Low-fat turkey meat. What is healthier, chicken or turkey?

Turkey meat has firmly entered the diet of those who watch their diet or simply prefer tasty and healthy food. Its dietary properties have long been appreciated throughout the world, and today it deservedly holds second place in the consumption of poultry meat, second only to chicken. The composition of turkey meat and its hypoallergenic nature make it possible to use it in dietary, sports or baby nutrition. But people who do not adhere to a strict diet should not give up this delicate, tasty and healthy product: it has much more benefits than potential harm.

Composition and calorie content of turkey

The popularity of turkey meat is explained not only by its taste qualities. Compared to other types of poultry, it contains much more nutrients and vitamins. First of all, it is necessary to note its unique mineral composition. Turkey meat is a real record holder for iron content - if you compare it with beef, turkey contains twice as much of this microelement. It contains minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus (its content in turkey meat is no less than in sea ​​fish). Selenium, an element that allows you to maintain youth and has antioxidant activity, also brings turkey meat to first place in terms of its content.

Another substance this product is rich in is magnesium. It has a positive effect on nervous system and it is precisely because of its high content that turkey meat is recommended for people suffering from prolonged depression, sleep and mental disorders. It is rich in B vitamins and also contains large amounts of folic and nicotinic acid.

Nutritional value of the carcass + table

The undoubted advantage of turkey meat can be called its low calorie content. One hundred grams raw meat contains only 276 kcal. Turkey meat does not contain carbohydrates, which makes it indispensable in the diet of patients diabetes mellitus. Turkey fat, despite the fact that it is much less than in any other bird, has a very low cholesterol content (only 210 mg per 100 grams of product). In addition, it contains vitamins A and E. Another advantage of this product is that the fat content of the product is low, and turkey fiber is absorbed much easier and faster than other types of meat.

Turkey meat has many beneficial properties

But when creating a menu, if accurate calorie counting is important to you, you need to remember that their quantity in different sections of the carcass is not the same.

Table: number of calories in different parts (raw meat)

A special place in a turkey carcass is occupied by the breast, which makes up about 30% of the mass of all edible parts of the bird. This is the so-called white meat. Despite the fact that it tastes a little dry, the breast is considered the healthiest part of the carcass, because it contains absolutely no fat and carbohydrates, only water and protein.


How dietary product Turkey has long been appreciated by those who watch their figure. Indeed, the minimal content of fats and carbohydrates, along with the ability of this meat to be digested by 99%, allows you to receive a limited amount of calories without experiencing hunger. But this is not the only opportunity to use the unique features of this product.

Why is it used in sports nutrition?

Turkey is the undoubted leader among people who are actively involved in sports. Its use allows not only professional athletes, but also those whose daily work involves hard physical labor to quickly restore strength after active physical activity. Another important criterion that makes turkey indispensable in an athlete’s diet is high content protein. After all, the goal of most sports diets is to provide the body with as much energy as possible. big amount protein with a minimum number of calories and, in particular, fat. Turkey breast is in this regard ideal product.

Boiled turkey breast can become an excellent alternative in an athlete's diet

In the diet of pregnant women

Nutrition in the life of a pregnant woman is one of the fundamental moments. After all, it is what she eats that the body uses as “building material” for the development of the baby. Large stock minerals and vitamins in the almost complete absence of fats make it easy to obtain the necessary supply of nutrients. In addition, turkey meat helps cope with stress and depression.

Turkey meat contains the amino acid tryptophan. It stimulates the production of endorphins - hormones responsible for a good mood.

Benefits for children

Turkey meat does not cause allergic reactions, and this property allows it to be safely introduced into the menu even for children who have a penchant for them. According to most pediatricians, meat products should be introduced into a baby’s diet from 7–8 months, and turkey breast is most suitable for this. Due to its ability to be easily absorbed in the body, it does not put much strain on the child’s not yet very developed digestive system. As a first complementary food they begin to give meat puree on the tip of a teaspoon, gradually increasing the portions. At 9 months, the daily portion should be from 20 to 40 grams, and by one year - 60–70.

Video: Dietary properties of turkey meat

Turkey or chicken - what to choose

When choosing between chicken and turkey meat, first of all you need to understand exactly what you expect from eating them and which cooking method you will choose. If we talk about calories, here turkey is ahead of chicken, although the difference between them is not so great.

