Green peas - beneficial properties. Canned green peas: benefits and harms

The nutritional value and chemical composition

Frozen peas are useful for obesity, hypertension and heart diseases. It helps slow down oncological diseases and perfectly regenerates tissue. Frozen peas contain vegetable protein, alimentary fiber, ascorbic acid, choline, retinol, biotin and B vitamins, and the chemical composition is especially rich in selenium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, etc.

100g of frozen green peas contains:

  • Proteins – 6.4.
  • Fats – 0.4.
  • Carbohydrates – 16.3.
  • Kcal – 72

Frozen green peas come in handy winter period, since it improves digestion, helps cope with fatigue, increases the tone of the body, because frozen it preserves all vitamins and mineral composition.

Read also:

Useful properties and contraindications for its use


  • The components of peas help block the entry of radionuclides and toxins into the body, and as a result, the risk of cancer and heart attack is reduced, and the aging process slows down.
  • Vegetable protein and carbohydrates, which are rich in green pea, are easily absorbed by the body, saturate it, and give a feeling of satiety. Therefore, it is included in diets for weight loss.
  • Peas contain a lot of vitamin A, which promotes metabolic processes, ascorbic acid is involved in recovery, and vitamin K helps absorb calcium and kidney function.
  • Selenium and zinc contained in peas help fight oxidative stress, so both the lens and retina of the eye are protected.
  • Eating green peas promotes tissue regeneration.
  • Nutritionists recommend eating peas for people suffering from diabetes, heart and vascular diseases.
  • In folk medicine, peas (flour) are used for boils, and a decoction of the leaves dissolves kidney stones and as a diuretic.


  • Frozen green peas should not be consumed in case of diuretic diathesis, tendency to gas formation, gout, exacerbation gastrointestinal tract, increased blood clotting.

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Green peas frozen in cooking

I would like to note that green peas were the first vegetable that was preserved in a jar. It is also a wonderful fertilizer (during growth, nodules form on the roots, accumulating atmospheric nitrogen necessary for plants).

In cooking, green peas are used in fresh, boiled, frozen and canned forms. It goes great with meat, fish, potatoes, eggs and cheese. Many restaurants prepare stews, purees and cream soups from it. Green peas are used to produce flour and cereals that are used in baking.

In winter, frozen green peas are a treasure trove. useful vitamins and minerals. It is frozen green peas that prevent the absorption of harmful cholesterol into the intestines. To prepare this vegetable for future use frozen, you need to free it from the wings, blanch it in boiling water, then dip it in cold water, put it in bags and freeze. Peas are stored at 180C for 9 months.

To prepare dishes from frozen peas, they should not be thawed. You can use it to make sauces, soufflés with rice in a slow cooker, pancakes, etc.

Not all people think that the benefits of green peas are not only to decorate Olivier salad on New Year's table. We will prove to you that peas are a completely complete and independent food product that must be included in your diet. This is extremely important for people who decide to give up food of animal origin. And do not forget that the benefits of green peas will be especially noticeable if you eat them in fresh.

Peas are a plant that has helped people cope with hunger for many centuries. And all because growing peas is not difficult. For thousands of years, the inhabitants of China, India, Rome, France and other countries have cooked and are preparing a lot from peas different dishes. At one time, not only peasants, but also representatives of the upper classes ate them with pleasure. Over such a long period, cooks have learned to successfully combine peas with many products. For example, the French kings were very happy with green peas fried in lard.

Sweet green peas appeared around the 16th century and the resourceful Dutch were among the first to master its production. In England, peas were considered a delicacy and were very expensive; after some time, they also learned to grow them. Green peas came to Russia in the 17th century, and before that other varieties of peas were known and eaten in Rus'. Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, the father of Peter the Great, loved to eat peas no less than French king. He gave his preference to pea pies and green peas with ghee.

Fresh green peas.

Everyone knows that in the summer, you almost don’t want to eat protein and heavy foods, and fresh green peas can saturate our body well. The fact is that protein, which is contained in a modest amount in peas (about 6% as a percentage), is very well absorbed along with the carbohydrates necessary for our body (11%). If you compare sprouted lentils with green peas, they are inferior in terms of the efficiency of protein absorption.

Canned peas.

