Dietary low-calorie salads for weight loss - recipes. Salads for cleansing and weight loss - broom, brush. Low-calorie sauces for salads. Vegetable soup with croutons. Spicy salad with vegetables and rice

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Every woman at least once in her life tried to change her traditional diet and go on a diet. Unfortunately, not everyone was able to achieve the result of losing extra pounds. The whole point is that you need to diet correctly. Namely, do not refuse food, but make it as healthy as possible. That is, replace fried, sweet and flour dishes delicious salads made from natural vegetables and fruits.

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Salad is different from salad. This is true. It’s unlikely that anyone considers Olivier or mimosa a healthy dish. This article will focus on low-calorie salads. They do not add mayonnaise. And the main task of such dishes (with a minimum of calories) is to fill the body with all the substances that are beneficial for it.


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Cellulose is a unique combination of plant food. It is not absorbed and removes various substances from the body. harmful substances


But, salads have another function. The ingredients they contain can not only saturate the body useful minerals and vitamins, but also to cleanse it of toxins and waste.

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Salads for cleansing and weight loss by Elena Malysheva panicle


To eat this to lose weight? Is this a familiar question? But when choosing dishes for your diet, it is important not only to take into account their dietary qualities, but also their impact on health. Poor ecology, stress and snacks on the go have caused the accumulation of waste and toxins in the intestines. To breed them, a special salad recipe was developed.



It, like a brush, sweeps away all harmful substances from the body.


IMPORTANT: The salad for cleansing the body from Elena Malysheva includes three vegetables: carrots, White cabbage and beets. They contain a lot of fiber, the main function of which is to remove toxins from the intestines.

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Cellulose- These are dietary fibers that our stomach cannot digest. When it enters the intestines, fiber increases in size (swells). At the same time, peristalsis pushes dietary fiber into the large intestine and, like a bottle brush, they clean off plaque that has accumulated there for years from the intestinal walls.

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Cellulose are connections dietary fiber, which are able to remove harmful and unnecessary biologically active substances from the body

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For greater effect This salad is best consumed on a fasting day along with mineral water. Other products must be abandoned. Every 1.5 hours you need to eat about a glass of this salad



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Salads-brush for weight loss

Losing weight is a fairly long process that requires an integrated approach. There are many ways to lose excess weight. The most effective are diets, exercise and fasting days. However, many people choose cleansing as the first step to achieving success. Thanks to this process, you can remove all waste and toxins from the body and thereby get rid of several kilograms and “prepare the ground” for further weight loss. This can be done using a lettuce brush.

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Benefits of lettuce brush

First of all, it should be noted that this salad is low-calorie. So, the vegetable version of this dish comes out to no more than 50 kcal, and if you choose a fruit salad, then its calorie content will be no more than 70.


In addition, a salad brush for weight loss, the recipe for which you will find in this article, cleanses the intestines and normalizes stool. It also removes excess fluid from the body and thanks to this, swelling “goes away”.


Note that this dish has a positive effect on complexion. This happens due to the large amount of vitamins it contains. Skin color changes and becomes even.


In addition, the salad brush strengthens the immune system. This is also due to the presence of vitamins in it.

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Contraindications for lettuce brush


Lettuce brush should not be consumed in the following cases:

  1. If you are allergic to any ingredient included in its composition.
  2. At various diseases gastrointestinal tract, which include gastritis and ulcers
  3. For various diseases of the gallbladder, as well as the pancreas.
  4. For stool disorders caused by the use of antibiotics.

In addition, brush salad for weight loss, the recipe for which we will give below, should not be consumed during pregnancy and lactation.


Please note that before using it, even in the absence of contraindications, you should consult your doctor.

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Salad brush for weight loss (recipe)




Salad brush for weight loss: has several cooking options, has a positive effect on the body, helps to lose weight

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This dish can be prepared in several ways.

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We will need:


Beets - 400 gr.


Carrots - 400 gr.


Green apples - 400 gr.

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Pine nut salad recipe

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We will need:


Beets - 200 gr.


Carrots - 200 gr.


White cabbage - 400 gr.


Lemon juice - 2 tablespoons.


Pine nuts - 0.5 cups

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Grind the nuts in a blender and mix with the specified amount of lemon juice. Grate the beets and carrots into a coarse grater, and chop the cabbage into small pieces. Stir everything and pour in the prepared dressing.



Celery salad recipe


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We will need:


Celery - 500 gr.


Fresh cucumbers - 500 gr.


Greens - to taste.


Lemon juice - 2/3 cup.


Olive oil - 1 tablespoon.

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Chop the celery and cucumbers using a coarse grater. Finely chop the greens and mix them with vegetables and lemon juice and butter.

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Apple salad recipe


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You need:


Beetroot - 500 gr.


Celery - 200 gr.


Green apples - 600 gr.


Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon.


Olive oil - 1 tablespoon.

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Grate beets, celery and apples into a coarse grater, add oil and juice and stir.

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Fruit salad recipe


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We will need:


Grapefruit - 1 pc.


Pomegranate seeds - 0.5 cups.


Prunes - 0.5 cups.


Dried apricots - 0.5 cups.


Olive oil - 1 tablespoon.

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Pour boiling water over dried fruits, leave for a few minutes, then cut them. Squeeze the juice from the pomegranate seeds. Peel the grapefruit and separate into slices. If the pieces seem too large to you, you can cut them. Combine all ingredients and stir.



Recipe with fruit and bran


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We will need:


Orange - 1 pc.


Apple - 1 pc.


Kiwi - 2 pcs.


Bran - 1 tablespoon.


Kefir - 4 tablespoons.


Honey - 1 teaspoon.

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Pour the bran with kefir and leave to swell. Peel the kiwi and orange and cut them. Grate the apple into a coarse grater. Combine all ingredients and stir.

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Salad brush for weight loss


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To prepare the “Brush” salad you need:


Chop beets (500 g) and carrots (500 g) on ​​a grater, which is designed for preparing carrots in Korean. At the same time, all vegetables should be used in in kind. That is, without preliminary heat treatment


Cabbage (500 g) should be finely chopped and added to the rest of the vegetables.


As a dressing for this salad, you can use freshly squeezed lemon juice

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IMPORTANT: Salt, pepper and other seasonings cannot be used. They are able to retain water. Which will reduce the effectiveness of such a dish.

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Dietary low-calorie cabbage salad for weight loss


It was not for nothing that cabbage was chosen as one of the three ingredients of the previous salad. She has many useful qualities. Cabbage juice has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach, and iron and potassium from the leaves of this vegetable are simply necessary for our body to normal operation.



Using a sharp knife, chop the cabbage (a quarter of a medium head of cabbage) and transfer it to a salad bowl. Place pomegranate seeds on top (10 pcs.)


Peel and chop with a knife walnuts(5 pieces.). Should be small pieces


Now you need to squeeze out the lemon juice (half) and pour olive oil(30 ml)

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These salads can be consumed in several ways.


Method 1 - This method involves eating salad within 1 day. This will be a fasting day with this dish, which needs to be done once every 7 days. Can be eaten with salad still water or green tea without added sugar. Thanks to this diet, you can get rid of 500 grams in one day.

