What kind of salad can be made with squid simple. Squid salad. A collection of delicious and simple recipes

One day my daughter and I went shopping to the store; she was about 5 years old at the time. While I was looking around the shelves, looking for necessary products, she froze in front of the refrigerator with frozen fish. I went up to see what she was so interested in there, and my daughter, pointing her finger at the white, almost transparent carcasses of frozen squid, asked: “Mom, who is this ugly thing?” To be honest, I was hesitant to answer. And, really, who is this? Neither fish nor fowl. To tell a five-year-old child that this is a cephalopod is to say nothing. At home, we looked at the squid in the picture, and, having learned that it was also edible, my daughter made a categorical conclusion: “I will never eat it!” However, a few years later, a squid salad called “Laguna” became her favorite salad. And since then, having become interested in squids, I have learned a lot about myself useful information. It turns out that this is an incredibly valuable, dietary and beneficial product for us, which is often called a balm for the heart because of its beneficial effect on this vital organ.

And although these cute sea creatures have many opponents, the army of squid fans is constantly growing. All over the world, squids are fried, baked, stuffed, marinated and even eaten raw. Squid meat is an excellent delicacy that goes well with vegetables, cereals and fish. But most often this product is known to be used as the main ingredient for salads: boiled whole carcass, cut into strips, rings or added to salad raw.

The most tedious and tedious procedure is removing the skin from squid, which is why many housewives simply do not want to deal with them. However there is little trick, which greatly facilitates this process. To do this, pour boiling water over the squid carcass on all sides (this can also be done with frozen squid). As a result, the film rolls up almost immediately and is easily removed under cold running water. Then the chord, which is a long transparent rod, is removed. Next, the squid carcasses are boiled in salted water. There is also one point here that is undesirable to miss - the squid is cooked for no more than 3-5 minutes, or even less. Otherwise the meat will become very tough. Some housewives use the following very effective method: after the water boils, turn off the heat and immerse the squid in boiling water for literally 3 minutes. Then the carcasses are taken out, allowed to cool and cut into rings or strips.

Squid salads can be prepared “simpler” for lunch or dinner, or you can conjure up a combination of products and serve exquisite delicacy to the festive table.

2-3 squid carcasses,
300 g shrimp,
5 cherry tomatoes,
1 fresh cucumber
lettuce leaves,
2 tbsp. ketchup,
4 tbsp. mayonnaise,
salt - to taste.

Boil the squid in boiling water and cut into thin strips. Boil shrimp in salted water and peel. Cut the cherry tomatoes into quarters, and the fresh cucumber into strips. Tear the lettuce leaves into small pieces with your hands. Combine all the ingredients and season the salad with mayonnaise mixed with ketchup.

300 g squid,
2 boiled eggs,
1 onion,
100 g mayonnaise,
salt - to taste.

Rinse the squid, peel and boil in boiling water for 2 minutes. Then drain the water, cool the squid and cut into strips. Finely chop the eggs. Peel the onion, scald with boiling water and cut into strips. Mix everything, season with mayonnaise and garnish the finished salad with parsley.

100 g squid,
100 g peeled shrimp,
3 tbsp. sour cream,
½ tbsp. tomato paste,
½ lemon
40 g butter,
1 clove of garlic.
2 bay leaves,
lettuce and parsley for decoration.

Boil separately peeled shrimp (2 minutes) and squid (3 minutes) with the addition of bay leaf. Melt in a frying pan butter, add finely chopped garlic, sour cream and tomato paste. Bring everything to a boil and remove from heat. Cut the squid into rings, mix with shrimp, sprinkle with the juice of half a lemon, place on lettuce leaves, pour over the prepared sauce and garnish with parsley.

2-3 squids,
1 boiled egg,
1 onion,
1 small sour apple
100 g canned green peas,
juice of ½ lemon,
mayonnaise - to taste.

Boil the peeled squids and cut into strips. Combine them with egg and onion, add green pea, sprinkle with lemon juice and season with mayonnaise.

1 kg squid,
200 g cheese,
3 boiled eggs,
mayonnaise - to taste.

Rinse the squid, remove the film and boil in salted water (for 1 kg of squid - 2 liters of water and 15 g of salt). Cool, cut into thin strips, add eggs and grated cheese. Season the salad with mayonnaise.

200 g canned squid,
3-4 boiled potatoes,
2-3 pickled cucumbers,
100 g sour cream,
black ground pepper, salt - to taste.

Chop the canned squid and salted cucumbers straws, boiled potatoes, peeled, into slices. Mix everything, add salt, pepper, season with sour cream and stir.

500 g squid,
¼ cup rice,
2 fresh cucumbers,
1 sweet pepper,
3 bay leaves,
5 black peppercorns,
¼ cup ketchup,
200 g mayonnaise.

Boil the cleaned squid in salted water for 2 minutes with bay leaf and black peppercorns. Cool and cut into thin long strips. Combine with pre-boiled and cooled rice in salted water, add coarsely grated cucumber and finely chopped bell pepper. Mix ketchup and mayonnaise and season the salad with the resulting sauce. Place the finished dish in a salad bowl and garnish with thin slices of fresh cucumber.

300 g squid,
200 g champignons,
2 boiled eggs,
50 g butter,
200 g mayonnaise,
Salt - to taste.

Boil the squid in boiling salted water for 3 minutes, remove from the water, cool and chop finely. Fry the washed, peeled and finely chopped champignons in butter. Finely chop the eggs. Mix all ingredients, add salt and season with mayonnaise.

250 g boiled or canned squid,
300 g boiled chicken meat,
300 g pickled cucumbers,
200 g mayonnaise.

If you used canned squid for the salad, rinse and dry them a little on a napkin before cutting. Then cut all the listed ingredients into small cubes and season with mayonnaise.