Canning factories in our country were already operating in the second half of the 19th century, but canned peas were not produced then. Canned food at that time was mainly fish, later meat, and only after more than 100 years did they realize that producing canned peas was no less profitable. IN Soviet times Hardly anyone managed to overtake our country in the production of canned food. Production canned peas increased to the production of 210 million cans per year.

Every time we go to the store, we often add it to the list. necessary products green canned peas and corn. How did green peas earn our respect?

Everything is very simple, it is very convenient: you can add it to salads, use it as a side dish or make soup with it; but the main thing is that, being canned, green peas do not contain preservatives. The Latin word "conservatio" means "preservation", and not the presence or addition of preservatives, as many of us believe.

Today, canned green peas are widely used in cooking, including dietary dishes: It is eaten with potatoes and other vegetables, fish, meat, cheese, eggs, as well as with cereals and pasta.

Modern technologies make it possible to produce canned food in such a way that they retain nutritional and useful material, and most vitamins also remain intact.

Composition of green peas.

Peas contain carotene, vitamins A, C, H and group B. Peas are rich useful minerals(about 26), most of all it contains phosphorus, potassium, calcium, sulfur, magnesium, iron and chlorine. Proteins and carbohydrates are important components of green peas, as well as: fats, dietary fiber, starch and sugar. The calories in peas are about 300 kcal per 100 g, which is why peas are very filling.

In folk medicine, peas have always been considered a remedy for preventing vitamin deficiency, treating the liver and kidneys. This is facilitated by great content vegetable protein and alkaline salts.

Green pea puree has a diuretic property, it is recommended to use it for edema and the deposition of kidney stones. The anti-sclerotic effect of dishes with green peas has also been proven. In recent years, scientists have learned that peas help remove radionuclides from the body. In addition to all this, nitrates do not accumulate in peas.

Eating fresh green peas or other varieties of peas can reduce the likelihood of a heart attack, developing hypertension and cancer. At regular use This product slows down skin aging.

After a stormy holiday, canned green peas will help get rid of a hangover, as well as relieve fatigue and improve sleep.

Harm of canned green peas and contraindications.

Are canned green peas harmful? Yes, if it's spoiled or if you eat too much of it. Green peas are harmful for intestinal problems, especially if you are prone to flatulence. If you have gout, you should also monitor its consumption, however, the presence of 2-3 tablespoons of canned peas in your favorite salad is unlikely to cause an exacerbation of any diseases.

How to choose canned green peas?

The taste and quality of peas depend on its variety. Green peas of smooth-grain and brain varieties are usually used for canning. Brain peas have oval shape, it is not very large in size, but tasty and sweet, it is suitable for purees, pates and other dishes. Smooth grain peas have a round shape and are larger in size, so they are often used for making salads. When choosing green peas, pay attention to the pea variety.

Canned green peas can be served as a side dish, and even as a separate dish: they can be heated and topped with sour cream or butter. Of course, when adding peas to salads and other cold appetizers, you should not heat them.

The color of canned peas can be green or light green, olive or even yellow, but the peas must be the same color and shape. The lid on the jar of peas should not be swollen and there should be no damage to it. A slightly bulging lid indicates that oxygen has entered the jar of peas; such peas can be hazardous to health.

In addition to the peas themselves, the jar also contains so-called “juice” - it can also be used by adding it to soups, cabbage soup and borscht. It also contains a lot of useful information. This fill is usually clear, but can also be cloudy. If this is so, it means that pea starch has got into it, calm down, the quality does not decrease from this.

Experts and manufacturers of canned peas claim that the composition quality product there should be no foreign matter present. Confirmation of this should be found on the label. The more modest the composition, the better; ideally it should be: peas, water, salt and sugar. You really don't need any preservatives to make canned peas; if they are, then this only means one thing: the manufacturer’s equipment is not all right.

To obtain canned food, conscientious manufacturers try to use only best peas: not overripe, but young, juicy. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the information on the can: not only the expiration date, but also the production date. If it is the end of May or the beginning of June, then the peas are “what you need,” and if the jar is dated to the autumn or winter month, then it is easy to assume that dry peas were used for this batch, those that were previously soaked and steamed, and then preserved - after all, peas do not ripen in autumn and winter. Such a product is unlikely to retain vitamins and other beneficial features green peas, and its taste will be strongly starchy.

The expiration date and production date on jars of green peas can be stamped, but this is rather an outdated technology - all manufacturers used to do this, but today, using new equipment, the data is applied with indelible paint - only in this case can we say that the manufacturer and its products meet quality standards.