Comparative table of calorie content of dishes (% of daily value)

But besides useful substances and vitamins today there is a high probability of “enriching” your diet with unwanted chemical additives. And in this case, the difference between chicken and turkey will be huge. Everyone knows that unscrupulous producers, in order to save money and quickly increase the weight of birds, can use various chemical substances and additives. Chickens are much less demanding in this regard than turkeys. The latter are very selective about feed and living conditions, which explains the higher price of their meat. But, on the other hand, this ensures that only natural feed is used when raising turkeys.

I raise turkeys myself and I know what it’s like to raise them. Turkey birds are very picky and they simply die from feed with chemicals, so everything is a natural product, that’s why the price for them is higher, especially for them, we cook potatoes, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin every day and all this with grain and mixed feed, and the chickens eat up everything that is bad, especially broilers that are used for meat, they are really much easier to raise.


Contraindications and potential harm

Turkey meat has virtually no contraindications. The only thing worth considering is that due to its high protein content, its consumption should be limited to people suffering from chronic renal failure or gout. In addition, since its fiber contains a lot of sodium, pregnant women and those suffering from high blood pressure, you should pay more attention to the amount of salt with which the dish will be flavored. It is better if it is slightly undersalted, otherwise blood pressure may increase.

How to choose

Today you can buy turkey meat at almost any retail outlet. Manufacturers provide a huge selection - you can buy a whole carcass or already divided into semi-finished products, frozen or chilled. But when purchasing meat, you should not neglect the rules known to everyone:

  • the turkey carcass, if you buy it whole, should be meaty, with thick legs and breast, there cannot be spots on its skin, and the color should remain a light, yellowish tint;
  • hole after pressing fresh meat should recover quickly;
  • It is recommended to store the chilled product in the refrigerator for no more than a day;
  • It is better to defrost the turkey immediately before cooking - when room temperature bacteria quickly begin to multiply in the carcass, which when re-freezing don't die.

What to cook with

There are many recipes and methods for cooking turkey. It can be baked, boiled, stewed, fried, prepared pates and sausages based on it, and smoked.

Turkey is ideal for cooking in a slow cooker

  • The taste of turkey is perfectly complemented by fruit. Plum, orange, tangerines, kiwi will not only add flavor to the dish fresh notes, but will also serve an excellent basis to prepare the sauce.
  • Among the herbs you can use in cooking turkey meat are thyme, thyme, cilantro, parsley, and rosemary. Fennel, celery, watercress also go well in these dishes, but red or white onion will somewhat drown out the taste of the meat itself and therefore it is better to use leeks.
  • When it comes to side dishes, it's all a matter of your preferences. Turkey goes well with potatoes, rice, stewed and baked vegetables, and legumes. When preparing dishes using turkey meat, you can only be limited by your imagination.

Video: How to cook baked turkey with potatoes

Turkey is deservedly considered one of the most dietary meat products which are presented on consumer market. By including this meat in your diet, you will not only enjoy it delicate taste, but also provide serious support for your health. Turkey meat is universal product, which is suitable for everyone - from children just starting to receive complementary foods, to athletes whose task is to quickly recover and maintain physical fitness after enormous stress. Its unique composition allows you to get even in a small portion required amount nutrients, while avoiding excess fats and carbohydrates.

Turkey is considered a healthy and dietary meat, balanced in the composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. It is low in cholesterol, easily digestible, contains valuable vitamins and microelements, does not cause allergies and is suitable for feeding newborns. - ideal meat for a home diet, so today we are going to the store or market to choose good turkey, the quality of which determines the taste, attractiveness and, of course, the benefits of dishes. I want to cook something tasty and fresh for my family. homemade food, so you shouldn’t skimp on turkey.

How to choose turkey meat by appearance

High-quality turkey has different shades of reddish color - it can be soft pink or dark red. Red meat has more protein and less fat, while light meat has the opposite, so turkey meat with pink muscle tissue is considered the best. The skin of the bird should be dry, firm and smooth, but not slippery, as this indicates the meat has been sitting on the counter too long. When feeling the carcass, press it with your finger - if the dent remains, it means that the meat is far from fresh and is not worth buying, no matter how attractive the price.