200 g squid,
½ can of pitted olives
1 tomato
1 bell pepper,
3-4 cloves of garlic,
1 lemon,
3 tbsp. olive oil,
1 tbsp. mustard,
salt, herbs - to taste.

Cook the squid in boiling salted water and cut into rings. Combine lemon juice, finely chopped garlic, mustard, salt and oil. Soak the squid in the resulting marinade for 20 minutes. Cut the pepper into strips, the tomato into cubes, and the olives into quarters. Combine everything, mix and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Squid salad with seaweed

100 g squid,
1 can of canned seaweed,
1 raw carrot,
1 onion,
3 tbsp. vegetable oil,
1 tsp 3% vinegar,
salt, pepper, herbs - to taste.

Boil squid in salted water for 3 minutes. Cut them into strips, carrots into small cubes, and chop the onion. Sea kale mix with the prepared ingredients, add vinegar, salt, pepper, vegetable oil, mix and leave in a cold place for 12 hours. After the time has passed, place the finished salad in a salad bowl and garnish with parsley.

Squid salad with garlic croutons

400 g squid,
2 boiled eggs,
1 head of lettuce,
1 packet of garlic croutons,
150 g mayonnaise.

Boil the squid in boiling salted water for 3-4 minutes, cool and finely chop, also chop the eggs and lettuce. Combine all ingredients together, add to them garlic croutons and season everything with mayonnaise.

Layered squid salad

3 squids,
2 onions,
1 carrot,
250 g mushrooms,
salt, pepper, mayonnaise - to taste.

Place the first layer in a salad bowl of peeled squid, boiled in salted water for 2-3 minutes and cut into thin strips. The second - shredded and fried on sunflower oil onion along with coarsely grated carrots. Place sliced ​​and fried mushrooms in a third layer. Salt, pepper and grease each layer with mayonnaise.

500 g squid,
250 g crab sticks,
100 g red caviar,
4 boiled eggs,
1 boiled quail egg,
mayonnaise, salt - to taste.

Place the squid in boiling water for 3 minutes, cool and cut into strips. Finely chop crab sticks. Separate the whites from the yolks (no yolks will be needed). Grate the whites on a coarse grater. Mix crab sticks, egg whites, squid, caviar, salt and season with mayonnaise. Place the prepared salad in a salad bowl and garnish with caviar. Place a quail egg in the very middle of the salad; it will symbolize a pearl.

4 boiled squids,
150 g smoked pink salmon,
5 boiled eggs,
1 onion,
1 bunch of greens,
150 g mayonnaise.

Cut the squid, fish and egg into strips. Cut the onion into half rings and pour boiling water over it. Combine all the ingredients together, add mayonnaise, mix and place in a heap on a dish. Decorate the finished salad with herbs.

Spicy squid salad

400 g squid,
1 can of canned red beans,
150 g Korean carrots,
5 boiled eggs,
lettuce leaves,
mayonnaise - to taste.

Boil the squid in salted water for 3 minutes, cool and cut into thin strips. Also cut the washed and dried lettuce leaves into thin strips and the eggs into cubes. Combine the chopped ingredients and add to them canned beans and carrots. Season the salad with mayonnaise, salt to taste and garnish.

3 squid carcasses,
1 jar of olives (pitted)
250 g cherry tomatoes,
1 red sweet onion,
1-2 stalks of celery,
1 bunch of parsley.
For refueling:
1 part wine vinegar,
2 parts lemon juice,
3 parts olive oil,
1 clove of garlic.

Boil the peeled squid in boiling salted water for 4 minutes. Let them cool and cut into strips. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half, cut the celery stalk into small pieces, and the red onion into half rings. Combine the prepared products together, add the herbs cut with scissors, and add the olives whole. Prepare a dressing from the above ingredients, pour it over the salad, add salt and stir. Ready salad let it brew a little in the refrigerator and serve.

Squid salad with cranberries and apples

500 g squid,
500 g sauerkraut,
1 large apple
50 g cranberries,
100 g green onions,
2 tbsp. vegetable oil,
2 tbsp. Sahara,
salt, spices, herbs - to taste.

Boil the squid for 2 minutes, cool, cut into strips, add to them sauerkraut, cranberries, pre-washed and sorted, apple cut into strips, green onions, sugar, salt, spices, vegetable oil and mix everything well.

Squid salad with walnuts and raisins

1 kg squid,
½ cup grated walnuts,
½ cup raisins,
mayonnaise - to taste.

Clean, boil the squid and chop finely. Pour boiling water over the raisins and let stand for 5 minutes, then drain the water and lightly dry the raisins. Mix squid and raisins, season with mayonnaise. Place the finished dish in a salad bowl, and sprinkle generously with chopped walnuts on top.

Squid salad with pineapple

1 kg squid,
1 can of canned pineapple,
1 can of canned corn,
5-7 boiled eggs,
¼ lemon
200 g mayonnaise.

Cut the squid and eggs boiled in salted water into strips. Add corn and chopped pineapples. Grate the zest of a lemon quarter and chop the lemon pulp with a knife. Mix all prepared ingredients and season with mayonnaise.

Wonderful squid salads - tender, tasty, nutritious! Each recipe is different from the previous one, and each is good in its own way. You can surprise and be amazed endlessly by showing creativity and limitless imagination, experimenting in their preparation.

Bon appetit and new culinary discoveries!

Larisa Shuftaykina

Good morning everybody! I continue to write a series of articles on salads. And today I present to your attention cool selection with squid. Agree that it is better to eat something that is truly healthy, tasty and also nutritious.

I already had notes on this topic before, where I shared with you all kinds of dishes and even offered lean ones made from these sea mollusks.

