Easter table menu: traditional dishes

Easter is big and Holy holiday for all Christians. And that’s why we always have a special relationship with him. Already on Friday, on the eve of the holiday, you need to prepare it and put it in the refrigerator, and on Saturday from the very early morning you need to, yes. In order to have time to take both of them to church and consecrate them, as it should be in the Christian tradition.

And in addition to these main holiday treats, on Sunday you need to prepare Easter lunch or dinner. If the whole family can gather around the table at this time, it will be simply wonderful!

There will just be an opportunity to congratulate each other on this day, to celebrate Christ, that is, to kiss three times and break Easter bread or Easter cake together.

In today’s article I want to offer you a holiday menu, that is, those dishes that can be prepared for the arrival of guests this Bright Christ's Sunday. All of them are not very complicated, they are prepared quickly, easily and simply. They can be prepared both for the holiday and subsequently, and on weekdays.

For any holiday, each housewife draws up a menu in advance, trying to take into account the status of the event, the preferences of the guests, and her personal skills.

Today we are putting together a menu for the Easter table, and therefore we would like the salads and appetizers to match this theme. So what might be included on this list?

In my opinion, it can be anything related to the theme of the holiday, that is, it can be a salad in the form of an Easter egg or a wreath, a rabbit; salads decorated with eggs, also colored food paint; salads reminiscent of the arrival of spring, that is, with images of flowers, a green lawn and butterflies, or bees, ladybugs on it.

Even if you cook your proven and favorite regular salad, then add some zest to it that suits the occasion, that is, decorate it in the form of a flower, a sun, or “plant” a bumblebee or dragonfly on it. Or just come up with a name, certainly adding a word that reminds us of such an important day, the arrival of spring, the rebirth of nature after hibernation.

Easter Bunny Salad

We will need:

  • boiled eggs - 4 pcs
  • chicken boiled breast- 1 PC
  • salted or canned cucumbers— 2 — 3 pcs
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • cheese durum varieties— 200 gr
  • mayonnaise - 200 g (or sour cream + mayonnaise 100 g each)
  • olives
  • Beijing salad
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. Cut the boiled chicken breast into small cubes, separating the meat from the bone. It is better to remove the skin so that the salad does not turn out to be too greasy.

2. Cut the onion into small cubes. To prevent it from being bitter, you can lightly fry it in vegetable oil, or place for 20 minutes in a marinade of water and a small amount of vinegar.

But if the taste of fresh onions is not scary, then you can leave it in this form.

3. Cut the cucumbers into small cubes.

4. Divide the cheese into two equal parts. Grate one of them on a coarse grater and add this part to the salad. And rub the second part on fine grater and leave for decoration.

5. Separate egg whites from yolks. Cut the yolks into small cubes and grate the whites on a fine grater.

6. Place chopped chicken breast, onion, chopped cucumbers, grated cheese and yolks into a large bowl. Add salt and pepper to taste, mix and season with mayonnaise, or mayonnaise mixed with sour cream.

Personally, I like the second option, it makes the salad lighter and less caloric. And in my opinion more delicious.

7. Large dish lay out lettuce leaves and place the resulting mass on it, giving it the shape of a rabbit.

8. Sprinkle the top first with cheese, and then with finely grated whites. Thus, we formed a rabbit fur coat.

9. Make eyes and socks from olives, and make ears from Chinese cabbage leaves.

10. Place the salad in the refrigerator for two hours to cool.

So beautiful and delicious salad we succeeded.

Or you can design the salad a little differently, where the ears are made of a pink sheet of paper.

By the way, do you know what the rabbit (hare) has to do with Easter? In general, this symbol plays one of the main roles during the holiday in Europe and America. It is he who hides multi-colored chocolate eggs. And on Easter morning, the kids need to find the rabbits' nest to find them and feast on them.

In the West, it is believed that a chicken cannot lay such beautiful colored eggs, but the magical Easter bunny is quite capable of laying such eggs.

In general, a rabbit (hare) is a symbol of fertility and wealth. And although it is not our Orthodox symbol, let there be plenty of both for all people on earth.

Salad “Easter wreath”

We will need:

  • boiled eggs - 3 pcs
  • boiled carrots - 2 pcs.
  • smoked squid – 200 gr
  • hard cheese - 150 gr
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • greens - for decoration
  • quail eggs- For decoration
  • red, black caviar - for decoration


1. Grate eggs, carrots and cheese on a medium grater.

2. Cut the squid into thin strips. IN this recipe we use smoked squid. With them the salad will turn out very aromatic and tasty. But if you were unable to buy such squids, then you can take and prepare a salad from ordinary ones, which, of course, must first be boiled.

3. Place a glass on a flat plate in the very center and begin to collect the salad in layers around it. Lubricate each layer with mayonnaise.

4. The sequence of layers is as follows - eggs, squid, carrots, cheese.

5. On top of the salad you can decorate with black and red caviar, or one of them. And also don’t forget to decorate with greenery, giving it something like a wreath.

6. Place peeled quail eggs in the center. They can be pre-painted with food paint, so the salad will turn out even more elegant and festive.

Or you can prepare such a salad using slightly different ingredients and a slightly different design. And let this video be to help you.

By the way, you can also cook. The salad is very tasty and worthy to show off on the table for a holiday of any level, including Easter. You can leave the ingredients as they are given and get a little creative with the design. And in this case, it will become a real decoration for the Sunday holiday table.

Fish holiday salad

We will need:

  • herring fillet – 150 g
  • boiled potatoes - 2 pcs
  • boiled carrots - 2 - 3 pieces
  • pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • boiled egg - 2 pcs
  • apples - 3 pcs
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs
  • mayonnaise - to taste
  • green onions
  • olives, pitted olives - for decoration


1. For the salad, you can use lightly salted herring purchased in the store, or you can pre-in this case, you can enjoy both a delicious herring and a salad from pet fish it will turn out much tastier.

Peel the herring from bones and skin and cut it into small cubes.

2. Also cut the pickled cucumbers into small cubes.

3. Grate carrots, potatoes and eggs on a coarse grater. Also grate the apples on a coarse grater and sprinkle them with lemon juice to prevent the pulp from darkening. If the apple has a thick skin, then it must first be peeled to make the salad tender.

Lemon can be squeezed directly onto the apples; if the juice remains, the remainder can be squeezed into the prepared mayonnaise.

4. Prepare a salad bowl and place all the ingredients in it in layers, first herring, then potatoes, carrots, eggs, cucumbers, apples. Spread each layer with a small amount of mayonnaise.

The salad is a little reminiscent of everyone’s favorite, there is also herring and there is fur coat, but not quite the usual one. And naturally, this salad tastes completely different!

5. For decoration, cut the black olives into slices. Green onions grind. Place a green patch along the edge of the onion salad bowl, and place two bees in the center, collecting them from olives and olives, alternating sliced ​​rings. Cut wings from a thin part of a cabbage leaf.

Place the salad in the refrigerator for two hours so that all layers are saturated with mayonnaise, then serve.

Salad "Orange Sun"

This salad will certainly lift your spirits and delight all your guests without exception.

We will need:

  • smoked chicken breast - 1 piece
  • fresh cucumber – 1 – 2 pcs
  • boiled eggs - 3 pcs
  • boiled carrots - 2 pcs
  • cheese - 100 gr
  • mayonnaise - to taste


1. Remove the skin and bone from the chicken breast, then separate the flesh into fibers or cut into small cubes.

2. Cut the cucumber into thin small strips.

3. Grate carrots and cheese on a medium grater. And grate some of the carrots on a fine grater to decorate the salad. Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Grate the whites on a coarse grater and the yolks on a fine grater.

4. Prepare a flat dish and lay out all the prepared products in layers, each of which is coated with mayonnaise.

5. Place the first layer of chicken meat, then the coarsely grated carrots. Lay out the next layer of cucumber, then cheese, whites and sprinkle with yolks on top.