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Method 2 - This method involves eating a salad instead of one of your meals. It's best if you eat it for dinner. After this you should not eat anything else. If you feel hungry, you can drown it out by drinking a glass of water. For breakfast and lunch, you can eat any foods, but it is better if you reduce your diet and remove sweets and starchy foods from it. This way you will achieve results much faster.


Note that the salad brush for weight loss, the recipe for which we have given for you, cannot affect the acceleration of digestion. With its help, you can lose several kilograms only due to its low calorie content.

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Beet salad for weight loss


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Beets are valued not only for their low calorie content (about 40 kcal). It contains a lot of fiber and vitamins. This vegetable is very useful for the prevention and treatment of anemia. In addition, beets go well with other ingredients. For example, apples.

  1. Wash the apples (2-3 pieces) and cut out the middle of them. Grate them using a coarse grater
  2. Boil beets (1 piece), chop and combine with apples
  3. Pour the resulting mixture with lemon juice. Add a pinch of sugar and a tablespoon of sour cream
  4. Mix and transfer to a salad bowl. Place another spoon of sour cream on top

Celery salad for weight loss


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Celery is considered the vegetable with the lowest calorie content. Moreover, this plant contains concentrated a large number of vitamins of group B that are important for weight loss. Celery can normalize the work nervous system, relieve fatigue and irritability.

  1. Peppers (2 pcs.), cut into strips. It is best to take two peppers of different colors
  2. Peel sweet apples (3 pcs.) from skins and entrails. Cut into small pieces and salt
  3. Peel the celery root and chop it finely. You can add chopped greens (bunch)
  4. Mix the ingredients and season the salad with low-fat yogurt (1 tablespoon)

Low calorie cucumber salad


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At the same time, the remaining 5% contains a lot of substances that are beneficial to health. Cucumbers contain a lot of potassium and silicon, vitamins C and A, as well as fiber. Cucumber salads are great way cleanse the intestines and fill the body with useful substances.

  1. Prunes (100 g) must first be soaked in warm water
  2. Cucumber (1 piece) cut into small cubes. Peel the pepper (1 pc.) from the core
  3. Finely chop the steamed prunes and mix with the rest of the ingredients.
  4. Sprinkle the salad with herbs (a bunch) and season with olive oil (2-3 tablespoons)

Low-calorie carrot salad


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But, in order for this root vegetable to really bring benefits, it is better to eat it raw. Firstly, boiled carrots contains less vitamins. And secondly, carbohydrates from this vegetable are heat treatment lose their qualities and can transform into fat cells

  1. Grate carrots (200 g) on ​​a coarse grater
  2. Peel and core apples (200 g). Cut them into slices and mix with carrots
  3. Add freshly squeezed juice of half a lemon and raisins (a handful) to the salad.
  4. You can use olive oil (a few tablespoons) as a dressing for this salad.
  5. Before serving, the dish can be decorated with lettuce leaves

Low-calorie mushroom salad


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Due to this, they have low calorie content. As for the benefits of mushrooms, the compounds they contain in a positive way affect blood cholesterol levels. The best options for dietary salads are: champignons, chanterelles and greenhouse oyster mushrooms.

  1. Cut cherry tomatoes (200 g) into 4 parts. Lettuce leaves (5 pcs.) Tear into arbitrary pieces. Champignons (5 pcs.), cut into thin slices
  2. Red onion (1 piece), cut into half rings and mix the ingredients
  3. We make a dressing from mustard (1/3 teaspoon), olive oil (2 tablespoons) and lime juice (1 piece). Pour it over mushrooms and vegetables. Salt and pepper to taste
  4. Sprinkle with Parmesan (2 tablespoons)

Low-calorie bean salad


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Beans, like mushrooms, are a source of vegetable protein

  • Beans are rich in folic acid and zinc. Speaking of zinc. This macronutrient is necessary for the normal functioning of the thyroid gland. This gland regulates hormonal levels in the body. And without its normal functionality it is impossible to keep your weight under control
  • A very simple salad can be made from red beans. It is interesting in that it can surprise guests who show up unexpectedly, and there is more time for preparation. complex dishes not anymore
  • For this recipe you can use either boiled beans, and canned. Add to it thinly sliced bell pepper and red onion cut into half rings. Before serving, you can garnish the dish with basil. You can use olive oil as a dressing.

Vary the amount of ingredients to taste.



Chicken salad diet recipe


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Another product without which it is impossible to imagine dietary salads is chicken. The meat of this poultry contains only 10% fat.


And here's one like this important element like protein in chicken meat more than in the meat of other birds and animals. This is why chicken breasts are so loved by athletes and everyone who cares about their figure and health.

  1. Divide boiled chicken meat (200 g) into fibers. Peel the pepper (1 piece) from the core and cut into thin strips
  2. Peel the avocado (1 pc.) and cut its flesh into small squares. Finely chop the parsley (bunch)
  3. Mix the ingredients and season with low-fat sauce natural yogurt(1 pc.) and freshly squeezed lemon juice

Tuna salad diet recipe


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But at the same time, there are not many calories in the meat of this fish. In 100 grams of tuna half daily norm squirrel. At the same time, its meat has 30% less cholesterol than dietary chicken breasts. Tuna salads are the most popular fish salads on our table.

  1. Cut cherry tomatoes (250 g) and avocado (2 pcs.) into small pieces
  2. Grind red pepper (2 pcs.), garlic (2 cloves), herbs (1 bunch) and a small hot pepper
  3. Place the prepared ingredients in a small salad bowl.
  4. Squeeze lemon juice, add olive oil (6 tablespoons) and salt (to taste). Place the salad bowl in the refrigerator
  5. Peel the potatoes (8 pcs.) and cook until half cooked. Cut it into large cubes and fry in vegetable oil
  6. To remove excess oil fried potatoes Place on a paper towel
  7. Grind sesame seeds in a coffee grinder (3 tablespoons). Mix it with salt and use it as a breading
  8. Dip tuna steaks (4 pieces) in sesame flour and fry in a clean frying pan with a little oil
  9. Place the salad on plates. Place tuna and potatoes on top. Decorate with lettuce leaves

Low-calorie salads with shrimp


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Another low-calorie seafood is shrimp.
Their meat contains a lot of protein and various useful substances: vitamins A, B (B1, B2, B9, B12), D and E, as well as macroelements (zinc, magnesium, potassium, sodium, etc.). Shrimp is a very popular salad ingredient. Except yours nutritional value they bring their own unique flavor to it.

  1. We wash the grapes, plums and grapefruit. Clean and cut them
  2. Place in bowls and place one large (king) shrimp on top
  3. Season with balsamic vinegar and olive oil. Decorate with lettuce leaves

We choose the quantity of ingredients to taste.



Diet salad with squid recipe


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Squids - great source protein for our body


The beneficial substances from these seafood can remove bad cholesterol from the blood and cleanse the body of salts and toxins. And also improve the functioning of the endocrine system.


1. Boil squid fillet (600 g) and cut it into small pieces. Grind cucumber (1 piece) and greens (1 bunch)
2. Place the ingredients in a salad bowl, add salt, pepper and season with olive oil.
3. Grind pistachios (100 g) in a blender and sprinkle them on the salad



Low-calorie salad with crab sticks


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Crab sticks are a cheap delicacy


Crab sticks, although they have nothing to do with crabs, are still like any other seafood (and they are made from minced meat different varieties fish and starch) can be considered dietary.