Oddly enough, but now squids are increasingly found on our tables, especially in holidays and at feasts. Although there’s probably something so strange about this, because if before it was almost impossible to get squid, now this overseas product is sold in every supermarket, which we happily buy, and then create various culinary masterpieces.

In most cases the most popular dishes seafood salads that can be seasoned with mayonnaise, vegetable oil or specially prepared sauce.

As always, a wide variety of recipes allows us to make any table even more chic, remember, before that I shared with you and showed such options from this sea mollusk, in which, of course, the main component was squid, as well as unusual ingredients. Because these sea “monsters” go very well with:

  • seafood;
  • Korean carrots;
  • with Chinese cabbage;
  • with prunes;
  • with fried onions and even pineapples, etc.

Don't believe me? Then take a look here at my place, by the way, I showed it there beautiful jewelry dishes, and gave a lot of necessary advice that everyone should know when dealing with these marine life. Therefore, I will not repeat myself; today I am showing you other recipes.

I’ll start with perhaps the simplest and most traditional, I would say primitive salad, so to speak a quick fix and perhaps for every day. Because, firstly, it is not difficult to prepare, and secondly, the main products are vegetables, especially since they will be used fresh, which also need to be consumed in our diet daily. I think you will agree with me!?

And another plus of this wonderful creation is that the classic never runs out. Which means you will like it too! Oh, yes, this is the only option in this post that is made without eggs.

We will need:

  • Parsley - 1 bunch
  • Squid - 0.3 kg
  • Garlic - 1 clove
  • Red onion - 1 pc.
  • Tomato - 2-3 pcs.
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp
  • Black olives - 50 g
  • Ground black pepper
  • Vinegar - 7 tbsp
  • Cucumber - 1 pc.
  • Bell pepper, red - 1 pc.
  • Lettuce leaves - 3 pcs.

Cooking method:

1. The first thing you need to do is create your own sauce, which will be the marinade for this appetizer. To do this, take a clove of garlic and parsley, chop it all with a knife. Then add olive oil.

Video on how to clean and quickly cook sea fish at home

One of the main questions and problems that novice housewives face is, of course, the question of how to properly cook squid so that it does not taste rubbery. I’ve talked about this in great detail, so I don’t want to repeat myself, but if anyone has any questions, you can watch this story from the YouTube channel:

Delicious squid salad recipe

Do you want to make this snack in an original way? Then use this cooking method. All the ingredients will need to be mixed together, seasoned with mayonnaise, and then use your ingenuity and imagination and arrange it in the form of a mound, with slices of tomatoes and herbs on top.

We will need:

Cooking method:

1. First, marinate the onion. To do this, cut it into half rings and pour boiling water over it. Add half a teaspoon of salt, 1 teaspoon of sugar and 9% table vinegar so that it marinates like this spicy marinade and so that all the bitterness and specific smell goes away.

2. Clean the carcasses and then boil them in water. Cook for 2 minutes and then immediately place in cold water.

3. Cut the cooled product into strips in the form of straws. To make this dish tasty and at the same time beautiful, cut into thin strips chicken proteins. Grate the yolks on a coarse grater and add to the bowl. WITH onions Drain the aromatic water, shake in a colander and add to a cup.

You can also cut the fresh cucumber in any way you like, or use it as a garnish when serving.

4. Season the finished dish with mayonnaise or special sauce from mustard, sour cream and lemon juice, and two chicken yolks. Season with salt and pepper. Serve with love and good mood!

Salad with fresh cucumber and egg

This is my favorite option; it is probably done by absolutely everyone who has eaten sea shellfish at least once in their life, because it great combination, cucumber is very refreshing and makes this culinary creation juicier.

We will need:

  • squid - 3 carcasses
  • cucumber - 1 pc.
  • egg - 3 pcs.
  • canned peas - 1 can
  • mayonnaise
  • lettuce leaves

Cooking method:

1. Chop the squid, not usually into strips, but into pieces.

2. Then cut the cucumber first into circles, and then make cubes from them. Leave a few circles for decoration. The eggs are also cut finely, or you can use a special vegetable cutter.

3. Add mayonnaise to squid, eggs and cucumbers, mix. Bring in the peas. And then compact this mass in a bowl or use a special mold to give the desired shape. Place the lettuce leaves, washed well under running water, on a tray.

4. Form a hill like this. This is how simple and beautiful it can be served on the table. If desired, you can add a little salt.

Appetizer of canned squid with egg and cheese

Another most famous and popular view, which is often made by students, because it only has three ingredients: squid, eggs and melted cheese. Everything is so simple that everything is already clear.

We will need:

  • canned squid – 300 g
  • processed cheese - 1 pack
  • hard-boiled egg - 2 pcs.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • mayonnaise

Cooking method:

1. Ready-to-eat canned sea ​​shellfish cut into thin bars if you don’t already have them cut in the jar.

2. Processed cheese, by the way, you can also take sausage cheese, grate.

Important! In order for the cheese to grate well without problems, you need to keep it in the freezer.

3. Peel the chicken eggs and cut them into cubes.

4. Mix the ingredients in a cup and add mayonnaise and salt. To add some piquancy, pass the garlic cloves through a press and add them there. Stir. Garnish with carrots or whatever you like.

Cooking with mushrooms

Wow, you're poofy, haha, as the Kid from the cartoon about the Barboskins says, we've reached something satisfying and unusual interesting salad with mushrooms. I often do this on festive table on New Year and Birthday. This is a wonderful dish, and... good food, which will quickly disappear on your table when guests arrive.

You won’t even think about it, but very little of the products on the list are used here, but it tastes ready-made dish it has absolutely no effect.