6. Decorate with the leftover carrots and cucumber crust, making this cheerful sunny smiley face.

Or you can arrange the salad like this. For the rays of sunshine, we will need French fries, which you can also prepare yourself by cutting the potatoes into thin strips and frying them in vegetable oil over high heat.

Or come up with your own version of the Sun and decorate the salad to your liking.

I've come across a version of this salad where the Sun was included in. The salad is the same, but in the middle there are eyes and a mouth, and instead of rays there are chips.

So choose the design of your choice.

Salad “Daisies on the lawn”

We will need:

  • pork on the bone - 500 gr
  • smoked lard - 100 gr
  • sauerkraut - 1 kg
  • onion - 2 pcs
  • carrots - 2 pcs.
  • beets - 2 pcs.
  • bell pepper - 1 piece
  • tomato - 1 pc.
  • canned horseradish - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • parsley root - 1 pc.
  • lemon juice - 1 tbsp. spoon (or 6% wine vinegar)
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • sour cream, herbs - for serving


1. Peel one carrot, one onion and celery root and fry whole in a dry hot frying pan for 4 minutes, turning occasionally.

2. Pour 4 liters of water over the pork on the bone, bring to a boil, constantly skimming off the foam as it forms.

3. When there is no foam left, add whole fried vegetables to the pan, add a little salt, and cook for 1 hour. The broth should not turn out too salty; keep in mind that sauerkraut will also be added.

4. Grate the remaining onion and one carrot, as well as the beets. Remove the skin from the tomato, scald it with boiling water and cut into cubes.

5. In a frying pan, fry the onions with carrots and beets in oil for 4 minutes. Then pour in vinegar or lemon juice, add two to three tablespoons of broth from the boiling soup and simmer everything together for another 10 minutes.

6. Add tomatoes and simmer for another 4 - 5 minutes.

7. Cut the lard into cubes and fry it in a dry frying pan until you get cracklings. Add cabbage and cook, stirring for 6 minutes.

8. Remove the meat from the broth and boiled vegetables, strain the broth. After which, place it in vegetable stew, cabbage and meat, chopped in portioned pieces. Cook everything together for 10 minutes.

9. Add horseradish. Boil. Add salt and pepper to taste. Turn off and let stand and brew for a while.

10. Serve with sour cream and fresh herbs.

And here's another soup recipe.

Egg soup with tomatoes

My grandmother made this soup. Being very religious, she observed all fasts and celebrated all religious holidays. So she certainly prepared this simple soup for Easter. She said that she was breaking her fast with him. In fact, I don’t prepare this version of soup myself very often, but there is a tradition of adding an egg to chicken or fish soup, I just adopted it from this recipe.

And although the products do not contain meat, I included it in this section. Where else could he be placed?!

We will need:

  • eggs - 6 pcs
  • tomato - 2 pcs
  • onion - leek - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 piece
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.
  • garlic - 2 - 3 cloves
  • dill - bunch
  • vegetable oil - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • grated orange zest - a pinch (grandmother did not add this ingredient)
  • ground saffron - a pinch (or turmeric)
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. Remove the skin from the tomatoes, scald them with boiling water, cut the pulp into thin slices and remove the seeds.

2. Cut potatoes and onions into cups, smaller onions, larger potatoes. Cut the onion into rings, chop the garlic and dill.

3. In a thick-bottomed saucepan or frying pan, fry the onions and leeks in oil for about 3 to 4 minutes, until they become limp and slightly golden.

4. Pour in 1.5 liters of water, add potatoes, garlic and orange zest, as well as saffron or turmeric, salt and pepper to taste.

My grandmother did not add orange zest to her soup, this is already my find. I came across it once in one of the recipes, tried it, liked it, and have been using it in cooking ever since.

5. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes. Then add the chopped tomatoes and cook for another 10 minutes.

6. Break the eggs into a bowl, scramble them with a fork and slowly pour them into the broth, stirring vigorously so that the eggs do not form a lump, but are distributed evenly.

There is another option where the egg is not shaken, but added whole. In order to get such a soup, all the eggs must be broken one at a time into a cup, and then carefully poured into the broth. At the same time, without stirring it, in order to preserve the egg as a whole.

7. Cook for 3 - 4 minutes. Then pour into cups and add chopped herbs if desired.

Meat rolls baked with cheese and mushrooms

We will need:

  • pork loin without bone - 600 g
  • raw smoked bacon - 100 gr
  • fresh or frozen mushrooms - 200 gr
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • cheese - 150 - 200 gr
  • eggs - 2 pcs
  • garlic - 1 clove
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • breadcrumbs
  • vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. Mushrooms can be used either fresh or frozen. Champignons are perfect for this time of year. Cut them smaller and fry, adding a spoon - one and a half vegetable oil. You can use both sunflower and olive oil. Add the finely diced onion and fry everything together for 10 minutes.

Then place them on a plate to cool quickly.

2. Cut the loin into slices 1 cm thick. Then place a piece of meat on cutting board, cover with cling film so as not to damage the fibers when beating, and also so that the meat juice does not splash, and beat on both sides.

You should get a very thin layer that can be easily rolled into a roll.

Beat off every piece in this way.

3. Cut the cheese into fairly large cubes.

4. Place a piece of chopped pork on the table, add salt and pepper, and sprinkle with lemon juice.

5. Place bacon, cheese and fried mushrooms on top. Roll into a roll, being careful not to damage the flesh so that the cheese does not leak out during frying.

6. Heat the oil in a frying pan; there should be enough of it to fry the rolls on all sides.

7. Break the eggs into a bowl and beat with a fork, lightly salt and pepper. Place breadcrumbs in a separate bowl and a little flour in another.

8. Carefully take the roll, dip it first in the egg, then roll it in flour, then place it in the egg again and at the final stage roll it in breadcrumbs.

9. Then place in hot oil and fry for 15 - 20 minutes, periodically turning the rolls over for even frying on all sides.

10. Serve these rolls well, or simply with oven-baked potatoes. Or, if desired, prepare any other side dish.

Meat fillet “Surprise”

Or here’s another recipe, similar to the previous one, but with a completely different filling. The meat can be either pork or beef, but definitely sirloin.

We will need:

  • beef fillet – 1 kg
  • beef liver – 300 gr
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • egg - 1 pc.
  • canned peas - 1 can
  • butter -2 tbsp. spoons
  • vegetable oil - 3 tbsp. spoons
  • breadcrumbs - 3/4 cup
  • greenery
  • salt, pepper - to taste


1. Cut the beef into flat portion plates, beat them as thinly as possible through cling film.

2. Mince the liver and onions, add butter, salt and pepper.

3. Place the minced meat on the meat and roll it up.

4. Soak in beaten egg, bread in breadcrumbs and fry in well-heated oil in a frying pan.

5. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees, place the rolls in a mold, cover with foil and place in it. Bake until done, 30 - 40 minutes. There is no need to open the foil so that the rolls do not turn out dry.

6. Serve along with green peas, sprinkled with fresh chopped herbs. Or just put it on lettuce leaves.

Great tasty and simple recipe, which everyone will like, I’m just sure of it.

You can cook both chicken and turkey for the holiday table. And here are some recipes.

Chicken with garlic marinade, baked in the oven

I cooked this chicken recipe yesterday, so it’s still very fresh in my memory.

We will need:

  • chicken - 2 chicken legs
  • canned olives without pits - 175 g
  • lemon - 1 pc.
  • garlic - 2 heads
  • seasoning for chicken - 1 teaspoon
  • cumin - 0.5 teaspoon
  • balsamic vinegar- 1 teaspoon
  • olive oil - 2 teaspoons
  • salt, ground black pepper


1. First, we need to marinate the chicken. You can use any chicken meat. I took two legs for two servings. You can also take chicken drumsticks, and breast. Or you can divide a whole chicken into portions and use it for cooking.

2. Peel one head of garlic and press through a press. In a small bowl, mix garlic, chicken spices, cumin, salt and ground black pepper. I crushed whole peppercorns to make the flavor more substantial.