A turkey should weigh approximately 5–10 kg - it is at this weight that its meat is most delicious. The greater the body weight of the bird, the older it is, and old meat is not suitable for food, as it is too tough and dry. Turkey meat is tender and soft, but is considered immature because it is low in vitamins and nutrients.

When choosing a turkey, pay attention to the scallop and legs. The comb is usually light-colored, and the legs of the young bird are round, smooth and gray. The turkey belly is soft, moist and slightly shiny, and the carcass should be free of stains and damage, with a pleasant and fresh smell.

Which turkey meat is better: growing and storage conditions

If you have a choice, buy birds that have been raised in the wild rather than in a cage. The fact is that active movements, healthy conditions content, natural food and plenty of sun have a good effect on the taste of meat, which cannot be said about birds languishing in poultry farms. Interestingly, turkey raised in good conditions, does not lose its taste and nutritional value even with aging. It turns out that farm organic products are ideal for feeding a family.

It is difficult to choose frozen one in the store, since it is impossible to touch it and check for softness and elasticity. In this case, you will have to trust the manufacturer and not chase a cheap product, since, as a rule, it is of dubious quality. In some cases, frozen poultry can be a lifesaver, especially before the holidays, when there is pandemonium and excitement in the markets. At least American housewives are taking care in advance that they won’t be left without food on Thanksgiving Day. festive table, which is always decorated with delicious baked turkey. When buying meat in advance, be sure to check the expiration date of the product and the tightness of the packaging.

Turkeys are usually slaughtered in early autumn, so best time purchases of fresh meat - from October to December.

What parts of turkey are suitable for cooking?

Turkey thigh and drumstick are considered the most delicious and tender meat, not inferior in softness to pork, especially if baked in foil or in a sleeve. In addition, it is stuffed, stewed and made into mince for cutlets. No less tasty is the tail part of the turkey - the tail, which is also different affordable price. It is first marinated, and then stewed, fried, baked and added to soups. Turkey fillet, especially breast, is used for any dishes and is indispensable in baby food.

Fleshy turkey gizzards are suitable for aspic and roast; they are made from liver delicious pates, and the heart is added to salads and soups. The turkey wing is boiled, fried, baked and marinated, the neck is bought for jellied meat and soups, and the turkey back is rich, thick and aromatic broths. For baking, take a gutted half carcass and a carcass, which is stuffed with vegetables, fruits, nuts and rice.

Capricious gourmets believe that the best are grown only in North America and Canada. However, you can buy good poultry from us if you know the places and understand the intricacies the right choice. Over time, experience will come, and you will learn to accurately identify good turkey meat, which produces tasty, nutritious and healthy dishes For big family. Cook turkey in different ways and share recipes with readers of the “Eat at Home” website!

You can increasingly find turkey meat on supermarket shelves. It is presented in the form of whole carcasses, packaged parts of meat, breasts, wings, thighs and, of course, minced. Buyers have begun to increasingly prefer turkey meat over chicken, although the price is much higher. This is explained by the fact that turkey meat has a large number of beneficial properties and is very beneficial for the human body.

Protein can be found in all types of food, including fish, eggs, milk and vegetables, but turkey meat is a particularly good source.

What is healthy about turkey meat, how healthy and harmful it is, now we will look into this in more detail.

Nutrients in turkey

Turkeys are a common species of poultry from the chicken and pheasant family, which is descended from the wild turkey. The bird has a varied diet, eating grass, clover, alfalfa, berries, plant and tree seeds, acorns, beetles and grasshoppers. Therefore, meat has great nutritional value and, accordingly, is very useful for humans. By including it in our diet, we saturate the body with vital substances.

The benefits of turkey meat are undeniable; it contains complete protein and a complete set of amino acids necessary for the human body. He has:

  • phosphorus, copper, iron, potassium, calcium, zinc and magnesium,
  • as well as B vitamins (B, B2, B3, B4, B6, B7, B9, B12), H, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids.

11 Health Benefits of Turkey Meat

  1. Strengthens the nervous system

    Turkey meat is less fatty than other types of meat (pork, duck) and it is very rich in quality protein. Everyone knows that a lack of protein leads to muscle weakness, absent-mindedness, nervousness and lack of energy. Having eaten good meat birds, we eliminate the risk of these symptoms and strengthen the nervous system, magnesium and phosphorus help us with this.