We will need:

  • Boiled squid – 300 g
  • Champignons – 150 g
  • Onion - 1 piece
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Dill
  • Black pepper
  • Vegetable oil
  • Mayonnaise

Cooking method:

1. Chop onions into cubes, mushrooms into in this case take the champignons, cut them into small pieces and fry with chopped onions and grated carrots in a frying pan with vegetable oil until tender. If you don’t want to bother with mushrooms, you can take ready-made pickled mushrooms in a jar or from your own

2. Cut the boiled squid into strips. Chop the dill finely with a kitchen knife. Well, get ready to mix it all up now.

3. Season with mayonnaise, salt, pepper, stir. You can decorate with pomegranate or sesame seeds.

Recipe with tomatoes and chicken

This is very much what I would say the most delicate option, which girls and women simply adore. Therefore, men, I appeal to you, prepare your wives for such a miracle with squid. They will be absolutely delighted! Simply surprise them on the spot.

We will need:

  • boiled chicken fillet - 250 g
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs.
  • Chinese cabbage - 1 pc. small
  • apple - 1 pc.
  • boiled squid - 3 pcs.
  • sour cream
  • juice of half a lemon

Cooking method:

1. Take Chinese cabbage and cut it in half, and half in half again, to make it easier to cut the leaves into strips. Chicken fillet Cut the boiled meat into cubes. But boil the squid in water and, of course, do not overcook it, otherwise it will not be soft, but rubbery.

Cut the tomatoes into cubes with a kitchen knife along with the red bell pepper. Peel the apple and cut into pieces.

2. Gently mix everything in a bowl and add salt. Sprinkle with juice by pressing on the lemon. Season with sour cream and of course mix everything.

3. Looks amazing and cool, decorate with any greenery, place in portioned bowls or bowls. Voila! Make your loved ones happy! Enjoy!

New Year's dish without mayonnaise

When the time comes for all kinds of holidays, especially the New Year, where we rest for 10 whole days, then, of course, many of us begin to think about how not to gain overweight. Therefore, I suggest you prepare a snack that does not use mayonnaise, see for yourself:

Unusual preparation with crab sticks and corn

Now I propose to conjure up another snack option; such a dish can be served for dinner or lunch. I know that many will be happy when they see this combination of products, because more and more often Russians make and use crab sticks and canned corn.

We will need:

  • boiled squid - 2 pcs.
  • egg - 2 pcs.
  • crab sticks - 1 pack.
  • canned corn - 1 can
  • greenery

Cooking method:

1. Prepare all products according to the list. Squids and chicken eggs Boil until tender and then cool. Peel the onions. Thaw the crab sticks, and pour out all the liquid from the corn, if it was in the jar.

2. For aesthetics, all ingredients are cut equally, that is, into thin strips, or even into cubes.

3. But corn is simply added))).

4. When serving, add a sprig of herbs and a spoonful of sour cream or mayonnaise so that each guest can make their own portion. Delicious discoveries to you!

Recipe for squid with apples

I saw this option once on the ONT channel, where such funny weirdos showed how to do it correctly. In general, the video is interesting, but cooking masterpiece incredibly tasty and with a sweet hint of fresh apples. For those who like to add fruit to regular salads I recommend watching this story:

Or look at my previous one and see step-by-step descriptions there.

Birthday dish with shrimp

Well, this is certainly not an option for every day and not in a hurry. After all, you also need to know shrimp and know how to cook it; in general, you need to tinker. If you don’t have time at all, then take another type and cook this one next time.

We will need:

  • boiled peeled shrimp - 500 g
  • peeled boiled squid - 500 g
  • iceberg lettuce - 1 pc.
  • green onions- bunch
  • crab sticks - 200 g
  • quail eggs - 6 pcs., you can take chicken eggs - 3 pcs.
  • mayonnaise
  • dried dill

Cooking method:

1. Boil squid in salted water until tender. Then clean and remove any excess. Cut the salad into pieces, or as you cut it regular cabbage. Next are green onions. Then crab sticks into small pieces.

2. Boil and peel the shrimp. And add them to the bowl with the rest of the ingredients. Cut the squid into strips and add it to the rest of the products. Salt and sprinkle with dill for flavor.

3. Stir and place the resulting dish on a serving bowl. Garnish with quail eggs, cutting them in half. Place into plates in portions. Drop 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise into the middle. Looks tempting and appetizing!

Vegetable salad with fried squid

Why did I nickname him and take him to original versions, all solely because the squid will not be cut, as usual, but will look like rings, and even fried in a frying pan. Imagine))). Well, plus, of course, due to the brightness of other ingredients, this salad has such festive look that I just want to put it on display in some restaurant or cafe.

You will get two servings, so if you want all the ingredients, increase them in equal proportions by 2-3 times to get a huge cup of delicacy.

We will need:

  • Squid carcass – 100 g
  • Tomatoes - 1 pc.,
  • Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Corn oil - 1 tbsp. l
  • Soy sauce - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Garlic - 2 cloves
  • Red caviar - 1 tbsp. l.
  • Lettuce leaves

Cooking method:

1. Defrost the freshly frozen carcass, rinse with water, remove the film and cut into rings. Next, chop the garlic into pieces, not small ones, cut each piece into 2-3 parts.

2. Pour 1 tablespoon into the pan corn oil and add the garlic, fry the garlic until golden color, and then remove it. Place the squid pieces in the rich oil and fry them for 2 minutes until golden brown.

3. Then pour in soy sauce, stir and fry for 2-3 minutes.

4. Cut the vegetables into thin pieces.

5. Take a serving dish and place washed lettuce leaves on it, and then chopped cucumbers and tomatoes, distributing everything evenly. Well, in conclusion, put the rings and pour the sauce from the pan. It is not recommended to add salt, as soy sauce is already quite salty.