They contain a lot of zinc, iron and iodine. And most importantly, 100 g of crab sticks contain only 80-90 kilocalories.

  1. Grind crab sticks(200 g) and cucumbers (200 g). Using a special garlic press, crush a couple of cloves of this root vegetable
  2. Finely chop the greens (1 bunch). Add to salad bowl skim cheese(200 g) and salt. Season with sour cream (3 tablespoons) and mix thoroughly

Low calorie egg salad


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Eggs are the most optimally balanced product for the human body.


The protein from a boiled egg is almost 100% absorbed by the body. Eggs contain a lot of vitamin D, which our body needs to fight osteoporosis. In addition, this product contains a lot of selenium. This compound is an antioxidant and prevents early aging.

  1. Wash the lettuce leaves (1 bunch) and chop them with your hands. Boil eggs (4 pieces) hard, peel them and cut them into eight pieces
  2. Cut radishes (several pieces) and cucumber (1 piece) into strips. Crumble green onions
  3. Salt, pepper and mix the ingredients. We use olive oil as a dressing.

Low calorie fruit salad


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Yes, unlike vegetables, fruits are higher in calories. But many of them contain substances that activate fat burning processes in the body. For example, kiwi. This fruit can not only break down fatty compounds, but also improves metabolic processes. Which also has a beneficial effect on your figure.

  1. Heat the nuts (50 g) in a frying pan and chop them. Peel the avocado (2 pcs.) and kiwi (2 pcs.), and cut them into equal cubes
  2. From butter (50 g), salt, sugar, mustard (1 teaspoon) and wine vinegar(20 ml) make dressing
  3. Add chopped onion (1 piece), corn (40 g) and nuts to the fruit. Add dressing and stir

Low calorie sauces for salads


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This traditional ingredient holiday salads V in this case doesn't fit. Mayonnaise is extremely high-calorie product and you can’t season diet salads with it.


You can add sour cream, yogurt or olive oil to salads for weight loss.

  • An excellent dressing for seafood salads can be made from freshly squeezed lemon juice (35 ml) and honey (2 teaspoons). You can add a pinch of salt to this sauce
  • Using lemon juice you can make mustard dressing. To do this, add olive oil (2 tablespoons) to lemon juice (4 tablespoons), dry mustard powder(1/2 teaspoon) and apple cider vinegar (1 teaspoon)
  • Good dressings for diet salads can be made using yogurt. To do this, you can take low-fat yogurt (250 ml), add olive oil (1 tablespoon) and 2-3 chopped garlic cloves.

Masha. I really love these salads! I just had dinner with boiled fish and vitamin salad: Bell pepper, cabbage, greens and cucumber. I seasoned it with just lemon juice and vegetable oil.


Lisa. And I make this salad. I cut young eggplants into rings. Finely grate the garlic. I chop herbs and cut ripe tomatoes. Rub cheese on top and mix.

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Video: Proper nutrition for weight loss. Diet salads.


Low-calorie salads are a real discovery for those who want to lose weight, but at the same time cannot deny themselves delicious food. Indeed, there is great amount recipes healthy salads, which will not yield taste qualities to their more “harmful” options.

A unique combination of vegetables and fruits with the addition of cheese and lean meats or fish make such salads indispensable in the diet not only for those who want to lose weight, but also for those who simply try to maintain their health and proper metabolism in the body. Moreover, this type salads will do for use by athletes who constantly adhere to a certain diet.

Many chefs say that it is mainly the dressing that reduces the calorie content of a salad, so it is recommended to use cold-pressed olive oil for the dish most often. But among the commonly used ingredients for low-calorie salads, it is better to take boiled eggs, carrots, beets, legumes, tomatoes and low-fat cheeses.

How to prepare low-calorie salads - 15 varieties

Delicious and simple salad, perfect for family lunch or dinner. Natural ingredients make this salad not just appetizing, but also as healthy as possible. In addition, the dish is available in ingredients at any time of the year and is very quick to prepare.

Salad ingredients:

  • chicken breast- 1 PC.;
  • Chinese cabbage - 250-300 g;
  • boiled eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • canned sweet corn - 1 can.
  • For refueling:
  • natural yogurt - 2 tbsp. with a slide;
  • mayonnaise (optional) - 1 tbsp;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Start by cutting into small cubes boiled breast and chop the Chinese cabbage into strips - mix the ingredients in a bowl. Next, add diced boiled eggs and canned corn.

Season the salad with salt and pepper to taste, then season with natural yoghurt and stir.

A light, dietary salad with slices of salmon fillet combined with the spicy taste of celery. The calorie content of this dish does not exceed 170 kcal and can be safely used for a full lunch or breakfast.

Salad ingredients:

  • lightly salted salmon fillet - 150 g;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • celery - 2 stalks;
  • pepper to taste;
  • For refueling:
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp;
  • lemon juice to taste.

Cooking method:

It is necessary to cut the salmon fillet into small cubes, approximately 5 mm on a side, after removing the skin from the fish.

By the way, you can pickle salmon yourself for salad: for this, take fish fillet and marinate it overnight with equal proportions of salt, sugar and chopped fresh dill.

Once the salmon is sliced, peel and finely chop the celery, then combine the celery and fish in a salad bowl.

Then take fresh carrots, peel and cut into thin circles with a sharp knife, which should also be added to the salad. Mix the resulting salad and add black pepper to taste. Use olive oil as a dressing and sprinkle the salad with a little fresh lemon juice. After this, the salad is ready to serve.

An effective fat-burning dish with a minimum of calories and a maximum useful properties. The combination of beets and eggs allows you to saturate the body with the necessary amount of vitamins, proteins, and lecithin.

Salad ingredients:

  • medium boiled beets - 1 pc.;
  • boiled eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • salt and pepper to taste.
  • For refueling:
  • kefir 2% - 3-4 tbsp.

Cooking method:

Peel the beets and grate them on a medium grater. Cut the boiled eggs and onions into small cubes. Then mix all the ingredients in a salad bowl, add salt and pepper, and season the salad with 3-4 tbsp. low-fat 2% kefir. The dish is ready!

Nice, vegetable taste with a salty hint of sheep cheese makes this salad an excellent appetizer for any table. This recipe will help diversify your usual diet and balance your metabolism.

Salad ingredients:

  • feta cheese - 150 g;
  • onions - 100 g;
  • sweet pepper - 0.5 kg;
  • fresh cucumbers - 150 g;
  • fresh tomatoes - 300 g;
  • chili pepper - 1 pc.;
  • parsley to taste;
  • For refueling:
  • olive oil - 2.5 tbsp;
  • salt and vinegar to taste.

Cooking method:

Pre-bake the peppers in the oven until the skins are slightly burnt, then leave them to cool for about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, chop the tomatoes, cucumbers and onions, the latter should be cut into half rings. Place the vegetables in one bowl and add peeled and finely chopped baked peppers to them.

Then add salt and vinegar, oil, and parsley to the salad. Mix the resulting dish thoroughly. Before serving, sprinkle the salad with grated cheese and chopped chili pepper. Bon appetit!

