The benefits and harms of apples for the human body. Macro- and microelements in apples. Which ones to choose? Red, yellow, green apples: benefits and harms

Everyone knows from childhood that they need to eat apples - the beneficial properties of these fruits are unlikely to be in doubt! But if you are asked why an apple is good for you, can you give a detailed answer? What exactly is the value of juicy fruits, and for what diseases should you especially “lean” on them?

What's hidden under the thin skin of an apple?

Today there is great amount different varieties apple trees: summer, autumn and, with fruits of green, pale yellow, golden, light and dark red color, of various sizes, taste and aroma. Some varieties contain more vitamin C, others have more sugars, and still others have higher iron content. Let's take a closer look at what is contained in apples, and which fruits are best to choose for a particular disease.

Even after long-term storage, the vitamins in apples decrease slightly, and the fruits of last year’s harvest remain almost as healthy as fresh ones.

Apple fruits are 80% water, about 12% are carbohydrates, 10% are organic acids, and there is very little protein and fat in apples - only 1%. It is no coincidence that apples are present in many diets: its calorie content is very low (43-47 kcal per 100 g), and a large number of fiber (pectin) promotes rapid saturation and, in addition, cleanses the intestines of harmful substances.

Video about the medicinal properties of apples

If you didn’t know before what vitamins an apple contains, the list will surprise you: the juicy fruit contains almost the entire group B, vitamins A, C (10 g per 100 g of apple), E, ​​H, K, PP. In addition, apples are rich in macro- and microelements:

  • iron, which is necessary for our circulatory system;
  • potassium, good for the heart;
  • calcium, important for maintaining healthy teeth and bones;
  • phosphorus, which promotes the absorption of calcium;
  • as well as sodium, magnesium, zinc, iodine, fluorine.

Even after long-term storage, the vitamins in apples decrease slightly, and the fruits of last year’s harvest remain almost as healthy as fresh ones.

Knowing how many calories are in an apple, you can safely add them to any dish.

Health benefits of apples

Due to soluble fiber(pectin) apples become an effective natural remedy for constipation. The functioning of the digestive system and the entire gastrointestinal tract is improved, intestinal motility improves, harmful substances are more actively removed from the body, metabolism is normalized. As a result, the condition of the skin becomes better and the complexion is healthier. In addition, pectin helps remove excess cholesterol from the liver.

Knowing how many calories are in an apple, you can safely add them to any dishes, making your diet more dietary and healthy, or fasting days on some apples. These tasty fruits make the fight against overweight and obesity. Just keep in mind that apples with green skin are more conducive to weight loss.

Tart-tasting apples, the flesh of which quickly darkens after biting, contain a high percentage of iron. They are especially recommended for consumption by pregnant women to raise low hemoglobin, as well as anyone who suffers from increased fragility of blood vessels and anemia.

Tart-tasting apples, the flesh of which quickly darkens after biting, contain a high percentage of iron.

Apples have bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, choleretic and diuretic properties, so they are useful to add to the diet for:

  • acute and chronic colitis,
  • dysentery,
  • gastrointestinal infections,
  • urolithiasis,
  • gout,
  • edema of renal origin,
  • gastroenteritis,
  • chronic cholecystitis.

Regular use Eating apples reduces the development of atherosclerosis, reduces the risk of colon cancer, and eliminates the likelihood of poisoning the body with toxic substances, which is especially important for those whose work involves radioactive substances and salts of heavy metals. And the substance quercetin, found in apples, prevents the development of Alzheimer's disease by protecting brain cells from the destructive effects of free radicals.

Regular consumption of apples reduces the development of atherosclerosis, reduces the risk of colon cancer, and eliminates the likelihood of poisoning the body with toxic substances

Listing the benefits of apples, it is impossible not to note their beneficial effect on the immune system due to high content vitamin C. Varieties of sour apples are especially good for insomnia, headaches and even diabetes. And sour apple tea has a calming effect on the nervous system.

Are apples so harmless, what is their harm?

You may be surprised, but in fact you can seriously harm your body by eating seemingly harmless apples - the benefits and harms depend on how correctly you eat these fruits. Thus, caution should be exercised when entering the body. apple seeds. In small quantities they are even considered useful, since they contain iodine, but it is worth considering that they also contain hydrocyanic acid- the strongest poison. More than five swallowed bones already pose a health hazard.