To choose canned peas good quality, choose jars with the inscription “GOST”, not “TU”. Manufacturing according to GOST is a technology and recipe for preparing canned food that has been developed over the years. You can also choose green peas by grade: first, highest, or “extra” grade - the higher the price, the better.

Homemade canned peas.

If peas have ripened on your site, and you decide to preserve them and their beneficial properties, we advise you to prepare canned green peas yourself. Peas should be removed from the pods, washed and placed in salted boiling water. Boil for 3-5 minutes, then drain the water and rinse the peas again under warm running water.

Sterilized required quantity jars with a capacity of 0.5 liters, place the peas in them and fill them with boiled brine (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water), add a little vinegar essence(1/4 tsp per jar), and seal metal lids. There is no need to wrap it up - let the jars cool down room temperature, and then put them in the refrigerator or cellar. Believe me, these home-canned peas taste just as good as store-bought ones.

And if you don’t want to bother, then just freeze fresh green peas. With this method, all beneficial properties will be most fully preserved. fresh product and him natural taste. For freezing, only tender seeds of young, slightly unripe peas should be used. Place the peeled peas into a bag and place in freezer your refrigerator. Frozen green peas will remain just as healthy as fresh if frozen immediately after harvesting. Always store this product only in the refrigerator, without allowing it to defrost, otherwise the taste will deteriorate, and along with it, the beneficial properties will go away.

Green peas are amazing product, saturated a huge amount vitamins. It is interesting that ancestors learned about its benefits much earlier than about wheat. The product was a “long-awaited guest” on the table; various medicinal products were prepared from it, and also used in home cosmetology. Many people have now forgotten the benefits of green peas, but in vain. He gives a person everything he needs to normal operation internal systems of the body.

Composition of green peas

Green peas can boast of being rich chemical composition, due to which it is so useful. It contains a large number of easily digestible proteins that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system.

Among the vitamins and minerals in the composition you can find:

B vitamins;

Ascorbic acid;

Folic acid;

Calcium and potassium;

Magnesium, iron.

Green peas also contain some rare substances:

Lysine (this is what helps prevent vascular and heart diseases);

Pyridoxine – stimulates the synthesis of amino acids;

Selenium – removes carcinogens, waste, and toxins from the body.

Green peas are characterized by low calorie content. There are no more than 248 kcal per 100 grams of fresh product. It is for this reason that it is indispensable for people watching their figure.

Green peas: benefits, medicinal properties

When summer arrives, you should definitely take the opportunity to enjoy the sweetish taste of fresh green peas. It will saturate the body with vitamins, useful microelements and other substances necessary for the normal functioning of the internal systems of the body.

Green peas: benefits of the product, therapeutic and prophylactic properties

1. The presence of nicotinic acid in the composition allows the vegetable to normalize the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. Numerous studies have proven that consuming just one handful of the product per summer season will give the required daily norm substances.

2. Green peas are an excellent tonic, so it is recommended to include them in the diet of people who regularly exercise.

3. Vegetable is one of the best products in the prevention of asthma. Its use also prevents the development of complications during attacks.

5. Green peas have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart muscle; it is recommended to include it in the diet of people suffering from vascular diseases.

6. The product must be included in the diet of people suffering from excess weight.

7. Green peas tighten the skin, restore its firmness and elasticity, and are characterized by a pronounced rejuvenating effect.

8. Bean product useful in case of malfunction genitourinary system. It is also recommended to be used for prostatitis. Amazing fact– green peas increase a person’s sexual desire.

9. The product is a natural remedy for combating constipation; it normalizes intestinal motility and removes accumulations of toxins with feces.

Green peas have invaluable benefits for the body. It is not surprising that it is very popular in folk medicine. For example, if you chop green peas and mix them with fresh raw chicken egg, you will get an excellent potion for stimulating the healing of burns, wounds, and deep cuts.

Application in home cosmetology

People often call green peas a “vitamin pill.” Not surprisingly, its rich, balanced composition provides everything for human health. The product has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Based on it, you can prepare a variety of dishes at home. nourishing masks. The main rule for preparing them is to use only young green peas.