6. Garnish the dish with red caviar. And of course, try it!

I wish you all good luck and a good day. Bye bye!

Squid salad is not only tasty, satisfying and healthy, it’s also beautiful. Such a snack will definitely be signature dish on any holiday table and always sells out with a bang. Meanwhile, there are a great many recipes for preparing such a dish. There are several dozen of them and, of course, you cannot describe all this in one article. (therefore there will be a continuation...) But there is good news, I have nevertheless chosen several of my favorite, best recipes for seafood appetizer salads for you.

Right now you will be presented with step by step recipes a few for guests with seafood, with squid.

All these snack dishes - salads with squid, which I will describe here, can be eaten both for lunch and dinner, and even in the morning. They are low in calories and very healthy.

Well, let's get started?! The most delicious squid salad recipes right now!

A quick and easy recipe for seafood and vegetables. I’ll tell you how to do it point by point so that everyone can make such a masterpiece and such a delicious treat. Let's begin!

  • 550-600 grams of squid meat (the weight of the peeled product is indicated);
  • 3 eggs;
  • one clove of garlic and one head of onion (you can omit these ingredients if you don’t like them);
  • 5-7 black pitted olives (will be used to decorate the dish);
  • a pinch of salt and pepper (if you like the taste of the salad without salt (remember, salt is contained in mayonnaise and seafood, you boil squid meat in salted water), then you don’t have to add it);
  • a little greenery for decoration (I usually take dill from the garden in the fall and summer, but here you can take anything - basil, parsley, etc.);
  • mayonnaise sauce (mayonnaise with low fat content up to 35%) - added to taste, about 3-4 tablespoons.

Squid salad - prepare the ingredients:

— we clean the seafood carcasses from the unpleasant upper mucus and skin, remove the tentacles, wash them, and boil them in salted water for 4-6 minutes from the time the water boils. We cool the carcasses, do not add anything hot to your culinary masterpiece, otherwise the taste of the finished dish will definitely not please you;

On a note! When boiling seafood, it is best to throw it into already boiling water, rather than immerse it in cold water. This will make them softer, but don't overcook them. this product, otherwise its softness will quickly turn into excessive hardness. After 10 minutes of cooking, the squids become rubbery.

- Peel the onion and garlic (if you take them). By the way, you can use only onions or only garlic to prepare this treat. Personally, I really like it with onions;

- boil the eggs, cool;

- place salt, a mixture of peppers or just ground black pepper nearby;

- get the mayonnaise;

- rinse the greens for decoration under water;

— open the canned olives and drain the yushka from them.

I describe step by step how to prepare squid salad

Cut the squid into strips or thin rings. It's whatever is convenient for you and whatever you like best. But you don’t need to chop this product too much; remember that it is the main ingredient of our snack and should be visible.

Peel the boiled eggs, grate them on a coarse grater and place exactly half of them in your salad bowl.

Add one and a half spoons of mayonnaise sauce on top of the eggs. Distribute over the entire surface of the first layer.

Place chopped squid on mayonnaise, add a little salt and pepper.

Finely chop the onion, pass the garlic through a garlic press, mix these products and place in the next layer. Let me remind you once again, you can take one thing that you like best, or you can completely exclude these ingredients.

Let's decorate without it delicious dish dill (any herbs to your taste) and canned olives(black olives). We take olives without pits so that they are convenient to eat along with an appetizer, and if desired, when decorating your dish, this product can be used either whole or cut in half into several parts. I usually post them whole, so that those who don’t like olives can simply skip them.

Our yummy is ready! To start eating it, you don’t even need to wait, cooling the dish in the refrigerator. Once done, you can immediately start eating or serve an appetizer on the holiday table. Bon appetit to you and your guests.

Let me note that this dish turns out very airy and bright. Both adults and children love him very much. Mine are ready to eat it every day. Serving squid salad is best for dinner.

What products will you need:

  • 500-600 grams of squid meat (3 or 4 carcasses will be enough);
  • 4 eggs;
  • canned food sweet corn(350-400 g);
  • one carrot;
  • one onion (in summer you can replace it with a green feather onion, it creates an incredible play of color in the dish, it turns out very appetizing);
  • sauce (mayonnaise), salt, pepper, garlic to taste (I usually take a clove of garlic, you don’t need more).

Let's start assembling the squid salad:

We prepare all the ingredients according to the list above so that they are at hand.

Boil the eggs in slightly salted water for eight minutes, immediately lower them into ice water for 5 minutes, then take them out, let them cool completely, peel them and cut them into arbitrary pieces with a knife. Place the product in a bowl.

We clean the squid carcasses, put them in boiling water in the same way salt water for 4-5 no more minutes, take it out, pour it in cold water, set aside and let cool.

On a note! Many people clean squid only after they have boiled it; I recommend cleaning the carcasses for salad in advance so that they do not absorb any bitterness. If you don’t like to clean the product, you can buy it in the store already cleaned, but in this case the cost, of course, will be slightly higher.

Peel the onion, cut it, pour it in for five minutes a small amount hot water. This is necessary so that the vegetable tastes softer and not bitter. Today I took a red onion to prepare a salad; it, combined with yellow corn, red carrots, white seafood meat and an egg, looks very bright and appetizing. But you can use any onion.

We cut the cooled cooked seafood into rings, strips, you can even chop it finely in this case, and place them on a plate with the eggs.

Next comes corn. Open the jar, drain all the liquid, and turn the corn itself into a bowl with other ingredients.

Drain the water from the onion, squeeze it thoroughly with your hands and add it to the appetizer along with the garlic clove passed through the garlic clove.

We grate the carrots in Korean style or cut them into very thin strips and add them to the salad bowl.