3. Add balsamic vinegar, olive oil and two tablespoons of warm boiled water. Mix. You should get a fairly thick dark brown mass.

4. Spread it on the prepared chicken pieces. Rub the mixture directly into the skin from all sides.

If you use more chicken than in my recipe, then increase the ingredients for the marinade.

5. Place the meat in a bowl, cover with a lid, and leave to marinate for 1 - 2 hours. I marinated for an hour and a half.

6. Then place the chicken in a baking dish, preferably with a lid. If there is no lid, then prepare foil.

7. Cut the lemon into small slices, into about 8 pieces and place between the meat in random order. Cut the whole head of garlic, right in its coat, across and put it in the mold.

8. Place the olives on top of all this beauty, and pour the juice from the package on top. I had 175 grams of olives in the package; if you use olives from a jar, there will be more of them. But I would put them all, since the olives turn out just great in this combination.

Also add half a glass of boiled water.

9. Cover the mold with a lid or foil and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Bake until the chicken is done. Pieces of different sizes will take different times to bake.

10. After about 25 minutes, remove the pan and pour the pan juices over the top of the chicken. Then put it back in the oven for another 20-25 minutes.

11. Take out the mold again and pierce it with a sharp knife in the thickest place chicken meat. If the chicken is ready, then light juice will be released, if not, then red juice will be released. In the second case, pour the juice over again and put it in the oven again, bake until done.

In the first case, pour in the juice, and without closing the lid, leave for another 15 minutes. Reduce the temperature to 180 degrees.

12. Then take it out, let it stand for 10 - 15 minutes and serve with any side dish.

Chicken stuffed with pancakes “Royally”

This is very interesting recipe, and it is truly festive. You'll have to tinker a little with this chicken, but the result is worth it.

We will need:

  • chicken whole carcass— 2 kg
  • onion - 1 pc.
  • mushrooms 400 - 500 gr
  • pancakes - 8 - 9 pieces
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • milk - 100 ml.
  • vegetable oil for frying - 2 - 3 tbsp. spoons


I will not describe here how to bake pancakes. Most likely everyone can do it, and if not, then there are a lot of various recipes. And also more recipes in a special section of the blog.

Let me just remind you that we can bake 9 pancakes from a glass of flour.

1. Bake pancakes and leave them to cool.

2. Wash the chicken and remove the entire skin, being careful not to damage it. Below I will provide a video on how to do this.

3. Remove the meat from the bones and twist it through a meat grinder, preparing the minced meat.

4. Cut the onion into small cubes and fry in a frying pan in vegetable oil. Then add the diced mushrooms. Mushrooms can be used either fresh or frozen. Fry everything together for 4 - 5 minutes.

5. Add minced chicken, salt and pepper to taste, and fry for another 5 minutes, then add flour to the filling, mix and fry everything together for another 2 - 3 minutes.

6. Transfer the filling to a bowl and wait until it cools. Then beat in the egg and mix. The filling is ready.

7. Place the filling on each pancake and roll it into a long roll.

8. Mix another egg with milk and coat each rolled pancake with the mixture.

9. Stuff the chicken ready-made pancakes with filling.

10. Plug all the holes with toothpicks so that nothing dries out inside during baking.

11. Coat the chicken with mayonnaise or mustard and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees. The baking time will be 1 hour.

12. Ready chicken Place the whole thing on the table. Cut across in the presence of all guests, Prepare to listen to exclamations of admiration and questions about how this can be done!

The chicken tastes simply delicious and will decorate any holiday table.

And here is the promised video. In it, the chicken is cooked without mushrooms with raw minced chicken, so the baking time will increase slightly. And it shows you how to do what if everything is not clearly written in the recipe.

By the way, I would like to redirect you to another one, from which the skin is also removed, but it is stuffed without pancakes. And it always tastes amazing too.

Grilled salmon with spicy rice

Today we took for cooking steak salmon, but in general you can take any other fish. So, for example, I prepared this recipe using catfish fillet, and it also turned out just great!

We will need:

  • salmon fillet – 400 gr
  • rice - 2 cups
  • soy sauce— 150 ml
  • balsamic vinegar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • ginger root - 20 g
  • paprika - 1 teaspoon
  • parsley - bunch
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.
  • salt, ground allspice- taste
  • lettuce leaves, fresh cucumber, cherry tomatoes - for serving


1. Wash salmon fillets and dry with paper towels. Cut it into portions, salt and pepper.

2. In a separate bowl, mix half the soy sauce with paprika and pour the resulting mixture over the fish. Leave to marinate for 1 - 2 hours.

3. Then bake the fillet on the grill, you can use the “Grill” function in the oven for this, you can bake it in a grill pan, or you can bake it on a grate on the grill.

Or you can just do it in foil in the oven.

4. Boil rice in salted water.

5. Mix lettuce leaves with chopped cherry tomatoes and cucumbers. Water olive oil.

6. Mix the ginger root, cut into small cubes, with chopped hot capsicum. Quantity hot pepper regulate it yourself. Add the remaining soy sauce and balsamic vinegar. Mix everything.

6. Place mounds of rice, salmon fillet, salad and spicy food on a plate. spicy sauce in a gravy boat.

Serve and eat with pleasure!

Cod fillet baked in the oven with cherry tomatoes

We will need:

  • cod fillet – 500 gr
  • cherry tomatoes - 200 g and one sprig with tomatoes
  • basil - bunch
  • white and black sesame seeds - for sprinkling
  • salt, pepper - to taste
  • olive oil


1. Cut the cod fillet into portions. Season with salt and pepper, let sit for a while so that the salt and pepper are absorbed into the pulp.

Just like in the previous recipe, you can use any fish fillet.

2. Grease a baking sheet with vegetable oil and place the fillet on it. Sprinkle with basil and drizzle with olive oil to prevent the fillet from burning when baking.

3. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into two halves; place them cut side down on the fish. Place a branch with tomatoes next to it; we will need it to decorate the dish.

4. Place the fish in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for 25 minutes. Remove the cherry twig after 15 minutes.

5. Place the finished fillet on a dish and place a sprig of tomatoes next to it. Sprinkle the fish with sesame seeds and garnish with fresh basil leaves.

The dish turns out incredibly beautiful, easy to prepare and very tasty!

What to bake for Easter - delicious baking recipes

An equally important symbol of the holiday is cottage cheese Easter, and on this occasion it has also already been written. Once you start choosing the recipe you like, you can break your head, all the recipes are so good and beautiful!

They also bake a variety of sweet pastries from butter yeast dough. Dough recipes can also be taken from all the Easter cake recipes proposed above.

But despite the fact that quite a lot of recipes have already been offered, today’s article also cannot do without options for the traditional Easter baking.

That’s why today’s selection is in addition to the existing recipes.

Kulich according to an old Russian recipe

We will need:

  • flour - 1 kg
  • milk - 500 ml
  • fresh yeast - 30 g
  • egg - 3 pcs
  • yolks - 4 pcs
  • butter - 200 gr
  • sugar - 200 gr
  • saffron - a pinch
  • raisins, candied fruits
  • nuts
  • ground cardamom
  • salt - a pinch


1. First you need to put a dough. To do this, dilute the yeast with warm milk and mix with half the flour. Pre-sieve the flour twice.

2. Place in a warm place for 3 - 6 hours, depending on how fresh yeast, and how warm it is in this place.

3. When the dough rises and begins to settle, add the remaining sifted flour, yolks, eggs, melted butter, sugar, cardamom, saffron and raisins.

4. Knead the dough thoroughly until it is pliable. soft consistency. Place in a bowl, cover with a towel and place in a warm place to infuse. The dough should double or triple in volume.

5. Meanwhile, prepare the molds, grease them with butter and lightly sprinkle with flour. Then shake off excess flour.

6. Place the dough into the molds, filling them halfway. Place in a warm place to rise again. When the dough doubles in volume again, that is, fills the entire volume, brush the top with egg and sprinkle with almonds and candied fruits.

