutlets turn out incredibly tender, and their pleasant aroma will make your guests ask for more.

I offer an awesome step-by-step recipe for salad from canned sardines with photo. A very tasty, filling and healthy salad.

I make pork rolls with filling with pickles. But I'm sure you can use any filling: fresh vegetables or just some sauce. The main thing is to master the basic recipe. I'm sharing! .

Stuffed leg of lamb can be a great main dish for you both on a holiday table and on an everyday basis family dinner. It is stuffed with mushrooms.

It is important to master the basic recipe stuffed chicken in the oven, and then - the flight of your imagination. Experiment with the filling as much as you like, the main thing is not to “mess up” the fundamental things.

Caesar salad with red fish

One of the most refined versions famous salad, consistently popular for 90 years. I’m telling you how to prepare Caesar salad with red fish - it’s so delicious that you can’t stop eating! :)

Roasting salmon steak in the oven is one of my favorite ways to cook salmon. It will take you no more than 15 minutes to prepare this wonderful dinner!

Caesar salad with fish

Can I add fish to Caesar salad? Of course you can! Which one? Of course, red! :) A simple recipe for Caesar salad with red fish - for your table!

Cookies "Horse"

On the eve of the Year of the Horse (in order to somehow appease the owner of the next year), I bought a cookie cutter in the shape of a horse’s head. I also had wonderful colored sugar. The cookies turned out magical! I'm sharing.

Cookies "Horseshoe"

A horseshoe is given as a gift for good luck, in a new home and a new family. In the Year of the Horse, horseshoes are especially relevant! Giving a piece of happiness to your loved ones and friends is very simple. Make Horseshoe Cookies with me!

Cookies "Horse"

“Horse” cookies can be prepared for a children’s party, for the New Year of the Horse, or you can simply sweeten your everyday life with glorious horses. All you need is imagination or molds. Let's take shortbread cookies as a basis.

This delicious salad in our family is often prepared on “ceremonial” occasions instead of the traditional Olivier salad. It turns out no worse! I am sharing a simple recipe for making a salad with champignons and chicken.

Chicken fillet baked with marinade is an unusually tasty dish. It takes a relatively long time to prepare, but the result is excellent. I spied this recipe while visiting and spent a long time trying to figure out how to make it. Here is the prescription!

Tender baked spicy beef served hot or cold. Baked beef tenderloin is great for anyone festive table.

Meet - salad with chicken and pancakes. This salad is both simple and... a quick fix, and quite festive, for special occasions! Such salads always come in very handy.

Meatloaf "Fireman"

Meatloaf recipe. The roll is very tasty and goes well with any other dish.

Recipe for preparing veal goulash for the New Year's table. Everyone who loves Tasty food, will be very happy with this dish.

Chicken baked in the oven with potatoes is a dish for a celebration that has been and will be popular at all times. Birthday, New Year, any holiday - this dish will come in handy!

A recipe for goose in the oven with buckwheat is a kind of Russified version of a dish that is traditional in many European countries. Preparing goose with buckwheat is simple, but it turns out to be an excellent dish.

Are you getting ready for a big feast? Do you want to impress your guests? Prepare stuffed tuna - bright taste and the delicate texture of this dish will ensure your dinner party is an incredible success.

Salad "Horse"

I prepared the “Horse” salad especially for the New Year 2014. Or rather, my nephews made the horse, and I prepared the salad myself. As you know, 2014 is the year of the Blue or Green Horse, so our horse comes in handy.

Pork chops in batter go well with mashed potatoes. They can also be used in sandwiches; they go great with fresh herbs and vegetables.

How to cook chops in a frying pan quickly, easily and tasty? Women all over the world have been asking these questions for probably centuries. The answer is in this recipe with step by step photos the whole process!

The name of this recipe is somewhat arbitrary - French chops are the most ordinary chops, only baked with cheese. TO French cuisine- no relation. But the main thing is that it’s delicious!

If fried potatoes is too high in calories for you, and boiled is already boring, then you should find out how to cook potatoes baked in foil - light, healthy and very delicious side dish for the whole family!

Once upon a time the combination of crab and cabbage seemed terrifying to me, but today the recipe is simple crab salad I often use it with Chinese cabbage. Try this juicy and light salad!

Classic recipe Chicken with mushrooms in a pot can be diversified by covering the delicious contents of the pots with edible dough lids. It’s not a sin to put such beauty on the holiday table! :)

A simple recipe for salmon with mushrooms - to help everyone who doesn’t know how to deliciously cook and serve this fish on the holiday table. However, this dish can also be served for a weekday lunch or dinner.

Eggs, stuffed with mayonnaise and garlic - it’s both tasty and simple. This appetizer, decorated with herbs and vegetables, is even suitable for a holiday table. I'm sharing the recipe!

Recipe for roast goose with apples - wonderful dish, which is worthy to become the main thing on your New Year's or Christmas table.

Champignons stuffed with crab sticks are a very cute and tasty appetizer that looks very elegant and always attracts the attention of guests.

Salad "Russian"

I first tried Russian salad in France. No matter what restaurant in Europe or America you order Russian salad, they will bring you exactly the same salad, which I think you will easily recognize;)

Salad with chicken and pickled mushrooms is a very simple and at the same time delicious salad, which is prepared from chicken breast, bell pepper, fried carrots, canned mushrooms and mayonnaise.

Salad with chicken and honey mushrooms is very interesting and rich different tastes salad. Hearty dish It is prepared easily and quickly from pickled mushrooms, pickles, vegetables and fried chicken.

Soviet times have already gone, but the habits of that time remain. Thus, sandwiches with sprats are a traditional holiday dish. Today we will prepare sandwiches with sprats and eggs.

Veal schnitzel is a traditional Austrian dish. The famous Viennese schnitzel is made from veal. So let's cook today best traditions Austrian cuisine! :)

I offer a very interesting recipe for salad with herring, which can decorate any holiday and everyday table. The main ingredients for cooking are ordinary vegetables and, of course, herring.

Herring with potatoes is a classic combination. It can be found on any holiday table. However, each housewife serves it in her own way. I offer my step-by-step recipe for herring with potatoes.