Diet option famous salad“Caesar”, perfect for a sports diet. Low-fat, natural ingredients This dish turns a standard, fairly high-calorie salad into a light and nutritious lunch or dinner.

Salad ingredients:

  • chicken fillet- 300 g;
  • lettuce leaves - 5-6 pcs.;
  • rye bread - 2 pcs.;
  • parmesan to taste;
  • cherry tomato for decoration;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp.
  • For refueling:
  • natural yogurt - 150 ml;
  • mustard - 2 tsp;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • sahzam and salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Cut the chicken fillet into small pieces and add salt and spices to the meat. Lightly fry the chicken in a frying pan without oil. Next, add a couple of tablespoons of soy sauce and sweetener to taste to the chicken - simmer the fillet for another 5 minutes under the lid.

In the meantime, you can start preparing the sauce. To do this, mix natural yogurt with mustard, crushed garlic, sweetener and salt. Finely chop the lettuce leaves and place them in a bowl.

By the way, to keep the lettuce leaves fresh and crispy, soak them for a few minutes in a very cold water- this will transform the greenery.

Fry 2 small rye bread in a toaster or in a frying pan, but without oil - crumble them into a bowl with salad. Add the stewed chicken and sauce there - mix everything thoroughly.

Before serving, garnish the salad with cherry tomatoes and sprinkle grated Parmesan cheese on top.

Summer, aromatic salad with an exotic combination of juicy cherry tomatoes and sweet, ripe strawberries. Classic dish Mediterranean cuisine highlights the delicate, creamy taste of buffalo mozzarella slices.

Salad ingredients:

  • mozzarella - 100 g;
  • fresh strawberries- 200 g;
  • cherry tomatoes - 150 g;
  • arugula - 1 bunch;
  • salt to taste.
  • For refueling:
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp;
  • balsamic vinegar - 3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

Wash the cherry tomatoes, strawberries, and arugula first and clean them of excess tails and leaves. Next, cut the tomatoes and strawberries into medium cubes and place them in a salad bowl. Add coarsely chopped mozzarella and arugula leaves to the future salad, salt it to taste. Season the dish before serving aromatic oil of olives with a few tablespoons of balsamic vinegar.

The most low-calorie salad without harmful ingredients - a real find for adherents healthy eating. The salad dressing can be changed by using different vegetable oils, as well as using exclusively lemon juice, which reduces the calorie content of the salad to 27 kcal.

Salad ingredients:

  • lettuce leaves - 30 g;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumber medium - 1 piece;
  • green onions - a bunch;
  • parsley to taste.
  • For refueling:
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Start by chopping the lettuce, green onions and parsley. Then cut the seeded bell pepper into strips. Add fresh cucumber cut into half rings or cubes (optional) to the bowl with the salad. Season the dish with vegetable oil and add salt and pepper to taste.

A healthy and quick-to-prepare salad made from affordable and popular ingredients. Great option to complement main dishes or for a light lunch, for example a few hours before sports training.

Salad ingredients:

  • cucumbers - 400 g;
  • feta - 150 g;
  • peppermint leaves - 10 pcs.;
  • finely chopped dill - 2 tbsp;
  • red onion - 2 heads.
  • For refueling:
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp;
  • lemon juice - 6 tsp;
  • sugar - 1 tsp;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Cucumbers and onions must first be peeled and cut into small cubes. Crumble the feta into the salad bowl with the vegetables and mix the resulting mixture thoroughly. Next, add chopped fresh dill along with chopped mint leaves and stir the salad again.

Prepare salad dressing: pour olive oil into a separate bowl, which will need to be mixed with lemon juice, sugar and salt and pepper.

Add the resulting dressing to the salad and mix it again.

A simple but very tasty salad that you can easily make at home in a few minutes. Additionally, it is worth saying that the dish has high content protein that helps build muscle mass and at the same time do not accumulate excess fat.

Salad ingredients:

  • boiled chicken fillet - 200 g;
  • boiled pumpkin - 150-200 g;
  • prunes -70 g;
  • boiled beans - 200 g;
  • green onions - 2 bunches;
  • flax (seeds) to taste;
  • sesame to taste.

For refueling:

  • olive oil - 1 tbsp;
  • lemon juice - 0.5 tsp.

Cooking method:

Cut the pumpkin into small and approximately equal pieces, cook al dente, keeping the vegetable in the pan for about 10 minutes after the water boils. Wash the prunes and let them steam in hot water for 5-7 minutes.

Cut the chicken fillet and pumpkin into cubes and place in a salad bowl. Add prunes cut into strips and chopped green onions. Mix with salad ingredients boiled beans, flax and sesame. Sprinkle ready dish butter and lemon juice.

Unusual salad with light honey taste combined with juicy pears, creamy cheddar cheese and spicy taste pecans. The perfect dish for dinner or holiday table. The advantage of this salad is also its speed of preparation.

Salad ingredients:

  • celery - 4 pcs.;
  • “Bartalette” pears - 2 pcs.;
  • pecans (chopped) - 0.5 cups;
  • cheddar (diced) - 1 cup;
  • lettuce for decoration - 6 pcs.
  • For refueling:
  • apple cider vinegar - 2 tbsp;
  • honey - 2 tbsp;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Peel the pears and cut into small cubes. Then, move on to the greens: to keep the celery crunchy in the salad, put it in ice water for 15 minutes, then dry it slightly and you can cut it. Next, combine the cheddar, pears, celery and chopped pecans in one bowl.

For a light salad dressing, use a mixture of apple cider vinegar, honey and spices (salt and pepper). Add the dressing to the salad and mix thoroughly. Use lettuce leaves as a garnish before serving, placing them on salad plates.

A healthy vegetable fitness salad with the addition of an apple will be the best dish for simple breakfast. The recipe for this salad will allow you to prepare a vitamin “explosion” in just 5 minutes, with a minimum calorie content. The perfect combination vegetables and fruits for those losing weight or vegetarians.

Salad ingredients:

  • large apple - 1 pc.;
  • celery root - 1 pc.;
  • fresh carrots - 1 pc.;
  • lemon juice - 1 tsp;
  • salt to taste.
  • For refueling:
  • vegetable oil 2-3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

Grate the peeled apple on a coarse grater into a salad bowl.

To prevent the apple from quickly darkening, sprinkle it with a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Add grated celery root and fresh chopped carrots to the salad. Mix all ingredients together with vegetable oil and salt. Bon appetit!

An excellent, dietary salad, the calorie content of which is only 85 kcal. The dish consists of unusual combination exotic orange, slices soft cheese feta and aromatic fresh tomatoes cherry The salad recipe will be a real discovery for those who love simple and unpretentious breakfasts, but at the same time care about their figure.

Salad ingredients:

  • large orange - 1 pc.;
  • cherry tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • feta cheese - 30 g;
  • iceberg lettuce - a bunch;
  • basil leaves - 5 pcs.
  • For refueling:
  • natural yogurt - 100 ml;
  • lemon juice - 10 ml;
  • chopped dill - 1 tbsp;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Cut the cherry tomatoes in half. Then peel the orange and cut into cubes, also cut the cheese into cubes. Lightly shred iceberg lettuce and basil.