  2. Improves brain function

    Turkey meat contains an alpha amino acid called tryptophan. It is not produced by the human body and must come from outside, into in this case from poultry meat. And tryptophan, in turn, promotes the formation melatonin and serotonin, very necessary substances for the brain that improve brain function, relax and improve mood. By consuming turkey meat, we take care of the quality of the blood vessels in the brain and its functioning in general.

  3. Strengthens bones

    Thanks to the vitamins and microelements it contains, in particular calcium and phosphorus, it helps strengthen the skeletal system. Eating a small piece of poultry meat can replenish the body with necessary and beneficial substances, strengthen bones and protect the body from many diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Meat is very useful both at a young age and for older people.

  4. Normalizes the functioning of the thyroid gland

    Turkey and its beneficial properties normalize thyroid function. One serving of meat alone contains half daily norm Selena. Selenium supports hormonal background and prevents the thyroid gland from functioning properly and protects it from many dangerous diseases.

  5. Resists cancer

    Turkey meat has beneficial properties in preventing cancer diseases. The selenium it contains protects very well immune system, as a strong antioxidant, it fights the carcinogenic activity of free radicals. Thus, it protects the human body from many oncological diseases such as prostate cancer, Bladder, lungs, stomach, esophagus and many other organs.

  6. Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system

    Another benefit of turkey meat is that the vitamin B12 it contains reduces the level of homocysteine, which is responsible for all cognitive changes. Meat contains niacin, which actively reduces bad cholesterol and normalizes “good” cholesterol. Cholesterol reduction and normalization blood pressure due to low calorie content product is great support healthy work of cardio-vascular system.

  7. Helps in weight loss

    For those who dream of resetting excess weight, nutritionists recommend normalizing metabolism and improving performance gastrointestinal tract. High concentration beneficial substances and vitamins such as B3 and B6, which are present in poultry meat, help a lot fat people easy to reset overweight. Turkey meat accelerates metabolism, normalizes intestinal motility, eliminating the formation of toxins, constipation and other unpleasant symptoms of gastrointestinal dysfunction. Poultry meat is included in the diet.

  8. Strengthens muscles

    People involved in sports or physical labor are recommended to consume poultry meat, as it contains protein. High Quality. Turkey breast is very healthy; many steamed dishes are prepared from it, combined with vegetables, fruits and other healthy ingredients. Meat makes it easy to carry physical exercise, makes the body resilient, strengthens and builds muscles.

  9. Good for men

    Turkey meat is very beneficial for men's health and for enhancing sexual activity. Frequent use This useful product will lead to increased potency and libido. In addition, turkey meat has a positive effect on reproductive health.

  10. Beneficial for children's body

    Pediatricians in all countries include poultry in their diet baby food already from 6 months of life. Meat is anti-allergenic, is well absorbed in a still fragile body and provides it with protein, which will help strengthen the musculoskeletal system and teeth. If a child’s weight gain is poor, many doctors recommend adding turkey puree to the baby’s diet.

  11. Increases hemoglobin

    For people weakened by illness, as well as children with poor health and low hemoglobin, turkey meat is what they need. A simple broth made from turkey giblets or neck will improve the health of the patient, and the liver will significantly increase hemoglobin. Most quick way increasing hemoglobin is boiled buckwheat with liver and pomegranate juice.

What is healthier, chicken or turkey?

Nutritionists unequivocally state that chicken and turkey meat are dietary meats and each of them is very healthy. Chicken can be consumed daily and does not pose any threat to human health and figure; it is an excellent source of protein and other useful elements. Chicken broths They are considered medicinal, they restore strength lost during illness and strengthen the immune system. Chicken meat has more calories than turkey meat, but this does not make it less popular among chicken lovers.

People who eat turkey meat rarely have a bad mood, because the tryptophan contained in the meat produces happiness hormones - endorphins. And balanced fatty acids make turkey meat an ideal product for losing weight and athletic people leading a healthy lifestyle. Anti-allergenic poultry meat is good for children; it can be consumed by hypertensive patients and diabetics, since it has little fat and bad cholesterol, and even more protein, amino acids, calcium and phosphorus than chicken.