I inherited the recipe for pork chop with mushrooms from my grandmother. A big fan of mushrooms, she cooked them constantly and in the most in different ways. Today we will cook with chanterelles.

Sandwiches with carrots and cheese - very pretty and original sandwiches, which are good as to regular table, for example, for breakfast and for holidays. Classic recipe, nothing extra.

Duck with prunes is a sophisticated dish for lovers of fine cuisine. This is a dish that has light sweet flavor is especially popular in central European countries, and preparing duck with prunes is easy.

Cookies with cherries according to this recipe turns everyday life into a beautiful fairy tale. Very beautiful, cute livers from shortcrust pastry can decorate any holiday table and give joy.

My friend often makes chicken fillet chops in the oven with tomatoes. Tomato and chicken - this combination cannot be called classic, but her chops turn out very tasty. Want to try?

Beef in dough is a very difficult dish to prepare. English cuisine, but it's worth it. Personally, I prepare this dish only for celebrations; on a regular day, cooking beef in dough is too troublesome.

Pork tenderloin in the oven - this is another dish that I consider one of my the best recipes. It’s easy to prepare, in just 50 minutes, and it turns out delicious, beautiful, satisfying and simply gorgeous meat dish.

Steak "Diana" is a classic dish that is served in many self-respecting restaurants European cuisine. If you cook steak "Diana" according to the recipe, it will turn out so tasty that you will at least lick the plate!

I bring to your attention a step-by-step recipe for sandwiches with herring. Among ourselves, we call these sandwiches “herring on a fur coat” - they are similar in taste and ingredients. Great option for a holiday snack.

Herring forshmak is a fish paste to which eggs, butter, and onions are added. This step-by-step recipe for mincemeat with photos will tell you how to prepare mincemeat from herring quickly and easily :)

For you - a recipe for chicken Kiev with photos. Kiev cutlets made from chopped chicken fillet wrapped around a piece of butter, fried in boiling oil. I'll tell you how to cook!

Baked potatoes "Accordion"

Do you know what the advantage of this dish is? Potatoes are cooked in the oven. And if you have a lot of guests coming over, you can cook a lot of potatoes at once. Potato "Accordion" looks very festive.

Recipe for chicken chops with cheese. These chicken chops are prepared in batter and upon completion of cooking they turn out juicy and tasty.

Undoubtedly, the most long-awaited and beloved holiday is the New Year. People believe that " old year"will take with him old problems and worries, and" New Year“will allow you to start a happy life, as they say, “from scratch.” Therefore, there is a special attitude towards this holiday. As a rule, the best cutlery is placed on the table, new clothes are put on, and gourmet dishes. But, unfortunately, not everyone has such an opportunity! And believe me, from the available, inexpensive and completely simple products you can set a real festive table.

So, let's make up New Year's menu in its budget version. While compiling this menu, I remembered my childhood and the tables that my mother prepared. Therefore, the menu, so to speak, smacks of rarity and light nostalgic notes... But not everything is so sad! Because the dishes still came out with new trends! Where would there be no progress?!? He's already gotten into cooking! ;)

"" will look bright on the New Year's table.

" " with horseradish is simply a must. New Year is not New Year without homemade jellied meat! That's for sure!

Instead of the standard sausage-lard cuts, I recommend preparing oven-baked pork. This may be " " and/or " ", " ".

Don't forget about and/or...

... And .

Let's move on to the main, hot dish.
We remember that on the New Year's table - 2017 you cannot prepare dishes from chicken meat, so we don’t think long and do ““. I can’t even explain why for Soviet people this has always been the MOST FEAST DISH! Well, let's not break traditions! And also, very tasty, satisfying and not expensive.

If you prefer fish, then “” will look great on the New Year’s table (and the color isooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooNew!!!

For garnish - "" in the oven or "".

We will also prepare New Year's salads that are popular, very tasty and not expensive!
I strongly recommend preparing "".

" " (no comments).

Experienced housewives select in advance original recipes for the New Year's menu 2019, so that the festive table will please family and friends. To make it varied, it is enough to plan it wisely.

Beautifully decorated, original snacks increase appetite and put guests in a festive mood. In addition to traditional cuts, sandwiches, pates, there are quite a few simple recipes. With their help, it’s easy to impress guests with your culinary talent.

Spicy profiteroles

They are guaranteed to become a decoration for the New Year's table. Heat a glass of water over a fire, put 150 g of butter in a saucepan. When it melts, you need to add 120 g wheat flour, stir quickly. The dough gradually becomes smooth and releases from the pan. Beat in 4 eggs, one at a time, until smooth.

Dough using pastry bag squeezed onto a baking sheet lined with parchment. Makes approximately 30 buns. The profiteroles are baked for about 20 minutes. The top cap is cut off with a knife. There are many filling options.

Options for delicious fillings

The full menu for the 2019 year of the pig should be diversified with seafood treats. Lightly salted salmon (200 g) is cut into small pieces, mixed with cream cheese, taken in the same amount, and dill. Fish can be exchanged for boiled shrimp, pureed in a blender, add a few drops of lemon juice.

For unusual profiteroles, prepare delicious mincemeat. Lightly salted medium herring, peeled apple, one hard-boiled egg are ground in a blender. An alternative filling is created from whipped cream (120 ml, 30% fat), chopped basil.

Beef heart baked in beer with mushrooms

Cut the heart into equal 2.5 cm squares and fry on all sides in a frying pan. Cut a large onion and carrot into large half rings, simmer in the juice left over from the meat until soft. Bring to a boil in a saucepan foamy drink(330 ml) with frying, thyme, garlic, salt to taste.

Pour the heart pieces into a clay pot and fill with beer. Simmer in the oven for at least two hours. Add whole champignons (if small) or cut in half 20 minutes before the end of cooking. The taste of beer is not noticeable in this unusual snack.

Fish terrine

This dish is ideal for a holiday menu. It is made on the basis of two types of fish. The filling is cream cheese (350 g) with chopped herbs. First, the gelatin is soaked, then it is mixed with 50 ml of hot milk. Add cheese, for example, Philadelphia, spoon by spoon.