Afterwards, you can start preparing the dressing: mix natural yogurt with fresh lemon juice and add herbs, salt and pepper to the resulting sauce. If you love more spicy taste salad, you can experiment with additional spices to suit your taste for the sauce.

The famous chef and cooking show host shared great recipe healthy and nutritious salad with only 153 kcal calories. The dish can be served as an appetizer for a holiday table, or eaten as an everyday meal.

Salad ingredients:

  • chicken breast - 1 pc.;
  • canned beans - 400 g;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • seedless grapes - 1 bunch;
  • green onions - 1 bunch;
  • mint leaves - 0.5 bunch;
  • basil - 0.5 bunch;
  • spinach - 1 bunch;
  • feta cheese - 60 g;
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp.

For refueling:

  • low-fat yogurt - 0.5 cups;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • salt and pepper to taste.

Cooking method:

Cut the fresh chicken fillet so that it opens up. Next, brush the meat with salt, pepper and olive oil and let marinate for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, cut the cucumber, peeled and seeded, and spinach leaves into large cubes. Cut seedless grapes in half. Prepare the dressing by mixing chopped garlic, yogurt, pepper and salt.

After the chicken has been marinated, place the meat in a heated frying pan and fry on both sides until cooked. Mix cucumbers, spinach, grapes and beans in a bowl, adding chopped green onions, mint, and basil. Cut the lemon into thin slices, after clearing the seeds. Next, season the salad with sauce and mix thoroughly, seasoning with pepper and salt to taste.

Place fried chicken fillet on separate dish and let cool if you want to mix it with salad.

You can serve the fillet warm, cutting it into even slices and placing it on top of a mound of lettuce.

Before serving, sprinkle hand-cracked feta cheese over the salad and top each serving with an additional spoonful of dressing. Garnish the dish with a slice of lemon.

Take a look at carrot salad on the new side: piquant with a slight hint of nuts and the gentle spiciness of French mustard. A truly original recipe for a low-calorie salad based on simple and healthy ingredients. It is worth noting that salads are ideal for a balanced diet.

Salad ingredients:

  • fresh carrots - 0.5 kg;
  • pecans - 60 g;
  • green onions - 1 bunch.
  • For refueling:
  • vegetable oil - 0.5 cups;
  • apple cider vinegar - 1/4 cup;
  • brown sugar - 2 tbsp;
  • French mustard - 2 tsp;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • black pepper - a pinch;
  • salt to taste.

Cooking method:

Start by caramelizing the nuts by frying them in sugar. Then grind the candied pecans in a blender, or fold the bag and hit it on the table several times.

Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater, and also chop the green onions - place all the prepared ingredients in a bowl.

Prepare the sauce: mix together crushed garlic cloves, aromatic French mustard, Brown sugar with oil and vinegar; add salt and pepper to the sauce. Season the salad with the resulting sauce. To ensure that the salad has a rich taste, it is recommended to serve it after 30 minutes of cooking. Bon appetit!

Vegetable fitness salad that can be fully used instead of any side dish. Because of their useful components, salad helps improve complexion and cleanse the body of toxins. Due to its low calorie content, the dish ideally complements a protein diet.

Salad ingredients:

  • green apple - 1 pc.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • beets - 1 pc.;
  • celery root - 1/4 pcs.;
  • lemon - 1/2 pcs.;
  • salt, pepper to taste.
  • For refueling:
  • olive oil 2-3 tbsp.

Cooking method:

Peel all vegetables except the apple. Next, grate the beets, apple and celery on a medium grater. Place the vegetables in a bowl and stir, sprinkling with lemon juice. After this, salt the salad and add olive oil.

Adherents of a healthy diet cannot do without vegetables, fruits and herbs, which is not surprising, because there is nothing more healthy and vitamin-rich than foods plant origin. People who have made low-calorie salads the basis of their diet look much younger than their age, and also feel more alert and energetic than those who prefer heavy food.

Benefits of low-calorie salads

Lovers of hamburgers, sausages and mayonnaise simply cannot imagine that low-calorie salads can be tasty and nutritious. This opinion is fundamentally wrong, since there are a lot of recipes that are not only not inferior to unhealthy food options, but also surpass them in all respects. The right combination of ingredients allows you to get an exquisite taste that can surprise even the most notorious skeptic.

Low-calorie snacks will also be indispensable during a diet when the body is deprived sufficient quantity useful elements.

Preparing salads does not take much time, and this fact will be appreciated by women who do not have time to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. The same applies to the holiday table, where a beautiful and healthy salad will always come in handy.

Basic cooking rules

There are no hard and fast rules in preparing any salad, as proven by numerous new recipes that appear almost every day. The same applies to low-calorie salad recipes, but there are still a few serious points to consider:

If we talk about restrictions, there are very few of them. It is strictly not recommended to add pickled and fried vegetables, any types canned fish, smoked products, mayonnaise, and potatoes. An alternative to mayonnaise can be low-fat sour cream or homemade yogurt.

Recipes for weight loss and cleansing

Nature has created everything so that a person will always be young and healthy, but poor nutrition, harmful ecology and stress do their dirty work, as a result of which waste and toxins accumulate in the body, interfering with normal metabolism and full functioning all organs. And here the same nature comes to the rescue, giving people its products for cleansing.

Vegetables and fruit snacks for weight loss - this is that unique Magic wand, which helps not only to cope with extra pounds, but also cleanse yourself of impurities and toxins. Such simple low-calorie salads can cope with the problem better than any pills and anti-aging creams.

Salad “Brush for the body”

This salad cleanses all accumulated dirt from the body. The ingredients are used raw and therefore fully retain their valuable qualities.


  1. Peel two carrots and one beet and grate on a coarse grater.
  2. Finely chop white cabbage weighing about 300 g and mash with your hands until the juice releases.
  3. Mix the chopped vegetables, adding 1-2 tbsp. l. oil and 1 tsp. lemon juice.

Celery salad

Another vegetable recipe, which helps to lose weight, as well as cleanse and strengthen the body. The celery included in this recipe has a number of beneficial properties. minerals, which have a positive effect on the condition of hair and skin, help with fatigue and insomnia, and also cleanse the kidneys and bladder well.

Just two spoons of this salad will provide the body with daily norm carotene and vitamin C.

Fruit composition with bran

This dessert will surely appeal to lovers of all sorts of delicacies. And if you consider that such a salad also has a rejuvenating effect, then positive effect multiplies several times.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour one tablespoon of bran into ¼ cup of kefir and leave for a few minutes so that the bran swells well.
  2. Peel 2 kiwis and an orange, then cut them into cubes.
  3. Grate one large apple.
  4. Mix all ingredients with bran and the dish is ready.

Fruit dessert with dried fruits

Perhaps there is nothing tastier during a diet than fruit salads. The low-calorie dietary components of such desserts will not only benefit the body invaluable benefits, but will also help you cope with the acute desire to eat something sweet.

Dessert recipe:

  1. Pour a glass of dried apricots with prunes with hot boiled water for a few minutes, then drain the water and cut the dried fruits into small pieces.
  2. Peel one small pomegranate and grapefruit.
  3. Cut the grapefruit into small slices, mix with dried fruits and half a glass of pomegranate seeds, then add 15 ml (about 1 tbsp) of any vegetable oil to the mixture.