Recipe for normal skin type

Young green peas must be dried, then thoroughly ground to flour. 1 tablespoon of the resulting powder must be mixed with the same amount of fat sour cream and chicken yolk. It is necessary that the consistency is homogeneous. Apply the mask in an even thin layer using your fingertips to the skin of the face, décolleté, and neck. After 20 minutes, the mixture is washed off with cool water. The mask allows you to improve the overall condition of the skin and restore its natural radiant shine.

Recipe for dry skin type

Young green peas (2-3 tablespoons) must be boiled, then crushed thick puree. Add a few spoons apple juice, pre-beaten yolk. The mixture is applied to the face. It is necessary to maintain it until the pea mass begins to tighten the skin. The mask is washed off with warm water. The face must be treated with baby cream.

Recipe for all skin types

It is necessary to cook puree from young green peas, as in the previous recipe. Added to it curd whey in such quantity that the mixture does not turn out too liquid. Everything is thoroughly mixed and distributed over the face. It is advisable to keep the mask for 15 minutes (no more), rinse with warm water. It is recommended to use the recipe 2 times a week to maintain the health and beauty of your face.

Recipe "Tonic"

Crush one tablespoon of canned green peas well with a fork. Boil the egg, add the prepared yolk to the mask, 1 tablespoon vegetable oil. The components are mixed until the consistency is homogeneous. It is recommended to do the mask once a week. The recipe perfectly tones, softens and moisturizes the skin.

Recipe "Rejuvenating"

Mask prepared according to this recipe, has a rejuvenating, moisturizing and nourishing effect on the epidermis. You need to boil a small piece of pumpkin, mash it into a puree and mix with two tablespoons of mashed green peas. 2 drops of vitamin A are also added there, the same amount almond oil, chicken yolk. The mask is done once a week. After several procedures, the face will look fresher, fine wrinkles will begin to smooth out.

Green peas: harm, important contraindications

Green peas can cause harm to the body, like most foods, if you do not know some contraindications to its use.

1. During pregnancy, eating the product in large quantities is strictly prohibited, as it causes severe gas formation, which negatively affects the condition. expectant mother and her children.

2. For gastritis or peptic ulcer You also need to be careful when eating green peas. The product may cause stomach discomfort.

3. Green peas should not be consumed if you have an individual intolerance to them.

In most cases, green peas cannot cause harm to the body if eaten in small quantities. Overeating any product negatively affects the functioning of the body's internal systems. Green peas are very healthy vegetable. If you learn to use it correctly for medicinal and cosmetic purposes, you can get excellent result. Health will become stronger, the skin will remain young and elastic.

Peas are one of the favorite legumes around the world. Soups and porridges are cooked from it, pies are baked with it, and it is canned. Do we often think about how useful it is and to whom it is contraindicated? Peas are in many respects superior in some properties to their counterparts - beans and soybeans. It is used in folk medicine, cosmetology and cooking. What does a pea pod contain? And in what form will peas bring maximum benefit?


Peas contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals needed by our body. He is a source of energy, strength and endurance. There are many varieties of this legume. They are usually divided into two types - sugar and peeling.

Peas are not only tasty dish, but also effective medicine from many diseases

Most often we eat dried beans and canned greens. Different types of plants are used for their production. Brain grade (refers to sugar type) is used for canning, and shelled in dry form. Their composition is different.

Table: comparison of the content of nutrients in dried and canned green peas

Substances Content in dry peas (per 100 g) Contents in canned peas (per 100 g)
Vitamin A, RE2 mcg27 mcg
Beta Carotene0.01 mg0.32 mg
Lutein and zeaxanthin- 1350 mcg
Vitamin B10.81 mg0.121 mg
Vitamin B20.15 mg0.078 mg
Vitamin B4200 mcg-
Vitamin B52.2 mg0.128 mg
Vitamin B60.27 mg0.064 mg
Vitamin B916 mcg44 mcg
Vitamin C- 9.6 mg
Vitamin E0.7 mg0.03 mg
Vitamin K- 21.4 mcg
Vitamin RR, NE6.2 mg0.732 mg
Vitamin H19 mcg-
Potassium873 mg173 mg
Calcium115 mg20 mg
Magnesium107 mg17 mg
Sodium33 mg2 mg
Phosphorus329 mg67 mg
Iron, Fe6.8 mg0.95 mg
Manganese, Mn1.75 mg0.303 mg
Copper, Cu750 mcg82 mcg
Selenium, Se13.1 mcg1.7 mcg
Zinc, Zn3.18 mg0.71 mg
The nutritional value
Squirrels20.5 g4.42 g
Fats2 g0.35 g
Carbohydrates49.5 g12.58 g
Alimentary fiber11.2 g4.1 g
Water14 g81.7 g
Energy value298 kcal69 kcal

Dried peas, in turn, contain vitamin B4 (choline). The body needs it to protect cell membranes, reduce cholesterol levels, normalize fat metabolism and metabolism in nerve tissues. Unlike green peas, dried peas have no vitamin C at all.