Fillet is ideal for the outer layer lightly salted salmon or cold smoked halibut. Excellent filling comes from pink salmon and mackerel. The fillet strips are laid in a dense layer in a rectangular shape, previously covered with film. Some of the cream is poured inside, then pieces of fish are placed in the middle.

The rest of the filling is poured on top, the fillet is covered, then with film. The mold sits in the refrigerator under load for at least 12 hours. The terrine is cut into portions before serving.

New Year's salads for 2019 Year of the Pig

It won't cost festive feast no salads. Every year I want to try new, unusual treats. Below are interesting recipes dishes that are sure to please.

Smoked chicken with avocado

The success of the delicacy is ensured by fresh products, beautiful presentation. Preparing the salad is simple: half a chicken breast, two boiled eggs and small tomatoes, cut one avocado into cubes. Tear the crispy salad with your hands and place on a rectangular plate. Decorate the ingredients with identical longitudinal stripes. A simple dressing recipe involves mustard, olive oil, and feta, mixed together by the tablespoonful.

Salad with chicken hearts

Onion onion in half rings, fry grated medium-sized carrots until golden color, set aside. Boiled hearts are chopped into strips, cheese (250 g), 10-12 gherkins are cut into thin slices. 50 g walnuts finely chopped. All ingredients are mixed and seasoned with mayonnaise before serving.

Unusual salad with beets “Winter Yummy”

Does the combination of “salad with beets” make you associate it with “fur coat”? No! Firstly, although our holiday salad contains beets, it is not a fish dish, but meat. Secondly, this salad contains mushrooms and nuts, which makes it taste very unusual.

In this recipe, turkey meat can be replaced with chicken, and any nuts can be used. If you have pre-boiled meat, beets and eggs, you can prepare such a salad for the New Year's table 2019 in 15 minutes.

Ingredients for 2 servings New Year's salad(photo 1):

  • 1/4 Chinese radish (with red pulp);
  • 3-4 champignons;
  • 1 onion (about 30 g);
  • 200 g turkey meat (boiled with spices);
  • 4-6 young spinach leaves;
  • 2 eggs (hard-boiled);
  • ½ tsp. mustard-orange sauce;
  • ½ tsp. grated horseradish root;
  • 1.5 tbsp. l. roasted walnuts;
  • 1 boiled beets (about 100 g);
  • mayonnaise for dressing (to taste).

Step-by-step preparation of the dish:

Delicate, spicy, festive salad with beets is ready to eat. Portion serving or in a common salad bowl - the choice is yours. You can also plant more than one rosette, turning, for example, a large salad bowl into a kind of flower bed. Original dish looks beautiful in any presentation.

Hot dishes for the New Year's menu

Even in the coming Year of the Pig, one cannot do without meat dishes on the menu. A selection of recipes offers luxurious twists on staple treats. They are hearty, simple and incredibly delicious.

Chicken in sour cream and nut sauce

In this recipe for the 2019 Pig, we will bake chicken with sour cream and nut sauce. The taste is delicate, but with pronounced nutty notes. Indescribably delicious.


  • chicken parts – 900 g;
  • sour cream – 280 g;
  • onion – 200 g;
  • garlic cloves – 3 pcs.;
  • walnuts – 90 g;
  • refined oil;
  • salt pepper.

Cooking steps:

  1. Wash the chicken parts and dry thoroughly. Then, season with salt and pepper, fry in a frying pan until golden brown. Place the browned pieces into a separate cup.
  2. And in this frying pan, add a little oil (if required), throw in the diced onion and fry it until lightly browned.
  3. Walnuts chop until you feel small pieces. And add to the fried onions. Along with the nuts, add finely chopped garlic cloves. Stir as you continue heat treatment 1-2 minutes.
  4. And add sour cream. Reduce the heat to low and heat the mixture until it boils. And remove from heat, seasoning with salt and pepper (photo).

  5. Place the fried pieces of chicken in a greased baking dish and pour 50-80 ml of water into the bottom.
  6. And spread a thick layer of sour cream and nut sauce on top. If the sauce turns out watery (this depends on the quality and fat content of the sour cream), then you don’t need to add water to the chicken.
  7. Bake the dish at 180 degrees for about 50 minutes until the meat is soft.
  8. Serve chicken baked in sour cream and nut sauce to your holiday table with a side dish of your choice. The meat comes out tender, juicy and very interesting in taste.

Royal duck glazed with oranges and soy sauce

It is important to take into account that musk poultry produces a dietary meat dish, while Peking poultry produces a fattier dish. Wash the duck, dry it, rub the inside with salt. Tie the legs tightly with kitchen thread so that the internal cavity is closed.

Separately, cut two unpeeled oranges (into 6 slices) and ginger into thin slices. The secret of the extraordinary aroma is in a mixture of spices, taken in equal quantities:

  • cinnamon;
  • star anise;
  • carnations;
  • fennel;
  • Chinese coriander.

The glaze is made from dark soy sauce (a couple of tablespoons), orange zest, 3-4 chopped garlic cloves, a teaspoon of spices.

The bird is rubbed with spices and placed in the oven (220 degrees) for a quarter of an hour. Then the temperature is reduced, and a layer of soy marinade is applied to the duck with a brush. Bake the bird in the oven for at least an hour, brushing with glaze every 15 minutes. For the New Year's table, you can decorate the dish with oranges and ginger.

Leg of lamb baked with rosemary

It is permissible to replace the leg with a spatula. Grate the zest of one lemon and chop the rosemary sprigs. Mix a couple of spoons sunflower oil with coriander, pepper, salt. All bones should be cut out except the main, largest one. Rub the meat thoroughly with herbs.

You need to wrap the leg with culinary thread, cover the bone with foil (so as not to burn it), place the mold in the oven (230 degrees). Bake for at least 2 hours, check for readiness by using a probe or knife to pierce the very thick place. Meat juice must be transparent.