We fill everything up mayonnaise sauce, add salt and pepper if necessary, mix and voila, our yummy is ready.

On a note! IN this recipe instead of raw carrots You can use Korean carrots, with them the taste of the dish will be more spicy, a little spicier than in our case.

We put the treats in beautiful salad bowls and you are ready to eat.

You can serve the dish either in portions (shown in the photo) or in the classic way– place everything in one large dish and place on the table, garnished with herbs or olives.

Have a nice dinner!

Salad with squid and mushrooms, tender and tasty (video recipe)

I hope you decide to cook all the dishes presented here. By the way, by the New Year there will be an opportunity to try it, if you haven’t tried it yet. I think this salad with squid will decorate your holiday table, and it certainly won’t be unnecessary.

Cook, experiment with ingredients, create your own culinary masterpiece, it's interesting. And I’ll also pick up a couple, three delicious recipes squid salad.

Good luck and all the best! Come again!

Many people wouldn’t mind enjoying a salad with squid in a cafe or restaurant, but they don’t dare prepare this delicacy themselves. Still, this is not the most common product in Russian refrigerators. Housewives are afraid of doing something wrong during cooking. Let's find out how to cook squid for salad.

Where are squids sold?

For Russia this is in some way exotic product, so you are unlikely to find them in a small store near your home. But they are always available in large supermarkets or hypermarkets. These mollusks are caught in Southeast Asia, so Russians generally only have access to frozen, canned and smoked squid.

How to choose the right squid

Buy the product in large stores that can afford quality refrigeration chambers. Moreover, in hypermarkets, buyers have the opportunity to closely examine shellfish, appearance which can tell a lot.

For example, if pieces of squid are frozen into one layer and covered with a thick crust of ice, this means that they have been defrosted and frozen again several times. Such manipulations with seafood are fraught with severe poisoning. But even if the unpleasant consequences for the stomach can be avoided, the taste of the dish will be worse than expected, and the squid will burst when cooked.

There must be meat white. The shade of the skin is unimportant - the entire range from light lilac to silver-gray is considered normal.

If you have the slightest doubt, ask for a quality certificate and inquire about the date of production of seafood and its catch.

Frozen squid is not a product that should be purchased for future use. It is better to prepare them on the day of purchase, since a household refrigerator will not provide optimal temperature frosts. In addition, during transportation from the store to home, the shellfish will have time to slightly thaw, and this is not very good.

universal method

There is a widespread belief that you definitely need to cook squid. The time recommended for this “execution” (there is no other way to call it) varies between 3-5 minutes. If you ever want to serve wrinkled pieces of rubber, be sure to do so.

After three minutes in boiling water, the squid literally They will shrink, become very dense, and it will be unpleasant to eat them.

Boil water in a saucepan. If desired, add a few grinds of black pepper and any herbs and spices you like. For beauty, you can put red paprika powder, beet juice, turmeric, curry - these ingredients will tint the meat. If you further plan to use squid in complex dishes, then adding salt is not necessary.

Place thawed squid in boiling water, wait 15-20 seconds and remove. If you are preparing carcasses, do not put them in water all at once, but boil them one at a time. Before processing the next carcass, wait until the water boils. Considering that each piece takes 15 seconds to cook, it won't take much time. Keep refrigerated boiled squid maybe two days.

If you didn’t know all this and by the time you read our article you had already started cooking squid, the time can, on the contrary, be increased to 20 minutes. Then the mollusks will become soft again, although reducing their size by half cannot be avoided, and taste qualities will not be up to par.

How to defrost and clean squid

Before preparing squid for salad, you need to defrost and clean it. You can cook them from frozen, but this will increase the cooking time and, accordingly, make the seafood “rubbery”.

Squid defrosts when room temperature. Just leave the carcass in the open air for 1-3 hours. This way, the maximum of nutrients is preserved.

Defrosting in cool (about 20 degrees) water is acceptable. But you should not use hot liquid, much less boiling water, for this purpose, otherwise the squid fillet will darken and the taste will deteriorate.

You can clean it both before (preferably) and after cooking. Hard plates and transparent cartilage should be removed from the carcass, tentacles should be removed, and the film should be removed from the mollusk.

After cooking, it will be easier to do the latter, but it may appear bad smell. The skin is also very bitter and can easily spoil the taste of the dish.

If you clean before cooking, it is more convenient to remove the film with a knife under running water. To simplify the process, first place the carcasses in a liquid heated to 60-70 degrees for about five minutes. Then the skin can be easily removed by friction, and the remains can be removed by rinsing the seafood with cold water.

Cooking squid for salad - simple methods

It is not necessary to carry out heat treatment boiling water before preparing squid for salad. They can be eaten immediately after cleaning, but in general, even for sushi, squid is processed with boiling water. We recommend doing the same.

Versatile and quick way: Boil a kettle, pour boiling water over the squid, drain the water and sprinkle the clams with vinegar.

Or place the chopped squid in a bowl, add salt, pepper (red or black), any spices or herbs you like, and a tablespoon of lemon juice or wine vinegar. Pour boiling water over the contents of the bowl and drain the water after 5 minutes.

Squid and microwave

Delicious squid from the microwave is a rarity. But this method can help out if you don’t have a stove. For example, if you are preparing a snack at work or at the cottage. We warn you that it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve softness and juiciness of seafood the first time. You will have to try several times, varying the temperature and time in search of their optimal combination.

Slice the squid until it is reduced in size by half. Arrange on a plate in one layer. Season with salt and pepper if desired. Fill the squids with water until it covers them halfway. Microwave the plate for 1-4 minutes depending on power.

You can try boiling squid in own juice. Also place them on a plate, drizzle with oil and lemon juice, sprinkle with spices, but do not add water. Microwave for 1 minute on high power.