7. Preheat the oven to 190 degrees and place the molds in it. Bake for about an hour. The time depends on the size of the mold.

You can check readiness with a skewer if there is no residue left on it after the puncture. batter, then the cakes are ready.

If during baking the top begins to brown too much and the cakes are not ready yet, then the top should be covered with baking paper soaked in water. Everyone’s oven has different features and anything can happen.

8. Take out the finished cakes, let them cool, placing them on their side directly in the mold, rolling them at regular intervals onto another side. Then remove from the molds and decorate as you wish. For example, you can simply sprinkle the top powdered sugar, or decorate with additional candied fruits.

You can serve and eat.

Creamy curd Easter “Limonchik”

This recipe cottage cheese Easter so simple that it does not take up much space in the description or time in preparation.

We will need:

  • pressed cottage cheese - 1.5 kg
  • butter - 200 gr
  • sugar - 200 gr
  • egg yolks - 2 pcs
  • cream - 1.5 cups
  • vanilla - a pinch
  • zest from 1 lemon


1. Mix all ingredients; you can use a blender for this.

2. Line the mold with two layers of damp gauze and place curd mass and put under load. The form can be special, that is, a bean bag, and if there is none, then you can put it in a colander. If only the bottom had holes so that there was somewhere for the liquid that would form from infusion under pressure to drain.

3. Place the mold in a bowl and, together with the pressure, put it in the refrigerator for a day.

Then serve and treat your guests!

Easter bread

Bread is an indispensable attribute of our Everyday life. Without it, not a single meal is unthinkable. Therefore, we always want Easter bread on any table, as a symbol of prosperity and well-being. When the house smells of freshly baked bread, it's always great! It is believed that this smell cleanses the home of everything bad, brings happiness and goodness to the house, and creates comfort.

Therefore, I am happy to share a bread recipe for the holiday of Easter.

We will need:

  • flour - 2.5 cups
  • cream - 0.5 cups
  • pressed yeast - 30 g
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • sugar -0.5 cups
  • butter - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • raisins - 0.5 cups
  • chopped almonds or sesame seeds


1. Warm the cream slightly and dissolve the yeast in it. Wait until they disperse.

2. Add eggs, sugar, flour and soft butter and knead the dough. Knead it for 10 - 15 minutes until a homogeneous elastic mass is obtained.

3. Add washed and dried raisins. If it is too dry, you can soak it in boiling water for 20 minutes.

4. Stir the raisins into the dough until they are evenly distributed.

5. Cover with a towel and let rise in a warm place. The volume of the dough should increase two to three times. This may take from 2 to 4 hours. The time depends on the quality of the yeast and the heat of the room in which it is located.

6. Knead the risen dough and form a loaf, you can immediately on the baking sheet. Cover it again with a napkin and set it again to rise.

7. Brush the risen loaf with egg, sprinkle with chopped almonds or sesame seeds and place in an oven preheated to 175 degrees. Bake for 40 minutes.

8. Take out the finished bread and grease it with butter, cover it with a napkin and let it stand for a while.

Then serve. As a rule, such bread does not even have time to cool down and is eaten faster. And what can we say, freshly baked homebaked bread always tastes better than store bought.

Traditional Easter lamb

We will need:

  • flour - 375 gr
  • milk - 125 ml
  • butter - 170 gr
  • sugar - 60 gr
  • dry yeast - 15 g (or 20 g fresh)
  • raisins – 150 gr
  • candied fruits – 50 gr
  • almond petals— 50 g
  • orange zest - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • rum - 0.5 cups
  • nutmeg- 0.5 teaspoon
  • vanillin - a pinch
  • salt - a pinch


To prepare Easter lamb you need a special form. You don’t see such forms on sale very often, but you can find them. But if you don’t have a mold, and you don’t plan to purchase one, then just take the dough recipe as a basis. You can bake Easter rolls and cupcakes from it, just like we did.

And the next video recipe will offer a plot on how to cook an Easter lamb or lamb without a mold.

1. A day before cooking, wash the raisins and soak them in rum. It will soak in and become very tasty.

2. To knead the dough, you first need to prepare a dough. Mix sugar and yeast in a bowl. Add three tablespoons of flour sifted twice. It is better to sift the flour all at once and then add it as needed.

3. Pour in slightly warm milk and stir until smooth. Then cover with cling film and leave for 20-40 minutes so that the dough “comes to life” and a so-called “cap” appears on its surface.

4. To knead the dough, pour the remaining flour into a large bowl, add a pinch of salt, ground nutmeg, vanillin, or you can add a bag instead vanilla sugar. Mix all dry ingredients.

5. Add the dough and orange zest. Mix with a spatula.

6. Cut the butter into small pieces in advance and let it stand until it melts slightly. Use oil with at least 82.5% fat content. Add 1/3 of the oil to flour mixture and stir.

7. Knead the dough with your hands. It will be somewhat dry, but try to knead it as it is, then all the ingredients will disperse and the dough will be as it should be.

But you can still add a couple of tablespoons of warm milk if necessary.

8. Place the dough on the work surface and knead it using the stretching method. It will crumble a little and not obey, do not pay attention to this, in the future we will introduce the remaining oil into it and it will turn out to be the desired consistency.

9. After kneading the dough for 10 minutes, place some of the butter on its flat surface, roll it into an envelope and continue kneading. Then add some more oil and repeat the procedure, and so on, until all the oil is gone and the dough becomes homogeneous. This may take 15 to 20 minutes.

Kneading at first will not be very easy; the dough is stubborn, has crumbs and does not look entirely aesthetically pleasing. Don't pay attention to this, everything is going as it should.

The dough will not be smooth and plastic, it will stick to your hands from the oil, but there is no need to add flour.

10. Stretch the dough into a flat cake and place raisins in the middle. Fold it into an envelope and continue kneading so that the raisins are evenly distributed.

11. Stretch the dough into a flat cake again and lay out candied fruits and almond petals, or one or the other, and repeat the procedure.

There was a lot of filling, which was very good; the baking was festive.

12. Grease a bowl with oil and place the dough into it. Cover with cling film and let the dough rise for 2 hours.

13. After the allotted time, the dough will double in volume, transfer it to special form in the form of lamb, which also needs to be greased with oil. Distribute it there evenly and leave for another 30 - 40 minutes so that the dough gains strength and fills all the recesses of the mold.

14. Place in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and bake at this temperature for 15 minutes. Then reduce the temperature to 160 degrees and bake for another 30 - 40 minutes until done.

15. Ready baked goods take out and grease with butter. Let cool and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

As a rule, if there are small children in the house, they are completely delighted with such wonderful and themed pastries.

Festive lamb made from yeast dough without form

And according to this recipe, you can make homemade lambs, without any special form.

A different dough recipe is offered here, and this is understandable; you will need to manually form the desired shape of lamb from it. And since there are quite a lot of their forms in the video, it’s better to see it all once than to read the description for a long time.

It’s quite easy to prepare such interesting lambs by cutting them according to a special template. And you must admit, such baked goods certainly won’t last long. The kids will steal all the lambs in just one moment. Therefore, it is better to prepare them with a reserve to please everyone.

And continuing the theme of Easter animals, the next baked goods are next.

Cookies "Easter bunnies"

Today we will prepare cookies from yeast dough. We remember that this is dough because it is alive,

Although you can also make cookies, the recipes for which I have already shared with you earlier.

We will need:

  • flour - 600 gr
  • live yeast - 40 g
  • milk - 250 ml
  • butter 82.5% - 100 g
  • egg - 2 pcs
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons
  • zest of half a lemon
  • yolk - 1 piece


1. Sift the flour into a bowl and make a well in the middle. Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of warm milk, let it disperse and pour into the middle.

2. Add melted butter, sugar, pour in the remaining milk and knead the dough. Cover it with a towel and let it rise.

3. While the dough is rising, make a template out of cardboard according to some drawing, or if you have the talent of an artist, draw it yourself.