Try to avoid store-bought apples that are polished to a mirror shine - for better storage they are liberally treated with chemicals, and to give them an attractive presentation they are coated with unsafe wax-based preparations that contribute to the development of gastritis. You can get rid of the protective film on fruit using hot water and soap, but it is better to choose apples that do not look so perfect and have wormholes - evidence of the naturalness of the fruit.

Coarse fiber when eating apples in large quantities can lead to colic, flatulence and bloating.

Some people consider apples to be hypoallergenic fruits, however, this is not entirely true. Only varieties with green fruit color do not cause allergies, and red apples contain beta-carotene (a pigment substance), which can cause allergic reactions.

Sour apples should not be eaten by people with duodenal ulcers. peptic ulcer stomach, gastritis with high acidity, inflammatory processes in the pancreas. But sweet apples are undesirable cardiovascular diseases. It is also worth noting that coarse fiber when eating apples in large quantities, it can lead to colic, flatulence and bloating.

Otherwise, apples are incredibly healthy, just don’t forget to rinse your mouth with water after each use, since the fruit acids and sugars contained in the fruit cause the destruction of tooth enamel.

In what form is it healthier to eat apples?

Baked apples are good because they are better absorbed than raw ones, but during the baking process most of the vitamins are destroyed

As soon as apples are used in cooking: they are added to salads, made into side dishes, used as a filling for pies, rolls and cakes, baked with honey, nuts, cinnamon, jam, preserves, compotes, marmalade, mousse and other sweets are prepared. But the beneficial properties of apples are best preserved in dried, baked form and when preparing freshly squeezed juice.

Baked apples They are good because they are better absorbed than raw ones, but during the baking process most of the vitamins are destroyed, which reduces the benefits of apples. Peeled baked apples are great for constipation, dysbiosis, intestinal diseases, cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis and hepatitis. They contribute to the careful restoration of the functioning of the digestive organs after abdominal surgery, and pectins remove from the body all unwanted products formed after the breakdown of medications. In addition, baked apples are good for coughs.

Video about baked apples

Dried apples are especially rich in iron, fiber and carbohydrates, but during drying, vitamin C is completely destroyed in them. It is recommended to consume dried apples as a source of carbohydrates to obtain additional energy, just keep in mind that the caloric content dried apples six times higher than fresh ones.

To get all the vitamins and useful substances in a concentrated, easily digestible form, apples can be used to prepare fresh juice. It will perfectly quench thirst, increase the tone of the body, and at the same time help cope with colds, have a beneficial effect on the digestive and genitourinary system and activate the activity of the kidneys. With regular use apple juice In children suffering from asthma, shortness of breath is noticeably reduced.

This portal describes the medicinal properties of herbs and plants used in home medicine. All recipes are taken from literature on folk medicine, published in Soviet era and made freely available in the 70s and 80s of the last century.

Before using any prescription, consult your doctor.

Apples - description, preparation, dosage forms, medicinal properties

Apples contain fructose, vitamin C, B vitamins, magnesium, potassium and two dozen other compounds. Fructose fills the body with quick energy and increases the supply of brain cells nutrients. Vitamin B5 helps with this, which ensures the absorption of sugars and fats. Vitamin C quickly decomposes and removes toxins from the body.

Apples contain many useful substances: fiber and pectin from apples improve digestion, potassium helps in kidney function, iron regulates hematopoiesis, and vitamins A, C, E, P, B vitamins, as well as manganese, copper and plant antibiotics-phytoncides increase immunity and strengthen the body's defenses. It’s not for nothing that the British say that two apples a day drives the doctor away. But you should just eat these fruits of their own stripe, and you should refuse beautiful store-bought apples with a wax coating - they are much less useful. At long-term storage apples lose their medicinal adaptogenic properties, imbalance occurs. Natural benefits Fruits can be preserved only by preparing apple cider vinegar from them.

Regular consumption of apples promotes longevity and rejuvenation of the body. They contain a substance that rejuvenates the heart, improves blood circulation and improves immunity. Apples are also 85% water and help the body replenish fluid loss.

There are a total of 7.5 thousand varieties of apples, each of which has its own advantages. Yellow apples traditionally considered the sweetest and juiciest. They are great for culinary products. The most popular of them is Golden Delicious. These are golden-yellow fruits with yellowish-white flesh that does not darken for a long time. Red apples are usually crispy and have a delicate sweet taste. Popular variety Red Delicious. Green apples are the most medicinal for health - firm, juicy fruits with a pleasant sourness. Ideal in the heat, quenches thirst well, green apples make the most delicious filling for pies. Popular variety Granny Smith.