Salad with rice and egg

Now that we have figured out how to “cook” squid soft, it’s time to move on to salad recipes.

For this hearty dish, take 2 medium onions, cut into half rings and place in a hot water. Prepare half a kilo of squid using the method described above. Cut 2 boiled eggs into strips.

Mix 3 tablespoons boiled rice, eggs, squid and onions. Add salt and pepper to taste, season with mayonnaise.

Salad with grapes and cheese

This is already more gourmet salad with squid, and the dishes should be appropriate. Therefore, take half a bunch of lettuce leaves, roughly chop or tear them, place them in a salad bowl and mix with the juice of a quarter of a lemon.

Place a squid carcass cut into thin strips, 150 grams of raisin grapes and the same amount of feta (or Adyghe) cheese cut into cubes. Add salt and mix gently, seasoning olive oil.

Holiday salad

Take 750 grams of squid (already peeled and treated with boiling water). If you cooked seafood without salt, then rub it on the inside of the carcasses and cut them into rings. Scald 3 ripe tomatoes boiling water, remove the skin and finely chop.

Pour half a glass of olive oil into a saucepan and place the squid and tomatoes in it. Add 3 chopped cloves of garlic, chopped fresh parsley and 125 ml of dry white wine. Simmer covered over low heat until soft.

You can decorate the resulting squid salad with pitted olives, cut into circles, and parsley leaves.

Diet salad

Cut 2 squid carcasses, add 1 grated apple and 200 grams of crushed apples. Season sesame oil and soy sauce.

We told you how to prepare squid for salad, and it is in the correct observance of this procedure that lies main secret dishes with these shellfish. Now you know it too. All you have to do is choose suitable recipe salad, of which there are a great variety.

Most housewives probably already have a favorite recipe for squid salad with egg. But who said that he should be alone? Squid is a tender and tasty product, you can cook anything from it, fortunately you can buy them in almost any store. Do you know that the meat of this mollusk is much healthier for humans than any other? Well that's it great occasion expand your culinary horizons. Today we’ll focus on how you can cook it with squid, and thereby please your loved ones and surprise your guests.

To prepare such dishes, squid is usually used boiled. If you don't often come across seafood, then you need to know how to prepare it properly. You need to cook the shellfish for no more than 2 minutes, the meat should become denser and whiter, but not more, otherwise the squid will become very tough and rubbery. Boil water, add salt, bay leaf, peas allspice and dip the cleaned carcass into it. Cover with a lid, after 2 minutes remove from heat and drain. You can boil several carcasses at once, then put them in a bag and put them in the freezer. If necessary, defrost as much as you need - this way you will save your precious time.


This is the easiest and fastest with egg. It can help you out when guests suddenly arrive or you don’t have much time to prepare dinner. All you need to do is have some basic ingredients in the refrigerator. This recipe is perfect base, you can add anything to it, and every time it will appear on your table new salad. Squid, egg, cucumber and a little dressing are the main ingredients. All that remains is to cut the squid into strips, cucumber and fresh onion into half rings, crumble boiled egg. A little salt and butter - the dish is ready. Pickled cucumber is also quite suitable, in this case, add a little chopped garlic and fresh dill - it will turn out tasty and aromatic.

Warm salad with peas and seafood

An excellent recipe for squid salad with egg, it can be used as a side dish or independent dish. You will need a minimum of products and some free time.

You will need:

  • 400 g peeled green peas (fresh);
  • 1 shallot (finely chopped);
  • 3 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 4 raw squid(cut into strips);
  • 50 g butter;
  • a bunch of watercress and a little parsley.

How to cook:

  1. Place the peas in salted boiling water for 3 minutes, then add salt to the water and let them cool.
  2. Marinate the squid: mix it with olive oil, the juice of half a lemon, add a little black pepper and leave for a few minutes.
  3. Heat the butter in a frying pan, add the marinated ones and fry lightly (3-4 minutes). The meat will lose its transparency and the edges will curl slightly. Now pour the peas here, keep it on the fire for a couple more minutes and remove.
  4. Line a large dish with a layer of watercress and top with a warm mixture of ingredients. Garnish with finely chopped parsley and lemon quarters. Very delicious salad ready with squid.

Italian squid salad

It can be placed on a bed of your favorite greens or freshly cooked spaghetti. It will be tasty and fresh the second day.

You will need:

  • prepared squid;
  • 2 tbsp. l. lemon juice, wine vinegar and olive oil;
  • 1 large clove of garlic (chopped);
  • 1 medium Crimean onion (finely chopped);
  • sweet red pepper (cut into strips);
  • several tomatoes (cherry tomatoes will look great);
  • 10-15 olives (cut each in half);
  • fresh herbs, ground pepper, salt.

How to cook

Cut into rings, and then mix the squid with onions, tomatoes, olives and sweet peppers, add chopped herbs. Separately, make the dressing: mix lemon juice, oil, vinegar and spices well, add garlic and pour this mixture over the dish. Ready.

Salad with fennel, squid and oranges

An interesting recipe that will refresh and fill your holiday menu. The salad will be hearty and fresh, slightly sweet and crispy.

You will need:

  • ½ kg fresh or frozen beans (boil);
  • ½ kg of boiled squid (cut into rings);
  • 2 oranges;
  • 1 small fennel (cut thinly);
  • 1 lemon, greens and small onion;
  • olive oil, wine vinegar;
  • ground pepper, salt.

How to cook

Boil and cool the beans. Add squid with onion, cut into thin half rings, and grate the zest of 1 orange. We thoroughly clean it, and then remove the films from each orange slice, add them and the fennel to the dish. Mix lemon juice, oil, vinegar and a teaspoon of mustard in a bowl, add a little salt and pepper. Pour the dressing over the salad and refrigerate for an hour. The salad will be delicious chilled; this quantity of ingredients makes 4-6 servings.