4. Knead the finished and risen dough and knead thoroughly again. Then roll it out into a layer 1 cm thick and cut out hare figures according to the template. Add details if required. Make eyes from clove buds.

5. Place on a lightly greased baking sheet and brush with beaten egg yolk. Let the dough stand for 15 - 20 minutes, then bake in an oven preheated to 210 degrees for 15 - 20 minutes.

Ready-made “hares” can be decorated with glaze; we have already discussed how to prepare it in. And sprinkle with chopped almonds. Or you can leave it like this.

These cookies are also baked for the delight of children.

Among the traditional Easter baked goods, one can also highlight our Russian kurnik. Usually it is often baked for holidays. Today I will not describe its recipe here, since I already have a separate article on how to prepare it on my blog. Therefore, if you wish, you can click on the link and .

For Easter they also bake pretzels, buns, babkas, pies, muffins, kulebyaki, and pies. They always bake a lot and it’s delicious.

In fact, over the many years of celebrating Easter, people have accumulated many recipes for this occasion. Among them there are many very delicious dishes worthy of consideration. But unfortunately, it is impossible to describe them all within one article.

But I think that today's recipes there should also be enough to cover delicious table and celebrate this wonderful bright holiday with dignity.

I would like to congratulate you on the coming of Spring, as well as on the upcoming Happy Easter! May each of you have excellent health, prosperity and prosperity in the home, understanding and love in relationships! Joy to you and good mood!

And Bon Appetit!

Easter is one of the brightest Christian holidays. On this day the resurrection of Jesus Christ is remembered. According to the Bible, Jesus Christ was betrayed and crucified on the cross, after which he was resurrected three days later. On this day there are not only divine services, but also celebrations at the table. On the table gathered in honor of Easter, you can find a very wide variety of dishes. As a rule, every housewife puts traditional holiday dishes on it. What can you cook for Easter?

What to cook for Easter – colored eggs

This is one of the main Easter dishes, which should be present on every table. As a rule, they are colored using dyes and onion skins. This makes them very festive and will decorate any table. How to cook eggs for the Easter table.


  • Chicken eggs 10 pcs.
  • Onion peels (as much as possible).
  • Water.


  • Place the husks in a saucepan with cold water. Place on the fire, wait for the water to boil completely and keep it on the fire for another 30 minutes.
  • Cool the broth and strain it to remove any remaining husks.
  • Place the eggs in the cooled broth and place the pan on the fire. Bring the water to a boil and cook the eggs for another 10 minutes.
  • Remove the eggs from the broth and let them cool.

What to cook for Easter – Easter cake

This is also the main dish of the festive table, its symbol. There are many recipes for making Easter cake. Dried fruits, various spices and additives are also added to it. Here is one of the most common holiday cake recipes.


  • Wheat flour 700-800 gr.
  • Eggs 6 pcs.
  • Milk 0.5 l.
  • Sugar 350 gr.
  • Powdered sugar 100 gr.
  • Dry yeast 1 tbsp. l..
  • Raisins 100 gr. (you can take other dried fruits)
  • Vanillin 1 pinch.
  • Butter 200 gr.
  • Lemon 1 pc.


  • Add yeast to warm milk and mix everything thoroughly. Sift the flour and divide it into two parts. Place the first part in milk with yeast and mix everything thoroughly. Cover the container containing all the ingredients with a lid and leave it warm for 30 minutes. During this time, the dough should double in size.
  • Separate the eggs and yolks and melt the butter. The yolks need to be mixed with sugar, vanillin and melted butter added. The entire mixture must be added to the dough obtained in the previous step.
  • After the yolks have been added, you need to gradually add the whites mixed with salt.
  • Add the remaining sifted flour to the entire mixture and mix everything thoroughly. The resulting dough should not stick to your hands. Place the dough in a warm place for an hour.
  • Soak the raisins in warm water for 15 minutes. Then drain the water and dry the raisins. Add it to the resulting dough, mix everything and put it in a warm place again for 10 minutes.
  • Grease a baking dish with vegetable oil and place the dough in it. It should occupy no more than half of the total volume.
  • Place the baking dish in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about one hour.
  • The resulting cake can be decorated with icing, fruit or other additives.

What to cook for Easter – cottage cheese Easter

The basis of this dish is always cottage cheese. However, various dried fruits, honey, nuts and many other additives can be used as a supplement. All of them successfully complement Easter cottage cheese, which is one of the most important symbols of the festive table. Let's consider one of the most delicious recipes cottage cheese Easter.


  • Cottage cheese 500 gr.
  • Sugar 100 gr.
  • Butter 100 gr.
  • Raisins 50 gr.
  • Candied fruits 50 gr.
  • Nuts 50 gr.
  • Vanillin ¼ tsp.


  • Mash the cottage cheese thoroughly through a sieve (you can also use a blender).
  • Add sugar and vanillin to the cottage cheese. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Melt the butter and add it to the cottage cheese with sugar and vanilla. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Leave the raisins in warm water for 10 minutes and chop the nuts. Cut the candied fruits into small pieces. Add raisins, nuts and candied fruits to the cottage cheese. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Take the Easter cake pan and put the Easter cottage cheese on it. Cover it with a plate on top and apply pressure. Place the cottage cheese Easter in the refrigerator.
  • In 8-10 hours the curd Easter will be ready.

The bright holiday of Easter is great occasion for a meeting with loved ones at the festive Easter table. You can even surprise them traditional recipes, to which each housewife can add her own notes. Having prepared dishes according to the given recipes, you can be sure that absolutely everyone will like them.

The biggest Christian holiday is Easter. On this day, all believers gather in the temple for general prayer. After which everyone heads home to gather at a large table and break their fast. On this day you can eat absolutely any food. Therefore, housewives have the opportunity to prepare everything most appetizing. Let's find out what to cook for Easter.

Traditional dishes for the Easter table

Even in ancient times, Easter was celebrated on a special scale. On the tables of our ancestors, in addition to sacks and colored eggs, there were the following dishes:

  • Jellied meat and aspic,
  • Poultry baked in the oven
  • Baked pork and sliced ​​sausage,
  • Various salads,
  • Pickles,
  • Pies with delicious fillings,
  • Wine and sbitni.

In poor families, in addition to Easter cake and colored eggs, there were simple dishes on the table. However, in any case, after the family returned from the temple, the head of the family took the sacred food in his hands and walked around the table with it 3 times. After which, the family could begin the festive meal. First of all, families tasted those dishes that were sprinkled with holy water in the church.

Easter table menu 2017

All modern families prepare for Easter celebrations in advance. Therefore, the question of what dishes to prepare for Easter is decided a few weeks before the holiday. If you are also in search of new ideas, then you should remember some of our ideas.

Of course, Easter cake takes its rightful place on the holiday table. The AI ​​for its preparation can be chosen completely different recipes. But besides Easter cake, the main dishes are meat dishes.

Jellied poultry meat.

To prepare jellied meat you will need:

  • A whole rooster carcass, and a whole chicken carcass,
  • 3 packs of gelatin, 25 grams each,
  • Onions, carrots, garlic, salt and pepper.

Cooking process:

  1. Preparation of jellied meat begins on Wednesday. In the last week of Lent. The meat is soaked in plain water overnight in a large saucepan.
  2. On Clean Thursday, the water must be drained in the morning. The carcasses are washed again with water and filled with new water and cooking begins.
  3. As soon as the water boils, drain it. Then add new water and bring it to a boil again. When the meat boils, reduce the heat to low and let the meat simmer.
  4. Add: Bay leaf, carrots and a couple of large peeled onions.
  5. You need to cook until the bones fall away from the meat.
  6. Turn off the heat and let the meat cool. After that, using a slotted spoon, we take out the meat and begin to cut it, throwing aside the bones and skin.
  7. Chop, pepper the meat and place on plates.
  8. Soak for a couple of hours in a separate container instant gelatin. Then, it is poured into a pan and heated to 90 degrees.
  9. Strain the water through cheesecloth, squeeze out the garlic and pour into plates. The dish now needs to be refrigerated. Before serving, the jellied meat is decorated with sprigs of greenery.