It is better to eat apples directly with the peel, because all the medicinal substances are located right under it. However, it is worth considering that some people may experience gas formation due to the peel. The peel contains a lot healthy fiber, which stimulates the intestines, but nitrates or pesticides may accumulate. Therefore, it is better to peel apples bought in a store, and not yet in season.

Medicinal properties apples are due to the content of many vitamins and minerals in them to strengthen nervous system. Vitamins A, C and E strengthen the immune system and help the body cope with stress. Apples contain many B vitamins, which are necessary for the functioning of the nervous system. Vitamin C increases the production of free radicals, which prevent skin aging.

Apples contain ballast substances for intestinal function. In ancient times, grated apple was used to treat diarrhea. The ballast substances of apples cope well with intestinal bacteria.

One apple contains 2 grams of glucose and 5.7 grams of fructose, which give the body energy. With one apple, about 480 mg of iron enters the body, which prevents the occurrence of anemia. To prevent anemia, pierce an apple with a fork in several places in the evening and eat it in the morning. This oxidized iron is better absorbed. Or squeeze the juice from the apples and leave for 2-3 hours in a wide bowl.

The benefits of apples are also evidenced by the fact that they do not make you fat. There are many apple-based diets. In addition, apples have a slight diuretic effect, and low calorie content and the abundance of fructose quickly causes a feeling of fullness.

Infusion of apple flowers for stomach catarrh (gastritis).

Pour a glass of boiling water over a teaspoon of dried flowers. Drink the entire glass of infusion in small sips throughout the day.

From jade.

Infusion of powder from dried apple peels - drink 1 glass per day in 3 divided doses (to prevent the formation of kidney stones, drink a glass of hot water with 1 tablespoon of powder mixed in one serving).

To normalize intestinal function.

For a sore throat - a paste of grated onion With grated apples and honey.

Take 2-3 teaspoons of the mixture orally 2-3 times a day for a sore throat during a sore throat.

For obesity.

It is useful to periodically (once every 7-9 days) do a fasting day of your choice:

Apple - from food only 1.5 kg of ripe apples per day; the same option fasting diet indicated for chronic enterocolitis with diarrhea, just divide the total amount into 5 servings and eat it pureed.

Rice-apple – three times a day rice porrige(at the rate of 25 grams of rice per glass of milk) and 800-900 grams of apples.

Frozen apples against allergies - green varieties.

You can eat as many apples as you want per day, but not less than one. Remove the frozen apple from the freezer and place in a bowl of water. When it “goes away” and will be room temperature, you can eat. Course – 2 weeks.

Apple vinegar.

The medicinal properties of the apple tree are fully preserved even after its fruits are processed by fermentation. Apple cider vinegar can be successfully obtained at home, for this you will need:

Grate the apples.

Dilute this paste warm boiled water at the rate of 1 liter of water per 800 grams of gruel. Put it all in glass jar and leave to ferment in a warm place for 10 days, stirring.

Then strain, close the jar for better fermentation gauze and leave for another 40-60 days (you can add a little honey, sugar or yeast at this time).

Then filter all the contents, pour into bottles, tightly cap and refrigerate at a temperature of + 6-8°C.

For varicose veins.

For varicose veins, you should rub your veins with apple cider vinegar in the morning and evening, drink 2 teaspoons diluted in a glass of water twice a day.


Grind 2 bags of incense (20 grams each) into powder, add 50 grams apple cider vinegar, to stir thoroughly. Apply the ointment to the sore areas for 3 days, wrapping them in something warm.

Frankincense is obtained from an aromatic resin secreted by certain Mediterranean plants. It has long been used as an incense during religious ceremonies, as well as in medicine, cosmetology, and as part of folk remedies for external use and oral administration. You can buy incense at any church store.

Tea with apple cider vinegar.

Drinking tea with apple cider vinegar and a small amount of honey is useful for polyarthritis, joint and muscle pain, chronic laryngitis and some other diseases.

Apple vinegar.

This valuable product is a source of many microelements necessary for humans, becomes popular product. People who strive to lead a healthy lifestyle by following the right healthy eating, should use apple cider vinegar as one of the healthy products.

This is a product that is obtained by fermenting fresh crushed apple pulp with the help of acetic bacteria and oxygen. This is the acid obtained naturally without any chemical additives.