The table below provides macronutrient comparisons between various types fried meat chicken and turkey. The main difference is that chicken breast contains slightly more calories than turkey breast, and dark meat chicken provides more calories than dark meat turkey. The amount of macronutrients is similar between chicken and turkey. However, the calorie (and fat) content is higher in dark and white meat.

Micronutrient Comparison Chart

The vitamin and mineral content of chicken and turkey meat is very similar. These foods are good sources of iron, zinc, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, niacin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12. There are no significant differences in micronutrients between chicken breast and turkey breast, or between dark chicken meat and dark meat turkey. However, dark meat is best source zinc, and white meat is richer in niacin.

100 g serving Chicken breast

(fried, without skin)

Turkey breast

(fried, without skin)

Dark chicken meat

(fried, without skin)

Dark meat turkey

(fried, without skin)

Iron 1 mg 0.7 mg 1 mg 1 mg
Zinc 1 mg 2 mg 3 mg 4 mg
Magnesium 29 mg 32 mg 23 mg 27 mg
Phosphorus 228 mg 230 mg 179 mg 212 mg
Potassium 256 mg 249 mg 240 mg 227 mg
Niacin 14 mg 12 mg 7 mg 7 mg
Vitamin B6 0.6 mg 0.8 mg 0.4 mg 0.4 mg
Vitamin B12 0.3 mg 0.4 mg 0.3 mg 2 mg

So which is better?

Because chicken and turkey are so similar that the best choice for you really depends on taste preferences and the issue of price. Both meats are excellent choice as a source of nutritious, high-quality protein.

How to choose and store turkey meat correctly

When choosing meat products It's best to pay attention to farm or homemade meat. It is still natural and no pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics or other substances that could be harmful to health were used when raising poultry.

The meat must be healthy and beautiful view and when pressed with a finger, the dent should immediately return to its original position. Meat is sensitive to heat, so after purchasing it, it must be cooked immediately or stored in a refrigerator or freezer. Once cooked, turkey can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than four days.

Contraindications to eating turkey meat

There are very few harms and contraindications for eating turkey meat. It, like all other products, should not be abused, especially

  • people with kidney failure and gout patients.
  • For people susceptible to hypertension, doctors recommend do not salt the meat, since it already contains sodium.
  • Research shows that large amounts of tryptophan can make you drowsy.

A turkey may not look that big, but it contains about 150 bones, which is slightly less than the number of bones in a human (206).

It's funny but true - just like people, turkeys can die from a heart attack. This was discovered when many turkeys died from the shock and noise of jets flying overhead.

An interesting fact is that turkeys cannot raise their heads during rainstorms; a turkey can even drown when it rains.

Turkeys and peacocks have similarities, and turkeys also extend their colorful feathers and dance to attract the opposite sex.

What else is useful?

Turkey is considered the largest poultry. Turkey meat is highly valued; it ranks second in consumption after chicken. Turkey meat is tender and not fatty, its preparation does not require special skills - boiled, fried, baked, stewed. Turkey is considered the main decoration of the Christmas table. However, poultry meat is not only tasty, but also healthy. It is the benefits of turkey meat that we will talk about today.

Turkey: composition and calorie content

Turkey meat is considered one of the most dietary. Turkey - low calorie product. Energy value depends not only on the method of preparation, but also on the part from which it was cut. Breast contains the fewest calories - only 120 kcal/100 grams. The indicated amount of fried turkey contains 280 kcal. Boiled turkey meat is considered less nutritious - 195 kcal/100 grams. Well, the lowest calorie is stewed meat (110 kcal per 100 grams).

However, turkey meat is valued not only for its low calorie content, but also for its rich composition. Turkey meat is rich in vitamins (B6, B2, B12, PP) and minerals. Poultry meat has a high content of phosphorus (turkey meat is equal to fish in terms of this substance), sodium (exceeds even veal in this indicator), iron (turkey contains several times more Fe than chicken and 2 times more than beef) . Among other things, magnesium, selenium, calcium, potassium, sulfur, iodine, and manganese were found in the meat.

Turkey meat: benefits

After the composition of turkey meat, we should talk about the beneficial properties of meat, which are due to it. First of all, you need to inform us that turkey meat is absolutely hypoallergenic, which is why it is included in baby food. This type of meat should be included in the diet of pregnant and lactating women, sick people, as well as those whose activities involve heavy physical labor, since it will saturate the body with all the necessary substances. Turkey meat is very useful for depression and stress.