It goes perfectly with this hot New Year's dish. mint sauce. For it, grind 2 tbsp with a blender. l. sugar, a couple of spoons wine vinegar, the same amount of mint leaves. Add 50 ml of boiling water, beat again for 10 seconds. Roasted vegetables are great as a side dish.

Delicious desserts for New Year 2019

A thoughtful holiday menu for the New Year always contains sweet treats, especially in 2019, the Year of the Boar. Children and adults await their appearance with delight. Guests will not be disappointed inexpensive desserts suggested below.

Delicious chocolate mousse cake


  • Butter - 250 g.
  • Dark chocolate - 450 g.
  • Chicken eggs - 6 pcs.

Cooking time: 30 minutes.


Remove the finished mousse from the oven, cool it by placing it in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Serve dessert after decorating to your taste.

Velvet cake with mascarpone and chocolate

The dish has an incredibly delicate texture and original taste, so it deserves to be included on the menu. For curd cake you will need:

  • 80 g each of cottage cheese, sugar, chopped walnuts;
  • 1 tsp baking powder;
  • vanillin;
  • 3 tbsp. l. milk, odorless sunflower oil;
  • 35 g cocoa;
  • 120 g flour.

Mix cottage cheese with liquid ingredients, then add dry ingredients. Knead until smooth, wrap in film. Place in a springform pan and set aside.

To make the cream, combine the yolks of three eggs with 80 g of powdered sugar, beat until white, add 125 g of melted chocolate, and knead with a mixer. Place in portions 0.5 kg of mascarpone, sour cream (20% fat, 200 g), vanillin. Add 100 g flour, 1 tbsp. l. cocoa, gently knead with a spatula until smooth.

Beat three chilled egg whites and add to the cream. Place the meringue on the crust and bake at 150 degrees for about an hour. If desired, decorate the cooled pie with cocoa and grated chocolate.

Panna cat

New Year 2019 is a good reason to pamper your loved ones delicious dessert. The dish has remained a favorite among Italians for many years. For all recipes, gelatin is pre-soaked in cold water.


The only difficulty in preparation is turning the sugar into caramel. It is better to do this over low heat in a thick-bottomed bowl. Pour half a liter of cream (22%) into the caramel, add gelatin, stir until completely dissolved. Pour the mixture into molds and refrigerate. Top with whipped cream and a sprig of mint.


700 ml of cream with powdered sugar (70 g), put vanilla on the fire, heat. Pour grated chocolate (1.5 bars) into the mixture and stir until it is completely dissolved. Add gelatin, pour into bowls, and refrigerate for a couple of hours. Ready dessert sprinkle nuts and cocoa on top.


If you have a glass of frozen blueberries, cherries, raspberries or strawberries, sample menu may include fruit panna cota. Bring the cream with sugar to taste to boiling point, pour in the gelatin. Make a puree from the berries. Combine it with cream in small portions so that the mass remains homogeneous. Pour into transparent molds or glasses in layers.

Bon appetit for the New Year!

How I want to relax on New Year’s Day, enjoy the holiday and wait for a miracle. But on the last day we are often overwhelmed with a lot of things: cleaning the apartment, decorating the Christmas tree, preparing the holiday table, buying gifts, and so on, which exhausts us and leaves us no energy left for the holiday. In order for the holiday to be a success, and your mood and strength to be high, it is better to plan in advance menu for the new year and calculate time costs.

We are offering to you New Year's menu recipes photos 3 options for any company and for every taste:

  • New Year's table menu Tête-à-tête for a couple in love (2 people)
  • Traditional family gatherings (4-6 people)
  • Menu for meeting guests (10-15 people)

The secret to saving time and effort is that we will choose simple, but at the same time original dishes and some can be prepared in advance.

tete-a-tete for a couple in love

Number of people - 2

Shopping list:

Red onion – 15 g
Garlic - 2 cloves
Tarragon - 1 tbsp. (leaves)
Parsley - 1 bunch
Salad - 1 handful (large, salad mix)
Oregano - 1 tablespoon (fresh)
Thyme - 1 tablespoon (fresh)
Basil - 1 large handful (fresh)
Lemon - 1 pc.
Grapes – 80 g (seedless)
Raisins - 1 handful
Fish fillet – 500 gr
Chicken breast – 80 g
Cream 33% – 320 gr
Feta – 200 grams
Parmesan - 2 tablespoons
Butter - 2 tbsp.
Rum - 1 tbsp.
Vinegar - 1.5 tsp. (grape)
Olive oil Flour - 1 tbsp.
Mustard - 2 tbsp.
Red hot pepper - 1 pinch
Nutmeg - 1 pinch
Bitter chocolate – 150 gr
Rusks - 1 tablespoon (ground)
Baguette - for serving


Chicken breast salad

Chicken salad recipe

First of all, soak the raisins in rum. If you don’t have it, then cognac or brandy will do just fine. Also no? Well then, let there be water. Place the salad mix on a large flat plate. Today I had the usual ones on hand lettuce leaves and arugula (I love it). Chop the onion into thin half rings (I have half a rather small head) and place it on the salad mix. Next come the grapes. It should be of the sweet variety. If the grapes are large and contain seeds, cut each berry into 2 halves and remove the seeds.

I always make this salad if I previously had oven-baked chicken on the menu. Our family is not the most ardent fan of breast, so it always remains partially and its direct path is in salads. Cut the breast into small pieces and distribute over the salad.

On top - raisins. Dressing - just mix vinegar, oil, a pinch of salt and sugar with a fork. If you don’t have fresh tarragon, use dry tarragon like I did this time (you need a couple of pinches). Is there none? Well, we’ll get by, although he’s very much on topic there! About the Provence spice mixture. I have tried a lot in my time and have definitely settled on one company. For a light aroma you literally need 3 turns of the mill.

Drizzle dressing over salad. Bon appetit!

Feta cheese appetizer “Snowballs”

How to make a feta cheese appetizer

Peel and press the garlic. Place the cheese in a bowl, add a tablespoon of fresh oregano leaves (chop if large), a tablespoon of thyme leaves, garlic and mix well with a fork. This time I didn’t have fresh thyme, I used dry thyme and not a tablespoon, but a teaspoon. Of course, you can mix it in a blender, but then the consistency of the cheese will slightly liquefy and the “snowballs” will blur a little. But, if you put everything in the refrigerator, after a while the cheese mixture will thicken again. Next is basil. I suggest taking a mortar and grinding it thoroughly. If you don’t have a mortar, then use a blender again: pour oil into it, add basil and mix until smooth.