Apple cider vinegar has long been known as folk remedy, which was widely used for the prevention and treatment of many diseases. It was used for colds, joint pain, to restore strength during fatigue, to cleanse the body, for burns (as a painkiller), for insomnia, and for many skin diseases.

A mixture of apple cider vinegar and honey can satisfy daily requirement body in nutrients.

The healing properties of apple cider vinegar contribute to:

improving health and general well-being; regulation of fat absorption and accumulation;

maintaining normal bowel function, maintaining acid-base balance in organism.

Potassium and magnesium contained in vinegar help strengthen the nervous system, heart muscle, and maintain muscle tone. Phosphorus and calcium are essential for teeth and bones. Pectin lowers blood cholesterol levels. Apple cider vinegar can be called a pantry of microelements and vitamins necessary for the human body. Their content is so high that apple cider vinegar and honey, used in equal proportions (1 teaspoon each), can completely satisfy the body’s daily need for them.

Apple cider vinegar, when consumed, helps reduce appetite and, consequently, lose weight. It also helps the body break down carbohydrates and fats and improves metabolism. Human body produces organic acids that are part of apple cider vinegar independently. But it happens that the body does not produce enough of them, and then apple cider vinegar comes to the rescue to replenish the supply of missing nutrients. This is the main purpose of using apple cider vinegar as a medicine.

Apple cider vinegar is an acid, which means that treatment with apple cider vinegar will be especially useful for people with low stomach acidity and metabolic disorders. In this case, malic acid will neutralize the alkaline reaction.

The amino acids and vitamins contained in apple cider vinegar give it analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. These positive properties vinegar helps reduce pain and swelling in diseases such as sore throat, arthritis, runny nose; help in wound healing; normalize intestinal flora, increase immunity. Apple cider vinegar has positive action on the circulatory system.

In addition to a huge number of beneficial properties, this product has a number of advantages that provide a compelling argument that the use of apple cider vinegar is justified in preventive and medicinal purposes.

Benefits of apple cider vinegar:

accessible, inexpensive;

an excellent natural antiseptic;

complements other treatment methods well;

does not cause side effect on the liver;

does not cause side effects, allergies;

during the treatment process does not require a special diet.

As you know, an apple is one of the healthiest and most accessible fruits, a storehouse of essential microelements and vitamins. It's rare to meet a person indifferent to this delicious fruit. The apple is one of the most common and widely available fruits in our country, it is used as food in every home, both adults and children love it, it is sold on the shelves of every supermarket. Fragrant apples have beneficial properties that can help prevent many health problems.

Apple is a medicinal and dietary product, rich in iron, potassium and calcium, folic acid, and is a source of fiber. Beneficial features apples were known to our ancestors and were widely used in folk medicine.

Why eat apples

Apples are both food and medicine. Fresh fruits help improve intestinal motility, remove toxins from the body, improve metabolism, prevent various diseases of the biliary tract, strengthen the immune system, fight anemia, and prevent gout and vascular problems. Apple pulp is a natural cholesterol regulator and is useful for hypertension. Eating apples with seeds has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, since apple seeds contain iodine.

What other benefits do apples have? Due to the high content of folic acid, apple pulp is useful for pregnant women to prevent the risk of developing fetal pathologies. And varieties with a high content of magnesium and pectins prevent obesity and are widely used in various ways to combat excess weight. However, apples are useful for both women and men. Vitamin C, contained in large quantities in apples, helps brittle blood vessels restore your strength.

The important fact is that after heat treatment apples do not lose food and energy value, but still fresh product most effective.

Of course, apples, whose beneficial properties are undeniable, should be eaten more often, but there are also contraindications to eating these fruits. For example, sour varieties apples are contraindicated for gastritis, and fresh fruit peel causes irritation of the gastric and duodenal mucosa in case of peptic ulcers. We must not forget that red varieties of apples are contraindicated for people suffering from allergic reaction. Fruit acids, found in large quantities in apples, pose a danger to tooth enamel. In principle, apples have no special contraindications, but everything is good in moderation. Remember this.

Using a mixture of two boiled apples in a glass of milk and a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning relieves constipation.

If you pour one tablespoon of apple peel into 200 g of boiling water and take 100 g daily before meals, you can cope with a cold cough.

Tincture to combat varicose veins is taken once a day, 200 g with the addition of one spoon of honey. Its preparation is not difficult to perform. You need to pour 3 apples with 1 liter of boiling water and leave in a dark place for 4 hours. Next, mash the fruits in water and strain.