TO beneficial properties Turkey meat also includes:
beneficial effect on cardiovascular system,
ability to strengthen immunity.

However, not only meat is useful, but also turkey internal organs and poultry fat.

In turkey liver contains a large amount of vitamin K, which plays an important role in metabolism in bones and connective tissues. In addition, it contains vitamins A, PP, B5, B6, B9, E, as well as almost the entire complex of macro- and microelements, including potassium, sodium, magnesium, iron and selenium. Turkey liver calorie content is 276 kcal.

Turkey heart saturated with proteins, minerals (iron, selenium, zinc, phosphorus), vitamins A, B (especially a lot - B1, B2, B5, B6, B12), C. The calorie content of the product is 114.8 kcal. The only disadvantage of this product is its high cholesterol content.

Benefits of turkey gizzards due to their high content of iron and folic acid. They also contain vitamin A, thiamine, niacin and riboflavin (B vitamins), as well as potassium, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, magnesium, cobalt, manganese, and copper. The calorie content of turkey ventricles is 114 kcal.

Turkey fat contains not only essential acids, but also vitamins E and D. In addition, they contain selenium and choline. The energy value of turkey fat is 900 kcal.

Turkey meat: harm

We are sure that after all that has been said, all doubts about the benefits of turkey meat and offal have disappeared. However, remember that only fresh and high-quality products are healthy. If you suffer from gout or kidney disease, it is not recommended to indulge in dishes that contain turkey meat. You will also have to limit their consumption if you have hypertension, due to the fact that meat has a high sodium content, or do not use salt during cooking.

If you decide to diversify your diet healthy products, then be sure to include turkey meat in it. Stew, boil, bake, in a word, experiment and pamper your household! Dear visitors to our portal, we will be grateful if in the comments to this article you tell us about the properties of turkey meat that you know, and also share recipes for its preparation.

In Russia, turkey closes the top three among poultry meat that our compatriots eat. For many years, the first place on the pedestal has been chicken, the second – goose. It is worth noting that turkey meat is not inferior in taste to chicken.

One might even say it wins, since the meat is more tender and juicy, which allows us to say that the benefits of this type of meat are more significant than those of other types of poultry. In order for the benefits to be maximum, it is necessary to carefully approach the issue of selection and storage. of this product. Otherwise, harm to health may occur.

Today you can find turkey in the following forms:

  • Fresh;
  • Chilled;
  • Frozen.

If the turkey was raised in the area where you live, it is better to stick with a fresh carcass. It is better to purchase imported meat frozen. Of course, it is necessary that the animal has the appropriate quality certificates and has all the stamps of the veterinary service and Rospotrebnadzor. A frozen turkey should not have a lot of frost on it.

When purchasing, you should first of all pay attention to the fact that the bird carcass is meaty, and the legs and breastbone are well-fed. The skin should be light, with a slight yellowish tint, without spots or visible damage. This method choosing products will reduce the harm of meat to the body.

Checking the freshness of the product is easy. To do this, just press your finger on the carcass and watch how the skin is restored. If the dent goes away quickly, it means the meat is fresh. If the dent does not go away, it is better not to buy this product.

If you purchase frozen meat, you should ask the seller for accompanying documents to make sure that the product is fresh, suitable for consumption and does not harm the body.

Storing turkey meat does not require special knowledge and skills. If you plan to immediately prepare any dish from it, then just put the carcass in plastic bag and leave in the refrigerator (no more than a day). If the turkey meat will be frozen, then after defrosting it needs to be cooked. Thus, the benefits of the product directly depend on the degree of its freshness.

Calorie content of turkey meat

Nutritionists actively promote the use of this product for those people who strive to achieve an ideal figure. There are only 110 kcal per 100 grams of turkey. This figure refers to the most tender meat turkey breasts. The calorie content in thighs is 160 kcal per 100 grams, and in wings - 200 kcal.

Turkey calorie table

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Also, do not forget that the final calorie content of turkey depends largely on the method of preparation and combination with other products. For this reason, it is important to choose the right method for preparing it. Maximum benefits from eating baked turkey. The maximum harm comes from roasted turkey.