Delicious boiled pork.

  1. To prepare the dish you will need a ham or loin. In any case, it needs to be soaked in water.
  2. Then it is worth marinating in a salt solution. The following ingredients must be present in this brine: onion, garlic, bay leaf, juniper leaves, paprika and allspice. The meat should remain in the marinade longer.
  3. After which the meat is transferred to foil and sent to the oven preheated at 200 degrees.

Chops in a frying pan.

What can you cook for Easter? This question worries many. And believe me, in this case there are many options. simple dishes which all guests will taste with pleasure.

  1. Cut the loin (chicken meat) into cutlets of the same size.
  2. Beat, pepper and salt.
  3. The meat is dredged on both sides in flour and egg.
  4. Fry in a frying pan on pork fat or vegetable oil.

Liver cake.

The most satisfying and quite tasty - liver cake will appeal to many. It's worth trying to cook it festive table.

  1. Then grind the liver in a meat grinder.
  2. To rid the liver of blood, leave it in plain water for a couple of hours.
  3. So, the liver needs to be cleansed and hard inclusions removed.
  4. Add to the resulting minced meat: seasonings, egg, flour and onion. Make some kind of pancakes from the minced meat.
  5. The pancakes are stacked like a cake. The layers between the pancakes are coated with mayonnaise, in which fried onions are added.

Marinated silver carp.

You can cook it from silver carp great snack. To prepare the dish you should prepare:

  • Silver carp fillet - 500 grams,
  • onion,
  • Allspice 3 peas and garlic a couple of cloves,
  • Apple cider vinegar 2 tbsp. spoons and vegetable oil 5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Salt 1.5 tbsp. spoons and sugar 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cooking process:

  1. The bones are removed from the fish fillet. The pulp is cut into strips 1 cm thick. Wash the fish and dry with napkins.
  2. Pour salt and sugar into the bottom of the pan where the silver carp will be marinated. Pieces of fish are placed on top. Each layer is also sprinkled with sugar and salt.
  3. Cover the silver carp with a lid. It is recommended to place the press and leave it in the cold for 5 hours.
  4. Chop and peel the garlic. Remove the fish from the refrigerator and rinse under running water.
  5. Mix vinegar and oil. Pour the mixture into a bowl. Add garlic and onions there. Place the fillet on top, stir and place in the refrigerator. The fish should stay there for 2-3 hours.

Salads for Easter.

Wondering what to cook for Easter? Then our recipes with photos will definitely come in handy. What kind of feast can you imagine without salads? That's right - none! So you can cook perfectly various salads. Of course, such traditional salads, like Olivier and herring under a fur coat. However, in addition to these salads, you can prepare something else original.

Bride salad.

The salad will require the following ingredients:

  • A couple of onions
  • Potatoes - 4 pieces,
  • Carrots - 3 pieces,
  • Beets - a couple of pieces,
  • Chicken eggs - 4 pieces,
  • Processed cheese “Druzhba” - 3 pieces.
  • Mayonnaise 200 grams or to taste.

How to cook:

  1. All vegetables are boiled and cooled.
  2. The eggs are hard-boiled in a separate bowl.
  3. The onion is cut into strips and fried in vegetable oil for 2 minutes.
  4. All vegetables are peeled and grated on a large grater. You need to do the same with eggs and cheese. Each vegetable is grated into a separate plate.

The Bride salad is laid out in layers. First - potatoes, then carrots, fried onions, mayonnaise, beets, again fried onions, again mayonnaise, grated Druzhba cheese and mayonnaise.

Decorate the sala with grated cheese or grated egg.

Salad "Spring Prize".

For the next delicious salad you will need a minimum of ingredients. Plus, it's very easy to prepare. So take:

  • A couple of tomatoes
  • Crab sticks in the amount of 200 grams,
  • Hard cheese about 200 grams,
  • Garlic 2-3 cloves.
  • Mayonnaise and herbs to taste.

Cooking process:

  1. Crab sticks must be defrosted. They are cut into cubes.
  2. Tomatoes are also cut into cubes. But they should be washed first.
  3. Wash clean greens and finely chop.
  4. Grate the cheese and garlic on a fine grater.
  5. All ingredients are placed in a bowl and mixed. Mayonnaise is used as a dressing.

On a note! There is no need to add salt to this salad.

Let's sum it up

Now you know what to cook for Easter 2017. Of course, not all dishes are found here. You can complement this table with your original recipes. And don't forget about desserts. Prepare delicious sweet dishes and surprise your family or guests with something very tasty.

Easter, one of the most soulful and family holidays, requires a special approach - you want not only the food to be tasty, but also the table to please the eye, warm the soul, and bring satisfaction to your own sense of aesthetics. Alas, it’s unlikely that anything worthwhile will turn out in a hurry - a truly beautiful Easter table can only be set if you think through all the moments in advance, because practice shows: the “on a quick fix“doesn’t bring much positivity.

It is a mistake to think that the concept of serving includes exclusively stylish dishes and well-arranged cutlery. In order for the Easter ensemble to be complete and harmonious, you need to think through everything - from the size and shape of the salad bowls to the color scheme of the festive bouquet.

To understand in what direction it is worth organizing preparations for Easter, it is convenient to divide serving issues into three main blocks: textiles and decor, dishes, and food decoration. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Textiles and decor

The first and most basic thing is no oilcloth, washed old tablecloths and a cleanly wiped but bare table. Easter is not a holiday when the lack of textiles can be masked by two floors of mayonnaise salads and hearty snacks.

If the household does not yet have a special holiday tablecloth, immediately go to the store and choose the most beautiful, most luxurious covering for dining table. Nothing can replace a crisp linen tablecloth, in every fold of which solemnity, festivity and beauty are hidden. Don’t forget that you need to buy napkins to match the canvas - multi-colored cellulose napkins, of course, can be colorful and even themed, but, perhaps, Easter is not the holiday when you can get by with a pack of paper handkerchiefs bought at the nearest supermarket.

Ribbons look very beautiful on the Easter table - you can use them to tie cutlery, tie a luxurious bow on the neck of a vase, or simply place them in decorative curls in a dish with dyes.

If you have time and financial support for your desires, you can approach the issue of serving a little more broadly - and in a general ensemble with tablecloths and napkins, select new curtains, sew covers for chairs, or even more globally - take care of the carpet to match other textiles. An ideal Easter table setting presupposes the absence of flaws and consideration of all details, even the smallest.

Candles look especially solemn on the table, and several small ones, carefully placed among plates and salad bowls, as a rule, look much more interesting than one grandiose one in the center of the table. At the same time, do not even think about placing on the table an assortment of all the candlesticks you have - accessories for candles should be selected in strict accordance with the general style of the rest of the dishes.

In addition, the Easter table can be decorated with unobtrusive decorative figures - cute little chickens next to each plate, a wreath of wooden paints and even Easter bunnies that came to us from Western culture will look appropriate, joyful and very festive.

If you wish, you can make napkin rings yourself, decorating them with Easter attributes, or put a handmade egg card on each plate, giving everyone present a portion of individual pleasantness and warm words.


The advice will sound somewhat strange, but when setting the Easter table, you should strictly ensure that all plates, salad bowls and dishes are representatives of the same set, or at least one design line of a particular manufacturer. In fact, following this recommendation is not as easy and simple as one might think - it often happens that at the last moment ideas come to put that salad on the table and cut that sausage, and then the first saucer or plate that comes along comes out of the bowels of the sideboard . Naturally, from a different set! It seems like a small thing, but it can disrupt the entire carefully constructed composition.

If you don't have enough identical plates, you can approach the task of setting the Easter table creatively and combine two different sets. Alternating, for example, sunny yellow and bright light green dishes will look not only harmonious, but also elegant for Easter. Quite non-standard colors also combine beautifully - for example, purple and green, brown and blue, red and blue.