The maximum effect from eating such dishes will be achieved faster if you arrange fasting days at least once a week, eating only a certain type of salad during the day and washing it down with still water. Such unloading allows you to lose up to 0.5 kg of excess weight per day.

Delicious recipes for the holiday

Being helpful and very delicious dish, low-calorie salads can decorate any feast. Guests on a diet will be grateful to the hostess for such a snack.

Oranges with chicken breast

Incredibly delicious salad, which will delight fans of unconventional combinations. This dish not only has exquisite taste, but also looks very nice on the table.


How to prepare the dish:

This salad can be safely called light and dietary, since all components of its composition have very little calorie content.

Greek exotica

The recipe for this dish comes from Greece, so its composition and taste contain exotic Greek notes. The modern recipe has been slightly transformed, but has not lost its unique and refined taste.

Products for the dish:

Cooking method:

Greek salad will not only bring pleasure, but also normalize metabolism.

Fruit ensemble

An incredibly interesting combination in which an unpopular combination of products creates a real flavor ensemble. This dessert will be a real hit on the holiday table.

Required ingredients:

Making the salad:

  1. Gently peel and pit the wren (3 pcs.), and then cut into small pieces.
  2. Remove the pulp from half a grapefruit and chop a little.
  3. Peel 3 tangerines.
  4. Place all the chopped fruits in a bowl to drain the juice.
  5. Pour the seeds of half the pomegranate into a separate container and add the root leaves there.
  6. Use a slotted spoon to remove the chopped fruit and place it in a bowl with the salad and pomegranate seeds.
  7. Add 1.5 tbsp to a bowl with juice. l. grape oil, 1 tsp. honey, a few tarragon leaves (to taste), 1.5 tsp. mustard and a pinch of a mixture of various peppers.
  8. Mix the sauce and pour it over the fruit.

Recipes for the lowest calorie salads

The lowest-calorie dishes are those whose energy value does not exceed 45 kcal per 100 g of product.

This list of low-calorie salads with calories will help you create a menu in case of a very strict diet:

Such simple recipes delicious low-calorie salads will help you lose weight quickly excess weight and support the body during a period of long fasting.

Attention, TODAY only!

During the diet period, it is very important to take care of the diversity of your diet, then it will be much easier. Low-calorie salads for weight loss made from simple products are irreplaceable in this case; they can act as a snack or even a main course and be eaten at any meal. They are very easy to prepare. It is important to choose simple products for weight loss so that 100 g of food contains no more than 120 kcal.

There are a few general rules guidelines to follow when preparing low-calorie salads:

  1. Add a lot of greens to simple meals for weight loss. It contains a minimum of calories, but is rich in antioxidants, folic acid, and lutein.
  2. Use a variety of fresh vegetables to provide your body with a full range of essential vitamins and minerals, as in summer time, and winter. It is better not to use fried and pickled foods. For diet salads for weight loss, such as vinaigrette, cabbage, bell peppers, broccoli, cucumbers, radishes, carrots, and onions are perfect.
  3. Add a little lean meat, which is a source of protein. Eggs, beans, shrimp, cottage cheese, tuna, and salmon are also suitable.
  4. Dressing a low-calorie salad for weight loss should be very light. The most suitable options– lemon juice, olive oil and vinegar, fish and soy sauce, low-fat sour cream.

Simple diet salads

For cooking any low calorie snack To lose weight you will need very little time. In simple diet salad It is allowed to put almost any vegetables, the only exception is potatoes, because they contain starch. If you use fruits, use unsweetened ones. For example, bananas and grapes, which are prohibited by almost all weight loss diets, are not suitable. To give simple salad For satiety, add a little dietary meat, white fish or shrimp, bran, but no more than a third of the total weight of the dish.

Products that are strictly prohibited when losing weight:

Light salads for weight loss

The best dishes in this category there will be those simple snacks, which are based on greens and leafy vegetables: lettuce, herbs, green onions, cabbage of any kind, arugula, corn, chicory. Their calorie content is minimal. Simple salads for weight loss, in which greens predominate, it is advisable to cook in small portions and eat immediately. Additionally, it is recommended to put juicy vegetables in them:

  • cucumbers;
  • beet;
  • zucchini;
  • tomatoes;
  • turnip;
  • radish;
  • fennel;
  • pumpkin;
  • radish;
  • Jerusalem artichoke;
  • carrot.

Which protein products can add:

Low-calorie recipes do not involve the use of:

  • fried fatty meat, fish;
  • canned food;
  • smoked meats;
  • sausages;
  • mayonnaise and other fatty dressings.

Delicious low-calorie salads

The list of dishes that you can prepare is limited only by your imagination and preferences. When choosing ingredients, consider their calorie content. Product with great energy value There should be one in the dish, the rest should be low. Remember what food will be low-calorie, but satisfying:

  • turkey;
  • natural yogurt;
  • lean white fish;
  • chicken fillet;
  • beef;
  • low-fat kefir;
  • tofu;
  • low-fat cottage cheese;
  • eggs;
  • seafood.

The fewest calories are found in:

  • cabbage;
  • eggplants;
  • cucumbers;
  • radishes;
  • celery;
  • salad greens;
  • champignons;
  • tomatoes.

The most delicious products low in calories:

  • pears;
  • oranges;
  • a pineapple;
  • sour apples;
  • papaya;
  • avocado;
  • mango;
  • guava;
  • blueberry;
  • bell pepper;
  • raspberries;
  • carrot;
  • cowberry;
  • watermelons;
  • a little dry wine for dressing (red or white).


The selection of healthy snacks that you can easily make yourself is simply huge. Some of them are very simple and consist of only three or four components, others have a complex composition and will be appropriate even on festive table. When preparing a low-calorie salad, take care of the presentation, because it should look very appetizing. Use beautiful bowls for this and decorate the dish with fresh herbs.

With mushrooms

  • Cooking time: 20 min.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content: 680 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack, diet.
  • Cuisine: Italian.

Salad prepared according to next recipe– classic Italian dish, which is popular not only among people on a diet, but also among those who simply love to eat delicious food. It is very easy to prepare; even a novice cook can handle it. The dish includes low calorie foods, rich in abundance useful vitamins and microelements.


  • fennel root – 2 pcs.;
  • allspice black pepper – 2 pinches;
  • champignons – 0.5 kg;
  • sea ​​salt – 2 pinches;
  • fresh parsley - 1 bunch;
  • lettuce – 12 pcs.;
  • olive oil – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • white wine vinegar – 4 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the fennel and wash it. Cut into quarters. Discard the core and grind the product.
  2. Chop the greens. Cut the champignons into thin slices.
  3. Mix olive oil with vinegar, salt, pepper. It is advisable to use a blender for this.
  4. Mix raw mushrooms with sauce, chopped parsley, fennel.
  5. Place lettuce on a large flat plate. Distribute the main products on top. Serve the dish immediately; do not keep it in the refrigerator.

With Chiken

  • Time: 45 min.
  • Number of servings: 4 persons.
  • Calorie content: 770 kcal.
  • Cuisine: European.

Tender chicken breast is a type of meat that probably no low-calorie diet can do without. Diet salads for weight loss with it are light, but nutritious and satisfying, so they can be eaten as main meals. The appetizer prepared according to the following recipe will amaze you with its delicious taste. If you introduce it into your regular diet, you will no longer have to worry about extra centimeters at the waist.