There is a big difference in energy value- dried peas are more than 4 times more caloric than canned green peas. The same applies to the amount of protein.


The set of vitamins puts pea beans in first place compared to whole grain bread. The micro- and macroelements contained in this legume prevent the development cardiovascular diseases and anemia, strengthen muscles and bones, normalize metabolic processes.

In one serving of pea porridge, the amount of potassium corresponds to our daily requirement.

The carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin contained in green peas are responsible for the health of the retina. These substances prevent the formation of cataracts and maintain visual acuity.

A large amount of starch makes the product indispensable for those who experience large physical exercise. It provides the necessary energy to the muscles and increases endurance.

The protein in peas is similar in amino acid composition to animal protein. The product is useful for those who limit their consumption of meat.

Regular inclusion of pea dishes in the diet reduces the risk of developing cancer. Sweet raw peas increases sexual desire in men and prevents the development of prostatitis.

Puree is useful for stomach ulcers. Flour from sprouted pea grains has been used in ancient times the best medicine for headaches. In addition, it helps with constipation.

Pea flour serves as an excellent anthelmintic.

Pea soup is no less healthy than green peas. When boiled, pea grains release all their beneficial properties if you cook them over low heat under a lid. Oddly enough, this dish is an antidepressant.

If you eat young peas along with the leaves, you can prevent myocardial infarction and hypertension. The substances contained in the milk pod strengthen the heart muscle and the walls of blood vessels.

A decoction of sprouted peas relieves pain during an attack urolithiasis and facilitates its flow. This natural medicine acts as a diuretic, removes sand from the kidneys and breaks down stones. A decoction of pea tops also works the same way.

The product is useful for weight loss. It removes excess fluid from the body, relieving swelling.

Pea oil serves as an excellent cosmetic product. With its help you can get rid of split hair.

Not all varieties of peas are equally healthy. Champion in medicinal properties considered to be raw mung bean peas. They treat tachycardia and are used in a recovery diet after myocardial infarction. Mash has a good effect on nervous system and reduces blood pressure.

The next healthiest vegetable is Oregon green peas. Yellow dried peas close the top three. As a result of drying, it loses some useful substances. In addition, its calorie content increases sharply due to high content starch.

Contraindications and possible harm

Peas are contraindicated for the following diseases:

  • gout (peas contain a large amount of purines, which increase the level of uric acid in the blood);
  • acute nephritis;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • intestinal diseases, especially inflammatory ones;
  • ulcers and gastritis (green peas are contraindicated due to their high acid content);
  • individual intolerance and allergies.

Do not abuse dishes with peas and eat too much canned product. This can lead to digestive problems, especially in people with insufficient production of digestive enzymes. Pea consumption should be limited to older people.

How many peas should a healthy person have in their diet?

In Rus', beans were used to bake pancakes, make noodles, cook jelly, and even cook pea cheese. But you cannot eat peas in unlimited quantities.

Daily value for healthy person is no more than 150 g. If you are prone to flatulence, it is better to reduce this dose to 1 tablespoon. This applies to all types of peas. It is better to include dishes from it in the menu no more than 2-3 times a week.

Nuances of use

Useful and harmful properties legumes require precautions when consumed during pregnancy, breastfeeding and for some diseases.

Peas during pregnancy

The benefits of this legume for pregnant women are undeniable:

  • a high content of folic acid contributes to the proper development of the fetus;
  • vitamin C improves the body's protective function;
  • vitamin K strengthens the mother’s bones and promotes the formation of fetal bone tissue;
  • Calcium helps maintain nails, hair and teeth in good condition.

On later Flatulence caused by this product may be uncomfortable, so its use should be limited as much as possible during this time. You should not abuse it during the entire period of pregnancy. It is permissible to include peas in the diet no more than once a week. However, it cannot be combined with bread, dairy, meat and fish dishes.