“New Year’s” with avocado

Avocado goes well with seafood and fish, so the dish will be a win-win.

You will need:

  • ½ cup rice;
  • ½ can of canned corn;
  • 300-400 g boiled squid;
  • 3-4 eggs;
  • 1 cucumber and 1 medium avocado;
  • greens, mayonnaise, half a lemon.

How to cook

Boil rice in salted water, rinse. Cut the pulp into small slices and pour in the juice of half a lemon. Cut the cucumber into noodles, chop the greens. Boil the eggs, cool and chop them and the seafood into cubes. Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, add canned corn (salt the water first). All that remains is to season our creation with mayonnaise. For decoration, you can chop a few green onions and sprinkle on top.

Salad with shrimp and squid

Another simple one quick recipe. You can season it with mayonnaise or oil, or add anything to it to your taste. It's filling, delicious, and your family is sure to love it.

You will need:

  • onion greens, parsley and fresh salad;
  • shrimps;
  • squid;
  • eggs;
  • a little lemon juice, salt, oil or mayonnaise.

How to cook

Boil eggs, shrimp and squid carcasses. Cool and peel, chop into small pieces. Add fresh herbs and salt to them. Season with oil and sprinkle lemon juice on top. Simple and tasteful.

Squid salad with potatoes and egg

Good recipe, it will turn out great and especially suitable for winter table salad. Squid, egg, pickled cucumber and boiled potatoes- an excellent combination.

You will need:

  • 2 squid carcasses;
  • 4 potatoes;
  • a couple of chicken eggs;
  • 2 cucumbers (pickled);
  • 1 medium leek, fresh dill;
  • 100 g sour cream (mayonnaise);
  • 1 tsp. mustard.

How to cook

Wash the potatoes well and boil them “in their jackets”, and hard-boil the eggs. Let it cool, peel and cut into small pieces. Chop the cucumbers into cubes, finely chop the greens and onions. Cut the boiled squid into half rings. Now mix all the ingredients and season the treat with sour cream and mustard sauce. We prepared a great dish!

Salad with apple, squid and fresh cucumber

The recipe for squid salad with egg, apple and cucumber will certainly delight your guests. It is better to take an apple that is not sweet, it will give unusual taste dish - this will be its highlight.

You will need:

  • 1-2 boiled squid;
  • 1 large apple;
  • 1-2 fresh cucumbers;
  • 2 hard-boiled eggs;
  • greens, salt and mayonnaise.

How to cook

Peel the apple and cut it into small cubes. Grind squid with egg, medium cubes - cucumber. Let's mix. Finely chop the greens, add to our dish and season with mayonnaise.

Squid and crab sticks with mayonnaise and egg

Perhaps someone will be interested in this salad, which has already become a favorite among many. Squid, egg, crab sticks and corn go well together. Children love this dish very much.

You will need:

  • canned corn;
  • boiled squid;
  • 2 eggs (boiled);
  • packaging of crab sticks (or crab meat);
  • mayonnaise, a little fresh dill.

How to cook

Everything is extremely simple: the egg, crab sticks and squid are cut into cubes. To them we add corn, finely chopped dill, and season with mayonnaise. The treat is ready.

Salad “from the Little Mermaid”

This hearty dish, with a sweetish-sour aftertaste. It will look great at any holiday; if there is a celebration planned, prepare the products in advance, then all you have to do is cut them and serve.

You will need:

  • 2 squids;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 300 g boiled chicken breast;
  • 1 large apple (not sweet);
  • small onion, greens, mayonnaise.

How to cook

Peel the apple and cut into small pieces, squid with egg and onion into half rings. Let's put everything together now. Add boiled meat (diced) and finely chopped herbs. Add a little salt and season with mayonnaise. You can decorate with herbs and apple slices.

Salad with cheese and squid

Ham and squid with cheese and egg is a good platform for cooking winter salads. Men will certainly appreciate your efforts: the dish turns out light, tasty and satisfying.

You will need:

  • 2 squid carcasses;
  • 300 g ham;
  • 200 g hard cheese;
  • 3 eggs;
  • 1 small onion;
  • mayonnaise, parsley, dill.

How to cook

Boil and peel the eggs, chop finely. Mix squid cut into half rings with egg and onion, add ham, cut into cubes. The cheese can be grated or chopped into cubes (optional). Let's not forget about greens. All that remains is to season our treat with mayonnaise.

with processed cheese

Unusual but really good recipe. Mushrooms and cheese will add flavor to the dish, and garlic will add piquancy. You will definitely like it!

You will need:

  • 400 g squid (prepared);
  • 400 g champignons;
  • 2 processed cheese;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 2 cloves garlic;
  • a handful of walnuts (kernels);
  • 2 tbsp. l. mayonnaise and sour cream;
  • dill, parsley.

How to cook

Eggs and mushrooms need to be boiled, cooled and chopped into medium cubes, half rings - squid carcasses. Let's grate the cheese, it's better to cool it first - it will be easier to grate. Now mix the squid with cheese and egg, add mushrooms and finely chopped greens. Chop the nuts and put the garlic through a press. Combine this mass with mayonnaise and sour cream - you get great sauce. Let's season our dish with it and serve it to the table.

Instead of a conclusion

Squid meat is an excellent product, it is dietary and very healthy. But remember that the taste and aroma of shellfish is very delicate and refined. It can easily be overwhelmed by other ingredients with a more pronounced taste and smell. Therefore, try to use them sparingly or avoid them altogether. We hope that our article will help you get to know seafood better and you will discover new and interesting dishes.