Place the basil along with the resulting juice in a bowl, add olive oil and stir. Of course, if you don’t like or don’t have olive oil, you can totally use vegetable oil. In a plate, mix crackers (they should be white) and grated cheese. With wet hands, form small balls from the cheese mixture and roll them. We take a plate in which we will serve the appetizer and pour our food into it through a strainer. aroma oil. I don't always remove the basil. I'm quite comfortable with him too. Serve with sliced ​​baguette, for example. You can dry it a little in a frying pan or oven, or you can just fresh it, with a delicious crispy crust.


Fish baked with sauce


Place the fish in a baking dish. Sprinkle the fish with lemon juice on all sides (this is done not only to add flavor, but also to make the fish less boiled). Salt and pepper. Next, let's make the sauce. In a separate bowl, melt the butter and fry the flour in it until golden brown. Stirring continuously, pour in a glass of cream or milk. Add mustard nutmeg, pepper, salt and finely chopped parsley. Stir everything continuously and bring to a boil (but do not boil).

The sauce should thicken. Pour the sauce over the fish, add pieces of butter on top of each and place in the oven at 200 degrees for 15 minutes. It is very important not to overcook the fish, otherwise it will turn out boiled and fall apart. 5. We take out the fish baked in the sauce, everything is ready. Before serving, you can garnish with lemon and tomato slices.


Chocolate truffles


In a small saucepan, combine cream, cinnamon and chili powder. Bring to a boil while heating over low heat and stirring. Add chocolate, broken into small pieces, and butter. Remove from heat and stir until all ingredients are combined into a homogeneous mass. If the mixture cools too quickly and the butter and chocolate do not have time to melt (for example, if you forgot to take the butter out of the refrigerator first to soften it), gently heat the entire mixture over water bath. Then add cognac and stir until smooth. Cover with cling film and refrigerate for at least 4 hours until the mixture is completely cool and firm.

Place cocoa powder in a small bowl. Using a ball scoop or a simple small spoon, “scoop” the frozen chocolate mixture and roll it into a ball. Truffles don't have to be perfectly round. The less perfect they are in shape, the more they justify their name, because truffle mushrooms are precisely irregular in shape. Dip the truffles in cocoa powder and place on a plate or in a special paper mold. Serve immediately or refrigerate in a tightly sealed container. You may need to recoat truffles that have been stored in the refrigerator in cocoa.

Action plan:

A week before the holiday

Chocolate truffles can be made a week before the holiday, or a month before. IN finished form they will wait their time in the freezer. So, in the pre-New Year bustle, we simply choose a day when it would be nice to lift our spirits by working with sweets. chocolate mass and making sweets.

December 30th

Bake chicken breast for the salad and quickly mix the sauce. We remove the finished product chicken fillet into the refrigerator, where the sauce is sent in a small jar with a tightly screwed lid. Soak raisins in cognac, rum or other strong alcohol. We will need it for the salad. In the evening we bake the fish; on a holiday we will only need to heat it up, and transfer the truffles from the freezer to the refrigerator. We also prepare the cheese appetizer sauce in advance, which we store in the refrigerator for up to an hour.

31th of December

Let's walk, play in the snow and enjoy the upcoming holidays! Before sitting down at the table and celebrating 2013 with dignity, we quickly prepare a salad and feta appetizer, seasoning them with pre-prepared sauces. The fish can be heated in the oven under the grill. We pour champagne into glasses and smile at each other.

New Year's menu recipes photos:

in traditional style for family gatherings

Number of people - 4-6

Shopping list:

Potatoes - 2 pcs.
Carrots - 2 pcs.
Green peas - 5 tbsp.
Cucumber - 2 pcs. (fresh)
Gherkins - 5-6 pcs. (pickled)
Red onion - 1 pc.
Garlic - 2 cloves
Orange - 2 pcs. (large)
Apple - 1 pc. (green)
Prunes - 15 pcs.
Eggs - 14 pcs.
Trout - 150 gr. (lightly salted)
Pork - 600-800 g (fillet or neck)
Mayonnaise - 150 gr.
Mustard - 1 tbsp.
Sugar - 140 gr
Flour - 85 gr
Sour cream – 400 gr
Butter - 30 g
Chocolate – 150 gr
Cherry – 400 gr
Honey - 30 g
Powdered sugar - 200 gr
Cognac - 50 ml. (or rum)
Vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. l.
Crab sticks - 200 g
Corn - 1 can
Mayonnaise - to taste
Wine, champagne, vodka, juices and mineral water

Olivier with fish


Wash the potatoes and carrots thoroughly and boil them in their skins until tender. Cool, peel and cut into small cubes. Peel the hard-boiled eggs and cut them in the same way.

my fresh cucumber and finely chop the pickled gherkins. Grind the apple, trout and red onion. Place the chopped ingredients in a salad bowl. Season with mayonnaise and serve!

Salad with crab sticks and oranges

The salad is prepared in the standard way: boil the eggs, finely chop all the ingredients, crush the garlic, mix everything.


WITH vine, baked piece with prunes

Cut a piece of pork so that you get a “book” - leaves on the cover. The thickness of the “sheets” should be at least 1 cm. Make a mixture for coating: mix mustard, mayonnaise, salt. Coat a piece of pork with the mixture on all sides, pouring a little between the “pages”.. Wrap in several layers of foil and put in the refrigerator to marinate (from 6 hours to 3 days).

Bake in the oven without removing from the foil at t=200°C for about 1 hour. Shortly before the end of baking, open the foil to create a golden brown crust.
In my oven, it took me 50 minutes of baking in foil, and then another 20 minutes with open foil. I checked the degree of readiness with a long sharp knife: I pierced the pork in the thickest place. When the juice flowing from the puncture site turned from red-pink to transparent, the pork, baked in a piece, was cooked.