Peas and breastfeeding

There is an opinion that peas, causing the formation of gases in the intestines of a nursing woman, also have an effect on the baby. Is this so? The formation of gases is caused by a specific protein passing through the intestines, which is not absorbed by the body. And since it is not absorbed, it cannot pass into breast milk. Therefore, the child will only benefit from the peas.

The amino acid cysteine, found in peas, is involved in the production breast milk and affects its fat content. To avoid discomfort in the intestines, the beans must be soaked in water before cooking. cold water. It’s good to add dill to the dish - it will reduce gas formation. After eating you should not drink cold water.

It is not advisable for a nursing mother to eat canned green peas due to the possible content of harmful substances used in its preparation.

To test your child's reaction to pea dishes, start small - two tablespoons of soup. It must be cooked on chicken or beef broth. Eliminate smoked meats and fatty meats. If there is no negative reaction, you can eat soup or pea porridge twice a week, no more than 200 g. You can eat peas only when the baby is 2 months old.

When to introduce peas into baby food?

Valuable protein and vitamin product very useful for children. But it cannot be introduced into complementary foods until the child is 8 months old. His body does not yet have enzymes capable of breaking down such food. The first complementary food is green pea puree. It contains dietary fiber and pectin - a natural prebiotic. This dish has a good effect on the intestinal microflora and normalizes stool. Start with half a teaspoon. If everything is fine with the child, gradually increase the dose to 30 - 50 g once every three days.

Raw green peas and pea soups can be introduced into a child's diet no earlier than 1 - 1.5 years, starting with small doses and increasing them if the child responds well to this food.

Is it possible to eat peas for pancreatitis and after pancreatic necrosis?

Despite great benefit beans, during exacerbation of pancreatitis and especially during pancreatic necrosis, its use is strictly prohibited. Peas are digested by enzymes produced specifically by the pancreas. During acute diseases pancreatic function is greatly reduced, so undigested fiber can cause stomach blockage, diarrhea and vomiting.

During remission, it is permissible to consume peas, but not more than 100 g per day. In this case, before cooking, it is recommended to soak the peas in two waters (change after 2 hours), as well as a long heat treatment, during which the product must be completely boiled. Basic Rules:

  • eat a pea dish in the morning;
  • eat peas no more than 2 times a week;
  • do not combine with any other dishes;
  • Bean dishes, including canned beans, should be warm.

Peas for cholecystitis

During an exacerbation of the disease, all legumes, including peas, should be excluded from the diet. Outside of an exacerbation, it is allowed to eat pea soup. It must be cooked on a vegetable or chicken broth without smoked meats and spices. It is not recommended to eat them more than once a week.

Peas for diabetes

Peas are good for diabetics, but with some caveats. The main advantage of green peas is its low calorie content and low glycemic index(35). This means that the carbohydrates contained in it are absorbed slowly and do not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar levels. In addition, they slow down the absorption of carbohydrates from other foods taken with beans.

Eat food from dried peas, especially type 2 diabetics should use caution due to the high carbohydrate content. You can include dishes using beans no more than 2 times a week, while monitoring your blood glucose levels.

Lose weight with peas

We have already mentioned that peas have a diuretic effect and are able to remove excess fluid from the body. In addition, it is valuable for those losing weight because it contains a large amount of protein and a full range of vitamins and microelements that will not let you go to waste even on a strict diet.

There are many options for pea diets, with their help you can lose from 1.5 to 10 kg per week.

Diet - minus 7 - 10 kg in 7 days

It involves three meals a day with small portions. You can practice it for no more than a week. The strict daily menu includes:

Diet based on pea porridge - minus 3 - 5 kg in 7 days

It is acceptable to consume any juices, vegetables and fruits. A mandatory dish during the day is porridge - 200 g. Approximate diet:

  • breakfast - cottage cheese, fruit, tea or coffee;
  • snack - apple, pear or orange;
  • dinner - pea porridge+ boiled vegetables;
  • dinner - vegetable stew with fish.

Do not forget to follow the drinking regime during the diet - at least 1.5 - 2 liters of pure still water in a day.

Health Recipes

Peas can be consumed in in different forms, especially in medicinal recipes. It's in progress pea flour, mashed peas, just raw peas and even pea tops.