Try to place glasses, glasses and shot glasses of the same design on the table - strict wine glasses next to glasses in ladybug They will look at least ridiculous.

Knives are a must near every plate, even if a child who has not yet learned to use cutlery will be sitting at it.

Easter dishes - decorations and decor

The traditional Easter table includes three main groups of treats: meat products, krashenki and pysanky and desserts in the form of curd paskas, Easter cakes and other rich pastries.

The idea is seditious, but reasonable: the greatest attention festive decoration It’s worth paying attention to the food that you will immediately put on the table. Typically sweet curd Easter eggs, fluffy buns, dessert pies they are served on the table last, when the overall composition has already been disrupted, the salad bowls have been rearranged according to the laws of lovely chaos, and there are crumbs and spilled wine on the tablecloths. Of course, this is not a reason to completely avoid the issue of decorating Easter desserts, however, it is still more logical to direct the bulk of the efforts to the first part of the treats, to those treats that are immediately put on the table.

Jellied meat in eggshell

In many families, when preparing for Easter, they cook jellied meat. Place the meat on plates, pour in the broth and, after it has hardened, serve it to the table - of course, it’s tasty, but it’s banal and uninteresting. It is quite possible to improve it - just think about this issue in advance and prepare empty eggshells. To leave them almost whole, before preparing any dish that includes eggs, you need to wash them thoroughly and, carefully hitting the blunt end with a spoon, remove the shell with an area of ​​1-2 square meters. With. After pouring out the contents of the shell, you need to wash its inner surface with a strong soda solution, and then rinse with running water. The molds for pouring jellied meat are ready. Worth stocking up sufficient quantity such “plates” - it’s better to have some left over than not enough.


  • 1 beef leg;
  • 0.5 kg of lean meat;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 1/2 celery root;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 parsley root;
  • 5-10 cloves of garlic.
  • salt, black allspice, bay leaf to taste.

Wash the meat, if necessary, remove excess ugly pieces. Wash the leg very carefully, scrape it with a knife and put all the richness into the pan. Fill with water and place on the stove. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam and reduce the heat to low. Periodically check the contents of the pan, removing any foam and fat protruding onto the surface of the broth, cook the jellied meat without boiling for 5-7 hours. An hour before readiness, add peeled vegetables, black and allspice. In 10 minutes, add salt and throw in the bay leaf.

Place the meat from the pan into a large bowl and wait until it cools to a comfortable temperature for your hands. Removing unnecessary fat, skins, films, sinews and bones, we disassemble the meat, divide it into small pieces and fill the eggshells to two-thirds of the volume. Squeeze a small amount of garlic into each shell, adding a tiny pinch of black if desired. ground pepper. Strain the broth and pour it over the eggs, which we place with the pointed end down in a bowl of a suitable size. Place the bowl in the refrigerator until the broth has completely hardened for 4-7 hours. Before serving, lightly beat the shells, carefully remove them and serve the cute meat “colors” made from jellied meat.

If you have a little free time and a desire to make the “eggs” even more attractive, you can put pomegranate seeds cut from boiled carrots flowers twisted from small strips of beet roses, beautiful circles of hard-boiled eggs, sprigs of dill or parsley leaves.

When setting the Easter table, serve this jellied meat on a “pillow” of greens and lettuce leaves.

Meat loaf with eggs

Meat bread is relevant always and everywhere, however, the option in which raw minced meat boiled eggs are hidden, especially conveniently at Easter: it is difficult to imagine something more beautiful and appropriate than a magnificent slice of baked meat mass, in which yellow egg “eyes” playfully wink.


  • approximately 800 g minced meat(optimally - a mixture of pork and beef);
  • 3-4 slices of yesterday's loaf;
  • 1 glass of milk;
  • 3-4 boiled eggs;
  • 3 raw eggs;
  • 4-6 strips of bacon;
  • salt, pepper to taste.

Pour warm milk over the loaf and leave for 15 minutes, then squeeze out the milk and place in a bowl with minced meat.
Mix all the above ingredients thoroughly, except the boiled eggs and bacon. If you see that the minced meat is ready to “take” a certain amount of liquid, add the milk in which the loaf was soaked.

To make the finished bread more even and neat, you can beat the minced meat - lift it high up and forcefully throw it back into the bowl. After 4-6 times you will see that the meat mass becomes more homogeneous - do not stop, ensure that the minced meat is almost elastic, pliable, soft, but not liquid.
Place the resulting mixture on a spread piece of cling film, forming an even rectangle. Place 3-4 peeled eggs in the center. Lift the edges of the rectangle, bring them together at the top, then transfer the loaf to the pan (or just onto a sheet of baking paper, carefully cover with strips of bacon.

Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 45 minutes.
Serve, sliced, after cooling completely.

If you wish, the same bread can be prepared in the form easter bunny– it is enough to give it a characteristic shape (identifying the body and head), and after baking, decorate it with carrots, boiled eggs and olives, imitating ears, nose, eyes, mustache.

Recipe meatloaf and photos taken from here - www.cristinasurdu.com/2013/03/recipe-easter-meatloaf.html

Easter wreath

An Easter wreath made from rich yeast dough can be not only a delicious dessert loaf prepared for the holiday table, but also an original “plate” for serving colored eggs and Easter eggs. Generously watered sugar icing and sprinkled with special multi-colored decor, it looks incredibly solemn, festive and elegant.


  • 500 g flour;
  • 30 g fresh yeast;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 1/3 cup sugar;
  • 150 ml low-fat cream;
  • 1/2 tsp. salt;
  • zest of 1 lemon;
  • 70 g butter.

The ingredients for the dough should be warm or room temperature. Mix milk, sugar and yeast, add a couple of tablespoons of flour from the total amount and leave for 10 minutes until the yeast begins to “play.”
Then add melted and slightly cooled butter, 1 egg, 1 white, zest, salt and the remaining flour - knead smooth elastic dough. We collect it into a ball and place it in a bowl, covering it with cling film. Leave to rise in a warm place, after doubling in size, knead and remove again to rise.

We knead the dough twice and divide it into three equal parts, each of which we form into a rope about 30 centimeters long. We lay out all three strands on a work surface dusted with flour and connect them together in the “head”. We braid it freely, which at the end we transfer to a greased (or lined with baking paper) baking sheet, in the center of which we place it upside down. We connect the ends of the “braid” into a circle and remove the glass.
Leave the wreath to proof in a warm place, covered with a towel, after half an hour, grease the surface with the remaining yolk and bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for about 30 minutes.
Decorate the finished wreath with icing and Easter decor, serve, placing the dye in the middle.


Of course, painted boiled eggs in themselves they are an excellent decoration for the Easter table, however, they can also be served in a way that will take your breath away with delight.

If you take care of the filing easter eggs right now, you will have time to grow a real “lawn”. To do this, select a suitable mold and pour universal primer into it. Wash the wheat grains in running water, remove those that float, they will be of no use. Distribute evenly over the entire surface of the soil, cover with an even piece of gauze. Watering daily, watch the wheat sprout, screaming about freshness, life and benefits. By Easter, you will just have an excellent “platform” for serving dyes, which you can add to the salad the next day.

A basket of eggs painted to match the tablecloths and napkins looks very nice. You can put several wicker salad bowls on the table and fill them with dyes of a certain color scheme. A rainbow assortment of eggs also looks good, however, you should still know a sense of proportion and not fill the basket with eggs painted in different styles.

Some eggs can simply be wrapped in multi-colored foil - not only will they look great among their “ordinary” counterparts, but they will also delight the kids with their unusual “packaging”.

“Name” eggs look very funny - all you have to do is write on each of them the name of the person who will sit at the Easter table.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Easter is the most important and joyful Christian holiday, which in 2015 we will celebrate the day after tomorrow, April 12. There is very little time left before the end of Great Lent, so you should already think about holiday menu and stock up on delicious, original and proven recipes.