Sponge roll with cherries and chocolate icing


Mix cherries with 2 tbsp. sugar, cognac or rum. Leave it to brew for a couple of hours.

For the sponge cake, beat the eggs with 100 grams of sugar and vanilla sugar until the sugar is completely dissolved. Gently fold in the flour using a spatula.

Place the dough on a baking tray lined with baking paper in a layer of 0.5 cm. Bake for 10-15 minutes at 180, until dry. Cool and soak in cherry juice.

Prepare the cream. Beat the sour cream and powdered sugar into a fluffy mass and apply to the cake in an even layer. Place the cherries on top. and roll it up.

Prepare the glaze. To do this, melt chocolate, butter and honey in a water bath or in the microwave, mix thoroughly and pour over the roll. Place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Action plan:

December 29th

What would a family New Year be without Olivier? The number of recipes for this holiday salad is probably equal to the number of families in the territory of the former Soviet Union. Let's try the version with fish this year - this wonderful recipe is well worthy of your attention. Two days before the holiday, boil potatoes, carrots and eggs for salad. Cool and put in the refrigerator. On the same day, we marinate the pork for main course and prepare dessert. TO New Year's Eve The roll will be thoroughly soaked in cream.

December 30th

We turn on the TV. Have New Year's films and programs started yet? Very good! We turn up the volume on the song “Five Minutes” and start chopping vegetables for “Olivier”. Christmas mood guaranteed! While Ippolit sorts things out with Zhenya Lukashin, we put the pork in the oven, boil the eggs for the salad and make molds out of the oranges.

31th of December

Let's dress up and smile! We give it to children to be torn to pieces powdered sugar, a stencil with snowflakes and a roll - let them decorate. Crumble salads from ingredients already prepared in advance, season them with mayonnaise and heat the pork. Open the champagne, make a wish...

New Year's menu recipes photos:

to meet guests

Number of people - 10-15

Shopping list:

(for salmon mille-feuille, cheese sticks and salad, the quantity of products is doubled)

Pork - 1.5 kg (shank, ham, tenderloin - the main thing is that it is meat part)
Garlic - 3 cloves
Ketchup - 2-3 tbsp. (or tomato paste)
Puff pastry without yeast - 1.5 kg.
Salmon – 300 g (smoked)
Spinach – 800 g (frozen)
Champignons – 300 gr
Butter – 60 g
Curd cheese – 400 gr
Sour cream - 4 tbsp.
Horseradish - 2 tsp. (grated)
Almonds - 4 tbsp. (in petals)
Eggs - 9 pcs.
Sesame - 1 tbsp.
Hard cheese - 100 g (grated)
Minced turkey - 600 gr
Mustard - 1 tbsp.
Rusks - 50 g (ground)
Cream - 1 tbsp.
Sweet green pepper – 150 gr
Salad – 200 g (leaf)
Red onion - 2 pcs.
Cucumber - 5 pcs.
Orange juice - 60 grams (freshly squeezed)
Vinegar - 2 tbsp. (balsamic)
Vegetable oil - 5-6 tbsp. (or olive)


Millefeuille with salmon and spinach

Place the dough layer without defrosting on a baking sheet lined with baking paper. We ship to cold oven, turn on the heat to 180 degrees and bake until browned (25-30 minutes). Defrost the spinach. If it is not chopped, chop it finely.

Cut the champignons into thin slices.

Melt the butter in a frying pan over medium heat and fry the spinach in it for two minutes.

Add the mushrooms and cook until the moisture has completely evaporated. Salt and pepper to taste. Cool completely.

Grind cottage cheese with horseradish and sour cream. Carefully separate the baked dough layer by layer (it crumbles, but that’s not a big deal). You should get 4 layers. Moreover, the convex upper layer will be the base, and the lower flat one will be the top.

Grease the bottom layer with half of the curd filling, lay out thin slices of smoked salmon.

Cover with a second layer. Place spinach and champignons on top. On top is the third layer and again a layer of curd cheese (put 2 tablespoons aside) and salmon. Cover with the remaining dough.

Wrap the resulting “cake” tightly in film and put it in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour. Then unwrap, grease with the remaining cheese and horseradish, sprinkle with almond petals and cut into 4 cakes with a very sharp knife.

Cheese sticks made from puff pastry


Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
Egg beat lightly with a fork or small whisk. Brush it onto a sheet of puff pastry (previously defrosted). Then cut the dough into strips 1 cm thick.

Twist them into spirals and place on a prepared baking sheet (greased, lined with baking paper or silicone mat). Sprinkle with grated cheese and sesame seeds. Bake until golden brown, about 10 minutes. Let cool slightly before serving.

Salad with bell pepper, cucumber and cheese

Wash the lettuce leaves, dry them and tear them with your hands. We cut everything else: cucumbers, cheese, peppers into thin, short strips. bell pepper I like the green one in this salad. Its bitterness harmonizes perfectly with the cheese. We cut the onion into thin half rings. Hard cheese does not particularly want to be cut into strips, this is possible, but not essential).

Next we make the salad dressing. To do this, mix and beat the juice, vinegar, vegetable or olive oil, sugar and salt until the consistency of the emulsion. Season the salad, sprinkle lightly with pepper (to taste) and serve immediately.

Puff pastry roll with turkey

Wash spinach or chard leaves and blanch for a couple of minutes in boiling water. Remove and place on a towel to blot off excess water.

Mix ground turkey with two raw eggs, ground breadcrumbs (I never use ready-made breadcrumbs, I always grind dry bread myself in a blender), mustard, salt and pepper well. In principle, you can add a little finely chopped and fried onion to the minced meat if you want. Mix the minced meat thoroughly.

Line a baking sheet with baking parchment and place a layer of ready-made, defrosted puff pastry. I usually transfer it from the freezer to the refrigerator in the evening and in the morning the dough is ready to use.
Place the minced meat on the dough in an even layer, stepping back one centimeter from the edge. Place a layer of blanched spinach leaves (if using) and 4 hard-boiled, peeled eggs on top of the minced meat.