Useful properties of turkey meat

The main and undeniable advantage of turkey meat is the content of a large amount of vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain human health and vital functions. Moreover, their quantity is higher than that of veal or beef.

At the same time, meat contains virtually no cholesterol, is easily digested and absorbed by the body. Therefore, turkey meat is classified as dietary meat, which can be consumed even by people suffering from digestive problems.

How to choose dietary meat - Tips

Turkey meat contains: large quantities vitamin A, E, as well as iron, calcium, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, sodium, potassium and manganese. By eating this meat, a person, in addition to protein, receives great amount useful substances.

Thanks to the sodium contained in turkey, the human body increases the volume of plasma in the blood and ensures normal digestion (metabolic processes).

Moreover, it is the presence of this microelement that makes it possible not to use salt when preparing turkey meat, which is undoubtedly important for people who suffer from hypertension, and simply for those who watch their diet.

Turkey meat also contains iron (twice as much as veal). For this reason, it is prescribed by doctors for diseases associated with iron deficiency. In addition, many believe that regular use Turkey meat protects the body from the development of cancer.

Well, perhaps the last important property Turkey meat can be called because it contains a lot of calcium, which allows the proper formation of bone tissue. It is for these reasons that turkey is recommended to be consumed to prevent fractures and injuries.

That is, we see that the turkey is not harmed.

Who can be harmed by turkey meat?

Turkey meat has virtually no contraindications for use. It needs to be included in the diet, but in order to extract maximum benefit, you need to carefully approach the issue of its choice - the meat must be fresh.

Fresh turkey fillet, not frozen, can be kept in the refrigerator for no more than a day, otherwise it will disappear

That is, it is impossible to say that turkey meat is harmful. But there are still categories of people who should refuse to use this product or use it in minimal doses. These include:

  • People suffering from kidney disease or gout.

Due to the high protein content in meat, turkey meat can be harmful to these people. Also, this category of people should not consume turkey liver.

  • People with hypertension.

Hypertensive patients can eat turkey, but only if they do not use salt when preparing it. Otherwise harmful properties turkey will outweigh its merits, and the benefits will be questionable.

Who should eat turkey meat?

For some people, turkey meat is necessary to include in their diet. These include:

  • Small children for whom turkey serves as complementary food.

Turkey is introduced into the diet of children from 6 months. It does not cause allergies and is perfectly absorbed by the baby’s digestive system.

  • Pregnant women who need folic acid, found in large quantities in meat;
  • Nursing women;
  • People suffering from insomnia. Turkey meat contains the amino acid tryptophan, which has a hypnotic effect;
  • People who do a lot of physical work.

How to cook a turkey properly

In order to benefit from turkey meat, it is necessary to follow certain rules for its preparation.

It is also important to understand that the cooking process takes a lot of time. To bake a turkey in the oven, you need to preheat the oven to 200 degrees and cook it for about 3 hours. The turkey can be pre-marinated using salt and black pepper.

Additional spices this type does not require meat. If you prefer fattier meat, you can additionally brush the turkey with sour cream and leave it like that for 30 minutes before baking.

But it doesn’t take long for turkey meat to cook. Just boil it for 30 minutes and it will be ready to eat. To prepare second courses, meat must be placed in boiling water and cooked for about 1.5 hours.

When foam forms, it must be removed. In this case, the first broth is usually poured out, and the meat is poured in a second time. clean water and bring to a boil again. During cooking, the meat will decrease by 30%, which is associated with active loss of liquid.

Thus, we can say that turkey meat is not harmful, it correct usage- This total benefit for the body.

And a little about secrets...

Have you ever experienced unbearable joint pain? And you know firsthand what it is:

  • inability to move easily and comfortably;
  • discomfort when going up and down stairs;
  • unpleasant crunching, clicking not of your own accord;
  • pain during or after exercise;
  • inflammation in the joints and swelling;
  • causeless and sometimes unbearable aching pain in the joints...

Now answer the question: are you satisfied with this? Can such pain be tolerated? How much money have you already wasted on ineffective treatment? That's right - it's time to end this! Do you agree? That is why we decided to publish an exclusive interview with Professor Dikul, in which he revealed the secrets of getting rid of joint pain, arthritis and arthrosis.

Video: Roast Turkey - Healthy Eating