According to tradition, the main symbols and treats of Orthodox Easter are Easter cake, cottage cheese Easter and painted eggs. However, every year the menu of this holiday increases and becomes more modern. cookbook"Wild" Housewives offers an original selection of traditional and modern dishes to celebrate the brightest holiday of the year - Easter.

Traditional Easter dishes


Easter cake − special kind ritual holiday bread, which is traditionally baked from yeast dough on Maundy Thursday, and on Saturday it is blessed in church. Cooking Easter cake is akin to some kind of sacrament. Its main feature is not the ingredients, but the right technology preparations. The preparation of Easter cake should be undertaken exclusively with good mood, then the Easter cake will turn out successful, and next year everything will be fine in the house.

Easter cake dough requires careful handling and is kneaded in several stages, between which it is mixed. The dough is very capricious - it does not like drafts, sudden temperature changes, loud sounds, and cannot stand haste. Easter cakes can only be baked in a well-heated oven, and they should not be disturbed during this process. You can check the readiness of the Easter cakes with a wooden toothpick, which should not leave any dough on it. The finished cake is not removed from the mold immediately, but is allowed to cool. These are, perhaps, all the basic rules that should be followed when preparing Easter cakes.

Making traditional Easter cake

1 sachet (11-12 g) dry or 50 g regular yeast mix with 500 ml of warm milk and 500 g of flour. Knead the dough and leave it to rise. Grind the yolks with 300 g of sugar until white, and beat the whites into a stiff foam. Add yolks and whites to the suitable dough, add 200 g of softened butter and knead the dough thoroughly. Then add 500 g of flour, finally knead the dough, cover it and put it in a warm place for 1 hour until it doubles in volume.

During this time, rinse the raisins, dry them, sprinkle with flour and add to the risen dough. Mix everything again and set aside for 10 minutes. Grease the molds with butter, sprinkle with flour and lay out the dough, filling the mold 1/3 of the volume. Leave the filled forms for 10 minutes so that the dough rises in them, then place in a preheated oven at 180°C for 45-50 minutes.

Prepare the glaze by whipping 2 egg whites with 100 g of sugar with a mixer into a stiff foam, and cover the finished hot cakes with it.

Preparing the royal cake

Dissolve 50 g of yeast in 200 g of cream at room temperature. Add 600 g of flour, mix and leave the dough to rise. When the dough rises, add 15 yolks, mashed with 200 g of sugar and 200 g of soft butter. Pour in 400 ml of cream and add 600 g of flour, 10 crushed cardamom grains, 50 g of almonds and 100 g of washed raisins and candied fruits. Knead the dough well and leave to rise in a warm place for two hours. Then knead it again, place it in molds, filling them to 1/3 of the volume, after greasing them with butter and sprinkling them with breadcrumbs. Let the dough rise, then place them in a preheated oven at 180°C for 45 minutes.

Cooking cottage cheese Easter

Cottage cheese Easter, along with Easter cakes, is considered the main dish of the festive Easter table. To prepare it, a special split beaker in the shape of a truncated pyramid, consisting of 4 planks, is traditionally used. The curd mass squeezed out in it takes the form of a truncated pyramid, which symbolizes the place of the crucifixion and death of Christ.

In addition to the fact that Easter cottage cheese is a symbol of Easter, it also serves as a very delicious dessert. It can be prepared in three ways: chilled and pressed, brewed and baked in the oven.

Cooking cottage cheese custard Easter

Rub 1 kg of cottage cheese through a sieve, add 200 g of soft butter and the same amount of sugar, 5 eggs, 1 teaspoon of vanillin and mix. Pour 400 ml of cream into the resulting mass and mix again. Put everything on the fire, and after boiling, cook for 3 minutes, stirring constantly until thickened. Combine the curd mass with candied fruits, nuts and raisins - there should be 100 grams of each additive. Place the dough under a weight (to drain the whey) into a bowl lined with gauze, which you place in the refrigerator for 12 hours. When the whey has drained, remove the gauze and decorate the Easter.

Preparing compressed cottage cheese Easter

Beat 200 g of cottage cheese with a blender or rub through a sieve, add 2 egg yolks, 100 g of grated butter, 0.5 teaspoon of vanillin and 100 g of sugar. Mix everything, put it in a mold, and set it under a load for a day.

Cooking baked cottage cheese Easter in the oven

Place 600 g of cottage cheese under a press to remove all excess liquid, then rub it through a sieve. Wash 50 g of raisins, mix with 40 g of starch and add to cottage cheese. Add mashed 6 yolks with 5 tablespoons of sugar to the cottage cheese and mix. Gradually add 6 egg whites, spoonful at a time, whipped to a stable dry foam with 5 tablespoons of sugar. Grease a baking dish with butter and sprinkle breadcrumbs, lay out the curd mass and bake at 190°C for 1 hour.

How to dye eggs for Easter

The egg is one of the main Easter symbols. Biblical legend says that Mary Magdalene approached Emperor Tiberius and declared that Jesus had risen! Holding out her hand to him with an ordinary egg, she said: “Now before your eyes it will turn red, which will testify to the miracle of the resurrection.” A moment later the egg turned red. Since that time, one of the main ritual attributes of Easter has been the painted red egg, which later began to be painted in other shades with iconographic and other images.

According to tradition, plain colored eggs are called krashenki, with spots applied to them - stripes, specks - krapanka, painted with patterns - pysanka.

Natural egg dyes

Traditional onion skins will color eggs Brown color, red cabbage soaked in vinegar - in Blue colour, turmeric - golden hue, spinach leaves and Birch buds - green color, infused with lemon juice dried violet flowers or dark grape juice – lavender shade. And boiled eggs natural coffee will acquire a color from pink to dark brown.

Festive dishes for the Easter table

In addition to ritual and traditional dishes, the Easter table is served with a wide variety of meat, fish and other dishes that could not be consumed during Lent. That's why all kinds of sausages, boiled pork, hams and others deli meats- This is an integral part of the festive Easter table.


Baked pork can be prepared from pork, beef, chicken and any type of meat you like. To do this, rinse the meat, pat dry with a paper towel, and rub with salt and pepper. Make cuts in the meat, stuff them with chopped garlic and place it in the refrigerator for 12 hours. Then wrap the meat tightly with foil and bake in an oven preheated to 190°C for 1-1.5 hours. Cut the chilled boiled pork into thin slices and serve on a plate.

Baked pork with mustard crust

Pork chop on the rib is one of the most valuable parts pork carcass, so you should not forget to prepare it for the table on the bright holiday of Easter. To do this, coat the pork with the rib portion with spices made from finely chopped parsley, green basil, mustard, oregano, coriander seeds, garlic, olive oil, salt and freshly ground black pepper. Make punctures in the meat, place it in a mold and refrigerate for one hour. Then wrap in foil and place in an oven preheated to 180ºC for 50 minutes.

Jelly eggs

Jelly eggs are a unique Easter treat. To prepare them, prepare eggshells in advance. To do this, do not break the eggs, but make a small hole at the blunt end through which you carefully remove the contents. Then the shell must be thoroughly washed and dried, placing the hole down.

Next, everything is very simple: prepare jellied meat according to your favorite recipe. Finely chop the meat and vegetables and pour it not into traditional plates, but into an eggshell. Then place the filled eggs on stands with the opening facing up and place them in the refrigerator to set. Before serving, peel the shell and decorate the jelly eggs with herbs and vegetables.

Grilled red fish

Delicious red fish meat diversifies the Easter holiday menu well. In addition, many celebrate this holiday outdoors, and baked grilled fish will be great treat. To do this, cut the fish into portions and marinate it for 10 minutes in finely chopped dill and squeezed lime juice. Then add salt and pepper, drizzle with olive oil, place on a wire rack and bake for 15 minutes.

These are the recipes you can prepare for Christ’s Sunday. You can find a more extensive list of traditional and modern Easter dishes on our website.

We congratulate everyone on the upcoming bright holiday of the Resurrection of Christ! May a piece of the joy that all Christian people experience on Easter stay with you throughout the year and support you in difficult times!