Talk one out raw yolk with one tablespoon of cream. Use a brush to brush the edges of the dough and roll it up. Pinch tightly and turn seam side down. Brush the entire roll with yolk and bake in an oven preheated to two hundred degrees for 25 minutes. If the top starts to brown too much, cover it with parchment paper. Ready roll Let the puff pastry cool slightly, cut into pieces and serve.

Recipe for roasted meat in pieces


Ice cream cake


First, remove the ice cream from the freezer and let it melt at room temperature. You want it to be at least soft.

Meanwhile, grind the cookies into fine crumbs. All methods are good here. You can put it in a bag and roll it several times with a rolling pin. Or just grind it in a blender. Add butter. Then combine all this with condensed milk. You should end up with a soft sticky mass that can easily take any shape.

And we begin to spread this mass into a mold lined with cling film. The edges of the film must hang down.

Try to spread the layer of cookies evenly; to do this, use a smaller pan. “Tamp down” the cookies as much as possible. Next, simply whip the cream according to the instructions on the package and combine it with the melted ice cream. Also add to ice cream chocolate syrup and mix everything again. Now you can safely pour the sweet mass into the bowl. Cover it with the hanging ends and place it in freezer for the night. In the morning, carefully pull the ends of the film and turn the cake over onto a plate, then remove the film. Decorate as desired fresh berries or nuts.

Action plan

A week before the holiday

The main secret of preparing a feast for a large number of people - we do everything at double the rate. It is not necessary to fill the table with thirty types of salads; it is enough to make two or three appetizers, but in sufficient quantities. Let's start preparing a week in advance - we'll prepare an ice cream cake. And if you don’t want to cook, then we just buy

December 28th

Let's bake cheese sticks. It's better to have a double portion at once. Let us tell you a secret - it’s better to have a triple one at once, since there is a risk that festive night little will remain of them.

December 29th

We warn you right away that you will have to work hard on this day. Luckily for us, December 29th falls on a Sunday this year. We start by preparing the mille-feuille, mince the turkey, and boil the eggs for the roll.

December 30th

We assemble the turkey roll and bake the meat.

31th of December

The only thing left for us to do from our festive New Year's menu for a large company is to quickly prepare a salad. And now you can invite everyone to the table to celebrate the New Year with dignity!

1. Salad with shrimp

1/2 head of Chinese cabbage

300 g peeled cocktail prawns (king prawns will not work!)

12-15 crab sticks

1 jar canned pineapple

Large ripe pomegranate



Chop the cabbage (without the white part), finely chop the sticks (almost into dust), finely chop the pineapples.

Mix shrimp, chopsticks, cabbage, pineapple and pomegranate. Season with mayonnaise

2. Salad 'Neptune'

Ingredients: shrimp-300 gr. squid-300 gr. crab sticks-200 g (can be replaced crab meat) 5 eggs 130 gr. red caviar mayonnaise Preparation: 1. Boil the eggs, cool, separate the white from the yolk, chop the white. The yolk can be left for decoration. 2. Cook the shrimp in lightly salted water. 3. Then throw the squid into boiling water, having previously cut it into rings. 4. Cut crab sticks. 5. Now add a couple of tablespoons of mayonnaise, mix, and only then add red caviar (so as not to burst). 6. Salt and pepper to taste, but I recommend adding salt after mixing everything, because... caviar and mayonnaise can provide enough salt.

3. Salad from smoked chicken with potatoes

Ingredients: 150 g smoked chicken

3 potatoes

1 carrot

2-3 pickled cucumbers

2 tbsp. mayonnaise

1 bunch of green onions

canned peas -

salt and pepper

Cooking method:

Pre-cook the potatoes and carrots. Cool and peel.

Boil the eggs, cool, peel and finely chop.

Cut potatoes and carrots into cubes.

Also cut the cucumbers into small cubes.

Mix potatoes, carrots and eggs. Add diced chicken and peas

Salt and pepper. Add mayonnaise and mix everything.

Sprinkle with finely chopped green onions

4. Squid salad with egg and corn

Squid - 1kg

Egg (boiled) - 4 pcs.

Onions - 3 pcs.

Corn (canned) - 1/2 can

Walnuts (shelled) - 3-4 tbsp.

Vegetable oil - 1 tbsp.

Mayonnaise - optional.

Cooking method

Place the squid in boiling salted water for 5 minutes, clean it properly and cut into strips. Also cut the eggs into strips (I use an egg slicer - the size is just right).

Chop the onion into smaller pieces and simmer in vegetable oil until it begins to turn yellow (do not fry). Before putting the onions in the salad, you can squeeze out the oil with a spoon if you plan to dress it with mayonnaise. You can leave the oil, then it is not necessary to season with mayonnaise.

5. Appetizer "Cheese balls with grapes"

Blue cheese "Dor Blue" ( room temperature) - 100 g,

creamy or cottage cheese(room temperature) - 100-150 g,

bunch of sweets large grapes(red or green),

pistachios (peeled) - 120 g

Wash the grapes, dry them and separate the bunch into berries.

Carefully make a cut on each berry and remove the seeds.

Place Dor Blue cheese in a bowl, add cream cheese and mix well.

Cover the bowl with the cheese mixture with cling film and put it in the refrigerator for 40-60 minutes (the cheese mixture will thicken in the refrigerator).

Chop the pistachios with a knife or grind in a blender (should not grind too finely).

Carefully cover each grape with the cheese mixture to form a ball.

Roll the ball in chopped pistachios.

Expand cheese balls on a platter, cover with cling film and refrigerate until serving.



Tartlets - 11 pcs;

Processed cream cheese - 150 grams;

Red caviar - 120 grams;

Eggs - 4 pcs;

Dill - a small bunch;

Mayonnaise - to taste.

Finely chop the dill, grate the egg whites, mix with melted cheese, adding a little mayonnaise.

Fill the tartlets with the resulting mixture.

Place red caviar on top

Serve the tartlets on a platter, garnished with dill sprigs.

7. New Year's Snack

300 gr. lightly salted salmon (or trout)

350 gr. Philadelphia cheese

1 tbsp. gelatin

100 ml. cream 20% fat

Mix the cream, gelatin and leave for 5-7 minutes for the gelatin to swell.

Heat water almost to boiling. Place the container with gelatin and cream in hot water, stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.

Finely chop the dill.

Mix cheese, dill and cream.

Cover a mold (I have 20x10x10) with cling film so that the edges hang down by 10 cm. Lay out the fish pieces overlapping.

Spread half of the cream filling.

Place a layer of fish.

Spread the remaining half of the cream filling.

Place the fish pieces.

Fold the edges of the film so that the fish is completely covered. Place in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. Before serving, cut the roll into slices 1-1.5 cm thick.

8. Cheese "Raffaello"

processed cheese - 200 g,

butter - 200 g,

garlic - 2 cloves,

olives - 1 jar,

crab sticks - 1 package

Grate the cheeses and cold butter on a coarse grater.

Pass the garlic through a garlic squeezer.

Mix the cheeses, butter and garlic until smooth.

Make small balls from the resulting mass and knead each ball so that you get flat cakes.

Place a stuffed olive in the center of the flatbread and bring the edges of the flatbread together so that the olive is inside the flatbread.

Place the grated crab sticks on a plate and roll the finished balls in them.

9.Pita roll with cod liver

Thin pita bread - half a large one or 3 small round ones

Cod liver – 1 jar (190 g)

Boiled eggs – 2 pcs.

Chopped parsley - 2 tbsp. spoons

Green onions - feathers of 1 onion

Hard cheese – 125 g

Mayonnaise – 3 tbsp. spoons

Ground black pepper

For the filling, grate eggs and cheese on a coarse grater. Finely chop the greens. Drain the oil from the liver, and chop the liver itself with a fork. Mix everything, add mayonnaise, salt and pepper to taste.

Lay out three small pita breads overlapping each other. To prevent them from flaking later, you can lightly grease them with mayonnaise.

Place the filling on the pita bread and roll it tightly into a roll. The roll turned out to be long and I cut it in half. I wrapped each half in foil and put the pita roll in the refrigerator.

Before serving, cut the lavash roll into pieces and place on a plate.

10.Trout with caviar sauce


Lemon juice

Trout fillet (or salmon) - 400 grams

Olive oil – half a teaspoon

For the sauce:

Red caviar – two teaspoons

Cream 22% - 100 milliliters

Dry white wine – one tablespoon

Trout fillet must be cut into two portioned pieces.

Season with a little pepper, salt, and lightly sprinkle lemon juice on top.

You need to preheat the oven to 170 C. The baking pan needs to be greased a little. olive oil and place the prepared pieces of fish into it

Add a little water on top, carefully cover the top of the mold with foil and place it in the oven for about 15–20 minutes.

To prepare the sauce for this fish, you need to carefully pour the wine into the saucepan, then, stirring thoroughly, add the prepared cream.

Over not very high heat, stirring constantly, bring the resulting mixture to the formation of quite thick mass. Add a little salt and pepper.

Remove the prepared sauce from the heat, add caviar to lightly warm sauce and mix everything carefully so that the eggs are evenly distributed in the sauce.

Carefully transfer the finished fish to plates and pour the prepared sauce on top.

Chicken "Stump"

Baguette - 1 piece

Chicken fillet - 500 g

Onion - 1 piece

Garlic - 1 tooth.

Champignons - 6 pcs

Cream (20%) - 5 tbsp. l.

Tomato - 1 piece

Cheese - 100 g

Sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.

Vegetable oil (for frying)

Butter (for frying)

Spices (thyme, basil, parsley, marjoram) - 0.5 tbsp. l.

Salt (to taste)

Black pepper (to taste)

You can grind chicken fillet (it’s better to take the meat from the thigh, it will be juicier) in a meat grinder, but I chopped it finely.

Purified onion cut into small cubes and fry in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil until golden brown.

Cut the bar crosswise into several pieces of 5 centimeters each. Carefully remove the crumb using a sharp knife.

Mix minced chicken with fried onions, add spices, garlic, salt, mix and stuff the loaf with this mixture.

Peel the champignons and slice thinly.

Fry in vegetable oil + butter until golden brown, add cream, a little salt and simmer a little.

Pour mushroom sauce over the stumps.

Slice the tomato, place it on the mushrooms and pour sour cream over it

Grate the cheese and sprinkle on top.

Bake in the oven at 200-220*C for 25-30 minutes.

12. Potato gratin

1 kg potatoes

100 g sour cream

2 cups cream

2-3 cloves of garlic

1/4 tsp. nutmeg

salt and pepper

Peel the potatoes, cut into thin slices.

Place the potatoes in a mold, like fish scales. Salt and pepper each layer.

Finely chop the garlic. Add it to the cream. Mix well.

Lightly beat the cream with sour cream, add a little salt and add freshly ground nutmeg.

Pour cream over potatoes and sprinkle with grated cheese.

Preheat the oven to 200 C degrees. Bake for about 1 hour.

13.cake "Esterházy"

For the test:

· 8 proteins

· 1 cup of sugar

· 200 g walnuts

· 3 tbsp flour

· Pinch of cinnamon

· A pinch of salt

· Almond petals

For cream:

· ½ cup milk

· ½ cup heavy cream

· ¾ tbsp sugar

· ¼ cup condensed milk

· 4 yolks

· 300 g butter

· 200 g white chocolate

· 50 g dark chocolate

· 2 tbsp cream 33% fat

How to cook:

1. Beat the whites with sugar, add chopped toasted nuts along with cinnamon and flour. Place the dough on a baking sheet lined with baking paper and bake 6 cakes at 160C for 40-50 minutes.

2. For the cream, mix milk and cream in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Mix the yolks with sugar and temper the mixture with hot milk. Cool. Beat butter with condensed milk and add to custard. Coat the cakes with cream.

3. Melt in a water bath White chocolate and mix it with cream. Cover the surface of the cake. Melt dark chocolate and apply a spider web design to the cake. Sprinkle the sides of the cake with almond petals.

And of course, sliced ​​vegetables, fruits, martinis, champagne and cognac