For heartburn

If you are suffering from heartburn, take some peas and steam them with boiling water for two hours. Softened peas just need to be chewed.

From a splenic cyst

Doctors recommend folk recipe, allowing you to get rid of the cyst. In the evening at 11 o'clock, soak 6 - 8 tablespoons of peas in cold water. At 6 a.m., drain and rinse the peas. Fill the peas with 2–3 cm of water and cook for 20 minutes. You can't add salt, but you can add parsley root. You need to eat half the serving before 7 am and the second half in the evening 3 hours before bedtime. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

For constipation

Our ancestors also used peas for long-term constipation. Peas should be ground into powder using a coffee grinder and taken 1 teaspoon daily.

For headaches

Flour made from sprouted pea grains relieves headaches.

Soak the grains in a damp cloth and leave them to germinate. Make sure the cloth is damp at all times. After the sprouts appear, dry and grind the grains. Take two teaspoons whenever pain occurs.

For obesity and urolithiasis

After flowering ends, collect shoots, leaves and pea pods, chop and place them in boiling water (a glass of water is needed for 1 tablespoon of raw material). Let the broth boil for 10 minutes, strain and cool. Take 1/3 cup per day for 2 – 3 weeks.

For furunculosis

Make a dough from water and pea flour and knead it into a flat cake. It needs to be applied to the sore spot. This remedy will reduce pain and draw out the contents of the boil.

Beauty Recipes

As cosmetic product peas give the skin all its beneficial substances. Pea flour has the following effects on the skin:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • rejuvenating;
  • emollient;
  • moisturizing;
  • smoothing.

After using the masks, acne disappears and fine wrinkles disappear.

Fresh pea mask

Mash fresh milky peas well with a fork. Before applying it to the face, the skin should be cleansed and lightly steamed. This mask should be kept on for 10 – 15 minutes. Apply 2 – 3 times a week for a course of up to 10 masks.

Anti-blackhead mask

This mask is great ambulance, if you urgently need to get rid of small pimples, redness and blackheads. Take 2.5 tablespoons of pea flour and 2 tablespoons of whey.

Whisk the ingredients until creamy and apply to cleansed skin for 20 minutes. Then just wash it off warm water, and you won’t recognize yourself!

Nourishing mask

Mix 2 tablespoons of flour with full-fat (preferably country) milk to form a creamy mass. Apply to skin and keep it until completely dry. This mask nourishes dry skin well.

Video: about the beneficial properties of peas

Every housewife has peas in her kitchen. Now, knowing about its beneficial properties, you can give up some medications and forget about many diseases. Health and bon appetit!

According to paleobotanists and historians, peas can rightfully be called the oldest crop used by humans for food. Dry fossilized peas are found in layers dating back to the Bronze Age. And thanks to the amazing unpretentiousness, friendly harvest and nutritional properties Peas quickly spread from the Middle East and Mediterranean to other regions of the world.

In Rus', peas have been grown for a long time, and in our country traditionally preference is given to shelling varieties, while in the southern regions of Europe sugar varieties are more common. At the same time, peas are rich in nutritional and biological active substances, and in some cases can be used as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. What are the beneficial properties of peas, and how the best way use them?

Composition and calorie content of peas

First of all, peas are a real storehouse of proteins, fiber and sugars.

By protein quantity and quality legume superior to beef, but easier to digest and even one and a half times more nutritious than this type of meat.

Most Valuable dietary product sugar juicy pods and peas are considered. Why is it useful? green peas in pods, and how does its composition differ from dry mature beans? Per 100 grams of peas there are about 300 kcal, and of this weight, 20.5 grams are proteins, 49.5 grams are carbohydrates, and only 2 grams are fats.

What are the benefits of peas consumed in the form of soups, cereals, canned food and salads?

  • The vitamins contained in peas include beta-carotene, vitamin A, E, H, B1 and B2, B5, B6 and B9, PP and choline.
  • The mineral composition of the fruit includes calcium, iron and zinc, copper and iodine, sodium and magnesium, phosphorus and sulfur, manganese, selenium and chromium.
  • Fresh pods contain and useful to man chlorophyll and amino acids.

Green peas, whose benefits for the body are most significant, lead in the amount of sugars, which are converted into starch when ripe.

And there are significantly fewer vitamins in dry peas than in healthy green peas in pods.