  • lettuce leaves green – 4 pcs.;
  • chicken breast – 0.5 kg;
  • greens - a bunch;
  • sweet pepper – 2 pcs. (preferably multi-colored);
  • salt – 1-2 pinches;
  • canned corn – 2 cans;
  • natural yogurt – 100-120 ml;
  • Yalta onion – 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil chicken fillet in salted water. Cool it and cut into strips or separate into pieces by hand.
  2. Chop the greens. Peel the onion and cut into half rings and the pepper into strips.
  3. Mix chicken with corn. Add peppers, onions and herbs. Season the dish with yogurt.
  4. Serve the appetizer on a plate lined with lettuce leaves.

With cabbage

  • Time: half an hour.
  • Number of servings: 4 servings.
  • Calorie content: 932 kcal.
  • Purpose: diet, lunch, dinner.
  • Cuisine: American.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

Vegetable salad, the recipe for which you will now get acquainted with - a traditional dish American cuisine. In this country it is called coleslaw and is served as a side dish. There are many options for preparing the dish. You will be presented with a recipe for coleslaw made from two varieties of cabbage with the addition of apples and original sauce. If you want to add variety to your diet, be sure to try this dish.


  • red cabbage - half a fork;
  • ground black pepper – 2 pinches;
  • white cabbage - half a fork;
  • salt – 2-3 pinches;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • sunflower seeds – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • green apple – 1 small;
  • raisins – 150 g;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • apple cider vinegar – 2 tsp;
  • natural yogurt – 7-8 tbsp. l.;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Finely chop both types of cabbage. Squeeze carefully with your hands and leave for a few minutes to release the juice.
  2. Peel the carrots and grate coarsely. Peel the apple and remove the core. Cut into thin, thin strips.
  3. Mix chopped dill with yogurt, apple cider vinegar, butter, salt and pepper.
  4. If necessary, fry the seeds a little.
  5. In a common salad bowl, combine cabbage, carrots, apples and raisins. Top with yogurt sauce, sprinkle with seeds and serve.


  • Time: 20 min.
  • Number of servings: 2 persons.
  • Calorie content: 564 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack, breakfast.
  • Cuisine: Asian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: medium.

A dish prepared according to the following recipe is simply incredible taste, the ingredients in it surprisingly complement each other, making up a unique ensemble. The salad contains sweet but low calorie fruits. All this is served with a delicious dressing from grape oil, honey, mustard, spices. After enjoying this salad, you will even forget that you are on a diet.


  • kinglet persimmon – 3 pcs.;
  • corn salad - bunch;
  • tangerines – 3 pcs.;
  • mixture of peppers - a pinch;
  • pink grapefruit – half a whole;
  • tarragon leaves - to your taste;
  • pomegranate – half a large one;
  • Dijon mustard – 1.5 tsp;
  • honey – 1 tsp;
  • oil grape seeds– 1.5 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Carefully peel the persimmon and remove the seeds, if any. Cut the pulp into small slices.
  2. Peel the tangerines and fillet the grapefruit. Place all the fruits in one bowl to avoid wasting the juice.
  3. Separate the pomegranate into seeds. Using a slotted spoon, carefully remove tangerines, pomegranates and persimmons from the container so that the juice remains at the bottom.
  4. Place corn, pomegranate seeds, and pieces of fruit in a clean bowl with liquid.
  5. Pour grape seed oil into the bowl where the juice remains. Add tarragon leaves, honey, mustard, pepper mixture. Season the salad with the resulting sauce and serve.

With crab sticks

  • Time: 10 min.
  • Number of servings: 1 person.
  • Calorie content: 244 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Kitchen: homemade.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Crab sticks are a semi-finished product, however, their low calorie content allows you to occasionally add them to dietary dishes. The main thing is to keep the remaining ingredients as light as possible. The following recipe suggests making a salad from crab sticks, cucumbers, herbs and feta cheese. These simple products go well together and fill you up quite well.


  • crab sticks – 5 pcs.;
  • cucumber – 1 pc.;
  • feta cheese – 3.5 tbsp. l.;
  • greens - a bunch.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the cucumber, cut it and crab sticks into cubes.
  2. Chop the greens. Mash the cheese thoroughly with a fork.
  3. Mix all ingredients. If the cheese is too hard, add a little natural yogurt to the salad.
  4. You can add a little salt and pepper to improve the taste, but it's best to avoid this.

From cabbage

  • Time: 25 min.
  • Number of servings: 8 persons.
  • Calorie content: 960 kcal.
  • Purpose: diet, snack.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Salads for diet from Chinese cabbage always turn out very light and fresh, are a great addition to the main meal from lean meat or fish. The dish prepared according to the following recipe is no exception. This appetizer is seasoned with a pleasant sauce with a slight sourness. The products included in the composition are very beneficial for the health of any person, especially for those losing weight.


  • Chinese cabbage - 1 fork;
  • cilantro leaves – 4.5 tbsp. l.;
  • green onion - 8 feathers;
  • lemon juice – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • ground black pepper – 2-3 pinches;
  • red chili pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • sea ​​salt – 2-3 pinches;
  • olive oil – 5 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash the cabbage and chop it thinly.
  2. Grind the chili pepper. Pour it with lemon juice and olive oil. Salt, pepper and beat with a blender.
  3. Chop cilantro and green onions. Stir in cabbage. Dress the salad sour sauce and serve.

With carrots

  • Time: 15 min.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content: 390 kcal.
  • Purpose: snack.
  • Cuisine: Asian.
  • Difficulty of preparation: easy.

Carrot salad prepared according to the following recipe - perfect option dietary snack, but it's best served with a more nutritious main course. It is very light and incredibly tasty. To prepare this wonderful salad you will spend no more than half an hour. At first glance, it may seem too simple, but you will stop thinking so once you try at least a portion.


  • lemon juice – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • green onion - a bunch;
  • olive oil – 1.5 tbsp. l.;
  • chopped dill – 30-40 g;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • carrots – 0.4 kg;
  • salt, pepper - at your discretion.

Cooking method:

  1. Peel the carrots and grate coarsely.
  2. Mix olive oil with lemon juice and crushed garlic, salt and pepper.
  3. Chop the green onions. Combine with dill and carrots. Season the salad, cool slightly and serve.


Salad recipes for weight loss do not use mayonnaise, fatty sour cream and other high-calorie dressings. Most often they are flavored with olive oil, and to add piquancy to these healthy dishes, mustard seeds, vinegar, spicy seasonings and garlic. If the ingredients require preliminary heat treatment for cooking, they are not fried, but boiled or baked.

Recipes for light salads for weight loss at home

Lettuce, radish and tomato salad

  • Head lettuce - 200 g;
  • Radish - 200 g;
  • tomatoes - 200 g;
  • fresh cucumbers - 150 g;


This recipe for salads for weight loss is the easiest to prepare at home: you just need to chop and mix the vegetables, season them with olive oil and sprinkle with lemon juice.

Carrot salad

  • Carrots - 400 g;
  • garlic - 4 cloves.
  • olive oil to taste.