Eat an apple before bed and you will normalize your sleep and also strengthen your nervous system.

The properties of apples help prolong youth, improve skin color, condition of nails and hair. Scientists say that for this you need to eat at least two apples a day. It has long been established that the antioxidant abilities of apples prevent the development various forms oncology, including liver, colon, breast and lung cancer, and also stop the proliferation of cancer cells.

We also offer you a short video about the benefits of apples:

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Central Asia is the birthplace of apples, but they are now grown almost all over the world. There are a huge number of different varieties of apple trees that can grow in different climatic conditions. Varieties of apples differ in their color, size, shape and of course taste. Availability and a huge number of varieties have made the apple a fairly popular fruit. It is worth noting that in addition to taste qualities, apples also have beneficial properties.

It is clear that the composition of apples directly depends on their variety and growing conditions. Do not forget that the duration and correctness of storage also affects the composition of apples. Almost all apples contain fructose and various organic acids (ursolic, chlorogenic, citric and of course malic acid). In addition to fructose and acids, apples contain a huge amount useful microelements- fiber, pectin, tannins and nitrogenous substances.

In terms of minerals, apples contain calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, iodine, copper, zinc, magnesium, cobalt, molybdenum, iron and nickel. Do not forget that this fruit also contains vitamins PP, E, C, P, K.

Beneficial properties of apples

  1. Apples are quite good for preventing and treating colds. Apples are best consumed grated with honey. This mixture is quite effective against cough.
  2. Your dental health can be easily improved by adding it to your diet. fresh apples. They perfectly clean teeth of plaque and massage gums while chewing.
  3. Cellulose, pectins and fiber contained in apples can easily normalize digestion. It is recommended to eat apples for colitis.
  4. Apples also have a great effect on the condition of the heart and cardiovascular system in general. The composition of apples (a combination of vitamins, minerals and acids) can reduce the risk of vascular blockage and prevent vascular fragility.
  5. This fruit is excellent dietary product. The fiber it contains activates the digestion process and normalizes weight.

Benefits of dried apples

As you know, drying is one of the types of fruit preservation that has been used since the Stone Age. Drying allows you to store fruits until the cold seasons, when the trees do not bear fruit, but the need for nutrition remains. Dried apples retain all vitamins, minerals and acids. During drying, only the liquid contained in the fruit evaporates. It is worth noting that dried apple slices are deprived of vitamin C.

Benefits of baked apples

Baked apples also contain a lot of fructose, minerals and vitamins, just like fresh ones. But it should be noted that baked apples contain more pectin.

Eating apples baked with honey (in the oven) is in a good way prevention of dysbacteriosis, hepatitis, cholecystitis and chronic pancreatitis. In addition to prevention, baked apples do an excellent job of restoring the functioning of the digestive system (mainly after surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity). Pectins contained in baked apples well contribute to the removal from the body of various by-products decay from medications taken.

The benefits of apples for children

Children love fruits and this is very good, because they simply contain a huge amount of different substances necessary for the growth of the body. Apples contain easily digestible iron, which is necessary to prevent anemia in children. Apples are also good for pregnant women to eat. Note that more iron is found in green apples. Red and yellow varieties apples contain a large amount of useful substances, but the iron content in them is slightly less than in green ones.

Benefits of apple juice

The benefits of drinking freshly squeezed apple juice are expressed in increasing the body's immunity to various colds and infectious diseases. In addition, apple juice helps quite well with diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidneys (prevents the formation of new kidney stones), stimulates the intestines and, accordingly, improves the digestion process. Apple juice is often drunk to treat atherosclerosis, liver and bladder diseases. It can be consumed for a long period of time without harming your health (provided you drink less than 1 liter of juice per day).

Apples in cooking

Apples, like most other fruits, are often used in cooking. The most benefits come from eating fresh apples and baked ones with nuts and honey in the oven. Also, dried apples, which are used for cooking compotes, are very useful.

On New Year and Christmas holidays, you can find them on tables stuffed with apples goose. In addition, apples produce excellent jam and jam. In baking, apples are used as a filling for pies and pies.

How to eat apples correctly

  1. Apples should not be peeled. Wash apples thoroughly before eating and safely eat them with the peel on. It is the peel that contains most of the nutrients and vitamins.
  2. Wormy apples should not be thrown away. The areas damaged by worms are simply cut off and thrown away, and the rest is suitable for consumption.
  3. How smaller size apples, the greater the concentration of vitamins in it. So don't neglect small apples.
  4. Apple seeds contain iodine. Eating 3-6 apple seeds per day will have a very positive effect on your immunity.
  5. Apples that quickly darken at the cut site are very useful. They should be consumed first (best fresh or baked).

How to choose healthy apples

To the touch, the most healthy apples very strong and have very pleasant aroma. Apples should not have brown spots or signs of aging or physical deformation. Avoid overripe apples (usually large apples). When shopping for apples, don't hesitate to test for iron content (ask the seller to cut the apple in half and make sure it browns quickly).

Contraindications for eating apples

Any fruit, despite its benefits, has some contraindications for consumption. For example, people with stomach ulcers or gastritis should consume apples with great caution. Apples contain a certain amount of various acids that can irritate the mucous membrane. In such cases, apples should be consumed in small quantity after eating (when the stomach is not empty). For colitis and urolithiasis, apples must be pureed before consumption.

You should not consume more than 6 apple seeds per day (an excess of hydrocyanic acid is possible). Decoctions from apple leaves can provoke diabetes.

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08:09 01.01.2014

Well-known and beloved apples are not only aromatic, crispy, beautiful and tasty, but also incredibly healthy fruits.

An apple is almost 80% water, and the remaining 20% ​​includes useful substances: fiber, organic acids (malic, tartaric and citric), vitamins A, B1, B3, PP, C, as well as iron, iodine, potassium, calcium , magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, etc.

What are the benefits of apples for digestion?

Apples contain sufficient amounts of vitamin G, which promotes normal digestion and growth.
Thanks to the natural acids contained in apples, which, together with tannins, calm the fermentation processes in the intestines, apples promote natural cleansing and restoration of the intestines, relieve flatulence and bloating.
The pectin contained in apples has a gentle effect on the intestines as a laxative. Apples are used to prevent constipation. To do this, it is enough to eat one or two meals on an empty stomach in the morning. sour apples. Baked apples are also useful for combating chronic constipation.
Apples contain substances that stop the growth of cancer cells in the digestive organs and throughout the body.
Apple - low calorie product, and therefore is one of the main components of a diet for weight loss.

How are apples useful for preventing other diseases?

Iodine contained in apples more than in many other fruits, it is an excellent prevention of thyroid diseases.
Apples are rich in vitamin A, which helps prevent colds and other infections and also promotes good vision.
Apples, especially sour ones, contain a lot of vitamin C, which helps protect immune system and recovery after infections, as well as strengthening the walls of blood vessels and reducing their permeability to toxins.
Apples contain phytoncides that inhibit pathogens of influenza virus, dysentery, and Staphylococcus aureus.
The potassium contained in apples, together with tannins, prevents diseases genitourinary system, prevents the loss of salts and the development of urolithiasis.

Apples have a mild choleretic effect, thus preventing gallbladder diseases, the formation of stones and cholecystitis. Freshly squeezed apple juice is especially useful in this case.
Apples reduce blood cholesterol by up to 30%. Fruits with low sugar content are recommended for patients diabetes mellitus, since they have a beneficial effect on changes in blood sugar.
Regular consumption of apples and apple juice prevents the destruction of brain cells and memory loss.
Apples are a serious blood purifier and lymphatic system, and also have a beneficial effect at low blood pressure and prevent the hardening of blood vessels.
Apples are good for people suffering from rheumatism, gout, atherosclerosis, and skin diseases.
Apples protect teeth from decay. An apple eaten in the morning can replace traditional brushing of teeth using toothpaste or powder.

What are the benefits of apples and how to eat them?

It is optimal to consume fresh apples for health purposes. in kind, grated on a coarse grater, baked fruits or freshly squeezed juice.
The longer apples are stored, the less vitamins and nutrients they contain.
Sour and wild varieties of apples are much healthier for the body, since they contain several times more useful substances than cultivated fruits.
Fresh apples contribute to the abundant secretion of gastric juice, and therefore an apple eaten before lunch helps the body cope with digestion faster and absorb food better.

What are the benefits of apples - warnings

Apple seeds contain substances, vitamins and enzymes that prevent cancer, as well as sufficient quantity Yoda. However, abuse apple seeds It’s not worth it: they contain a small amount of a dangerous substance - hydrocyanic acid.
Apples with high sugar content can damage your dental health.
Sour varieties of apples should not be consumed by people with peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, as well as gastritis with high acidity.