Useful properties of peas

Inclusion in the diet, the beneficial properties of which can have a beneficial effect on the performance of many systems and internal organs, becomes a serious help in providing the body with energy and combating various diseases. Even a small amount of peas in the menu have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the heart and vascular system, helps normalize blood pressure in hypertensive patients and reduce the risk of heart attack.

Dishes with the addition of legumes have a pronounced choleretic property.

No other plant can compare with peas in their ability to cope so effectively with cholesterol, which is harmful to blood vessels. Just 100 grams of green peas in pods, and the benefits are: daily dose vitamin PP, preventing asthma attacks and exacerbations of atherosclerosis becomes obvious. In addition, nicotinic acid is a natural protector of the body against cancer.

In addition, dishes made from tender green peas are an excellent preventive measure that supports the functioning of the liver, helping to overcome anemia and some heart problems. Beneficial properties of green peas traditional medicine used for diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis, diseases of the nervous and immune system, as well as the risk of developing obesity. In treatment and prophylactic and culinary purposes Not only juicy green and ripe peas are used, but also bean blades, as well as young shoots.

Made from pea greens vitamin snacks and salads.

A decoction of shoots and pods is an effective diuretic used for inflammatory processes and urolithiasis.

The benefits of peas for the body are obvious if a person has digestive problems. For example, pea mash, which does not irritate the gastric mucosa and effectively reduces acidity, will be very useful for those who suffer from peptic ulcers. And the fiber contained in green pea pods is useful if it is necessary to cleanse the intestines of toxins. Therefore, pea dishes can be safely included in the menu for those who want to lose weight and improve their health.

Pea flour is no less effective; when you consume just a spoonful of it, you can forget about constipation and sluggish digestion for a day.

Among the beneficial properties of green peas is the ability to quickly increase brain performance and supply all body systems with energy, which is extremely important for children, adolescents and people of active age. In addition to this dish fresh peas stimulate metabolic processes, activate growth and maintain muscle tone. All this is due to thiamine, which is included in vitamin composition peas

Once in the body of adult gardeners, thiamine slows down the natural aging process and becomes a natural protection of cells from adverse environmental factors.

What else is useful for green peas in pods? So this is a powerful action aimed at stopping the development of tumor processes and diseases.

Pea decoction has the ability to relieve toothache, and vitamins and microelements contained in the liquid from beans and shoots help strengthen gums and relieve inflammation. But for all the benefits fresh peas, and harm from consuming beans of this crop is possible if you do not take into account existing contraindications and the characteristics of your own body.

For headaches, pea flour will be useful, taken two tablespoons before meals. The same remedy can be used in therapy aimed at reducing sugar levels. Eating flour daily improves blood supply to the brain and metabolism. However, the benefits to the body are not limited to the effect on the functioning of internal organs. This natural source of minerals and vitamins can and should be used externally, for example, to solve cosmetic and skin problems.

Useful properties of peas in cosmetology

In this area, the benefits of green peas in pods and already mature dried grains are most obvious. Lotions with pea flour have long proven themselves as effective remedy for eczema, ulcers and inflammatory processes on the skin.

Pea flour, in equal shares mixed with milk, it is a refreshing mask that neutralizes excess activity of the sebaceous glands. If you add flour olive oil And egg yolk, then this composition will soften and nourish the skin in the autumn-winter season. The beneficial properties of green peas, mashed, depending on skin type, with sour cream or cream, help restore tone to the face and gently whiten it.

Mature women can use pea masks to relieve puffiness and restore a youthful facial contour. And green peas will help young beauties cope with acne.


Despite the presence of many beneficial properties, there are also contraindications for consuming peas and dishes made from them. Most of them are associated with the ability to cause violent gas evolution. You can soften, and in some cases completely remove, such an unpleasant effect by soaking the peas in water for a couple of hours before cooking. ordinary water. This will not affect useful qualities raw product and taste ready-made dish, but will relieve the unpleasant consequences of its use.

Adding dill or fennel seeds and herbs to the water where the beans are cooked will give the dish spicy aroma, will enhance the benefits of peas, and the harm will be neutralized.

And yet, those who suffer from acute illness will have to reduce the amount of peas in the diet or eliminate this product completely. inflammatory diseases genitourinary tract and digestion, as well as legumes can cause exacerbation of gout, cholecystitis and thrombophlebitis.

Video about the benefits of peas for the body