Grate the carrots on a coarse grater; add chopped garlic, stir; season with olive oil.

Here you can see photos of recipes for weight loss salads made from cabbage and carrots:

Fresh cabbage salad

First recipe.

  • White cabbage - 750 g;
  • 1-2 carrots - 1-2 pcs.;
  • olive oil - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • vinegar 3% - 1/2 cup;
  • green onion - 80 g;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • cilantro.


To prepare this diet salad for weight loss according to this recipe, a peeled and washed head of cabbage must be cut into 4 parts and the stalk removed. Finely chop the cabbage, place in a shallow bowl (preferably enamel), add salt and grind until it releases juice and becomes softer. After this, transfer the cabbage (along with the juice) into an earthenware, enamel or glassware, add finely chopped or coarsely grated carrots, vinegar, mix and put in a cold place for 2-3 hours. Before serving, cook according to this easy recipe salad for weight loss you need to add olive oil, mix, put in a salad bowl and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs. It will be useful to add a few berries.

Second recipe.

  • White cabbage - 500 g;
  • large carrots 1 pc.;
  • red apples - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • spoon grated onion- 1 dec. spoon;
  • olive oil to taste.


Finely chop the cabbage and place it in cold water for half an hour. Peel the carrots and grate them. Finely chop the apple. Sprinkle with lemon juice to prevent the apples from browning. Dry the cabbage, mix it with onions, carrots and apples. Add a little olive oil, stir, salt and pepper to taste.

Autumn salad

  • White cabbage - 150 g;
  • carrots - 100 g;
  • celery stalks - 100 g;
  • leek - 100 g;
  • apples - 100 g;
  • olive oil for dressing (to taste).


Chop the cabbage and celery into strips, grate the carrots and apples on a coarse grater, chop the leeks, season with oil, mix, and put in a salad bowl. Garnish the salad with celery greens.

Vitamin salad

  • Large carrots - 1 pc.;
  • fresh apples 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes 2 pcs.;
  • fresh cucumber - 1 pc.;
  • green salad - 50 g;
  • celery (root) - 40 g;
  • lemon juice from one lemon;
  • plums or cherries - 50 g;
  • Olive oil for dressing to taste;
  • dill;
  • parsley;
  • cilantro.


Before preparing this healthy salad recipe for weight loss, vegetables and herbs should be washed thoroughly. Then raw carrots, celery, apples cut into thin strips (for carrots use only the red layer), tomatoes, cucumbers, plums - into slices, lettuce - into 2-3 parts. Combine the prepared vegetables and fruits and add cherries (pitted). When serving, season the salad with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, place in a salad bowl and decorate. Sprinkle with herbs on top. When preparing this vegetable salad recipe for weight loss, you can add radishes, boiled quick-frozen green peas, young bean pods, cauliflower inflorescences and other vegetables.

Green salad

  • 500 g green salad;
  • green onions;
  • dill;
  • cilantro;
  • parsley
  • olive oil and lemon juice for dressing to taste.


Washed leaves of leafy or head lettuce cut into 2-3 parts, put in a salad bowl, season with olive oil and lemon juice, mix gently and sprinkle with herbs. In addition to greens, the salad can be sprinkled with finely chopped, pre-grated garlic and put slices on top boiled eggs and fresh cucumbers.

Look at the photo of the recipe for this vegetable salad for weight loss - its color fully justifies its name:

Vegetable salad with sesame oil

  • Cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • tomatoes - 5 pcs.;
  • salad - 2-3 heads;
  • sesame oil - to taste;
  • juice from sauerkraut - 1/2 cup.


Wash and tear green salad leaves in large pieces and put it in a salad bowl. Add cucumber and tomato slices. Prepared according to this recipe before serving vegetable salad for weight loss you need to season it with a sauce made from sauerkraut juice and sesame oil.

Recipes for delicious and healthy salads for weight loss

Below is another selection of recipes. best salads for weight loss, made from vegetables.

Red chicory salad with avocado balls

  • Chicory (red) - 200 g;
  • avocado - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil for dressing to taste.


Pluck the leaves from the chicory, wash and dry. Cut the avocado in half lengthwise and remove the pit. Cut the pulp into balls using a slotted spoon. Thinly slice the chicory leaves (leave a few leaves whole), season them with olive oil and place on plates. Garnish with avocado balls, whole chicory leaves and carrots, peeled and cut into thin slices.

Pay attention to the photo - this diet salad for weight loss looks very unusual:

Karlovo style salad

  • Sweet Bell pepper- 10-12 medium-sized pods;
  • eggplants - 1-2 small sizes;
  • garlic - 3-4 cloves;
  • walnuts - 50 g;
  • vegetable oil - 2-3 tbsp. spoons;
  • parsley - 1/2 bunch;
  • tomato - 1 pc. small size;
  • wine vinegar (or lemon juice) - 1 tbsp. spoon.


Bake the peppers and eggplants whole in the oven, peel them and cut them: peppers lengthwise, eggplants into cubes. Place the peppers in the salad bowl first, then the eggplants. Sprinkle the vegetables with the juice of grated tomatoes, vegetable oil and vinegar. Chop the nuts and mix with garlic, sprinkle the salad with this mixture. A delicious weight loss salad prepared according to this recipe should be garnished with finely chopped parsley on top.

Nettle salad

  • Young nettle () - 2 bunches (about 400 g);
  • green onion - 1 bunch (about 100 g);
  • parsley - 1 bunch;
  • peeled walnuts - 1/2 cup;
  • olive oil, lemon juice for dressing to taste.


Place the washed nettle leaves in boiling water for a few minutes, then place it on a sieve and let the water drain. Then chop the greens, put them in a salad bowl, add chopped green onions and combine with nettles. Pounded kernels walnuts dilute nettle decoction in a quarter glass, add vinegar to taste, stir and season the resulting mixture with nettles in a salad bowl, add olive oil to taste. Sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Green onion salad with pomegranate

  • Green onions - 600 g;
  • pomegranate - 4 pcs.;
  • spices, olive oil for dressing - to taste.


To prepare this simple salad recipe for weight loss, green onions need to be washed, finely chopped and mixed with pomegranate seeds. Serve with spices and olive oil.

Sauerkraut salad with pickles

  • Sauerkraut - 400 g;
  • pickled cucumber - 2 pcs.;
  • onion - 1 small onion;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons.


Wash the sauerkraut in boiled water, remove excess liquid. Core the pickled cucumbers and cut into small cubes. Onion chop. Mix everything and season with olive oil.

Sauerkraut salad with radish

  • Radish - 1 pc.;
  • sauerkraut - 300 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • spices to taste.


To prepare a vegetable salad for weight loss according to this simple recipe, you need to grate a medium-sized radish into fine grater, add sauerkraut, finely chopped onion, spices. Season with vegetable oil.

Sauerkraut salad with yarrow

  • Sauerkraut - 75 g;
  • green onions - 40 g;
  • yarrow (greens) - 15 g;
  • olive oil - 15 g;
  • spices to taste.


Soak young yarrow leaves in boiling water for 1-2 minutes, place in a colander, let the water drain, finely chop, add sauerkraut, chopped green onions, season with olive oil.

Here you can see the photo simple recipes salads for weight loss that are easy to prepare at home:
